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Do you remember the slow jam mixtape?My name is Jason and I am a 49 year old native Floridian. I have an amazing son who has completed my life. The best way to describe me as a father would be somewhere between the movie The Pursuit of ... more
I'm like Will Smith at the end of "Hitch" haha.Hmmm... I am the stone that builder refused I am the visual, the inspiration That made lady sing the blues I'm the spark that makes your idea bright The same spark, that lights the dark So that you ca... more
Born king(To rule)Lover,flirting,cute,fun to be with,loves music. Don't like to be lied to. Love Good sex,love potatoes and fried chicken Love reading... more
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I am nice sweet sexy cool Yea i am looking bro a beautiful lady that nice beautiful sweet I love all lady just want to chill get to know a beautiful lady more
IM A LONER 6鈥1 play sports like movies outdoors reading athletic and outgoing all kinds of music cooking n I love the kids more
I'm an othodox jew tall and slim who is kind loving and passionate and I love kids alot in my life. more
i'm very devoted personI'm humble , soft, and honest. independent men , art lover . other details will tell you when i meet you personally . more
Thiago3838Well , I'm a very kind person , when I can I all ways try to help others , I m humble person like I was raised to be :) more