Would you outsource your online search for love?
Don't you have a love life because you don’t even have time to go online, create a profile and search for love? Well, the world of online dating has got this covered. People are no longer just having their profiles created. This online search for love has gone beyond outsourcing profile creation to outsourcing your entire love life to a person that has more time in their hands. Apparently, this person is qualified enough to tell you what you would prefer.
More and more dating sites are adopting this, with some calling these ‘love’ personnel Ghost Writers. And their work is to manage their clients’ matches. But much as this outsourcing takes the hassle out of online dating, isn't it treading into some gray ethical issues.
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See, when I go onto an online dating site and make contact with someone and want to get to know him, I expect to be talking to him – not someone he has hired to date me on his behalf. And if someone continues with this fake image of themselves, what happens when you have to meet in person and they are not as smooth or as funny?
Well, we live in an untruthful online world and some might equate this to a person photoshopping a picture of themselves to look pounds lighter, much taller, or lying about their occupation on their profiles. But much as they may be similar, someone’s emotions as opposed to physical and financial attraction come into play because we use words to communicate online. And the words a person chooses defines who the person truly is, create impressions on others and cultivate emotional attachment. A person looking for real love, will be drawn to the words of the ghost writer because they appeal to his or her emotional being, only to be disappointed later.
So you hire some ghost writer because you can’t find time to do it yourself. Then a potential relationship comes out of it. If you never found time and never put an effort into finding someone to date in the first place, what makes you so sure you’d find the time to meet this someone in person once the relationship begins? Where will you find the time to actually make it work?
Which makes me wonder whether lack of time is the real purpose for using these services or people have just found an easier way of finding 'the one' without having to go through online rejections or trial and error relationships. Would you outsource your online love life?
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