Why white men love the black woman

Posted by James, 31 Aug

Ever wondered why some white guys, love black women so much?

It seems that being a white male and proclaiming your attraction to black women (not only sexually, but also romantically) may lead to a lot of controversial and dangerous things. Let’s leave the debate of why more black women may be opening themselves up to white guys. The main focus of this debate is: why some white guys are opening themselves to black women. Let’s concentrate on that.

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Most white males don’t feel like they are running short of white women to marry. White males just marry at high rates. So question is: Why black women? The thing is it will not be fair to bundle up black women as one since everyone is their own person… be it in appearance or personality.

However, one thing that a white male friend of mine said… and I let him get away with bundling it all up is: “We love a black woman's confidence, her tenacity and her undeniable achievements in the face of great adversity...᾿ Since this info was coming from a man, there was definitely the mention of the lips, the curves, and that wonderful skin as well.

So what about stereotypes like “black women are either sexually conservative or total sluts?" Many people give so much lip service to interracial dating sites. You would think they have never done it. But those uptight individuals are the ones that spread these stereotypes. What happened to the highly educated black woman? How about the caring, decent and involved black woman?

Probably most white guys and others are confused with the stereotypical trash people spread around and if you are one that falls for such lame ol’ lines, then you sure as hell haven’t dated a black woman.

Bottom line, you don't have to sacrifice who you are for a white guy. They will love you anyway. Just be you and open yourself up… and if you like white guys, some white guy will find you too.

8090 responses to "Why white men love the black woman"

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  1.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 05 Jun 10

    Hey everybody I just thought of another great Lady from our history, Ms. Elizabeth Keckly. Even though she was a former slave that was rapped and beaten by white men, mistreated by one of her mistresses for being so beautiful she still became the true friend of President Abraham Licoln's wife Elizabeth Todd Lincoln. This woman was a renown dress maker and was a very successful business woman. When President Lincoln was murdered his wife was abandoned and left pennyless with no means to support herself much less live in the highclass manner she once did as the First Lady of the country. Ms. Keckly raised money to help her and was criticized for it. But she still showed mercy on her because she was her friend and she had compasion on her not thinking about the hardships she faced at the hands of racist people. But she evidentally appreciated the fact that Abraham Lincoln empowered those who believed slavery was wrong to fight for the freedom of all. She also evidently knew that there were people who would hate Mrs. Lincoln because of the stand her husband took and lost his life for. Here is the link for anyone who wants to read about this great black woman (retrieved June 4, 2010 from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elizabeth_Keckly)

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  2.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 05 Jun 10

    @ PetiteChick You did it again, brought up another classic here it is an actual Sly and the Family Stone music video of "Everyday People" One thing I love about it is that there are several black men and some black women with a white man singing and everybody looks happy. Nobody is fighting ya'll. (retrieved on june 4,2010 from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kjX2MKaZ-rg)

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  3.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 05 Jun 10

    Comment by godiva61 on 4 June 2010: @Ms.Petite, Nice tribute to Sly and Rose, one of my favorites from this group. I also was fancied to “Stand”, the Sounds of Blackness did a version of “Stand” as well, loved it! Stand, you’ve been sitting much too long, There’s a permanent crease in your right and wrong Stand, because you are free At least in your mind, if you want to be I’m glad that I am free!!!!! ---------------------------------------------- MUSIC IS SAID to be able to calm the "savage beast." I agree...... G'nite sis be well.

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  4.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 05 Jun 10

    @Godiva Well, methinks I'm gonna get ready to go out. Need some air and some good vibes. I am apparently not reading so clearly here tonite. Singulair works good in the beginning and then it has no affect too. I've been using Singulair for a year now. Hardly does anything. Maybe a higher dose? Don't know. Where in tarnation did I get Chantix? Was reading something on internet about it today. Maybe that's why. Must go, unwind @ friend's house. Ladies, KEEP YOUR HEAD TO THE SKY!!!!

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  5.   godiva61 says:
    Posted: 05 Jun 10

    @Ms.Petite, Nice tribute to Sly and Rose, one of my favorites from this group. I also was fancied to "Stand", the Sounds of Blackness did a version of "Stand" as well, loved it! Stand, you've been sitting much too long, There's a permanent crease in your right and wrong Stand, because you are free At least in your mind, if you want to be I'm glad that I am free!!!!! love godiva

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  6.   godiva61 says:
    Posted: 05 Jun 10

    @Ms.Petite, Smoking??? No!! Claritin is an Allergy Drug, it seemed to work in the beginning, and now no relief! Dr. gave me something called singulair, we will see. I just want relief!!!!! love godiva

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  7.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 05 Jun 10

    @Godiva Girl, that didn't sound right! @Petite: Comment by PetiteChick on 4 June 2010: @Godiva! CONGRATULATIONS? Am I understanding you completed the non stop programming with Chantix or are you an official non smoker? WHAT I AM ASKING IS DID YOU JUNK CHANTIX OR DID YOU COMPLETE THE PROGRAM WITH CHANTIX?

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  8.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 05 Jun 10

    @ Godiva You said "....Let’s see, dannyco is a man, that happens to get along, and respect women, and for some strange reason, the women here has responded to dannyco, in the manner in which he has treated them so far!!!..." You are probably right about that. Plus, boots doesn't like to see white men getting serious about black women because he feels that white men have served the black community an injustice and would like to punish them by somehow denying them access to us by getting on here and saying things he feels will make them shy away from the sight. He evidently likes to make himself believe that white men are physically inferior to himself. He made the comment boots said this " Greeetings to all………it seems blk women just love white dudes like dannyco56…..weak azz male…sooooo sweet lol....." Of course are these also the same white men that fought beside black men to free the slaves from the confederate grip? Hmmmmm.......or was it all black men alone that fought to free us. Who gave the black man the gun and the right to fight the confederate soldiers? What color was the man who signed the civil rights bill? I wonder if boots can answer those questions honestly. He has a CHIP on his shoulder that what his problem is. But I am glad to know that he is married. So many black men think they are going to get some where by disliking white men who don't even have anything against them. Many of them will try to help them on their way to equality. I honestly believe that Dannyco56 is one of those kind of white men. But still boots insults him. He only makes himself look bad.

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  9.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 05 Jun 10

    Okay, I am getting a new keyboard because the one I am typing on sucks......I apologize about all the dreadful typos. It seems like no matter what typo typo typo. Or maybe it is my eyes. I don't know. I apologize it is not intentional.

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  10.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 05 Jun 10

    @Godiva! CONGRATULATIONS? Am I understanding you completed the non stop programming with Chantix or are you an official non smoker?

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  11.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 05 Jun 10

    TO THE BOARD!!! Sometimes I'm right and I can be wrong My own beliefs are in my song The butcher, the banker, the drummer and then Makes no difference what group I'm in I am everyday people, yeah yeah There is a blue one who can't accept the green one For living with a fat one trying to be a skinny one And different strokes for different folks And so on and so on and scooby dooby doo-bee Oh sha sha - we got to live together I am no better and neither are you We are the same whatever we do You love me you hate me you know me and then You can't figure out the bag l'm in I am everyday people, yeah yeah There is a long hair that doesn't like the short hair For bein' such a rich one that will not help the poor one And different strokes for different folks And so on and so on and scooby dooby doo-bee Oh sha sha-we got to live together There is a yellow one that won't accept the black one That won't accept the red one that won't accept the white one And different strokes for different folks SLY AND THE FAMILY STONE!!!

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  12.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 05 Jun 10

    @friendly..... The stylistics did a beautiful one.... "PEOPLE make the WORLD go ROUND" Sly and the Family Stone's "I am Everyday People." Classic..........

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  13.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 05 Jun 10

    Hey y'all. How yeeerrrr doin? I was fix'n to go start cooking when I decided to stop on in heah and see what ma patnas are doin? @friendly does that cut the mustard for southern? LOL. Whatcha know-know good? Anyway, ladies, (my sistahs) Ms.Friendly, Godiva, Ms.Bamba, Tatted, Big Eyes, and to the "beautiful people" WHAT'S REALLY GOOD? Whew....just when I thought we would have just a bit of civil discourse, just for a lil while, here we are thrust into non-productive "Gibberish" yet again. Well, I don't live and exist for gibberish. I have so many other wonderful things to do. Meet new people, form new alliances, discover things on an intellectual and spiritual basis. LIVE, LOVE for as long as I have air to breathe. Don't waste your time on anything else sistahs. If you do, one day you'll wake up and the missed opportunities will haunt you. For those whose very existence is to be intolerant, hateful and spiteful, well maybe they will think about those missed opportunities. Then again, maybe they won't. Peace and Blessings to the Board!

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  14.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 04 Jun 10

    @Princess Princess stated: "Comment by princess spice on 4 June 2010: @petite chick i said u speak a book bout the salt intake much people dnt realise its a killer lol hw r u are u in the usa." ------ Petite says: OK, got it!

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  15.   godiva61 says:
    Posted: 04 Jun 10

    @Ms.friendly13, According to boots, he is a very happily married man of 25yrs! Maybe you can enlighten me as to why he seems to have a problem with the responses that dannyco56 has recieved?? Let's see, dannyco is a man, that happens to get along, and respect women, and for some strange reason, the women here has responded to dannyco, in the manner in which he has treated them so far!!! Is it a possibility that dannyco is one of the many men in this world who actually know how to relate to women and doesn't spend most of his waking moments repelling women? So very sad! love godiva

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  16.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 04 Jun 10

    Hey ya'll (usig country accent), remember Stevie Wnder and Paul McCartney's song "Ebony & Ivor"....live together in perfect harmony,side by side on my piano oh Lord Why don' we.......we all know that people are the same where ever we go, there are good and bad in everyone...." Oh I still like to sing it. Hey you guys can watch the video with me..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gtyallub8Xc

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  17.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 04 Jun 10

    @ boots You know boots I don't know anything about you except for what I read in your posts. I am assuming that you are a black man. As a black woman, I am sensitive to the struggles that not only black men but also women experience because of racism. I understand that you are frustrated that black women, like myself, are allowing white men to consider us for companions; whether it be for intimate partners or marriage. But you are going to have to accept that times are changing. If you want to be treated as an equal to white men by all people then we are going to have to stop this segregation thing. Even in relationships. There is not black person male or female who has not experienced some type of racism. But most people are not racist. It is only the racist population that love to hear you make the comments that you do. They love to hear you say that black women should only date black men. That keeps everybody seperate. It is good for some of these racist people to have someone in their family bring home a wife or companion of a different race. It is good for those same interracial couples when they have children and take them to those same family reunios. It is difficult to hate a cousin or a brother or a nephew, or a niece. Often times it is because of an interracial relationship that people begin to realize that segregation of anykind is wrong. I can't hate you are be mad at you for saying what you are because I can feel your pain. But I cannot feed that pain with the wrongness of racism. I would be lying if I said that there was never a time that I felt the way you do. But God has had to deal with me and show me that this is not what I want for my children either. I want to love the woman my sons chose to marry no matter what color she is. I want to love the man my daughters marry no matter what color or nationality he is. I only want them to be happy. I only want them to chose someone who will appreciate and love them from the depths of their hearts. You deserve that too. I hope that you find the black woman of your dreams that perhaps even feels like you so that you can be happy and have someone who completely understands and appreciates everything about you. Whether you like it or not Dannyco56 is your brother regardless of his skin color. We are all connected.

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  18.   boots says:
    Posted: 04 Jun 10

    sorry that should read 'the same as white men anyway'

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  19.   boots says:
    Posted: 04 Jun 10

    Greeetings to all.........it seems blk women just love white dudes like dannyco56.....weak azz male...sooooo sweet lol...blk men have had to deal with 10 fold the problems as white men and still do ...why do blk women expect us to react the same as whites men anyway....give me the same white staus/wealth and you might get a different blk male. Some blk women are living in a dream world.

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  20.   dannyco56 says:
    Posted: 04 Jun 10

    Hello petitechick, friendly13, Bamababe2k9, godiva61, princess spice, Laurelton,tatted2death, Scof and Sarah, and all others visiting this blog, Good Morning, Sorry have not posted in a while but have been busy with work and errands. I have to get ready for work now but wanted to lt all know I am keeping an I on the blog and have read your posts recently. Have a great day. God Bless! Danny

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  21.   godiva61 says:
    Posted: 04 Jun 10

    @Ms.friendly13, Good Morning to you and Happy Friday!! All is well here with the exception of the humidity and my allergies!! The Claritin is no longer working!! When will my dinner invitation arrive?? You and Petite are making me very, very hungry!! Going to get some new drugs, I have officially kicked the Claritin to the curb! See ya soon, love godiva

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  22.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 04 Jun 10

    @friendly forgot to tell you about Tempura. EASY. Regular White flour (season it if you want). ICE Cold Water, Batter it up. Should be lumpy Dip washed veggies cut to your size and taste in batter Hot pan (oil must be hottttt) Drop the battered veggies in hot pan let them brown slowly, turn them often so they are golden brown Put them on paper towel to drain and voila. The same applies to the ready made tempura mix. I prefer that as opposed to seasoning the batter myself. *smooches*

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  23.   Member says:
    Posted: 04 Jun 10

    @petite chick i said u speak a book bout the salt intake much people dnt realise its a killer lol hw r u are u in the usa

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  24.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 04 Jun 10

    @friendly What’cha know good? Petite: I'm coming to your house. Make room. I want some of: "I like to make fried crab ragoon. They can be baked as well. I just buy wanton wrappers found in the asian section of the grocery store. I make a mixture of creamcheese (preferably the pinapple flavor one, a little lemon juice, finely chopped green onion (very small amount, cooked crab meatchopped finely (realcrab tastes better but artificial is okay, a little crushed pineapple mixed a little ginger, a little soy. Put a small amount of the mixture in the center of the wrapper and fold. To bake brush down with oil or applesauce (a good oil replacement). Or deepfry in a skillet or deepfryer until golen brown. It doesn’t take very long at all, a couple of minutes and they are done, the baking method may take about 7 - 8 minutes if you stick them in a hot oven at about 375 or so. Then enjoy with sweet and sour sauce" Petite: But I must ask, why is called "Ragoon?" Reminds me too much of raccoon. When shall you be sending ticket? Ewww, ewww, fedex it! Teeheee...

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  25.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 04 Jun 10

    Comment by princess spice on 4 June 2010: @petite chick ok cool wow you speak a book they, that is so true hunny :-) @Princess Spice Ummm, errr, ok! Whatever that means. :-|

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  26.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 04 Jun 10

    @ Bamababe2k9 I am sorry to hear about your sister being ill. It is a good thing she has a sister like you to help her with her daughter. Well, you are on my mind. I wondered what happened to you. Yes, family concerns come first. Well, I hope your sister gets better soon.

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  27.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 04 Jun 10

    Good morning PetiteChick, Godiva, MzBrownSugar, Bambababe2k9, Tatted2death, BigEyes, Princess Spice and to the brothas Dannyco56, Ichibod, Tom4black and scoff/sarah What'cha know good? Hey,PetiteChick, I have heard of the dish you were talking about Tempura, but have never tried it. I would love a recipe. I love salads with dark leafy greens topped with a grilled chicken, beef,or seafood (especially shirmp), with dried cranberries, pecans, crumbled boiled egg, frozen peas and corn, carrots and dressing. I like different variations too. My youngest son loves salad too. My other son loves steamed broccoli and carrots. I have been looking for colliflower and broccoli seeds. Haven't found any yet. He speaking of cooking. I like to make fried crab ragoon. They can be baked as well. I just buy wanton wrappers found in the asian section of the grocery store. I make a mixture of creamcheese (preferably the pinapple flavor one, a little lemon juice, finely chopped green onion (very small amount, cooked crab meatchopped finely (realcrab tastes better but artificial is okay, a little crushed pineapple mixed a little ginger, a little soy. Put a small amount of the mixture in the center of the wrapper and fold. To bake brush down with oil or applesauce (a good oil replacement). Or deepfry in a skillet or deepfryer until golen brown. It doesn't take very long at all, a couple of minutes and they are done, the baking method may take about 7 - 8 minutes if you stick them in a hot oven at about 375 or so. Then enjoy with sweet and sour sauce. They are deliciuos.

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  28.   Member says:
    Posted: 04 Jun 10

    QQ in the room Sorry to interrupt the "Oprah segment on cooking". I released The Chad Ochocinco Story. Off the album " I AM SOMEBODY YOU SHOULD KNOW" http://mrlaureltonqueens.blogspot.com/ (Getting up from the couch) Anyway, back to your cooking and what hairstyles fit you best and etc. (Taking some chips from Friendly's cooking table) (Throwing hands up, just want 1 chip, see eating it) I am out.

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  29.   Member says:
    Posted: 04 Jun 10

    @petite chick ok cool wow you speak a book they, that is so true hunny :-)

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  30.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 04 Jun 10

    Good day Princess Spice. Well, thank you for the compliment about eating healthy. Sometimes I do and sometimes I don't. I sneak in some sinfully good - goodies from time to time. The veggies are just something I love period. Whether steamed, sautee. I just like veggies. I'm an ethnic foodie so I have to watch what I eat because of salt content. I just take the approach of "moderation" so that I don't feel like I'm depriving myself of anything. Have it, but within reason. However, a healthy eater, I am NOT. *smile* The salt content wrecks havoc on me. Of course it elevates blood pressure, which leads to many other ailments and death that many people don't even know they have. "The silent killer." Then, there's the way it contributes to my "bloating" at certain times of the month. I find that if I have minimized my salt intake for the better part of the month, I get less of that during those times.

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  31.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 04 Jun 10

    @friendly.... Comment by friendly13 on 3 June 2010: I totally missed this: Friendly: "Anybody know anything intellectually stimulating?" We can come up with something, right? I vote for Ethics and its principles!

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  32.   Member says:
    Posted: 04 Jun 10

    @petite chick wow you eat very healthy we are on the same level keep it up girl, you ladies have a bless day @friendly13 @ms godiva bless up

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  33.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 04 Jun 10

    @bambababe: That has been going around in New York too. The bacterial one.... Take care and oh, the alcohol or purell comes in handy. If you get sick you can't go to Atlanta! Be well, sis *smooches*

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  34.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 04 Jun 10

    @friendly I love salads. I can hardly wait to blanch some cucumbers and slice up some tomatoes with red onions and various greens. Yum Yum Petite: Girl, now I'm gonna have to go in there and make me a salad. I actually bought fresh veggies today to do a tempura. Egg Plant, Broccoli, Green Beans. I love it. Sometimes I just use batter with flour or sometimes with a tempura batter. Today I bought a tempura batter. Was watching my dance show and now I'm hungry....ewwwww, the good thing about the veggies and tempura is that it's so quick. Hmmm, tempura or salad? Either way son won't eat it. But I suspect he won't want to eat as he'll be getting in late tonite. I'm out to fix ma food.....

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  35.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 04 Jun 10

    @ PetiteChick Yes, I got the second installment. I enjoy doing the gardening. I find myself getting up eary to check on them. It is sort of like nurturing children. Well, except for the fact that I look forward to eating them after they are grown (the vegetables). It is such a blessing to know that I can grow many of the vegetables that we like to eat at a fraction of the cost. I also like the fact that I can also share with others too. Hey, PetiteChick I will check it out to see if I can mail you some plants. If you are interested. And even a couple of others who may be interested. But I would have to do it soon because eventually they will be too big. I have some extra tomatoe plants: red and yellow. I love salads. I can hardly wait to blanch some cucumbers and slice up some tomatoes with red onions and various greens. Yum Yum

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  36.   Bamababe2k9 says:
    Posted: 03 Jun 10

    Thank you dear. I'll be keeping my eye on stuff but hopefully my sister will start feeling in the next day or two but she doesn't want her to catch what she has. They say instead of the virus she has the bacteria which is contiguous. My mom and I were just over there Monday for dinner and my sister got sick that night with a 109 temp.

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  37.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 03 Jun 10

    @Bambababe2k9 You know I miss your presence around here. You know this. I'm sorry to hear about illness in the fam. Hope all goes well with sis. Hope sis takes it easy too. Try not to recover too quick just cause she's feeling better. Can cause relapse. My, you are like the family go to. That's ok. It's obvious they know they can count on you! That's a good thing. Get to and from your travels safely and check in with us and let us know everything's good. My prayers are with you. *smooches and prayers too.....*

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  38.   Bamababe2k9 says:
    Posted: 03 Jun 10

    @Petite hey chick hey ya'll, been dealing with family issues this week. My sister has pneumonia so I've been keeping my niece this week. Then I'm suppose to go out of town this weekend to help some more family members in Georgia so that's where my focus has been.

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  39.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 03 Jun 10

    @Ms.Godiva how's it going? Bambabe2k9(miss you), all the old and new, how y'all doing? The big apple is baking............

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  40.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 03 Jun 10

    @friendly What's up? Ms. Friendly, I have the second installment for you. Will send it off soon. Actually this might be fun reading it this way. Whatcha think? Anticipating the next section? Hmmm.... How's the fam, boys, and daughters? I've been out running some errands and am back with my silly brother here who helped me put my window air conditioner in bedroom. Girl, it is too hot for me. I try to wait until toward the end of June but ummmm, it's HOT!!! LOL. Do you wear a hat when you're out in the garden with all of the heat bearing down on your head? I hope so. Girl I don't know how you do it. I have to wait till dusk to even venture in to my jungle. Then I put on long sleeves and spray that Off stuff every place a bug can bite...(LOL). I'm sorry I don't have any gardening tips. Gardening....now I recall telling you I would be YOU to come do mine. Ha! Girl I know as much about that as I do the inner workings of a rocket ship! You sound like you doing good though, sometimes I think you don't get the crops you want. Some years are better than others, right? Keep it at. Sounds like you love it. Getting your hands dirty and "making things grow." *smooches*

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  41.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 03 Jun 10

    @ PetiteChick I got it and it opened perfectly. Thanks. I'll keep a lookout for the rest.

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  42.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 03 Jun 10

    @friendly Check your email for the first installment. Assure me that you can open it and download it before I proceed to send the rest........ *smooches*

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  43.   Member says:
    Posted: 03 Jun 10

    good moring friendly13 have a bless day ...xxxx

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  44.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 03 Jun 10

    Oh, I copied some of my good morning greeting I should have replaced PetiteChick's name where mine is. GOODMORNING Ms. PetiteChik....sorry about that. I feel like a complete idiot....looking for that book.

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  45.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 03 Jun 10

    Good morning MsFriendly, Godiva, MzBrownSugar, Bambababe2k9, Tatted2death, BigEyes, Princess Spice and to the brothas Dannyco56, Ichibod, Tom4black and scoff/sarah Well,it is going to be another busy day. I passed out cold yesterday after finishing homework around 2 am. Anybody know anything intellectually stimulating? Hey, I am about to plant my starter gardens. I put some things directly into the ground and they have come up so fast. The only bad thing is that the rabbits just about ate all my starter lettuce plants. My mother tells me to plan onions around them because they hate the smell. Anyone got any good tips about that? It would be greately appreciated.

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  46.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 03 Jun 10

    @ PetiteChick Okay, thanks a bunch.

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  47.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 03 Jun 10

    @friendly Comment by friendly13 on 2 June 2010: Hey everybody, I have been running myself ragged today. Just now getting a chance to check in. ---------------------------------------------- Sister girl! How youuuuuuuu doing? My daughter told me to send the PDF's via yousend it. So expect that. When you get the emails from yousendit.com just download them to your hard drive. I had to figure out a way to keep from sending a bunch of PDF files. Let's see how it works. (hugs)

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  48.   Member says:
    Posted: 03 Jun 10

    @friendly13 awwwwwthx hun how sweet its always a pleasure to be involve in this forum o yeah i will definitely stay with this forum god bless...xxx

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  49.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 03 Jun 10

    Hey everybody, I have been running myself ragged today. Just now getting a chance to check in. @tatted2death, you are so right. Well, I have to catch up on what has been going on but have to get some homework wrapped up before midnight. I am reading the chapters right now and contemplating what I am going to write. So, I will probably be late responding.

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  50.   Member says:
    Posted: 02 Jun 10

    Hey Godiva I am doing well in "God's waiting room" Florida Kissimmee. I can't complain. Playing basketball with the illegal immigrants at the YMCA. Making friends with illegal immigrant Spanish women that speak broken English. I haven't gone to the "hood" yet to meet some black women. I am pretty sure, I will get around to it. Orlando and Kissimmee is like "night and day". Oh yea, Danny I am a Seventh Day Adventist. Yea, I don't drink or smoke or worship on Sundays. I don't eat certain foods either like pork, bacon, and etc. I have got off the path though. Dealing with these nappy headed black women test our faith. Good day to you.

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