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Big Daddy on the Prowl.I am single heavyset black man from Sunshine state. I'm 6'2, bald, dark chocolate and 335lbs of all man. My hobbies are reading, gaming, gambling, walking and attending sporting event.. I love all typ... more
Looking for a partner in crime and a best friend.I'm working a good job that I love and pursuing and advanced education. I love to read, drink coffee and tea, good conversation, dance, museums and art and sports. One of my hobbies is learning foreig... more
Handsome Cuban-American guy seeks loving wife.My name is Andr茅s . I was born on August 3rd, 1970, in New York City (specifically, the Borough of Queens). I am a nice guy, who has been hurt by people who consider me different, the same ones who o... more
NaatenHiya, currently living in Minnetonka, Minnesota, I'm a 45 year old Black man, looking for dating and romance with a genuine woman more
Specially4U.I'm not your average everyday normal guy.. I'm very down to earth, and real.!! I am a very dedicated, genuine, honest, caring, loving, loyal, affectionate, and attentive person. I enjoy anything to do... more
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(: (; (; (: (: (:I follow the philosophy of life of trying almost anything at least once, otherwise you never know what you are missing. The world has much to offer, the sights, sounds, smells and the feeling of diffe... more