Why white men love the black woman

Posted by James, 31 Aug

Ever wondered why some white guys, love black women so much?

It seems that being a white male and proclaiming your attraction to black women (not only sexually, but also romantically) may lead to a lot of controversial and dangerous things. Let’s leave the debate of why more black women may be opening themselves up to white guys. The main focus of this debate is: why some white guys are opening themselves to black women. Let’s concentrate on that.

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Most white males don’t feel like they are running short of white women to marry. White males just marry at high rates. So question is: Why black women? The thing is it will not be fair to bundle up black women as one since everyone is their own person… be it in appearance or personality.

However, one thing that a white male friend of mine said… and I let him get away with bundling it all up is: “We love a black woman's confidence, her tenacity and her undeniable achievements in the face of great adversity...᾿ Since this info was coming from a man, there was definitely the mention of the lips, the curves, and that wonderful skin as well.

So what about stereotypes like “black women are either sexually conservative or total sluts?" Many people give so much lip service to interracial dating sites. You would think they have never done it. But those uptight individuals are the ones that spread these stereotypes. What happened to the highly educated black woman? How about the caring, decent and involved black woman?

Probably most white guys and others are confused with the stereotypical trash people spread around and if you are one that falls for such lame ol’ lines, then you sure as hell haven’t dated a black woman.

Bottom line, you don't have to sacrifice who you are for a white guy. They will love you anyway. Just be you and open yourself up… and if you like white guys, some white guy will find you too.

8087 responses to "Why white men love the black woman"

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  1.   Bamababe2k9 says:
    Posted: 23 May 10

    @MzBrown LOL I'm trying to be like the old folks; say my peace and get out of the way. Ok I have to ask is anyone else addicted to Snapped like me? LOL

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  2.   godiva61 says:
    Posted: 23 May 10

    @Ms. Bama, You might be right, not everyone will or is capable of moving forward, but that's on them. Some people don't like progress or change, it's their life, and you know the old saying, you will reap what you have sewn!! I want to reap the very best that life has to offer, and help somebody to get the same, or better! That being said, I'm thinking of one of the Civil Rights Songs, "I AIN'T GONNA LET NOBODY TURN ME AROUND", I owe it to the ones who came before me, and so I shall Honor them as best as I can!!!!! love Godiva Looking for bigeyes31!!!

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  3.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 23 May 10

    MzBrown, girl it's good to see ya! @friendly yes we must keep up the good works. I'm so proud of you!

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  4.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 23 May 10

    @friendly13 Not only are you a wonderful mother but a help to those in your community. I too, am an advocate and community organizer. I mentor young adults and have been doing this for years. I began to try to create a chapter of Big Brothers Big Sisters in concert with that organization in my borough because every other borough is represented except my own. No one was interested when I took it a community Board meeting. I find other ways to help my people. You will always find me somewhere fighting for the underdog. I've been doing this the majority of my life. We would all be served much better if we could stop worrying about personal affairs of others and let's fix our community. Do a day of volunteer service, offer to read to a child, mentor a child.

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  5. Posted: 23 May 10

    @ Bamababe: Girl I am lol at you and that corner of yours today. The ole folks in my church use to sing a song.. " Come on out that corner, you can't hide" LOl

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  6.   Bamababe2k9 says:
    Posted: 23 May 10

    Hey Godiva we should move forward but we won't lol Queenie and Petite, yall need to kiss and make up and accept each other for who you are. It is what it is. Ok back to my corner.

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  7.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 23 May 10

    @ PetiteChick Yes you are so right about the pressing issues of high unemployment and low literacty (education) problems. In my community, I have an Adult GED program that I run on Saturdays to serve working adults. Now, all adults can come, but the time frame is designed so that people who can't attend traditional programs can attend on Saturday. I have been doing this for five years and love it. It is so rewarding when a participant tells me they have passed their exam and now enrolled in college. This program runs for eight weeks. they get a free text, calculator, lunch, and instruction. It is so rewarding. People of all walks of life and age groups have participated. Many of these adults would otherwise be left behind without a progam of this nature. The participants who complete the program get to attend a banquet and I invite the local jr. college to come talk to them about college opportunities. There is an economic incentive of a chance to win one hundred dollars cash. Even though everyone doesn't get to win one hudred dollars they at least get a free meal at a nice restaraunt like RedLobster or IHOP. I love doing it. Right now I am working on another grant that will offer every successful participant a $100 cash stipend and pay for their exam. There are like 25,000 people in my county between the age of 24 and up who still need a high school diploma. There is yet a lot of work to be done. My goal is to wipe out the trend of high school drop outs by educating the parents and grandparents who in turn will encourage their kids to stay in school and go to college.

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  8.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 23 May 10

    My sisterfriend, Friendly. No need to apologize. We have learned from one another. We take the bitter with the sweet. You and I got our communication wires crossed is the way I like to see it. I apologize to you my sister, not knowing the things and struggles you faced. From the bottom of my heart, I say that I consider you one of the best mothers I know. I praise you for your relentless efforts for the well being of your children, which you have demonstrated are first and foremost in your life. With much love, we ride the train together!

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  9.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 23 May 10

    @ Godiva, PetiteChick, and all the sistas: I am on board. I am going to openly apologize to my sista Ms. PetiteChick for all of the mean ungodly things I said to her and ask her forgiveness. Love all the sistas on here. I agree it is time to move forward and put the old rotten dead argumentative moot issues to bed.

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  10.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 23 May 10

    AND ANOTHER THING QUEENS, WHAT DOES WHAT I WANT HAVE TO DO WITH YOU? I'M A BLACK WOMAN, YOU'RE A BLACK MAN. IF ANYBODY DOESN'T BELONG HERE IT'S YOU AND YOUR TYPE. THIS THREAD DOESN'T MENTION BLACK MAN. I CAME HERE AND OFFERED MY OPINION CAUSE I'M BLACK WOMAN. Now if you really don't own that third leg, I can dig it. But my legitimacy here in this topic is much more relevant than you being here. What's your excuse? Scared of you? You're a fool to think this. You won't bully me, you can say what you want, yak it up. Talk it up. YOU DON'T SCARE ME. I FEAR NO HUMAN.

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  11.   Bamababe2k9 says:
    Posted: 23 May 10

    Queenie I have to ask; is it EVER the man's fault when these relationships failed? I mean let's get real here, a lot men (not all) are just plain sorry. Yes I blame these women for making poor choices but I fault the men for not being BETTER men then that too.

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  12.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 23 May 10

    WE ARE MOVING FORWARD. I'M NOT SCARED OF YOU LAURLETON. I'M NOT THAT CHICK. I don't know why other women on here give your ass the time of day. Like I said yak it up. Talk it up. Talk about whatever your heart's desire. I stop talking when I WANT TO STOP TALKING. YOU SHOULD HAVE FIGURED OUT BY NOW NO ONE CAN BULLY ME. NEW YORK RAISED JUST LIKE YOU. What did you say? I know. You are on your own.....yak it up. Sell your blog, hope you get more followers over there than you do here.

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  13.   Laurelton says:
    Posted: 23 May 10

    OH here we go. You rambled on about black men and white men. I challenge your comments and now you want to take your toys and play by yourself. Again, you don't control this board Petite. You said, you don't even date white men. Right? ( Pointing to you) That is what you said right? I don't comment that much. Godiva is a follower. She just wants to get "along". I still got love for her. I am okay with Bama. She stood on her principles concerning dating white men. BUT YOU, We don't know what you stand on. You went out with a couple white guys and threw around some accusations that all "white men are the same". They wanted sex and etc. Respond back, So I can get on your ass again. If you didn't do that damn self-serving lecture. I wouldn't have to spank you!

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  14.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 23 May 10

    @my sistahs: Let's co-sign Ms. Godiva's point, and get on board with moving forward! We can hold to our end of the bargain and let others judge who has the better character. I, co-sign with Ms. Godiva! I am on board! I will ride with ya, girl!

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  15.   Laurelton says:
    Posted: 23 May 10

    Man listen (Putting popcorn down) NOW, y'all blaming the white men for sellout black women failing. This is what you said............ "The black women who all had white husbands who they are now divorcing have one thing in common: They all married dudes who quite frankly aren’t on their level. None of this women other then Halle, married men who had their own thing going before they met them. Why would you date someone who doesn’t bring anything to the relationship? Same thing happened to Sandra Bullock trying to change a tattooed biker into a husband. WTF was she thinking? And then got burned." OH, the white men "were" not on THEIR LEVEL now. (Talking like Ray Charles to Bama)!!!!!!!!!!! "MARGIE DRUNK AGAIN"! Sandra "Buttocks", give me a break. You can't make that comparison to Stacey dash my three white husband "beat me". Halle "Berry" ( I used my white man just for a baby). Garcelle ( I will email all my white husband's friends to tell them he was cheating for 5 years and I ain't know). What you ain't know? Like Katt Williams said "Damon you are not in prison anymore". These sellout black women are in a prison of their minds. Blaming every "damn body" but themselves for failed relationships. I am basically wondering when all men will "run away from black women". This is really getting out of hand. When "Fine ass black women" are failing. You god damn right I am worried about it. Excuse my language. I am out Hey "Sweet Sugar".

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  16.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 23 May 10

    @Queens CORRECTION Why do you disappear when Menelik is here? It seems as though to me you bully men and women around. Well perhaps Menelik is tired of the bullying. You are on your own. YOU CAN REGURGITATE THE SAME STUFF, DIG UP SOME NEW STUFF, WE ARE MOVING FORWARD. WE WILL DO THIS IN SOLIDARITY. WRITE WHAT YOU WANT. WRITE WHATEVER IS ON YOUR HEART. WE ARE MOVING FORWARD.

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  17.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 23 May 10

    Mr. Queens, good day: 1. I don't date thugs, I was married to a Black man for 20 years and still seek one. That point you made in response to "ME" is irrelevant. 2. The rest of it much more rambling of the same stuff that has been going on and I won't waste my time with it. You will be ignored, Why do you disappear when he is here and vice versa? We are ending this now. You can fight and argue, regurgitate the same lines you've been using for years and keep it going. We don't care. We are moving forward. WE ARE MOVING FORWARD. WE ARE MOVING FORWARD. You love the drama and attention your tirades give you here. I figured that out when you tried to tell me about "this board" as though you own it. WE ARE MOVING FORWARD. YOU SHALL ARGUE ALONE FROM THIS POINT FORWARD. THEN WE WILL SEE WHO LOOKS FOOLISH. AS YOU SO LOVE THE SPOTLIGHT, you shall have it. WE ARE MOVING FORWARD! WE ARE MOVING FORWARD, there is nothing you can do about that. NOTHING.

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  18. Posted: 23 May 10

    @ Queens: I don't think you believe even half of that nonsense you wrote in that so called rebuttal of yours.

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  19.   Bamababe2k9 says:
    Posted: 23 May 10

    I know you weren't addressing this to me Queenie but I'm going to put my quarter instead my two cents into this before Petite puts the beat down on you. Queenie, I'll say this to both men and women, stop blaming people for your situation. If you life is fucked up, that's not OUR fault at some point you have to look yourself in the mirror and asked what I am doing wrong. If you have low self-esteem because of what someone said about you, then you got problems. As Katt Williams said, how are you going to blame ME for your lack of self-esteem. It's called SELF-ESTEEM. ESTEEM OF YOUR Muthafucking SELF. LOL (excuse the language but that's how he said it) If you a real man you don't piss and moan about what some woman has done to, most men say NEXT. The black women who all had white husbands who they are now divorcing have one thing in common: They all married dudes who quite frankly aren't on their level. None of this women other then Halle, married men who had their own thing going before they met them. Why would you date someone who doesn't bring anything to the relationship? Same thing happened to Sandra Bullock trying to change a tattooed biker into a husband. WTF was she thinking? And then got burned. All this blame game mess is a bunch of bullshit. If you keep finding yourself man or woman in the same type of relationship and it doesn't work, then guess who fault it is?

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  20.   Laurelton says:
    Posted: 23 May 10

    QQ at Petite's comments My rebuttal "1. For a very long time Black men have dated white women. This didn’t just happen with the advent of online dating portals. This is a fact. Let’s own this." Na, they forced black men to date white women with your arrogance and insolent behavior. Your penchant for dating thugs and players that put you in current dating debacle you are in. Unfortunately, black women realize it too late when they are older and desperate. 2. " I would venture to say also, that while this was taking place Black women did continue to hold out for Black men. Let’s own this as it is factual. Many of us made mistakes when choosing mates, however we do not corner the market on making bad decisions. So I would like to state that the reasons some of the men use to justify badgering and belittling Black women who have opened their options (including me to add Latino men) should not be viewed as selling out, or a cop out or a disdain for their race. I would liken it more to wanting companionship" Black women belittled black men first. Black boys didn't wake up one day and say "hey black women are slut buckets". Na, we saw the behaviors in the black community and some of the whorish things going on. That is why black women are currently failing now. The fail to realize they will be held accountable for their behaviors. Black men can only do what "black women" let them do. So, don't give me that victimization crap. By the way, it is not a bad thing to like freaky sex. It is when you run around acting like " you are not a slut bucket". Just say, I am a freak thats it. Men would respect that. It kind of reminds me of the black women that say "they don't mess with men in their town or area". I would say "why is that"? They would "reply" I don't want people to know my business. Now, if you truly didn't care what people think. Be a woman and do what you want in your "neighborhood". You dating two men, let them know about it. Stop playing games. Like a famous athlete said " Be a man, walk through the front door of the strip club not the back". 3. "While my own personal preference would be to meet a man who wants to develop a relationship, that does not give me the right (like I so erroneously misjudged earlier on) to dictate how and what types of dating should take place. Let us also be reminded that Black men, Latino men and many other men of ethnic backgrounds including White men do the same thing. Indeed. Why are Black women the whipping child for this? Are we to believe that it is only the Black woman who wants to experience sexual pleasure with no strings attached? What of it? Like I said, it is not MY particular preference but it is not my business either" One thing you left out. Black women cry and whine about men talking about sex or the implication of sex. Not many women just come out and say " Hey just come over and fuck me". Even hos and whores are not this bold. Women even say this, " if you want sex with no strings attached" you have to treat me a "certain way". If women were less ambiguous, than maybe the judgments wouldn't be so harsh. People assume men call all women derogatory names if they are sexual freaks. That is simply not true. Their are woman that will tell you look ' I want you to fuck me, in front of my husband". You got some black women who like "swinging". That is cool with us. But don't be a hypocrite though. You want a serious relationship but you want to 'swing" and fuck two men. That could leave you open to getting dissed. Anything a woman says she wants in a "man". It is usually not what she "ends up with". Quite often, it might be even the opposite of her preference. Of course, with the exception of underlying common goals they want in a man like a job, car and etc. There are certain delusional behaviors that black women display. They can call "other women whores and sluts" but they, "themselves", could be sleeping with 4 or 5 different men. They don't even think twice about their comments. It would be comical if it wasn't sad at the same time. "4. How long have Black men belittled Black women as a justification for dating outside of their race? Let’s own this. It is factual. NO spin, no other takes - just the plain unadulterated truth. Now, Black women have grown weary. This stands to reason simply because of a number of reasons. Tired of waiting and hoping. Black women are in fact, the last hold outs in the inter-racial dating thing. We’re fairly new to it, as we have been pinning for Black men. Yes, we joined the “club” just recently. Many still have not joined the club (myself included) but so what of it? Let’s own this." It is not belittling, if it is true. I will repeat it once again. It is not belittling, if it is true. If your race of men tell you "your bossy and demanding". Perhaps, you should listen to it. The only reason you want to sellout to white men. Is to get back at black men. Black women can never just be "happy" with a white guy. They feel the need to draw attention to themselves from black men. Karyn and her book "Don't bring home a white boy". The implication is that her family "banned her from white men". The sheer absurdity of the title. It should be called " Will the white boy take me home". These sellout black women start to end up like Debra Dickerson, Halle, Garcelle and Stacey Dash. White men start to figure out this black woman don't love me "for me". She got a vendetta against black men! In conclusion Black men didn't start this war. These pathetic sellout black women started it when they ran their mouth about a black man. To make matters worse white men picked you last and are not putting a ring on your finger. When sellout black women fail with white men in relationships. They blame "themselves". When black women fail with black men. They blame us. These nappy headed black women make me sick A white guy told me he gave the "world" to his black woman. Literally, everything she wanted. What did her black ass do? Yea, she left him for another guy, who treated her like a dog. I told this white guy recently at work. Look, nice guys finish last with black women. They only understand a big dick and a big wallet. Everything else is just semantics man. Your dick should control her. If her vagina controls you, Then, you might as well just give her everything you have. She got you. Oh yea, your woman should love you, more than you love her. I don't believe in 50/50. Either one party loves the other party more. The feelings can change in the beginning of the relationship and as time goes on. The formula remains the same. Good day Man, read my blog album I AM LIVING LIFE RIGHT NOW AND THIS IS WHAT I WILL UNTIL ITS OVER (FAR FROM OVER) THE DEBRA DICKERSON STORY OW! (FT LONDON) HOWEVER, DO YOU NEED ME http://mrlaureltonqueens.blogspot.com/ Including hit singles BEG FOR MERCY 2.0 SAY HI TO THE "NICE GUY" THESE LAST FEW NIGHTS WE MADE YOU PEARLY SELLOUT GATES FT LONDON I AM SOMEBODY THAT YOU SHOULD KNOW FT ROCKY HIGHER THAN I EVER BEEN FT RAINA BONUS TRACK MONEY AND THE POWER FT WHITE MIKE

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  21.   godiva61 says:
    Posted: 23 May 10

    Good Afternoon Everyone, This is the day that the LORD has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!! As I sit here and read the many comments that has been made, I can't help but wonder, if any of us really regret some of the words, that has come from our mouth's?? Can any of us, all of us, admit that there is always some room for self improvement?? That being said, I would like to say on this day that "if I ever said anything to anyone here, that has hurt your feelings or made you feel unworthy of love and/ or respect, then I am truly sorry"!!! I also would like to add that from my observation, I am convinced that these ill willed words that have been spoken here, comes from old pain and hurt, women as well as men. Isn't it time to bury the pain and hurt of yesterday? What's more important on today, yesterday, today, or the future? The hurt and dissappointment of yesterday, should not dominate your today, nor should it be the potential, to ruin and kill your tommorrow. You won't find life among the dead!! If we are who that we say that we are, and who that we claim to be, strong, honorable, decent, and loving, then it should be no hardship to start anew, and rise above, the ills of the past and come out better and stronger men and women! It's time to Rescue the Children, Redeem the Family, and Recreate the Community!! Who is willing to climb on board??? love godiva

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  22.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 23 May 10

    @Ladies & Gentlemen: I waited a bit to see if someone else had something to say on the subject matter. It appears we shall put this to bed. Let us NO LONGER do or say, from this time forward, the things which have led to the vitriol, anger, character assassination and the like. I am pleased that Mr. Menelik has agreed to let this go. We have pressing issues in our community that are just as important. The unemployment rate amongst Blacks is close to 17% in this country. Our children need guidance. They need positive role models. We need to do more uplifting and reaching down to lend a hand as we are the most broken group in this country. No more judgments. MUCH MORE COHESIVENESS, because we have more in common than we do not. Thank you Menelik, thank you very much.

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  23.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 23 May 10

    @Ms.Friendly, good morning (hugs)

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  24.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 23 May 10

    @Ms.Bamba! G'morning sis (hugs) It took me so long to gather my thoughts before I posted that you were expressing the same sentiments I hold. We are -------------->HERE<--------------------

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  25.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 23 May 10

    Good morning everyone! My sisters, brothers and all. MzBrown, girl how are you today? It's a beautiful day isn't it? Ms. Godiva, Blessings sis.... Friendly13, hope you're good (hugs) Bamba "the belle" my lovely sister friend! Mr. Malarki5, sir how are you? Mr. Boots....what's up sir? I generally don't like to cut and paste in replying to posts (unless I'm quoting 1 (one) individual. I do this for ease of reading. I shall respond to Mr. Menelik! @Mr. Menelik/Malarki5 8:29a.m. Thank you for responding back to me. After reading your reply, I have come to the conclusion that what is taking place here is prejudicial akin to those types of practices based on sexual preference. However, in this instance it is prejudicial against against one's preference. There is a difference between racism and prejudicial practices. Prejudicial in the fact that we "pre-judge" and draw conclusions based on this. Before I continue, I must state again for the RECORD that my dating/mating choices DO NOT INCLUDE CAUCASIAN MEN. I will conclude this disclaimer by saying that this is MY BUSINESS, MY PREFERENCE AND MY RIGHT, as a grown woman! Now, for the sake of "talking to" and NOT "at" this problem we find ourselves with, there are some realities that we need to face and own. I'm sure you can agree with the following: 1. For a very long time Black men have dated white women. This didn't just happen with the advent of online dating portals. This is a fact. Let's own this. 2. I would venture to say also, that while this was taking place Black women did continue to hold out for Black men. Let's own this as it is factual. Many of us made mistakes when choosing mates, however we do not corner the market on making bad decisions. So I would like to state that the reasons some of the men use to justify badgering and belittling Black women who have opened their options (including me to add Latino men) should not be viewed as selling out, or a cop out or a disdain for their race. I would liken it more to wanting companionship. Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus. I say that to say, women are by nature nurturers, most women work from a place of emotion while men typically do not. I'm not saying men can't be emotional. They can be. They are, I know some. What I'm trying to relay is that there IS a difference in the sexes. We can all agree on that. 3. Who are we to state how and what transpires through these dating endeavors with those of opposite races? Sex only, so what? Marriage minded? So what? The using of men? So what? These are century old practices. So what of them? While my own personal preference would be to meet a man who wants to develop a relationship, that does not give me the right (like I so erroneously misjudged earlier on) to dictate how and what types of dating should take place. Let us also be reminded that Black men, Latino men and many other men of ethnic backgrounds including White men do the same thing. Indeed. Why are Black women the whipping child for this? Are we to believe that it is only the Black woman who wants to experience sexual pleasure with no strings attached? What of it? Like I said, it is not MY particular preference but it is not my business either. I don't have to repeat my original intent here unless others would like me to restate it. The women and those who were here at the time, knew what transpired. Moreover, how do we know who's using who in these inter-racial relationships? We don't.....there is no way of really knowing any of this. We only know what is provided here in written form. 4. How long have Black men belittled Black women as a justification for dating outside of their race? Let's own this. It is factual. NO spin, no other takes - just the plain unadulterated truth. Now, Black women have grown weary. This stands to reason simply because of a number of reasons. Tired of waiting and hoping. Black women are in fact, the last hold outs in the inter-racial dating thing. We're fairly new to it, as we have been pinning for Black men. Yes, we joined the "club" just recently. Many still have not joined the club (myself included) but so what of it? Let's own this. Because many are new to the club, and I myself attempted to join the club with vibes I'm not quite ready for I chose to cancel my membership. That does not make me more or less Black than my female counterparts. It's my decision. The sisters respect that, and I respect their choices. I must agree with you in your point that I would never hold another race, person or thing in higher regard than myself. Never! Ummm, nope. In my world respect is earned and not a given. I don't put any other groups above my own. Never have and never will. So on this you and I can agree. I will not sit idly by and have other races of people belittle Black women! I will speak my mind. I have always done this. I always will. There is no superiority over another human being. There is but one who is superior to us all, I call him GOD! Thanks for replying. I think this is a good start, I hope that you agree. There is ownership we all must take. We're trying to relieve ourselves of it, but we must not we must own these things and work through them. THIS OF COURSE, IS MY take on it.

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  26.   Bamababe2k9 says:
    Posted: 23 May 10

    GM again ladies and some gentleman again i feel the need to put my two cents in on the subject. After reading the BS about Friendly I'm going to say this: Whatever her reasons for dating white men, is HER reasons and HER decision not anyone else's to make. She or anyone else doesn't have to justify why she dates white men to a bunch of total strangers who don't know her personally. That's why I said the other day a chicken will pick in everyone's mess but his own. Folks want to come on here act like they have degrees in psycology to try to analysis other folks but then they NEVER discuss their own issues and then claim later well I don't care really? then why are you here other then to stir up mess. Last time I checked, the men on here can defend themselves. A lot of this is jealousy because a lot of good, intelligent sistas are starting more and more to date white men and some black men can't stand it but rather then admit that, they'd just rather bash sistas instead of asking themselves why do they care and why do they feel this way. I'm going back to my corner.

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  27.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 23 May 10

    @Menelik (aka Malarki5) You should just go sit in a corner and sulk. The verdict is against you. Your thoughts are moot.

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  28. Posted: 23 May 10

    LOl is that the best you can do. Do you know how silly you sound?

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  29.   Malarki5 says:
    Posted: 23 May 10

    MzBrOwNSuGaR said: You see a REAL man will be somewhere taking care of his own woman, and making sure her needs are met, not here nite and day whinning about somebody else’s relationship. Menelik replies: and this is what i mean by hypocritical! You take a perfectly reasoned response to PetiteChick request to call off the spat between myself and friendly13 and you cowardly pick out two words (i.e. voracious vagina) and attempt to shame me into silence! Well, girl, your days of shaming Black men into line are over! Be a matriarch to your kids (if you have any) but we are sick to death of your testosterone-driven attempts to control our actions and thoughts (you got more of that male stuff than other races of women!). I don't mind if you put white men first. Go ahead! I take exception to your back-handed digs at Black men (and often white women whose femininity you dismiss as "weak" rather than complimentary to the masculine spirit). Please, put white men first! Keep in mind though: they put women like you last. I can' say I blame them since we're united in perceiving women like you as a cross between a lesbian body-builder and a mother hen! Well, just cluck off! Menelik Charles London England

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  30. Posted: 23 May 10

    Hey Malarki5 , you childish little boy. Why don't you run and tell the teacher or the school mom or whatever you mates call it over there, that I won't play right. Git some tissue and wipe your nose on the way. You see a REAL man will be somewhere taking care of his own woman, and making sure her needs are met, not here nite and day whinning about somebody else's relationship. Booo Hoo they keep putting the white man before us Booo Hoooo! You are pathetic You the one who acts like a little b'word

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  31. Posted: 23 May 10

    Gosh, there's that pesky mosquito buzzzzzzin around my ear again. LOL!!

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  32. Posted: 23 May 10

    boots said: "@ all the blk ladies ganging up on me ……lol.. Iam a grown man so go ahead and fire " Lol.. I sawee, didn't intend that at all.. I guess with all the male bonding and dapz'n that's been going on around here, us girls gonna bond togetehr like those Amazon Warrior Women... lol just kiddin --- "I can say in truth blk women are the most beautiful women on earth…been happily married to one for 25yrs" I love that "…moreover I have never dated a white woman, kissed one,grinded on one etc. Nor do I secretly desire one,call me a blk racist if you like but that’s how I roll" Lol, thank you for cutting that off with the etc. lol whew I messing with you a little bit, in a silly mood I guess, but seriously, not wanting to be in a IR relationship is not being racist, not for a black or white person. I do think to bash, harass, ostracize or disown someone who does choose the IR route is indeed racist. ========= "@…..Petitechick,MzBrownsugar…you ask how can I adore blk women and then hate them in the next breath……..first of all you wont find anywhere the quote from boots “I hate blk women” " I never said that, wasn't me.I said how can you sit by and say nothing when what you claim to love and adore is beat on. You are very right, I have never seen you say you hate black women. Lol boots, now I could go toe to toe with ya on ya bible quotin ..uuh mis-quotin but I'm gonna leave that alone. All in all, boots, you have some views I don't agree with on race, but I not hatin on ya.

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  33.   Malarki5 says:
    Posted: 23 May 10

    @ MzBrOwNSuGaR, people like you make me sick! You're nothing but a hypocritical fool trying to shame a man who has a way with words, and a decent level of morality and self-respect. Try calling out women on here who place white men above men of their own race! I wonder how a Black woman who loves her father could do such a thing? Try asking that bloody question you lousy, self-loathing, hypocritical, bitch!!!!!! Go away! Menelik Charles London England

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  34. Posted: 23 May 10

    I wonder how any man who loves his mother would feel if some man, stranger or not, mentioned or made references to her vagina, or that of any other woman's, in her presence. Total disrespect!!!!!!!!!!!

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  35.   Malarki5 says:
    Posted: 23 May 10

    PetiteChick said: I recall the time (we all do) when there was a lot of name calling and mud-slinging going on in here. This being done out of misinterpretation of intent or the lack of conveying a point to its fullest degree of clarity. You said to me: “sister” please let this go. You did help me in that regard. Do you recall the conversation? I appreciated that. My anger was overwhelming and YOU helped me with that. Menelik replies: yes, sister, I do recall the convo. But may response is not done out of rage but out of reason (excuse me for saying that). You see, I'm more likely to turn my back on someone raging against me than I am if someone is unreasonable towards me. Spreading white-male supremacy while taking sly digs at Black men is not reasonable. This is not to say there aren't reason for it; there are. Typically these are deep-seated issues with family (usually daddy) and past boyfriends (usually baby daddies) resulting in multiple failures in relationships with the same race. When friendly13 says "Black men PREFER white women right under our noses!" then that is NOT reasonable. Choosing someone is NOT a preference but just a choice! Instead, as I've made clear, friendly13 views such a choice as an attack against her! It makes sense, therefore, from her warped perspective to then view dating, flirting or having sex with white men as revenge against those men who she feels have rejected her (beginning with her own father, and ending with the fathers of her children). She seems intent on making Black men feel rejected as she feels rejected by Black men (her 1st choice). Well, simply baiting Black men hardly achieves this objective, does it? Instead we are damned delighted we'll no longer encounter such women on weird dates (that men don't talk about!) or deposit sperm in her womb, and have our babies messed up! White men are more than welcome to Black women such as friendly13 because while she is undoubtedly an attractive woman, she brings little to the table other than her voracious vagina, and her many unresolved issues...with Black men. She speaks of preferring white men (if only she did) but persistently complains about being rejected, let down, and abandoned by Black men for white women. This is an unresolved issue that goes right back to the circumstances of her birth. She cannot see this, and so we Black men (near and far) have to pay for her insightlessness, and racially malevolent sentiments. How reasonable is that? And should not such unreason, and latent self-loathing, be challenged if it should threaten to become an ideology (which, indeed, it has on certain blogs)? Shouldn't Black men stand together (with our sisters if necessary) and oppose this racist, feminazi nonsense? Is it OK for the Jews to say "never again!", while we say "one more time for the road!"? America is a society whose racism is built on the backs of Black men. They are white America's no 1 pet hate, and envy. Traditionally Black women have shielded us against white men, while our fathers cowered in the corner. Well, that day has been and gone. Black men stood up, and faced down the enemy. Now you got a Bi-racial President and a Black 1st lady. I'm so proud of what you have achieved. We in the UK look to you for leadership; which you have ably provided. You have also provided a lot of hate in the form, for example, of Alice Walker and her white-male promoted "womanism". Well, I predicted long ago that such an ideology would one day infect the embittered sisters of the US... and it has. Now the saying "niggers aint shit!" (read Black men!) has an ideology, and the damage it has wreaked on Black male/female relationships is immeasurable. We need to oppose such unreason, sister. This is what I do. Calling someone a silly sausage is NOT the same as calling them a "sell-out". I am not enraged by friendly13 because she strikes me as a profoundly sad, and damaged individual whose Waterloo is yet to come. And when it does, you will hear no further from her. Such Black women never advertise their relationship failures with white men but simply get back to the business of idolising them, and bashing Black men! This is neither reasonable nor fair. Menelik Charles London England PS I'll let it go, as you advise.

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  36.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 23 May 10

    Comment by friendly13 on 23 May 2010: @ PetiteChick Yes, I went down to the human relations and filed a complaint. Thank you for the clarification though. They had the nerve to try and act like the accommodation laws did not exist and that they could not do anything because the public place was a not for profit. I pulled the city policy from the website and read it back to them and reminded them that the policy upholds state and federal ADA laws as well ------------------------------------------------ I know that's right. I knew you how to handle it. It's against the Law. Phuckers. Sue em!

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  37.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 23 May 10

    Running out of dialog malarki5. What is up with the reruns of prior insults. What does your mind go around in little circles. Oh, I guess you wanted to make sure that everyone read your idiodic comments. lol.

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  38.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 23 May 10

    @ PetiteChick Yes, I went down to the human relations and filed a complaint. Thank you for the clarification though. They had the nerve to try and act like the accommodation laws did not exist and that they could not do anything because the public place was a not for profit. I pulled the city policy from the website and read it back to them and reminded them that the policy upholds state and federal ADA laws as well.

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  39.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 23 May 10

    My sister's are dropping some serious knowledge, and humbling themselves here for open communication. All are welcome to "listen, visualize, feel" from a deeper place if one has the capacity to do so. We welcome the civil dialog for the sake of understanding.

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  40.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 23 May 10

    Ms. Godiva, my sistah! That is the premise by which I live. I love my people. Though often some don't love me back. But that's ok. They are me, I am them, we are we! Forever, my sister's keeper! This I do, in the spirit of egalitarianism..... *hugs*

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  41.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 23 May 10

    @Menelik @ 9:58 Hi Malarki! I recall the time (we all do) when there was a lot of name calling and mud slinging going on in here. This being done out of misinterpretation of intent the lack of conveying a point to its fullest degree of clarity. You said to me: "sister" please let this go. You did help me in that regard. Do you recall the conversation? I appreciate that. My anger was overwhelming and YOU helped me with that. May I ask of you the same? If you do not mind. Can we talk to each other? Can we stop this back and forth that gets us nowhere? Where has it taken us? If you believe that our bickering has given us any gain, I would appreciate it if you could share it with us. So that we all may better understand something that perhaps you see, that we don't. May I ask of you what you asked of me? Can we move forward? Can we develop a dialog around other important issues. Like getting rid of disdain for one another and respecting decisions and choices we all have a right to make? I hope you can agree with me. Perhaps you can, I don't know. I do ask this of you in a kind way. I am not trying to badger you, but I would like to understand where you are coming from, as you continue this. Talk to me, please.....

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  42.   Malarki5 says:
    Posted: 23 May 10

    friendly13 said: @ the black men posting on this blog and beating up my sister Bamababe; leave her alone. She has right to speak about what she wants to and date who she wants to, like the rest of us women are doing. You guys can make your choices too. Menelik replies: you really like making stuff up, don’t you? I’m not opposed to people like you and 50 cents dating white boys (do the race a favour and go!), you silly sausage! Do you realise the number of white men dating and marrying Asian and Latino women as opposed to African-American women? Get real, girl; the primary opposition to dating Black women are white men themselves. And you have 4 (Black?) children, two of whom are disabled, and you seriously believe some white man’s going to beat a path to your door? No, darling, I think they’ll generally leave you the-hell-alone...which is why you are on her flirting with em! lol Menelik Charles London England

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  43.   Malarki5 says:
    Posted: 23 May 10

    friendly13 said: I am so sexy that the white man who wins me isn’t going to care that I have kids. He is just going to be glad to have me! Menelik replies: he’s ONLY going to be happy to screw you, and NOT care about your kids? Have you any idea what you’re saying here, you silly sausage? Lol Menelik Charles London England

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  44.   Malarki5 says:
    Posted: 23 May 10

    Friendly13 said: Has a woman ever washed your feet, dried them, and then fixed you a dark leafy green salad tossed with mandrian oranges, green onions, strawberries and oriental ginger dressing? Then bathed you from head to toe in a hot seasalt bubble bath and saturated your body completely in lotion from head to toe. You really should try it. If you guys had and appreciated a woman who treated you like that - the sex would be much better. Menelik replies: and you wouldn’t be SINGLE lol Menelik Charles London England

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  45.   godiva61 says:
    Posted: 23 May 10

    @Ms. Petite, Hey Lady! How was your Saturday? Mine was great, but everyday above ground, food on the table, a roof over your head, good health, and of course having genuine love, and being able to love other's makes for a GREAT DAY!!!! Thanks for the compliment and you are very welcomed! No need to thank me, we are supposed to uplift each other, and if we can't say something nice then we should just be still and keep quiet!! I am, you are, we should be, our brother's and sister's keepers!!!! If we can't help someone along the way, then our living will be in vain! I'm thanking God for your presence! love godiva @friendly13, don't let those ididots get away with mistreating your child in that manner, kick some butt!!!

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  46.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 22 May 10

    @Godiva, btw I had forgotten most of the words until you wrote. My sister, the inspiration that comes with that song has always been powerful. Just as powerful as the words of wisdom you shared with me. Thank you ever so kindly for it.

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  47.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 22 May 10

    @MsGodiva Good evening lady! Hope all is well with you this evening. I so love the verse you put in my head earlier. Trust I shall keep it and use it. Keep your head to the "sky." *hugs*

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  48.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 22 May 10

    Comment by friendly13 on 22 May 2010: @ boots You have a very blessed wife. The reason I say that is because she is one black woman who can be confident that her black man is never going to embarrass her in front of people by running around on her and leaving her for a white woman. Unfortunately, you are alread taken and there aren’t very many blac men like you. I still refuse to narrow my options to only black men because of your ideal circumstances. But I am happy for you and your wife. --------------------------- Must co-sign with my sister on this! Love is a beautiful thang! Whether it be with two people of the same race or two people of different races.... There's nothing better than love!

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  49.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 22 May 10

    @Friendly: @ PetiteChick You know what the bible says about a man who doesn’t take care of his own household….He is worse than an infadel. Some men just don’t see that there is a blessing in taking care of their children. The sad thing is they don’t see the curse in not taking care of their own flesh and blood. Ain’t it ashame. Especially those who have the nerve to want a relationship with someone else and they don’t even care about a relationship with thier own kids. lol ------------------------------------------------- It's shameful and any man who would call himself a "man" who doesn't tend his children should be given corporal punishment! Spill, leave with some sorry excuse about why he left. Most often they complain it's the mother's fault. They don't want to deal with her. Well they DON'T HAVE TO. If they want to take care of their kids, they can. While I know most courts in our country decide on who is best fit to handle the needs of children in terms of parenting - there is still no reason why a man can not get visitation even if it is minimal. Excuses, excuses. I recognize many of these men didn't have their fathers around as well. But guess what - that ain't no excuse either. Shameful. Uugggghhhhhhhh.

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  50.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 22 May 10

    @MsFriendly: As well you should sue their asses for discrimination of accommodation. There are laws against such practices. The ADA is there to protect you and your son. What a load of crap! I'm an advocate, holler if you need me. I suspect you will not, because you know what you have to do. A wonderful mother indeed! Get em!

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