What do the children from multicultural relationships signify?

Posted by James, 18 Apr

Multicultural children are spread all-over America, you can’t fail to spot one on the streets and even on TV. They are evidence that two individuals from different cultures actually had relations… (Don’t want to go into details of the kind of relations) Once-upon-a-time, there was a multicultural relationship which gave rise to Barrack Obama, Halle Berry, Tiger Woods… you feel me?

So what do multicultural off-springs signify? Love, beginning of racial integration, hope?

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Well according to a post from a dissertation on black/white relationships, Professor Rachel Sullivan interviewed black/white couples and family members to gauge their attitudes toward interracial relationships. And the main worry voiced by families over black/white relationships was about the children. Will the children be accepted by the black community? What culture will they belong to? Are they destined to lead a life of sorrow because of their social ambiguity?

Halle Berry remembers her own experience, "First we lived in an all-black neighborhood and my mom felt an outsider. Then she moved us to an all -white neighborhood to afford us a better education, where my sister and I were the odd ones.᾿ When faced with such realities of life, a couple in a multicultural relationship may be uncomfortable with the idea of having children with their partners, for reasons of race. They may reach a point of… To have or not to have kids.

In a world filled with race and ethnic issues, will it be selfish to bring a kid into this world only for him to be treated as an outcast by both cultures he belongs to? Will you sacrifice multicultural love for sake of having children who won’t suffer prejudice? Well that’s reality. How would you handle it?

Tags: multiracial children, family issues, race

36 responses to "What do the children from multicultural relationships signify?"

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  1.   hotcougar says:
    Posted: 07 Apr 10

    I purposely did not mention that i am a black woman and my husband was a wonderful, witty and loving white man. Now what can be thought about my remarks. Don't forget I said the inlaws were great on both sides. I probably had the most racial issues to deal with. My husband used to say when we would fuss, oh stop fighting the civil war and we would usually end up laughing over the silliness of this racial issue, if u were green in color and we were on the desert i would give you some water, not all but some. Lord have mercy!

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  2.   greg says:
    Posted: 05 Apr 10

    God created the human race with differebt ethnicities. we are one race the humn race. There is nothing wrong with interracial marriage it is the person inside that counts! Jesus was not even white on earth and he probably isnt white in heaven. im white by the way and would it matter if God was whit black latino or asian?? He's God so america just needs to ge past this race issue stuff!!

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  3.   hotcougar says:
    Posted: 04 Apr 10

    Three wonderful men in my life, my late husband, my son and my grandson. I am woman and they are men. We were a multi-cultural bi-racial couple, lucky enough to have loving inlaws. It can be done and we can erase racial bias in this wonderful way. My grandson is like a little Al Capone with a big heart and much love for all people. God's blessing to all. My son is a proper Bostonian businessman. It is hard work but worth every tear and loads of laughs from all our diversity. Don't be afraid, if you love someone go with your heart.

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  4.   wonka says:
    Posted: 09 Mar 10

    Who freakin' cares.They signify human beings,OK there,I said it,now lets all move on with LIFE!!.

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  5.   wonka says:
    Posted: 09 Mar 10

    Most(not all!)signify>OVERRATED!!.

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  6. Posted: 24 Aug 09

    more pearls of wisdom from "mother" world citizen....I am forever grateful for your presence here... Peace and Blessings tatted2death.

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  7.   Austrian says:
    Posted: 25 Jul 09

    MY EXPERIENCE with bicultural (trying to avoid the term racial) children is described in the blog ' do mixed race adolescents behave badly' , July 4th. Julius26, the reason 'WHY THIS IS' may be explained, following my introduction. Firstly, please be so kind and take MY SINCERE APOLOGY for having been born by white parents 'at the right place, at the right time'. I have never been openly discriminated by anyone, never felt life threatened, was not driven from my home, could practice my religious belief, had a chance for education, do not know what real hunger is, had the great advantage to be born into a multi-cultural 7 nationality family, will never REALLY KNOW WHAT IT FEELS LIKE TO BE BLACK. Even when I was too small to talk, I loved a picture story book with pitch black children. I identified with one and when asked who I was, I always pointed at this BLACK CHILD. I was always given BLACK DOLLS, as I only wanted those. The first Black man I met became my husband. It sounds like I am obsessed with blackness, however this all felt very natural to me and I am sure, my eyes and body language expressed my honesty to Blacks who I came in contact with. By the way, I do not dislike 'decent' Whites. The majority of the human race seem to be INSTINCTIVELY EGOTISTIC - SURVIVAL???? It is unfortunate and certainly unjust, that mostly WHITES live on the 'better side of life' (I am aware, I am one of them). It is logical, why anyone, children, women, men, would lean toward the 'better side of life' - leaning toward WHITES. There are very few people of any back ground, wanting to stay in poverty, criminal environment, uneducated, abused, not accepted. There are even less people who want to step down from their level. The answer is the SOCIAL ISSUE - nothing more, nothing less. Please bear with my ENGLISH - it's not my mother tongue. I do not intend to put anyone down, nor am I conceded, I am aware of the UNJUSTIFIED DIFFERENCES among the human race. Warm weekend greetings to all my favorite Ladies and GENTLEmen (I'm back in Austria). YOU, who struggle, please do not give up! YOU, who feel aggression - best wishes for INNER PEACE!

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  8.   julius26 says:
    Posted: 25 Jul 09

    Dear tats iam hearing what you are saying and i dont want to be or sound negative about this issue. I wouldn't be pleased if biracial children where gravitating more to the black side but 80% to the white side shows thats something amiss hear. If you dont know i was born in and live in london england of carribean parents. At the last census in 2000 figures showed that half the carribean men and one third of the women where in relationship with white poeple. Last year figure came out that showed that these figure has gone up too about 70 per cent for men and 55 per cent for women.The up shot of this is they reckon that the carribean comunity will cease to exist in britain. So finding the reasons why biracial children prefer white is important. I not for taking away their choice or pushing them to the black side, i would just like to know the reason why this is. One of the things i must mention is that britains carribean comunity was never very big anyway.

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  9.   Ichibod says:
    Posted: 25 Jul 09

    I meant to say, "We have shown..." I'm drunk right now, and it's 2am EST. Bear with me, folks.

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  10.   Ichibod says:
    Posted: 25 Jul 09

    Hey, Tats! We are more accepting, I suppose, because of our history in this country (yawn! I know.). We have been constantly on guard for people that seek to hurt us. Anyone that shows the least bit of trouble to our well being or the least bit of interest in our humanity, when have shown to be whole-hearetedly accepting and to a certain extent, assimilating. I am conjuring a scene from Napolean Dynomite (Lafawnda teaching Kip how to dance). And yes, I believe there are as many other reasons as there are grains of sand on a beach (threw that in for variety). See ya, girl!

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  11.   Ichibod says:
    Posted: 25 Jul 09

    Sometimes, it also becomes a matter of which side of the family the child is closer to. I remember a segment of some talk show; Jenny Jones, Ricky Lake, one of 'em. A black mother had a daughter with a white man and was upset because her daughter was too white. The mom was very ignorant. But the daughter was VERY attractive (I must say), and happened to be closer to her white family and had predominately white friends. The culture of the household can also be a factor. If it's a househoild were a black man and a white woman are raising children, and the white woman acts (in a manner of speaking) "black", then the child will most likely gravitate toward people that he/she feels more comfortable, which would be black people and vice versa. Julius makes a great point, but more often in my experience, I have seen it differently. What it all boils down to is what the child is exposed to and the perception they have toward what they see and are made to understand.

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  12. Posted: 25 Jul 09

    That is an interesting question, Julius. I have always thought about such matters but in a different form. My question is why is it always assumed that the "black side" of someone's family is more "accepting" than the white......or a broader question might be "Why is there this notion that the black community (in general) is more accepting of anyone???? I ask these questions because many people come on these boards to spout all the negatives they see in another race yet don't truly tackle some of their own "dirty laundry" that might be hiding in the corner. The idea that people in the black community still look at each other's skin tone, hair "type", and other nonsense as a way to judge each other sickens me. The way that certain people want to be enraged at a multi-cultural, multi-racial person's accpectance of ALL the components of his/her background is borderline insane. These issues (AND more) need to be addressed before we start worrying about why an individual might feel closer to one "side" versus the other......there are probably as many reasons as there are stars in the sky. Peace and Blessings tatted2death

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  13.   julius26 says:
    Posted: 24 Jul 09

    In my opinion the children especial between black and white tend to be and aftersought. The reasons why i say this is because 80% of the children between a black and white couple tend to marry white people. So we are left with the ironic situation that the decends of people who express the virtues of colour blind love, being some of the least colour blind loving people themselve. I would love a biracial person to explain the reasons why they tend to gravitate to the white side.

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  14.   bluescene says:
    Posted: 08 Jun 09

    ...and to become one, beautiful same tint, soul-spirit! yes!

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  15.   bluescene says:
    Posted: 08 Jun 09

    By the way, "Eric_T", RIGHT ON! You are RIGHT...ON! I read yours AFTER I wrote mine. As we EVOLVE and blend in our humanity and spirit, we will get it that this was the plan; that we are put here to love and connect, not to hate and disconnect. You are cool.

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  16.   bluescene says:
    Posted: 08 Jun 09

    They "signify" love.

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  17.   Member says:
    Posted: 08 Jun 09

    Hi! This What do the children from multicultural relationships signify? : Interracial Dating Blog was really what I've been searching for. THanx!

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  18.   hiddengem says:
    Posted: 13 May 09

    Well said Nakia.

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  19. Posted: 15 Mar 09

    Hi...I happen to be white and I was married to a man who happened to be black for 26 yrs...we met in 1984...I'm 47 and met him way back when society had more problems with it than now...and guess what?...i didnt care...we loved eachother and i married him and we had a good life...we have 3 absolutely stunningly beautiful children who are standing right here right now [ages 24, 23, and 17] and they are reading all of this....and they are laughing at some of the comments...they dont understand what the big deal is...they love being who they are and they are telling me to write that they would never ever wish to be ANYTHING else and they just kissed me and said..thanks mom for you and dad being together...we love you...they said to tell all of you that they learned from both me and their father to accept all people for who they are...and that if they dont like someone it isnt because of their race, nationality, sexuality or even a disability...but because that person did something to them that was not nice....never what color they were or so on...they said just now to write they are proud of who they are and love both cultures and most of their friends think it is cool and always told them that they wished they were both races...because they get to see both sides and participate in all the different foods, and music and so forth...they are also telling me to say that it comes from the parents...meaning predjudice...and also they said they always noticed that my husband and I never had any hangups and when we did argue they noticed my husband and i never called eachother racial names and that we as a family loved eachother and that color never even came up or mattered...we were a perfect family just like an all white or black family...and they said to say just now..that it is people who have the problems....adults they said...not the kids..because the few times they did come across people who made dumb comments or were predjudice....even kids...it came from the parents....so they said.. we knew who we were and were proud of it and had great parents...and we knew we did'nt have the problem...its the parents who are predjudice people who have the probems...and pass it on to the kids....they said that when Obama became president [and I was there with them in the room]....that they KNEW this day wuld come eventually...and they were proud because Obama is bi-racial....just like them...and my 17 yr old said....see?....it has to take a bi-racial person to be the first...she feels good about that...but they did just say that ALl people must remember that Obama IS bi-racial....not just black....they said if Obama is bi-racial..and became predsident...what does that rell you about mised children?....THEY ARE JUST LIKE YOU AND ME AND EVERYONE ELSE AND CAN DO ANYTHING!...people need to accept people for who they are and move on and work together to make a better world....they said "WE" are the future!......

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  20.   clara1978 says:
    Posted: 11 Dec 08

    eric ,very likely there might be truth to what u mentioned above .but what u said in the end its very touching and sweet.and for the sake of us all i hope that day come soon.

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  21.   Eric_T says:
    Posted: 11 Dec 08

    See, from what I know of "mixed children" is that in general they inherit the genetic benefits of both ethnicities they come from. I heard a doctor talking about a study that suggests that sickle cell all but disapears from children of black and white parentage. Remember when half the native american population was wiped out by small pox in the early days of the european/spanish invasion of the new found land? Well the native americans that had children with the spaniards and europeans..., their children survived all that. Why? Because the genetics from their european heritage gave them some built in resistance. And it works in all ways I'm certain. My guess is that if an African were to have children with a european..., that child will have a built in better resistance to malaria. What am I trying to say? I believe, and this is just a hypothesis, that marrying and procreating with members of different ethnicities strengthens our children and lends itself to a greater chance of survival and success in life for our future generations. And guess what? It might be slightly painful for the kids now, but in the long run, a future with everyone mixing is going to lead to one color. And when that happens people are just going to have to find some other stupid reason to hate each other because racism will be extinct.

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  22. Posted: 09 Dec 08

    I think interracial relationships are fine. I am Puertorican and black and my husband is German/Irish(white). Niether sids of our families didnt have a problem with us being together. I do remember the day of our wedding, his grandmother told him "you know your kids are not going to be white?" and my husband tells her "who cares as long as they are health". My husband was the first white guy I have actually dated. I grew up around majority of white kids all my life ( San Jose CA) so, it was a pretty confortable transition (dating). The one thing I can say is that when we first started dating I would feel unconfortable because most of the black men would stare. Like one situation my husband and I were in Las Vegas NV and some black guys made a comment about black women and white men "epidemic" and that "they (white men) are taking all our women!" or "He must have money!" I dont get mad about it because I know that what we have is real love...

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  23.   denise4417 says:
    Posted: 03 Dec 08

    I have a set of twin boys with a man I thought loved and cared for us. He apparently had other children with his wife (I thought he was separated) Over the 4 years we were together things were perfect and he told me the twins can not miss soemthing they never had and the children he already had with his wife would. My children look just like their father and it's dificult dating because of their fair and straight/curly hair; I keep it cut very short. I love my children and would never cover them up. They are beautiful with the longest eyelashes, but they miss their father and their resents them because I took him to court. Go figure. He said the only way he would not resent them is if I gave the money back..

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  24. Posted: 20 Sep 08

    wow....that last comment shows that there are still people out there that are bearing the scars of racism and slavery. The fact is you(coco) actually have a good point....People (of ALL races) are in peril of being extinct....IF WE DON'T TAKE CARE OF MOTHER-EARTH, we are bound to be without a home, FOR REAL...and race and/or color won't matter worth a dayum; funny...., that's the way it should be ANYWAY....(ok enough with my neo-hippie, tree-hugging rant....LOL). Peace and Blessings tatted2death

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  25.   Coco says:
    Posted: 12 Sep 08

    Yea, you got that right. The world IS changing but I don't know if its for the better. White folks worrying about being extinct....well, what about the black population? Black people need to worry about whether or not there will be any black people in this world. These "mixed" children arent calling themselves anything but Bi this and tri that Multi this. What next, A-RAB. Not trying to be funny to.

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  26.   HereIambaby says:
    Posted: 29 Feb 08

    there is no guarantee on marriage. it's something of a risk and something we have to prepare ourselves for. Maybe the problem of marriages not succeeding is because the people involved do not know themselves and the other person's background enough. I mean, isn't it important to have someone who suits you and your ways ? And that person might be from your culture or another one. At the same time, cultures do have dominant characteristics, like some cultures are quiet and gentle and others are a bit tough (in their ways) so if for example you're a sensitive person you'd have to go for the person and the 'culture' that coincides with you.There are some good interracial dating sites, such as Blackcentury.com. Maybe you can have a try on it.

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  27.   Cris says:
    Posted: 27 Feb 08

    I am a product of an interracial relationship (Puerto Rican, French, Native American and Black)however, I only had problems with some of the black kids in lower income areas. I grew up with the majority of upper class white kids who excepted me for who I am, not race. And most of my friends thought it was the cool thing to be mixed and having the opportunites to be apart of different cultures combined. All in all the diversity that I have experienced living in a metropolitan cities(Bay Area CA and Sacramento CA), interracial relationships really was not a big deal. In fact people tend to take a double take when they see two of the same races together walking down the street. I have had the opportunity to experience men of different races (korean, black, hispanic, and white)and I really didn't have a preference. I like all men! In fact I married a white man, who I love with all my heart and race has never been an issue. we have a perfectly healthy marriage and family support on both sides..

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  28.   dark1ande says:
    Posted: 25 Dec 07

    One of the dumbest questions ever asked. Kids are kids . It's the adults asking the questions with the problem.

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  29.   Shay says:
    Posted: 29 Aug 07

    I've known many interracial people, I don't think they get critized for not being black enough or not being white enough but, are pressured by the black and white community to choose which color they will calm as their own. My boyfriend is white and I am black we plan to have children when we get married. Our children will symbolize the samething as all children, the love will feel for each other. We will teach them to be proud of their cultures and belong to both. And, when asked what race they are they will say, “i'm mixed with black and white and proud of both.᾿

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  30.   Tiff@ny says:
    Posted: 21 Aug 07

    God is not color-blind, He loves different colors. Check out the rainbow, He created it as a symbol of His promise. Children must be taught who they really are, their purpose and reason for being on the earth. If you were to go out in space...What would you where? A spacesuit. Well we're here on the earth and our bodies are our earthsuits. We must teach our children UNITY!!!

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  31.   Una says:
    Posted: 04 May 07

    The world is changing everyday. There is no way I would give up my dream to have a child with someone I love because of what others may think out of ignorance. I'd raise that child to understand the attitudes that different people have and recognize ignorance for what it is and be comfortable intheir own skin no matter what. People are people, not colors. The sooner the world understands that, the better.

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  32.   Nakia says:
    Posted: 04 May 07

    I think people are not getting the big picture.First of all GOD creates life (children).GOD makes NO mistakes........So if GOD allows mixed children than that must mean only one thing.He is trying to tell us that interracial relationships is fine by him.So to all those who believe in GOD and do not believe in interracial relationships.......Well mabey you need to have a heart to heart with your God!!!!!!!We are all brothers & sisters In him... We all bleed the same.Jesus died for us all.Mixed kids are gods way of showing us unity.He wants us all to love one another as he loves us.So get over any issues you may have and live for what god wants.Because in the end what he wants is all that matters. Smile JESUS loves us ALL!!!!!!!!!

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  33.   Phenix says:
    Posted: 28 Apr 07

    I married outside my race much to the protest of my parents. I think it is eaiser to date and marry within your own race, but with matters of the heart there is no color boundries. My only son has had his challanges. I have seen segments of both white and black not accept him, the black side saying he is too white, ad the white side saying he is not white enough. I would like to see a world where it truely does not matter, but what is inside the heart that matters. So much is paid attention to the color tone of your skin, it will only get better if we all make the effort to make it more color blind. We need to keep teaching our children that you must look inside to truly see someone. But also do keep in mind that the first impression is still there, I also see a world where casuel Friday has now transended into everyday, there is a time and a place for everything, respect yourself and show that you do to the outside world... thanks for listening... this is just my opinion....

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  34.   Kebemb says:
    Posted: 23 Apr 07

    I am an African-american male 42 years old and I have never been married no children but I am music teacher. I have seen and have taught many children from multicultural relationships and for most part has been a good experience. I have also dated in and out of my race and I enjoy dating women of all ethnicities.

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  35.   Mzladypr says:
    Posted: 21 Apr 07


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  36.   Fala says:
    Posted: 20 Apr 07

    Mixed race kids are the future. The world is getting smaller everyday - thanks to the internet and cheaper international travel.

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