Why white men love the black woman

Posted by James, 31 Aug

Ever wondered why some white guys, love black women so much?

It seems that being a white male and proclaiming your attraction to black women (not only sexually, but also romantically) may lead to a lot of controversial and dangerous things. Let’s leave the debate of why more black women may be opening themselves up to white guys. The main focus of this debate is: why some white guys are opening themselves to black women. Let’s concentrate on that.

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Most white males don’t feel like they are running short of white women to marry. White males just marry at high rates. So question is: Why black women? The thing is it will not be fair to bundle up black women as one since everyone is their own person… be it in appearance or personality.

However, one thing that a white male friend of mine said… and I let him get away with bundling it all up is: “We love a black woman's confidence, her tenacity and her undeniable achievements in the face of great adversity...᾿ Since this info was coming from a man, there was definitely the mention of the lips, the curves, and that wonderful skin as well.

So what about stereotypes like “black women are either sexually conservative or total sluts?" Many people give so much lip service to interracial dating sites. You would think they have never done it. But those uptight individuals are the ones that spread these stereotypes. What happened to the highly educated black woman? How about the caring, decent and involved black woman?

Probably most white guys and others are confused with the stereotypical trash people spread around and if you are one that falls for such lame ol’ lines, then you sure as hell haven’t dated a black woman.

Bottom line, you don't have to sacrifice who you are for a white guy. They will love you anyway. Just be you and open yourself up… and if you like white guys, some white guy will find you too.

8090 responses to "Why white men love the black woman"

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  1.   Malarki5 says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    it is not a cop out to say that poverty is linked to crime!

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  2.   godiva61 says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    @boots, Your opinion, which is just that, about Ms,Bama and Ms.Friendly not loving themselves, is inappropiate, not accurate, considering, (and I'm assuming), that you do not know either of them personally. Who here is not aware of the racism that has plagued this country for years?? This is not breaking news!!!! We all know the story of racism, slavery, discrimination and degredation inflicted on us by the racist establishment from this country, however it is 2010 and for you or anyone else to always elude to this mentality of explaining and rationalizing ALL the problems in the black community, is in my opinion, extremely weak minded, irresponsible, dishonest, and just plain pathetic! Why? Well I'll tell you why. There's a whole generation that came before us, that came before them who had to endure, be denied, talked down to, overlooked and they did not have the opportunities that you and I have today. Because of their endurance, and perserverance during less than ideal situations, they managed to raise their families with a diginity and much respect from their peers, their families and their communities, and they hardly ever made excuses, whined or complained about what happened in the past. If anything the past was their motivation, and conviction, to keep moving on as best as they could, with what they had.. In other words, you and I will NEVER be able to comprehend on any level as to what they had to endure on a day to basis. I don't care how educated we have become, or how many books we read, or who we are listening to, there is no way that we can look back and say that we had to travel the road in the same manner in which they did!!!!!!!!! You are entitled to think that you are owed something for the past transgressions, but forgive me for saying, yet again, but the people that came before you and I are the ones who are owed!! These are the people whose shoulders were heavenly burdened, and because they had such strong shoulders, we have benefited greatly because of them. If anything, I feel as though I'm the one who owes them for their sacrifice. Maybe there will come a day, when we get out of the ME syndrome, and get back to the WE mentality. You want to still be a victim, so be it, but I know who I am, I know where I come from, the only ONE that can ever vindicate slavery, racism, and ALL trangressions in this world, is in my opinion, the only ONE who has all power in HIS hands, so forgive me if I, and I'm sure other's who do not share your sentiment about being paid back by MAN!! May 2010, a few days before Mother's Day, there was a group of Senior Citizens, ages 73, 75, 84, and 87, who were on one of their usual outings, this time at the mall. Their chaperone stepped away from them for a split second, only to hear them screaming for help. The 87yr old, who happens to be my mother, was trying to help the 84 yr old, who had just been knocked down by two young brothers, who are so victimized by racism, and denied opportunities, because they wanted her purse. My mother who is a diabetic ended up being admitted to the hospital, because of the bullshit and the cowardly act by this young brother. He made the decision to take the cowardly, selfish, no regard for no one but himself, act. No white man, no racism, no slavery can rationalize or excuse this behavior!!!!! That young brother who put that gun to the back of my neck in 1997, while I was at the ATM machine, and two months pregnant, lost the baby three days later, can not, blame the white man, post slavery, racism, for his actions. I had to forgive him, but I will never forget, and forgive me if I'm not willing to accept this crap about ALL of our problems are from white people, It just don't fly with me!!!!!!!! Enough with the cop outs, the excuses and the being DISHONEST, the finger pointing, and the oh so tired, weak blame game!! love godiva

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  3.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    @ Godiva You know you are right again sistah.

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  4.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    Looks like the boys are playing again trying to throw us off our happy trail of sharing things that are positive and meaningful. Mad cause Lena didn't pay them or the likes of them any attention.

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  5.   Malarki5 says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    @ Boots, Bro the whole underlying point of the utterances of certain women on this site is to pin whatever Black men raises his head above the parapet, and reacts to the slurs and holocaust revisionism, in a trench war! They do not, as much as they may insinuate, worship white men or even prefer white men...they are simply scorned women either via personal experiences or simply because of their looks. They need Bros like us to feel hurt, rejected and disrespected in a similar way they describe being hurt, disrespected and rejected by Black men. Often this process began with their own fathers. They often speak of former racial, sexual and romantic, loyalty to Black men and how it wasn't reciprocated (apparently we "prefer white women"!). Now - as they make abundantly clear, they have merely switched devotion over to white men (the guys who pick them last where Black men pick them first!) in some kind of perverse revenge fantasy in which we buck niggers are cuckolded by preppy white boys! This stuff wouldn't even work in porn let alone in reality - but still the scorned 'sistas' keep nigger-baiting the very men (like myself, you, Ich and even the abrasive bro Laurelton) who've NEVER rejected or abandoned Black women. we are like the petrol fuelling their revenge fantasies much like a modern German becoming the romantic hero of the modern Jewish female while the masses of Jewish men are libelled to the point of genocide...really, it is offensive, anti-Semitic, and deliberately so!!!! Bro Boots, please bail out now since their modus operandi has been uncovered. Let's leave them to their self-hating, revenge fantasies against their fathers, baby daddies and whatever Black men did them wrong. Stop reacting like they see us as unworthy of them when they have proven themselves unworthy of every Black man who has entered their lives. There's only so much a big butt and a smile can get ya, ladies! Please, Bro, just let them get on with it but without our input. Menelik Charles London England

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  6.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    @ boots I am not trying to cure social ills through I/R. I am just doing whatever the hell I want to do. If you and other people don't like it then so what. It is not your right to decide or your business to discuss. If you are so happily married with you little happy family then why are you on here so much. Family probably got tired of hearing your rhetoric. Hmmmm...I wonder if you have any sons. Black sons. I bet those white girls going to grab one of them sooner or later. What are you going to do if what of your kids has a mixed child, disown it? Oh I doubt that. God has a way of dealing with people like you.

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  7.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    @ Bamababe2k9 You said "... @Boots didn’t know the women you name stop being black over night because they have been with white men. Lord help us all if that happens let me check my skin turn in the mirror I might be turning white.lol I’m telling you if I ever write a book, I promise I’m going to interview some of ya’ll because some of the shit ya’ll say is unbelivable....." ********************** You said it right.

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  8.   dannyco56 says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    @boots and Laurelton, Hello gentlemen, I treat everyone with respect without regard for gender. I do not know either one of you gentlemen but I can respect you on this blog site until you show me you do not deserve my respect I do not know what either of you have been through in your lives. I know the way things were in the 60's sice I was in school at the time and I did watch the news. Have things changed since then? Yes! Are we where we ought to be as a nation? No! I do not think so, but I know we are not going to get there if we do not make an effort. The ladies on this site are beautiful, intelligent, educated, dedicated, and love their families. They may not have ever met you but if you treat them with respect and accept them as they are and not how you think they should be then they will also respect you. God Bless! Danny

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  9.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    @ boots You said "...what kind of advive can they give to blk people as a whole ….(How to live with and please your white man)…….she and the others have no wisdom to impart to young blk people..." The advice that they can give is based on what they experienced as black people who they were involved with romantically has nothing to do with their personal experiences as black people. You have to respect that.

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  10.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    @ Queenie You need to site your sources.

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  11.   boots says:
    Posted: 05 Jun 10

    @.....Bama ....I dont think that I have been disrespectful to blk women Iam married to one 25yrs never cheated on her, love her supported her have 3 children my daughter is a Ohio State political science...love my mother .......I simply dont see how I/R relationships benefit blk people at all...and in your case in particular how you claim to have always loved white men to the exclusion of blk men then there's just something perverted about that way of thinking ,correct me if I am wrong here or maybe I have misquoted you somehow. It seems to me every species would have at least an affinity for it's own

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  12.   boots says:
    Posted: 05 Jun 10

    @ Bama ....the real issues you mentioned have everything to do with white people...education ,upward mobility...remember this this whole legal,social, political,economic system here in this country was created by whites and controlled to this day........even the bm/bw ratio....granted its not all white peoples fault but much of our present distress comes from past misdeeds of white people. For example had blks been paid for labor that was (forced) free...do you suppose there would be so much blk poverty, and the crime and jail sentences that go along with being poor.Would there be sucha dichotomy between the races if my great grand father had left me 50 acres in the south of the state. yes...Bama!..... these real issues can be laid a the feet of white racism

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  13.   boots says:
    Posted: 05 Jun 10

    @ godiva61....what problem you say... well! how about the recognition that white supremacy/racism has brought us to the point we are today...hold whites to account for wrongs perpetrated, pay back what is owed , then this system will be turned on it's head but at least then we would have so fairness.........that's a start........and who is the problem you ask? .......well all blks, men as well as women including bama and freindly and all of their sort who have no interest in the healing of a race of people (thier own) that has been devastated to the point that they dont even love themselves

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  14.   bamababe2k9 says:
    Posted: 05 Jun 10

    Boots let me say this, there are assholes on both sides of the fence. Black men are not better or worse then white dudes and the same can be said for them. Interracial relationships aren't the cause of tension between blk women and blk men, it's US. I said this a few weeks ago that we need to stop blaming white folks for our issues that we refuse to deal with within our own race. The issues we refuse to discuss like education,upward mobility,the lack of black men per black women in our community these are real issues that have nothing to do with white folks. Boots you saying white men dog us out behind our backs, hell you don't think brothas don't do the same? Even worse some of them do it to our faces and disrespect us without blinking. I said before that I've never seen a white guy come on this or any other board and disrespect their white sistas like same of ya'll do us and I'll say that about white women too. They don't dog their men either. Again as I said before these are issues that we need to solve amongest ourselves that have nothing to do with white folks.

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  15.   godiva61 says:
    Posted: 05 Jun 10

    @boots, What problems should friendly be solving?? Any specific one problem, or is friendly and all other black women, who doesn't end up with a black man, are they the summation of the problems in the black community? Does this apply to the men as well? Are either the black male or black female are allowed to basically make their own decisions for their own lives, just as you have?? Are interracial couples, in your eyesight, the number one and the most detrimental aspect in the black community??? Really? Could you be interested in hearing my opinion, based solely on my experiences?? love godiva

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  16.   boots says:
    Posted: 05 Jun 10

    @ freindly13......ah... if life was as simple as you seem to view it....you said this 'I think we should all be equal in politics and relationships and no one race should be in power'....what a simple world to live in ,wish it were so. Well we have been trying to play catch up for a long time and its not going well for us blk people .....partly because of people like yourself who dont even recognize that a problem even exist...btw God did'nt mix up the pot ,tell me anywhere in the Bile that God endorsed I/R marraige ...he neither endorsed nor condemend them.

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  17.   boots says:
    Posted: 05 Jun 10

    @....freindly13 maybe that's your problem just maybe you and others like you should be about solving problems ........blk america has become much like white america shallow and materialistic...if these white dudes arent up tight then they propably should'nt be ....cause daddy left them 50 acres in the southern part of the state and a bank trust fund when they turn 21....I would'nt have no worries either. you really crack me up with that comment about intelllectual conversations....... lol....the Panthers as you say 'that blk Panther mess' well we could talk plenty intellectual stuff ......try reading some of Newton's writings,they are as heavy as any white dude you ever met.

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  18.   boots says:
    Posted: 05 Jun 10

    @.. friendly 13 ...you seem to be one of those blks that think I/R relations will bring in some type of utopia .You tell me after all this social integration in what area are blks near the level of whites .Is it in employment,average income levels,college grad rates ,HS grad rates,total assests.No none of the above.The comments you made about b/m trying to deny w/m access to blk /women is a joke . White men have always had access to you (blk /women) either by force or willingly. In the past blk /m could'nt protect their wives from white men .Today b/m cant stop you nor do they want to stop you or your kind from dating white men. I personally dont care who you marry ,have sex with or give babies to. 'Yall' need to stop trying to make the same comparisons bm/ are in a differrnt world than white men and they have carried the greatest burden of racism and still do today,through social engineering during Jim Crowism, and the transfer of wealth,if you think slavery ended with the surrender of the South think again and plezz read this book www.slaverybyanothername.com .Your comment on the Civil war shows a real lack of understanding ,whites fought to save the Union there was no love for blk people indeed there were riots in the North with many blks lynched when Lincoln asked for men to fight the South.Many whites said this ' I dont want to fight and die in Lincoln's war to free no niggers'. I have no great love for Mr Lincoln he made it clear in many of his speeches that he had no real concern for blks, and he was one of the first voices calling for blks to be sent back to Africa..Pleez check your history.In my opinion these white dudes that 'yall' claim love the blk woman maybe they do, but they dont give a damn about me or any other blk male and the dont care much for the blk race as a whole...as long as they can get that blk woman they want so badly.........you figure it out

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  19.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 05 Jun 10

    @ boots You think that we are involved in interracial dating to solve some kind of a problem? No we are doing it because we like it. As far as butt talk is concerned, black men talk about...what you never heard the song "she gotta, she gotta, she gotta donk...." made by black men (video retrieved on June 5, 2010 from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RHa07adEmOg&feature=related). What you never seen a rap video. What kind of women do they prefer in them? Women like me with a big butt small waist and thick shapely thighs. So this stuff about white men talk about our butts...get over it. You like it and so do they. What I like about white men is that they have intellectual conversations. They are men but I like the fact that we can talk about all kinds of things and not just go out to a loud night club dodging bullets and getting drunk. They have a refined way about themselves. They are not all uptight about silly stuff. You and Laurelton say things to insult Dannyco56 and he doesn't even get all upset. The reason is that he knows who he is and like a sister said earlier he knows what women like and how to get and keep them interested in him. We black women deserve to have someone like that too. Ain't nobody trying to solve any problems. We just want choices and to have a person that we can relate to. I can't relate to you and Queenie. All you all want to talk about is that black panther black power mess. If ya'll was going to take over the world you would have done it by now. Just let it rest. I don't think anyone race should be in power. I think we all should be equal in politics and relationships. I am just as good of a choice for a white man as a white woman is and a white woman is just as good of a choice for a black man as a black woman is. Or any race for that matter. Break out of that box your in and break free. You are not free bound all up with what I am doing, thinking, or feeling. What you don't realize is that God is the one mixing up the pot not you or I. We are all his creation and he is tired of all this man made separation.

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  20.   boots says:
    Posted: 05 Jun 10

    @ friendly 13.... my critisim of the above mentioned women of color was not on their light skin but due to the fact that they lived all those yrs with white men ....what kind of advive can they give to blk people as a whole ....(How to live with and please your white man).......she and the others have no wisdom to impart to young blk people

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  21.   Member says:
    Posted: 05 Jun 10

    QQ Listening to Friendly I do recall Lena Horne was used by various white men sexually. She ended up crazy and destitute. I think she lost her daughter for a brief period. I am not sure. None of those white men "she knew" lifted a finger to help her when she "went broke". Excerpt "Horne married Louis Jordan Jones in January 1937 and lived in Pittsburgh. On December 21, 1937 they had a daughter, Gail (later known as Gail Lumet Buckley, a best-selling author),[15] and a son, Edwin Jones (February 1940 - September 12, 1970[4] - kidney disease).[5] Horne and Jones separated in 1940 and divorced in 1944. Horne's second marriage was to Lennie Hayton, a Jewish American and one of the premier musical conductors and arrangers at MGM, in December 1947 in Paris.[16] They separated in the early 1960s, but never divorced; he died in 1971. In her as-told-to autobiography Lena by Richard Schickel, Horne recounts the enormous pressures she and her husband faced as an interracial married couple. She later admitted in an Ebony, May 1980 interview she had married Hayton to advance her career.[17]" She decided to be a white man's sex toy to advance in her career. Nothing noble about this woman period.

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  22.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 05 Jun 10

    @ boots I am appaulled that you will get on here and put down Lena Horne and other famous sisters just because they have light skin and what you probably think are white features. What you don't know are several things first of all, all African people are not dark completcted with large noses and nappy hair. Ever heard of Iman? Ethopian and Somalian people have balck of various shades and their hair is fine and silky. Then to say that Lena Horne is not really black is outrageous. You evidentally are not aware of how she stood up for black people even to the detriment of her early career. She absolutely refused to perform for segregated audiences and she was know for physically throwing things at racist white people. She may have been able to pass for white but she refused to just blend in. She took a very active role in the civil rights movement when she could have just turned her head and walked away and passed for white and not go through all that she did because she was black. Being black goes beyond skin color it is a matter of the heart. You need to check your heart out boots.

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  23.   boots says:
    Posted: 05 Jun 10

    @ Bama you got a legit point when you say blk men dont have to be hard all the time and should show a soft side.But as far as w/m being repectful and all ....you should hear some of the comments w/m make about b/w in private ....comments on their butts etc .I think you would be surprised....But getting back to b/m b/w relations ,Dr Frances Cress Welsing has much to say on this subject in the Isis Papers and her other books...we should try to understand each other and the burden of racism that was borne mostly by blk men in this country........you said that showing the soft side is one of the qualities you like about w/m.....on the flip side bros say the same thing when dating white girls......white girls r so much more easy to get along with and not so uptight....can u see where Iam going with this whole thing here . White racism has caused both blk men and blk women undue pressures we have to learn how to love ourselves I/R relathonships r not the answer

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  24.   bamababe2k9 says:
    Posted: 05 Jun 10

    HEY BE how is it going girly? Wasn't Sting so sexy when he was with the Police? My favorite Police song, King of Pain, don't know why but I loved it. Rick Springfield, still sexy at 60 and can sing Jessie's Girl to me anytime he wants.lol @Boots didn't know the women you name stop being black over night because they have been with white men. Lord help us all if that happens let me check my skin turn in the mirror I might be turning white.lol I'm telling you if I ever write a book, I promise I'm going to interview some of ya'll because some of the shit ya'll say is unbelivable.

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  25.   boots says:
    Posted: 05 Jun 10

    that last post was from' boots' not boos ...sorry gang I was in a rush to respond

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  26.   boos says:
    Posted: 05 Jun 10

    @ frienly 13..... You r one of those blks that seem to think IR marraiges will bring in some sort of utopia or something.You tell me in what area today, with all the social integration ,are blks near the level of whites, is it employment, average income, home ownership, college grads,highschool grads,total assets? no none of the above. Your comment about me trying to deny w/m access to you (b/w) what a joke ! w/m have always had access to you, whether by force or willingly.Blk men in the past had no power to protect their wives from white men .And today blk men have no power nor desire to stop you and your kind from dating w/m..I personally dont give a damn who you date ,have sex with ,give babies to whatever.My point is stop acting like b/m live in the same world as w/m 'yall' need to stop making that sort of comparison. like I said before until the white world gives back what they stole from us during 300yrs of forced labor there will be no peace among the races.The transfer of wealth ,social engineering through Jim crowism,etc .If you think that slavery ended with the surrender of the Confederate states then pleez read this book www.slaverybyanothername.com .Your comments about whites fighting with blks durings the Civil war...shows a lack of understanding, whites fought to save the Union, there was no love for blk people at all, matter of fact there were riots in the north when President Lincoln asks for troops to fight the South. Many of the whites said ' I dont want to fight and die for no niggers' even Mr Lincoln in some of his speeches made it clear he had no love for blk people and wanted to send them all back to Africa. So check your history pleez, I have no great love for President Lincoln or many of the so called founding Fathers .In my opinion many of these white dudes who 'yall' claim just love blk women dont give a hot f@#k about blk men like me or the blk race as a whole as long as they can get that one blk women they desire.

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  27.   bigeyes31 says:
    Posted: 05 Jun 10

    @Petite Hey Ms Lady, what't wrong with the long style on the picture you have posted? I think it's pretty on you. I'm glad you got the link. It was just something to get you started on your own research for styles. You can actually wear short styles for your face shape. Just have to find the right ones;I'm responding to a previous comment you made about short styles for you. Anyways you're welcomed. Hey friendly,Petite,Bama ,godiva and even L.Queens,LOL,Ich Music is my first love. I have five brothers all older than me except one. My three oldest brothers ALWAYS listened to VARIOUS kinds of music,along with soul and R&B,thats where and how I was exposed to Rock,country,alternative,etc.,and it JUST HAPPENED to be in the 80's,lol when I was MOST impressionable. It had nothing to do with race or ethnicity just a desire to do something different and be ourselves. Hall and Oates, New Edition,Culture Club,Tears For Fears(favorite) ,Duran Duran, The Police(favorite),Loose Ends(check them out). I love Nirvana as well as Hendrix and lots of Funk bands like The Brothers Johnson,PLEASE check out their rendention of the Beatles Come Together,bad as HELL!LOL. Then bring it back to The Fixx and The Church, Under the Milky Way,man I could on and on about the music I have been exposed to. I dont regret a single day of it,very grateful to my brothers for this. Peace

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  28.   Member says:
    Posted: 05 Jun 10

    Dear Boots We can disagree on black men dating white women. Clearly, sellout black women force black men to date outside of their race. As for the comment about peeing sitting down. That was clearly out of line. Since you are a black man. I give you that due respect. However, I do agree with your response on black women very attractive. But their commentary towards black men makes me angry. As you should open the door for your wife. Obviously, but I refuse to be cozy with sellout black women who worship white men. Good day sir

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  29.   boots says:
    Posted: 05 Jun 10

    @ Queens brother!I have no Idea wtf you talking about when you referred to me as a sucker and sitting down to pee, I really think you got the wrong blk man.A lot of what you have said on this blog over the 1 1/2 yrs I've been here I agree with some I dont, for example I dont think there is enough critisism of blk men who marry white women.I think you should go back and read some of my previuos responses.Whatever the case may be ,I still think blk women r the most beautiful women in the world the real blk ones ,not the Diana Ross ,Diahnne Carroll,Lena Horne ,Pearl Baily ,Grace Hightower, Tyra Banks etc..and yes I still open doors for my wife of 25 yrs.

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  30.   bamababe2k9 says:
    Posted: 05 Jun 10

    LOL @Queenie nothing wrong with being nice and respectful to women and I appreciate Danny for being nice. I don't know him personally but he just comes off as a decent guy. You come off that way Queenie when you want to you just like messing with folks. Ok Queenie and other men out there, gotta ask do you guys like bitchy women? I'm watching Bridezilla and these women are NUTS so men do you like bitchy women.

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  31.   Member says:
    Posted: 05 Jun 10

    QQ Friendly Na, you rather read what I have to say. Stop talking about Gardening this ain't the movie "Baby Boy" with Tyrese.

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  32.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 05 Jun 10

    @ Queenie Oh go to the barbershop, you are boring. I would rather read the edifying posts of my sisters and bortha's who have something to say worth reading.

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  33.   Member says:
    Posted: 05 Jun 10

    Good morning Bama LOL Well, if you leave the door open, the wind will come in. Tatt just made that mistake. I like Hall and Oates, Carley Simon, Melvin and the Blue Notes, Player, Lionel Richie, Andy Gibb, Michael Mcdonald (Patti Labelle duet). I could go on and on. Oh yea, I like Nirvana. (For the record) Some people might get angry about that Nirvana comment. If a white boy got soul, I respect that. Good music is good music to me. I appreciate women but I am an hardened individual. That is the problem with black boys. Their momma raise them feminine. My father made me do yard work, he would yell at you if your grades were not good enough. I wouldn't raise my kids the same way. I think you can get your point across with hitting them. The reality is women don't respect soft or weak men. Not saying Danny is that. The internet gives people the wrong impression about people. Any man that can provide for his wife and kids is a strong man to me. You don't have to be physically strong. Mentally and I am extremely strong. I just have to realize some women are fragile mentally. In particular, some black women. Just because a man is "nice to you". Doesn't mean he will be there for you. Quite often, it is the men like men that keep you out of that ditch in life. I often say we never get the credit we deserve. I am getting the money but not the recognition or respect. You can thank us later. In God's waiting room. LOL

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  34.   bamababe2k9 says:
    Posted: 05 Jun 10

    Good morning ya'll. I made it to Georgia all is well. Dang Queenie what's wrong boo all this getting along is getting on your nerves? LOL damn Seems like you aren't happy unless everyone is at each other's throats or paying you some attention. I liked Nirvna and Duran Duran, Hall and Oates,Rick Springfield etc. I doubt many brothas were into them growing up like I was. I also liked Kenny Chesney, Keith Urban,Shania Twain along with Beyonce',Rhianna, Alicia Keys. I tried to get into hockey but hockey is boring to me. Being a Southern girl though, most men here love a woman who loves football; that's me. So,what's wrong with being with a dude who you have stuff in common with, since when did that become a race issue? Boots as far as Danny goes, Danny is being a gentleman and showing the ladies respect which we appreciate. One thing I'll say about white dudes that is different from some brothas is they aren't afraid to have a soft side. They don't have to be "hard" all the time which is one of the qualities I like about them. It doesn't make you less of a man by appreciating a lady. Something else we need to be teaching our young men, it's ok to be nice.

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  35.   Member says:
    Posted: 05 Jun 10

    (Drinking orange juice)See, everything was going good. Until she cracked the door open and let me in. Tatto that on your forehead said this.... "And you know as much as I truly respect boots…..I certainly am beginning to see that all-to-typical “bitterness”. This will happen time and time again when CERTAIN men don’t receive enough attention online (possibly even in their “real lives, as well). I, for one, won’t change my tune when it comes to respectful, pleasant REAL MEN that grace us here. I feel it is just a sorry cop out to blame other for how YOU act. Funny how women of color don’t get the same “pass” as the dudes get….we are either the “bitch” or the “whore”; guys are “manly” or “virile”…….WTF-EVER. Bottomline, you have the choice everyday of what kind of attitude you want to give off….no one puts a gun you your head and tells you “BE A DICK/BITCH”. IF YOU ARE EITHER JUST OWN IT AND STFU." I am pretty you are the authority on receiving attention right. After being rejected by white men on the board. You should have let it go. I am not Big Eyes. What is "women of color"? How about address your comments about not wanting any white men on the board after they rejected you. Bringing up every white and heavy metal song you know to get attention from white men. You that desperate now? (Putting my drink down and looking at you) That's what sellout black women doing now. Pretending to like everything the white man like. The white man says he likes "Nirvana". The stupid sellout black girls says "me too". The white man says he likes "Hockey". The stupid sellout black girl says "me too". I bet if the white man says he likes to go to "Thailand" for underage Asian whores. The sellout black girl would say "ME TOOO". This ain't no laughing matter. Y"all a disgrace to the black community. No wonder white men don't comment here. They either "pull a Danny or Boots" and talk about how great their women are. Remember "their women" not your ASS. Boots is a sucker. He likes being emasculated by his woman. Just because he likes that. That doesn't make him the ultimate man. He holds his woman's bag at the mall! I wish a nappy headed black woman would ask me to hold her bag in the mall! That is the problem with nappy headed black women. They feel like you got "to sacrifice your manhood" to be with them. Boots and Danny sit down when they pee. That is the reality. Black women trying to promote emasculated white men. Bad enough, they are trying to make black boys feminine. I will get into that later. The old washed up black women "clap and say Hercules Hercules"! when they are done emasculating a white man. That is why they are failing now and have a F on their report card. NOW, all they can talk about is music and gardening. I can't recall this being a music and gardening board! NO other white men participating in the conversation AT ALL. (This indicative of there relationships in real life) Yak to their girlfriends because they got nothing better to do. That shows you how much white men even care what black women like to do. That is why white men got you in the mistress and jump off lane permanently. Y'all doing this bullshit right here. I don't know if it sad or pathetic. It could be both. Man look for that album " I AM SOMEBODY YOU SHOULD KNOW" The Chad Ochocinco story. http://mrlaureltonqueens.blogspot.com/ QQ Tatt you was better off talking about hairstyles for " Petite Rose" from the show 227. You know what, don't even do that. They might call it sexual "pervasion". Allegedly, the white man wants to hump sellout black women 10 times a day. I am out.

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  36. Posted: 05 Jun 10

    LOL@Petite.... Devil's Adovcate......now why did you have to go and bring up THAT one....lol. Gotta go dig around in my DVD collection, now...LOL. ....for you, sis..I might have to start visiting here more often. But if I get into some mess (AND CHANCES ARE, I WILL....LOL), I am going to blame you.....LOL (J/K). Peace and Blessings

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  37.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 05 Jun 10

    Ms.Godiva! Girl we are --------->HERE<------------- A couple of other mentions by some of these wonderful artists.... The Staple Singers: "I'll Take You There" Al Green: "Living For You" and another I forgot Luther's: "Never Too Much" Ohhh, I have so many more in my head. I too don't care for rap, but my son....well I endure it. I like some of today's country: Faith Hill, Shania Twain etc., and I love Sarah McLachlan (not country). NO CHARGE AT ALL.... *petite running out of thread thinking...."that's some bullshyt, I'm charg'n?* (hugs)

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  38.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 05 Jun 10

    @friendly Comment by friendly13 on 5 June 2010: @ tatted2death Yes, John Lennon’s Imagine is a wonderful song. He had a lot of great songs. I also like the song “Woman”. He was in and interracial marriage too. “Written by John Lennon Woman I can hardly express, My mixed emotion at my thoughtlessness, After all I’m forever in your debt, And woman I will try express, My inner feelings and thankfullness, For showing me the meaning of succsess, oooh well, well, oooh well, well, ------------------------------- Oh yeah baby! That's it right there!

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  39.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 05 Jun 10

    Good morning, Lady Tatted! Feeling you on John Lennon....a true legend with and without the Beatles. Indeed. And ummm......my daughter and I were discussing Al Pacino when he played in Devil's Advocate. WHAT? WHAT? Whooooosa! That man is FIYAH, he always has been..... Yes, sis let them be right? Let them "be" whatever they desire! Ha! I've taken responsibility for my oft times bitchiness.....While I prefer not to be sis, I do prefer not to be, sometimes that biting of tongue leads to a feeling of helplessness (from where I sit). I am not helpless. I have a voice, I have thoughts and feelings and will exercise these freedoms to express them so long as it is still a right guaranteed me under the Constittion of these here United States. So I find myself needing to take a stand. Good to see you pop in here from time to time. Please do it more often. ((hugs))

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  40.   godiva61 says:
    Posted: 05 Jun 10

    @Ms.Petite, Good Morning? It's good to know that I'm not the only one who is an early riser(lol). Actually I've been up all night(called in to work). Fine with being called in, but I worked with a bunch of whiner's and complainers last night, and it's usually just the women, but last night it was the men, and for me, that's a huge turn off when men whine!!!! Okay, here is my list of old school favorites, hope this list brings back some sweet memories for people here. I like all types of music, except for heavy metal and rap, so it may be a couple of songs, that are not too familiar with some. Al Green- Love and Happiness Edwin Hawkins- Oh Happy Day Bill Withers- Grandma's Hands Marvin Gaye's- God is Love, and After the Dance Michael Jackson's- Will you be There The Staple Singer's- Respect Yourself Cat Stevens- Peace Train The O'Jays- Family Reunion, You Got Your Hooks in Me, and Stairway to Heaven Led Zeppelin's- Stairway to Heaven U2's- In the Name of Love (A Tribute to Dr. King) Earth, Wind, and Fire's- All about Love, Open our Eyes, I'll write a Song, and Keep Your Head to the Sky And last, but not least, one of the best written albums ever (my opinion only) The Songs in the Key of Life, by Stevie Wonder, Love is in need of Love Today, Have a Talk with God, Another Star, and my favorite off this album, As!!! Thanks, Ms.Petite, this is what I needed this morning to erase the negativity of last night! How much are you charging me???(lol) love godiva

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  41. Posted: 05 Jun 10

    Oye, PetiteChick....I don't know about "intelligent" converstation here (tends to lead to too much bicker) but I will say this... ....we sure do have similiar taste in men.....lol. When I read a few days back about how you find Pacino sexy, all I could do is giggle and look over my shoulder at the huge Pacino (Serpico) poster on my wall....LOL. Woman, you KNOW he was ON FIRE in that movie, right????....LOL. And you know as much as I truly respect boots.....I certainly am beginning to see that all-to-typical "bitterness". This will happen time and time again when CERTAIN men don't receive enough attention online (possibly even in their "real lives, as well). I, for one, won't change my tune when it comes to respectful, pleasant REAL MEN that grace us here. I feel it is just a sorry cop out to blame other for how YOU act. Funny how women of color don't get the same "pass" as the dudes get....we are either the "bitch" or the "whore"; guys are "manly" or "virile".......WTF-EVER. Bottomline, you have the choice everyday of what kind of attitude you want to give off....no one puts a gun you your head and tells you "BE A DICK/BITCH". IF YOU ARE EITHER JUST OWN IT AND STFU. Peace and Blessings tatted2death

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  42.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 05 Jun 10

    @ tatted2death Yes, John Lennon's Imagine is a wonderful song. He had a lot of great songs. I also like the song "Woman". He was in and interracial marriage too. "Written by John Lennon Woman I can hardly express, My mixed emotion at my thoughtlessness, After all I'm forever in your debt, And woman I will try express, My inner feelings and thankfullness, For showing me the meaning of succsess, oooh well, well, oooh well, well, Woman I know you understand The little child inside the man, Please remember my life is in your hands, And woman hold me close to your heart, However, distant don't keep us apart, After all it is written in the stars, oooh well, well, oooh well, well, Woman please let me explain, I never mean(t) to cause you sorrow or pain, So let me tell you again and again and again, I love you (yeah, yeah) now and forever, I love you (yeah, yeah) now and forever, I love you (yeah, yeah) now and forever, I love you (yeah, yeah)...." (Lyrics retrieved on June 5, 2010 from http://www.lyricsdownload.com/lennon-john-woman-lyrics.html)

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  43.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 05 Jun 10

    @ PetiteChick Yes,I always thought possums were so ugly. Especially the dead ones. They are uglier than rats. We have plenty of possums and racoons in my neighborhood too. I am like,ya'll need to go find the wilderness and get out of my garden. They say that Racoon is good eatin though. On the music, boy you picked some goodones. It is hard to choose just one but the first one that jumped out at me was Bill Withers "Lean on Me". Hey another Sly & the Family Stone song that I like is "Stand" Stand In the end you'll still be you One that's done all the things you set out to do Stand There's a cross for you to bear Things to go through if you're going anywhere Stand For the things you know are right It s the truth that the truth makes them so uptight Stand All the things you want are real You have you to complete and there is no deal Stand. stand, stand Stand. stand, stand Stand You've been sitting much too long There's a permanent crease in your right and wrong Stand There's a midget standing tall And the giant beside him about to fall Stand. stand, stand Stand. stand, stand Stand They will try to make you crawl And they know what you're saying makes sense and all Stand Don't you know that you are free Well at least in your mind if you want to be Everybody Stand, stand, stand (Lyrics retreved on June 5, 2010 http://www.lyricsdownload.com/sly-and-the-family-stone-stand-lyrics.html) (Stand video retrieved on June 5 2010 from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=32V2zun5HlA) Wasn't sly fine when he was young ya'll....He is real musical ability. I enjoy all the musicians in the band too. All of them are so talented.

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  44. Posted: 05 Jun 10

    Imagine by John Lennon (as well as the remake by A Perfect Circle).... PEACE

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  45.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 05 Jun 10

    Comment by friendly13 on 4 June 2010: @ PetiteChick you said “…But I must ask, why is called “Ragoon?” Reminds me too much of raccoon…” Yes, is another one of those funny asian dish names. One of my favorites is the Pu Pu platter. Lol ------------------------- Ok, sis..... Ummm, cause I live in the big city but see raccoons. Who would've thunk it? Possums too. They are the ugliest creatures on the face of the earth those possums. OMG. When I first moved here, the motion detector in back of house came on and so I look out back window to take a look see.... I had no idea what the heck it was. Got on phone, called sis and said What da hell is this....this....thing. I said, "why didn't you warn me before I came out here?" LOL. We laughed at that until the day she died. I HATE THEM. LARGE RATS (just rodents of another sort) but they are ooogly and scarey swinging from trees and mess. Ewwwwwwwwww.

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  46.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 05 Jun 10

    @ My sisters: Name your favorite group or artist whose song sends a message of love and peace...... Marvin Gaye's "What's Going On?" Sly and the Family Stone's - "Everyday People" John Mayer - "Waiting on the World to Change" Maxwell - "Fistful of Tears" Bill Withers - "Lean On Me" Isley Brothers - "Caravan of Love" **must listen** O'Jay's - "Love Train" Marvin Gaye - "Mercy, Mercy Me" For the young and old this music is timeless, thoughtful and will forever be loved by millions for the beautiful messages written, composed and performed by the artists! I am pleased by son can appreciate some of this music. He had no other choice though. I play it! LOL. Music is a universal languge...........

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  47.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 05 Jun 10

    Good morning my beautiful Black sisters! Let's get this summer started! Old School style.... SLY'S "Thank You For Letting Me Be Myself Again." MsFriendly or Godiva pull up the URL from Youtube if this doesn't work. Do I need an account there? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5YXPJOUD7G0

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  48.   Rosysprings says:
    Posted: 05 Jun 10

    I love having my clit stimulated by a big mouth white man.

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  49.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 05 Jun 10

    Time to go do homework. Good night everybody.

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  50.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 05 Jun 10

    @ PetiteChick you said "...But I must ask, why is called “Ragoon?” Reminds me too much of raccoon..." Yes, is another one of those funny asian dish names. One of my favorites is the Pu Pu platter. Lol

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