White men are least attracted to Black women?
...gender is one of the determining factors of interracial dating trends. Caucasian females are least likely to date Asian men, whilst white males in the U.S tend to be least attracted to female African American's. - 'Interracial Dating Trends' by Matt Dating
Much as it is just a generalization, most of us do agree that there are very few White women who date Asian men. And when we try finding the reason for this, stereotypes and more stereotypes is all we dig up. But let's look into the Black women White men interracial relationships: is attraction the reason why there are relatively fewer White men dating Black women? Really?
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409 responses to "White men are least attracted to Black women?"
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thesbee says:Posted: 20 Sep 09
White men are least attracted to Black Women? That statement is a generalization and erronoeusely perpetuates the notion that the beauty of black women is inferior to other women. Are we on the same site? Are we living on the same planet? Some of my black friends are married to or in relationships with white men. SOME white men are least attracted to Black women, on the other hand, other white men are Most attracted to Black women. Trends are changing. The article states what white women and white men find least attractive, can we discuss what other races find least or most attractive instead of proposing that the opinions of one race defines the boundaries of attractiveness. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder!
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johnnybadboy says:Posted: 20 Sep 09
What SweetCaptain said is quite true. Although it can be very hard on the children, we need to mix more. I was married to a Malay Muslim. We are still very good friends, raised a couple of kids. To me, it is the future of the world if we do not wish to exterminate ourselves. My real problems IS with people who would never dream of dating or mating outside of there ethnic group, and who punish those who do. We have plenty of these in the United States and they are not even close to being mostly West Eurasians(a better term than white). All of us need to get past the actions of our ancestors, whether they were the persecutors, the persecuted or both. Can't we just try to be better people, and less hung up about inter-racial dating...Perhaps this site will help. As for those who are hung up on the so-called genital differences. You need to study more...perhaps first hand.
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johnnybadboy says:Posted: 20 Sep 09
I don't know where you get that, although perhaps you haven't looked far enough. Society seems to frown on this more than on any other type of dating. I say this from experience, and I am not talking about one time. There is the body type thing,except African women and other dark skinned women come in all shapes and sizes, including petite and slender. I found that my going out with "Black" women seemed to arouse anger in "Black" males, not just at me, but, even more so at the women. I would just say, don't oversimplify things. There are too many exceptions. There are beautiful women in all ethnic groups. My only problem with any type is too expensive to maintain, too much make-up, and personally, I do prefer slender women, but, there is more than simply looks. Physical attraction can grow. Besides, isn't a lot of it chemical(the physical part)?
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SweetCaptain says:Posted: 20 Sep 09
Hi Big Eyes, Your smart, and cute. I agree that it's necessary to engage in intelligent repass to ease the tensions of all the baggage some of us carry about racial bigotries I really think that as a white male it is easier to relate to an American black female then Asian or Hispanics ( I was married to a Thai and am now in Miami)because of the vastly different cultural and language problems that are encountered and make themselves apparent after the shine starts to dim. I find many blacks put racial bigotry on the white man meanwhile ignoring their own participation of undue hatred asif it due them for their ancestrial struggle. My family was not bigoted, originally from IL. So I did not understand the reverse persicution I recieved in my schools. What ever race had the majority seemed to have some outstanding bigoted A.H's, MY HS was %80 black, %15 hispanic and %5 all other. I caried a knife the size of a machete' and could count on being attacked by 3 or more people at least 2 times a month until my Rep as a "crazy white boy" was well known. I personally feel no guilt for what happened in the past. I wasn't there. They were thousands of years of terrible and primitive times in humankinds evolution and slavery was not just limited to blacks in America. Though the Civil War was the beginning of the end of such things throughout the world. Other countries have terrible tales of forced labor, murder and brutality that surpass what happened in America on the evil scale.The different Africa tribes were terribly brutal in there eslavement. It still goes on to a minor degree. I was dating a girl in Tanzania and it presented no problem for the locals, black or white but when some South African (Muslims in Zanzibar a little fussy but it may have been more of an American thing) white pilots were there for the a presidential summit. They were very uptight with me and I had to tell them to F@#* off and go back to their hell hole. But I digress. Really what I am trying to say is while of course, still in this world there are many closed minded bigots on both sides and we have to , for safety's sake keep an eye on and try to elighten them (or wait 'til they die). Every generaration is getting more and more "color blind" and most altercations are just of the human kind and not always a race issue. But if it involves different races it becomes one because it's the easist thing to see and given the history and America's (we are way behind most of the world)inability to let totally go it feeds on itself. People want to put a name and have a flag to carry for our personal discontent. This ignorance and inability to understand self lets egos run rampent with the blame game. It's the greedy white man , the lazy black man, the sneaky asians or the religious zealots (my favorite). There are some in all these labeled groups that perpetuate the mythes. In truth it is that the accuser that needs to look at themsemlves. The true problem is not with your brother or sister but how you have allowed yourself to perceive them and transfer blame to them because of our own fears and inadiquacies. F remove the log from your own eye before pointing to the sliver in your Brothers/ Sisters. I do my best to walk as Christ and have a total understanding of who I am and not live life with kneejerk reactions. That requires that I try to understand others motives for there actions also. Love is the cure all a mixed raced relatioship will work as any other if the parties involve do the work required. I care and have no prolems with anyone due to race. It is the person within that makes it for me if the attraction is there. We can all get along. Peace,Love, and Prosperity
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Fire321 says:Posted: 20 Sep 09
Ugh!...not this topic again. I'm glad to see more white men giving their input for once.
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bigeyes31 says:Posted: 20 Sep 09
@Voyager, wow sorry for the long post, longest one I've ever done. I'm kinda of passionate about this area. Peace
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bigeyes31 says:Posted: 20 Sep 09
Hey meisha81! I have not had a chance to gab with ya in awhile. Hey my sentiments exactly about seeing some responses from both the white and black gentlemen(lol). Again, glad to see you. Oh, I haven't seen anybody rock those "cat-eye"frames so well in a long while. Rock it girl,lol. Peace
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bigeyes31 says:Posted: 20 Sep 09
Voyager I hate to keep preaching this but...here I ago again,lol. I FIRMLY believe there is still racial tension between blacks and whites in this country i because we don't have HONEST dialogue about race with each other. People won't even admit to being racist. Every chance I get, I try to educate a person of another race on general things about black culture as I come in contact with them. I love having the chance to dispel myths and stereotypes made up about me and explain why some apects of african-american behavior or mindsets,etc.,are present. Now, I don't go around speaking for black folk but I take an individual stand on making my relationships with other cultures a positive learning experience, thereby changing the world one person at a time because that person goes away with a better understanding of me as a black person and less likely to be OR no longer be as influenced by ignorance of that stereoype. Ok, taking off choir robes and ending sermon,LOL. We all know IR's are potentially a battle so having a strategic battle plan(lol) created between you and your partner as to how you both will handle and process pressure from society about your relationship. You HAVE to talk about it before you encounter it. Clear the air so to speak. For the most part, white people CAN talk to us about race. You can ask questions,find out the truth. I don't know any EDUCATED african-american who you become friends with or have shown an genuine interest in learning that will not respond positively. Choose well-rounded,educated people to ask questions and let them know you are trying to learn and are not being racist or fecious and I promise you will come out on the winning team. It's all about approach. One way you can begin a dialogue is to say,"not that I feel you can speak for all african- american people,but I feel that we may have a close enough friendship, relationship,etc., that I can come to you"(make sure you actually do,lol). Another thing, when you ask questions, the responses may be harsh at times but don't be defensive. Take it for what it is...a learning experience. Asian women and hispanic women are more socially accepted in THIS country by whites. They HAVE the choice to embrace their ethnicity and culture or assimilate or all the above,that's why you don't have that problem with them. That's my time folks, thanks for listening Peace
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Ichibod says:Posted: 20 Sep 09
Meisha, Your posts are very humble and unbiased. It seems your horizons are already open and you have a good understanding of what's what. I hope you didn't take offense to my last comment. Your previous comment was cool. I like to see more posts of that kind. Carry on.
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John77x says:Posted: 20 Sep 09
Azrazyel: You don't specifically mention whether you date interracially or not but my point would be short and sweet in either case. Your entire post is immersed in fear of what others opinions and thoughts might be. While all of us may be guilty of this at times on certain levels, for the things that are really important to us, I believe we must pursue with the fervor and tunnel vision of a heroin addict looking for his fix...if thats what it takes. I long ago stop worrying about what others opinions were on many subjects...I would never give that up. Liberate.I believe black females are by far the prettiest on the planet and I sometimes wonder why everyone does'nt see this. But everyone has their preferences, what a shame not to pursue them... consumed by fear of approval from others...? Not me. :)
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Azrazyel says:Posted: 20 Sep 09
Thanks man. I'll definitely need it. I most definitely won't give up.
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elefont says:Posted: 20 Sep 09
Azz, ya I understand your position - that's why i got the f* outta dodge and moved to a place where people are more open minded in general. But I'm sure there are some cool bw in your area that would be psyched to know you. Best of luck!!
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Azrazyel says:Posted: 20 Sep 09
elefont: Thanks for your comments and I am extremely happy you have/had relationships with black women. I have yet to claim that. (tears) My comments are based on where I live. I live near Cleveland, Ohio which is one of the harshest places to date IR. Most people remain segregated (except for some instances), and around here I really don't have an opportunity to meet someone in a public setting. When I do see some black women, usually it's not really my type of woman (if you know what I'm saying). There are aplenty of them here, but like I said I don't live in a mixed cultural environment which would give me the opportunity to meet people. (tears again) Hope that helped a little. Azz
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meisha81 says:Posted: 20 Sep 09
It's nice to see some more posts regarding this subject, especially seeing view points from the White gentlemen. :) In my posts, I was throwing out some not to say suggestions, but some unfortunate ideologies that could be the perception of what some, not all White males might think of Black females. I only touched on a small portion of what we know is a endless list of stereotypes/negative generalizations. I'm not a male, nor can even begin to place myself in every White male's mind to come to a 100% concrete answer to this question. To be honest, will we be able to obtain a definite answer to this question? And from what the other comments have been, maybe it's could be just as simple as White men think that we don't find them attractive instead of bringing up past history with slavery, etc. Forgive me if this post sounds a bit ignorant or foolish, but I have read everyone's comments & I am trying to open my horizons for a better understand of where people are coming from on a broad perspective.
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Azrazyel says:Posted: 20 Sep 09
Your right ich. It's all James fault!!!! lol (As he is setting on his computer watching us and laughing as we get sucked in ONCE again..lol) Na man. I am glad you are in here. This isn't or I don't personally feel it should be white men and black women in here alone on this subject. I mean hell, with the lack of white men, black women would be talking amongst themselves. lol You could call it 'Which' men are least attracted to black women?" ha You bring great spirit to this blog ich. Keep it going......
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Voyager says:Posted: 20 Sep 09
Bigeyes, I didn't mean to suggest that race shouldn't be discussed. My point is that at some point, the racial differences can become uncomfortable - maybe even confrontational, because of the people around us. I have never run into that with Hispanic or Asian women. So, it's something I don't need to deal with if I'm not with a Black woman. And this isn't a good thing for anyone. Neither am I trying to mend the guilt for white America. So, how does a WM get involved with a BW without this becoming an uncomfortable event - forever? Is it something that will happen and just learn to ignore it? Is it less of a problem than people make it out to be? Again, WM not being attracted to BW just isn't valid.
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elefont says:Posted: 20 Sep 09
Azrayzel, where do you live that things are so drastically racist? I've dated many black women and never felt there was a cultural difference so prevelant as to become an issue causing break up. I mean it's hard enough finding common ground on any level with people in general - enough to want to hang out with them everyday - so the cause for break ups might just as well be the normal bs, or a change in life direction. With this being said, my relationships have been in major US cities, where interracial dating is much more accepted. It's important to always be moving forward, to say that these racial obstacles will never come down is incorrect, we now have an interacial president - twenty years ago that would have seemed impossible. The country is moving forward!!!
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Ichibod says:Posted: 20 Sep 09
Hey Azrazyel, You got tired of the lag too? Ha! That's why I had been having so many typos lately. Can you believe another topic about this garbage? And yet again, a question to white men with a bunch of non-white, non-men speaking on their (y'alls) behalf. We'll just see how long this goes on. I just wish James would join in on some of these threads sometimes. I consider him at fault for some of the nonsense that breaks out. He started it!
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elefont says:Posted: 20 Sep 09
Wow, alot of posts here! If only the members had this much enthusiasm towards dating, I might get an actual date from this site! As it happens, I spent the day with a woman from South Africa, who just recently started dating white men this summer. We are very open and talk about everything and I brought up this subject after writing that first response to ZuZu21. She said that the black and white guys that approach her always try to impress her with their knowledge of hip hop, rnb etc. you get the idea. They get completely confused when she says, oh really, I don't know that group or whatever and then give her shit when they find out she's into all kinds of ethinic interests. She says she gets it from both races about her not being "black enough" My point is that it is really sad when people have to ( play into their own racial stereotypes ) or be chastized. America should be the place of all places where someone can be into everything they want to be into ( freedom to be yourself! ) White people are not excluded from this bs. I grew up in the south and have since moved to Nyc and LA to avoid the incompetence as much as possible. I feel for people that are living in less sympathetic areas! I can only hope that in the near future black people don't put as much pressure on each other to fit the mold of what they feel a black person should be, and vice versa within the white community. I've dated several black women, and deep down they reveal to me that they have issues stemming mostly from within their own race of low self worth just for being a black female and this especially gets deeper regarding shades of darkness - which is mind blowing to me, considering how beautiful and wonderful they have been. We as individuals in a free society need to let our friends and neighbors be themselves, and not pass judgement until we get to know the individual. It's really f'd up how stupid people still are after all of this time, and talking about it helps tremendously if you keep it positive! By the way, plenty of people DO perpetuate separatism and stereotypes, and how those people are able to live with themselves is beyond me. Much props to Ichibod, Meisha, and Sweetcaptain for being cool and positive.
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Azrazyel says:Posted: 20 Sep 09
"OMG! James are you white and have a hidden crush on sista’s? and how come my pic is not posted? Do I have to be a paying member for my pic to be visable (cause I’m not) lol….." James is white??? LOL I thought he was black.
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Azrazyel says:Posted: 20 Sep 09
Sorry another thought. lol Some black women in here wonder why white men aren't more forefront with their approach or wonder why they don't pursue their interests. I am telling you. A LOT of white men think black women don't dig us. I don't know where these thoughts or assumptions dwell from, but many white men have said these statements. So black women wondering why we don't show interest. White men think black women aren't into us. You wonder why it never gets anywhere. LOL
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Azrazyel says:Posted: 20 Sep 09
Comment by: ZuZu21 "What of all the children born to black women fathered by their so-called slavemaster." I don't consider this as consensual. Whites were the slave masters. I don't get why some people say that some black women were 'willing' to marry and have children with white men during the days of slavery. I think there has to be some hidden or untold circumstances to these claims. I don't see how a black woman being oppressed by a white man would ACTUALLY want to marry or 'willingly' bear children. Who in here would want to bear children with the same skin tone and same reasons (enslavement, torture, rape, beat, hanged, lynched) the white man put upon black women? It makes no sense to me.
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Azrazyel says:Posted: 20 Sep 09
Sometimes I wonder why some black women and white men even discuss this type of issue. We all know how hard and the dangers of dating interracially is. After reading the infinite amount of comments on these types of topics, there is never peace in the end. Someone always goes astray and causes commotion. I tend to actually believe it is impossible to have a IR relationship between bw/wm. I think the biggest difference for me is culture. I don't think I would fit in with about 70% of these women on culture alone, aside for millions of other reasons. And when I say impossible, I don't mean to hook up or date for a while, I mean to actually get engaged, get married, bear children and live a everlasting healthy lifestyle together. It truly takes a strong individual to breathe through the flames of diversity. I wonder the percentages of how many of these relationships actually go on to marriage. And what the percentage of marriages lasts for, if not a lifetime then a considerable amount of time. I wonder the reasons for divorce, or the failure to keep things healthy. Is it race? Racism? Bigotry? Hate? Differences? Disagreements? etc. etc. I mean let's face it, America was built on racism (thanks in due to whites), racism will never be gone until the end of time. It's a seed planted long ago and continues to sprout in areas today. (Look at the Republican right-wing extremists, Rush Limbaugh, etc.) Racists can't even stand the fact we have a black president. How in the hell can you possibly carry a long-term, healthy and successful IR/bw/wm relationship when the evilness still breathes in this country today? Not just that, but the constant bickering and arguing with family and friends saying 'what the hell are you doing with a cracker'? or, 'why the hell you bring this ****** onto my property for? There is nowhere in this world where these relationships can fully flourish without the insults and hatred shown forth from every phase, aspect and realm known, and unknown. America is NOT a safe harbor for IR relationships, mainly to black and white. The remnants and the stigma of the past still haunt the black community today. Racism and bigotry carried from generation to generation by whites is sure as hell well known STILL to this day. I know there are plenty of healthy black/white relationships today. I wonder how many are 'truly' happy and healthy, and how many are destined to fail. The hatred is way overpowering for these types of relationships to succeed. I don't know how in the (excuse my french) fuck these people have the will to fend off all the stigmas, stereotypes, insults, whispers, rejections, hatred, racism, bigotry, denials etc. etc. I know I can't be thinking too much into this. Something just tells me this is how it has to be. Why do we try and make something happen/work when the majority of possibilities says it is bound to misery and complete and utter failure. Why do we try and make something work in a COUNTRY that was BUILT on racism and hatred because of one's skin color. What truly makes us think it can really work for better or worse, while realizing the delusional and false parallel images and thoughts that tells us it can? Some questions cannot ever be understood, nor answered.
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SanAntonioBeauty says:Posted: 20 Sep 09
Azz, you have no idea how many white men have told me that over the years.
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SanAntonioBeauty says:Posted: 20 Sep 09
Voyager, I think you are spot on. Race issues in America is a comfortable topic for most black people. We don't run the risk of being call racist when the subject comes up, or a the drop of a hat, although we can be called militant, which is a badge of honor. If white people stop feeling guilty, stop fearing racism or being called a racist, and start behavior in a manner to insure freedom (not equality, which does not exist) for all, then there will be no reluctance in being around black people and other non-white people, and dating outside of your race. Some white people have taken on "guilt" for America's history and treatment of blacks in America. When I see it or hear "white guilt" I have to laugh in wonder, surprise that I am living in the day where white people feel guilty and are trying to make amends, when for many years they denied it. No personal guilt is necessary, warranted, or appreciated, in my humble opinion. It serves not purpose. Just let your behavior dictate your belief in freedom for all. Behaviors are more valuable than a lot of emotionally impotent talking. I really don't care what random people think about race or interracial dating, black or white. I care about behaviors, period. No national debate is needed if people will just believe in freedom for all. I, like most blacks know my history. Oppression ended for me when those four innocent little girls were blown up in that church. The died for me and I intend to honor them every day since I heard what happened on the radio, many moons ago. Anything less than that is disrespectful to their honor, and I will never do that.
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Azrazyel says:Posted: 20 Sep 09
Great! Another topic to show and spread hatred towards one another. Just a matter of time.......LOL I kid Hey, at least(for now) we won't have that lag as in other forums. ha Az
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SanAntonioBeauty says:Posted: 20 Sep 09
I don't think white men are least attracted to black women. I think white men have been condition not be so aggressive with women, taught by white women, so therefore they tend to sit back admire black women, but rarely pursue. I think white men long for passion, not necessarily sex, but passion in there lives, someone who wants them, love them, and able to show it. In effect, I think some are a little jealous of black men for having black women available to them who are able to do just that.
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bigeyes31 says:Posted: 20 Sep 09
Voyager I think NOT discussing race and it's connotations in a interracial relationship is a recipe for disaster. I, personally am skeptical of the mindset of a person who does not discuss or deal with potential upsets in any relationship. I mean, how can one live in this country and not talk about race? I personally would want to know a potential partner's views before getting involved, it's just logical for me. Avoidance of something that runs so deeply in everything in our society is scary and sounds much like denial to me. Peace
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valolali says:Posted: 20 Sep 09
Oh my Gosh. Are we still talking about Race Who cares, about Race people are people and If we cannot get past our egeos and Ignorance that one of us is beta than the other then we are all fools. Hope that people can open their eyes and realize that Love knows no colo, no race, no height whatever. U love whom you love its CHOICE PPL
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Ichibod says:Posted: 19 Sep 09
"Not another topic that ask a question about white men and will probably get many posts, but very few answers or opinions from white men. Instead, it will end up loaded with posts from a mob of proud, self-righteous bla… well, we’ll just see if I called it right or not." I’m not getting anything twisted, either. I'm just saying it had nothing to do with the women being black more than the fact that they were women in the most abject position. Some Jewish women were raped before being killed in the Holocaust. Jaycee Dugard was kidnapped and held for 18 years of abjectedness and even had two children by her abductor because she was a defenseless 11 year old. My ex-fiance used to qutoe the line from "The Color Purple", "A girl child ain't safe in a family of men..." History has shown that goes for any girl/women in a man's world. Pity. Some people just like picking on the little guy, taking an unfair advantage of the weak. "The first mixed child born in South African was born 9 months after the so-called Afrikaaners invaded South Africa." This has happened all throughout human existence and continues to happen anytime people enter foreign places and encounter foreign people. I'm sure the first Afrikaan was killed either within that same time span. Possible every type of interraction possible between humans occured during that time period. I don't believe it had to be because whites just dig blacks like that. It happens that way everywhere with everyone. Ever wonder how everybody tends to have Indian in there families? Just to let you know, ZU, I'm wasn't tying to be mean. It just sounded as though your second post contradicted your first post. White men are least attracted to black women or will they do anything to be with them? They believe the stereotypes, yet their attraction can be seen without a doubt? Which one?
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meisha81 says:Posted: 19 Sep 09
Hi Ichibod & Godiva! Thank you for the smile & eyeglass comments, I am flattered! I also wanted to point out that this particular article sounds similar to some that I've read in the past. Wondering if we would be able to discuss another topic b/c when it comes to the White man/Black woman relationship articles, it seems to generate the most responses-like the articles always seem to have a negative undertone...That's the impression that I get anyway. Anyone have any suggestions? I am always willing to learn something new every chance I get! :) To Ichibod, Ms. Godiva is right, you are handsome and I've read some of your posts on other topics, very thought provoking! (Smile) Have a great evening everyone!
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rcc021000 says:Posted: 19 Sep 09
I have always been more attracted and connect better with women of color than "white" women. I am the product of two races coming together, and have always wanted a woman with darker features. I think that is baloney about white men being least attracted to black women. With that being said, everyone has their own preference. It may also be that black women feel more social pressure than black men to date inside their race and to only date black men. If two people love each other, we should not stand in the way. They have enough issues to deal with.
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ZuZu21 says:Posted: 19 Sep 09
As I said... "in those days white men simply took by force and sometime charm, and at times paid for every opportunity he had to be with a black woman." Trust me.....I'm not getting anything twisted....
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Ichibod says:Posted: 19 Sep 09
ZuZu21, "Malcolm X’s mother was the product of an attraction of the white man to the black woman." Not necessarily an attraction of a white man to a black woman, but a man to a woman with an uncontrolled sexual appetite. As you said rape, which was common back then, this was nothing more than a man's desire to dominate a female feeling an open invitation to do so seeing as though blacks were not regarded as people with rights or dignity, which would allow them to take advantage of the black women without guilt or conviction by any court or by their own conscience. In the movie "A Time To Kill", would you say that those 3 white teenagers were demented pedophiles or just attacted to little black girls? Malcolm's mom didn't only want a dark skinned man, but wanted the BLACKEST she could find. Hi, Godiva! I saw a clean slate to start posting, so here I am. I was the second poster, but then I got bumped down to number 5. I've noticed that happen before in other threads. If this one goes the way of the other white man/black woman threads, it's only a matter of time before everyone's arch-nemesis shows up. Ha! Take care!
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jeffreyeas says:Posted: 19 Sep 09
"Comment by ZuZu21 on 19 September 2009: To jeffreyeas: May I suggest that you read the Autobiography of Malcolm X or if you dont’ have the time rent the movie directed by Spike Lee, starring Denzel Washington in the role as Malcolm X." I've done both, and more. My bad, I misread you. You were talking about Malcom X's mom, I mistakenly thought you were talking about Malcom X himself.
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ZuZu21 says:Posted: 19 Sep 09
To jeffreyeas: May I suggest that you read the Autobiography of Malcolm X or if you dont' have the time rent the movie directed by Spike Lee, starring Denzel Washington in the role as Malcolm X. I had the pleasure of doing both. Malcolm X's mother was a fair skinned women of African and European descent born in Guyana. He states his mother was the product of a rape and therefore married his father who was a very dark skinned African American who was a Garveyite (Marcus Garvey). He states she intentionally married a dark skinned man in hopes that her children would inherit their father's skin tone due to the shame she felt being of "mixed" race. Apparently Malcolm was a genetic "throw back" he had red hair (although kinky) and hazel eyes. Knowledge is power!!!! Take care. Zuzu21!
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godiva61 says:Posted: 19 Sep 09
I have to agree with Ichibod, (Hi Sexy), on his first post concerning this subject.. James listen to Ich and go in a different direction, PLEASE!!! Yes, Ichibod, I think you called it right on, but this is ONE time that I'm hoping that we will be proved so very wrong! Only one FINAL comment, elefont, and meisha, I hear you.. Elefont, stick around, and Ms. Meisha, glad to see you again!!! You do have a gorgeous smile!! Like the eyewear as well.. love godiva
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jeffreyeas says:Posted: 19 Sep 09
Comment by ZuZu21: "Malcolm X’s mother was the product of an attraction of the white man to the black woman. " He wasn't actually. His mother was white and his father was black.
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Ichibod says:Posted: 19 Sep 09
Great post, elefont! Meisha, I understand perfectly what you're saying. All generalizations about black women aren't negative though. However, hearing many of the generalizations that may be perceived as positive are just as obnoxious as some white supremacy rantings. It's very important when speaking against certain views in society, not to use a thought process influenced by that same society. Ignorance only gives way to more ignorance. Great post and pretty smile!
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Romanticlyme says:Posted: 19 Sep 09
OMG! James are you white and have a hidden crush on sista's? and how come my pic is not posted? Do I have to be a paying member for my pic to be visable (cause I'm not) lol.....
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Romanticlyme says:Posted: 19 Sep 09
Right on ZuZu21.....say what now! you said and I quote...."I think he is so rapped up in being fearful of what his friends and family will say that he submits to the social agenda which is to keep us all ignorant and afraid of each other." Now didn't I pretty much state this much earlier in my post about the "white dude" waiting for this fad to get much more popular so that he (white guys) can come out! of the closet with this secret attraction of theirs. You go gurrrl!
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Sam says:Posted: 19 Sep 09
Elefont on 18 September 2009: Hey Elefont, Having the same racial background does not guarantee no issues. Your upbringing, your values, and your goals speak to your class and culture. For example, what does it mean to be raised white? Knowing that you were raised white, tells me little about your values or goals.
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ZuZu21 says:Posted: 19 Sep 09
What I find interesting about this topic is that it truly has no foundation. It along with the majority of lies based on so-called racial differences is without credibility. All you have to do is just take one quick look at so-called "African- Americans" and you can see without a doubt the attraction that so-called " white" men have for the black woman. It is historical. The first mixed child born in South African was born 9 months after the so-called Afrikaaners invaded South Africa. Malcolm X's mother was the product of an attraction of the white man to the black woman. What of all the children born to black women fathered by their so-called slavemaster. Not to mention "Creole- lady Mamalade with her getcha, getcha yaya dada! I think in those days white men simply took by force and sometime charm, and at times paid for every opportunity he had to be with a black woman. Today's white man simply do not display the courage to follow his heart or his desires when it comes to the black women. If you think white men are only attracted to slim, petite women ....then come to Texas. Many of the white women here are far from being slim and petite! Back to the "white man", I think he is so rapped up in being fearful of what his friends and family will say that he submits to the social agenda which is to keep us all ignorant and afraid of each other. If this is not true then way is it that a lot of the men on this site are older and divorced. After living in their "gray flanneled" life they somehow decided to "check a sister out" hell after all they have way more years behind them then they do in front of them, I guess better late then never! In the past I've simply overlooked any attention that was shown to me by white men, I simply thought they were being friendly all the while unbeknownst to me they were coming on to me ( my, my silly me!) Since I've re-located back to the so-called south I have been bombarded with looks, flirtation, come-ons from the 20 something to the 80 something so-called "Southern gentlemen. It is history here, it has always been that way and will always be that way. I've notice the uneasy postures and looks from the white women when a white man engages in coversation with me,that too is historical here in the so-called south. She truly knows given the opportunity and support her man who as the author of the blog refers to as "least attracted to black women" would run into the arms of this black woman and many others! Zuzu21
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Sam says:Posted: 19 Sep 09
Men are followers re: their dating preferences. Their dating preferences are based on societal rules – ww, as, hs are acceptable and bw are not. Will most go outside what is expected of them? No way. Many will settle for an unattractive woman in the acceptable pool than an attractive woman in the unacceptable pool. Also, this is demonstrated in non-wm and their choice of mates from the same acceptable dating pool. I have been around wm all my life. Most do not see as us at all to even think about us as marriage material. Our media culture does not support men seeing us beyond the stereotype. In movies, tv or commericals, bw are comic relief, the best friend, but never portrayed as attractive, sexy, fit, or marriage/dating material. If someone cannot find someone handsome or beautiful because of their race, then there is something very wrong with that person. What this speaks to is program indoctrination 101. Fight the indoctrination!!!
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SweetCaptain says:Posted: 19 Sep 09
I really can't speak for anyone but myself on this. I myself find all women of any race attractive if they have the physical draw, and the demeanor I appreciate which is kind, loving, and supporting. No ghost of a shrinking violet but no all the time in your face types either. My previous black girlfriends were very loving, sensual and extremly sexy. My first at 20 Y.O. in the 80's came with racial problems from black males who harassed her for hanging out with a white guy. They didn't bother me personally but when they were around she would avoid much contact with mefor fear of retrobution. My mother liked her and we even double dated with my sister. She was a beautiful person. While I was falling in love she suddenly left for an old boyfriend in the army because she felt I would not marry her because she was black. Though marriage was not a the forfront of my mind after only a few month's, to anyone, it wasn't because she was black. As life is, her marriage didn't work out for her but when we met accidently when she was trying to pull her life back together. She was again in fear of what her boyfriend (Militent bigot Yahwee)who was there might think if he knew we had dated. She was my angel and I was just getting used to dating much less the stigma that society put on our love. Mainly from the black community. I was broken hearted. I just want someone to be real and aware of who they are and not lost in some dogmatic ego dream. People are people. Race/ culture is not an issue if you are seeing the person, are open to new ideas and have common interests.
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Voyager says:Posted: 19 Sep 09
I'm a WM and I cringe a little when I read BW writing about all kinds of things about themselves that are so negative. There are many, many attractive BW that are very appealing - if you have a chance to get to know them. I think the reason WM are reluctant to date BW has nothing to do with BW's attitudes, or being lower ranked, or any of the other physical differences with WW. If a WM wants to date a BW, there just isn't any way to avoid the race discussion. Most Black people I know don't ever bring it up, but not all. I never have to face this with other nonBW. We share a terrible history and there just isn't any way to discuss it without causing extreme discomfort. It's there, it's real, and it's a very real obstacle. BW really don't need to look at themselves for the problems with IR or for reasons why WM don't date them. That's not where the avoidance is coming from.
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bebibo says:Posted: 19 Sep 09
I must say Black women are very genuine.There is nothing about them that I don't like.Now the gender is the only problems I think in any relationships.The old saying men and women are 95% alike but the other 5% ...oh my im at a loss.Occasionly some Black ladies that are 5 feet 7 inches without heels want there men custom made to order too be 6 feet or more.too funny....but maybe thats what there preconceived ideal man is.I must tell you a personal secret for some reason I think Black ladies actually appreciate a man more but I have no proof for making this comment.
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I'm not sure what can be extracted from a non-statement like "white males in the U.S tend to be least attracted to female African American’s." Lies, damn lies and statistics is how Mark Twain put it. Is there a percentage involved. How was the process run. Let's see the pictures of the women chosen. As far as running with that suspect statistic and further compounding it with more unscientific claims that it is due to intimidation or fears of inadequacy, well back to Mark Twain. I will say that sexual assault, whether violent or commercial seems to be less about attraction and more about power. Most folks seem to be attracted to their own "kind", in my observation. I'm not prepared to say why, though I would guess that it has to do with comfortability. My own "kind" is human.