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  • Cheefy
    Lookin 4 juliet!!!Hey ladies, well I'm new 2 this. I'm from ny I work as a teachers aide wit autistic children in a school. I'ma down 2 earth kinda guy love sports if u want 2 know more give me a holla!!! more
  • HennyA72
    Some me who you are. Love to travel. Looking for a beautiful woman to travel with. Pizza is my favorite. Think the ultimate vacation is Bali on a elephant. Getting one with life. more
  • Mr.King1
    Life iS What You ManiFest I鈥檓 Everything a woman could want. Tall-Dark and Handsome, Smart funny out going and well traveled. I like Hiking the Beach 馃彎 and shopping. more
  • Alef1234
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  • SgYurp72
    Hobbies include grinding, your favorite rapper, A free wedding in Los Vegas.. I鈥檓 Hebrew wym After Dat Flood I鈥檓 like Noah more
  • K_bren
    Not a member. Please email me!** Update ** I am no longer a Premium Member, so if you're interested in getting to know me, please send me an email and I will reply. I'm confident and intelligent. I have a great sense of humor and... more
  • Bigken32
    Tall guy looking for love.I'm tall, kind, honest, friendly, reliable and fun. I enjoy music, movies, sports, being outside, animals, sightseeing. A great cuddler. more
  • RawDawgbabe
    Uber Focused and a high libido to boot lolLike all kinds of music ,and museums ,and nature ,so it鈥檚 always 4/20 somewhere lol ,own my own business as a Futures day Trader , so I make my own schedule ,always a gentleman no matter what ,so... more
  • CallMeDaBest
    JustMeMyBeachChairFedoraLinenCigarCorona.I am a hard working man with many goals, aspirations and ambitions. Life is a journey, a road, a path to where we want, or have and need to go. No matter what your plan is, what will be will be, life ... more
  • Badlucc
    I'm real like I love loveI love love and I speak or talk a lot..i enjoy women company..I play PlayStation,enjoy nature and so on and so on. more
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