Why white men love the black woman
Ever wondered why some white guys, love black women so much?
It seems that being a white male and proclaiming your attraction to black women (not only sexually, but also romantically) may lead to a lot of controversial and dangerous things. Let’s leave the debate of why more black women may be opening themselves up to white guys. The main focus of this debate is: why some white guys are opening themselves to black women. Let’s concentrate on that.
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Most white males don’t feel like they are running short of white women to marry. White males just marry at high rates. So question is: Why black women? The thing is it will not be fair to bundle up black women as one since everyone is their own person… be it in appearance or personality.
However, one thing that a white male friend of mine said… and I let him get away with bundling it all up is: “We love a black woman's confidence, her tenacity and her undeniable achievements in the face of great adversity...᾿ Since this info was coming from a man, there was definitely the mention of the lips, the curves, and that wonderful skin as well.
So what about stereotypes like “black women are either sexually conservative or total sluts?" Many people give so much lip service to interracial dating sites. You would think they have never done it. But those uptight individuals are the ones that spread these stereotypes. What happened to the highly educated black woman? How about the caring, decent and involved black woman?
Probably most white guys and others are confused with the stereotypical trash people spread around and if you are one that falls for such lame ol’ lines, then you sure as hell haven’t dated a black woman.
Bottom line, you don't have to sacrifice who you are for a white guy. They will love you anyway. Just be you and open yourself up… and if you like white guys, some white guy will find you too.
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- Let Your Dating Profile Pictures Do the Hard Work for You
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Member says:Posted: 24 May 10
Education is a very important part of any relationship, Ms. Friendly 13 a big thank you about the article. Setting and thinking about what Scoff and I disscuss, when the American Soldiers went to Afganstan, (sic) we thought and went back to look at past history, and yes we both knew the problems ect. not to get into some long winded conversation that goes no where. The bottom line is the chance of a relationship being successfull is far greater if those invovled are are on the same level. Some might not like to hear this, the more intelligent the man the better the relationship, (and yes the physical part as well at the mental part) Okay I've added my nickles worth, now I'll go sit back in the bleachers and let you younger folks duke it out. Love to all Sarah
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friendly13 says:Posted: 24 May 10
@ Bamababe2k9 Yes, I agree with you. I think that the intellectual interaction with these couples is what brings them together and they beging to see compatability they would not have seen in a different setting. Before college many black women socialize in a primarily black setting: For instance, black church, black social clubs, family gatherings. When they go off to college they meet mostly white people and then the men who are already intrigued and curious about them anyway. I also think that the differnce in culture can also become an attraction. A black woman has an innerstrength from all that she has had to overcome just getting to college in the firtplace. This makes her intruiging and attractive.
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friendly13 says:Posted: 24 May 10
@ PetiteChick Hey, I wanted to comment regarding your cooking those ribs and macaroni and cheese...made me hungry. Hey,I just thought of anew thing we could get going and that is cooking tips. Before we were doing beauty tips but I think cooking would be a good one too. I love to do ribs and chicken wings on the grill. I will share some of my techniques. Of course I learned these techniques from old church mothers, I will admit. Before I marinate my meat, I soak it all in salt water. Then I drain off the salt water and soak my meat in coke and burbon four about 25 to 45 minutes prior to seasoning. Then I lay my meat out flat, folding the wingtips back into a triangle, and season with a ginger, seasoned salt (preferable lowery's), then a final heavily dust with black pepper. Then I take them out and just let the meat smoke on the grill for about two hours or so. I make a olive oil sprinkling mixture with some of the coke, seasoned salt, ginger, and pepper to keep the meat from drying while cooking. I sprinkle after turning. When done, delicious tender and juicy. The burbon and ginger it think give these ribs a little individuality. I am really ready for this warm weather...I have little starter gardens going already. Me and the boys love salad. so, I put insome different kinds of leafy lettuce, tomatoes, onlions, carrots, cucumbers. I can hardly wait. I also planted some okra(I heard it is good for the heart)and herbs too. Yesterday, I planted some greenbeans and I am supposed to be putting out some greens today, but I will see. Okay, I'll be waiting for some cooking tips.....
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Bamababe2k9 says:Posted: 24 May 10
Hey Ya'll. Thanks Danny for the nice compliments; it's truly appreciated around here. Hey friendly darlingggggg how are ya and the rest of my single ladies. Hey Sarah, good to see you around here. :) Friendly I've always thought that education contributed to that as well. More sistas are going to college then brothas these days and if you go to a mostly white college like I did back in the day,a lot of times that's who you'll be drawn to. I think it's even more so now because I think we live in a more open society.
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friendly13 says:Posted: 24 May 10
@ Mr. Laurelton Queens Hey, you do so well with children but you make ungentlemenly comments to ladies. That was unwarranted and unappreciated.
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friendly13 says:Posted: 24 May 10
@ Godiva & PetiteChick Hey, I got a chance to watch the documentary about Wanda Jean. It is so sad. Wanda was eveidently injured as a child and suffered brain damage that cause her to lose control of her emotions when she was stressed or angry. One could speclate that she may have been judged more harshly because she was a homosexual. I am for the death penalty in some cases. But, for this case I think life without parole would have sufficed. The reason that I feel that way is because there was evidence that Wanda did have brain damage that could cause problems that could perhaps been treated. There was also the suggestion that Wanda was retarded. I don't believe that she was retarded and there was evidence that she was not. Sometimes if a child is raised by or aroud a lot of undereducated and/or retarded people they can appear to be retarded until they begin to come into their own. I have a friend that was raised by a retarded parent but my friend turned out okay. Basically, she learned to do all of the reading and business that required more intellegence really young. Her mother is a babydoll tough. I do believe that Wanda Jean was served an injustice because of her inability to feel the way others due because of the disability that went unrecognized. Now three lives are lost. It also sounds like Wanda was somewhat provoked. I don't think that it was premeditated though. Wanda just snapped because of her braindamage condition. Now don't get me wrong, there is never a time or a good reason to kill someone because they don't agree. But when a persons life is in question, I believe that we should remain objective. I think the sad thing is that the committee didn't even listen to the victims family who also said they had forgiven her and only expected her to spend a longer time in jail. Yes, an injustice was served to the victims, all the families involved, and the defendant. I hope that Wanda Jean at least got things right with the Lord. If so, she is in a better place.
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Scoff/Sarah says:Posted: 24 May 10
Hello to all my friends just wanted to stop by and check on how everyone is doing. Life is good as I have been blessed with with my daughter doing better and will soon be back to her old self. And (with a big sigh) I can go back down to the coast. Reading the past post I see some very interesting comments, & opinions some I agree with. Some well, lets just say hard to see where those thoughts are coming from. Anyway Scoff and I are still the same, I must say distance does make the heart hurt, but such is life, some things we can change; some we can't so with that, change what you can. What you can't change let the blessed Lord handle. A special Hello & a Big Hug to Ms. Godiva Love and Bless all Sarah
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friendly13 says:Posted: 24 May 10
Re: the article I just referenced I also believe that the black men who do go to college are also subject to the tendency to choose white or other nationalities of women for wives. I feel that when a person becomes educated they begin to look past color and start looking for someone who is moving in a similar progressive direction.
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friendly13 says:Posted: 24 May 10
Hey, everybody...I was reading an online article that discusses the increase in balck women marrying white men and a possible reason why “…Statistics show that more Black women are dating White men. Black female/White male marriages went from 27,000 in 1980 to 80,000 by 2000, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. The reason for this increase in more Black women dating White men may be attributed to educational attainment, says Renea D. Nichols-Nash, author of Coping With Interracial Dating. "A study revealed that the number of Black women earning degrees increased by 55 percent since the mid `70s, but 20 percent with men," says Nichols-Nash, a journalism professor at Arizona State University. "Women who go to college and graduate want someone with the same educational level or more. Black men just aren't there. That could be one reason why more Black women are dating White men."” (retrieved on May 24, 2010 from http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1355/is_10_102/ai_91088599/?tag=rbxcra.2.a.44)
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friendly13 says:Posted: 24 May 10
At Godiva & PetiteChick: I found some more interesting details regarding Wanda Jean Allen that I found on another website. It shows a picture of her: "Allen was condemned to die in the 1988 murder of her lesbian lover, Gloria Leathers, who was shot outside The Village police station....At the time of Leathers' murder, Allen was on probation after serving prison time for the 1981 manslaughter of Detra Pettus...Pettus' mother, Delma Pettus, and sisters, Rhonda Pettus and Sherri Wilson said Allen spent 4 years in prison after their loved one "was pistol whipped and shot at point-blank range."..Allen became the 6th woman executed in the United States since the Supreme Court reinstated the death penalty in 1976 - and the 1st black woman executed since Ohio electrocuted Betty Jean Butler in 1954....Allen was the 2nd of 8 Oklahoma inmates scheduled to die by lethal injection in a 4-week period. (retrieved on May 24, 2010 from http://www.ccadp.org/wandajeanallen.htm) Of course I deleted some of the dialogue. But I thought it was interesting that she had previously done a brief amount of time for a murder she committed prior to the death of Leather.
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dannyco56 says:Posted: 24 May 10
Sorry about posting almost same post twice. When I posted the first one a page came up that said that something in the post was duplicated and it did not take me to the blog site but remained on the page. So I backspaced and changed a few things and posted. Sorry again! Danny
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dannyco56 says:Posted: 24 May 10
Hello All, @ MzBrOwNSuGaR, Thank you for responding have been reading the posts on this site for awhile and have found most comments interesting. @PetiteChick, Thank you for your kind response. I have read many of your posts and understand that you have no attraction to pale skinned American men. I respect that and I respect you and your right to like who you choose to like. I also respect your opinions and your advice to your sisters. I think that it is good advice for any young woman or any woman for that matter to take their time in any relationship with any man. We do not fall in love with someone at first glance. It is more likely to be lust than love. Love takes time you have to get to know the person where they have been and where they are planning on going in a relationship. Slow is always better when you are thinking about spending a lifetime with someone. I do not mind if you have an opinion that may differ from mine. I respect your opinion, even if I may not agree. But I have not read anything that you have written that made me upset or angry. From what I have read you have been pretty open and honest with your opinions and your comments. I stay pretty busy and may not post very often but will try to answer those who respond or have questions. I wish all well. God Bless! Danny
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friendly13 says:Posted: 24 May 10
@ Godiva & PetiteChick I found a little information regarding the executed woman. According to the Wikipedia website her name was indeed "Wanda Jean Allen...". The article says "... (August 17, 1959 – January 11, 2001) was sentenced to death in 1988 for the murder of Gloria Jean Leathers, 29. Allen was the first black woman to be executed in the United States since 1954. She was the sixth woman to be executed since executions resumed in 1977. Her final appeals and the last three months of her life were chronicled by filmmaker Liz Garbus in the documentary The Execution of Wanda Jean (2002)." (retrieved on May 24,2010 from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wanda_Jean_Allen) I want to see that movie.
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dannyco56 says:Posted: 24 May 10
Hello All, @ MzBrOwNSuGaR, Thank you for responding have been reading the posts on this site for awhile and have found most comments interesting. @PetiteChick, Thank you for your kind response. I have read many of your posts and understand that you have no attraction to pale skinned American men and I respect that and I respect you and your right to to like who you chose to like. I also respect your opinions as your advise to your sisters. I think that it is good advise for any young woman or any woman for that matter to take their time in any relationship with any man. We do not fall in love with someone at first glance. It is more likely to be lust than love at first glance. Love takes time you have to get to know the person where they have been and where they are planning on going in a relationship. Slow is always better when you are thinking about spending a lifetime with someone. I do not mind if you have an opinion that may differ from mine. I respect your opinion even if I may not agree but I have not read anything that you have written that made me upset or angry. From what I have read you have been pretty open and honest with your opinions and your comments. I stay pretty busy and may not post very often but will try to answer those who respond or have questions. I wish all well. God Bless! Danny
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Tom4Blaq says:Posted: 24 May 10
Dear Dannyco56: What you describe can only be found in a perfect world. This, we do not have. I do agree with your thoughts on "taking chances", however. But keep in mind that not everyone is willing to be as adventurous as the next. It also speaks to the point of what each individual is most comfortable with. Perhaps you have heard the saying "the devil you know." This is not problematic. It only becomes so when you expect others to see things the way that you do. Even in a perfect world, I would not want to live in such a society. Would that make it interesting, diverse and wonderful? To the women I may have offended here in the past, I again offer my apologies. I love beautiful women and Black women rank # 1 on my list. Good day
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PetiteChick says:Posted: 24 May 10
Good morning everyone, My sisters, Mr. Menelik! (Again I thank you). @dannyco56, 6:01 a.m. (too doggone early) I agree with what you say. It is so sensible. However, often times us women don't get a chance to be "let in." I'm sure many of my lovely Black sisters can agree with this to some degree. Thank you as well for your recognition of the Beautiful Black women here who are my sisters. I can only speak for myself, but the type of relationship I seek has not provided that opportunity here for me as yet. But I haven't given up totally. I'm here for a little while longer. Each of us seeks different things in a mate or dating situation. Black women are just as versatile and discerning as the rest! The thing is, and I'm sure we can all agree is that we don't always run into what we want. Some of us are luckier than others. Thank you for opening the dialog to my sisters. I know they will appreciate your insight. Please stay and have discussions with them. I shall bow out and let the conversation flow with those of like mind. Thank you!
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MzBrOwNSuGaR says:Posted: 24 May 10
Hello to you danny. Thanks for a very nice post and words of wisdom.
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dannyco56 says:Posted: 24 May 10
I want to say hello to all on this blog, Mr. Queens, Mr. Menelik, Bamabelle2k9, PetiteChick, friendly13, Godiva61, MzBrOwNSuGaR, bigeyes31 and everyone else. I don't think it mattes what the color of a person's skin is on the question of love. If you are attracted to someone who has different colored skin you have to be willing to talk to them. You can't develope a relationship with anyone if you don't give them the chance. That means you have to let them in, you have to let them into your little circle long enough to see if you can be friends first and then see what developes If you are not willing to give someone that is different then you an opportunity to get to know you and you them then you will not ever know if you could have been friends let alone anything more. If there is an attraction then that is a start. I see many beautiful women posting on this blog. If a man and woman meet and are attracted to each other and get to know one another and enjoy one anothers company than they just might fall into love. Love takes two people working together for it to last. Interacial marriges' can be more difficult if the two allow outside influences into their relationship. Every couple have problems in their relationships it does not matter the color of the skin. It is how the two deal with those problems that will determine if their love will last.
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PetiteChick says:Posted: 24 May 10
Will do. Do you know if that aspect of her being one of the first or two of women to be executed in that State? I think I recall that, but not sure.... But I would love to watch that from beginning to end. *hugs* Ladies, I'm gonna go finish my dinner. It's getting late and I'm starv'n Marv'n....... LOL G'nite y'all.
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godiva61 says:Posted: 24 May 10
@Petite, I saw it several times, very moving!! The whole family was very sad, and the one lawyer. Anyway, her name was Wanda Jean Allen, and she was executed on January 11, 2001 by lethal injection in Oklahoma. If you find where to get the DVD, let me know!! love godiva
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PetiteChick says:Posted: 24 May 10
YES....Godiva Wanda Jean... That was hella crazy! Thing is I never got to see the entire thing. I'll bet I could buy the DVD or find it on youtube. Wanda Jean! That's it. You saw it then?
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godiva61 says:Posted: 24 May 10
@Petite, I know what you are talking about, I think? Wasn't she from some part of Oklahoma, and her name was Wanda Jean, sorry forgot her last name. Didn't at the end they showed her in her coffin? Now I'll have to look it up because I can't remember her last name!!!! love godiva
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PetiteChick says:Posted: 23 May 10
Girl I’m waiting on the epsiode when a woman will chop up the dude and put him in a pot of stew or greens ala Fried Green Tomatoes one day. LOL ----------------------------- Teeheee, wouldn't be far from a female version of Dahmer. Do you recall an HBO special a long time ago about a gay female who killed her lover and they were going to sentence her to death? (Black) and she had these attorneys working around the clock to get an order of stay? I forget the name of it. Dang it. But these attorneys worked their butts off and she had gone religious in prison and they still executed her? Forget what state. I think she might have been maybe like the second woman ever to be executed in that state. Maybe Texas? Don't know they'll fry your arse in Texas. If I remember the name of the Documentary I'll post it. I was mesmerized. Cause girl killed her lover like it was If I can't have you no one will.
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Bamabelle2k9 says:Posted: 23 May 10
Girl I'm waiting on the epsiode when a woman will chop up the dude and put him in a pot of stew or greens ala Fried Green Tomatoes one day. LOL Some of these women are just plain greedy,but most of them just went off the deep in. I was like damn is the penis THAT good that you had to go nuts? Don't want that kind of love. lol
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PetiteChick says:Posted: 23 May 10
Comment by Bamabelle2k9 on 23 May 2010: I didn’t realize Queenie spoke for me but the joke is on him, I ain’t got no money to pay a PR person to speak for me. LOL Petite you know how I feel about cha so no need to address that. On Snapped, I remember the cop in Memphis who was shot and killed because he was player maybe that’s the same one you talking about. My theory is when it comes to stuff like that, you don’t play with people’s hearts and minds because really you don’t know who you messing with these days. And I’ll tell you one thing, I’m not trying to be in somebody’s jail over some BS. ---------------------------------------- OK, so that's the same episode then. That one was off the chain. Girl was ruthless. How about the chick that married all these husbands in Atlanta and killed em off for money? These women are ummm, I'm like dayum. Teeheee. When the reruns started playing I thought that was the end of the episodes cause I was like how many ruthless women can there be in the world?
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Laurelton says:Posted: 23 May 10
Listening to Petite They are tired of your punk ass! Even the "Golden Girls" had friends. Bama tired of your ASS, I assure you if one of the "2" white men asked her out. She would drop you like a bad habit. Bama would be like "Girl I gotta go click". Godiva tired of your ass but won't say nothing. (That is her personality) Friendly really hates your ass. You had a titty attack when she talked about your hair and etc. I thought you were going to get a "stroke" online. Ms Brown sugar is sick of your ass but she too busy laughing. I figure she is sick of LAUGHING at your ASS. I better not catch you here pestering women here. Get a white man or something. The nursing home full of men waiting to be with you. You have a nice day.
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PetiteChick says:Posted: 23 May 10
@Laurelton: Keep digging darling. I can back up everything I said here. Get to it!!!
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Bamabelle2k9 says:Posted: 23 May 10
I didn't realize Queenie spoke for me but the joke is on him, I ain't got no money to pay a PR person to speak for me. LOL Petite you know how I feel about cha so no need to address that. On Snapped, I remember the cop in Memphis who was shot and killed because he was player maybe that's the same one you talking about. My theory is when it comes to stuff like that, you don't play with people's hearts and minds because really you don't know who you messing with these days. And I'll tell you one thing, I'm not trying to be in somebody's jail over some BS.
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Laurelton says:Posted: 23 May 10
Came back to respond to that last comment by Petite She said this..... "YOU WANT ME TO SAY SOMETHING NEW AND DIFFERENT? YOU THOUGHT YOU HAD ME WRAPPED UP IN SOME OTHER CRAP AND I HAD TO CHECK YOU for misquoting me." Where I misquoted you at? You tell me! "GET THE HELL OUTTA HERE WITH THAT CRAP. I’M NOT SCARED OF YOU. GOT THAT? I’M NOT SCARED OF YOU." I don't want you to be scared of me. You said your piece and I responded to your comment. You said, you mentor young adults. What about exactly? That white men want sex with you too much?
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PetiteChick says:Posted: 23 May 10
Anyways, I am cooking my dinner. What y'all cookin? Or is anybody cooking? I wish it was one of those take out nights........
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PetiteChick says:Posted: 23 May 10
@ Laurelton, let the ladies tell me that. Do you need to speak for them? I thought they had their own voices. I didn't know you did miming too. Peace, shuffle off and get your din din.....
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PetiteChick says:Posted: 23 May 10
MzBrown those lifetime movies are all man hating. Teheeheeheee. But they've gotten better I think. Did anybody watch the Fantasia story on that Channel? I think either that one or the Carolyn Warmus story is the last movie I saw. Oh no it was also the last one was about the gay young man who killed himself because his parents didn't/couldn't accept him being gay. That was sad to me. That's the last lifetime movie I watched.
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Laurelton says:Posted: 23 May 10
Dear Mz Brown I got love for you too. They never understood Einstein or Benjamin Franklin. My blog is a self help guide for black women. You know what, I still care what happens to Petite. I believe older black women struggle with mental health issues due to loneliness and desperation. People fail to realize I have a degree in Sociology/Criminology. In my spare time, I study the behaviors of black women. I knew Petite was going to lose her temper. Anytime, you corner her on something. She lashes out. She will never admit she wrong. She complains about bullies. But had no problem bullying "other people". Now she crying about it after she tried to bully Friendly. Now you doing apologies and etc. Look at this self serving comment to Friendly. "Comment by PetiteChick on 23 May 2010: My sisterfriend, Friendly. No need to apologize. We have learned from one another. We take the bitter with the sweet. You and I got our communication wires crossed is the way I like to see it. I apologize to you my sister, not knowing the things and struggles you faced. From the bottom of my heart, I say that I consider you one of the best mothers I know." Mind you, this is not an apology. She says to Friendly, "no need to apologize" and the end part of this comment " not knowing the struggles you faced". It is piss poor apology. LOL I give Friendly credit for letting this old woman "hang herself". NOW, she stalking Bama. Bama just playing along, she don't like your ass. Sop trying to be friends with the women here. Godiva will be friends with anybody. She is just type of person. I can respect that. (Let me go get some dinner) Y'all playing games on here.
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PetiteChick says:Posted: 23 May 10
@bamba the one episode that stands out is the one in Atlanta about the slick dude who had more than one woman and had the one who shot and killed him after he tried to dump her. He saw girl was nuts and she took em out. She was about to lose her meal ticket, cause he was taking care of her. Remember that one, the club owner in Atlanta?
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MzBrOwNSuGaR says:Posted: 23 May 10
I have watched snapped a few times. Kinda reminds me of some of those Lifetime movies.
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PetiteChick says:Posted: 23 May 10
@MzBrown I think a thug stole Queens woman.. hehehe!! Seriously tho, I think I finally got Queens figured out. He enjoys the drama, the debating, and pushing the ladies buttons. He also reminds me of few guys I went to school with. They loved being the funny men, the class clowns.. so to speak. But they had good hearts. Some people just have a strange sense of what humor is. That’s why I don’t care for most stand up comics. They don’t realize words can and do hurt. They just want to be funny, or get attention. --------------------------------------------- Kind of juvenile if you ask me.....
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PetiteChick says:Posted: 23 May 10
mZbROWN: To each his own baby! You see something I don't. I was taught to not bother people who don't care to be bothered with me. This is what I have done. He will now be ignored. AND I'LL LEAVE WHEN I GET READY. SAY WHAT THE HELL I WANT - WHETHER HE LIKES IT OR NOT.
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PetiteChick says:Posted: 23 May 10
Yea, but you said, you don’t mess with white men. That was the premise of you being here. You came in here “guns blazing” about white men doing this and that. You tried to play it like you are on our side. You're delusional. Your side? My opinion. I said I don't believe the vast majority of White men care to have relationships with Black women. I didn't call Black women sellouts. I STAND BY THE OPINION? You want me to say something new and different? I won't, I can't cause I don't feel that way. So what's next boo? And I wouldn't let your stupid self anywhere near me. God help any children you are helping. Are you teaching them that Black women are sellouts? Hmmm, they don't need your kind to help them. Blazing guns yep. GET THIS THROUGH YOUR HEAD, you don't scare me. YOU CAN DIG UP YOUR DEAD FOREFATHERS IF YOU WANT. YOU DON'T HAVE TO MAKE ANNOUNCEMENTS ABOUT WHEN YOU ARRIVE, WHO GIVES A FLYN' SH-T? YOU WANT ME TO SAY SOMETHING NEW AND DIFFERENT? YOU THOUGHT YOU HAD ME WRAPPED UP IN SOME OTHER CRAP AND I HAD TO CHECK YOU for misquoting me. TAKE YOUR SORRY BEHIND SOMEWHERE AND TEND TO YOUR BLOG. I'M NOT SCARED OF YOU. NEVER WILL BE. SPANK? Teeeheeeheee, CTFU @ that one. Go ahead and call me old and washed up like you did many other older women here. Who cares? GET THE HELL OUTTA HERE WITH THAT CRAP. I'M NOT SCARED OF YOU. GOT THAT? I'M NOT SCARED OF YOU.
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Bamabelle2k9 says:Posted: 23 May 10
Did you see the one with the woman who had tried to set up her husband's lover by making out this woman was stalking her family and come to find out, it was her doing it? She killed him and then try to send the mistress to jail. I was like DAMN that's crazy. One of the espiodes of Snapped was about this guy I went to high school with in the 1990's who killed my classmate and his new wife over a custody battle. Her and her cop husband, shot and killed them and set their car on fire.
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MzBrOwNSuGaR says:Posted: 23 May 10
@ PetiteChick: I think a thug stole Queens woman.. hehehe!! Seriously tho, I think I finally got Queens figured out. He enjoys the drama, the debating, and pushing the ladies buttons. He also reminds me of few guys I went to school with. They loved being the funny men, the class clowns.. so to speak. But they had good hearts. Some people just have a strange sense of what humor is. That's why I don't care for most stand up comics. They don't realize words can and do hurt. They just want to be funny, or get attention. I don't care for the stuff Queens says, I never will. But he has shown another side. I admire the time he was man enough apologize to Friendly for a term he used and I admire that. Some other things he discussed showed some heart. So he not all bad. Just hafta swat that backside of his sometimes is all LOl! @ Queens, I luv ya man
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Bamabelle2k9 says:Posted: 23 May 10
Most of them are re-runs but it's always a couple I have missed so I try to catch them all. Did anyone watch Grey's Anatomy the other night? LOVED IT had me on the edge of my seat Thursday night.
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Laurelton says:Posted: 23 May 10
(Coming back in the room) Listening to this comment..... "Comment by PetiteChick on 23 May 2010: AND ANOTHER THING QUEENS, WHAT DOES WHAT I WANT HAVE TO DO WITH YOU? I’M A BLACK WOMAN, YOU’RE A BLACK MAN. IF ANYBODY DOESN’T BELONG HERE IT’S YOU AND YOUR TYPE. THIS THREAD DOESN’T MENTION BLACK MAN." Yea, but you said, you don't mess with white men. That was the premise of you being here. You came in here "guns blazing" about white men doing this and that. You tried to play it like you are on our side. I saw what you were doing. I said to myself, this woman is going to "hang herself". You are yelling and screaming like an old erratic woman that lost a bingo game or didn't get to sing lead on the choir. Let's see what else you said... "I CAME HERE AND OFFERED MY OPINION CAUSE I’M BLACK WOMAN. Now if you really don’t own that third leg, I can dig it. But my legitimacy here in this topic is much more relevant than you being here. What’s your excuse?" What is your legitimacy? Explain your relevant input on this topic. First you diss white men, you turn around and "lecture" people about getting along. I gave you a pass because of London. Now you are running around trying to repair bridges you burned. You remind me of my Aunt in Queens. Just erratic woman for no reason and has no prospects for a relationship anytime soon. Extremely intelligent but displays bipolar tendencies. People can say what they want about me. I have been consistent on this board. Let's see what else you said.... "My sisterfriend, Friendly. No need to apologize. We have learned from one another. We take the bitter with the sweet. You and I got our communication wires crossed is the way I like to see it. I apologize to you my sister, not knowing the things and struggles you faced. From the bottom of my heart, I say that I consider you one of the best mothers I know. I praise you for your relentless efforts for the well being of your children, which you have demonstrated are first and foremost in your life. With much love, we ride the train together!" LOL Look at this shit. I do recall you really going after Friendly. You was overboard even for my tastes. The thread went on even when Friendly didn't respond to your bipolar outbursts. LOL NOW, she is so great. You are losing credibility everyday. I praise the relentless effort you make to kiss Friendly's ASS. lol Let's see what else you said... "friendly13 Not only are you a wonderful mother but a help to those in your community. I too, am an advocate and community organizer. I mentor young adults and have been doing this for years. I began to try to create a chapter of Big Brothers Big Sisters in concert with that organization in my borough because every other borough is represented except my own. No one was interested when I took it a community Board meeting. I find other ways to help my people. You will always find me somewhere fighting for the underdog. I’ve been doing this the majority of my life. We would all be served much better if we could stop worrying about personal affairs of others and let’s fix our community. Do a day of volunteer service, offer to read to a child, mentor a child." YOU mentor young adults (serious look). This is why the black community is failing so rapidly. We got ill tempered, lonely, bitter older black women mentoring. You would think she is "Rosa Parks". Unfortunately, many older black women start experiencing symptoms of mental illness. I wouldn't let you mentor my dog. QQ at Godiva. How you been? LOL
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PetiteChick says:Posted: 23 May 10
@bamba I love snapped. But I thought it was re-runs. Any new episodes? Why they only half hour? Love me. Thought I seen em all.
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godiva61 says:Posted: 23 May 10
@Ms. Petite, What time is dinner? Are we having some collard greens and homemade rolls, and you know some sweet tea would be nice, but I'll take some lemonade(lol) I love to cook!!! love godiva
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Bamabelle2k9 says:Posted: 23 May 10
Lakers play later tonight and I'll be watching that on and off while I watch Snapped. I'm having leftovers. I fixed party food for supper yesterday meatballs, pasta salad, chicken salad, chips and crackers. Weird I know, but I had a taste for it. lol All i needed was cake and punch and I'd been set.
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PetiteChick says:Posted: 23 May 10
I'm cooking, mac & cheese, ribs..... Dang, I wish i could wiggle my nose and get it "done." LOL.
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PetiteChick says:Posted: 23 May 10
@bambabelle, what's going on with the games? Did y'all see that ugly pix of me yesterday with a wig I don't like? Uugghhhh. It's a little too "big." LOL. I don't know what I was thinking when I uploaded that badboy. Y'all could have told me to take that shyt down, LOL. Teeheeeheee It's a beautiful day!
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College is a good place to learn and experiment so to speak without parents being around telling you, you shouldn't do this or that or any other outside influences, then you can decide for yourself whether it works for you or not.