Why white men love the black woman

Posted by James, 31 Aug

Ever wondered why some white guys, love black women so much?

It seems that being a white male and proclaiming your attraction to black women (not only sexually, but also romantically) may lead to a lot of controversial and dangerous things. Let’s leave the debate of why more black women may be opening themselves up to white guys. The main focus of this debate is: why some white guys are opening themselves to black women. Let’s concentrate on that.

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Most white males don’t feel like they are running short of white women to marry. White males just marry at high rates. So question is: Why black women? The thing is it will not be fair to bundle up black women as one since everyone is their own person… be it in appearance or personality.

However, one thing that a white male friend of mine said… and I let him get away with bundling it all up is: “We love a black woman's confidence, her tenacity and her undeniable achievements in the face of great adversity...᾿ Since this info was coming from a man, there was definitely the mention of the lips, the curves, and that wonderful skin as well.

So what about stereotypes like “black women are either sexually conservative or total sluts?" Many people give so much lip service to interracial dating sites. You would think they have never done it. But those uptight individuals are the ones that spread these stereotypes. What happened to the highly educated black woman? How about the caring, decent and involved black woman?

Probably most white guys and others are confused with the stereotypical trash people spread around and if you are one that falls for such lame ol’ lines, then you sure as hell haven’t dated a black woman.

Bottom line, you don't have to sacrifice who you are for a white guy. They will love you anyway. Just be you and open yourself up… and if you like white guys, some white guy will find you too.

8090 responses to "Why white men love the black woman"

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  1.   Bamababe2k9 says:
    Posted: 31 May 10

    As usual Queenie you delusional way of thinking has gotten you writing checks that your butt can't cash or those whack books you trying to sell. This is exactly why we continue to have sorry men in our race because of brothas like you who continue to encourage this kind of behavior. Baby let me break this down to you;a real man takes care of his child and wouldn't dare let another man or for that matter just the mother take care of that baby. I thank my mom for doing something that my daddy will never be to me and that's a parent.

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  2.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 31 May 10

    @ Dannyco56 You said "Like you are not out there looking to dip your wick every time you get the chance! Ifa man wants to lay with a women without protecting himself then he deserves what he gets. Quit your crying and pay the money deadbeat…..ROTFLMAO@Laurelton Beautiful Ladies on the board and all who read these blogs, Keep up the good fight and don’t let Laurelton get under your skin or any where else….LOL I will be back later today ceck in then. *************************************************** ou know you are telling the truth. Seriously.

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  3.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 31 May 10

    @ Queenie It don't stop. Swooooooooooosh. Hahahahahahhahahahahahaha!

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  4.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 31 May 10

    Laurelton You are rambling again. Saying things and adding in things that clearly are not true. I am not going to waste my time going over every damn lie to prove anything to you because you a sick derranged person. But I do want to dispell one thing, my sons father is a police sgt who has worked for the police department for over 20 years. He always knew he was the father of my child and so did I. He was the only person I was involved with so there was no doubt. But I knew that he was going to try to drag out the childsupport matter as long as he could by demanding a test cause that is the advice he got from his idiot attorney and friends. So I just squashed that by getting an inexpensive one and just getting it over with. Plus I collected all of the needed paperwork I needed to take his ass to court with when I was ready. He ain't going to jail because they vacuum the money out of his check everyweek. Swoooooooooooooosh. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Swooooooooooooooooosh. Hahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Why do they vacuum the money out, because the baby is definitely his. Swooooooooooooooosh. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. He said he wanted me pregnant, lied and told me we were going to get married. He got his baby and now he is going to help. Swooooooooooooooooosh. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah.

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  5.   dannyco56 says:
    Posted: 31 May 10

    @Laurelton Like you are not out there looking to dip your wick every time you get the chance! Ifa man wants to lay with a women without protecting himself then he deserves what he gets. Quit your crying and pay the money deadbeat.....ROTFLMAO@Laurelton Beautiful Ladies on the board and all who read these blogs, Keep up the good fight and don't let Laurelton get under your skin or any where else....LOL I will be back later today ceck in then. God Bless! Danny

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  6.   Member says:
    Posted: 31 May 10

    Let me respond to Friendly So you are saying men never get throw in jail for not paying child support while having a job? Last time I read the paper they had a bunch of dead beat dads allegedly that would be thrown in jail for not paying child support. Oh yea, they had jobs too. Getting prego is the woman's fault. Close your damn legs to thugs, hustlers and players.. Maybe, you wouldn't be in the situation you in now. Men can't force you to get prego. You have to be a willing participant. I ain't trying to hear that shit about he "took the condom off". Stop it. See, these nappy headed black women think we are "Danny". I ain't giving up nothing because she don't know who her baby daddy is. Danny will give you his car and paycheck, I figure even if the baby is not his. Friendly, said she had to take a paternity test because she wasn't sure who the child father was. If you got to take a paternity test to prove the man is the daddy or to supposedly to stop "haters". Your ass is full of shit. Just say another man spanked me raw and it could be the other guy. Go run that game on Danny. I am pretty sure he will fall for it. Bama said this "Children aren’t stupid and when they see you aren’t around for them, they grow to resent the father or mother for that matter for not doing all they could for them. My dad has worked for the state of Alabama since I was a kid, so he has been making good money all my life. I saw him back in March and he was bragging he makes about 60k a year and I’m thinking to myself, and he never hardly spent a dime on me or my care." I wouldn't have spent a dime on your ass either. You father knew you liked them white boys. God bless your father. He should have sent you to boarding school. Unfortunately, he didn't with his vast wealth. Bama holding a pity party because her daddy didn't spend enough money on her. I can't feel sorry for her. You are successful in life. Just say thank you daddy and keep it moving. I feel sorry for the white guys duped by these self serving pathetic sellout black women. They openly admit they might have married a thug. The "friendly" one needed a paternity test to make sure she got the right daddy to put on child support. Godiva is the only one that is not bitter and angry. I say BAN CHILD SUPPORT. Let the black women go to a mental health clinic to give them therapy on why they spread their legs to multiple men. They need to add that to the Obamacare health plan. Now you all can go back to giving hairstyle tips. Perhaps the hairstyle "Rose" had in the TV show "227" would be nice. Best black show ever made.

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  7.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 31 May 10

    @ dannyco56 Thank you for you insight regarding childsupport. It is good to know that there is at least one man on here who agrees with us.

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  8.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 31 May 10

    @ Ms Godiva Thank you for your kind word of encouragement. I have learned a lot on this blog, met some really interesting people, and made some valuable friends.

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  9.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 31 May 10

    @ PetiteChick You said "I have a girlfriend...and she did this. She won’t let the man see his daughter. Her reason is that she don’t want no other bitch around her child, telling her child what to do and so on. See my thing is, OK, what’s done is done. The child is here now. FOR THE SAKE OF THE CHILD concern yourself with only those things that pertain to the child. Not the new chick or the next guy. The courts are not for the mother or the father it is for the children. They will lock her up for noncompliance just like they will lock him up. So many fathers simply do not now their rights. They leave it all up to the behavior of the mother. But the father is going to have to really show his kids how much he loves them by going to court and getting his rights enforced. Once she gets to spend the night in the county jail, she will not prevent him anymore.

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  10.   dannyco56 says:
    Posted: 31 May 10

    @All The Ladies I a with you ladies a man wants to play he should pay if he hits the bells and wins the prize. If he did not care enough to make sure he was protecting the lady as well as himself then he should not complain. Just go ahead and dig that money you beeen saving on that nice car and give it to the lady and your baby. Be responsible or keep it inside the zipper. That is my thoughts on the subject or at least part of my thoughts, but will keep the rest for another day...LOL God Bless! Danny

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  11.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 31 May 10

    @Godiva Thank you Ms. Godiva for your lovely words of encouragement, for me and the ladies. To the men who try hard, to the men who do what is "right" no matter how hard. It's all in the effort as well. Your words bring a certain degree of warmth and inspiration. I believe you are spot on about our sisters. I have no uncertainties about you! (((hugs to you and family)))

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  12.   godiva61 says:
    Posted: 31 May 10

    @Ms.Petite, Thanks for your words of encouragement, really needed those words today!! I know that I don't post very often, due mostly to my schedule and of course sometimes the atmoshphere here is a little too hostile sometimes. Common courtesy should be the rule, not the exception!! Anyway, I did not intend to slight you or Ms.Friendly in anyway shape or form. I admire you both for your committment to your families, especially your children. What an honor it is to be a wife, and a mother, especially in this day in time. I know that you are not a wife as we speak, but for 20 yrs, you wore that title and you can tell that you wore it with pride. I hate to see marriages having to end, but I know that sometimes it's inevitable. You are a prime example as to how you can still be committed to your family even after the marriage has ended. You know as well as I that a marriage is a job that requires work, compromises, patience, and always respect each and everyday, which some days are easier than other's but you keep at it. People can still keep at it, even when it's over. To keep a certain decorum and respect of him, as well as the children, even in the aftermath, says a lot about you as a woman, it speaks volumes about him as man, and the children will reap the benefits!! It is possible to move forward in a decent and positive way, be friends, and civil towards each other in spite of the end of the relationship. We have enemies because we make no time or effort to have friends!! If we want friends, we have to first learn how to be a friend!! Kudos to you for not choosing to be the enemy of the ex!! Ms.Friendly, I admire you for many things, but for now I will only pinpoint on your gentle spirit. I notice that no matter what comes your way, you always manage to keep a good attitude about life, and I do believe that you genuinely care about people. I'm sure that if we all could go back in time and do some things differently, we would, but we do what we have to do with what we have at that particular moment. We could focus on our mistakes, we could become like too many people, who are still bitter, angry, dealing with the hurt,and the pain of yesterday, but it's people like you who continue on and with a smile on your face. The old saying time heals all wounds is somewhat accurate, but I think it's what we do with our time, that will either heal us or break us!! Who wants to be a broken spirit for the rest of their lives?? You're a good mom and a nice lady!! I feel that the ladies here are genuine, caring, complex, imperfect, and yet worthy of love and let no man tell you different. Your destiny has been planned by the Best!! Hello Ms.Bigeyes, and Ms.Tatt!! love godiva

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  13.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 30 May 10

    @BigEyes: Heeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyy - Girl thanks I do appreciate it. Thank you, thank you. I needs all the help I can get with my hur issues! I had the one posted earlier today with a little bit of bang covering face and was hoping the other ladies was around to give me yay or nay. Yesterday I put up one that's real old and my hair was pulled back in a pony tail. Bamba said I might be able to pull off a long style. I'm gonna check out some with a bang though, LOL. Teeheee..... Oh sis, thanks so much. I'm heading to that link right now. *smooches*

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  14.   bigeyes31 says:
    Posted: 30 May 10

    http://www.beauty-and-the-bath.com/hairstyles-for-oblong-face-shapes.html Hi Petite I posted this link to some style examples for your shape of face. I only chose oblong shape because that is how you described your face shape. I hope it helps. As far as the lace front goes, to my understanding they work just like a wig. Your whole head is covered with the "lace front" creating a natural looking but fake hair-line. Similar to tyra banks. Look very closely at her hair line sometimes you can see the lace front of the lace front wig.It looks like a subtle line that I see is is dusted with makeup.Oh I really look,girl because I'm learning,LOL. I love tyra's style maybe because she is a capricorn,lol. Shout out to BAMA...LOL. Sometimes this forum wont post my links but I'll try again. Hello Friendly, Ms Godiva.

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  15.   Bamababe2k9 says:
    Posted: 30 May 10

    First of all ladies I wanted to thank you for your support. I shared my personal history on this subject so the men would understand how not supporting your child financially and emotionally really does effect the way the child thinks about you. Children aren't stupid and when they see you aren't around for them, they grow to resent the father or mother for that matter for not doing all they could for them. My dad has worked for the state of Alabama since I was a kid, so he has been making good money all my life. I saw him back in March and he was bragging he makes about 60k a year and I'm thinking to myself, and he never hardly spent a dime on me or my care. Thank God my mom took care of me with the help of my grandparents, aunts and uncles. I was very fortunate to have that kind of support in my family. What kills me is men who don't have really nothing to do with the child like my dad trying to come back and get mad when the woman has a new man in her life who helps take care of the child you help create. How you going to get mad when you don't even want to help raise that baby? Men you have to understand abolishing child support is not going to make men better fathers, it's just give them permission like mine, to continue to be sorry. What's going to make them better father's is being responsible for that child in every way they can. And as far as the women go, we have to be more careful who we give our bodies to. If you know this dude already got a bunch of kids in the street that he don't take care of, then what makes you think he is going to take care of your child? And why would you be with a man who takes care of your baby and not his own? Bottom line is responsible should lay with both parents.

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  16.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 30 May 10

    @the lovely Ms. Godiva Oh my! Wonderful and inspirational words to provide us with. You are a blessing. Yes it takes guts to share with others your life circumstances. As did MsFriendly and me included. I concur with you and Ms. Bamba and MsFriendly. Sometimes let us put childish things aside. Plenty of time for tom-foolery. Let's talk about issues that affect us on a deeper level for understanding's sake. Let's discuss how we can solve problems. Maybe we can't in one sitting, but we can certainly try by listening to one another. Thanks for your presence here. (hugs)

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  17.   godiva61 says:
    Posted: 30 May 10

    @Bamababe2k9, Ms. Bama I just wanted to tell you how much I admire your being opened and honest about your issues concerning your dad, especially here. It takes, in my opinion, a very strong woman to be able to be so forthright, about the wrongs that she has encountered in her life, but more importantly the wrongs that you and your mom had to deal with, did not make you bitter, but it allowed you to excel in spite of the circumstances. Hats off to you and your mom, and to all the women for whatever reason(s) who did what you had to do, when you needed to do it, and by any means necessary!! I know a few women as well, who never took the time, or the energy, to take off from work, raisng their kids, to go to courts, to get the courts to make some male responsible for his responsibilities. I believe this, YOU WILL REAP WHAT YOU HAVE SEWN! You said it best the other day, the sorriness needs to cease, and true to form and this conception, sorriness, and irresponsibility falls on the doorstep of both men and women, at least that's how some of us were raised!! What I find extremely sad and very creepy is this IDIOTIC, and COWARDLY EXCUSES, THAT GETTING PREGNANT IS THE WOMAN'S FAULT!! As far as I can remember, both the male and the female alike were born with reproductive parts and functions. Are we saying that in 2010 a male has no control over when and where he plants his seed???? Was he forced by gunpoint or some other extreme measure to have sex?? Or is it okay to have sex as long as a baby isn't conceived?? Maybe we should get an act of Congress, or get President Obama to put into law that Men who have sex, is exempt from ALL responsibilities if this woman should become pregnant because men have no control over this matter whatsoever!! I would even go farther and say these such men should be able to prosecute these women who became pregnant, and charge these women with RAPE because they have no RESPONSIBILITY, BEFORE, DURING, OR AFTER THE SEXUAL ACT!! Men should not be responsible for their reproductive organs, they shoulld be exempt from not making a moral decision as well!!! Child care was designed to help the children with basic needs such as food, clothes and shelter. Does it need to be re-examined, in need of making it better and more productive, of course it does. It makes no sense, nor is it fair to jail a man for not paying child support. I know a guy who was in between jobs, and fell behind on child support, the next thing you know they suspended his drivers license due to falling behind on his payments. This is just STUPID and non-productive. How in the world is he supposed to look for a job, if he's not allowed to drive?? Damned if you do damned if you can't! If he's being responsible, help him to help his self, so that he can help his child!! So yes the system needs some tweaking to say the least!!! True there are some women who play games, and manipulate the system, they should be dealt with as well. And yes there are some women who don't know the father's of their children, which is a shame! Unfortunately there are some males who just go around making baby after baby which is nothing to be proud of at all!! If you know you have one baby that you are not taking care of, why in God's name would you keep putting yourself in the same predicament?? Like you said a few days ago, responsibility, integrity, and plain ole common sense should be adhered to from both parties prior to taking your clothes off, then maybe this wouldn't be such a big issue!! Ladies, I would just advise you to have a open dialogue about this very topic with ALL men prior to having sex, then make your decision accordingly, and just know that some of these males, should be sent packing for a lifetime! Since it's your responsibility to be responsible, be responsible by NOT entertaining on any level, irresponsible males!!! Hug your Mom extra tight Ms. Bama, and thank GOD that HE instilled in her, the weaker vessel, to be RESPONSIBLE!!! love godiva

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  18.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 30 May 10

    @friendly Yes,I hear you. One thing that I always did with my girls is to tell them why they didn’t want to intentionally become single moms and especially not teenage moms is because of all the struggles that I went through I didn’t want them to have. Petite says: EXACTLY!!

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  19.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 30 May 10

    @bamba I am sorry to hear this and why this disturbs you so. I am fortunate to have had my father until 1991. Was he perfect? Hell nawlll. By no stretch of the imagination. Was he with my mother? YES, even though they fought and bickered most of the time. My father was a braggadocios man. "A Great Deacon" of the Church who had a good heart. But he was not perfect. I had extended family members too who helped to raise me during a time my mother was very ill. My mother was married twice so my brothers and sisters were part of the entire blended family. It wasn't my father's first union either. I have an older sister in VA. Despite the bickering from time to time he was there. He worked so did my mom until she couldn't anymore. I lost my mom in 2008. It was my extended family that helped me get through what I needed to do with my daughter, school, work etc. It was my father who picked her up after school and took her home while I worked. It was her papa. I got my shyt together real quick and forgot the daddy. He never came around and wound up going to jail. He never attempted to see my daughter, I let God handle it. He became a big time drug dealer who wound up going to the Federal penn in Atlanta. Suppose I had married him at 17? That was the plan. Suppose? God stopped that right in it's tracks. I didn't know that at the time. But in hindsight God had saved me from myself in this regard. I worked my ass off. Didn't bitch and complain about father. Didn't know where he was until we ran into his sis on 125th at one point. Didn't tell daughter shyt like my girlfriend did. Never did that in my life ever. She has a father though. My ex husband. She calls him daddy since we were together from the time she was very small. The "father" is not just the man who procreates with you. He is the one providing the necessities of everyday life. Tending to your ailments, caring for you and so forth. Anyone can be a sperm donor. HOW MANY MEN CAN BE A FATHER?

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  20.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 30 May 10

    @friendly I know. I've seen it. I have a girlfriend (not that close) but I will call her an acquaintance and she did this. She won't let the man see his daughter. Her reason is that she don't want no other bitch around her child, telling her child what to do and so on. See my thing is, OK, what's done is done. The child is here now. FOR THE SAKE OF THE CHILD concern yourself with only those things that pertain to the child. Not the new chick or the next guy. So, I asked frieno, does her daughter ask about her father, you know what she replied to me? Yeah, she tells the girl daddy don't want to see you. I'm like wtf? Why would you tell her that? She said cuz that so and so ain't seeing my baby with that bitch. I'm talking about a grown ass woman. Grown ass woman. I don't know what she got going now cause I don't see or hear from her much. So..two people make a child. Two people ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CHILD. TWO PEOPLE. TWO PEOPLE. Not one. Mother is responsible, father is responsible. Women can't lay their asses down and get knocked up alone. Men need to be careful who they sling the dang a lang with. If a woman will give it up and she ain't wifey material (and the man knows this buts wants the goodies anyway) and all you want to do is phuck her and run, I'm like bamba wrap that shit up or tie it up. YOU AVOID UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES and you cut down on the cases of HIV AIDS too. Women too, if the nicca ain't had no decent job but you let him "play" then when you get knocked up you go running looking for $$ he ain't got. You knew his ass didn't have it to being with. Da hell? I don't know how it is possible for anyone to have a baby alone unless it is through artificial insimenation.

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  21.   Bamababe2k9 says:
    Posted: 30 May 10

    My father is a dead beat dad that's why I feel so passionately about this becuase my daddy nor his folks were there for me as a child. Even when I graduated from high school and college, i sent them invitations to both, I got nothing and they didn't even bother to attend. This is what I mean by sorriness. My daddy is sorry and his relatives are too. I really don't consider them family. None of them offered to do anything for me. NONE I might love my father but I resent the hell outta him for not being a dad to me. So, my mom didn't put my daddy in child support perhaps thinking he'd do right by me, but for the exception of a little something here or there, he's done nothing.

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  22.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 30 May 10

    @ Bamababe2k9 Yes,I hear you. One thing that I always did with my girls is to tell them why they didn't want to intentionally become single moms and especially not teenage moms is because of all the struggles that I went through I didn't want them to have. I told them that I wanted to see them have better opportunities at a younger age. I encouraged them not to become sexually active and to wait to become parents after marraige. I also let them know that if they did become sexually active that I would allow them to use birthcontrol. The reason for that is not because I wanted them to have sex but because they should not have babies for boys and men who would leave them alone to go on and take advantage of their own opportunities. I know that is hard to follow. Basically, it is like you said Bamababe2k9 it is as much the responsibility of the man as it is for the woman. But when a young man gets a woman pregnant and decides not to help it is as though he never had children. He can go on to college and use his income for the purpose of only supporting himself and going out on dates as though he had no kids. All the while the young woman has to figure out how she is going to get reliable childcare. She tends to focus on getting some low paying job instead of going to school. By the time she is 30 the young man has a good paying job somewhere because he went to college problem free. He has completely forgot that he had a child with shaniqua. Meanwhile, shaniqua is on foodstamps,housing, childcare, and cash assistance because her minimum wage job just won't cut it. So basically the taxpayer had to fill in for what the deadbeat dad never did. The good thing is that when Shaniqua gets tired and finally takes his but to court they system can get the money that they paid back. I know one of my kids, the one whose father was 48k behind had to payback $11k out of that. You are right they should pay and will pay. The court system simply does not play with these jokers be they male or female. I have seen women go to jail for non-payment of childsupport too. I tell young women who ask if they should go after the father this, that they should realize that that income can be added to the income they earn from work which means they can give their child a better life. That is what it is all about. Buy a car and a house that shows that kid has two parents that care. If you don't need he childsupport for living expenses, put it in a trust for the child to use for the childs college expenses when they are grown.

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  23.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 30 May 10

    @ PetiteChick Yes,there are parents who do play games with their children. I know a man personally who really went through with his babys mama. He had a hard time keeping a job because of a criminal history. But he always tried. She would dump the kids off on him to make a legitamate excuse for showing up when he was spending time with lady friends. Another revelation is that she didn't take him to court to make him feel afraid to say anything about it. Several times she pressed charges against him and almost got him locked up. He finall got custody. But then he had to fight to keep them. She eventually won them back. I think the sad thing is that she really didn't care about the kids at all. She just wanted to control him like a dog. And those kids are so precious. They really liked the woman he was involved with. She really loved those kids and would do anything for them. So I feel you completely on what you were saying. The only one that suffered was the kids. They love their daddy to death. He was the better parent. He always made sure they went to school. They were always clean and well fed. He took them everywhere. Even to job interviews.

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  24.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 30 May 10

    All: Minimum Wages per state 1. Alabama has no minimum wage law 2. Alaska's minimum wage is $7.75 per hour 3. Arizona " " " $7.25 4. Arkansas " " " $6.25 5. California " " " $8.00 6. Georgia " " " $5.15 This is just an example of how minimum wages differ throughout our country. Typically based on the cost of living (so they say). I know that's a lie because the cost of living in New York is sky high and does not keep pace with other large states such as California.

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  25.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 30 May 10

    @friendly Friendly stated: "Queen you are full of it. Ain’t no judge in his right mind going to put a working man in jail. If he does that is because he man was working and depriving his child of the support. The judge does not cause the man to lose his job but in stead puts him in work release for the purpose of teaching him to pay his responsibilities. Actually, the job will not be able to fire him either because the job has violated federal law if they knew they were supposed to take out withholdings and did not. The job also cannot fire him because that would be and evasion issue and he job can be held accountable if they interferre in that manner. I am speaking from experience. I have a child whose father got 48k behind. They put a warrant out for him. When they foundout that he had a very good job, they charged the employer to take out withholdings and an arrearage amount. There was nothing the employer could do but comply. They would have been in serious violation to fire him. The courtsystem knew it was in the best interest of the child to let him continue to work and not take him to jail. I aso begged them not to take him because we would be better off receiving the support and not sending him to jail. They said they would take that in consideration and they did. So you are just spouting off again Queenie. Hurting the father does not help the child and the court does not prefer that method. They can reduce childsupport if the father doesn’t make that much. What is better is if the father spends time and money on the child on his own the court can also reduce support. I have a child whose father pays less because he spends considerable amount of time with the child and buys things for him, feeds him, while they are together. So Queenie there is more to those situations that what you know or are willing to share." Petite States: This is very interesting. Thank you for sharing this knowledge. I'm learning a lot here about CHILD SUPPORT PAYMENTS. I know much more about custody as I was speaking to that yesterday in terms of women and men who play games with the children. Thanks.

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  26.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 30 May 10

    @friendly I tried to send it to you. You know like how you can send a foto here? Just look at my profile and look at the pix with the one where my hair is pulled back and tell me what you think. Also, I send you mail elsewhere today........

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  27.   Lala says:
    Posted: 30 May 10

    Man, there are some black women that look so fit and strong, I'd love to have one wrap their big thighs around me so I could screw them, ooooh yeah!

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  28.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 30 May 10

    @bamba See when I made my statement the other day about sorriness in the black community ya’ll agreed with me, but if we don’t make men take responsiblity we just as sorry as they are and that’s our problem. Same thing with teaching our daugthers better as well. Black folks needs to stop making excuses for some of the people in our community by contributing to their sorriness. Ok I’m gone to church ----------------------------------------- MsBamba has spoken! Enjoy your day in Church!

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  29.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 30 May 10

    @friendly About my long head and hair do: awwwww man. It ain't that one. Awwwww. you gonna stay a while? Cause I want your opinion. I'll send it you. Please give me as much feedback as you can. I lubs ya!

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  30.   Bamababe2k9 says:
    Posted: 30 May 10

    My whole main problem with this is if child support is abolished, then the man gets off the hook and he is just as responible as the woman. Why should he be allowed to get away with not supporting his kid? No one has explain that to me yet. And men let me break this down for you; you know who are sleeping with. You know before you slept with the woman she was the town whore so why are you surprised then if she turns up pregnant? See when I made my statement the other day about sorriness in the black community ya'll agreed with me, but if we don't make men take responsiblity we just as sorry as they are and that's our problem. Same thing with teaching our daugthers better as well. Black folks needs to stop making excuses for some of the people in our community by contributing to their sorriness. Ok I'm gone to church

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  31.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 30 May 10

    @friendly Friendly stated: Regarding the welfare issues, yes you are so right. I also have mixed feelings regarding the new reform efforts as well. Mostly they just want to get as many black as they can involved for the purpose of building a labor force for low income laborers... PETITE STATES: PREACH!!! Girl tell me about it. The cycle is vicious cause these are low paying jobs. I've talked to women who do home attendant care work and let's say the average salary is $9.00 hour in New York, some of the women can only get 4 hours per week. NO LIE. I have talked to them. They have to often travel from other areas spend car fare and some can't secure enough work to cover the cost of car fare. These assignments are not guaranteed work. It sucks. Friendly stated: Can’t raise four kids on McDonalds after paying childcare, rent, utils, phone, car note, car insurance, food, clothing, hospital bills, toiletry items, etc………..yeah them men need to help. I don’t see how Queenie can be going out on dates and trying not to pay childsupport. He knows he needs to help take care of them chillins. PETITE STATES: Girl, this also depends on your states minimum wage. Not all states carry the Federal minimum wage. In New York it is $7.25 per hour. In Atlanta for instance it is slightly over $5.00 per hour. The federal minimum wage is not set for the country. It is set for the least amount of money a federal employee can earn. Some people don't understand this. How the hell can you live off of that in today's economy? I'm glad you are doing what you do for young women! Empowering them to gain skills go to college. You belong in the "sista movement" for sure!

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  32.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 30 May 10

    @ Queenie You said "Dear Petite: The courts punish men for not paying child support by putting them in jail. In effect, limiting their earning potential, which I don’t understand. This harms the child even more and makes men dependent on society because they lose their jobs. In severe cases of incarceration, mental illness, disability, a man wants to take care of his child. We go off the assumption that men want to run as quick as possible." Queen you are full of it. Ain't no judge in his right mind going to put a working man in jail. If he does that is because he man was working and depriving his child of the support. The judge does not cause the man to lose his job but in stead puts him in work release for the purpose of teaching him to pay his responsibilities. Actually, the job will not be able to fire him either because the job has violated federal law if they knew they were supposed to take out withholdings and did not. The job also cannot fire him because that would be and evasion issue and he job can be held accountable if they interferre in that manner. I am speaking from experience. I have a child whose father got 48k behind. They put a warrant out for him. When they foundout that he had a very good job, they charged the employer to take out withholdings and an arrearage amount. There was nothing the employer could do but comply. They would have been in serious violation to fire him. The courtsystem knew it was in the best interest of the child to let him continue to work and not take him to jail. I aso begged them not to take him because we would be better off receiving the support and not sending him to jail. They said they would take that in consideration and they did. So you are just spouting off again Queenie. Hurting the father does not help the child and the court does not prefer that method. They can reduce childsupport if the father doesn't make that much. What is better is if the father spends time and money on the child on his own the court can also reduce support. I have a child whose father pays less because he spends considerable amount of time with the child and buys things for him, feeds him, while they are together. So Queenie there is more to those situations that what you know or are willing to share.

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  33.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 30 May 10

    @friendly Good morning sis. Yes, in New York State, child support is 17% per child of total household income. This does include when either individual remarries. NYS. New Jersey is slightly higher in the fact that a parent who has been ordered to pay child support it will be 33% of total wages including any wages earned by a new partner. Each state in the Union has different thresholds for the amount of child support to be given. New Jersey by far is the highest I know of. California could be equally high as New Jersey. And you also right about the mother's responsibility to pay. Especially if she is the custodial parent. She actually is providing for MORE THAN half of the upkeep of the child unless it's a rapper or someone with great wealth. Keep in mind, those with great wealth who were married, get huge sums of money because alimony is tacked in as well. I know have heard of some men who try to claim their children on the tax returns as dependents and ain't paid a damned dime in child support. Ha! Foul play! The IRS rules are that the parent who provides more than 50% of the care gets to claim that dependent. No luck for them suckers. Our system is not perfect! I agree with you sis. And the thing is each state does in fact have its own standards and every case is judged on a case by case basis, usually with the best interest of the child in terms of custody.

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  34.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 30 May 10

    @ PetiteChick Regarding the welfare issues, yes you are so right. I also have mixed feelings regarding the new reform efforts as well. Mostly they just want to get as many black as they can involved for the purpose of building a labor force for low income laborers. The sad thing is basically they make them accept these jobs regardless of qualifications. This prevents the educated ones from continuing to look for jobs more suitable for their skills and qualifications. I unfortunately have been there. I have been encouraging young women to go to college while the money is there so that they will be marketable for future job opportunities that will pay them enough to provide for their families. If anyone needs a good job, it is a single parent. Can't raise four kids on McDonalds after paying childcare, rent, utils, phone, car note, car insurance, food, clothing, hospital bills, toiletry items, etc...........yeah them men need to help. I don't see how Queenie can be going out on dates and trying not to pay childsupport. He knows he needs to help take care of them chillins.

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  35.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 30 May 10

    @ PetiteChick I hope I am not too late, but the latest style you are wearing looks nice on you. I am sorry I overlooked the posts for hair advice.

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  36.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 30 May 10

    @Ich Ich stated: "Many jobs have paternity leave of absence for fathers. My last job had it. The fact that some jobs don’t and that many people have no idea this does exist, shows how one-sided the system is regarding the rights of men and their children at times." PETITE STATES: This is very true Ich. Much larger companies have work-life balance programs. Some even offer their employers adoption assistance. Companies know that if they want to retain the best and brightest that they must indeed offer the kind of work atmosphere which is conducive to family life. So true! Ich stated: Ever seen that Spike Lee movie “She Hate Me”? That was the judge’s sentiment at the end. With all these kids, what’s the point of you being in jail when you need to be out working to take care of them. You see (and I know you already do), the courts always package their decisions in colorful wrapping paper, with a big bow on top, with a card saying, “To the best interest of the child”, everytime. Petite is correct about that. But is every decicsion they make in the child’s best interest? Absolutely not. Every judge makes their own judgement when making a decision in ANY case. And several times throughout history we see how well that doesn’t work out for people, especially black people. So why not children? PETITE STATES: I must agree with you. Every decision is not the right decision handed down by the court. The only people who stand a chance of fighting unfit parenting are those who can afford the legal fees when a court battle ensues. For the average working man he's stuck between a rock and a hard place. I speak of those men WHO WANT TO BE PART OF THEIR CHILDREN'S LIVES. Additionally, let's take the cost of what is entailed in keeping 1 individual incarcerated per year. The last I recall it is estimated at over 30,000 per year. My figures may be incorrect but it is not far off. So, you would think that the courts would take this into consideration. Isn't housing this individual more costly than letting him pay his child support and having access to his children? Methinks so! Ich stated: I’ve heard some fathers say that they requested their baby mamas to put them on child support so that visitation rights could never be denied to them. I think the legally dead part is pretty harsh, but Shaq and Eminem will agree with you wholeheartedly. ;) PETITE STATES: More men should take this lead. Beat women at their own game if in fact what the women are doing is "the game of pitting their child against the father. I am of the firm believe that children need both their parents wherever possible. Often this is not going to be the case for a variety of factors. We know this. They say our system (US system of laws) is the best in the world. Well, it can be unfair in many instances. But it is what we have. It is not perfect. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ @Ich A lot of people take what they hear in popular culture and at times put themselves in situations where a popular song, movie character, or book can have more meaning in their own lives. This tends to trivialize the legitimacy and/or seriousness of such issues as teen pregnancy, child support, fidelity, interracial dating, welfare, violence, love, sex, relationships, and the list goes on. PETITE STATES: You are so right. There are just some things that we need to take seriously. The welfare of women and children rank high on my list! Fairness in our legal system and I could rattle on, as I have a slew of things I abhor about America's "civil society."

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  37.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 30 May 10

    @ PetiteChick I am with you regarding women who deceive men that a child belongs to them that does not. The thing that gets me is that she knew he was not the only one she was with. One thing I am for is paternity testing. I am not ashamed to say that I personally employed one for my last child. I knew who the father was but people hate. So I said hey I got this inexpensive test lets do it and send it in. He was in lawenforcement so he did it in my presence and we mailed it in together. We used Paternity Experts for only $125. We got the results back in only 3 days. It was great. Then we handled our business from there. After that, when people would tell lies they were squashed. I think everyone should consider having one. Sometimes people try to shame women when the question comes up. But I say everyone should do it. That will stop silly women from lying so damn much. I don't like those kind of women. The question is why? Triffling. If you don't have anything to hide there is no shame in it regardless of what people think. I have known of cases though where the couple was married when the child was conceived that wasn't the fathers and the father is still considered the father and still had to pay. The law simply looks at all children conceived in a marriage as the fathers inherent responsibility. That is why me should be careful before they marry a woman who is pregnant before she has the baby. Even if they are both aware of who the real father is, the burden is going to be put on the husband. Men need to read the childsupport laws for their state. It is reall thorough and tells them their rights as far as visitation and other issues regarding their paternal rights. They can also have access to all of the childs school and medical records no questions asked. There is nothing the mother or the agencies can do to stop them.

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  38.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 30 May 10

    @ Ich & Queenie Actually, you both need to go online and thoroughly read the childsupport laws supported in your own state. The federal mandates override local laws that differ. Most local laws support the federal mandates. In reality, childsupport is for the support of the children. If the father can prove that his support is not going for that purpose he can take the mom to court and the judge is impartial. If the mom takes him to court because he is making more money and she is not working she could actually get a reduction in what she receives. If the mom has a good job too, she has a better chance of getting the increase. You have to rememeber the mom has an obligation to support the child too. If the moms income doesn't justify the increase she is probably not going to get it unless the guy is a famous multimillion dollar basketball star or something. The average joe doesn't make all that much. What $60k is nothing. For instance, if I make $40k I can contribute $800 a month of my own income to support the child; then it is justified for me to expect the same from the father if he is economically capable. If the man is not working, the judge can and probably will give him a chance to get it together unless he sees that the man is just trying to buck the system. There is not sense in men or women thinking that the tax payer should do their job. Men should just squash the rhetoric regarding doing away with childsupport because all they are doing is asking the taxpayer to take over the burden from their own inconsiderate bad choices. There are condoms and at best just keeping your pants up until you get married. The family planning option is the best for idiots who don't want to pay childsupport. Ich you don't pay any childsupport do you. No. Why, because you don't have any children anywhere. Now that is a smart man. The reason for that is because you have made good choices. When you do chose a childless wife a man like you will keep all of his money at home for his family and not have to send shaniqua an $800 a month check. Now you can go out and buy your wife a gift, take her on vacation, or just put the money in the bank to invest. But men like Queenie are relishing the thought that they will get out of the childsupport option by getting custody so that they can make the mother pay childsupport and beg for visitation. Bet Queenie will not be trying to change childsupport payment laws then. lol.

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  39.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 30 May 10

    Good morning Ladies, everyone! I hope all are having a wonderful Sunday. It's a beautiful day in the Big Apple. I want to just point out one thing about Welfare. Welfare was created under Roosevelt's New Deal Program to alleviate poverty amongst those women whose husbands abandoned them during the war. This abandonment happened for a number of reasons. They left to seek work and never returned, as a result of mechanization and industrialization many men left to seek work and never returned. Or, were killed which left the women widowed and so forth. The programs were designed in conjunction to help women gain skills such as parenting and other such skills to gain employment. Much of these programs were administered through settlement houses which, by the way one of the oldest is right here in NYC. Henry Street Settlement. Everyone knows that welfare at that time was for the sole benefit of the Caucasian populace. The Welfare Reform Act of 1996 as signed into Law by President William Jefferson Clinton, lifted the burden of the Welfare rolls from the government level to the state level. No longer can women sit home and collect welfare for having multiple babies. Them days is ovvvaaaaaaaaa! In most states. I will only speak to New York, as that is what I am familiar with and have studied. Women who do not give information as to the father's whereabouts are subject to work programs known as WEP or better known as Work Experience Programs. Finally, unlike AFDC, TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families - as signed into law in 1996 does not allow for a woman to receive public (cash assistance) for more than two children. Limitations have been placed on such benefits as a measure for women to seek education and become viable candidates for work. Some have argued that Welfare Reform has done nothing more than exacerbate the poverty of women with children as these work programs (which are required) still do very little to alleviate poverty. The most notable jobs women are trained for in NYC are Home Care Attendants and Parks and Recreation workers. These new welfare programs provide vouchers for women to go to school at a high cost to the taxpayer because many of these programs do not succeed. As to MY own opinion about Welfare to Work programs, I have mixed feelings. Many tout these new Welfare Reform as beneficial but I have seen studies that denounce these findings in which case they have a contradictory point of view. The jury on these Work Study Programs are still out for me. I need to see up to date data, and I'd much rather see a study be done on the individuals themselves as opposed to head count in terms of the numbers of women who leave the welfare rolls.

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  40.   Member says:
    Posted: 30 May 10

    Dear Ich People often think it is funny that I talk about banning child support. I actually got the idea from a British black man on youtube. He made the compelling argument about it. He also said don't date single mothers under the age of 25 years old. That is controversial in itself. I would have to read up on the history of when child support was implemented. Quite often black men are the whipping boy of every new legislation. From Patrick Moynihan's War on Poverty. Excerpts "Moynihan's research of Labor Department data demonstrated that even as fewer people were unemployed, more people were joining the welfare rolls. These recipients were families with children but only one parent (almost invariably the mother). The laws at that time permitted such families to receive welfare payments in certain parts of the United States." " Despite Moynihan's warnings, the Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) program included rules for payments only if the "Man [was] out of the house." Critics said that the nation was paying poor women to throw their husbands out of the house." Now you see where the mantra "I don''t need a man" comes from. Ich I believe all these stories you said. Children to them is a subtle "form of control" when things don't go there way. I remember walking down the street in Jamaica Queens NYC past the family court house. I saw women lined up with a mean look on their face. It was a pretty long line. I said, "damn why so man women lined up". They grumbled about getting men for child support. I doubt they would get "a lot of money". Jamaica Queens is a low income area. I figure it was mainly out of "spite". 50 cents put "himself" on child support and now pays his baby mother child support of 5,000 a month. He was giving her 20gs a month freely and letting her live in his Mansion. Apparently, she thought she was going to get 17 percent of the 400 million fortune (Vitamin water was bought by Coke and 50 cents has a 10 percent stake in it). So, the nappy headed black girls are going to ask "How that happen", why she got 5,000 a month? It is simply the judge calculates what 50 cents "gave her" and what he provided for her son (Paid school tuition, residence, hummer, car and etc). It is 17 percent I think for his income for "that year". Basically, he gives himself a title and says " I get paid hmm 100,000 a year or so. You only get 17 percent of that. Not the whole "pot". Since it is in the "best interest of the child". 5,000 dollars a month is adequate payment for the CHILD. But see black women don't see that. They just think "Oh we rich right"? Na, dumb ho, He is RICH not you. Unless, you got married to him. 50 cents baby mama never married him. Nor Dwight Howard baby momma never married him. Right now, she so jammed up. She can't even mention his name without paying him. She might end up like Debra Dickerson. Just jammed up in court until she broke and homeless. Unfortunately, not many black men have money long enough to combat the abuse. Somebody might mention Wayne and Diddy. They are cool with their baby mothers. There is no animosity. Many of them contribute to Diddy's businesses. Wayne still spanks his baby mothers. Most of them are "hood chicks". He has firm control of them. You can give a "hood chicks" thousands of dollars and she will piss it away. I am pretty sure Wayne got firm control of his baby mothers. They ain't the brightest crayons in the box. Good day.

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  41.   Ichibod says:
    Posted: 30 May 10

    MLQ, "You change the employment act that would allow men to see their child. The family medical leave act allows women to have a baby and not lose their job." Many jobs have paternity leave of absence for fathers. My last job had it. The fact that some jobs don't and that many people have no idea this does exist, shows how one-sided the system is regarding the rights of men and their children at times. I agree with you about the whole child support thing. What was it, 80% percent of black men on child support actually pay up, and are current? I think I heard that somewhere, not sure where. There are too many situations where child support is seriously abused. A mother can have child support increased if the baby's father start making more money? I remember reading about Latrell Sprewell's baby mama doing this. I was working day and this young security guard chick said her baby daddy worked for my company and asked me how much I make or how much I thought he was making. I the child is doing fine with what their already getting, what's the deal? Best interest of the mama's ego and scorn. "The courts punish men for not paying child support by putting them in jail. In effect, limiting their earning potential, which I don’t understand." Ever seen that Spike Lee movie "She Hate Me"? That was the judge's sentiment at the end. With all these kids, what's the point of you being in jail when you need to be out working to take care of them. You see (and I know you already do), the courts always package their decisions in colorful wrapping paper, with a big bow on top, with a card saying, "To the best interest of the child", everytime. Petite is correct about that. But is every decicsion they make in the child's best interest? Absolutely not. Every judge makes their own judgement when making a decision in ANY case. And several times throughout history we see how well that doesn't work out for people, especially black people. So why not children? I agree with Chris Rock about alimony. That's a flat out ban. I think Friendly was just in taking action. I believe sending those notes to her ex's wife would have taught him a real lesson. My brother is married and his wife has him on child support. They had my nephew before they got married, but she won't cut it off and complains why he doesn't have any money for her other 3 children, each from different daddies. My dad and I tried to warn him long before my nephew was even thought of. You said, "Because your baby mother only wants you happy when is “happy”. If she alone and bitter with no boyfriend. She will just act bitchy with the child." Some years ago, my best and I were talking about our finances. He mentioned his child support for his first son's mother. I remembered years prior to that, his mom told me that he was never put on child support because his baby moms still wanted him and his mom always helped her out. As soon as he announced that he was getting married, there came the child support. Dirty! Women pay child support as well. I don't know the circumstances regarding why and how. I worked with a lady that said she paid child support. I know Britney Spears pays child support. Bama, "That child will grow up resentful of the father because eventually that mother will tell the child your father didn’t want to have anything to do with you and he can’t defend his position if he isn’t there." You are so right. Ceelo had a song called "Young Man" where he said, "Hey young man I understand why you're so angry/I grew up exactly the same/daddy was gone so you had to find your own way/and he's convenient to blame". Also, you said, "Also I think if you don’t help take care of the child, then she should have the right to cut off all communications between you and that child and be able to declare the father legally dead." I've heard some fathers say that they requested their baby mamas to put them on child support so that visitation rights could never be denied to them. I think the legally dead part is pretty harsh, but Shaq and Eminem will agree with you wholeheartedly. ;) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A lot of people take what they hear in popular culture and at times put themselves in situations where a popular song, movie character, or book can have more meaning in their own lives. This tends to trivialize the legitimacy and/or seriousness of such issues as teen pregnancy, child support, fidelity, interracial dating, welfare, violence, love, sex, relationships, and the list goes on. I do believe that the only situation where a man chooses not to wrap it up and the woman has no ability to challenge his decision, is rape. Let's not forget that every baby mama is not an ex-wife or ex-girlfriend, or widow which indicates that every child was not planned. How should a mother explain THAT one to their child? This is a prime example of why I think it's sick to expect (probably a good idea anyway)a man to help support a life that neither party originally intended to create. Some mothers don't even know who the father really is.

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  42.   Bamababe2k9 says:
    Posted: 30 May 10

    She wrong too but my point is both parents should be responsible for the child and if one or the other parent doesn't want that, then terminate their rights. How is a guy going to learn how to be a man if you let him off the hook all the time? That child will grow up resentful of the father because eventually that mother will tell the child your father didn't want to have anything to do with you and he can't defend his position if he isn't there.

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  43.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 30 May 10

    OK gals, I moved my foto and Bamba thanks for your feedback. Friendly, when you get a chance find the post about the Adobe app and let me know what you want to do about getting the book to you in PDF. It's in here somewhere. Good nite ladies and gentleman (you too Laurelton)! Enjoy the rest of your holiday weekend.

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  44.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 30 May 10

    Ladies: Did y'all hear about Gary Coleman dying? I didn't know he was 42 and served time in jail.

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  45.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 30 May 10

    I don’t know what you trying to prove. If I am going to call you a “name”. I would straight do it like I did before. I don’t hold back. ------------------------------------------- Well you know I don't hold back. I just like to understand where folx are coming from when so many are discussing and adding comments. Peace.

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  46.   Member says:
    Posted: 30 May 10

    Dear Bama You went as far as to declare the father legally dead. Now that is plum crazy to me. Why not the harsh commentary for the slut puppies with different daddies for all their kids. As for the comment of being whorish women, that is not true. I can't recall men being happy a prostitute had their child. You may found out later she is whorish. Women are pretty good at hiding their whorish behavior. Once again, get your facts straight Petite. If I said you was a slut puppy. I would say Petite is a slut puppy. You was married for twenty years. So, how do slut puppy apply to you? I don't know what you trying to prove. If I am going to call you a "name". I would straight do it like I did before. I don't hold back.

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  47.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 30 May 10

    @Laurelton You keep mentioning the best interest of the child. That is a broad statement. -------------------------- Youze a young boi. Yes, I keep mentioning the best interest of the child because whether YOU like it or not, that is the way our court system works. Why don't you and men of like mind get on with something of this nature. Rally the men like Farrakhan did with the million man march and appeal to your respective legislatures. That's the only thing that's gonna change it. IT IS WHAT IT IS. It may not be something you like, but it stands. You wanna get mad at me about that too? Shyt.

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  48.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 30 May 10

    @Laurelton I am trying to get my facts straight. You didn't say Friendly. You responded to me but made no mention that the comment was directed toward friendly. That's how shit gets started up in here. The paste masters. If you are clear in your writing skills no one would have to question to whom you are referring or directing your comments. NOW GET YOUR WRITING SKILLS UP TO PAR and stop suggesting I'm interjecting when in fact you are replying to me. You so stoopid. Like I said, don't get mad at me, cause I ain't done nothing to ya!

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  49.   Bamababe2k9 says:
    Posted: 30 May 10

    My thing is Queenie that if the father doesn't want to take care of the child, terminate his rights and cut communication therefore he has NO say so in that child's life and if he does decide to come back and have communication, then he has to pay child support including back pay. That way he has to think long and hard about what his plans are. You take the risk of never seeing that child again if you don't help take care of it.

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  50.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 30 May 10

    Comment by Mr Laurelton Queens on 29 May 2010: Dear Petite I never called you a slut puppy. I made a reference to slut puppies. Let me clarify the comments. You touched on the married aspect of divorce and children. I am talking about women that are involved with a man or “men” and have children with different daddies and then use the system to be rewarded for it. Although divorces are not always “civil”. Most of the time people work things out concerning the child. Perhaps, you need to read a little better. Plus, I was talking to Friendly in the beginning. I don’t mind if you interject. Get your facts straight that’s all. ------------------------------------------- OK, thanks for the clarity cause the word "you" is what confused me as opposed to a term like say, "women."

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