Why Ghosters Always Come Back and How to Deal with Them

Posted by Leticia, 21 May

Ever been ghosted? It’s like a dating riddle wrapped in a mystery. You think everything's going great, and then poof! They vanish. But what happens when the ghoster unexpectedly resurfaces, breathing new life into what seemed like a closed chapter? Let's delve into the mystery of why ghosters always come back and explore strategies for handling their reappearance with grace and confidence.

The Return of the Ghosters: Unveiling the Reasons

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The resurgence of ghosters may leave you wondering about their motives. Perhaps they were oblivious to their disappearance, lost interest temporarily, or experienced a change of heart. Some may reach out due to loneliness or regret, while others see it as an opportunity to reignite a connection. Understanding these dynamics can provide clarity amidst the confusion of their return.

Strategies for Dealing with Ghosters: Insights and Strategies

When confronted with a ghoster's reappearance, it's essential to prioritize your emotional well-being. Set boundaries that reflect your self-respect and values, and don't hesitate to assert them firmly. While closure may be sought, remember that closure ultimately comes from within. You hold the power to decide whether to engage with the ghoster or move forward on your own terms.

Crafting Your Response: A Roadmap for Communication

Navigating the complexities of communication with a returning ghoster requires careful consideration. Whether you choose to seek clarity, express your feelings, or maintain a lighthearted approach, authenticity is key. Embrace honesty and assertiveness as you navigate this unexpected encounter, and remember that your response should align with your values and intentions.

Exploring the Depths of the Dating Abyss

In the vast and often perplexing landscape of modern dating, encounters with ghosters are but one facet of the journey. Share your experiences, insights, and reflections with others who have navigated similar terrain. Together, we can unravel the mysteries of romance, support one another through challenges, and celebrate the joys of genuine connections.

Feel free to delve deeper into the complexities of dating and share your thoughts on navigating the twists and turns of modern romance!

27 responses to "Why Ghosters Always Come Back and How to Deal with Them"

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  1.   Nancypow says:
    Posted: 21 Feb

    As someone who has been ghosted before I wouldn't want that to happen even to my worst enemy ,I was heartbroken.The guy later came back claiming he had gone to prison which wasn't true.i tried forcing issues for things to work but then realized the chemistry had died

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    • Maitaaa says:
      Posted: 25 Feb

      I feel you..Been ghosted before also with someone I had fallen in love with. It was the first time being ghosted it was bad, heartbreaking. Took all my energy I couldn’t function for like 2 weeks, it was depressing and I stressed everyday and cried. It was better for him to tell me he doesn’t want me anymore than going quiet on me. Wasn’t cool I don’t wish anything like that to happen to anybody!!

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  2.   HumbirdBee says:
    Posted: 30 Oct 24

    I find ghosting absolutely to the utmost rude. I don't block anyone unless they are just abhorrent. No, if the ghosters reappear, Boooo,I just tell them to eff all the way off. No second chances here. When someone show you who they are, better believe them. Step off and go kick rocks with open-toed shoes. Take a long walk on a short plank (LOL). Go piss up a rope. (I think that sums up my feelings)

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    • Dante211 says:
      Posted: 09 Feb

      You’re too wishy-washy. Tell us how you really feel about it.

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  3.   Juliebby says:
    Posted: 27 Oct 24

    Most times I feel like we should not be quick to judge, the person might actually be going true stuff and the only way they find easy to react is just to ghost everyone, and to them that's not an intentional act. In my view I feel like we shouldn't just rush to ghost the person back, we should first of all find out the reason behind the action, then if it not worth it then you can actually let go

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    • Iphy1 says:
      Posted: 27 Nov 24

      Most do it intentionally. I have two ppl who did that to me. Black and white Americans. The black came back and did it again. Then I say to myself if he venture comes back, he will be ghosted.

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      • Juliebby says:
        Posted: 09 Dec 24

        I honestly understand the angle you're coming from, and that's true. I feel everyone should be responsible for their actions. But all the same don't be too quick to conclude at first unless the person does same thing again

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      • Gary12345 says:
        Posted: 23 Dec 24

        I am going to chime in here.... I myself have ghosted different Women over the culmination of many years. I am a changed person today, due to going through a lot of hard things in my life and now, caring much more about others at 46 years of age. My reasons for ghosting Women were varied at times. At the time, I saw no issue with treating Women this way. I was very self righteous years ago and I felt very entitled. Like many American Men do, in my opinion. However, the majority of the time, I ghosted because I was playing the dating field so to speak and I was only concerned about my own needs being met from each Woman that I ghosted. I believe there may be many legitimate reasons for a person to simply ghost. However, if the person doing the ghosting eventually reaches back out to you, my advice is simple. 1. Be firm. Express yourself in a direct and pragmatic way. Clear the air by voicing your concerns and wait for the ghoster to both listen to you and God willing hear you. There is a difference between hearing and listening to a person. 2. Whatever, both of you amicably decide. Make sure you both honor that. Look for future patterns of ghosting from the past ghoster If the ghosting happens repetively and more excuses pile on, time and time again, (whether the ghoster's reasoning is believable or not) it's time to be strong, detach from that person and move forward in your life. Don't let your defenses down by hearing repetitive emotional pleas from the ghoster, in hopes to evoke an emotional response from you, which would potentially forgive the ghoster.. Don't engage in curse words or anything mean in spite with the ghoster. Patience is a virtue. Wait until he reaches out to you, before you confront him about how you feel. Even if you are emotionally hurt from the ghosters' actions..... Don't continually go down that same rabbit hole with him. Put up an imaginary brick wall around yourself, that imaginary brick wall will prevent such re-occurrences. 3. Block the ghosted and delete there phone number. Do not let any person take your peace of mind away. Amen

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  4.   steven1967 says:
    Posted: 23 Oct 24

    Unfortunately I've ghosted a lot of women

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    • Juliebby says:
      Posted: 27 Oct 24

      Why? And do you feel good doing that?

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    • Vinalixious says:
      Posted: 02 Nov 24

      Why do you do that? If you're not feeling the person why start up something with them? How will you feel if someone do that same thing to you over and over again?

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    • JudMap says:
      Posted: 17 Nov 24

      It might also be an act of cowadirce or lack of self confidence. love is NOT FOR THE WEAK OR FAINT HEARTED

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  5.   Lesiika says:
    Posted: 01 Oct 24

    How to understand where is an Avoidant Attachment and where is a Ghosting?

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  6.   Baby_peejay says:
    Posted: 30 Sep 24

    When I am ghosted the best I can do is to block the person and move on, you were not serious from the start you're not gonna get serious after coming back. It's really annoying fr.

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  7.   Berthie says:
    Posted: 22 Sep 24

    I started speaking to someone on here and then we chatted on WhatsApp. I thought we had a good thing but every weekend he would ghost me. He said his account was closed but then I decided to check because of a strange feeling. And here he was back on this site. He had been promising to call me and would come up with and excuse everytime . Only on Saturday we made arrangements for a call. He never called neither apologised. He has said nothing. I gues now because he must be getting the pictures, I didn’t want to supply him.

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    • JudMap says:
      Posted: 17 Nov 24

      Most guys are here for pictures in order for them to touch themselves, remember se... is a mind game, when your pictures are not turning them anymore, they go for new pictures. They are addicted to imaginary lovers. Dont send pictures and see if they will stay. Also if a guy disappears after sending pictures, it means that all they are after. so be warned

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      • Docvetret says:
        Posted: 20 Nov 24

        That's not true. Apparently , you may have rap all your bad experiences into all men.

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        • Juliebby says:
          Posted: 22 Nov 24

          I get what she's saying, and she's talking base on experience. So I don't really blame her, but just like you said all men are not the same. Maybe she met the bad ones, but that doesn't mean that good ones don't exist

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      • Im_done2024 says:
        Posted: 12 Jan

        So so true! It's childish. I'm wondering why they just can't go on porn hub or something like that? Why string along a woman if you have no real intention to pursue her?

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  8.   DJA007 says:
    Posted: 18 Sep 24

    Call ghostbusters.

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  9.   Anaxap12 says:
    Posted: 08 Sep 24

    Just block them,do not play their game.

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  10.   Alicbae says:
    Posted: 16 Aug 24

    If someone ghosts you after a good connection with no explanation, don't give them the time of the day..move on

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  11.   MsTucker says:
    Posted: 28 Jul 24

    Unfortunately, I was ghosted by a man I thought was such an extraordinary person. He talked a good game for three full days, and boom ghosted me without an explanation. Being ghosted is by far one of the worst feelings.

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  12.   Iphy1 says:
    Posted: 16 Jul 24

    Ghosters are terrible humans. I just don't wanna encounter them anymore

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    • Bred11 says:
      Posted: 21 Jul 24

      Great pretenders, heartless, as and deceptive. I don't blame you!

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  13.   Owori894 says:
    Posted: 16 Jul 24

    Good thoughts

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