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Adventurous man asks: Do you wanna go with me?I Love Fun! Laughter is a must. It's good to be serious as well. I tend to like the same things... I love going to the movies and taking quiet walks in the neighborhood. I am a traveler and it's bette... more
Looking For someone who can just hold a convo.....Hi! *Update August 14th, will be my last day as a paid member on this site. Just a quick disclaimer. Why do I feel like a cashier at the nostalgic franchise chain store K-Mart, announcing on a loud ... more
COULD IT BE YOU Ask and I shall let you know I don't wanna spoil the fun...I'm from Mississippi originally living and loving this texas life. more
Your Average Guy Who Wants Something Different.I'm a guy who is willing to help others. I have my bad moments. But I can and will admit to them and change them. Give me a chance, and I'll do my best. more
Maturely Stupid-FunnyI can make a mean lentil stew. I bring science to kids. I rock being Asian, Jewish, and Canadian. You're gonna love sharing jokes and feelings with me while we walk the brightly-lit streets of downtow... more
I am very cool and understanding.My name is Otis and I am 47 years old. I am from Namibia. I have two children, a boy and a girl. I am an IT Technician and an Oline Sales Agent. My hobbies are Basketball, Soccer and Traveling. I also... more
life is too short for us to be bickering. Humor is life. not to say life is a joke, but life itself will exhaust you. be humble. be kind. be wise. help where you can, but not at your own expense. more
Seeing if my one and only here? I'm a Grown Man In Search of a Grown Woman Thats Ready To Build And Grow Old and Happy Knowing She Has Me As I Know I Got Her 馃檹馃従馃グ馃馃従 more
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