Why white men love the black woman
Ever wondered why some white guys, love black women so much?
It seems that being a white male and proclaiming your attraction to black women (not only sexually, but also romantically) may lead to a lot of controversial and dangerous things. Let’s leave the debate of why more black women may be opening themselves up to white guys. The main focus of this debate is: why some white guys are opening themselves to black women. Let’s concentrate on that.
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Most white males don’t feel like they are running short of white women to marry. White males just marry at high rates. So question is: Why black women? The thing is it will not be fair to bundle up black women as one since everyone is their own person… be it in appearance or personality.
However, one thing that a white male friend of mine said… and I let him get away with bundling it all up is: “We love a black woman's confidence, her tenacity and her undeniable achievements in the face of great adversity...᾿ Since this info was coming from a man, there was definitely the mention of the lips, the curves, and that wonderful skin as well.
So what about stereotypes like “black women are either sexually conservative or total sluts?" Many people give so much lip service to interracial dating sites. You would think they have never done it. But those uptight individuals are the ones that spread these stereotypes. What happened to the highly educated black woman? How about the caring, decent and involved black woman?
Probably most white guys and others are confused with the stereotypical trash people spread around and if you are one that falls for such lame ol’ lines, then you sure as hell haven’t dated a black woman.
Bottom line, you don't have to sacrifice who you are for a white guy. They will love you anyway. Just be you and open yourself up… and if you like white guys, some white guy will find you too.
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Dannyco56 says:Posted: 02 Jun 10
@Laurelton, I am Christian and currently attend Presbyterian services. Do you attend church? If you do what is your faith? God Bless! Danny
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PetiteChick says:Posted: 02 Jun 10
Good afternoon all! It's a beautiful day! Good to see you Dannyco, heeeeyyyyyy! Tatted, what up girlie? Good to see you Ms. Friendly, Godiva, Big Eyes, Bamba, MzBrownSugar what y'all know good? Teeheee (stole that from Ms.Friendly) I'm just dropping in to see how my gals are doing. Hoping all is well with everybody. Went wig shopping (Sara/Scoff), LOL. Think I came up with something nice. Took part of Bamba's advice and found something sort of nice on website Ms. Bigeyes provided for me. Not quite the same as one I saw @ website but close. What's good with the gardening sis, Friendly? Ha, I got weeds to cut. Uuuuughhhhhh. Will do that when sun goes down a bit today. Friendly I didn't forget you and "Mistakes." Much love and (((((hugs))))) for my sisters!
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dannyco56 says:Posted: 02 Jun 10
Good morning All, @tatted2death, Thank you for your kind words good to see you back on this blog. It seems that it has gotten a little quite in here. Everone must be pretty busy after the long weekend. I hope everyone had a good weekend. I had a good weekend myself. I got a little yard work done on Saturday after having breakfast with some of my friends and brothers from the church. Saturday evening we all got together for dinner and bible study. We started at 7:30 and ended about 9:30. Sunday was the 20 year anniversary or bithday of our church so had an all day celebration for that. Monday went with some of my brothers from the church out to some property that one of them ownes and checked it out and then went to his home and visited for awhile before we all headed home. Yesterday was back to work for me the wife started back to work Monday. Hope everyone has a great day today. God Bless! Danny
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tatted2death says:Posted: 02 Jun 10
Que Paso, Good People.... hey there Godiva.....caught that wonderful post of yours a few days ago...you were in top form as usual. ....But...ummm....ladies, Why are you are arguing with "Daffy" about child support???? Does it REALLY surprise you that he upholds values such as these that are completely ASS-BACKWARDS???? Come on, now!!! The man is what he is.....(live and let live) but why give a rat's ass about his opinion on the subject? He runs NOTHING but his mouth. "DAFFY" PUUUULEEZE.... *lmao* (don't steal THAT one....PFFTT). I want to take time out and thank Danny for his appearance here and thank the ladies here for "holding it down"......especially BAMA...(a woman after my own heart....says dayum near everything that is on my mind....thanks for saving me the keystrokes, sis). I am sooo loving the exchange going on here lately....nastiness and negativity kept to a minimum. Keep up the goody goods.... Peace and Blessings tatted2death
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friendly13 says:Posted: 02 Jun 10
@ PetiteChick and everybody I too have been a busy bee. The Lord has blessed me tremendously. I had to run so many errands only to realize that I forgot one that I will need to wake up early and take care of tomorrow. Well, that will make me walk and burn some pounds. Thanks a bunch PetiteChick, I really appreciate your willingness to do that. I hope it is not too much trouble.
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PetiteChick says:Posted: 02 Jun 10
@Friendly13 Girl, I have had so much to do this day here! Anyways, I wanted to let you know that you will just have to get a bunch of PDF's via email. I saw the program which is an Acrobat program that let you just sign on (after downloading the app) and retrieve the large PDF file - and now my behind can't find it. I know, I know, hush! LOL. Anyway, I will scale back the first PDF and just send like that. I will number them so you know which pages are which. It will be a lot over the course of time. Hotmail sucks! Teeheee..... I just wanted to drop in and holler at my girls for a quick minute. Must run off and get some things done. Sarah/Scoff, I apologize for not acknowledging you. How youuuuuu do'n??? Hope life is good for you. We only get one!!! Peace and Blessings.
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PetiteChick says:Posted: 02 Jun 10
Good evening my sisters! Much love. MsFriendly, Godiva, MzBrownSugar (where's my $$) LOL Bambababe2k9, Tatted, BigEyes Hope all is well with everyone. Dannyco56, heeeeeyyyyyyyy Welcome, Princess Spice, as sister Friendly stated, everything you read here is not negative. We (sisters) talk about a lot of things of interest to us. The sisters are hoping of course more, men would come and join the conversation about their love for Black women. We are a united front! I'm fairly new here with the gals, but they are great. Stick around, you'll see.....
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friendly13 says:Posted: 01 Jun 10
retraction I said "I feel bad that you came to this site, probably for the same reason some of us did and that was to hear dialogue about “why white men love the black women”. I meant to say "I feel bad that you came to this site, probably for the same reason some of us did and that was to hear dialogue about “why white men love the black women" only to find people disagreeing about things that don't even pertain to the topic. I also said "...I hope that you can here positive things..." I meant to say "...I hope that you can hear positive things..."
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friendly13 says:Posted: 01 Jun 10
Princess Spice I feel bad that you came to this site, probably for the same reason some of us did and that was to hear dialogue about "why white men love the black women". The first interaction you read was probably really negative. Be encouraged. If anyone attacks you, me and all the sistahs (and some of the white men who love the black women) on here are going to get them. Yes, everyone has a right to love whoever they wish no matter what color they are. Me personally, I am happier than I have ever been, however, I am no pushover. When Queenie says something stupid and sexist most of the time I really let him have it, and I am not alone. But, I think I am probably the one that gets after him the most because I like to make him think about his rhetoric. Yes, I sometimes really hit him low. Well, welcome, I am glad that you are on here and I hope that you can here positive things about "Why the white men love the black women" along with hair, gardening, and cooking tips. And there are some really nice people on here like you who like to make peace. Without you we would stay mad all the time but we don't. Again, glad you are on board and hope you stay with us.
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dannyco56 says:Posted: 01 Jun 10
I have to get ready for work. Hope all have a great day. Check things out later. God Bless Danny
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Member says:Posted: 01 Jun 10
why so much people bragging about black and white grrrrrrrrr someone get me out off hear lol any way love shouldn't have no boundries and this thing were blk woman is known to be like slut that is nt true and a big fat lie too you hve to be able to comunicate real good in bed or out of bed with your partner blk or white, should be able to hold a intelligent confersation and nt only bitch about everything,show love,be happy,feel and be relax,be authentic,hve a good heart,ect most blk woman are really nice and relax life is too short were ever someone feel love and apriciated they will stick right they dont matter hw ugly the situation is watever nasty comment people may say at the end off the day is right in that same relationship they will remain everyone need love wants they are happy thats all that matter bet all the mean people who are saying nasty comment they are very un happy in they relationship bet they are and i dnt give a poo who says anything bad only nice people reply spice from london
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dannyco56 says:Posted: 01 Jun 10
Good Morning Ms.petitechick, Ms.friendly13, and Scof/Sarah, and all Ladies and Gentlemen, @Scof/Sarah, Good to read that you had a good time on the Gulf coast fishing and quite evenings together. Blessings and a safe journy home. God Bless! Danny
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Member says:Posted: 01 Jun 10
Friendly from Indiana (midwest) Bama from "Alabama". You two hicks are amazing. I just want to hear your voice to see how country you are. That would make my day. Thank you Now back to work in "God's waiting room".
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friendly13 says:Posted: 01 Jun 10
Hello to everyone. I hope everyone had a nice holiday weekend and that noone was too sad. I have a friend who lost her only son and daughter and it was not that good of a time for her. I just chilled, did homework, cleaned, played with my boys roughed up a bit. They like to wrestled especially the little one. I have a couple of guy buddies where I take them for interaction but I had too much to do around the house yesterday. It is time to get their haircut again. I am not even down for that. I think I am going to let the fellas do it for me again.
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friendly13 says:Posted: 01 Jun 10
@ PetiteChick Yes, I may need some instructions on what I need to do exactly but I definitely want a copy. I have Adobe on my computer, will that help? Is it possible to cut and paste it as a word doc? Well, let me know what I need to do. Thanks a bunch.
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friendly13 says:Posted: 01 Jun 10
@ Mr. Laurelton Queens Finally, we can both agree on something. Yes, there are two sides to every story. There are times when the non-custodial parent has a reason to be concerned and there are times when the non-custodial parent gets taken advantage of. The solution for that problem is for both parents to know their own rights and the rights of the other parent. This way neither can be in danger of a contempt charge. The non-custodial parent is not the only one that can be put on the hot seat or sent to jail. In the state of Indiana, it is illegal for the mother to ask for additional money from the father after the childsupport order is established. Mothers can get into trouble here if they are found out.
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Scoff/Sarah says:Posted: 01 Jun 10
Good Morning to all I see the blog is alive and well, I just think it is such an interesting site. Even at our age we still get so much insight out of what is going on in the younger side of life. At our age we can kinda of turn a blind eye to a lot of situations, that exist. So to all; keep up the good work, all your comments are valid, some we really don't care for, but we are willing to think about them. We finally had a long week end togeather, and yes old folks do have alot of fun, boating in the Gulf before the oil gets here, fishing, watching some old movies, and I guess the real grand event a dance @ the American Legion. Guess what? Not the first comment was said about Sarah and myself being their, we had a wonderful time, Times are changing, so get over it. Sarah and I wish the best for everyone, and send our love to each of you. Got to go, time to help Sarah load her car up for the trip back to Atlanta, (that woman can pack some stuff) whew. Sarah loved the hair blog, she has a very humorous incident that happened to us back in our early days. I'm trying to talk her into posting it, maybe next week end when she comes back down. Love to all (I'm getting one of those looks from Sarah) God Bless Scoff/Sarah
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PetiteChick says:Posted: 01 Jun 10
Good morning sisters! @Friendly re: Mistakes Were Made...... Comment by PetiteChick on 29 May 2010: @Friendly check that URL I posted - has lots of good info. I also meant to ask you if you would be willing to receive the PDF of the book via Adobe Document Sharing. Hotmail won’t let me send more than 10megabytes of an attachment. So this would mean you’d get a bunch of PDF’s to create a whole. I think the Adobe App is free and it just let’s me share documents with you if you sign on to it. I’ll get the specifics and let you know. I tried to send you my first pages this morning and stooopid hotmail told me to subscribe to premium hotmail for 20.00. Why would I do that? That’s sposed to be free. LOL 6/1/2010 Sis, let me know what you want me to do. This would require your downloading the Adobe Sharing Application as well. (hugs)
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PetiteChick says:Posted: 01 Jun 10
Good morning sisters! @Friendly re: Mistakes Were Made...... Comment by PetiteChick on 29 May 2010: @Friendly check that URL I posted - has lots of good info. I also meant to ask you if you would be willing to receive the PDF of the book via Adobe Document Sharing. Hotmail won’t let me send more than 10megabytes of an attachment. So this would mean you’d get a bunch of PDF’s to create a whole. I think the Adobe App is free and it just let’s me share documents with you if you sign on to it. I’ll get the specifics and let you know. I tried to send you my first pages this morning and stooopid hotmail told me to subscribe to premium hotmail for 20.00. Why would I do that? That’s sposed to be free. LOL 6/1/2010 Sis, let me know what you want me to do. This would require your downloading the Adobe Sharing Application as well. (hugs0
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dannyco56 says:Posted: 01 Jun 10
Good night to the beautiful ladies on here and to the gentlemen. God Bless! Danny
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Bamababe2k9 says:Posted: 01 Jun 10
Queenie I'm single because I choose to be again your way of thinking is I'm DESPRATE for a white man and I'll take anyone available right? My point was if I was DESEPRATE then I would accepted the first white dude that came along. I'm not ashame to say I'm 38 and in the prime of my life but again your way of thinking is I need a man to complete me and I don't. And as far as I said money wise let me clarify that for you. I grew up in a working middle class family and lived in mostly white middle class neighorhoods therefore, I grew up around mostly white middle class people. Basically what I am saying is I dated and were around people who had a similar background as me and for the most part they happened to be white. I don't think at the age of eight when I had a crush on Kelly Watson that I was thinking about how much money his parents made or his potential to make money. I thought he was cute and always nice to me. But as I said in the past, you are going to think what you are going to think so what I said really doesn't matter to you. You assume the worse anyway. @Danny thank you for getting it.
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dannyco56 says:Posted: 01 Jun 10
Hello Ms. friendly13 annd Bamababe2k9 I see we are still on the same subject. Bama, I understood what you are saying and I think most men would understand that you date white men that have a similar income. I think many women do. Some men are gold diggers them selves and just want to live off the womans income. I have seen that in my life time. Also some men feel intimidated by a woman that makes more money than they do. I think when two people love one another, who is making the most money is not that big a factor. God Bless! Danny
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Member says:Posted: 01 Jun 10
Dear Bama You did make a comment about economic reasons for you dating white men. You said this.... "Oh it can’t be that I find white men physically appealing, or that their personalities gel better with mine or I might have more in common with then then most black men, nope your way of thinking it’s got to be because of I’m some gold digger seeking to ride a white man’s coat tails which is not only an insult to me but a white dude." But see you never said that in the beginning. You said this..... “For me social econmic factors meant moving up in the world and at the time the main people moving up were the white folks. Therefore I was most likely going to run into more white folks on the raise then black and I would interact with them more." Um, yea seemed to change your tune up all of a sudden. You also said this self serving statement. "I have a degree, make my own money but no one including yourself my dear will date someone who is broke and not doing a damn thing with their lives. Most of the white men I’ve dated all had good jobs and wanted me. And trust me when I say, I’ve turned down a lot more men then accepted, so if it was about the money or something else, I wouldn’t be single now would I?" This is assuming you could have "married for money". You could be a picky woman waiting for a white men that makes more money than you. By your own admission, most of the white men that dated you all had good jobs and wanted you. Now, you are middle aged and still looking I assume here. So, why are you single? Is it the white men you dated fault this is happening? I am curious to know who you blame for your dating woes.
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Bamababe2k9 says:Posted: 01 Jun 10
I was saying your way of thinking which at times is a ghetto menality. See in your thought process the only reason a sista would want a white man is because of money. Oh it can't be that I find white men physically appealing, or that their personalities gel better with mine or I might have more in common with then then most black men, nope your way of thinking it's got to be because of I'm some gold digger seeking to ride a white man's coat tails which is not only an insult to me but a white dude. I have a degree, make my own money but no one including yourself my dear will date someone who is broke and not doing a damn thing with their lives. Most of the white men I've dated all had good jobs and wanted me. And trust me when I say, I've turned down a lot more men then accepted, so if it was about the money or something else, I wouldn't be single now would I?
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Member says:Posted: 01 Jun 10
Dear Friendly I believe mothers should be supported. I just question the whole "child support" laws. This whole idea that the man is just to blame for lack of involvement with his child. That is nonsense. There is always two sides to a story. Women seem to think men just up and leave their child behind for no reason. It should be in the best interest of the child for both parents to resolve their differences.
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friendly13 says:Posted: 01 Jun 10
Tom4blaq Welcome. So what are your thoughts on "Why white men love the black women?" I also want to say thanks for not letting Queenie run you away. I hope more white men like you and Dannyco56 who enjoy interracial relationships with black women will be as bold as you and interject their feelings too without being intimidated by the outsider who insists on barging in and injecting his two unwanted cent judgements into everything. Just got to laugh at him and keep moving.
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Member says:Posted: 01 Jun 10
Dear Bama You said this........ "For me social econmic factors meant moving up in the world and at the time the main people moving up were the white folks. Therefore I was most likely going to run into more white folks on the raise then black and I would interact with them more. See only that ghetto menality would have you to think it’s just about the money. I was mainly talking about influence not why I like white men. But if you want to know those factors, I’ll gladly tell you just asked." Essentially, you want the ride the coattails of a white man that is "well off". I wonder have you achieved that so far in Alabama? What makes you think white men on the "rise" would want to be with black women? I just beg the question because not many white men are with black women that are "so called on the rise". Your definition of "on the rise" might be different to a white guy. Then, you mention ghetto mentality as if "you were in the ghetto". Since you took it to an unnecessary place. How many white men on the "rise" are with a heavy set black woman that is middle aged? Please explain to me the factors that dispute you wanting a white man for money or the "status" he has that allows him to "make huge amounts of money". Sorry, my "ghetto mentality" gets in the way. Good day.
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friendly13 says:Posted: 01 Jun 10
Retraction I said "and then you disrespecting the mother and wishing to to support them as he did support and take care of you." I meant "and then you disrespecting the mother and wishing NOT to support them as he did support and take care of you.
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friendly13 says:Posted: 01 Jun 10
@ Queenie Again, I am sure your mother is an honorable married person and that your father loves her dearly. But sometimes you need a little shock treatment to make you think about the stupid things and judgements you make. You are not God. I wonder how happy your father is having his own grandchild(ren) disowned by you and then you disrespecting the mother and wishing to to support them as he did support and take care of you.
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Ichibod says:Posted: 01 Jun 10
Bama, I think you meant to say social demographic.
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Bamababe2k9 says:Posted: 31 May 10
Queenie I swear you are too damn funny you are working on chapter three of the book this part will be entitled "Do what I say, not as I do." That chapter will be about black men who don't have a problem with brothas dating white women but have a problem when sistas do it. You should know me by now enough to know if it was strictly for the money, I'd say so. You left off the part when I said environment mainly because it would kinda make sense to you. For me social econmic factors meant moving up in the world and at the time the main people moving up were the white folks. Therefore I was most likely going to run into more white folks on the raise then black and I would interact with them more. See only that ghetto menality would have you to think it's just about the money. I was mainly talking about influence not why I like white men. But if you want to know those factors, I'll gladly tell you just asked.
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Tom4Blaq says:Posted: 31 May 10
Dear Ladies: With regard to these comments, Yes, as painful as loving someone who stops loving you or if you lose them because they die or something it is still better to have loved. If we could be happy with that when the relationship ends that would make things a lot easier for those of us who have had a bad loss. Petite says: Friendly this is sooo true. Often when the love is lost as a result of discord then it is all the harder. But keep in mind that time heals the wounds. And one day you wake up and realize that hey, I made it through. Then the unfortunate ones, who never seem to get over the loss of a love either way. Life, Love and matters of the heart don’t come with manuals. But love is that one thing many of us keep going back for. Even after having been hurt on more than one occasion. We go back because there’s nothing better. We take our chances at it again and again and hope for the best. This was a beautiful exchange which shows depth of emotion and understanding that love is indeed tricky. The fix we need often eludes us, but we never stop searching for it, very true.
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Tom4Blaq says:Posted: 31 May 10
I am interested in Black women, as I have always been. I have dated many beautiful women, but of them all I prefer a Black woman. I would prefer one who is not looking to use me for financial gain but to enjoy one another's company in a variety of ways. Thomase.harmon@yahoo.com
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Member says:Posted: 31 May 10
Um My parents continue to be married going on 31 years. I don't think you are in any position to critique my mother. I doubt she would do a paternity test to "prove" silly points to "people". I am glad you enjoy interracial relationships. But looking around. Not much of that is talked about here. Danny is the only white guy talking and he is emasculated. You said this silly statement. (Friendly did) "You know you are wrong. Perhaps you don’t know who your daddy is because your mama opened her legs up to so many men that she doesn’t remember. That is one thing you must remember idiot you came out of a woman who had to sleep with a man. When you sling insults at women you sling them at yourself." NO you are wrong (pointing to you). By default, I must respect you because share the anatomy of my own mother. My mother never did the things you did. Her marriage was certainly not perfect. But she never engaged in the petty behavior you did. She would never do a paternity test for ANYBODY. She would rather curse you out before that even got that far. You are getting your child support extortion money. What else you want from the man? You already mentioned his white wife, like her skin color is justification for your petty behavior. Stop being angry and bitter at white women and using white men as pawns to get back at your BLACK EX HUSBAND! Go to therapy! You are almost as bad as Bama. At least Bama admits she dates white men for money. Bama said this “As I said the other day, environment and socially economic is probably a huge reason I’m into white men.” Socially economic a HUGE reason I am into white men. Never mentioned liking white men for companionship, understanding, loving her for the woman "she is". It starts of economically. These Southern black women don't surprise me. You are almost forced to spank their booty and keep it moving. They are just not wife material. I am too tired to analyze the rampant materialism with "Southern" black women. So, when these sellout black women say, I twist their words. I am going to nail them on everything. I am tired of the games they play. Good day.
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friendly13 says:Posted: 31 May 10
Look at Queenie he is getting a little attention again and getting everyone off the real subject....Why white men love the black women. What Queenie is it loney on your Laurelton Queens Blog site. It is getting so cold you have to keep on associating with people who enjoy interracial relationships? You wish you were one of us, evidentally. It is time for us to move on to something constructive. We don't need to waste anymore time on your negative rhetoric. You know you are wrong. Perhaps you don't know who your daddy is because your mama opened her legs up to so many men that she doesn't remember. That is one thing you must remember idiot you came out of a woman who had to sleep with a man. When you sling insults at women you sling them at yourself.
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Bamababe2k9 says:Posted: 31 May 10
Oh yeah that makes total sense. I've been into white men for most of my life because they are rich. Yep Kelly was an Oil Baron at the age of eight and Jay played football for the Saints around that time. NEGRO AGAIN PLEASE Please tell me you aren't that crazy or dumb but then again with you, nothing surprises me. I think you just got another chapter in my book the delusial black man called black men who think sistas are with white men for money. Again let me set up that interview with you soon cause this information is wayyyyyyyyyy to good to pass up. LOL
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Member says:Posted: 31 May 10
Oh boy (Listening to Bama) You said this.... "As I said the other day, environment and socially economic is probably a huge reason I’m into white men." Oh ok, glad you clarified you are only with white men for money. Good day
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Bamababe2k9 says:Posted: 31 May 10
Queenie really you need to quit while you ahead. You already got Chapter one of my book the Delusional Black Man, you want the other chapters to yourself? Stop being greedy. You don't think black men are to blame for anything. You probably think they brought themselves in the world too without the help of a woman so we know what your thoughts are.
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Bamababe2k9 says:Posted: 31 May 10
Menelik I figured you crawl from that rock you were under to make a comment. Actually I had a step-father in my life for awhile so I had a male figure in my life and even then I had crush on a white boy in the second grade name Kelly Watson who was mixed I think with white and Indian. He was a cutie too and sweet as he wanted to be. I also had a crush on a another white kid who was in prep school name Jay Smith. He was a year or two older then me. So all of this happen with a step-father who was black by the way in my life. As I said the other day, environment and socially economic is probably a huge reason I'm into white men.
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Member says:Posted: 31 May 10
Exactly London You was right all along. OH now they happened to laid down with the wrong man. You are basically saying some black women make poor decisions. Stop all those excuses. Child support is using as retaliation by most women. You know your baby father is struggling and you put him on child support. I don't blame all women because nowadays. The can automatically put a man on child support without the mother's consent. You contributed to the downfall of the relationship too. Don't put it on the man totally. By the way, I am still your "DADDY" on this board! I have spanked you so many times I loss count.
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Bamababe2k9 says:Posted: 31 May 10
Queenie PLEASE you just making excuses for sorry ass men to continue to be sorry and that's what pisses sistas off. Any man who doesn't take care of his child for whatever reason isn't a real man to me including my father and I make no apologies for saying that. I put a lot of that blame on his mother who didn't teach him any better. How can we teach our kids and preach to our kids to be real men when they don't have a man in their life? I think the big thing is responsiblity and to say somehow that the men shouldn't be responsible for a child he help create is down right ignorant. Not all these women out here are trying to "trap" a man as you like to think. Most of these woman are good sisters who probably just laid down with the wrong brotha; that happens. I think the lesson I was told and taught by my mom is be careful who you lay down with which is true. I wasn't a teenage mother and neither was my sister. The big thing in this is putting the child in the middle of his parents mess. Just because the dude doesn't get along with her, doesn't mean he shouldn't have to make child support payments or come see about that child. It is not the child's fault that he or she got stuck with f-up parents. Parents need to put their children ahead of their needs but in a lot of cases the kids get stuck in the middle and pay the price later in life.
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Malarki5 says:Posted: 31 May 10
Bamababe said: My daddy as I said yesterday is not a father to me not only because he didn’t spend his money but his time either. Menelik replied: just as I suspected; this whole issue goes back to daddy dearest! Menelik Charles London England
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Member says:Posted: 31 May 10
Sorry wrote to fast "Happy" "Mentioned". (Looking in the camera) This is what black women say all the time. First them black men black men for getting them prego. They say, you are not a man if you don't take care of your kids. Na, you not a woman for sleeping with so many men. Now you trying to "pin' the child on the nice sucker, who liked you. They poison the relationship and got the nerve to be upset when black men are not around for the child. You orchestrated this whole thing, thus causing the baby father to go "away from you". Instead of just keeping it real. Just say, look I was sleeping with different men and I just think you are the father. Men just don't say " I ain't the father for NO REASON". I will give you an example. 2 black men sleep with the same "black woman". 1 of them living the projects and the other one has his own home and car. They both don't know about each other. She gets pregnant right. She don't press the guy in the projects to take care of the child. Her punk ass tries to bully the black man that is doing well "for himself". She goes "on and on" that he is the father. She know damn well the thug or hustler was spanking that ass "raw". You better take that game to "Danny" and them other white guys.
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Member says:Posted: 31 May 10
Dear Bama "Child Please", I said before Ocho Cinco. Now you using Negro Please. I am changing my "Child please" now. Let me address your other comments and you clear bitterness towards your "daddy". I don't encourage black men not to take care of their kids. But I do encourage fairness. Black women using the kids because their baby daddy married a white woman. That is vindictive and pathetic. Listen, your daddy was in your life. Clearly, if you got time to speak "bad about him". Personally, I think you were spoiled and continue to be. You mentioed I was upset when a black woman is with a white man. Okay, let me address that. Hardly any black women being sellouts. Their is a slight increase but you are the ones complaining about the shortcomings of white men. That is what I am seeing all of a sudden. I am in God's waiting room "girl". I can be your daddy. Maybe, you will be finally happen then. Good day Oh yea, the Debra Dickerson story continued released a few minutes ago. Off the new blog album " I AM SOMEBODY YOU SHOULD KNOW".
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Bamababe2k9 says:Posted: 31 May 10
You stole Oh Chile Please from Ochico Cinco so get something original boo. I actually watch the NFL. I didn't say you are the reason but you sho get piss quick when a sister comes on here and says she wants to be with a white man because she sick of brothas because they don't treat her right but then you basically say it's ok for brothas NOT to take care of their kids therefore encouraging that kind of behavior in the black community so NEGRO PLEASE My daddy as I said yesterday is not a father to me not only because he didn't spend his money but his time either. What is your address? I want to send you a box of condoms so you won't be spreading your DNA on to some poor unsuspecting woman.
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Member says:Posted: 31 May 10
(Eating popcorn) They got the nerve to say I am deranged. The friendly woman is happy she is legally extorting her ex baby daddy. You said this "But I do want to dispell one thing, my sons father is a police sgt who has worked for the police department for over 20 years. He always knew he was the father of my child and so did I. He was the only person I was involved with so there was no doubt. But I knew that he was going to try to drag out the childsupport matter as long as he could by demanding a test cause that is the advice he got from his idiot attorney and friends. So I just squashed that by getting an inexpensive one and just getting it over with. Plus I collected all of the needed paperwork I needed to take his ass to court with when I was ready. He ain’t going to jail because they vacuum the money out of his check every week." Your baby daddy is a damn cop. What judge is going to put a cop in jail for child support???? Now I KNOW why he dragged it out on your ass. Not only are you ignorant, you lack common sense. There is your "side" of the story and "his" side of the story. If I tell you to take a paternity test, your ass was sleeping with someone else! (Throwing my drink at the wall) You meant "you was sleeping with one other person". You got me confused with "Danny". I ain't going to be no Maury Povich "daddy". I would have took your ass to Maury because you "playing games". You missed the whole point of the paternity test. Yea, the kid is his but he felt you was "with other men or man". When Maury reads the paternity test and says " Danny you are the FATHER". Danny would jump up, cry and hug the "ho". Not me, I am going to say "Okay I am the father" now beat it! I just want to see my child and not your face! Now let me address Bama from "God's waiting room". (Moving boxes out the way). She said this delusional statement "Comment by Bamababe2k9 on 31 May 2010: As usual Queenie you delusional way of thinking has gotten you writing checks that your butt can’t cash or those whack books you trying to sell. This is exactly why we continue to have sorry men in our race because of brothas like you who continue to encourage this kind of behavior." NOW, I am the reason black men are sorry. This the same person who wants to declare her baby daddy DEAD to her child. You need a wellness program. You need a mental health clinic to go to. WHO DECLARES THEIR BABY DADDY TO THEIR CHILD. It would be funny; if it wasn't so disturbing! Your daddy didn't buy you a need dress or new sneakers every day of your life. Now he ain't a good father because he supposedly "never" did anything for you. OOOOO CHILD PLEASEEEE (That is my new line and don't steal it)
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Happy Wednesday, Ms.Tatt, it's good to hear from you, I hope that life is treating well, and then some! Ms. Petite, Ms.Bama, Ms.Friendly, Ms.BrownSugar, Ms.Bigeyes and Ms.Sarah, you are all in my prayers. World Citizen, wherever you are, I hope that you are smiling, miss seeing you!!!! @Dannyco56, thanks for being a gentlemen! How is work? @Scoff, take care of Ms. Sarah and have fun fishing!! Queens, are you behaving yourself(lol), Stay out of the JUKE JOINT!! love godiva