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Don't miss out on Jupiter I like to live everyday life fishing and farming and I like to explore. I like to read God's word and cook more
YOLOI love traveling and music.. good food and wine.. and I am sure.. that if we will meet I will tell you alot more about me. more
Let's Get an A+ in Chemistry together.I have an abundance of energy and charisma. Music and special events are a big part of my life. I am usually entertaining and always expected to be the life of the party. However, I'd like to focu... more
Specially4U.I'm not your average everyday normal guy.. I'm very down to earth, and real.!! I am a very dedicated, genuine, honest, caring, loving, loyal, affectionate, and attentive person. I enjoy anything to do... more
I'm not what you think I am...I'm fun and adventurous with an awesome since of humor. I speak three languages and play guitar. I love music, movies and convetsation. more
Sithbob.I am a very open, honest, likeable guy. I enjoy a wide variety of interests, and I am a great listener. more
400SlimeHi I'm 400Slime, I'm a 34 year old Black/Latino man living in Kents Store, Virginia, seeking a long term relationship with a genuine girl more
Literaturenerd I'm everywhere Hardworking, in shape, musician, artist (work in finance) Owner of multiple properties, no debt. I don't expect anything other than you are real and honest...nice would also help more
Ima lover馃槏I work very hard love to fish 馃帲 in 馃Ы rnb rap out to eat in a sip of wine 馃嵎 more
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