Why white men love the black woman
Ever wondered why some white guys, love black women so much?
It seems that being a white male and proclaiming your attraction to black women (not only sexually, but also romantically) may lead to a lot of controversial and dangerous things. Let’s leave the debate of why more black women may be opening themselves up to white guys. The main focus of this debate is: why some white guys are opening themselves to black women. Let’s concentrate on that.
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Most white males don’t feel like they are running short of white women to marry. White males just marry at high rates. So question is: Why black women? The thing is it will not be fair to bundle up black women as one since everyone is their own person… be it in appearance or personality.
However, one thing that a white male friend of mine said… and I let him get away with bundling it all up is: “We love a black woman's confidence, her tenacity and her undeniable achievements in the face of great adversity...᾿ Since this info was coming from a man, there was definitely the mention of the lips, the curves, and that wonderful skin as well.
So what about stereotypes like “black women are either sexually conservative or total sluts?" Many people give so much lip service to interracial dating sites. You would think they have never done it. But those uptight individuals are the ones that spread these stereotypes. What happened to the highly educated black woman? How about the caring, decent and involved black woman?
Probably most white guys and others are confused with the stereotypical trash people spread around and if you are one that falls for such lame ol’ lines, then you sure as hell haven’t dated a black woman.
Bottom line, you don't have to sacrifice who you are for a white guy. They will love you anyway. Just be you and open yourself up… and if you like white guys, some white guy will find you too.
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laidbackfun7 says:Posted: 29 Jul 20
Black women are strong yet soft and caring. The black women I have dated have not been judgmental and were affectionate and did not shy away from showing their love for being with me.
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Smplymary says:Posted: 29 Sep 20
I want to be with you
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Amethystblue says:Posted: 11 Jul 21
Girl you sound creepy and desperate. Find someone who you vibe with. You come across as u will just take anyone white ans that’s off putting and offensive
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Tsomething says:Posted: 06 Apr 22
True that. I'm praying more bw can find a way to NOT be desperate. I've been single for God knows how long, but I still have standards. Men of any race must be vetted.
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Iphy1 says:Posted: 27 Mar 24
You will only attract the wrong white men, they are many on this site, sweet words but mean hearts.
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Nessa431 says:Posted: 27 Jul 20
Because we are beautiful and need to be loved and kissed on the lips
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Soulmate2u says:Posted: 06 Jun 20
Everyone has their personal opinions, experiences, and perceptions. There is nothing wrong with that. It is that "human experience" that makes us unique. Our "spiritual experience" is what makes us One, or the same. I'm not speaking of a religious experience, but spiritual awakening. To me, they are very different experiences. Not that one is right or wrong. Or that one is better or worse. They are just very different in practice and knowledge. My personal opinion and experience is why I am on this site, and other like it. To express my most personal and fervent opinion would be to shout in the Most direct, unapologetic, and confident manner, the following factual reality: BLACK WOMEN ARE THE MOST AMAZING, TALENTED, BEAUTIFUL, GORGEOUS, AND EXCEPTIONAL PEOPLE ON THIS EARTH. NO EXCEPTIONS !!! They are simultaneously the most under appreciated, neglected, forgotten, ignored and undervalued individuals in the world. This is my personal opinion, based upon my lifetime experience. I know I'm stating the obvious here and it has been said many times before. I get it that I am merely repeating a Truth that every quality man on this site already knows. That does not mean, however, that is less true. Or that my statement carries less weight. To me, it is as true as the sun rising in the East every morning. It need to be said Just because this Truth is known does not mean that it should not be repeated over and over. When one views a majestic sunset, there are a myriad of reactions. All across the board. That's fine. My reaction would be to state out loud something, like "That is the MOST Beautiful sunset I have ever seen. It's simply heart-stopping !" I feel that same Inner emotional reaction for Black Women. They are Gorgeous in the Most BREATHTAKING manner. I am in Awe of their natural, unlimited, unique, and Special Beauty. That emotional response is never ending for me personally. It's something that never slows down, or gets lost, or loses it's Truth, just because I feel it continuously. It is merely the most basic and obvious reality that I know. Some can accuse me of hyperbole. That's fine. I can live with that. Some can suggest I'm full of BS and not being realistic. Again, I'm OK with anyone's opinion of my feelings. That's their right. But it Does NOT, nor will it ever prevent me from commenting upon that Gorgeous, Magnificent Sunset. I will continue to express my deepest belief over and over. Some people tell me that if you say something too often that it loses its appeal or impact. It lessens what one is expressing. Personally, I refuse to accept that. If I am STRONGLY AND PASSIONATELY compelled to tell the Most Amazing and Stunning Black Woman in my life (My One and Only Twin Flame) that she is unquestionably The Most Beautiful Woman On the planet everyday in every way, then that is what is will do. Every Day ! And I will feel Truthful, Honest, Sincere, and Exited to do it every moment. I have nor fear or trepidation that such a deep and passionate feeling will be lost on the right Woman. I will admit, there are other ethnicities of women that are very pretty and lovely. This is no way takes away from their intrinsic beauty. The world is full of very talented, exceptional, and pretty women that are Asian, Hispanic, White, etc. I fully accept and admit that. But there is NO WOMAN that even compares the the Wonderment, Breathtaking Beauty, and Elegant Aura of a Black Woman. That is a Reality that we are all just now beginning to understand, appreciate, and honor. And it goes FAR BEYOND just the physical Attraction and Allure of Black Women. Their Real Beauty begins WITHIN and radiates through their being to the outer world of our perception. Their Outer Beauty, Gorgeous Physical Appearance, and Glamor is simply an outward reflection of the Magnificent and Exalted State of their INNER SELF. That is why they take our breath away and why they are so SUBLIME in totality. The more Black Women I meet and get to know, the more I realize the absolute Truth of my belief. It is so obvious and so real that I am sometimes confused and perplexed that more people are not shouting this Truth from the rooftops. This is my own individual opinion, for what it is worth. I will continue to express the passionate feeling until SHE is in my arms. And there, LONG AFTER THAT. Every Day that I am alive. It needs to be expressed over and over as the Truth it is.
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RuMyEbonyGal says:Posted: 09 Oct 20
So very true. There's good and bad in every race. I personally would give my life for that woman who I gave my soul to, without complaint, without hesitation, without any regrets in a heartbeat.
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gl34 says:Posted: 30 Nov 20
Wow thanks for appreciating the beauty in black ladies incase u have meant her may God bring that black lady to you. Amen
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PAwoman says:Posted: 24 Feb 21
@Soulmate2u: What a well written beautifully stated homage to black women!!!! Thank you so very much for such eloquently written commentary.
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tallguymke77 says:Posted: 05 Mar 20
If America were less segregated and the government wasn’t still systematically trying to oppress AA and causing a rift between working classes maybe this site would be obsolete? I mean, this is my outlook on it. But Is it possible to simply be attracted to ones skin tone and that be the basis of starting a conversation that leads into a friendship that leads to dating and marriage? If it were two black people would it be different than one white person and one black? It shouldn’t be right? But there so much weight attached to race in america that how can we ignore it? If a woman tells me she likes my hair color is that different than me telling a woman I like her skin color? (not out of the blue on the street lol but on a date etc.) It seems to me it’s a problem when someone likes the idea of something or someone rather than the reality. I’m truly wondering this and would love feedback. My question overall is - if we are attracted initially to the skin and body and hair etc. -if everything that follows (getting to know them, having a real, true connection that goes beyond that) is that a problem? Beautiful people! Please tell me your thoughts! Thanks
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TMC35 says:Posted: 06 Jun 20
Hello. To answer your question from my prospective, is I don't believe so. Why you ask? Because when we (men/women)first see one another, it is SOMETHING that attracts us to that person physically first. Be it skin tone, body shape, eyes, ears, lips....ect. The list can go on. It is really an individual thing on what is attractive to you. Just my thought.
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Chriss111 says:Posted: 12 Feb 20
I just think it’s a beautiful thing when two people from different races come together.
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Praying4You says:Posted: 27 Dec 19
The color of the man is not as relevant as how he treats me. I decided to venture outside my comfort zone but found no difference, other than color. Apparently, my confidence and self-sufficiency intimidates all men, regardless of color. I know how to submit to the leadership of the right man. I’ve had no luck with black, brown, or white men on any dating site, including this one.
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Kairitukega says:Posted: 31 Dec 19
Wonderfully put. Me too. Thing is. Most men are not goodvat spoting a good woman.
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Matz157 says:Posted: 07 Mar 20
I totally agree with you Kairtukega. I think men are terrible at that, whereas some women are terrible at spotting a good man too. To me, men go for the women who are 'up in your face' and not the ones who are more in the background so to speak. Also, a lot of men do not know how to treat a good woman when they do find one.
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mimifrench says:Posted: 20 Feb 22
It takes time sometimes. After my white husband I met another white guy six months later and we had a great relationship. But he moved back to another part of the country. Then although I had loads of requests it took 2 years including Covid to have found my new guy. Tonight he just told me that all he wants is to make me happy. I luv it.
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Etaiwo says:Posted: 11 Nov 19
All white me that have met are just player not serious and real
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nothingless says:Posted: 07 Jan 20
Very true...They don’t need to be with any black woman. They’re very disrespectful.
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Matz157 says:Posted: 07 Mar 20
I could say the same about black men too. To me, people are just people. There are good and bad in every race.
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tallguymke77 says:Posted: 05 Mar 20
How can you lump every single white male together?
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Titi1978 says:Posted: 26 Mar 20
I think some white men like black women just for sex nothing more
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blackbelle01 says:Posted: 30 Aug 20
Do you feel the same way about BM? Because BM use BW for sex that is why there are so many baby momma's in the black community. Baby momma break down from BM. WW 92%, HW 85%, BW 78% so who is the sexual predator again?
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KevinWinz says:Posted: 03 May 20
This is not true at all. I wish you did not have that view, but in order to have that view, it must have happened far too many times, with far too many of the same category men. There are still good men, outside of that circle.
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Blizzy123 says:Posted: 22 Jul 20
But that is it I have experience one as well
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caribswirl says:Posted: 27 Oct 19
I find that most white men are looking for black women just for sex. I also think that most white men are still embarrassed to introduce their black girlfriends to family and friends. Sounds ridiculous but it's true.
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WM4Ebony says:Posted: 02 Nov 19
It's not that we are necessarily looking for sex but I'll have to admit black women ARE extremely sexy and alluring.....and after all, it is what we see visually that is the first impression.....and sometimes that leaves one breathless and aching with desire......after you see a person in action then you begin to realize whether it's more than physical.....just saying.....
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fairytales2 says:Posted: 10 Mar 20
I've been in 4 relationships with white men and all of them introduced me to their families within 2 months of dating. I was also engaged to one I broke it off by the way. I think everyone's experience is different. I think most men will sleep with any women if you make it easy for them. Women have to be clear about what they will and will not except and good men will stay in the game if they are truly interested in you.
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Blackrocke says:Posted: 11 Aug 20
My attraction for black women is my natural self. It isn't a choice for me... it is me. Not embarrassing for me. My family and friends all know my preference. There is no shame for enjoying the company of a beautiful woman in my life.
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blackbelle01 says:Posted: 24 Apr 21
I am a BW and I have dated and have been married to WM for the vast majority of my life so what you are saying is not true. WM that date/marry BW have no problem introducing you to their family members. My husband passed several years ago and if I get married again or date again I will date according to my preference which is a WM who have treated me well.
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Amamaamam says:Posted: 30 Apr 19
White men are good and kind via showing love and they don't run away from their responsibility as a parent to their kids but black men can even abandon you when you are pregnant and the best thing black men do is cheating on their partners, black men like dealing with more than two women at ago and at the end failing his responsibility and we black woman are tired of keeping our children with no father love, but when you look at the side of a white men they really shows love to their families he can even die for his family, I just pray one day God listen to my prayers and give me a white man for my life husband forever and I will be so grateful
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Titi1978 says:Posted: 26 Mar 20
You are telling us this from your experience. Everyone's experience is different! Being good or bad depends on the person not on a race
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Ruth116 says:Posted: 15 Apr 21
At another dating site, I had a married BM try to hit on me, saying that he and his wife "had an understanding". I wrote back to him, NO CAN DO! I find most BM's notoriously abusive, unfaithful or both and he was most certainly those things to his wife. I don't need a character like him. My daughter married an individual like him, but she can't say that I didn't warn her about him.
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emeeme says:Posted: 06 Apr 19
White men are the best husbands in the all world. To me, there is no black man who can win a white man when it comes to love and everything. Black men just want hook ups, 90% don't marry women and they even fear responsibility. White men are very sincere, honest, trusted, loving and very straight unlike black men. Well l am in this site to fine my white husband, my king,my world. Once God helps me find my white husband, l will treat him like a king, cherish him, be submissive to him and love him for the rest of my life. Well i know that No one is perfect or an angel and that is why it is important to understand each other and forgive when he/she makes amistake. I love white men with all my heart and to me they are the most handsome men in the all world. Talk about the colour i just love it wow! Been disappointed with ablack man before and l have decided never to date a black man again in my life. l rather remain single for the rest of my life than marrying a black man. l never dated a white man before but i am convienced and very sure that they make best husbands and they remain number one in the all world and No one can change that from me. Oh! where are you my white husband?? I know you are out their and l know one day we shall be a happy family with our children.
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Zoli77 says:Posted: 07 Sep 19
Dear Emeeme! I am a white man and I tell you that NOT every white man is good for partnership! Many of them are players! Be careful! I don't think you are right with the idea that every black man is bad!
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Blkbeauty17 says:Posted: 07 Sep 19
This is true Zoli77. There are white and black men alike who are players and are not good for partnership, at least until they mature more. I'm a single, strong independent BW who would love to have a responsible man in my life, whether Blk, white, Italian, etc.
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Maume25 says:Posted: 05 Jun 20
I totally agree with you... Met losts of white perverts.. I've met good white men as well..
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gl34 says:Posted: 30 Nov 20
All people both black and white have different characters and personalities good or bad . You have to just pray to meet one who has a good character and right personality especially if u looking fr white men cz some have personality issues as well.
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Rcach99 says:Posted: 10 Feb 24
All races have got bad people and good people that mindset you have is bad. Just because two or three people treated you bad doesn't mean the entire race of black men are bad.
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Guitarzan65 says:Posted: 01 Apr 19
For me, it's a strength and confidence thing. With the submission of a black woman, I know full well that it is EARNED, not GRANTED. I like a submissive woman in private, but I also like a strong, sexy, confident woman by my side. I don't find that balance in white women. I'm too old to be bothered with "changing" my partner. And, conversely,I'm too old to change now . I have simply found that I am more accepted for who I am and what I do by black women. So I keep hoping to find the one that will stay.
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Sirengo26 says:Posted: 06 Sep 19
Am black woman and I will stay
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Kairitukega says:Posted: 31 Dec 19
They will stay if you do your part and are honest. Women follow where their heart goes. Just be yourself and the woman who enters yoir house for who you trully are, will never leave.
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Jayna254 says:Posted: 02 Feb 19
White men love black women because they are hardworking, submissive welcoming loving, caring and respectful. A black women will make and give you a sweet home where you will feel respected, comfortable and welcomed. I ain’t saying this because I’m a blank lady, but that’s what we are being taught as we grow up. To respect your man and always to support him.
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mimifrench says:Posted: 20 Feb 22
That is absolutely right. We were brought up to do our part in the relationship be the mistress if a well run clean home with good cooked food n well behaved children where we give our man our support respect and love. In return we get financial support stability loyalty and love.
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Bradockryan says:Posted: 24 Jan 19
I am a successful wm, and Jewish for instance I had a teacher in school keep me in the hall or back of class, to me it's an incredible flattery that people feel and treat me that way adversity caused me to leave school in the seventh grade and I never looked back I'm 57 now and. I dropped back to like 200k per year we'll every thing is paid for so why struggle, ebonic lady's are the underdog in so many ways so I want to share and be part of there success as well they are incredibly George's remember Moses married a nuben and the main thing is I need the word to know I don't play by there rules and yes as a Semite I do discriminate against be blonde haired blue eyed pencil liped white wemon I'll steal a princess from the getto any day and return with a queen spend 3-400 on an mk bag for a white lady and big whoo a sister will appreciate it and you for real it's all just very warm ... Thank you Bradock wolfson md,va and a hood need you !
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Lovely-4you says:Posted: 09 Jul 19
Nubian Queen here. Well said, someone's King. Still looking for my own, had one for 10 years.......
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Thedude1111 says:Posted: 15 May 21
When you have a relationship that long and knowing there was happiness in both of you for the longest and it ends up like that. Don’t it make you feel like everything has an end sometimes? Or what could it be is it having kids can make things difficult or economy or is it mainly the fact that it can get boring when you with same person for so long? We all know beginnings are beautiful but idk i wonder if true love that lasts exist. Because we see people live together forever but those people aren’t necessarily forever in love with eachother or at least not both. Of course there is some love but you know what i mean not like that big affection you have like the first few years. I assume one of reasons they stick together is cos they get too comfortable with being around eachother and don’t like to be alone or feel like its late to find something new. I’m 26 so just guessing. It could be anything that ruins a relationship but i know its hard for two people to both be happy for a very long time together because of different opinions and principles and it only takes some little hate and jealousy for things to get worse. It takes two special people and a great match for a relationship to past very long
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Bradockryan says:Posted: 24 Jan 19
I am a successful wm, and Jewish for instance I had a teacher in school keep me in the hall or back of class, to me it's an incredible flattery that people feel and treat me that way adversity caused me to leave s
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country60 says:Posted: 30 Nov 18
Most black women is tired of black men treating them like a piece of meat or getting hell beat out of them . More over these black thar go into these dating site are most differently looking , but I would say 65 percent is only in it for the money . As they say no money no cookie. These type of women needs to take a step back and take hard look at them self . Men have feeling as well and dont like to be played . But the man turns it around on them they become very mean and nasty .
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Annab2b says:Posted: 01 Dec 18
That is not true. “Most black women are tired of black men treating them like a piece of meat or getting hell beat out of them.” No woman would want any man to treat them like a piece of meat and getting hell bent. Quality of good men are far more scarce now than anything. I don’t date a man based on their race. I date based on their character, honesty and integrity. Most black Women do not hate or dislike black men. We are just becoming more open to dating outside our race because we know Love has no boundaries. I’ve come across one Caucasian man that kept bashing black men. He did it because he assumed I was dating outside my race because I hate black men. He was wrong. I dropped him like a bad habit. My dad, siblings, uncles and cousins are black. Why would I have a hatred for people I care and love. People need not make assumptions from the select group of people you’ve dated.
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Asia84 says:Posted: 30 Jan 19
I agree 100% on what you have written. I too have been in the position where I’ve had to end a romance with a wm because he felt that I should listen to him bashing bm..I love black men & white men..but sexually prefer a white male. My love for a black male is similar as that of a cousin, father etc. It has nothing to do with being treated badly/cheated by a bm. I think what is important is that we are free/ comfortable to date/marry someone from a different culture x
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sundaysun1. says:Posted: 05 Aug 23
If you want strong relationship forever and ever ,I prince am ready to be with you all my life.
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NewYorkGent says:Posted: 14 Feb 19
"I’ve come across one Caucasian man that kept bashing black men. He did it because he assumed I was dating outside my race because I hate black men. He was wrong. I dropped him like a bad habit. My dad, siblings, uncles and cousins are black. Why would I have a hatred for people I care and love." Good for you. You are so right to have dropped him. I am a WM and jerks like this make me cringe. We are all individuals, regardless of our ethnicity.
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divanita36 says:Posted: 28 Dec 18
According to research, white men tend to murder their spouses more frequently than it's seen in other races. If I like white men, it's simply a matter of preference. All races have their own bad persons
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Cap63 says:Posted: 16 Nov 18
Roverdog, I think in some ways you're kind of reinforcing the stereotype about what goes on in the bedroom. Not all black women have the stamina of an Olypmic athlete just like not all black men have big cocks and you run the risk of making yourself look a bit silly for saying such a thing. Now, to your point about the physical appearance there is some truth to that but once again, it's not a universal truth
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Roverdog says:Posted: 16 Nov 18
White men date Black women - not for love, it fullfills a fantasy - the stamina of a Black woman in bed - after all, White women are not aligned with stamina. It's more of a fetish, its sheik. Think about it: a middle age White man goes to a gathering of his male buddies [a business meeting, club social, etc.]. His fellow White male counterparts are accompanied by their white wives/girlfriends - many of them with wrinkled, pale, dried up skin. This guys walks into that room with a tight, vibrant, shiny Black woman - and the jaws of both women and men fly open. Its the same reason why White men like Asian women!
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Daltrx52 says:Posted: 26 Sep 18
For all you younger?? strong black women out there who have an age limit in your profile I respect that but Love truly knows no color, age, socioeconomic status or any other stereotype we are going to try an hang on this. I am/was?? in love with a strong black woman for over 4 years and she was 22 years my junior but things just didn't work out for us. But I'm still trying to find not the perfect woman but the perfect woman for me my age or any age. Oh by the way men over the age of 60 seem to be more settled economically and aren't into playing with your heart to get . We just trying to have a stable relationship where we can depend on the person opposite us of being as dependable, loving and stable as we are... no disrespect ladies...
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Justchin02 says:Posted: 04 Oct 18
I understand but that goes both ways there's got to be a long life chemistry and there's no Perfect People you have to work at a relationship in order for it to be like you wanted to be good luck
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divanita36 says:Posted: 28 Dec 18
Its rather understandable, but having a age limit on a profile simply means that she doesn't feel anyone above or below that age can be the type of person she needs, now, she might be wrong. But she's logically right. Take for example a young woman who loves to club, party and is a tigeress in bed. You might not be able to keep up even while doing your best. God forbid and heart attack. I guess the calmer females do not have age limits, you could always keep an eye out for them.
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Lovely-4you says:Posted: 09 Jul 19
Nubian Queen here, lovely and aged like fine wine. That is welcomed truth you speak, had white husband for 10 years, just didn't work out, I was 4 years older. Were completly in love with each other until the day we weren't
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Fejeerow_1 says:Posted: 16 May 20
Nothing wrong with having age limit preference.
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MrS3xxxyC00L says:Posted: 14 Jun 18
This is the only interracial relationship that America is comfortable with when it's a White man and any other flavor it's acceptable. The Loving family who had to take their Love of one another 2 the Supreme Kkkourt to get them to change the laws to make it acceptable for blacks and whites to marry it was against the law b4 that. Since that time and b4 Black men and whites women have been shunned dogged out by both races for being a couple to this day the hate is real in regards to Black men dating any other race as it is 4 white women. They get disowned by family members , looked at as trash , or being hooked on drugs by the black men of course. When I watch Tell....LIES...vision I only c 4 the most part white men and black women celebrated recent examples Serena Williams and her husband or better yet Prince Harry and Meghan , the show Scandal was about a side piece 4 the President played by Kerry Washington. Do U think they would ever develop any show with Will Smith and Jennifer Anniston as his side chick ? Never no never. All I see from media and sites with an interracial theme is just white men and black women even the marketing and promotion is pictures of white men and black women . There are other interracial couples besides white men and....? Me being a black man who dates interracially sees also the negativity that is associated with us dating other races vs a white guy being a positive for the person they are with. The propaganda is real even when dating interracially. Next time u watch Tell....LIES....vision and see an interracial couple I will bet u it will be a white guy and black woman bcuz that's all America can tolerate.
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Milhojas says:Posted: 06 Nov 18
Very true
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Arazmataz says:Posted: 16 Mar 19
Black men and white women have the highest divorce rate out of all interracial pairings.black men also have a high out of wedlock birthrate of 92.5 percent! They are known to be pump.and dumpers.So give me a break! White men usually end up marrying their love interest and if not...then ending up in a serious long term relationship with them.Black women and white men have the lowest divorce rate out of all interracial pairings.Society is promoting these two because they are the backbone and breadwinners of their own races.So quit playing the dumb act.
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NubianQnNJ says:Posted: 28 May 18
The media made up this ridiculous fantasy about white men who love black Women. On some level, I fell for this fantasy. But the reality is that most American men are afraid of what their family and their friends are going to say if they bring home a darkskinned short kinky haired black Woman especially white Women because it threatens their social status. In every society, there exists a social hierarchy. Ralph linton a famous anthropologist stated that there is a difference between achieved and ascribed status. Achieved status is solely obtained by merit. Ascribed status is what you are born into and is largely based on your ethnicity, race, and gender. In other words, a black woman like me who is independent, makes own money, has several retirement accounts, drive, own my own apartment, no kids, and makes 6 figs a year will not get the same preferential societal recognition as a divorced white girl who makes $35,000 as a cookie cutter, gets $25,000 in alimony and child support payments per year (which btw men can’t claim this on their taxes). A man changes his social status by marriage and divorces. American men marry White women because of the socioeconomic recognition that is afforded to them by society and the “powers that be.” The American man gets to receive social recognition from his family, his friends, his job, perhaps a promotion at work, access to interest free loans. But certainly at a cost. When the American man cheats on his white wife, and gets a divorce, he loses family and friend recognition, housing, his job (due to inability to afford child support garnishment payments), bad credit. He’s basically been reduced to the same status as a black Woman. This is why I honestly think these white men over age 36 are seeking black women. Because just like the black woman, society and the powers that be have no more use for them. You black Women are playing with Fire by going on the World Wide Web to profess your love for the American white men when they can be just as devious as black men. Both are equally misogynistic and project their lust of European features on black women. Lastly, via sheer misogyny the American man created the “ascribed status” that makes you black Women a permanent underclass.
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Zoli77 says:Posted: 07 Sep 19
I disagree with you! Black women are NOT underclass! Not any race! We're all the same! Humen with emotions, good and bad habits! We all have struggles in our life!
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funsingledad says:Posted: 02 Apr 18
I date all races. Beauty goes beyond skin. I have nothing to prove dating any certain race. My dream girl is a respectful, well spoken, tan-dark skin. Im 42, My experience dating white woman have not been successful. Respectful and naturaly submissive attitudes fade quickly. My experience dating black, asian, and latina women have been exactly the opposite. I think black women naturally are submissive and are fully respectful to their man. Asians are taught it. As far as attraction, black and latina girls are the most beautiful. And some of the best sex I have ever had was with a black woman.
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Estherbubu says:Posted: 14 Jan 19
You are right.submissiveness n respect is what makes a black or African woman.we believe that, that's what makes up a successful marriage.Thumbs up to yo experience n wisdom.
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Fakenews says:Posted: 19 Feb 19
You're right. The submissiveness of the black and African women is what decides! They are good and loving wives
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Markcdoc says:Posted: 02 Apr 18
I only date Black women and my hope is to find that perfect match, not looking for a perfect person because there is no perfect person but someone who matches with me. I believe great people come in all colors and races. When I'm with a Black woman I am proud of my Liberal perceptions that all are beautiful and especially for me a Black woman. I love the color of the skin, the features and especially the personal traits of a Black woman. I am simply much more attracted to a Black woman, no comparison. It is not a quest but a journey that hopefully soon will end with the girl of my dreams at my side. I did not mention sex because it is way beyond that, yes it is attraction but that is necessary in any relationship. It is being with someone you love and saying to the World "go ahead look at me look at us we are proof love has no color" maybe one day when the World is more perfect people won't even use the term "interracial" any longer.
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LovelyBones5 says:Posted: 13 May 18
Hey Mark, nice to meet you. Will you like to give me a try?
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Sweet_scent says:Posted: 03 Jun 18
Amazing write up! Thank you so much. Love should be found with anyone irrespective of race, social status and all those nonsense.... You just made my day with your response.
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gl34 says:Posted: 30 Nov 20
True hope one day it's not termed as interracial " so discriminative.
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Ch3rryme says:Posted: 11 Mar 18
I have dated white men and black men.But recently i was in a relationship that he begged for and made all promises that he never kept and then left with out saying anything and stayed away for 6 months . only to try and feed me the same old lies with extra bull crap. He is quick to say anything is a fact when it pertains to black women. I loved this man but i love me more so with that being said i quit looking for a relationship and choose to wait for him to find me . I am a beautiful black woman at 49 i do not look it . I want a kind caring man who is honest family oriented and funny and very mature. kind and considerate of human beings period. regardless of color. i like peace and comfort i like to laugh and joke . I want someone to agree to disagree and still love at the end of the day..I am attracted to white men and black men and any other man but i am turned off by arrogant self centered and people who feel entitled . you can be the finest drink of water and turn someone off by the words you speak . Be confident not cocky be open and honest and if it may offend then keep it to yourself.Know what you want. And if you care what your friends think and they influence you then date them
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Reggie431 says:Posted: 27 Jan 18
I suppose I don't know. I was raised and nurtured in large measure by black women in Georgia USA.
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Ladi123456 says:Posted: 23 Jan 18
Because we are so strong for everything and we value our husband also respect him, when some black women use to disrespect there husband but the pend how they brought up. I thank God for my self and I thank my parents too because they do train me,. They thought me how to Love, respect, value smdy, thanks, to forgive, cook, and how to worship God. And so on. I really thank God for the gift
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RMBE320 says:Posted: 21 Jan 18
I cannot speak for all men (race not withstanding), but for me, the color of a woman's skin is akin to the color of her eyes, or her hair or the texture of her skin: it is just a physical trade. To me, there is no defined 'pretty type' rather each woman I encounter in passing, or if she has a station around me such as work, church or a potential date has two primary stats that I judge regardless of her physical characteristics: 1) Her spirituality 2) Can we hold each others interest in interactions. Obviously physical attraction is what is the first attraction, but each person has a different definition of attractive, so that is subjective and therefore not relevant to relationship conversations in general. Aside from telling everyone that no one holds a candle to the beauty of the woman that holds my heart; and though other men do have pretty women, mine is the prettiest by fathoms. So that leads me to the two things that attract me. First her spiritual side. The most beautiful woman created might also be the wisest or the most famous or [insert amazing trait here] however to me, a woman that is in tune spiritually with her Creator (for me and my potential mate, it would be Jehovah, or God) is paramount as I want someone that would be intone with my life goals and priorities. I also see this as important because any two people will naturally have independent paths, histories, experiences, prejudices, goals, ideas and the such and it is already so hard for any two to sync lives now a day. Having a spiritual belief lifeline, or guideline as it were, in my opinion, removes the natural selfish nature of people and offers a focus other than individualism. I feel it aids in becoming one. It is my belief that if two are joined in one accord, with a spiritual link, the potential of a lifelong relationship increases. Secondly is holding the others interest. Be it conversations about each others day, good or bad, funny or sad, communications are the second key I look for regardless of race. It is not so much being interesting, but being interested in the relationship. I believe that if there is any walls in communication, the seeds of embarrassment, or fear or pain will take hold. If these things take hold, another wall naturally will be built: the wall to protect from hurt. Now your partner is being defended against, even if its petty or slight. Free, open, non-judgmental or embarrassing communications are essential to a healthy relationship. I have always tried to reinforce this by making this offer early in a relationship: Ask me the most embarrassing question you can think of for me to answer. Then I offer that again, then again, then again. I feel if I offer to place myself in a position where a woman will feel comfortable both asking, and hearing embarrassing things from me, naturally trust will be built, but more importantly, a communications comfort zone will be established. Communications can be in non serious forums, or even non vocal ones. Talking about silly things, odd things, dreams, desires, frustrations, jokes, chasing squirrel conversations (those are amazing by the way) or holding hands. Placing my hand on the small of a woman back as I escort her through the door I hold for her. Offering my hand to help her out a car. touch ing her arm wile in the theater. hip checking her wile we walk, Smacking her butt in public when I know no one is watching, but she doesn't just to get her reaction. These are non verbal communications I believe in that both sides should engage in. To sum up, safe from scrutiny spiritual, verbal and non verbal communications are what I feel make a man of any rage fall for a woman of any race.
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Lovely-4you says:Posted: 09 Jul 19
Wow, spoken in completion. Great thinking guy.....cudos'
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gl34 says:Posted: 30 Nov 20
Spirituality is under looked but it shud be put into consideration.
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preo says:Posted: 17 Jan 18
I have always love DA white men hope God bless me with one
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Oneatatyme says:Posted: 12 Jan 18
There is an inner arousal that has me drawn to her. A sensual presents flows from her. She is confident, powerful, seductive, caring and playfull. We both share each other's wants and needs. By being strong and caring too each other. She makes want to be a stronger man for her.
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sailor0930 says:Posted: 03 Nov 17
once you try the berry, the blacker the sweeter
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Stillgotit75 says:Posted: 15 Sep 17
I agree with this article but I know the white members on here never make the first move and I'm not use to that! I filter what I am looking for and matches always come up that are not my type! I give this site 2 stars ⭐️⭐️ Only I am not happy at all
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Mzdasdas says:Posted: 09 Sep 17
Trying to explain attraction is very tricky. It's sad that some relationships are judged and scrutinized simply because of the ethnicities of those involved. We should be careful when talking about preferences as well so as not to discount or discredit men of other races. I have found that in the end it's really about the vibe between two people. No one race is better for dating. I've been hurt by both black and white men and have had wonderful experiences with both. To say one is better than the next is cut yourself off from your universal abundance.
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luvgluve says:Posted: 07 Aug 17
Some are very sexy... depending on the woman,kissing is a gift they have,leaving you aroused and wanting more!!
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luvgluve says:Posted: 24 Jul 17
Great passionate kissing is one reason,the other is I love that how were treated by them,always holding hands ,feeling like a king,though there but one KING..:)
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Soulwriter38 says:Posted: 01 Jul 17
I feel like as a honey sun kissed brown woman i wpuld be "SEEN" and "APPRECIATED" in a foreign country other than America. Our beauty is beautiful and not the standard here. Its sad. I get hit on by like 20 yr olds which are to young which maybe speaks to that generation "swirling" is more the norm which is great or 50, 60 and older guys that had their families, their kids are ready to be bold and go after what they like. But that age group is way to old for me. Im in that generation where mixed couples were taboo. Gotta butn up my passport.
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FmaleLedRshp says:Posted: 30 Sep 17
And this is the issue I have, these 50 and 60 y/o White men aren't looking to date 50 and 60 y/o black women, they want the young and beautiful! I am entirely annoyed by this and have made it clear- absolutely No old men. Indicating age parameters only is a grand waste of time as it is often disregarded. The same type Black man I'd date is the exact type of any other race I'd date.
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Clancy1980 says:Posted: 03 Oct 17
What is your age parameter? And why do you think old white men are sending you these contacts?
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hifee says:Posted: 22 Jan 18
I totally agree. It’s irritating when I get requests from old white men. They totally disregard the age parameters and even the “no old men please”. They should stick to women their age or girls who have decided young men are not for them.
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DANNILO says:Posted: 19 May 17
Oh wow good platform..white guy was my first love but i was very young n my parents wer nt happy about my choice so i had to go black just tp please my family..n here i am today looking for a white man n will do wtever it takes to stand up for my decision. I was never happy cz my heart had always hv 1 desire..hope God will give me d one that ill grow old wth..
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marax says:Posted: 26 Dec 17
Wooh. That's cool.. Its same story with me.. Hope to get my king some day..
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Tuesday65 says:Posted: 05 Apr 18
We have to do what makes us happy. Parents and family mean well (I think), but the are from another “time zone”.
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Loveblack100 says:Posted: 10 May 17
I haven't dated a black woman yet,just working on it. For me it is actually looking for relationship for life. So... I love women who smile a lot and look like they are happy all the time,and there is a big difference with white and black woman. Here in Finland anyway.. i myself look happy and smiling most of the time,in public more often than at home. Negativity is like contagious disease. Black women seem to be more relaxed in general too. Then there is a difference in how they carry themselves(is that the right impression). Black women look more confident. I relate that to many other things,like intelligence and being comfortable about themselves. I find both of those things attractive. I can't estimate how much the fact that here in Finland white, mostly blonde,women are close to 90% of all women. So black woman are exotic too. I like being close and show my love by touching and for me it is very easy to talk about my feelings. Here those things often confuse white women as well as touching (for no reason they maybe think). I am 46, and i feel that i have deserved to live the rest of my life with a woman that appriciates all that. Intelligence,including social one,is sexy in my opinion. Who knows, i might be wrong as well.
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MissQTPi says:Posted: 01 Jan 18
I love intelligence in a man. It’s a pre-requisite
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pinotnoir says:Posted: 01 May 17
News Flash! Black women are beautiful period! Men love your blackness (hair, butt, lips, attitude) Her love is strong for her man. Men care that they are highly valued in your life. They feel it from you too in everything you do. Her intimacy expresses that deep love. Men love the love of a black woman. Men do you agree?
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luvgluve says:Posted: 07 Aug 17
Depends on the woman,some white possess the same trait you mentioned ..
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Clancy1980 says:Posted: 03 Oct 17
pinot..... you shored this up very well. There is something alluring about a black woman that is difficult to communicate verbally. I think you summed it up beautifully. The black women I have dated make me feel more like a man, without compromising her strength and femininity. A good friend of mine is married to a black lady. He sums up the difference between a black woman and white woman as follows. If you are out in public, and another woman begins harassing you publicly - your black girlfriend will come to your defense and need to restrained from hitting her upside the head. The white girlfriend, jumps inside the car locks the door and calls 911 with you still standing outside.
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aac9501 says:Posted: 16 Apr 17
As a middle-aged educated African-American woman I have noted that at the end of the day the essence and heart of an individual seek and desires to be truly loved, desired, respected and appreciated. My experience has afforded me the opportunity to have dated both sides. Is there a difference; for me there is. The biggest difference is not feeling as if I need to dummy down in order for the man I'm dating to feel adequate. The best assets (in my opinion) that a woman should have is confirmed confidence within without the validation of anyone, a warm smile and the ability to effectively communicate. Yes, I am a curvy, sassy, middle-aged woman (not girl). There is no one to be compared to or Who could ever be the best version of me.
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Chrishibbert says:Posted: 03 Apr 17
Oh another thing ladies that long bushy tight curly hair just looks TOO CUTE!
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Chrishibbert says:Posted: 03 Apr 17
I have only met a couple of black women, but they seem fun and not so demanding as white women, also black women have cute button noses I love, they have lovely beach skin that looks fantastic in a bikini diving into the surf, and they seem to be appreciative and respect their man.
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Ry504 says:Posted: 03 Apr 17
Even though looks and appearance should not mean everything, it usually does for all us men. We respect and appreciate your mind and personality, because it is what makes all races and genders of people unique, but at the same time, we can't deny the fact that brown skin is more attractive (regardless of curves), in my opinion.
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Godloveher says:Posted: 08 Mar 17
Happy international women's day to you all....on this day 8/03/2017.
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chantel29 says:Posted: 28 Feb 17
I agree its a silly questiion. Its not just 'white' men that love black women. All races love black women. And its not just white men that joins this site. I for one just want to find a DECENT MAN. I don't care the colour of his skin. As long as he meets the attributes I am looking for in a partner that's great. I kind of gets put off with profiles that say. 'Looking for a black women' or 'black women are the best' as I am a black woman myself I would not want to know that a 'white' man is with me just for the colour of my skin. I want to know that he is with me genuinely as his equal, someone that he can't wait to come home to and can't possible live without. And loves uncondionally. I don't see skin colour. I see a human being and if he happens to be white then that's great. And there are all diffent races of men that are great. Its time people stop talking about black, white, brown etc. And see people.
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pinotnoir says:Posted: 01 May 17
ahem! Many black men date black women according to the color of her skin. Just sayin'
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myvibe says:Posted: 25 Feb 17
I like white guys, hopefully see one to settle down with. Everyone have their own mind of their own, and think different, so we also love differently. when you like or love something you don't ask why, is just happen!!! Black women are strong no matter how the world looks at them....we don't give up, we try to make things work no matter the consequences.......we love and respect our men.... so is there any reason why any man won't love us? In quote there is no why...... love sees no boundaries..
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gesis says:Posted: 09 Feb 17
Love is blind , it doesn't see colour. Sometimes it all has to do with the chemistry between the two individuals , the attractions , that magnetic feelings that hold the two together so powerfull that even if one try to pull away it's just difficult to let go.....that the power of love
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Goodgirl007 says:Posted: 07 Feb 17
I don't think that it matters. You like who you like; you love who you love.
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Elegantbae says:Posted: 30 Jan 17
I have always been attracted to white men, so I am hoping that I will find my white guy here who is ready to start a new chapter with me. Maybe have mixed babies
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BeachBrat says:Posted: 22 Feb 17
Mixed babies?!!?!! You should say that you want a healthy child not mixed babies. Lol
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skeletonlove says:Posted: 18 Jan 17
It's the beginning of the year,,,its too early to give up.i still have three quarters of patience left i will wait a little longer,,i know it will happen soon...# confidence *
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I have been attracted to Ebony women since age 15 and hope to oneday find my Nubian queen to settle down with
Come here
You'd be a pretty pair!
I,m also looking for white men who is no what he need and who is serious ayou the one am looking for
@cass02; Although I appreciate your attraction to us black women, and please don't take this defensively, but some of us do not like being referred to as " Ebony women"