Why white men love the black woman
Ever wondered why some white guys, love black women so much?
It seems that being a white male and proclaiming your attraction to black women (not only sexually, but also romantically) may lead to a lot of controversial and dangerous things. Let’s leave the debate of why more black women may be opening themselves up to white guys. The main focus of this debate is: why some white guys are opening themselves to black women. Let’s concentrate on that.
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Most white males don’t feel like they are running short of white women to marry. White males just marry at high rates. So question is: Why black women? The thing is it will not be fair to bundle up black women as one since everyone is their own person… be it in appearance or personality.
However, one thing that a white male friend of mine said… and I let him get away with bundling it all up is: “We love a black woman's confidence, her tenacity and her undeniable achievements in the face of great adversity...᾿ Since this info was coming from a man, there was definitely the mention of the lips, the curves, and that wonderful skin as well.
So what about stereotypes like “black women are either sexually conservative or total sluts?" Many people give so much lip service to interracial dating sites. You would think they have never done it. But those uptight individuals are the ones that spread these stereotypes. What happened to the highly educated black woman? How about the caring, decent and involved black woman?
Probably most white guys and others are confused with the stereotypical trash people spread around and if you are one that falls for such lame ol’ lines, then you sure as hell haven’t dated a black woman.
Bottom line, you don't have to sacrifice who you are for a white guy. They will love you anyway. Just be you and open yourself up… and if you like white guys, some white guy will find you too.
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MzBrOwNSuGaR says:Posted: 22 May 10
In an attempt to make sure I'm not sending the wrong message, let me cover my hind end here .. When boots said: "….these white guys that claim that they love black women like, Conrad Zdzierak the bank robber .He wore the mask of a black man while robbing several banks.” I met a beautiful African- America woman she is the love of my life”…..WTF .. yet he is willing to be disguised as a black man while commiting his crimes ,thus showing his total disdain for blk men. These white dudes out there who proclaim their love for the blk woman have no love for our race at all.But they sure dont mind having a good bed partner………… My point is.. White men can claim they love blk women, have sex with them, and even get married.And still be racist…..I have no love at all for those kind." ============= to I said: "How can you make a general statement based on one article you read about one nut case? I know some militant, power to the people, black power, “whitey” hating bruthus who still bed and marry white women. That, you feel is alright?" ===== This was in no way a bash to black men who choose white women. Nor was I making a general story about them all. Just saying we need to stop taking one, or even a few instances and then sterotyping a entire group or race of people. Aight, on to the next issue.. but I gotta do it later. got somewhere I spose to be in 44 min
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friendly13 says:Posted: 22 May 10
@ PetiteChick You know what the bible says about a man who doesn't take care of his own household....He is worse than an infadel. Some men just don't see that there is a blessing in taking care of their children. The sad thing is they don't see the curse in not taking care of their own flesh and blood. Ain't it ashame. Especially those who have the nerve to want a relationship with someone else and they don't even care about a relationship with thier own kids. lol
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PetiteChick says:Posted: 22 May 10
Good evening everyone! Ladies, Friendly, Bamba, Godiva, BigEyes, MzBrown, where you at Tatted? Hope all is well on this beautiful day. @ Mr. Boots: Sir, I don't recall saying YOU said you adored Black women in one minute and then hating them in the next. I was speaking in general terms for anyone. Anyone meaning those that would date us, but then at the same time use an open forum to belittle us. That includes all men. I hope you are not confused by what I was trying to relay. If I said something to you in particular that led you to believe I was referring to you, then I apologize.
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friendly13 says:Posted: 22 May 10
@ Laurelton Queens I like your blog site. I checked it out.
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Laurelton says:Posted: 22 May 10
Dear Friendly Na, keeping her country ass here. I ain't taking no 20 year old girl with me to Florida. It is especially good to be single in Florida. They got some fine women in Florida. Anyway, I am out to see another woman tonight. Later Debra Dickerson I disagree with you on her. It would take to long to respond back. My blog gives you my rebuttal concerning this sellout.
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friendly13 says:Posted: 22 May 10
@ boots You have a very blessed wife. The reason I say that is because she is one black woman who can be confident that her black man is never going to embarrass her in front of people by running around on her and leaving her for a white woman. Unfortunately, you are alread taken and there aren't very many blac men like you. I still refuse to narrow my options to only black men because of your ideal circumstances. But I am happy for you and your wife.
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friendly13 says:Posted: 22 May 10
@ Mr. Laurelton Queens Yes, most of the people on public assistance are whites. But the ones who suffer the most from its reprocussion are minorities. I think we agree on that from what I read in your response.
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friendly13 says:Posted: 22 May 10
@ PetiteChick: I am sorry for the delay but...AMEN.
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friendly13 says:Posted: 22 May 10
@ Mr. Laurelton Queens Congratulations on the date white the beautiful young woman....I am glad you had a good time. Sounds like she made you smile. It is good to see a brother standing up for his lady. I like that....gave me chills just reading about it. Maybe you should take her with you to Florida.....
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friendly13 says:Posted: 22 May 10
@boots I am sorry but I as well as other sistas on this blog are either raising or have raised black boys. I was recently thrown out of an establishment because they did not want to understand my small son had a disability that cause him to be different. I let them know just exactly where to get off. I know that someone on here said something about just letting things roll. Well, if someone discriminates against my son I am not just going to let that roll. Not only that Mr. Boots, I also have a black father and uncles to boot. Black women know what black men go through. That doesn't mean that we should only chose black men for romantic relationships and while black men prefer white women right under our noses. That is just a copout.
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Laurelton says:Posted: 22 May 10
I release my new blog album "The Debra Dickerson story" What a spectacular fall from the "top". http://mrlaureltonqueens.blogspot.com/ She can't even bring herself to "talk bad about her ex white husband". The godmother of the sellout black girl movement is destitute at 51 and homeless. I guess Hell has no Wrath than a white man scorned by a black woman. They are unbelievably ruthless. The recession is really crushing sellout black women. I feel sorry for her biracial kids. They didn't deserve a self hating black woman like this. (Shaking my head)
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friendly13 says:Posted: 22 May 10
@ Mr. Laurelton Queens At least he did marry her. That is more that what some of the (yes, pause while I bash some black men) a lot of black men (boys) do. Marriages don't work out sometimes. When my black husband left me and our newborn baby I was homeless and hungry for a while, but I got it together. Hell, I still struggle from time to time. Lights off people laughing at me, talking about me. The choices were lights, homeowners taxes, phonebill, medical bills, homeowners insurance, car note, care insurance, etc. Well, the lights can get cut back on...but if I don't have a damn house I don't have a place for my babies to lay their heads. To me hud is not the better option to me. I want something to leave my four babies if something happens to me. Her issue has nothing to do with color. It is economics and common sense. Men tend to get paid more and work at jobs that pay a little (sometimes a lot more). If that woman was used to living a certain way, she was going to have to get used to living more conservatively. The downside of divorce is that you are on your own now baby. Ever seen "Diary of a Mad Black Woman" by Tyler Perry? That is why women should never get married thinking that he is going to do all the work and we are just going to sit lavishly at home and babysit all day while the maids do all the real work. Laurelton what would you do if it was you being taken for granted. Plus, there are two sides to every story. You don't know his side. Maybe she hurt him. Sometimes women take their men for granted and a chick who will work sneaks him out from under them. It is not right but it happens. That is not a white or a black thing that is a life thing. She should be strong enough to take care of her and her kids by getting a job, education if necessary, and then the man who left may realize that he really had a good thing. I don't know the womans situation, and I don't want to say that what I am saying necessarily pertains to her altogether. But I know this, I had an education and jobskills to fall back on in my situation. My house is not the greatest, believe me I am trying to make it a home, but I bought it with my hard earned money and not his. When he tried to come back I just said "No longer interested" Lol. Now I get to close the gate behind him as he leaves on visitation with his son. I no longer have any obligation to him at all. She is going to have to do the same. Sorry can't feel sorry for her or be mad at him. You shouldn't get all caught up in that either, in my opinion. But you know you can do and feel how you want to about that.
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MzBrOwNSuGaR says:Posted: 22 May 10
@ Queens LOL @ You. You know they use to say just women gossip and yak. There's a guy who has a barber shop not far from me. I've heard about the yakkin going on in there. LOL he good ppl tho. You right, I don't what you could have been thinking about going on Friday.
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friendly13 says:Posted: 22 May 10
Bamabelle2k9 Hit the nail right on the head.
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Bamabelle2k9 says:Posted: 22 May 10
GM ladies and Some gentleman. I'm going to put my two cents in on the subject. I think boots the problem with all of this is no one has a right to tell anyone who they should or shouldn't be dating. Black men have dated white women for YEARS and I didn't hear the outrage from brothas saying they should be with sistas only, but now that black women want to exercise their options, now there is outrage and the bashing of the sistas. Quite honestly sistas have been more loyal to brothas then some of ya'll been to us. I hear all the time that white men don't want us, it's not that they don't want us, a lot of sistas don't want a white man. They are loyal to the brothas to sometimes our own detriment. And then what sets sistas off about some black men marrying white women is when they use that as an excuse to bash black women. We too loud, we too fat, we too this or we too that. Rather then just saying I'm more attracted to white girls they got to have their reasons about it. I prefer and love white men not because I hate brothas but that's who I am more attracted to and who fit me more and I make no apologies for it. I think a lot of this is the inablity of some brothas to just admit they can't stand seeing a black woman with a white man. They can't stand to see good sistas taking up with a white man and quite frankly, that's how a lot of sistas feel about brothas with white women. But rather then asking why is this happening more in our community, the bashing on both sides continues rather then having a dialoge about the subject.
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Laurelton says:Posted: 22 May 10
Man The Debra Dickson story is coming! Homeless with her biracial children. The white man bankrupted her. What a damn disgrace from a Harvard Trained Lawyer. YEAH NEW ALBUM " I AM LIVING LIFE RIGHT NOW MAN AND THIS IS WHAT I WILL DO UNTIL ITS OVER (FAR FROM OVER) THE DEBRA DICKSON STORY The fall of the Godmother of the sellout black women movement. . This an EPIC FAILURE. Her white ex husband really "destroyed" her. (Getting in my limo to the blog studio)
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boots says:Posted: 22 May 10
@ Petitechick......lol...yes I did hear of that cop shooting himself.....blk men are easy targets and many times they make themselves targets.We(blk men) have many flaws as all men do ...but much of our present distress has been caused by overwhelming racisim, an issue that many young blk women cant seem to grasp,b/c the wider white society treats bw in a different manner than blk men . BTW from reading your various post I find that you too are certainly college educated and have good insight,like many others on this site.
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boots says:Posted: 22 May 10
@ all the blk ladies ganging up on me ......lol.. Iam a grown man so go ahead and fire.....I can say in truth blk women are the most beautiful women on earth...been happily married to one for 25yrs,...moreover I have never dated a white woman, kissed one,grinded on one etc. Nor do I secretly desire one,call me a blk racist if you like but that's how I roll @.....Petitechick,MzBrownsugar...you ask how can I adore blk women and then hate them in the next breath........first of all you wont find anywhere the quote from boots "I hate blk women"....to quote the Bible...God so loved the world......but he also sends people to hell ... maybe the good Lord has some ..ISM....back to the point, when you have blk women like that CHOCOLATE PRINCESS..TALKING ABOUT HOW SHE'S HOLDING HERSELF EXCLUSIVELY FOR WHITE MEN THEN SHE SHOULD BE BASHED.When she mentioned her great great grandparents being from New Orleans it reminded me of the Octoroons(beautiful light skin harlots) in the 1800s who held themselves for white customers only...I thought that MALARKI5 broke it down well...i.e the psych confusion these blk women have...I know you all disagree,but that's why were her talking right.@....Mz Brownsugar,as far as the bros dating white women , I tried to start that dialog months ago ....some of yall are newcomers....IR marriage what net gain has it brought to our people? none!
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Laurelton says:Posted: 22 May 10
Dear Mz Brown Man, things was going against me before the date. My Negro barber yakking away. I was like "son cut my hair" I got a girl I have to meet. He continues to yak. This girl comes in with her son. A black woman (She had a fat butt). I overheard talking about her baby father. So, Negroes in the barbershop (Philly cats with beards) was like "oh he locked up". She started "yakking". Maybe, she wanted attention from us. Her son was getting a haircut and he is about 4 years old. The kid was a happy child jumping around us. I was dumb getting a haircut on FRIDAY. Cats was coming in just demanding a cut. The barbers was like "brother it ain't even that a long wait". I was like "yea okay" if you wasn't running your damn mouth. We could be up out this bitch. You would think they would focus. You are a barber because you are dodging child support (That is another story) I finally get my cut and I change clothes and head to the mall. We meet up and head to the movies. Some white boys caught themselves saying something "slick to her". I turned around and "said what the fuck you said". They got to jogging a little bit. They might have felt we wasn't together. She is a mixed girl but she can pass off for white. Her white momma raised her country ass. The date went well. She is only 20 years old. I am robbing the cradle. Anyway, I am moving to Florida May 31. Na, I ain't spank her at my house. I did try though. She playing that "waiting game". But I won't be in the state after May 31. But her top did "fall off" like Janet Jackson at the Super-bowl. That is about it.
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godiva61 says:Posted: 22 May 10
@Ms. Petite, AMEN, AMEN, AND AMEN! Good Morning Everyone!!! Hello Ladies, Bama, Petite, Friendly, Ms. BrownSugar, Tatt, Sarah, Natalie! @bigeyes31, Where you been? I hope that you haven't forgotten about your big sister(lol). I do pray that you are happy, and well!!! Miss seeing you!!!! love godiva
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PetiteChick says:Posted: 22 May 10
To my beautiful Black sistahs! If we can all agree that NO ONE has a right to Bash us, call us names, belittle and degrade us, whether they be Black or White..... Just let the Chuuuuch say AMEN! I'm out I got to go to bed.
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PetiteChick says:Posted: 22 May 10
@Bigeyes! They have nice ones now that have come down in price significantly. She's dying to try it herself. I don't think she should though. Unless she got those tutorials down pat. A girlfriend of mines has some Afrocentric ones I want to check out. I will try some semi curl ones too, but not straight. Let me ask you this. I don't have to perm my hair to do a lace front if I were to consider it do I? That's the think I don't know. Now if I do for the neatness of the edges then I'll just stick to my regular wigs. Share the knowledge sis, share the knowledge.
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PetiteChick says:Posted: 22 May 10
MzBrownSugar!!!! Top of the Morning to you sis! It's a beautiful day here in New York (I ain't been to bed yet) but I'm good. I'm about to crash in a minute but before I do I wanna say you right! HOW CAN SOMEONE LOVE YOU IN ONE BREATH AND HATE YOU IN THE NEXT? IS THERE AN ISM FOR THAT? LOL. Seriously though, doesn't make sense if someone tells you they adore Black women (doesn't matter who says it) but then talk to you like you're a piece of leftover meat thrown away by the butcher's. THAT DON'T GO TOGETHER!!!!!! Teeheeee The constant bashing of sistahs is getting a little boring. What I state here is for anyone! KNOCK IT OFF!
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bigeyes31 says:Posted: 22 May 10
hey bama hey friendly and petite about the lace fronts, i haven't practice those yet but that is the next frontier for me,lol. I practice on myself when I was first learning to do weaves but then LATER realized that there were tutorials on youtube which helped even more...I know i'm late on this....lol ok y'all get back on your subjects....lol peace
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MzBrOwNSuGaR says:Posted: 22 May 10
l@_@Ks At Mr Laurelton Queens Now see, nice talking like dat will git you a kiss at the end of the date boi .. lol!!
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MzBrOwNSuGaR says:Posted: 22 May 10
Comment by PetiteChick on 21 May 2010: Hmmm, girl I stopped watching them channels. I had to…they are the “debil.” Teeheeeheee! ------- Uhhh yip... I went through that stage.. had dem packages coming quite often.. I had to come to my self lol
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MzBrOwNSuGaR says:Posted: 22 May 10
Comment by boots on 22 May 2010: …..the only blk women that should be bashed are the ones that hate their own people….they hate blk men so much …..I just wonder if they loved their blk fathers =============================================== These ladies here CONSTANTLY say they don't have anything against or hate black men, but just their attraction is for white ones. Where have they gone to make their claim? An interracial website, and more to the point, one that is specifically for black women and white men. Why is it right to constantly bash and insult them? You say you love and adore black women, and yet you have never said anything when some remarks have completely degraded all of us. Instead, you encourage it by saying it's "understanding" and "college educated…with good insight" When you love and adore something/someone, you are not comfortable nor take any pleasure in them/it being torn down and hurt or beat on. I for one, can live without that kinda love and adoration.. LOL .. 4 real
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MzBrOwNSuGaR says:Posted: 22 May 10
@ boots How can you make a general statement based on one article you read about one nut case? I know some militant, power to the people, black power, "whitey" hating bruthus who still bed and marry white women. That, you feel is alright?
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PetiteChick says:Posted: 22 May 10
It got quiet up in here. Where y'all go to bed? Teeheee, Bamba, Friendly?
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PetiteChick says:Posted: 22 May 10
Comment by Bamababe2k9 on 22 May 2010: Awwwwww well thank you. Like I said you and Mrs. Petite look great. ------------------------------------------- Awwwww thank you! Black don't crack, LOL. Hmmmph.
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PetiteChick says:Posted: 22 May 10
@friendly: I for one certainly don't want a Black man who runs out on his responsibilities. That speaks volumes if you ask me. And yes you're right! What Black women have to do in terms of heading up households is the thing that makes us strong! We carry the weight sometimes of both parents. All children need both of their parents. Like I said before money shouldn't even be an issue with child rearing. I recall a Baisden broadcast some years ago where he discussed this and the women were calling in all up in arms about his comments. While I don't care for Baisden, I agreed with him on that point. It's wrong. Doesn't matter what kind of spin you put on it.
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PetiteChick says:Posted: 22 May 10
@friendly I agree, there should be two parents there but that is not the reality for many black women. U.S. Society taught our men to make babies with us and run as fast as they can. Now, lets be realistic, that is not all black men. But the likelyhood of a black woman being a single parent either through out of wedlock relationships,divorce,or becoming a widow due to black on black crime (Malarki5) the chances are higher that we will have to head the house. --------------------------------------- Preach !
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PetiteChick says:Posted: 22 May 10
@boots Did you hear of the case where White cop shoots himself and blames it on a Black man? Get the hell outta here. Some crazy shyt, huh?
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PetiteChick says:Posted: 22 May 10
@ frienly: My boys are equal to white men you idiot. That is why it doesn’t matter if I date a white man. But since you think that you are inferior you will never see the point cut and paste artist, Now that's the shyt I wanna hear! Ain't nobody better than another. If anything we are equal because we shed the same blood (it's red). The money each makes in this country spends the same.
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boots says:Posted: 22 May 10
@ Bama.....well as I said its old stuff....but..about the blood in the car...a tube of OJ's blood was taken from him when he was arrested,and later only 1/2 of the blood in the tube could be accounted for .A blk man running from the police in cali is easy to explain...have,nt you read any of the reports about the rampart division out there shooting innocent blk men, framing them etc(Rodney King)......from what I remember of the trial OJ beat her only one time as reported to the police.....the only blk women that should be bashed are the ones that hate their own people....they hate blk men so much .....I just wonder if they loved their blk fathers
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boots says:Posted: 22 May 10
@ malarki5........man I just hope you stay on the case here..from what I have seen from your posts you have a good understanding of the bm/bf relationships here in the USA...and certainly college educated...with good insight
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Bamababe2k9 says:Posted: 22 May 10
I'll believe to the day I die he killed her. Nobody could explain away him whuppin her ass near death several times or the blood samples found in his car or the fact that he ran from the police and threaten to kill himself. Innocent people don't do that. I don't have a problem with brothas being with white women, as long as they don't use it as an excuse to bash black women.
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boots says:Posted: 22 May 10
@ bama.....did you really listen during the OJ trial..well I did!... just about every minute of the trial....I know its old stuff ...but OJ did'nt kill her....my theory is she was killed by drug dealers when she had no money to pay for her coke habit.....btw ...I think my blk bros are really confused when they pick a white women before a blk lady.......I think blk women are the most beautiful women on earth..at least the ones with their heads on right...@ Queens .....that dude is going to have a hard time in prison...here in ohio lucasville...he in trouble..with them blk cats down there.....Iknow b/c my brother been in there 10 yrs
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Bamababe2k9 says:Posted: 22 May 10
Awwwwww well thank you. Like I said you and Mrs. Petite look great.
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friendly13 says:Posted: 22 May 10
@bamababe2k9 You are going to get a lot of responses with that picture. You are very pretty just as I imagined.
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friendly13 says:Posted: 22 May 10
@ Mr. Laurelton Queens: I agree, there should be two parents there but that is not the reality for many black women. U.S. Society taught our men to make babies with us and run as fast as they can. Now, lets be realistic, that is not all black men. But the likelyhood of a black woman being a single parent either through out of wedlock relationships,divorce,or becoming a widow due to black on black crime (Malarki5) the chances are higher that we will have to head the house. I think that it is good that society is beginning to see the importance of both parents being involved. The welfare system for a longtime undermined black families. Now, society understands that if you are going to encourage something it should be dual parent involvement. We have to start somewhere though. Absent parents being required to pay support and getting some breaks when they are more physically involved with the child is making absent parents realize that it would be better to be a family unit that to just go out making babies everywhere only to findout in the longrun that your income is spread out to the four corners of the earth paying everyone elses bills excpet your own. I can't make my sons save their virginity. But I can teach them that they should prevent fathering a child with a woman they do not and would not marry. I can tell him the hardships he will face unnecessarily if they get a young woman pregnant that they are not married to and don't intend to marry. I can tell him about planned parenthood options and what will happpen if he doesn't take those options seriously. As a man, do you think this is good advice?
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friendly13 says:Posted: 22 May 10
@Malarki5: If you think you are worthless (I would agree). But black men are not worthless because they are black. You are worthless because you have no value. The reason you have no value is because you offer no incentive to continue this rediculous arguing back and forth that you do. Argue with someone there in London. Oh,well, I could speculate that you already have and havegotten nowhere with them so now you are on here. So, why are you single.....I know, because you are a bore. Black women don't want you, white women won't have you. Well, they say that there is someone for everyone I guess. My boys are equal to white men you idiot. That is why it doesn't matter if I date a white man. But since you think that you are inferior you will never see the point cut and paste artist,
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PetiteChick says:Posted: 21 May 10
@bamba you so cute! LOL. Work it girl. Umm I might get myself in some trouble over yonder, in other discussion but I just don't give a fly'n ----k! I hit you back at the other place already too.
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Bamababe2k9 says:Posted: 21 May 10
@Petite hey doll, got your message just emailed you. Thanks I like the "do" as well. :)
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PetiteChick says:Posted: 21 May 10
@Bamba I love your "do." It's cute on you. Love it!
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Bamababe2k9 says:Posted: 21 May 10
Petite you are going to have to send me a message at Bamabelle2k9 on this website. I should be able to read but i can't send you a message because I don't have a paid memebership right now.
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@Boots 7:12p.m. Comment by boots on 22 May 2010: @ Petitechick……lol…yes I did hear of that cop shooting himself…..blk men are easy targets and many times they make themselves targets.We(blk men) have many flaws as all men do …but much of our present distress has been caused by overwhelming racisim, an issue that many young blk women cant seem to grasp,b/c the wider white society treats bw in a different manner than blk men . BTW from reading your various post I find that you too are certainly college educated and have good insight,like many others on this site. ------------------------------ I used that as an analogy to say that I personally believe in general we have a long way to go in race relations AS A COUNTRY. I am in tune with what goes on in our country very much so. I'm a news junkie of sorts. But I am of the firm belief that we have to get past our own hurts as a race, examine how we got here and try to work on that. It does no good to bash, distort, belittle or whatever. It doesn't do our cause any good. That's just my opinion. There may be some who disagree with my premise, but I stand firm in that belief. Any time Black women and Black men try to come to grips with what bothers as when it comes to matters of relationships and issues of the heart it ends up with mud slinging, accusations, belittling, degrading and such. You know this to be true. I visit many many forums and other mediums where people of color congregate to talk. It's the same thing there as well. This disturbs me. It should disturb us all. This happens on both sides. I will not sit here and tell you that women have played no role in it. It would be a lie! We talk down to each other "at" each other rather than talking to each other. We have to examine the hurt. Because whether we want to admit it or not - this is where it lays. On both sides. Finally because there is so much hurt on both sides, we have decided to open up our options. BM/WM. Now, BW/WM. There is nothing wrong with that. But the end result still does not solve our own particular problems as a group. It masks it. There has been some hurting going on for far too long now. And the badgering only adds to it. I am sure you can agree that Black women get it from a number of angles (the badgering, belittling, disrespect etc.) We get it in the workplace as women and secondly as Black women. We get it from our men who don't understand us or choose not to understand us and wash their hands of us, we get it from White men and women. My father once said a man can fall down drunk in the street, wallow in dirt, get up, brush himself off and get up and still be called a man. That can not be said for a woman. I'm for opening up the dialog sensibly. That's what I'd like to see more of. This isn't the forum for it, but I'd like to see us understand one another a little better. So we can stop denigrating one of the most beautiful, but misunderstood groups on this earth!