White men are least attracted to Black women?

Posted by James, 18 Sep

...gender is one of the determining factors of interracial dating trends. Caucasian females are least likely to date Asian men, whilst white males in the U.S tend to be least attracted to female African American's. - 'Interracial Dating Trends' by Matt Dating 

Much as it is just a generalization, most of us do agree that there are very few White women who date Asian men. And when we try finding the reason for this, stereotypes and more stereotypes is all we dig up. But let's look into the Black women White men interracial relationships: is attraction the reason why there are relatively fewer White men dating Black women? Really?

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409 responses to "White men are least attracted to Black women?"

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  1.   Sucess says:
    Posted: 25 Sep 09

    I agree with Druzy girl. Monique 70, and rinsy. I don't give a damn what others think. I am pass that. It just laaves more for me. If the poser of this question is correct why would it be so if two of the top role models of the last 40 years show that it was cool going back to the early 70's, The Stones doing "Brown Sugar", and Clint settling down with Vonnie McGee is the "Eiger Sanction".

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  2. Posted: 25 Sep 09

    I agree Alexzandra...this is the third time...they have put this message out there. It is almost subliminal. The truth is ..I think black females are the ones that dont date out of their circle..most times it is cultural. Also Black males are the most verbal to us when we do.... Angel

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  3.   AlexzandraC says:
    Posted: 25 Sep 09

    Comment to LoveTheorist on 24 September 2009 re triccinicci, 'I understand very little of what you are saying. For instance:' Please excuse the caps, they're these for contrast only. “To boot, [FURTHERMORE] I dare say I will be [I WON'T BE] paying for a site which feels the true value of a major portion of their client base [MAJOR PORTION BEING AFRICAN-AMERICAN FEMALES AND THE MEN WHO ARE ATTRACTED TO THEM] has NO VALUE at all.” [WHITE MEN LEAST ATTRACTED TO BLACK WOMEN? QUESTION POSED ON AN IR SITE. I hope that helps...:) It's almost as though a subliminal message is hidden in the subject matter. Thanks, thesbees. Druzygirl and fk01 - I agree.

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  4.   Maximmus says:
    Posted: 25 Sep 09

    I agree Ich. Maybe James can mix in some diversity in the topics?

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  5.   Ichibod says:
    Posted: 25 Sep 09

    This is crazy. I can post a comment, and then a day later 2 or 3 other comments, that weren't there previously, populate right before mine. I was talking to Jaden24 and someone else thought I was talking to them. Anyway, let me just point something out here. The topic of this thread IS NOT A STATEMENT, IT IS A QUESTION. Albeit, the sentence structure is off but the "?" at the end should make it clear what the purpose of this thread is. It's not an opinion poll, just a discussion piece. "Much as it is just a generalization, most of us do agree that there are very few White women who date Asian men. And when we try finding the reason for this, stereotypes and more stereotypes is all we dig up" I think James was very thorough in this. He understands very well what generalizations and stereotypes are and how that's all that happen to come up when we discuss this sort of thing, as we have seen. He wasn't saying that white men are least attracted to black women. He was asking (hypothetically) if the reason for the numbers, according to the 2008 census, had to do with attraction which is why he added "Really?" at the end. Matt's atricle was about dating trends. Trends are validated by statistics. Let's pay attention people. I just wish he would do something other than another white man/black women topic. What about Asian women/Black men? Aside from Japan, I think they're least attracted to black men. Where's is a topic on that? Do you think black men would get all up in arms about it? I don't think so, but I can only speak for myself.

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  6. Posted: 24 Sep 09

    triccinicci, I understand very little of what you are saying. For instance: "To boot, I dare say I will be paying for a site which feels the true value of a major portion of their client base has NO VALUE at all." What gives you that impression?

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  7.   elefont says:
    Posted: 24 Sep 09

    I agree alot to what druzygirl and zuzu21 wrote, interacial dating is for the mentally strong, and let's face it, most people aren't equipped to deal with who they are, let alone outside drama on who they are while with their very different looking mate. also, as far as attraction, I've noticed that most people seem to be attracted to someone that looks similar to them, alot of couples look like they could be related, so maybe there are just fewer people attracted to opposites (physically speaking) And yes, it's not really worth thinking about to anyone on this site since we are already open to interacial relationships, but passing these opinions on to others who aren't as open is definitely a good thing. Plus, to open another can of worms, I never see hispanic people dating outside of their ethnic backround, where's that article? Ok, I'm done

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  8.   Sen says:
    Posted: 24 Sep 09

    katlu8984 - Thanks for the reply. I understand what you're saying. Thank you for explaining it further.

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  9.   pandle3369 says:
    Posted: 24 Sep 09

    I, for one, am most attracted to black women, and I even have to confront racism within my own family. This has not stopped me in the least. I can say to those who have not dated outside of their race: you don't know what you've been missing.

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  10.   triccinicci says:
    Posted: 24 Sep 09

    Ichibod, Yes, we have all thought, but at what cost? It is the topic, not the respondents. We all appreciate a forum in which issues can be raised and discussed. The point is that such issues should be positioned fairly and ethically. The writer assumes almost to the degree of presenting an non-attraction equal to putridity. From what the logical person knows about today's dating scene and the fact the writer presents no citations as to where he found this information is equal to perpetrating lies, bullying the audience or the like. How simple would it have been to present an article to acquire knowledge (which could in turn be used for research) such as, "Are White Men More or Less Attracted to Black Females"? We all can write daring headlines, but it is the content of the article (and character of the author) we judge. My original response was one directed by the posters in this forum, but then I actually took a look at what was written and the original question posed. That is what my second set of remarkes were about. I know the value of an audience and of a market which co-relates to the value of an individual person: Thus being, if a person can be sold to at the highest cost for the most minimal expense the influence of the market belongs to the vendor. When a individuals participate in that same market they have a right to influence how, when, why and to what degree they will buy and be sold to. Self image belongs to the individual and it is the service of the market to take it, mold it and sell it back. So it I hope to not offend and decry we should "think" meaning we are clueless or have no brain, but that we should demand the positive, attracting (I don't mean the physical perception of that word), influential conditioning of those we give access to as influential in the markets which we share. That's all. My apologies to anyone I may have offended in encouraging we consider from the very beginning even through the ages that we have worth and value that is limitless.

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  11.   Ichibod says:
    Posted: 24 Sep 09

    I thought they had been. I was looking for some of my older comments in the wrong topic.

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  12.   triccinicci says:
    Posted: 24 Sep 09

    This topic has made me think about the validity of the topic itself as one thing is for sure: Even if Caucasians in America are less attracted (I believe the author doesn't know how to qualify a statement implying "less LIKELY" to ACT on attraction, lol) to Women of Color, non-American Caucasians are very attracted because they have not the same history as we do. I truly believe if someone cannot act on their own merit as to what they want due to having to check with sociopolitical views first, that person is likely operating from a historical perspective. That being said, the author unfortunately proves he is truly writing an opinion poll. Possibly he should have RESEARCHED his perceptions first as the historical perspective shows a mighty attraction of the entire Caucasian race to African-Americans since first the race was here by force and had no election in genetically carrying forth much of the current blood line. The other influence we should all not feign to realize is the economic advantage/disadvantages. When African Americans were considered chattel so much history ago, the mixture (I won't be debating how this mixture was acquired, right or wrong, mind you) of African American women to the advent of Caucasian male attraction was quite significant. Now that, this point of access has been removed one does see less of the outward signs of attraction, but it could be perceived this is due to just that - accessibility. In today's society the priveledge of having intimacy has to be an agreement of both parties. There is no longer that economic priveledge of purchased perks. I think those who are locked away and don't understand how to choose their own joy do so out of ignorance of how to overcome their own moral dilemma. My perception is this may be more of what the author is pricking the surface to say. I could be wrong, maybe he truly wants to conjecture unfounded belief that Caucasians in America have no or little attraction to African American women. Makes me think about the credibility of what this site says it offers. I bet you, no matter the culture the author comes from, he himself probably has a very dispairaging viewpoint of women of the culture and is projecting that belief system to others. As a writer, I feel obligated to help enlighten the reader and point out that is what is known in journalism as "yellow" journalism. Yellow journalism, as in cowardly, projects unfounded, non-researched, knee-jerk perceptions and is scathingly unappreciated by the world of journalism and audiences alike. If one is going to write and have the decency of the public at their access of persuasion, such a person has an obligation to do so with merit in protecting fairness, truth and integrity. This author writes with conjecture only and several respondents have noted this. I think, since I'd like to be acquainted with a site that shows traits I myself possess, a campaign should go up to REQUIRE such attitudes not be projected to this sites very own clients. We as an audience and a marketplace, deserve better. As well, neither should bullying be permitted in such a niche market. This is not FOX News, lol! If we as an audience permit such conjecture without demanding better, I believe we should see more scathing remarks and we'll end up with a Craig's List setting and not attain access to the beauty so far seen. To boot, I dare say I will be paying for a site which feels the true value of a major portion of their client base has NO VALUE at all. This is very similar to Tommy Hillfiger saying he doesn't design clothes for people of the African American community when that community was one of his biggest supporters. It's ok to PAY but not ok to be FAIRLY and POSITIVELY represented and rewarded for participating in creating a marketplace whose owner's reap the largest benefit. Well, I'm sure you conjecture my opinion on that! Think people THINK.

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  13.   triccinicci says:
    Posted: 23 Sep 09

    Hello All, Mmmm, I've dated my fair share of the rainbow and know that it is what a person desires that is the end result of flavor experienced, lol! I have a good friend who I dated many, many years ago. He was blonde haired, blue eyed. We were instantly attracted having met at our respective jobs, over the phone. When we finally met face-to-face all types of sparks went to flying. We enjoyed a very beautiful experience and might have gone on to other levels but for our own choices that the world, genetics or historical perspectives cannot be faulted for. Reason being is that people do what they want to do. If someone says, "it's race" or "it's culture"...maybe it was the music or the food. Possibly the way she or he was built...whatever. Please know it is always "The Person" and what that person wants. Some people permit their race to be their front person; some allow music to be their flag; others give their permissions to attitude, dress, culture, physique. Whatever pleases you - or - possibly you are wired for displeasure. Again, whatever. In my case, my attraction and his to me, was totally spirit based. At the time I was heavily involved in community, so was he. At one community event, a vile imp followed us about gesturing a slashing motion across the neck (signifying his and others non-appreciation of our cultural mix - "taboo") whenever I would look his way. It bothered me not a bit because I took responsibility for my friend as my guest. I neither asked him to leave nor permitted an invitation to action by showing fear. We enjoyed our evening as it was meant to enjoy, not by authorship of anyone's opinion. My choice to leave him was the same. He had a family and I had a family. I was open he was not. Once I saw that I moved on. It was my choice, what I wanted. Being an around the world, around the clock type of person I live in my skin 24/7. I do, am, express, go, see, desire and become what I want. No holds bar. Some folks can't live like this or they inhabit a different type of skin by being moral or immoral, bombastic or pure, whatever they like. No need to explain because it can't be explained, lol! There's no genetic predisposition unless that's the face you use to acquire what you desire...It is as YOU WILL to have it! Enjoy!

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  14. Posted: 23 Sep 09

    More on a positive note http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Knu1lNY1HOE&feature=related Good luck everyone on your search

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  15. Posted: 23 Sep 09

    Just something on a postive note! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bd6Adhd9OWw

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  16.   jaden24 says:
    Posted: 23 Sep 09

    comments are being deleted from this discussion... wtf is that about?

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  17.   riisey says:
    Posted: 23 Sep 09

    Hello everyone, I had to chime in on this subject after reading so many comments, I am one of those black women who have always been attracted to white men, I sadly did not act on it for many years due to the fact that number one I live in Alabama and number two I was scared of my fathers reaction, I really wasted a lot of time trying to be what I thought was the normal, I do believe as some of you do that we are very much evolving and breaking away from those racial barriers and if I can say that living here in Alabama it must be some truth to it(lol). Okay to the subject at hand, I do believe there are more white men willing to date black women but as so many have mentioned it is more of the what does a black woman expect of me type thing. I do believe to because we have been portrayed as being very outspoken it has hurt us a lot because a lot of white men are not confrontational, now to end what I am saying, if we all keep worrying about other people we may just find ourselves alone for way longer than we ever imagined, maybe even until death, not me I am going to snatch my happiness and if you are happy outside your race go for it.

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  18. Posted: 23 Sep 09

    Ichibod, I agree that the original article has value, but I don't think he gave any good reasons for the claim that James asked us to discuss- that "white males in the U.S tend to be least attracted to female African American’s". Regardless of my overall feelings towards Matt Dating's article (and honestly, I have mixed feelings about it), all of the stuff he said about history, the media, and other factors is applicable to interracial dating in general. The only exception was the marriage data, which also does little to support his assertion. After that, he resumes talking about generalities. I don't think that James asking us if we agree with an unverified claim implies that the article of the claim was presumptuous. At this point, I am really just puzzled as to why Matt Dating included that statement and the marriage data in his article in the first place. It is off topic.

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  19.   Ichibod says:
    Posted: 23 Sep 09

    I just read the actual article, by Matt Dating, and it's pretty good. It isn't as presumptuous as James made it sound in the topic. It shows statics according to a 2008, but he also gives good reasons for this based on history, the media, and other factors. He ends with advice to daters that I'm sure we all can agree to seeing that it contains much of what we've already said thus far.

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  20.   thesbee says:
    Posted: 23 Sep 09

    And as fko1 stated the issue is about power and not about attraction. My sentiments exactly!

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  21.   thesbee says:
    Posted: 23 Sep 09

    I agree with you AlexandraC.

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  22. Posted: 23 Sep 09

    I am new to this site and am coming a little late to this discussion. I have enjoyed both reading and learning from several of the responses so far. I just wanted to point out that "Matt Dating" provided no evidence for his cited claim which led to this discussion, namely that "white males in the U.S tend to be least attracted to female African Americans". The only figures he cited were marriage statistics, which are inadequate when talking about dating, let alone attraction. I think this is important, because Matt's unverified claim seems to have framed this discussion around the question "are white men attracted to black women?" or even "why aren't white men attracted to black women?" In reality, the question should be "why aren't there many white male/black female couples?"- and I believe this was James' original intention. As a result, many of the responses give the impression that black women are "there for the the taking", and white men simply have chosen not to take them. As far as attraction goes, in my view it is just as likely that black women choose not to date white men. My opinion is colored by first-hand experience. I have a very attractive sister, or so they say- they being many males of all races including more than a few friends... let's just say that I believe many of them would jump at the chance to date her. The trouble is: white males have absolutely no chance in hell with my sister. None. I don't think it's a question of bigotry- but I do doubt if she has ever found any white male to be particularly attractive. Anyway, it's just a thought, something to keep in mind along with all of the other reasons people have mentioned that have nothing to do with purely physical attraction.

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  23.   ZuZu21 says:
    Posted: 23 Sep 09

    At this point in my life I really don't care if a so-called white man, black man, red man or brown man finds me attractive or not. I see most these comment posted by so-called black people.So I say to you.... For me the most important thing in my life are the people who I love and return love me, and the greatest love is the love and attraction I feel for myself. As a woman who happens to be quickly approaching the half century point in my life I truly could care less about pondering this nonsense which make no sense and ultimately would not impact my life one bit. So I say to all you good people...love yourself, look good and attractive to you and trust me that person will show up and we were never promised what outer wrapping they will arrive in. Peace, Joy, and complete happiness to all you good people! Remember this if you are good, then good will be looking for you to be good with!!!! Ms ZuZu21

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  24.   Fire321 says:
    Posted: 23 Sep 09

    Hey, Ich All is well here. Did I hear you say ROAD TRIP?!...hehe

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  25.   Ichibod says:
    Posted: 23 Sep 09

    Fire, How ya been? Quit pickin' at me, girl. I was just kidding. Even if I did leave the country, it wouldn't be strictly for dating purposes. I wouldn't mind doing some humanitarian type stuff, though. Or just some sightseeing and relaxing.

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  26.   katlu8984 says:
    Posted: 23 Sep 09

    @sen It wasn't very well stated on my part. And what I am about to say may not be very well stated because I am very tired. I think at times personality traits can be inherited from different races by upbringing in a way this is part of the culture being passed down from generation to generation. For example, as we all know parents that hold racial prejudice are likely to pass that trait on to their child. So where I was getting at was my parents were both very quiet people and in turn I became a very quiet person, because I grew up with that example. It was maybe a bad example on my part, for that I apologize. I am theorizing most Caucasian men tend to take after their European ancestors in ways of mating culture by looking for women who are quiet and docile as that is the European mating tradition. Several African have a tradition of running a Matriarchal society vs the European Patriarchal Society. So I think that is one of the main clashes right there.

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  27.   meisha81 says:
    Posted: 22 Sep 09

    Good post bdsista! :)

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  28.   E=mc2 says:
    Posted: 22 Sep 09

    I think the whole race thing takes to much energy. Everyone is a individual and hence make individual decisions. Making grant judgments on a majority denounces ones indivduality hence creates a means of self oblivion

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  29.   monique70 says:
    Posted: 22 Sep 09

    Just wanted to say I find white men very attractive, and I am noticing that as the years go on that white men seem more open to dating outside their race. I found the article a huge generalization and I have seen white men dating black women from model types to the the "ghetto" type. I am newly single so hopefully I will be able to take advantage of this "trend"

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  30.   tandie2020 says:
    Posted: 22 Sep 09

    Have we ever wondered why there isn't such a big uproar or almost violent response when white women date black men as oppossed to white men dating black women, mystery isn't it. Personally l think the idea of a beautiful woman to the majority of white men is conditioned from birth an therefore it will almost always be a tall blonde woman with big tits, damm as it sounds it is actual fact and true. But ofcoz this is a very diverse world and so you will find some white man who are attracted to dark skinned women, if you think thats lies jus walk around anywhere in the states or the UK and see how many white men are actually with black women, very few indeed.So my message to all these black women is don't waste your time becoz you will never change this perception no matter how hard you try, thats how it is and always will be. The white women are taking your men and the question is wot u doin about it?

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  31.   bdsista says:
    Posted: 22 Sep 09

    Interesting, I am finding more white men are paying attention to me in certain settings, but not really stepping up to me. Of course being a Black bellydancer also triggers certain images and behaviors. But I agree with a lot of AZ's comments and Ichs. Leaving the country does not solve Black women's dating problems. I think our answers are in staying here and working it out. But white men have to really do simple things with Black women like: Ask us out. For coffee, for lunch, for dinner, we eat, we drink and we like attention. But you cannot ignore race. I deal with it daily at work and try to rise above some of the shenanigans that go on but some days I go home really angry and frustrated. I think what is hard to process is when you are at the professional level oftimes the racism is very subtle and insidious so you cannot definitively call it out. Its an interesting game which can destroy your spirit if you let it. So I look to a man (of any race) to be that positive buffer and balance So to all you white guys out there who love sistas, if she is venting about someone at work, don't take it personally, just listen, hug and kiss her and be there for her. Black women can sift it out just fine. But don't ask anyone to ignore what is in their face. Does that make dating more complicated? Yes, but believe me, we are worth it.

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  32.   Sen says:
    Posted: 22 Sep 09

    azrazyel - Many thanks for taking the time to reply. I see what you're saying. There were a few things that I'm not quite sure about but then again, I'm not African-American so I can't comment on it. I'm from England, born and raised. I'm not saying it's a paradise here but I never really get looks when I'm with a white guy or an oriental guy or anyone for that matter. A friend of mine has a white male American friend that just arrived in the country. My friend was telling me how her friend (the American guy) mentioned how he saw a couple which consisted of a white dude and a black chick. He was so surprised that no-one cared/minded/stared at them/anything. They were treated just like everyone else was. He said where he's from, people would be looking at them, even in NY perhaps. katlu8984 - Could I ask a question about something in your post? There was one part that I don't understand. Why must you explain the other parts of your ethnicity? You're simply quiet because you are. It shouldn't have to be explained. Surely you know other AAs would are quiet? I wouldn't imagine that the fact that you have these other parts would influence your personality to that degree.

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  33.   thesbee says:
    Posted: 21 Sep 09

    Well stated fkoi, ty.

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  34.   druzygirl says:
    Posted: 21 Sep 09

    The last time I checked, this sites is an Interracial dating site. I have not had the time to read all of these ridiculous stereotypes in these posts...for all of you who have written about cultures and intimidation, you should find a different website to interact with people who keep an open mind, think outside of the box and weren't raised by parents to think differently of someone just because of the color of their skin. It's boils down to personal preferences. It has absolutely nothing to do with 'intimidation' or 'penis size'. Interracial dating is for the strong, who have their own minds and don't care what the public thinks.

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  35.   katlu8984 says:
    Posted: 21 Sep 09

    Racism aside, Most Caucasian men see the stereotypical loud bombastic African American female as the norm for females of this race. I think a lot of the reason white men as a whole are not attracted to African-American females is that Caucasian men is the differences in personality and lifestyle. I've gotten to know several Caucasian men that have told me that I have blown their image of African American females due to my introverted and quiet nature. I then have to explain I'm also part German and Native American too but I think many Caucasian men are "conditioned" to look for quiet docile females and many African-American women are "conditioned" to be somewhat boisterous and loud. Of course not all Caucasian men are looking for quiet docile women and not all African American women are loud and boisterous. However, at times I think one's lifestyle and place in life can play a part of the attractiveness level. Now what I'm saying may be a bit controversial but it is something to put out there to discuss and debate.

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  36.   Fire321 says:
    Posted: 21 Sep 09

    Ich, the grass isn't always greener elsewhere...hehe

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  37.   Ichibod says:
    Posted: 21 Sep 09

    Leaving the country? I've been thinking that same thing for years.

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  38.   azrazyel says:
    Posted: 21 Sep 09

    Comment by Sarena81: "Mr. Ohio…I have recently moved to the Mid west, and you are not kidding…it’s hard to date people out here!! I might go back to the west coast!!" I might just leave this damn country all together. :)

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  39.   azrazyel says:
    Posted: 21 Sep 09

    Sen: No your not lecturing me. I really enjoy having a conversation with someone as long as we both are learning something. Every one of us is different. Not just race but walks of life. We all have our own views of things and I find it intriguing to listen to others and understand their concept of what they've come to know. I no longer believe that I HAD to know the black culture from A to Z like I had previously thought before. I enjoy learning new things from people but I at first felt it was necessary to know everything there is to know before dating someone. Your right about taking things slow with anyone we meet. I had actually thought of that after hitting the 'submit comment' button, by then it was to late. What I was trying to say was I believe in some cases (please understand I have never dated a black woman) it may take extra caution and time to really understand our differences and make sure we learn each other so we can further our passion. It's (at least I have the preconception) not the same as dating a white woman or you a black man. This is definitely something new (God that term is overused) for me. It's no fetish but I believe God has set my ways to this website. I am a religious man (sorry to bring religion) and with Him and His will I believe I am here for a reason/reasons. I accepted His will for me so I find it a necessity to take time and speak with others and educate myself while building a foundation to build upon before 'jumping' in. You say your from England or you live in England? Anywho, I am sure it is MUCH different there than the U.S. I am sure England might be paradise for IR relationships in contrast with the good 'ol U.S.A. This country was strictly (I hate to say that but I believe it to be true) founded upon racism. So our views are WAY more deep and uptight compared to other countries. I said in one of my earlier posts that I don't think there is anywhere in the world for a WM/BW couple to strive. Ignorance? Yes. Does it make sense? Probably not. I think the U.S. has my obscured thoughts entwined. Sorry for the epic post, like Natalie I am passionate about this topic. Take care. :)

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  40.   Sen says:
    Posted: 21 Sep 09

    bigeyes - Haha, glad to know it. :) Azrazyel - I can see where you're coming from. I think part of my problem understanding this stance is I don't come from your country. Where I come from (England) we don't really have this problem. I don't know anyone who listens to rap or hip-hop or what have you. I suppose all the people I know are pretty like minded in that respect. I agree that people are different but everyone is different. You're as different from the next white guy as my friend Yui is from the next Japanese girl. There might be some fundamental similarities because you are raised with very similar values etc but we all all different and fundamentally all the same. Yui and I were raised with the same values even though she was raised by Japanese parents and I by Nigerian. I know this isn't making much sense. This is just what I've witnessed in my time. I went to an international school and even though all these languages and different cultures were something that we really enjoyed experiencing, we were all the same. Teenage girls with way too many hormones and we all wanted and feared the same things. No-one wanted to fail or be embarrassed in front of anyone or...anything. As to your other point, I think that philosophy is fine if you use it with everyone that you get involved with for the long run. This is just my opinion though. I think if you put too much emphasis on race and tip on eggshells then it becomes more about that than the actual person within the shell. I know feel like I'm lecturing you with a kumbaya type speech, this was not the intention. I get where you're coming from in a wider sense but I don't think I *really* get it so I shall leave you in peace. If I twisted or misunderstood anything, I apologize. It wasn't intended. :)

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  41.   azrazyel says:
    Posted: 21 Sep 09

    Sen: I base my predestined failures on mainly culture. I don't know if I personally would flow well with someone who has their strict cultural ways. Especially music. I won't date someone who strictly listens to rap. I listen to metal/rock/alternative only. I hate rap with a passion as much as I love metal. Secondly, my family is accepting of whomever I date. I was raised not to hate or judge people by color. My family is the same. It is a must that I have to be accepted by her family and not always feel like the outcast i.e. family gatherings and things of that sort. All in all people are people with different cultures and skin colors. There are some things that are a must for me in order to feel comfortable. The first 2 are just a few examples at base. I know she would have to have some things as a must as well. I will respect hers as I expect the same in return. I believe personally, it will take even more time dating out of race to truly get a feel and feel comfortable doing so. And I'm actually talking about a long term relationship and not a 'hookup'. I believe we have to be careful and take our time getting to know someone out of race, and learn our boundaries and the differences in cultures. That is just my philosophy. If I'm going to take the energy to make it work long term, I find it necessary to take extra time and get to know the one you are with without rushing then having things completely crumbling before your eyes.

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  42.   bigeyes31 says:
    Posted: 21 Sep 09

    rcc021000 Well said and welcome! Peace

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  43.   bigeyes31 says:
    Posted: 21 Sep 09

    John77x You have the spirit that I'm talking about! Conviction. May all the love you seek find you my brother. Peace

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  44.   bigeyes31 says:
    Posted: 21 Sep 09

    Wow, everyone this great. I'm enjoying these exchanges. Sen I just laughed at the last sentence in your post! Thanks I needed that, LOL. You are not the only one that happens to(smile) Peace

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  45.   bigeyes31 says:
    Posted: 21 Sep 09

    SweetCaptain Thank you so very much for the compliments and I must say they made me smile. I found your post very interesting and intelligent. I love that your experience and in these matters offer a depth that jumps right out of your post. I appreciate your input and on many levels totally agree. Hopefully, you will remain on this blog as well as many other men both white and black and just so you know you're cute as well, lol. Peace

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  46.   Sen says:
    Posted: 21 Sep 09

    fkoi - I like the way you think. My kind is also human. Azrazyel - This is regarding something you said before about these relationships being pre-destined for failure because of differences. I don't believe there are innate differences of that kind. I know this because I don't fit anything that I 'should'. I don't fit in any box that I 'should'. None of the black females I know and am friends with (about....7 or 8 in total) do either. I don't listen to any of the 'obvious' black music genres but I can appreciate why someone would. I have this view with most types of music and other things in life as a whole. This is why I can get along with a wide array of people. It shouldn't be assumed that because a chick is black she will or won't do or like this or that. I had a point....one which has completely escaped me...I'll let you know if the thought returns.

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  47.   Conbrio69 says:
    Posted: 21 Sep 09

    Well Guys, I've read all I can stand to read. I've dated men from all racial backgrounds. All I can say is that there is a person out there for everyone. Their race was determined at birth when parents register their child with the government. My future spouse was determined by God and Hs did not determine him by race. So, I don't care what the rest of the world prefers as long as I have what God sends me. Peace to you all.

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  48.   Sarena81 says:
    Posted: 21 Sep 09

    Well, This conversation is interesting...I agree with the two regular bloggers....I am assuming, they know each other...where are the White men to chime in on this conversation. As a Black woman, who has always let my white brothas know I am interested; I believe that there is something that transcends what one finds attractive, the media, race etc, it's the family base. Someone else said this, but when it comes down to it, any man has to know he can bring a woman to his mother and family. If this family base is not accepting of a Black woman, he ain't bitin. I know this from my own personal experience, but I am sure, my ex is not the only person to go through this. This does not make him weak, or anything other than, someone who wants to share his partner with his family. Sop please, I don't want to see a bunch of posts about how he's so weak, and he ain't no good etc etc... Those are my thoughts...and Mr. Ohio...I have recently moved to the Mid west, and you are not kidding...it's hard to date people out here!! I might go back to the west coast!! :)

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  49.   AlexzandraC says:
    Posted: 21 Sep 09

    I feel absolutely no need to defend/discuss/analyze my thoughts and/or feelings on this so-called subject matter. The only reason I'm writing is because it is exceedingly annoying to see the subject in the sidebar. The truth of the matter is that whomever (Matt Dating?) felt it necessary to write that white men are less attracted to black women, or some such nonsense - on an interracial dating site no less - is sending a not-so-subtle message to the black female population on this site. I could be insulted, but I won't allow the author to occupy headspace...

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  50.   meisha81 says:
    Posted: 20 Sep 09

    Hey Ichibod! No offense taken at all...I was just trying to clarify myself to make sure that I wasn't offending anyone. :) Hey Ms. Bigeyes31! How are you? I hope all is well. Thanks for the eyeglass compliment! I'm wearing my nerd spectacles until I can get my eyes checked for contacts. Usually I take the spectator role & read what others have to say on these posts, to see where everyone is coming from, good or bad. I read this post & tried to add my 2 cents in...LOL! :)

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