Why white men love the black woman
Ever wondered why some white guys, love black women so much?
It seems that being a white male and proclaiming your attraction to black women (not only sexually, but also romantically) may lead to a lot of controversial and dangerous things. Let’s leave the debate of why more black women may be opening themselves up to white guys. The main focus of this debate is: why some white guys are opening themselves to black women. Let’s concentrate on that.
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Most white males don’t feel like they are running short of white women to marry. White males just marry at high rates. So question is: Why black women? The thing is it will not be fair to bundle up black women as one since everyone is their own person… be it in appearance or personality.
However, one thing that a white male friend of mine said… and I let him get away with bundling it all up is: “We love a black woman's confidence, her tenacity and her undeniable achievements in the face of great adversity...᾿ Since this info was coming from a man, there was definitely the mention of the lips, the curves, and that wonderful skin as well.
So what about stereotypes like “black women are either sexually conservative or total sluts?" Many people give so much lip service to interracial dating sites. You would think they have never done it. But those uptight individuals are the ones that spread these stereotypes. What happened to the highly educated black woman? How about the caring, decent and involved black woman?
Probably most white guys and others are confused with the stereotypical trash people spread around and if you are one that falls for such lame ol’ lines, then you sure as hell haven’t dated a black woman.
Bottom line, you don't have to sacrifice who you are for a white guy. They will love you anyway. Just be you and open yourself up… and if you like white guys, some white guy will find you too.
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Rocketman201 says:Posted: 13 Jan 17
I just wonder why its so important to know why? Its a silly question. If people see or hear different Right away they want to know why this.....why that.....why? Why? Why? This is why racism still exists. Humans crave difference. Humans enjoy difference But to ask why? Is just silly In todays world we are allowed to be attracted to different. But need to know why. Why are gay woman attracted to other woman. Why are gay men attracted to other men. Why are younger woman attracted to older men. Why are younger men attracted to older woman. The reasons for this depends on individuality. We are all different but most of us just need to know why. If I am attracted to a woman because of her color then thats my choice.....because thats what attracts me.......I dont feel I have to explain why....Its my attraction Not yours. But My personal opinion would be. Physical attraction comes first.....its what you see that attracts you......weather this woman is a good woman or not has "NOTHING" to do with color or race. Society needs to go find a hobby and stop asking silly questions about interacial relationships. So heres my answer. Why do white men love black woman? Because we are allowed to. 75 years ago we we not. God bless evolution.
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blackbelle01 says:Posted: 14 Jan 17
Rocketman201. I agree with everything you are saying. This should be a mute point by now. People like who like who they like.
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Dwmcsherm says:Posted: 12 Feb 17
Wow!!! I completely agree with you. I'm going to use some of your lines next time someone ask why I date white women. My attraction not yours
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myvibe says:Posted: 25 Feb 17
We are all humans created by one God... also we breath same air, so what's the different (color) and does it matter NO..
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Soulwriter38 says:Posted: 01 Jul 17
Its more an American construct. We are so fixated on the outside. Who cares if you find someone beautiful and you connect.
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Browneet says:Posted: 20 Jan 18
I so agree with you Rocketman201..love your saying
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Uno_Kay says:Posted: 05 Jan 17
Just reading some of these comments and I got to admit no one really knows the real reason why white men love black women so I'm just going to follow my heart and take it from there, any color is cool with me, just want to be loved. Hopefully this year is my year
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BoxiieF92 says:Posted: 29 Dec 16
When I was a little girl growing up in Montreal, I told my mom that I would marry a white man some day. Then I moved to New York and dated nothing but Black and Hispanic men. Besides the fact that there weren't many white men around, it just wasn't the norm. Last year I dated a white man for the first time and it's just different. How open and affectionate he was was a breath of fresh air. Granted, everyone is different regardless of ethnicity or skin color, I've just always found white men very attractive. Now having been in the military and lived around a bunch of different races, I think the elementary school me had the right idea. Now I've put it all in God's hands and I'm waiting for Him to send me my God fearing white man.
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AnyMo says:Posted: 08 Feb 17
Is like you're telling my story...cause that's my story and even my wish..
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Williamross says:Posted: 13 Dec 16
Can you please to help looking for female black penpals like to beautiful good nice
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Dorothy1986 says:Posted: 08 Dec 16
I joined the site mainly to find a white man. They is something that is different in them. i really hope that i find my white man who will settle down and have a family with me. Those who wait always get the best. Am being patient.
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Uno_Kay says:Posted: 05 Jan 17
Yes waiting is key, no rush
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Slowhand12 says:Posted: 26 Feb 17
And I am waiting to find the lovely woman of color to share my life. Patience? Yes.
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Miszsasha9 says:Posted: 22 Nov 16
I just have a thing for white guys it's inborn not that black men are not cool ....wish I will find the perfect white match someday
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Mr_Frivolity says:Posted: 15 Nov 16
I'll add my two pennies worth here! I don't like generalisations or stereotyping in any way. So it would be wrong to say "why white men love black women" as unfortunately there are many who do not share that view. Our history shows this isn't true and even today, there is still a level of racism, sexim and bigotry that is both obvious and yet far more subtle and thus more odious and repellant. But..there are of course white men who love women of colour. Now here, that's a safe space to admit such a thing. But in the wider world it would be treated with contempt or riducule which is unfair. Then of course there's the labels: "fetish".."jungle fever" and so on. Yet no one questions a woman if they say "I like them tall, dark and handsome" or man who says "I love blondes, they're my kryptonite". Just a bit bizarre, don't you think? Anyway, digressing here. I guess I should should say why I'm here. As noted above, I love women of colour. Ever since I was very young (before puberty) I always had a special attraction towards women who I thought were different and stood out (I won't use the term 'exotic'). This isn't because I'm looking for my first 'black experience' but purely because I find black/brown women incredibly beautiful, alluring and fascinating. Perhaps growing up and living in a 'white society' I've been starved of proper contact with people other than my own ethnicity. Either way, at the end of the day we can only like and love what our hearts desire. And as long as it's pure then what's the harm? I will haten to add that yes I find WoC very attractive but I couldn't fall for one if she wasn't intelligent, kind, generous, loving, independent nor with a good sense of humour. I'm not after a trophy or prize, just someone who accepts me and would like some company.
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62million says:Posted: 16 Dec 16
Interesting, since 5th grade I've had this attraction for the white male. Having dated both, most of the white guys treated me better. My best friend for 41 years is white. So was my husband. Been a widow for 17 years now. But haven't been successful in a new love yet.
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Godloveher says:Posted: 07 Nov 16
Hope to find my white soulmate on this site.
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Jessng says:Posted: 13 Nov 16
Hope you will found someone soon .. Good luck to you
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Sonny5858 says:Posted: 23 Oct 16
I am a white male and I was happily married to a beautiful African woman for 14 years until I lost her to cancer and I would not marry anything else except another African woman I am looking I hope you're out there somewhere
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Dorothy1986 says:Posted: 08 Dec 16
Sorry about your wife, have strength and be patient, she will lead you to a good person
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Asiphi says:Posted: 07 Oct 16
I'm from South Africa and I love white guys but seems not to be easy to find them
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Doopsey says:Posted: 05 Nov 16
I agree also looking for one to love seriously but not easy to find...im fikie
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master4slu says:Posted: 26 Sep 16
I love women and do my best not to judge on superficial things. What is most important is how she treats me and others. I really hate fake people that say one thing to your face and another to your back. I still believe women are Gods gift to man, and should be treated as such.
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AHappyLady says:Posted: 23 Sep 16
I never explain why I am attracted to white men. I just am. Period. Always have been. Some people like chocolate ice cream, some vanilla. And who says you MUST be attracted to someone who has the same ethnic background? Who made that rule? I ignore all the naysayers, the people who say I have 'self-hate' (sooo ridiculous). I have never paid those people any attention whatsoever. I am glad there are sites like these where you find people who, finally, are not afraid to acknowledge their preference. Good luck to everyone...myself included!
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Tre66 says:Posted: 19 Sep 16
Skin color, body features, more willing to open themselves up
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Chris2791 says:Posted: 09 Sep 16
I can't really put a finger on why i like black women. I grew up watching beautiful black women on tv like Sade, Sheila E, Janet Jackson, Angela Basset, etc. I always thought they were so beautiful. All women are different, no matter the color. I will not make a blanket statement like "all black women, or "all black men", that is basic stereotyping, and borderline racist. Yes, i do love the color of thier skin, lips, etc. I love intelligent, caring women, but if they are mean spirited inside, then they not for me.
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nnesh says:Posted: 10 Nov 16
Totally agreed,I love white men I always admire them...just wish to be lucky to find one dome day,...
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simonjoy says:Posted: 08 Sep 16
I just love white guys. Naturally,I wish 2 b lucky 2 find one someday
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Chrishibbert says:Posted: 03 Apr 17
You certainly will you have a beautiful face!
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jimmyjbird says:Posted: 04 Sep 16
That is beautiful heart full story glad see happy
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Aristoteles1 says:Posted: 14 Aug 16
White men like non-white girls because white men don't really care about skin color and would date women of any color. That being said, white women are by far the most provileged class of people to have ever walked the face of this planet and all they can do is complain, black women (and women from asian countries or eastern Europe) on the other hand seem to appreciate us white men more than the average white woman (And men wan't nothing more than to feel appreciated/needed/useful). Besides this, black skin is just jummy and the sex is more fun.
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rosej8 says:Posted: 27 Feb 17
White man doesn't see color? History and currently now says otherwise..
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Uno_Kay says:Posted: 13 Aug 16
This article is great, i just love the way white men look at me and smile, am just waiting for a hi or in there words, u r so beautiful
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sam753 says:Posted: 12 Nov 16
Hi and you are beautiful wm gbr 753 at gmx mail dot com
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Dreamstarr says:Posted: 07 Aug 16
The father of my kids is white. I Loved him so much but he could not give me that love back. So l left. Now he's regretting, but it's too late. I'm looking for that man who can love unconditionally.
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joymbulus says:Posted: 02 Aug 16
I soo love white men since I was a young gal til today I hope one day I find my true love from them...xoxo
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Wedoj says:Posted: 14 Nov 16
Even me,but am still waiting for him to come over
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Judy-95 says:Posted: 31 Jul 16
Percentage wise, most white men secretly like/admire black women, I prefer the term dating out of culture, but it is the fear if being judged for dating a woman of colour is not a crime
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TeeCee77 says:Posted: 27 Aug 16
Agreed Judy-95. There are quite a few white men that secretly like or would want to date black women. On my job I know this to be especially true. You can just tell in the way they interact with you. For some this would be taboo but you know deep down they are feeling something or just plain curious. However, they let you know in their own way they are interested they are just afraid to admit it.
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rockleahy says:Posted: 22 Feb 17
I agree completely. I am confident, that a large majority of white men not only like and admire black women, but, truth be told, prefer them, above all women.
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Estrela24 says:Posted: 25 Jul 16
Well at the end of the day you have to surround yourself with people who want you to be happy and support you. I'm just saying the opinions of people who don't care about your happiness shouldn't matter to you✌
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QueenCreole says:Posted: 24 Jul 16
Well I feel strongly that we as people only look at the color of a person. Which is the outside and never looks at what is on the inside. God created man and woman he didn't say I'm going to create a color format so they can tell each other apart by their color. It doesn't matter we all are Gods creation we all have what he crated us with. God doesn't look or sees color he see his creation. So why should we. Thanks for reading my comment take care and be Bless.
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Kimblelene says:Posted: 13 Jul 16
I've never dated a white guy before, but from observance, I like how confident and appreciative they are where their woman is concerned.This is why I've decided that a white guy will now be my way to go :-)
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TeeCee77 says:Posted: 27 Aug 16
I've recently met a white guy on another dating site. He specifically dates black women. When asked why he said that he finds white women hard to talk to and as someone else stated on another site they are too privileged. Though I love my black brothers I find it hard to get a real commitment from them. I'm sure this can be said for any race but it seems to me so far that white men are more likely to comitt and marry. So I too have decided to take a chance and date outside my own race to see where or how it will end. Sometimes you have to step out of the norm or out of your comfort zone to really find true love and happiness no matter what race or creed or color you are.
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Browneet says:Posted: 20 Jan 18
Amen sista...God bless you with what you want and i hope God send me the right white men..im attracted to wm..every since i was about 4 years old i dont hate my own race (Bm)..im just not attracted to them anymore..i just dont know why but ive always find wm attracted..
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Doro2 says:Posted: 13 Jul 16
I love the white guy so much,they do take care, lovely, honestly and romantic.muah I love them.
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Chrishibbert says:Posted: 03 Apr 17
Funny that, Asian women say the same thing about white guys being more romantic and considerate than their Asian men.
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scoffy60 says:Posted: 02 Jul 16
My special saying from my black wife, "oh my God I kissed a white what will people think". scoff
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HankR60 says:Posted: 21 Jun 16
To tell you the truth, will the black lady accept the white guy? Some black women feel that dating a white guy is going the wrong direction. And yet there are many black women who want a white man, cause he's dependable. I find it hard to meet a black jewel, cause she's afraid of what people will think, and say.
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Leanie69 says:Posted: 25 Jun 16
Sometimes the white gentlemen feels the same, especially here in the south. Most white men are afraid of what their parents will think.
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chrisz5z says:Posted: 02 Jul 16
"most white men are afraid of what their parents will think"... there will always be exceptions, but the younger the white man is the less relevant that thought becomes. I'm 31 and that has never been an issue for me, nor has it been for any of my white friends
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joymbulus says:Posted: 02 Aug 16
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PAwoman says:Posted: 27 Mar 17
Well thats absolutely true for you because it's a different generation. Different time and era.
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Chrishibbert says:Posted: 03 Apr 17
Agreed, my parents don't care as long as she is a nice person the race doesn't matter
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Ch3rryme says:Posted: 05 Aug 17
1st a man or woman worry or care or pay attention to what others think or how others feel about what they are doing then they need to grow up and become an adult first because other people can make you miss your happiness I say if you are grown and capable of making decisions and want true love put God first and do what you have to regardless of what someone else thinks . my ex and I was good together but the end result he just couldn't grow up and standup for what he wanted bit I will find a nother man who this time will be truly a man color doesn't matter but if you are over 40 and worry about what others think they are the ones who shouldn't be in your life . real talk
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Aristoteles1 says:Posted: 05 Sep 16
I don't even care what my mother thinks or my other family members for that matter. But then again... I think they only care that I'm happy, they don't really care in what way, shape, form or color that happiness comes in.
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blackbelle01 says:Posted: 24 Jul 16
Not all BW care what people say or think I know I don't. Remember that song I was country when country wasn't cool. Well I have dated and married a White man way before it was considered cool or acceptable to do so. I think that more BW are realizing what I have always known and that is that love knows no color at the end of the day its all about how you feel about the person you are with
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Dorothy1986 says:Posted: 08 Dec 16
It doesn't matter what people say or think, what matters is how the two of you connect. Listen and take advise but make your own decision, its important when it comes to matters of the heart. Have got lots of love waiting to give to give to a white man that God has out there for me. As usual am being patient
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Truvine1980 says:Posted: 28 Oct 18
Hello Dorothy, am interested in you. Pls my contact... I will b glad if u do.
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62million says:Posted: 16 Dec 16
Hank, you are in the age range where it was against the law for interracial marriage. So it may be a little bit difficult for you. But keep the faith and ask the Lord for what you want. Amen t
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Summer_03 says:Posted: 28 May 17
Black woman don't care what anyone thinks, really. ...Yeah I think so. We've been through too much. Life is too short, we live in the now. And therefore we should live.
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Summer_03 says:Posted: 28 May 17
I'll add that, you may hv a point n I see where u're coming from. It mayb scary for both sides. A blck woman may fear the - fetish man. That the wm only wants her because he has a black fetish of sorts. ..alright, this is a safe platform...so. I had a relationship with a non black man, for 2 and a half yrs. In the midst of one argument he said to me "..I'm only going out with you, just to see how this blck n white thing is."
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Ruth116 says:Posted: 10 Feb 24
Glad you kicked that slug to the curb! You deserve better. I got a message from a wm member here at IDC, saying point-blank that he was looking for a BW to "hook-up" with. I wrote back to him that since he doesn't think I'm good enough to be his wife, VAMOOSE, BRUCE! I want to MARRY UP, not hook up. I went through that with my daughter's WM father and I'm not about to have it happen a second time.
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Curlio says:Posted: 07 Jul 17
I like white men,and I would love to have one in future.
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hotcott says:Posted: 11 May 16
I just love some white guy's, they are so intelligent, understanding, loving, caring, kind all of the good stuff. I love them so very much !
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friartuck16 says:Posted: 06 Jun 16
As a white man who has multiple black women and has bi-racial children, you just admire their strength,passion,and freedom of personal expression
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HankR60 says:Posted: 21 Jun 16
Nice to read your kind words, you know how warm a man's heart.
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unodde says:Posted: 11 May 16
There is no definitive reason why individuals love each other. There is an attraction, a spark, a flame...its just that unique bond that becomes stronger between two souls. Can't really say "white men love black women" based off of a small percentage of the earth when there are white men who hate black women. As this applies to any other race.
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DFCU says:Posted: 12 Apr 16
colour doesnt matter what matters is love and comitment
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Godf1st says:Posted: 12 Apr 16
Interesting, chemistry counts, plus white men can b very romantic, nd we as black women like to be loved the way we give love!
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rosej8 says:Posted: 17 Apr 16
SOME white men.
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Angel4King says:Posted: 26 Apr 16
I agree..I think all men of any ethnicity can be extremely romantic but, it does seem that the men who I have dated who have been white have been more open emotionally, and vulnerable emotionally. At times I was the one not used to that and not mature enough to appreciate that because those qualities were not so transparent in other guys that I had previously dated who were black men. I'd encourage men and women of all colors to be open with how they feel and what they need from their partners. Its really important in lasting relationships.
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Chuchum says:Posted: 01 Apr 16
The culture one grows up in matters too and the environment
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NYGriego says:Posted: 31 Mar 16
Growing up Greek American where I grew up in NY, opened my eyes very much. In my school the kids ranged from black, white, hispanic, and then... me. I was not black and I wasn't "white enough" for the white kids because I spoke a different language and so I was "adopted" into the Hispanic group. Being around the hispanic kids in my school most of the time had taught me a lot about people and cultural differences. As I began my journey into puberty, I began noticing girls of all shapes and shades and how they carried themselves. I did a simple process of elimination by courting a girl from each group. I quickly found out that white girls had a lack of culture and didn't know who they were. Next, black girls. I liked how some carried themselves and how much they were into their culture but I felt as if something was missing. I didn't dismiss them entirely, I just set my point of view aside for the moment. I then tried Hispanic/Latin women and I felt like I was home in the sense that they could empathize with me and my families trials and tribulations of growing up in an English speaking society and how we also had to assimilate our parents culture and the American culture and then try to make sense of it all. Little by little, I found out that these women came in all shapes, sizes and shades. I was a bit partial to the darker girls because they carried themselves like how the black girls did but there was just something extra about them that I could feel even more comfortable with socially and psychologically. For me, it's definitely how a woman carries herself, how she knows where she came from, along with her "curves... edges... and perfect imperfections."
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melissa1991 says:Posted: 10 Jan 17
funny you decide to write this long paragraph here after you just sexualize a woman for having a picture with her tongue sticking out.
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Charismat says:Posted: 28 Mar 16
It's about chemistry,there's no different,only difference is black women have a lot of potential,love is incredible.
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Guisepp says:Posted: 13 Mar 16
Another awful article with very little (if any) substance. Is the author making stuff up as he goes along? How about some real data showing evidence one way or the other? More than one anecdote from one person??? I'll offer up another point of view. I date black women for the same reason I date Korean women, Albanian women, Hispanic women, etc. - because they are novel. They are different than me and therefore interesting. Plus white women tend to be picky and bitchy, with not enough going for them to be that picky and bitchy. I'll pass on that, thank you very much.
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jorancho says:Posted: 08 Mar 16
I am mixed race (Créole-Italian) I have always dated & preferred Black women. I find Black women more sensual, beautiful, they have my admiration my heart . Only looking for that one special lady to spoil.
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penelope77 says:Posted: 16 Mar 16
sono molto contenta che tu sei innamorata le donne del colore . Non'e bisogno lo spechio per vedere se everro o no ma communque ogni uno de noi abbia il suo gusto e come sono passo per uomini bianchi e figli del mist. Bravo....
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jorancho says:Posted: 17 Mar 16
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Lysah7 says:Posted: 08 Apr 16
. i love how you put your comment.hope you find her one day.
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chi2015 says:Posted: 21 Jun 16
sounds like a plan did you find her already?
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jorancho says:Posted: 20 Apr 18
no i haven't , just happen to check my profile today
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Bodiluscious says:Posted: 14 Feb 16
I am a lover of sexy white distinguished educated fun loving men.
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rosej8 says:Posted: 05 Feb 16
i find it disgusting how black women are agreeing with white males that comment something sexual about black women like "i like black women because they are good in bed". first of all that's not a reason to like someone and black women shouldn't date any white male that looks or treat them as an experience or just want to have sex with us. please be smarter girls its plenty of men out there that'll love you for you, do not let any white men treat you as an experience or get the chance to. thanks.
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urbanposh7 says:Posted: 06 Feb 16
I agree with you, but I would rather two low quality people to date than for a man that would make a comment like that to pursue dating me. However, since the black woman is the most hypersexualized woman in the country, she doesn't need to subject herself to further sexual exploitation by ANY man.
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rosej8 says:Posted: 11 Oct 16
seems like you're agreeing with me, there's no but. you are saying exactly the same thing that i am saying... you must of misunderstood my post.
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Metrine says:Posted: 20 Feb 16
That's so on point....I like white guys too but will never stoop that low...
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NYGriego says:Posted: 31 Mar 16
" and black women shouldn't date any white male that looks or treat them as an experience or just want to have sex with us. please be smarter girls its plenty of men out there that'll love you for you, " You say one thing but your pics with your tongue hanging out gives the wrong message. So, which is it? Stand by your words or double standard?
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Beemi says:Posted: 14 Apr 16
Its not double standards. Its just different groups of black women. Those who respect themselves and those who have low self esteem. Same applies to white men! There are those who love and respect us and those just playing!
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AHappyLady says:Posted: 02 Nov 16
Yes, players can be of any ethnic background for any number of reasons. Whoever a person dates...just remember to keep your self-respect and you'll be ok.
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rosej8 says:Posted: 16 Apr 16
Yes because sticking your tongue out in a "PICTURE" playfully, not in a sexual way with just my face showing means that I am looking for nothing more than Sex. What a loser! And I was talking to black women not white men who thinks it's okay to sexualize women for sticking their tongue out
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greyskies1 says:Posted: 15 Jul 16
I reactivated my account just so that I could respond to you. Thank you for challenging black women on what message they are sending when they post sexually provocative pictures. It makes me weary seeing women who are deliberately posting pictures with their tongues sticking out, body shots, and shots that focus on their cleavage. It dilutes the respect of all black women. I wish they would go to sites that are specifically designated for hookups to find what they are looking for. I am a respectable, quality woman, but I deactivated my account because it was obvious that the guys on here had dealt with women who were only looking for a good time, not an enduring relationship. I know that some black women may get angry reading my response to you, but I really don't care. Only hit dogs holler. If they become angry then I guess they are taking my criticism personally, and maybe they should. They are thirsty, and looking for attention, not having learned that attraction based only on lust, and sexual attraction, is ultimately not going to last or bring sustained fulfillment.
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AHappyLady says:Posted: 23 Sep 16
I agree 100%. I too am a respectable, educated woman and have met some men here whose motives are highly suspicious. But they are easily identified. You need to wade through the frogs even when one is not dating online. I am exercising patience and will NOT lower my standards...I am not deparate.
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AHappyLady says:Posted: 23 Sep 16
Excuse me..."desperate". Hit the reply button before I could correct! Unfortunately, we live in the age of the Kardashians. Many women...not saying anyone on this thread...have followed their example. Sad.
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rosej8 says:Posted: 11 Oct 16
the way a black women dress doesn't give weirdo's the "yes" to treat her with no respect. i completely disagree with your opinion but then again it is your opinion.. almost remind me of most rapist that feel they have a right to rape women who like to feel sexy or comfortable. my post was to black women whose too small minded to understand that when a white guy says "i love black women because they are good in bed" doesn't mean that they adore, respect or want to be with a black women other than sexually. white guys dont go around saying "i like white women because they are good in bed, they respect them and or marry them so black women should stop being idiots and never let a white man treat her as such. he shouldn't get that option and if anyone want to take a picture with their tongue sticking out, so what? we all have tongues, so do guys...
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melissa1991 says:Posted: 10 Jan 17
im not sure if you're angry because shes telling the truth or you're angry and did the exact same thing she mention which was being a perv. im sure the likes you receive on your comment are probably white males that think like you. didnt know her sticking her tongue out would make her sexual but you proved her point, you need help if thats all it takes to sexualize a person
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melissa1991 says:Posted: 10 Jan 17
and my comment was to the perverted guy who mention you sticking your tongue out.. im Hispanic but would not date white males because they love sexualizing and making women feel uncomfortable and he proved your point girl
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amore007 says:Posted: 02 Apr 16
You are so right ,have experienced guy's (causcian male)especially who see black women as fetish object.they were only interested in having fun,one night stand e.t.c In my experiences they were not interested in having my child with a black.because some of them have already have children with their ex white wife's who treated them bad. I made a decision that I am not interested in a second or third hand used object,that I deserved the best of best.I am a woman of great worth and honour not sexual object for a Caucasian guy to used to gratify his sexual urges and fantasy. As a black women we deserves the best not trash or garbage. And I am not saying all white men are like that but some not all. Thank you
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Mr_Frivolity says:Posted: 15 Nov 16
I signed up after reading your comment as I felt compelled to reply. I noticed a comment above where you said "SOME white men" in response to a general comment about white men. Maybe it's not my business to comment but I sense maybe you've been hurt by one or have faced discrimination and racist/sexist behaviour (what PoC hasn't!). Indeed it saddens me that such things as this occur: http://www.clutchmagonline.com/2015/11/interracial-dating-horror-stories-when-racist-white-men-date-women-of-color/ I too agree with your sentiments, black women or no one should be demeaned in such a way and it saddens me that this behaviour occurs. It actually angers me when I hear women of colour receive such comments like "you're pretty for a black/brown/etc woman".."you smell different than most..".."I wanted to know what it was like to be with a black woman".. or "are you mixed race/how black are you/where do you come from?" as though you're asking a dog what breed it is. Just incredibly offensive, insensitive and shameful. I'll admit, when I was a little younger I'd sometimes find myself thinking some of these thoughts or had engendered unconscious bias/racist thinking. Which through reading, learning, observing and interacting with people of colour I've worked hard to 'cleanse' for want of a better term. I've never been consciously racist but I had adopted what you might say typical 'white'/western thinking in this regard. So..what am I saying? I guess I'm saying we or I am human and not perfect but there are guys out there who try. Who have a woman's interest to heart and who loathe the sort of behaviour you describe. Of course, you are absolutely right. Never let a white guy or otherwise mess you around and only let the right one in, black, white, yellow, red, brow or anything in between. I hope I don't come across as patronising or mansplaining in any way! I hope you find the right partner for you, whoever the lucky chap is.
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rosej8 says:Posted: 22 Dec 16
me speaking up on what i believe in does not mean i've been hurt by a white man. matter of fact i decided not to date white men because i feel its in my best interest and i dont have to worry about not trusting them.. it was just be getting my words out to other black women to never let a white male makes her think he adores black women by saying weird shit because a man that adores a woman would be thoughtful of the things he says or do. ill admit i wanted to try the interracial thing because i thought if i met a nice white guy that shows that he is different and that they could actually be loving then maybe i wouldnt have hatred in my heart for that certain race but it doesnt work like that and i need to deal with that on my own and not waste someone time and feelings in the process hint the reason i decide to not try the dating scene with white males anymore. AND TO ALL MY BLACK GIRLS THAT LIKES TO DRESS SEXY, FEELS GOOD OR WEAR SHORT SKIRTS OR SHOW CLEAVAGE, DO IT AND BE HAPPY. DRESS HOW YOU LIKE and if any man try to say you want it because you have certain pics on here or look sexy or dress a certain way, SO WHAT! just dont give that R. A. P. I. S. T. mentality the time of day(: good day everyone.
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Mr_Frivolity says:Posted: 16 Nov 16
Perhaps it's not my place to comment but I sense you've either been hurt in this regard or have been the victim of such comments? I would agree with you in that you shouldn't just look for a 'black experience'. I would never want to be with a black woman simply just for the 'black experience', it feels wrong to me. However, on meet-up/hook-up sites where people are only after something sexual. Providing they're upfront about it and not looking to mess anyone around, then I guess it's diffrerent in that respect. But yes, dating/starting a relationship with someone just for sex or 'colour experience' especially when you profess to want more when you don't is totally wrong. I'd label any such man as weak and pathetic. The only thing I could suggest is to 'sweat out' a guy and make them wait a big longer and see if they are as sincere as they purport to be. There's also utterly repgnant comments I've read white men say to WoC: "you're pretty for a black girl"..."I've always wanted to try a black girl".."you smell different to other black girls"..."how mixed are you?". I certainly struggle to think how they come out with this rubbish. All I can say is there are genuine white men (and all other colours) who would like to pursue a meaningful and deep relationship with a WoC that isn't about exploiting them sexually or to demean them. But to simply enjoy their company, to love and care for them and treat them with the respect and dignity they deserve.
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Brunsugah says:Posted: 02 Feb 16
It is all about attraction but black women do have a certain way with men that is hard to resist once you have tasted it.
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Jbec1337 says:Posted: 31 Jan 16
It's just my preference, and what I am comfortable with. I just prefer to date black women. I have always been more attracted to black women.
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Gypsy22015 says:Posted: 14 Jan 16
Why white men love the black woman? and Why black women love white men? Easy answer: The Attraction for one another.
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K61Neece says:Posted: 05 Mar 16
I find Black women to be more irresistible than your average white woman. there is just something about them that is just, well.........just simply put..they are just more gorgeous!
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Mosiah7 says:Posted: 10 Jan 16
White men are actually dating way more Asian women than black women, if you want to be factually honest. They are the ones who are really getting the love. White men date/marry Asians even more than black men date/marry white women. Don't shoot the messenger folks! (ducking anyway....)
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Beemi says:Posted: 14 Apr 16
Perhaps its just that not as many black women are open to white men as asian women. Have you considered that?
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blackbelle01 says:Posted: 13 Aug 16
Mosiah, is there a reason why you are here posting on a topic that does not concern you?
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Blacmistres says:Posted: 02 Jun 18
I agree with the gentleman ..only thru experience most white men will date and marry almost any race but a black woman it isn't until they reach a certain age they will openly admit their love of black women.
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Titi1978 says:Posted: 26 Mar 20
True ! As a matter of fact some white men wants a black woman just for sex that is it ..nothing more
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Blekrose says:Posted: 08 Jan 16
Black is gold, but what matters is love.Love has no color
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I think a lot of white men i have seen they say black woman arw more curvy than white woman
I have to agree. In general, black women ARE more curvy than white women, and that, combined with beautiful skin color, makes black women the most desirable women of all, in my opinion.
Very true
Smart man.....
Are you singke
you are what you are attracted to but black women seem to have the physical attributes that I find attractive.....the dark skin, the curves, the sensual sway of the hips, and the projection of a strong sense of confidence which makes one breathless......it's incredibly sexy and VERY sensual......
I am attracted to White man too
Yes black women have lovely curves and cute button noses, also they have on average the highest sex drive of any race, which means after kids when sex drive lowers the black women will have a more similar sex drive to the white man and less arguments will occur, if you don't think it is an issue, ask a few white guys after kids, or have a browse around the web about sex after kids and you will see!
Take race out of it! Maybe some women feel less desirable after child birth! To me that's just an overall issue for both sides!
True,very true..I could just as easily date a woman in my own race,having the same affection and TLC!!