Why white men love the black woman

Posted by James, 31 Aug

Ever wondered why some white guys, love black women so much?

It seems that being a white male and proclaiming your attraction to black women (not only sexually, but also romantically) may lead to a lot of controversial and dangerous things. Let’s leave the debate of why more black women may be opening themselves up to white guys. The main focus of this debate is: why some white guys are opening themselves to black women. Let’s concentrate on that.

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Most white males don’t feel like they are running short of white women to marry. White males just marry at high rates. So question is: Why black women? The thing is it will not be fair to bundle up black women as one since everyone is their own person… be it in appearance or personality.

However, one thing that a white male friend of mine said… and I let him get away with bundling it all up is: “We love a black woman's confidence, her tenacity and her undeniable achievements in the face of great adversity...᾿ Since this info was coming from a man, there was definitely the mention of the lips, the curves, and that wonderful skin as well.

So what about stereotypes like “black women are either sexually conservative or total sluts?" Many people give so much lip service to interracial dating sites. You would think they have never done it. But those uptight individuals are the ones that spread these stereotypes. What happened to the highly educated black woman? How about the caring, decent and involved black woman?

Probably most white guys and others are confused with the stereotypical trash people spread around and if you are one that falls for such lame ol’ lines, then you sure as hell haven’t dated a black woman.

Bottom line, you don't have to sacrifice who you are for a white guy. They will love you anyway. Just be you and open yourself up… and if you like white guys, some white guy will find you too.

8090 responses to "Why white men love the black woman"

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  1.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    Comment by boots on 6 June 2010: @ petite …do you think this blog world is the only thing .lol no! no! we all here are just talking at each other….first you start with your family or my family, next your immediate community which I have done teaching sunday school for 20 yrs and reach out programs with the blk firefighters assn.But both whites and blks need to know the wide rammifications of what slavery has done, check out Rep Conyers from MI he’s been calling for a study on reparations for several yrs this cause is not far fetched as some think and it’s not 400yrs in the past…read THE DEBT (what america owes to blacks) national best seller by Randall Robinson plume books 2001 --------------------------------------------- Thanks boots, I do understand slavery and the end result. Trust I do. The point I am trying to make is not a novel concept, but one that should be taken into consideration as an aside. First and foremost the U.S. Government will never give Blacks in America (African Americans) of African descent reparations. I say this for two very obvious reasons to me. 1. You must look at who controls the country, who has always controlled it and who will always control it. It is not our President. It is not the legislature. It is not either of these. I recommend you do some reading as well as to the elitist groups in this country as well as the trilateral commission and the Bilderbergs. It's not gonna happen. Never. Try as you may. See I would much rather take on an issue I know I have a chance of winning. Pick them carefully so to speak. 2. This brings me back to the empowerment of those we can influence NOW. Our children. That we have control over to shape a different outcome for them. That we can do. We need to start that now. I'm gonna like talking to you - this is the sort of stuff I can get into!

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  2.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    @friendly RETRACTION Petite said: Let me say this, 5 years ago the petitechick you know of now is not the one you see today. Petite meant: Let me say this, 5 years ago the petitechick then is very different from the petitechick of today. Think I need a new friggin keyboard too.

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  3.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    My beauuuuuutiful Black sistah friendly! Much respect and love for you. The things you've been through and your struggles. As a woman first and foremost and as a Black woman more importantly! This is what some Black folks do unfortunately. I have experienced this with a job for a very well connected non-profit located in Harlem. Was supposed to be about the "mission" of the organization. It was not. This organization being affiliated with one of the oldest and most prestigous Black churches in Harlem, mind you. I saw it there. Experienced there amongst my own people. Let me say this, 5 years ago the petitechick you know of now is not the one you see today. I have a love for people period and I conduct myself in this fashion always. I have always been this way. But you know I got tired of people taking this as a weakness in me. I'm not weak. If you knew anyone that knows me, they could tell you the same. I had to learn how to defend myself. I was the one who wanted to please everybody and help everyone get along. REGARDLESS. I still feel that way because it is who I am. I can't help that, nor would I want to change it. But there comes a time in a person's life when you come to the realization that.....these people are trying to hurt you, just because. I have something I'm going to share with you ladies via email. It is a profile that I painstakingly did which describes me to a tee. LOL. Honestly. And I didn't forget Mistakes, never. I've been so busy and yesterday I was out all day in the heat with brother to and fro home depot and such. I need him for a minute because he's heading to Sacrameto to work for about 9 months. Son doing double duty at work (which is good) now that he's out of school. Want him to get that cash!!!!! LOL.

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  4.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    @ friendly my sistah (hugs) Too bad you can’t do anything about my membership on here because there are plenty of white men who don’t read this blog who contact me all the time, hundreds. Over 12,000 white men have viewed my profile. ------------------------------------------------- IT'S COUNTER PRODUCTIVE SIS. SEE....it won't stop. It's "the" reason!!!!!

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  5.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    @ Dannyco56 Your welcome for the music links. I enjoy bringing life to some of the things that we share on here. I really enjoy the internet for this reason.

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  6.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    @ PetiteChick Hey girlfriend, yes I agree that he didn't owe me anything. But he didn't have to join in especially since he knew that they were being discriminatory. But you are right about the attitude that some blacks have when they do get in a position of power. I believe that was the case with him. I am glad that the God Lord saw fit to let me win and to send white people to help me so that people like him, Queenie, and boots saw it they were ashamed. If it hadn't been for the white people who knew that what happened was racist, discriminatory, and wrong I wouldn't have even known. I would have just been fired and unable to prove that I was an outstanding worker. The only reason I made the point was to show boots and the other haters that black men let us down even when it comes to being discriminatory. They were going to play the whipping boy and they had no qualms about it. It was just business as usual. But then black men want to badger us about our choices and try to teach us about how bad white men are. You know.

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  7.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    @boots Comment by boots on 6 June 2010: @ petiteChick……here is my response…no I wasnt trying to avoid you… lol……just wanting to give a proper answer to an educated lady.. When you speak of the ‘love of people’that’s platonic. Iam obviously not referring to a platonic notion when we engage in sexual intercourse ,marriage and having offspring, we have went beyond that level.I think we as humans should try to love everyone in one sense,others we cant live with in peace ,even the Bible says as much.For a race of people that have been injured ,healing must take place some how.The intimacy that is required in sex and marriage with the dominant group that has caused the suffering in the first place in my opinion is counterproductive." -------------------------------------- Now that's deep! You don't speak of Eros but Philia! I can distinguish the two and I see your point in this regard! Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me boots! Thank you further for presenting it in a fashion that is conducive to better understanding of our problems as a race. Peace always....

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  8.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    @ boots You said "@ friendly13…r …..yes Iam happily married have 2 sons both with blk girl friends and my daughter has a blk husband…." So far. You don't know what is going to happen in the future boots. I used to be one of those "oh no I only date my own kind"....until I learned that the black men wanted white, except for a very few who were like you but choosing other choices for companions. I am not mad about that, but I was turning away white men who treated me like a friend and wated more, but no I was going to be with a black man like my mother. Ha Ha Ha. I don't have to explain myself to people like you and Queenie. I am going to do what I want and not worry about weirdo's like you who want to continue to put down white men who have done nothing to you at all and continue to respect your disrespectful nature and try to be civil with you. White men are strong too. Or have you not read your history. You need to stop being angry and teaching that same anger to your kids. Don't think that you have control over what they do and what happen to how they think in the future. All your sons need to see is enough black men courting and marrying white women having those little mixed babies and they are eventually going to want one too just like so many of the other black men. See the real problem is that black men wish they were white. That is why that black superviser joined in with those white people who lied on me and got me fired for a frivolous reason. I know you don't care about anything I am saying. All you want to do is argue and maintain strife trying to mess up what those of us who enjoy I/R dating are doing. Too bad you can't do anything about my membership on here because there are plenty of white men who don't read this blog who contact me all the time, hundreds. Over 12,000 white men have viewed my profile. When I chose one there is nothing that you can do about it. You can type all day long. As far as the time I spend on the site well I don't have a companion to answer to. I am also taking online classes so yes I can toggle back and forth a lot and I do. Not to talk to you but to see what my sisters and the white brothas are talking about. But I will stop a moment and put you in your place because you ar totally out of it on here. You can exercise your amendment rights where they are relevant. To do otherwise is stupidity. But you are right if you want to be stupid can't nobody stop you. lol.

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  9.   Malarki5 says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10


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  10.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    @boots LOL Oh when the sun comes down and burns the tar up on the roof....and your feet get so hot you wish your tired feet were fire proof..... Under the Boardwalk, down by the sea...on a blanket with my baby is where I'll be.... Bartone: Under the Boardwalk, we'll be having some fun, under the Board walk...... fill in the rest! LOL. Thanks I was gonna google it but you saved me the trouble.

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  11.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    @Laurelton The mighty king.... With TWO degrees. Who didn't realize he provided the segue for White men who love Black women to seek them out and vice versa..... Let me ask you this, oh wise one. If you would never carry a bag for a nappy headed Black woman, would you also BEAT said nappy headed Black woman? You sound abusive. So, I wouldn't put it past you.

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  12.   boots says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    @ petiteChick'...lol... under the boardwalk out of the sun! under the boardwalk! people falling in love ' the drifters 1962 63 there about

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  13.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    @boots We all condemn this and hold them responsible for ther actions .On the other hand ‘y all’cant seem to make the connection between what whites have done and the present conditions, you keep repeating’ nobody owes blk people anything’ whether we get reparations or not is still in question, but the recognition that a great wrong was done and there are ways to compensate is valid..for example there are corporations today who have direct ties to slave labor ,mining companies, railroads,insurance etc . There is a lot of old money in this country made from slavery and still held in trust.Hold these companies accountable just as you blame the thug in the hood. ------------------------------------------ While you might not condone it, what are you doing about it? Admitting racism won't change the bad behavior will it. Will these simple words change anything? Is it about the $$ solely? Why aren't the Black men spending more time trying to alleviate this problem so that future Black women can have decent Black men to look to? Why make a case here about what grown folks do? I think the best way to ensure our progressiveness as a race would be to start from the bottom up! However, the approach you take is that of we need to get back 400 some odd years of what's due us before anything can be solved. If you don't condone it, talk about it. Do something about it. Work on it. Coming here won't help the young Black men you speak of. Just my opinion of course.

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  14.   boots says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    @ petiteChick......here is my response...no I wasnt trying to avoid you... lol......just wanting to give a proper answer to an educated lady.. When you speak of the 'love of people'that's platonic. Iam obviously not referring to a platonic notion when we engage in sexual intercourse ,marriage and having offspring, we have went beyond that level.I think we as humans should try to love everyone in one sense,others we cant live with in peace ,even the Bible says as much.For a race of people that have been injured ,healing must take place some how.The intimacy that is required in sex and marriage with the dominant group that has caused the suffering in the first place in my opinion is counterproductive.

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  15.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    It's a beautiful day in NYC @Laurelton One more rule for you Laurelton if you have the GUTS and the wherewithall to see if you can cut the mustard with the challenge. Your challenge begins at midnite, June 6 and ends on midnite June 13th. See I'm giving you plenty of reubuttal time, Even while you're in "God's Waiting Room." Ewww I can't wait. I'm just so beside myself with giddiness.........

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  16.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    @Laurelton "You cotton picking Negro" IS THIS A DISPARAGING REMARK ABOUT BLACK AMERICANS?

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  17.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    Obviously not a clear minded individual "Oh the BLACK MAN complains about discrimination it is a “COP OUT’.But your case is allegedly “different”. The white sister-in-law is allegedly unqualified (purely speculation) But because you managed to bully Friendly and put your arm around her. She will have sympathy for you. LOL Go ask for more hair tips it is not working for you! Tell your bother stop reading your shit. Who gets their brother on an interracial forum to say “stop picking on my sister”. You cotton picking Negro go give your number to the white men that were humping your sister. Simply Hilarious. LOL" ALL THIS GIBBERISH LUMPED IN TOGETHER TO APPEAR AS THOUGH....... That's been caught! Tighten up the game up in here or do you need me to show you how?

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  18.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    @Laurelton Comment to Bamba: The reality is women don’t respect soft or weak men. Not saying Danny is that" Petite says: YOU DID SAY THAT WHEN YOU SAID HE WAS EMASCULATED!

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  19.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    Oh by the way Laurelton the one primary rule of the challenge is that you don't make up handles and pretend to be someone you are not. K? They are so blatantly obvious. Indeed.

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  20.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    @Laurelton I'M GONNA THROW A CHALLENGE OUT AT YOU BOO..... I double-dip dayummed CHALLENGE you to see if you can NOT comment on this thread for a whole 7 days. There will be no discussions of White men. We haven't been doing much of that, but rather talking amongst ourselves enjoying one another's company. You know, the intellectual stimuation we've been engaging in. To also counteract the stigma you have been trying to place on us as Black women. Gardening, (Black women know plenty about plenty of things). Hair and beauty tips. MUSIC!!!! And whatever else we please. Not one word or reference was made about sellout Black men or Black men. YOU COULDN'T STAND IT. It was too, well too, she-she for you. Did you want to partake? My challenge to you is simply this sir: On this thread: Why the White Man Loves Black Women, I challenge you for a period of 7 days of silence without coming in here and spewing your hatred. Can you handle that? I doubt it. Hmmmm, what shall we wager? Any suggestions? Nevermind, I don't need a wager. I want to prove to all here that you are a *phucked up individual* Cause you simply can not stay away. You can not. You don't know how. As my sister Godiva said, "you have no other choice." Let the games begin!!!!! Note, this only applies to this thread not the entire blog board. I expect you to go to best frenemies though. Brother will be there!

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  21.   boots says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    @ Godiva61...@Bama......I would agree with some of your comments about blk youth...there is something going on with these young blk boys here in ohio near cleveland we're having a shooting it seems every week...blk on blk.....I share in your out rage I think all of our blk families have been touched by violence.....But tell me where has any blk man on this site condoned this type of behavior or made excuses for poverty.We all condemn this and hold them responsible for ther actions .On the other hand 'y all'cant seem to make the connection between what whites have done and the present conditions, you keep repeating' nobody owes blk people anything' whether we get reparations or not is still in question, but the recognition that a great wrong was done and there are ways to compensate is valid..for example there are corporations today who have direct ties to slave labor ,mining companies, railroads,insurance etc . There is a lot of old money in this country made from slavery and still held in trust.Hold these companies accountable just as you blame the thug in the hood.

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  22.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    @Laurelton The one who can't stand to see people get along and talk lightly of things of common interest. We were doing just fine till you marched your self-righteous ass up in here! Go pick up a book and try to get a better following for your Blog. The sister's don't care how many Black men believe that shit you spew. Move it along now.....

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  23.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    @Laurelton You so phucked up you went so far as to tell another Black man what he should and shouldn't do for his wife. A woman he apparently loves for more than 25 years. Called him names cause he didn't agree with you. *PHUCKED UP INDIVIDUAL* I READ SOMEWHERE ELSE WHERE YOU CLAIM YOU WOULD NEVER CARRY A BAG FOR YOUR LADY. *phucked up individual* that provides the impetus for Black women to go for White men and the White men to accept because they know they're running from the likes of you. Like I said you THINK YOU A TRICKY-DICK oh wise one. You're not. You get lauged at for the fool that you are. Dannyco56 said it best: Comment by dannyco56 on 5 June 2010: @boots and Laurelton, Hello gentlemen, I treat everyone with respect without regard for gender. I do not know either one of you gentlemen but I can respect you on this blog site until you show me you do not deserve my respect I do not know what either of you have been through in your lives. I know the way things were in the 60’s sice I was in school at the time and I did watch the news. Have things changed since then? Yes! Are we where we ought to be as a nation? No! I do not think so, but I know we are not going to get there if we do not make an effort. The ladies on this site are beautiful, intelligent, educated, dedicated, and love their families. They may not have ever met you but if you treat them with respect and accept them as they are and not how you think they should be then they will also respect you. Back to your tirade against boots..... He sits down when he pees. What an insult to hurl at another man. *PHUCKED UP INDIVIDUAL.* Yes you'll come back with I apologized, but who are you tell another grown man how to treat his wife? Somebody messed you up in your head real bad. Real bad. Either that or you have a "God complex." I thought only doctors got those.....

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  24.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    @Laurelton 7:43a.m. Why you mad that Tatted and I are friendly? The same reason you are mad that ALL THE SISTERS are friendly and not bickering over men? You are our primary problem. You sit around and talk about White men this, white men that and sellout Black woman this and that, when in fact it is YOU the bad caste of light is being shown. They are saying to themselves, no wonder Black women don't want their asses. Look at this fool right here! I don't blame them. I told someone before, The bitterness and hatred you spew towards us only backfires on YOU. YOU ARE JUST TOO STUPID TO REALIZE THAT. All that hatred as fried your brain. They will see that sisters are running from your asses. They can see that. That's why it won't stop. Women will continue to go the other way. Keep it going you're doing a service for the sisters and the White men that want them. You are just soooooo DUMB! I can read you like an open book, that's how dumb you are. Ohhh, Modis Operandi in full effect!

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  25.   godiva61 says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    @Queens, I don't live in a bad neighborhood, but since you are the being that is everywhere, can see everything, know everything there is to know about people you do NOT know personally, you have all the answers, I can see why you know better than I. Second, if you were really listening and reading. you would know that my mother's demise happened at a mall. For the record, it used to be a place and time in this country where our Elders were not being defiled, nor were they vulnerable to violent crimes, by males who looked like her sons, in other words, men didn't sink that low to the ground!!! Also fyi, my residence in 1997 was in Okinawa Japan, when that honorable act of putting that gun to the back of my head took place in the United States, outside of Dulles Airport. Not that you would understand, but the only reason I was here in America, because I flew back home immediately after being informed by the Red Cross that my beloved Father had passed away. God forbid if this ever happens to you, or your mother, maybe you might not be so reckless, with your attitude about crimes. If for some reason, and I hope that it never happens to you or your loved ones, I do hope that you will get a better, a honorable response than the response and explaination that you have given me, but I do understand your why you responded, and your reason for your responding, you had no other choice in the matter. Be mindful, and cogniaznt of your words, sometimes it's better to just keep quiet. I don't appreciate the minimizing, and the joke like response concerning my mother's demise, that's not cool, appropiate, nor is it a honorable response from a man. This is my mother, and some of do respect, cherish and honor their parents, and the elderly! My mother did not deserve this at all!! For what it's worth, you were the last person here that I would have thought, who would minimize, or try to rationalize crimes such as these. in spite of all the things you have said here. I really believed even you had some limits!! Thanks!!!

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  26.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    To people worth addressing: I erroneously thought this foto with green would have my brother in it with me for all to see he is real. He is in my foto profile if anyone really cares. I shall now be going back to my serious looking foto! Cause hell, you gotta look serious messing with these fools. ------------- So...no response from brother boots, huh? Oh well......

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  27.   boots says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    @ Malarki5 ......thanks again my bro 4 your deep and thoughtful insight into the psych problems that some of these blk ladies have .....Iam not really getting hung up about them , because I think they are a small%..but to continue trying to enlighten our own,for me is a passion

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  28.   boots says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    @ friendly13...regarding your june 5th comment.. I told u before and all the other blk females on this site date who u want to date........as far as me being on this site ,Iam just like you ' Iam doing whatever the hell I want to do' ...ok .....yes Iam happily married have 2 sons both with blk girl friends and my daughter has a blk husband....I have tried to instill in them a love for their own, unlike you my dear.....and btw judging from the number of posts I think you send as much time here as anyone

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  29.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    One last time for the road @ Laurelton Comment by PetiteChick on 6 June 2010: @Laurelton @ 1:40a.m. Tell your bother stop reading your shit. Who gets their brother on an interracial forum to say “stop picking on my sister”. You cotton picking Negro go give your number to the white men that were humping your sister. Simply Hilarious. LOL ------------------------------------------- Nah you got that wrong. I don't tell my brother about my dating bizness. He's my brother stupid phuck. If you had a sister would you tell her how many women you spanked? Probably, you sick phuck. It is a well established fact here that I have only dated two White men in my entire life. You want to start more shyt like the biyatch that you are. Further, it is another well known fact that I'm not particularly interested in dating them at this time. However, if I were that ain't got shit to do with you. Nor does the choices my sisters make. What's it got to with you? Scared you'll have less Black women to badger? Probably. You're lonely, delusional sick ass who sits behind a keyboard and casts judgments down on other people's personal lives. I guess you don't like anybody but YOU. Good you should keep it that way. When I went to the other thread to defend Black women here you come sliding your ass over there to cause trouble. You'd do anything to make us look bad regardless. Thank God, my son isn't like you. My husband wasn't like you, my brother isn't like you and my grandson won't be like you. I ain't seen but one on this whole forum site yet. You know I'm not referring to your ass. The sisters are not and will not be raising their sons to be like you. A new breed of Black man will emerge and leave your kind in the dust.....

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  30.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    @Godiva, I completely understand how you feel sis. I have had family members who were victims of a crime and they were all at the hands of other African American males. This is not to say all Black men do this cause they don't. But I can't say I know how you feel having a gun put to the back of your head. These Black men on this board need to be dealing with these kinds of things so they are not made to look like the thugs they are in societies eyes. I did say that once here. Get out there and help a child in your own community and stop biyatching about what other folks are doing. Hell, what you do don't affect ME. And vice versa. All this is nothing but hatred and like I believe what goes around comes back around. When you mistreat people, and don't make amends and continue to belittle another for the sheer sake of doing it based on some delusional notion that you should be doing what they want you to do - is a mental defect. Peace!

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  31.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    @Laurelton Like I really need help with cussing you out? Now you know you know better than that! Teehee

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  32.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    @Dannyco56 Umm, Otis Redding did something else nice too, trying to recall it now. Aside from sitting on the Dock of the Bay...who did "Under the Boardwalk?" Wasn't it Otis? I'll have to check it. I like that one too.

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  33.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    @Laurelton @ 1:40a.m. Tell your bother stop reading your shit. Who gets their brother on an interracial forum to say “stop picking on my sister”. You cotton picking Negro go give your number to the white men that were humping your sister. Simply Hilarious. LOL ---------------------------------------- WHY DID YOU POST THE ABOVE TO FRIENDLY? What does my brother giving you HIS NUMBER FOR YOU TO CALL HIM HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH WHAT FRIENDLY STATED? You're a major phuck up in life aren't you? You read these boards as though YOUR very existence depends on it. There is help for that. WHY DON'T YOU JUST CALL MY BROTHER IF YOU DON'T LIKE HIM CHECKING YOU? THE NUMBER IS OVER THERE <--------------- I DIDN'T GET HIM ON YOU STUPID, I'M OLDER THAN HE IS. *told him you was a phucked up individual* He'll see. He has his own inter-racial dating account here now, because he asked me why I'm here so much. Stupid phucker that you are. Yes, I stepped away FROM MY COMPUTER while he read and when I returned he continued to read. He's perused this site more than once before today. So.....and the fact that my picture is splattered right there he dayummed well knows it's me stupid ass. My brother won't be talking down to women of any color. Our parents raised us better! Laurelton's dad abused him (this could be cultural). Beat your ass as a child? I can see why. So now you think that you have a right to take your unhappy childhood out on women. Hmmmm... there's help for that too! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Whooooooooo! Teeheeheeeee. Lord have mercy! Pooor baby him gets upset when nobody says anything to him. Him get so upset. Aww there now.

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  34.   dannyco56 says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    I spelled music wit a "k" but hope it did not confse anyone. Just got in a big hurry and spelled it without thinking. I will try to read through before I send but it is hard to catch your own mistakes...LOL God Bless! Danny

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  35.   dannyco56 says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    @petitechick You mntioned Otis Redding and I always liked his song "Sitting on the Dock of the Bay". He had an excellent voice. @friendly13 Thanks for the link to "Everyday People" I enjoyed it. They 60's and 70's had a lot of hit songs come out. I always liked the Fifth Dimension. There are many bands and groups from the 50's 60's and thew 70's a few kept going into the 90's. I like almost al the musik from those time periods. God Bless! Danny God Bless! Danny

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  36.   Member says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    OH so that is why Godiva is irate. She said this emotional comment "May 2010, a few days before Mother’s Day, there was a group of Senior Citizens, ages 73, 75, 84, and 87, who were on one of their usual outings, this time at the mall. Their chaperone stepped away from them for a split second, only to hear them screaming for help. The 87yr old, who happens to be my mother, was trying to help the 84 yr old, who had just been knocked down by two young brothers, who are so victimized by racism, and denied opportunities, because they wanted her purse. My mother who is a diabetic ended up being admitted to the hospital, because of the bullshit and the cowardly act by this young brother. He made the decision to take the cowardly, selfish, no regard for no one but himself, act. No white man, no racism, no slavery can rationalize or excuse this behavior!!!!! That young brother who put that gun to the back of my neck in 1997, while I was at the ATM machine, and two months pregnant, lost the baby three days later, can not, blame the white man, post slavery, racism, for his actions. I had to forgive him, but I will never forget, and forgive me if I’m not willing to accept this crap about ALL of our problems are from white people, It just don’t fly with me!!!!!!!!" Um, you live in a bad neighborhood. It almost like you are blaming all black men for your unfortunate incidents. You have a lot of anger you need to get therapy for. This is the first time I have seen Godiva "fly off the handle".

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  37.   Member says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    Wait this is what Godiva said "godiva said: I WILL REPEAT IT ONCE AGAIN, IT IS A COP OUT, IT IS COWARDLY, IT IS A WEAK MIND THAT USES POVERTY AS AN EXCUSE TO KNOCK DOWN OLD LADIES, OR TO PUT A GUN TO THE BACK OF SOMEONE’S HEAD!!!!!!!!!!!" Right, but it is a cop out to say you wanted to date white men all along. When you really were scorned by black men. Oh "wise one' Godiva. I do recall Bama saying she is around white people to further her "economic" circumstances. Essentially, "Whitey got all the money". Lastly, poverty is a cop out when you lose respect and dignity waiting for a white man "to make a decision" to date you or marry you seriously. But they SWEAR it is going to happen. LOL

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  38.   Member says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    Look at this shit "I won a case when I was in my 20’s after I got out of the military with honors for being wrongfully discharged from a job. Turns out that the managers wanted to hire one of their unqualified white sister-in-law for the job. So what. I had rights and I stood up for them. What I like best is that I had no idea. I was young. There were white people in authority who knew what really happened and they came to me and asked me if I wanted to fight it. I said okay. The ironic thing is that one of the managers was black. He knew but took part in it anyway. He even tried to get me to quit. But I would not." Oh the BLACK MAN complains about discrimination it is a "COP OUT'.But your case is allegedly "different". The white sister-in-law is allegedly unqualified (purely speculation) But because you managed to bully Friendly and put your arm around her. She will have sympathy for you. LOL Go ask for more hair tips it is not working for you! Tell your bother stop reading your shit. Who gets their brother on an interracial forum to say "stop picking on my sister". You cotton picking Negro go give your number to the white men that were humping your sister. Simply Hilarious. LOL

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  39.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    @friendly I won a case when I was in my 20’s after I got out of the military with honors for being wrongfully discharged from a job. Turns out that the managers wanted to hire one of their unqualified white sister-in-law for the job. So what. I had rights and I stood up for them. What I like best is that I had no idea. I was young. There were white people in authority who knew what really happened and they came to me and asked me if I wanted to fight it. I said okay. The ironic thing is that one of the managers was black. He knew but took part in it anyway. He even tried to get me to quit. But I would not. ------------------------------------------------ Black people in positions of power often have to prove something to themselves and others. Many don't reach back like they could. I won't say "should" cause they don't have to. But because of our struggles as a ethnic group in this country you would think that some of them would lose the haughty attitudes when they get a lil sumthin, sumthin...and look out for one another as much as possible. Every other ethnic group in this country does it with the exception of American Blacks.

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  40.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    I think that it is so sad that these black men on here are trying to point out things that don't even apply to themselves. I bet they are all living quite well and not being discriminated against. I won a case when I was in my 20's after I got out of the military with honors for being wrongfully discharged from a job. Turns out that the managers wanted to hire one of their unqualified white sister-in-law for the job. So what. I had rights and I stood up for them. What I like best is that I had no idea. I was young. There were white people in authority who knew what really happened and they came to me and asked me if I wanted to fight it. I said okay. The ironic thing is that one of the managers was black. He knew but took part in it anyway. He even tried to get me to quit. But I would not. It is easy to point the finger at the white man who may not even be related to the men who caused all of the problems in the past. But why do you black men justify yourselves when you do wrong and help bring another black person down. Even though I won thousands of dollars behind that experience I still had to suffer for several months not knowing if I was going to be vendicated. I think all the ladies have said it quite well, get over it. We are indeed in a new era.

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  41.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    @Bigeyes Comment by bigeyes31 on 5 June 2010: @Petite Hey Ms Lady, what’t wrong with the long style on the picture you have posted? I think it’s pretty on you. I’m glad you got the link. It was just something to get you started on your own research for styles. You can actually wear short styles for your face shape. Just have to find the right ones;I’m responding to a previous comment you made about short styles for you. Anyways you’re welcomed. Hey friendly,Petite,Bama ,godiva and even L.Queens,LOL,Ich Music is my first love. I have five brothers all older than me except one. My three oldest brothers ALWAYS listened to VARIOUS kinds of music,along with soul and R&B,thats where and how I was exposed to Rock,country,alternative,etc.,and it JUST HAPPENED to be in the 80’s,lol when I was MOST impressionable. It had nothing to do with race or ethnicity just a desire to do something different and be ourselves. Hall and Oates, New Edition,Culture Club,Tears For Fears(favorite) ,Duran Duran, The Police(favorite),Loose Ends(check them out). I love Nirvana as well as Hendrix and lots of Funk bands like The Brothers Johnson,PLEASE check out their rendention of the Beatles Come Together,bad as HELL!LOL. Then bring it back to The Fixx and The Church, Under the Milky Way,man I could on and on about the music I have been exposed to. I dont regret a single day of it,very grateful to my brothers for this. Peace -------------------------------- Hi guuuurrrlllllllll!!! Thanks again for the link. I like the style in this photo. But I want something different. Someone actually told me a shorter style like a bob would make me look younger. I'M ALL FOR THAT!!!! LOL. And because I seem to fancy this one or the Afro so much, I thought I'd try something a lil different. I do get lots of compliments on my fro though. I love music...any kind of music (O'Jays) Music, was and still is a very integral part of my life. I also love Jazz: Will Downing Phil Perry (not really Jazz, but he is categorized this way for some reason) Miles Davis (RIP) Kenny G Some real take it back to the day with the likes of Mr. Otis Redding (Try a Little Tenderness); to Carlos Santana, (original recordings w/o Rob Thomas); Tito Puente; Azucar! (The Lovely and sorely missed Celia Cruz....)to Creed and so much more in between. I have a very eclectic taste in music. Phyllis Hyman (a voice that makes you "FEEL" with her tremendous vocals on such hits as "Meet Me on the Moon", You Know How to Love Me, and more....can't forget my man Boz Scags or Maroon Five. "The Boss, Mr. Bruce Springstein." Who happened to dedicate one of his shows at Madison Square Garden in NYC to a very controversial cop shooting that had taken place here at the time. Let's see, The Isley Brother's "For the Love of You" or the Spinners' "Love Don't Love Nobody.", Gap Band's "Outstanding" and "Yearning." Mtume, and so much more. Right now I'm hung up on Maxwell. Lord hab mercy. And the highly educated, sophisticated and fioyne brother Ryan Leslie. I LOVE HIM. Thanks to my son!!! I don't care who made it. If it sounds good to me, I'll listen. Thanks for your help sis!!!

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  42.   bamababe2k9 says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    Oh and my sister is doing better thanks for asking.

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  43.   bamababe2k9 says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    Godiva you said it right,the generations before us had it rougher then we did and they didn't complained they kept going. Most of my family went to college in the 60's and 70's and early 80's, lived in a bad neighborhood and THEY made it out so nobody can tell me it can't be done. They are black and went to school in the deep south men and women. Like I said we got a generation of sorry ass people who want to blame everybody for their failures but they damn self. There are folks who had to go through tougher system then a lot of us did and they made it so why can't we?

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  44.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    @boots 10:43p.m. Boots stated: "Comment by boots on 5 June 2010: @ godiva61….what problem you say… well! how about the recognition that white supremacy/racism has brought us to the point we are today…hold whites to account for wrongs perpetrated, pay back what is owed , then this system will be turned on it’s head but at least then we would have so fairness………that’s a start……..and who is the problem you ask? …….well all blks, men as well as women including bama and freindly and all of their sort who have no interest in the healing of a race of people (thier own) that has been devastated to the point that they dont even love themselves." ---------------------------- Petite asks: If I were a woman who could enjoy people of all walks and different backgrounds of life, accept them for who they are, gay, lesbian, "other", with mental disease or defect, with a debilitating life long illness, the person who owns the restaurant where I purchase Chinese Food, Indian Food, Italian Food, Mexican Food.....WOULD I BE CONSIDERED a Black woman who obviously doesn't love herself because of my love of "people?" I do appreciate a response from you in a civil manner. It is the civility too, that keeps us from understanding one another, when insults are hurled (I am guilty - I own that), but I would prefer to have these types of discussion based on facts, critical thinking rather than emotion. So, with that said, I would appreciate a response in that fashion. Thanks.

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  45.   Malarki5 says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    godiva said: I WILL REPEAT IT ONCE AGAIN, IT IS A COP OUT, IT IS COWARDLY, IT IS A WEAK MIND THAT USES POVERTY AS AN EXCUSE TO KNOCK DOWN OLD LADIES, OR TO PUT A GUN TO THE BACK OF SOMEONE’S HEAD!!!!!!!!!!! Menelik replies: poverty being linked to crime is a social fact around which there are obvious EXPLANATIONS e.g. like being poor. To state as much is not to offer an "excuse". Closing down jobs and out-sourcing them overseas is an explanation for poverty and high crime rates in certain communities. There are several others. godiva said: THERE ARE MANY POOR PEOPLE WHO DON’T COMMIT CRIMES!! Menelik replies: there are some wealthy people who do commit crimes; what is your point? Menelik Charles London England

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  46.   godiva61 says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    @Ms.Bama, I guess what throws me for a loop is, I've seen the hardships that my Dad and the other men in the community went through, it was not easy for them, but they never waivered, that were strong, reliable and respectable and I can't recall not one day of my father's life where he complained. I knew when he was tired, but his family was his priority, and so was his community. When someone was a little worse off than someone else, they helped each other, they looked out for each other, they were responsible men who had the respect and admiration of women, times have changed!! They all hit rough patches from time to time financially but there was no one running around knocking down old ladies, and robbing people. I'm sure your mother did without, made sacrifices and she never robbed anyone. Once again, kudos to women like your mom, somebody had to be responsible!! Cherish your mom always!! How is your sister doing? I have a vanilla bubble bath, with my name on it!! Good nite, love godiva

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  47.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    Comment by friendly13 on 5 June 2010: Looks like the boys are playing again trying to throw us off our happy trail of sharing things that are positive and meaningful. Mad cause Lena didn’t pay them or the likes of them any attention. --------------------------------------------- Not if we stand "FIRM" in the right to make our decisions. You have every right to seek the kind of relationship you want, with whom you want. Just as any other race or group of people do. You are free to do this until the day you die!

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  48.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    @MsGodiva: This bares repeating in its ENTIRETY!!!! Comment by godiva61 on 5 June 2010: @boots, Your opinion, which is just that, about Ms,Bama and Ms.Friendly not loving themselves, is inappropiate, not accurate, considering, (and I’m assuming), that you do not know either of them personally. Who here is not aware of the racism that has plagued this country for years?? This is not breaking news!!!! We all know the story of racism, slavery, discrimination and degredation inflicted on us by the racist establishment from this country, however it is 2010 and for you or anyone else to always elude to this mentality of explaining and rationalizing ALL the problems in the black community, is in my opinion, extremely weak minded, irresponsible, dishonest, and just plain pathetic! Why? Well I’ll tell you why. There’s a whole generation that came before us, that came before them who had to endure, be denied, talked down to, overlooked and they did not have the opportunities that you and I have today. Because of their endurance, and perserverance during less than ideal situations, they managed to raise their families with a diginity and much respect from their peers, their families and their communities, and they hardly ever made excuses, whined or complained about what happened in the past. If anything the past was their motivation, and conviction, to keep moving on as best as they could, with what they had.. In other words, you and I will NEVER be able to comprehend on any level as to what they had to endure on a day to basis. I don’t care how educated we have become, or how many books we read, or who we are listening to, there is no way that we can look back and say that we had to travel the road in the same manner in which they did!!!!!!!!! You are entitled to think that you are owed something for the past transgressions, but forgive me for saying, yet again, but the people that came before you and I are the ones who are owed!! These are the people whose shoulders were heavenly burdened, and because they had such strong shoulders, we have benefited greatly because of them. If anything, I feel as though I’m the one who owes them for their sacrifice. Maybe there will come a day, when we get out of the ME syndrome, and get back to the WE mentality. You want to still be a victim, so be it, but I know who I am, I know where I come from, the only ONE that can ever vindicate slavery, racism, and ALL trangressions in this world, is in my opinion, the only ONE who has all power in HIS hands, so forgive me if I, and I’m sure other’s who do not share your sentiment about being paid back by MAN!! May 2010, a few days before Mother’s Day, there was a group of Senior Citizens, ages 73, 75, 84, and 87, who were on one of their usual outings, this time at the mall. Their chaperone stepped away from them for a split second, only to hear them screaming for help. The 87yr old, who happens to be my mother, was trying to help the 84 yr old, who had just been knocked down by two young brothers, who are so victimized by racism, and denied opportunities, because they wanted her purse. My mother who is a diabetic ended up being admitted to the hospital, because of the bullshit and the cowardly act by this young brother. He made the decision to take the cowardly, selfish, no regard for no one but himself, act. No white man, no racism, no slavery can rationalize or excuse this behavior!!!!! That young brother who put that gun to the back of my neck in 1997, while I was at the ATM machine, and two months pregnant, lost the baby three days later, can not, blame the white man, post slavery, racism, for his actions. I had to forgive him, but I will never forget, and forgive me if I’m not willing to accept this crap about ALL of our problems are from white people, It just don’t fly with me!!!!!!!! Enough with the cop outs, the excuses and the being DISHONEST, the finger pointing, and the oh so tired, weak blame game!! ------------------------------------------- LOVE IT, LOVE IT, LOVE IT,

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  49.   bamababe2k9 says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    @Godiva AMEN AMEN AND AMEN! to everything you said sista let the excuses STOP! Black women are lower on the pole then anyone out there yet we managed to go to college,make it in the corporate world and for the most part a lot of us are raising black kids by ourselves too. And we don't use racism as an excuse for being held down and we have just as much rights as you guys to scream it loud and clear. Shit we had to overcome the same shit you guys did and for the life of me I still don't understand why we can do it and there are brothas out there who can't or won't do it and continue to blame white folks. That's a good excuse if this was 1960 but this is 2010. I didn't get a scholorship and still took my ass to school and graduated. Boots you keep on saying you don't see how IR marriages and dating benefit black people, last time I check I didn't think we had to date and marry to benefit anyone but ourselves call me crazy. But yes as I said before I make no apologies for loving white men last time I checked they were human beings too and I don't hold them accountable for the shit I wasn't even involved my damn self so why should you? Yeah we sho can't make it yet our President basically came from nothing, is black and his ass made it to the highes office in the country and he didn't use excuses so that dog won't hunt no more fellows. Black folks aren't the damn victims and we need to stop acting like it. Like I said, we are the blame for the conditions our race is in today for the most part.

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  50.   godiva61 says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10


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