White men are least attracted to Black women?
...gender is one of the determining factors of interracial dating trends. Caucasian females are least likely to date Asian men, whilst white males in the U.S tend to be least attracted to female African American's. - 'Interracial Dating Trends' by Matt Dating
Much as it is just a generalization, most of us do agree that there are very few White women who date Asian men. And when we try finding the reason for this, stereotypes and more stereotypes is all we dig up. But let's look into the Black women White men interracial relationships: is attraction the reason why there are relatively fewer White men dating Black women? Really?
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409 responses to "White men are least attracted to Black women?"
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Faeydust says:Posted: 14 Oct 09
Statistic - Probability of something occurring based on percentages. Probability should never be considered a fact. I got an A in statistics - a really long time ago ; )
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Arcadia73 says:Posted: 13 Oct 09
Hey, all! I realize that I am all sorts of late to this topic but it is one of great interest to me. I am a mixed race Black woman who happens to be married to a White man. We have been together for nearly 5 years in total and married for just under 2 years. Most of my life I have dated "outside" of my race. Black men never seemed to be "into" me. The one or two that were into me were also basically " misfits" like me. I think maybe it had something to do with me not fitting the usual "sterotype"? I grew up listening to rock & roll and playing drums & guitar and had multi colored hair and wore combat boots with my catholic school girl uniform while in high school,LOL! I think most Black guys thought I was a freak! On the other hand I never lacked for attention from White guys and they gravitated towards me. They never made me feel weird about my interests or appearance. I also have at least 3 Black female friends that also happen to be married to White men! So, I definitely think that there are many more White men that are attracted to Black women then people realize.
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Ichibod says:Posted: 12 Oct 09
To sweetsoultp and whoever doesn't understand the point of statistics, Statistics never said white men don't date/marry black women. Statistics don't say anything ONLY happens or NEVER happens.
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Ichibod says:Posted: 12 Oct 09
Faeydust, I love your posts as well as your face. Sen, Your post was excellent, also. "The other thing was about culture. I think people seem to put too much emphasis on there being one single level culture. Also, people shouldn’t be automatically assigned a culture in the mind of someone else because they fit in level 4 of the ‘hue chart’." This happens with just about everything in America. If something doesn't quite fit a particular category, our society will create a whole new category, change in order to fit in, or try to force IT change. The idea of individuality is pretty much stripped away from our sense of humanity. This is a perfect example of mind control. Notice how there are many posts that say almost the same thing in these topics? Especially all of the negative ones regarding reasons for dating outside your race. God forbid a person is allowed to believe that men and women of any race can have just as many similarites as differences. Stereotypes are our livelyhood. At least, that's what they have us believe.
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faerydust says:Posted: 12 Oct 09
Sen - I wrote in response to your post earlier today. For some reason it didn't actually make it on the blog. Anyway, I'm glad you got my sentiment. I wrote a lot more. But I'm just to tired to go there right now. Thanks, I really appreciated your views and I think that we think along the same lines. Nice to be validated. : )
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faerydust says:Posted: 12 Oct 09
Hey?! I posted two comments here today and they didn't show up? Why is? See. Now I'm all frustrated!
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sweetsoultp says:Posted: 12 Oct 09
I LOVE AZ's openess and honesty, and lack of fear of what anyone here thinks. I think James deletes comments or moves points to prove a point that HE wants to proves. What's silly is that this is a site for interracial dating. So clearly, whatever statistics or stereotypes may say - the are White men who want to date Black women, and Black Women who want to dat White men. I've date in and out of my race, and found good men in all. And I love that some of the White men I know can feel comfortable with and discuss race. Its real, but its not everything.
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Faeydust says:Posted: 12 Oct 09
Beenwitbof - good point! But again, we're speaking in generalizations. I just went to a party and all the couples were black. Black men, with black women. So it does happen.
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Faeydust says:Posted: 11 Oct 09
Budgiegirl or is it Budlegirl? Well, I have to say thank you for your comment. I think it's refreshing to hear about interracial dating in other countries. It's so different from the US and can sometimes be a role model for how things should be. I used to date this German guy and he thought American's were so sad. He said that there were lots of interracial couples in Germany and that where he lived it was not a big concern. But here it seems to be such an issue. We're still obviously engulfed and controlled by fear. Hey, how's that for traversing the cultural divide?? A black, American woman with a white, German man. Oh my. How did we ever do that "with so little in common?" The truth is we all have the human experience in common. It doesn't all boil down to what food you eat, what music you listen too. We can always find something that brings us all together. And that is love! OMG that's so bohemian LOL.
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Faeydust says:Posted: 11 Oct 09
Sen, I'm glad you got my sentiment. I've never had difficulty attracting men. I guess the difficulty for me is whether or not I'm attracted to them. But I did find this topic frustrating because the first several posts came from b/w. And I think the question is posed for white men. Even with that, this topic is just to general. We are all individuals. And one black woman's experience is not equivalent to that of another black women, merely on the basis of skin color. Again, I'm just hard pressed to find any man that isn't just interested in sexual interludes. I've come across men that have just gotten out of jail, married or just looking for fun. I'd like to meet someone that I'm attracted to who is actually available and that means emotionally and relationally. I don't want to generalize. As I know there are good quality men out there. But it seems that the latter are the majority. I'm just trying to remain optimist about men in general and taking it one step at a time, one man at a time and definitely one white man at a time - as MichaelMN asks us to do.
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Sen says:Posted: 11 Oct 09
*faerydust* - I absolutely agree with you. Mainly on two counts. The thing that you said that really stood out to me was about you having a common American culture. I know, being a person from Europe, that where I come from we don't differentiate. You're all just Americans or 'Yanks' as far as we're concerned. I don't mean we don't take time to acknowledge that you are individuals and there are smaller groups within that but you're American first. You're more likely to have things in common and similar experiences than you are with someone in...say, France. You have an American mindset, your education system is different to ours, I could go on and on. You get my point. The other thing was about culture. I think people seem to put too much emphasis on there being one single level culture. Also, people shouldn't be automatically assigned a culture in the mind of someone else because they fit in level 4 of the 'hue chart'. As regards the topic, I know that this is more to do with history etc. I have never had a problem myself with this, nor have any of the black chicks I know. This leads me to believe it's an American 'issue' and not inate or anything of that nature. Having said this, I know there are plenty of white American guys who are attracted to women of all races in equal measure or specifically attracted to black women. I've known quite a few over the past few years.
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Logoslady says:Posted: 10 Oct 09
Hi people, I guess I'm late on this topic but I did find it good reading. As a black woman who has dated outside my race only a few times in my early years and it does seem harder for a black woman to attract a White man. I guess that's why some black women get upset when they see a black man with a white woman because we can't just mosey in a place and a white guy will just come up to us and flirt; but it's so easy for a white woman to go and a brother will just flirt. So when I look at it it is very one sided and the black woman is just looking in. It shouldn't matter what race you are a man or a woman should just be attracted to each other but that's not the real world we live in. I believe I'm an attractive black woman who just wants an attractive man no matter what race or color he is, as long as he loves Jesus. But someone tell me what is a white man looking for and why don't we see more white football stars with black women does it always have to be a black dude...that ok but I don't see the balance. just wanted to ask that. Anyway White man/Black man are you out there for me and yes be 5'11" or taller just my preference. ;} Agape
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dwig1989 says:Posted: 10 Oct 09
Growing up in a 85% white dominated area in western NY I was not subject racism. Moving to Va. for college was when I first witnessed it. First experience in relationship aspect was not good, including guy from team, his suggestion (to my girlfriend) of getting me w/his fiance and answering my girlfriends phone to his voice @ 2:00 AM. I was highly, lets say angry. But in the end I did not attribute this to his race etc, etc. I assumed it was his ego (played in Olympics & drafted to MLB) to treat others, especially his fiance (who was black) the way he did. Later certain myths never came into play as they were put to rest by girls I dated who dated black men. Now I have dated women of all different background. Including white, hispanic, black...from Peru, Peurto Rico, France, Czech Republic and x-wife from Russia. What attracts me to women is their figure and face. What gains my interest is their intelligence, effection & elegance, which are usually better than mine, a guy who spent early life on a ballfield w/sweaty, foulmouthed teammates. Also their values & beleifs. The 2 most elegant, manorly & intelligent women I dated were black & hispanic. I find now that the ones I am most sexually attracted to have similiar figure or attributes, regaurdless of race. Sure there are racists from every race to other races and always will be, but these are worthless ignorant people who will never have any input into a decent society. But I do beleive there exsists a idealogical difference, or belief there of, that may factor in. To be blunt I do not like the Obamas and tired of being called racist because of this...I am tired of politicians playing the "race card" creating or least trying to create a divide. Just cause I feel this way doesn't mean I liked the Bush admin. (cause I didn't) There has been only 1 man I wanted to run for Prez., but didn't, since Reagan and that was Colin Powell.
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MichaelMN says:Posted: 10 Oct 09
Sorry. Almost forgot. ASWEETANGLE23: I love the links you posted. Beautiful. They remind me of my life. PARABLES: You have the face of an angel. Peace out. Michael
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MichaelMN says:Posted: 10 Oct 09
I am an American white male. I date almost exclusively black women. Physically, I am MOST attracted to the features of BLACK women. I absolutely love how a black woman looks. Completely. The love of my life who I lost to cancer was black. I was once married to a black woman. Because I loved her. What a novel idea. I DO NOT HAVE any problems getting comfortable with a woman because of her race. I do not worry about what any white or black or green guy or woman thinks. Dating outisde of race is not difficult. It just is. I could genuinely care less about anyone else's view of me. This is a tedious topic that has been commandeered by a very few here. DO NOT LABEL ME. White men or that. No more fair that all black men are this or that. That is the essence of racism. Take us one at a time. The only real interracial dating that I could ever imagine is out of my race - the human race. Where is Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., when we really need him? "By the content of our character." I wish you all love. Michael
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budgiegirl says:Posted: 09 Oct 09
Hi everyone, This might be slightly off topic, but I wonder if it can depend on where you live and population levels of certian cultures as to their mixing. I live in Australia, and the white female/Asian male couple is very very common, as is it's reverse. But we have a high Asian population here. However, on that note, we have a very small African American population, but perhaps because of that as well most couples I know or see with African American's are mixed with white... :)
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ZuZu21 says:Posted: 08 Oct 09
Hey AllTall, How u doin BIG Daddy.....still loving your verbage!!!
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tatted2death says:Posted: 08 Oct 09
Dang it!!!.....I hate to say it but it looks like, overall, you might have been right, Ich-darling....lol. But playing devil's advocate here, I will defend SOME of those "self-righteous, proud" ones by saying that sometimes it is necessary to be that way when you have people pouncing on you out the gate. I mean, it gets mighty tiring to watch all the men (mostly of a certain racial background) come into these topics with all sorts of negativity that isn't even warranted. Some women feel they really must "go-over-the-top" with expressing themselves (I have been guilty of this myself at times) in order to prove that they are NOT part of the group of women that have given these other men that "bad taste" in their mouths. Anywho. Ich, I sincerely hope your 2 posts will be the bookends for this particular topic......It has gone nowhere.
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Ichibod says:Posted: 08 Oct 09
Just an excerpt from my first post on September 18th. "Oh, crap! Not another topic that ask a question about white men and will probably get many posts, but very few answers or opinions from white men. Instead, it will end up loaded with posts from a mob of proud, self-righteous bla… well, we’ll just see if I called it right or not."
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faerydust says:Posted: 08 Oct 09
That was very interesting reading. I wish there had been more responses from white men, on what they find attractive or unattractive about black women. We got much feed back from black women and black men, but very little from white men. And, no matter how hard I try, there is no way that I, as a black woman, could ever get into the psyche of a white man. I've dated all ethnicities, but most men I've dated have been white. Our relationships typically developed over time - a mutual friendship blossoming into a deeper, more intimate relationship. Occasionally I briefly dated white men that I met out of sheer physical attraction and those incidences rather transitioned into anything more than a few fun dates. The interesting thing is that I have rarely dated a black man, when meeting him in the same fashion, physical attraction. This type of situation typically occurs at a party or a bar. You see someone that looks hot, they think you're hot and then you go out. Well, I can't recall any of my long term relationships starting in the latter. I guess what I feel is that I'm attracted to anyone that captures my attention and white men are probably the same way towards black women. I can't say that all the white men I've dated had the same cultural background just because they were white. With that comes the realization black people do not share a single culture. Culture is multi-layered. Being an American is a culture in itself and at that level, blacks, whites and American born asians and hispanics have something in common. To say that we are culturally different and therefore have nothing in common is juvenile and ignorant. I think that this issue has some historical problematic events that have skewed the way some white men feel about a long term (marriage) relationship with a BW, but that this should really be investigated on a case by case manner, with the majority of the responses, again, coming from white men. Besides, in this era I'm hard pressed to find any man, be him white, black, hispanic or asain,that is looking to get married. So why not start with that. Why are men, in general fearful and avoidant when it comes to monogomous relationships and marriage. How about getting a committment from anyone? I just have to like you at this point. Oh, I have another question. Do white women get more marriage proposals than black women? If so, then why? Anyway, I can only speak for my self and I am predominantly attracted to white men, but I can fall in love with any racial ethnicity as long as we're on the same level and they can makes me feel like a beautiful and sexy woman.
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beenwitbof says:Posted: 08 Oct 09
Iam reminded of an old joke about the redneck boy who brought home his wife to be to meet his famaly & promtly announced that she was a virgin. at this his father pulled him outside by his neck & said boy what did I always tell you boys? if a girl aint good enoughf for her brothers & cousins she aint good enoughf for you.sadly with that said: why dont yall ask the ? why dont black guys whant to date black chicks
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triccinicci says:Posted: 06 Oct 09
Well as you know, or may have guessed Johnny, there are no rules on this blog concerning postings. At least presented where each poster can be reminded. I hope rules are listed in their use agreements form and who reads those things? Oh, tried to check out Ferlinghetti's poem on the web and couldn't find it. I love poetry as you do. Maybe that could be a common thread, family and personal attacks aside. You say we should make apologies when called for. Why did you not apologize to me since I was, like you, very insulted (not my usual reaction, by the way as my mother always says, "They cruxified Jesus Christ what more will they do to you?) Just a question for reflection as I am past all that now. Maybe one day we can share our individual mediums. I tend to write in meter. Am not Avante Garde at all and prefer love to war. My favorite poets are (in order of influence) Emily Dickinson, Edgar Allan Poe and Rumi. Poe is my favorite and I did a show in tribute to him called "Jazz in Poe". It was a hit (we were favorites at a now defunct coffee shop years ago called Gold Bar Espresso in the college town of Tempe, Az), with original compositios by John Summers. I've always wanted to do a tribute to the 60's counterculture. You know the whole black on black with the shades and all. I will do that one not to far from now as I've done all else except that one. Listen, I don't think we should be angry or let our words and worlds become a part of the diabolical in this conversation. My mother always taught me to be the better person and not to take the short road. Not everyone will do the good their mother taught or even they alone have experienced. I hope some of the ugliness in these threads are just the shape of the sculpture's clay before hand is put to it, refining the beauty and shapeing the mass. I still say material has a lot to do with quality but a highly skilled artist can make the most beautiful work and no oe has to know the origin of the materials (long as they are not radioactive, lol). Peace.
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85kguy says:Posted: 06 Oct 09
I praise the black women and white men who have hung in there for this type of topic. What you have done by sticking around with this topic is shown others that you follow your preferences with conviction. Hats off to you!!
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JohnnyBadBoy says:Posted: 06 Oct 09
When I was about 13, I read a poem by Ferlinghetti about the Cold War. It was called "To Fuck is to Love Again"(???) I hope I didn't just break a rule by naming the poem) Anyway it was about making love with people who are supposed to be in conflict with us rather than killing them. It impressed that 13 year old boy, and even I could see what he was really saying. I don't do one night stands...I like love affairs,or long term friendships. I have been enamored with, or in love with, women from all over the globe.That doesn't mean sex occurred in all these cases, but, relationships and lasting friendships are nice,whether it's a Princess from Dubai, an African ballerina, a poet from Columbia, or an artist from Japan. What I just want to say is inter-racial relationships are the only chance humanity has. We have to get things into perspective. Most ethnic groups have hurt another. We need to put all our cards face up on the table...make apologies when they are needed or called for, form relationships and get about saving the rest of the planet from our transgressions. The insults don't bother me at all, as long as the attacks are only on me and not on my family members. When I was eighteen, I used to having this reoccurring dream, in which children of every shade of brown hugged me and called me grandfather...It was a beautiful dream. It would be nice if it came true. Peace to all of you. Johnny
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Ichibod says:Posted: 06 Oct 09
AZ, We can always call one of those numbers. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh, that's cute. Anyway... The girl I met on here lived in Florida about 200mi away from me. Since I was laid off for a minute, I decided to take a flight up north. A lot of crazy risk involve, but I took it. Glad I did. Nice little vacation and I got my job back when I returned. I am a basic member on some other sites, but you don't get to do much on them without paying. They're more expensive, too. Serena, I found out how to unsubcribe. Since subscriptions go to your email, the full address link to the subscriptions manager prints at the bottoms of the comments. Just click and it shows you all of the threads that you are currently subscribed to. Check the boxes of the ones you want removed from your list.
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85kguy says:Posted: 06 Oct 09
Hello Az, These are the Matt Darling's 2008 Census stats. James has broadcast Matt Darling as a reference. The link is a redirect to Matt Darling's report named "Interracial Dating Trends." It shows inside the James Blog article which starts the conversations and comments (for White Men are Least Attracted to Black Women). http://www.blackstate.com/interracialdating909.html I did not see anything on Hispanics in the article. I had a feeling that maybe some bloggers had not followed or could not follow the link. Maybe for them they just see a series of blog comments and join in on the subject that way.
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looking4life says:Posted: 06 Oct 09
oh and az the scammers dont bother me its the people claiming to be looking long term and leave a skeleton as a profile... i am honest,sincere,loving...etc know what i mean you can tell those people are not serious and that comment is not pointed in any particular direction ladies
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looking4life says:Posted: 06 Oct 09
ms.san antonio you are a lady and i agree with what you have had to say. there is one woman on here that has a point of view a few of you dont appreciate but dou you find it necessary to be rude and disrespectful?it is those kind of narrow minded ideas that make it difficult for people to seek happiness on their own terms. i thought anyone seriously persuing an interracial relationship could not only grasp that concept but would support it. she has the same right as all of us to be heard. i do feel a number of people are trying to hide their insecurities and inadequacies with the words they choose trying to show the superiorityof their education. this topic bites and has no relevance to the laws of attraction in my day to day life with the ladies i meet.
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triccinicci says:Posted: 06 Oct 09
Sarena81, To stop unwanted email from making it to your inbox, BLOCK messages by accessing your MAIL OPTIONS controls and selecting singular blocking of unwanted email addresses. If you don't know how to do this or where your Mail Options are located on your email's toolbar, consult a search engine for your specific Mail Carrier (Rather Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo, etc. Yahoo recently reorganized theirs in case you've used it before and forgot about it). Step-by-step instructions will show up from various sites or user info left online. Also, you can UNblock the specific mail address at a later time once you see threads that are not contraindicators to your particular beliefs. Everyone needs a break every now and then. Good Luck and Enjoy!
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Romanticlyme says:Posted: 06 Oct 09
Sarena! do you have your mail going to a "search engine" first? like for instance....google, or yahoo or maybe even bing? If you do when a notification comes in that you have mail on this site pertaining to this discussion just spam that email and all the rest of the post will go into your spam box. I hope all is well with everyone, Tanya
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Fire321 says:Posted: 06 Oct 09
I know. One thing that I can say is that I've run into a lot of white men that have never dated IR before but are interested in doing so. Personally, I don't give the newbies the time of day.
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Azrazyel says:Posted: 06 Oct 09
Whowuddathunkit! The south changing before the north? That's impossible! ha
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Fire321 says:Posted: 06 Oct 09
I understand. I'm surprised how things are changing here in the south.
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Azrazyel says:Posted: 06 Oct 09
There isn't a whole shitload of black men/white women around here. It's just much more noticeable when you have never seen a white man (holding hands, kissing, hugging) a black woman in public. I am not kidding!
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Member says:Posted: 06 Oct 09
Men and women are attracted to each other because of their differences. While women tend to be over-accommodating, men don´t like being told what to do. tell me what about you pleas?????
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Fire321 says:Posted: 06 Oct 09
I agree that you may see more bm/wf but there is also a fair share of bf/wm, as well.
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Azrazyel says:Posted: 06 Oct 09
Forgot to say: I wasn't told anything, I see it with my own eyes.
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Azrazyel says:Posted: 06 Oct 09
Fire321: It's all black men/white women. Same as here in Akron. It's interracial dating yes, but one-sided.
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Azrazyel says:Posted: 06 Oct 09
85Kguy: You have a link for that website? Also, what are the figures for Latino men? Thanks!
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Fire321 says:Posted: 06 Oct 09
Az, I lived in Cincinnati for 10 years and there is quite a bit of interracial dating going on there. I don't know what you've been told but it's a lie. I can't speak on Cleveland or any other places in Ohio.
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Azrazyel says:Posted: 06 Oct 09
That's what I said about her too Ich. (**Cough...I wish there was someway we could block out her posts...**cough..) Sorry about your luck Bro. All that work and talking on the phone only for her to say "it won't work". WTF? I would have been pissed. I mean it's one thing if she lived nearby, but having to fly and meet someone....damn. I don't even know. This website was great for me as well when I first joined about 4 months ago. Within the last month, it's been pretty boring. So MANY scammers and people I am not interested in. What happened to all the quality ladies? My luck has run dry recently as well. Thank God this isn't the only site I joined. The women at the other one are much better than here. At least they have stayed consistent there. I was thinking about paying for a month or 3 months (or whatever it is) so I can dust off some old flirts and get a hold of some of these ladies. What sucks is NONE from my own state. WTF again? Seems the women in Ohio have not a clue what they are looking for. I mean a FEW, but most don't. Maybe it has something to do with people being 'afraid' to show their preferences. I will admit, where I live and Ohio throughout (in some areas) could be mistaken for a true southern hick town. I also read that Cincinnati is the 8th worst place for IR dating in the U.S.of A. Cleveland being the 10th worst and I believe Columbus was in the top 20. Maybe it's the environment (state) I live in that causes such conditions? Sorry for the long post man. I just had a few thoughts to get off my mind. Peace
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Ichibod says:Posted: 06 Oct 09
O-kay?!? Whatever. Anyway, Azrazyel. Yea, it's been a drought for me, too. Nothing like when I first join up. I'm a paying member. I talk to quite a few ladies, but I actually met someone in the second day. I was pretty high school. I'm 31 and she is 33. We talked on the phone everyday from 8 at night to 7 in the morning. Sick! I flew to NC to meet her after a two weeks of constant communication. She was visiting her sister so I got to meet them both. We kicked it for about 2 months before she said it wouldn't work. We're still cool and I.. actually I won't say anymore. She got pissed at something I put on Facebook after she cut me loose. Even though the flirts have died down, I kinda dig this blogging thing and it's what, evidently, I do mostly on this site. I even talked with one of those scammer chicks and she was the one who gave me the scoop on it.
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triccinicci says:Posted: 06 Oct 09
85kguy, I think the stats will improve when they can be accurate to begin with, lol! Still on the impliciteness of it, I do agree more Women of Color and men with little color or who have a hard time tanning (just playing with words here, so no offense) will puff up those faked out digits in the study paradigms in the future. Until then (of them getting it right), I'm gonna take it to the streets for my non-imperical reality. If I want to know what's really going on I'll ask someone the way one white man did myself and a gentleman I was dating at the time. While vacationing in San Francisco's Nob Hill district several years back, my bf and I were eating dinner in an upscale restaurant when a gentleman seated nearby approached us. First complimenting us as a couple, he then turned to my bf and in a manner that only men understand is a sincere thumb's up, he asked where he had found me and underscored the comment with how remarkably beautiful I was. Under any other circumstance such a comment would seem circumspect. Yet he had such a look of awe and joy on his face, not just for what he deemed was my beauty alone, but our's as a couple. He ended his conversation with just that compliment of us appearing to be exceptionally happy. He wished us all the best. We thanked him and continued with our evening. It's nice when people come along and share in your joy and happiness. Maybe better stats will show up when folks can rationalize what attraction means as you are correct, 85kguy, in clarifying that the stats pulled where solely based on the conclusion of marraige. Which, I might add, is not the definition of ATTRACTION. As in all marraiges are not based on attraction, nor does one have to 'feel' attraction to get married. I think most issues you heard the women on the blog responding to had to do with the quintessential meaning of "attraction". The author of this blog, James, could have helped the responding audience out by giving a more well defined observation of what "attraction" meant in presentation here; versus just us using contextual clues (he was vague to say the least. So I'm not surprised the majority responded according to what each perceived the definition of "attraction" was, not "marraige"). If we are simply talking marital numbers, I'd have to say correctomundo on b/w and w/m being in the low grades for marraiges. I can't talk about that right now, but I think that'd be an interesting thread to ask about and encourage discussion on. That being the desparity of marraige scenarios. Are they real and why do they exist? Simply because we can all probably conclude and rationalize b/m and w/w, as well as b/m and o/r (other races), are marrying at a more rapid ratio. I've got my thoughts on that too...
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Azrazyel says:Posted: 06 Oct 09
Thanks 85Kguy! :) When they emailed me back, they didn't go into details. I guess that's what happens when your a basic member. Peace.
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85kguy says:Posted: 06 Oct 09
Hey Az, When I asked I was told that: **Sometimes women/men from overseas post and are not from the U.S. city listed. **Sometimes women/men are reported for using a photograph that is confirmed some way as not theirs. **Sometimes women/men are reported as currently listed on backpage and other sites as escorts. **Sometimes the ads asked for money in the ad and were closed when reported. The scammers just got a broadcast out prior to the administrator closing the account.
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Azrazyel says:Posted: 06 Oct 09
I don't know about you Ich, but I'm on a drought lately. Ha! Three denials in a row. Damn. That's a first. I'm a pretty flirtatious guy and send quite a few flirts along, but 3 in a row I believe is a first. Please don't tell me I'm the only guy this happens to? I mean I know I'm no Brad Pitt or anything, but jeesh! LOL
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Ichibod says:Posted: 06 Oct 09
It is getting worse, but the site is acting faster than ever to stop them. If you ever see a flirt or an interest but no new views, it's just one of those web cam girls. Also, they never have their profiles filled out.
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Faeydust-Smart and sexy!