WARNING: WHAT YOU ARE ABOUT TO SEE IS PROFANE AND RACIAL (not to mention downright stupid but maybe I am just biased :P)
Michael Richards exploded in anger as he performed at a famous L.A. comedy club last Friday, hurling racial epithets that left the crowd gasping.
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Richards, who played the wacky Cosmo Kramer on the hit TV show "Seinfeld," appeared onstage at the Laugh Factory in West Hollywood. Kyle Doss, an African-American, told TMZ he and some friends were in the cheap seats and he was playfully heckling Richards when suddenly, the comedian lost it.
The camera started rolling just as Richards began his attack, screaming at one of the men, "Fifty years ago we'd have you upside down with a f***ing fork up your ass."
Richards continued, "You can talk, you can talk, you're brave now motherf**ker. Throw his ass out. He's a nigger! He's a nigger! He's a nigger! A nigger, look, there's a nigger!"
The crowd is visibly and audibly confused and upset. Richards responds by saying, "They're going to arrest me for calling a black man a nigger."
One of the men who was the object of Richard's tirade was outraged, shouting back "That's un-f***ing called for, ain't necessary."
After the three-minute tirade, it appears the majority of the audience members got up and left in disgust. (but none went up there to beat his *** if my tamper may add :P)
I mean common, a professional comedian, got hackled by some dudes and the only way to get back at them was to call them niggers?
What you all think?
17 responses to "WARNING: WHAT YOU ARE ABOUT TO SEE IS PROFANE AND RACIAL (not to mention downright stupid but maybe I am just biased :P)"
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homesteader says:Posted: 05 Mar 09
WHEN YOU SAY BLACK WOMEN , What color are your Mother and Grandmothers ? Learn Respect
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homesteader says:Posted: 05 Mar 09
Please ; PLACE YOUR SWEET LIPS on the seat of my Bluejeans , Thank you .
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homesteader says:Posted: 05 Mar 09
BlakManRising and she came to me because of Disrespectful , Children such as yourself .
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homesteader says:Posted: 05 Mar 09
I married a Woman here , If you wanna talk Nasty to Me or My Wife , Please start your conversation with ; Sir or Madam - as even my children all were Taught to speak to all others with Respect . All if you cannot show Respect for all others / GROW - UP . Color of Skin does not Release you from Being Respectful at all times to All People .
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Cocosan says:Posted: 05 Mar 09
BlakManRising, I apologize to you for all the negative experiences you have encountered involving Black women. I'm not sure but it sounds like there is some significant history / lived experience behind your statement. Would you please elaborate on your statement to help me (and possibly others) understand your opinion? It would be greatly appreciated. Thanks P.S. I am a Black woman sometimes involved in interracial relationships and sometimes not:)
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BlakManRising says:Posted: 04 Mar 09
You won't see any Black Women in here. Whatever a white dude does, it's perfectly ok to Black Women...who seem to be the biggest a$$ kissers this side of mother Earth. It'll be a joyous day when IR Black women are no more.
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homesteader says:Posted: 28 Dec 08
Ignorance is bliss , anyone that can act in disregard for others and do it in public . Can himself be placed in a level of disregard by others . I am Polish bye heritage and have heard my share of jokes aimed at me to make me feel badly in my younger years when these words had an effect on me . I became educated and realized that others did not have the ability to learn , so I learned to say " Thank you " and turn and walk away from inconsiderate illiterate and otherwise anti-social people of Lower birth . Opinions are like A holes , we all have one . All that is needed is the ability to turn and ignore them with total disregard , Love Les
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nickyval says:Posted: 16 Dec 06
I agree with the way everyone is commenting about this issue. The dude is a celeb… so what? I don’t get what this guy is so bitter about. What’s with the ‘F’ words and the racist remarks? Was it meant to be funny or something? This was way beneath Richards. Don’t he think its high time he moved beyond racism? His kind are really draggin us. Truth be told… Am done with Seinfeld.
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nastradamus says:Posted: 15 Dec 06
I think men should stop these marriage proposal surprises in public places especially ball games. You think its romantic? Well… someone didn’t. Its much easier to handle rejection when its just the two of you. This woman must have had it with the dude. She was practically fleeing from the scene or should I call it the spot? Clearly, the woman was into the tickets more than the dude. Poor guy…
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nastradamus says:Posted: 15 Dec 06
Ria, I agree that it is common for a professional comedian to get heckled at by his audience. Common… Somebody’s gotta hate you duh!!!!!!! Black or White. And what kind of comedian is Richards if he cant take or stand some playful heckles from the audience. Kyle Doss is more of a comedian than he is. I think one day they should actually go one-on-one see whose the better one. I can bet you on this… Richards will totally flip.
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stillmatic says:Posted: 15 Dec 06
There should be a law against such remarks. This man should have been arrested and actually sued. That is unacceptable language and more stringent measures should be laid down for such. Being a comedian shouldn’t be an excuse for hurling racist remarks. What’s more shameful is the fact that Richards wanted the guy kicked out. Some people should just grow up.
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heroical says:Posted: 13 Dec 06
Ria, you mean to tell me no one in the audience could have kicked the guy senseless... not that he has any sense if you ask me. The dude was just being a baby. The kind of people whom when your comments hit home, then retaliate by hitting where it hurts most. Wonder who will be present next time he gets on stage. If I could I’d go there, BOO all I can and wait for him to call me nigga… The rest as they say will be plain ol’ history.
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dorriezze says:Posted: 13 Dec 06
Well well well… Look what we got here. Is Richards living in the Medieval Period!!! It’s a shame that even after years and years of liberalization, some people just don’t change. Ok, someone in the audience heckled at you… SO WHAT??? Does everyone have to think your funny? Democracy bro. The dude just got lucky or should I say the audience decided to be BIGGER than HIM and saw no point in whooping the A** of a man who degrades himself that much – and in front of your fans? SHAME!! SHAME!! SHAME!!!
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grachao says:Posted: 13 Dec 06
Comedians Comedians… Don’t call yourself one if you don’t expect some criticism from your audience. It’s all about having an open mind. I know that assuming creates an ass out of you and me but hey… I bet if the would have come from a white; it would have been all different. Getting all personal with a person and hurling racial remarks don’t make one a good comedian. These are meant to be your fans. And I thought being a good comedian meant not taking things all personal and serious. All I can say for Richard is “if you aint fit for the comical world, try a new profession᾿.
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Hey...are you all drunk??