The successful black woman hits media again!
The glamorous independent woman – the successful black woman and her search for love has hit the news yet again! The whatTH time this year?
We all know the stats - this glam squad makes up for 71 percent of black graduate students. And most of them are single. And when ABC’s Nightline decided to do a piece in a quest to answer why these glamorous independent women are single, some hailed the piece… others found this offensive.
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Sherri Shepherd, one of the panelists and co-host of 'The View' said she has had people tweet her with: 'Here we go again, are we still on this topic'. To that she says, "We will always be on this topic, but I like having it because hopefully, I'll learn something." Shepherd, 42, is a divorced single mother.
Jacque Reid, star of VH1's 'Let's Talk About Pep' says she also has hope of finding a black man to partner up with. These two female panelists argued that statistics, unfaithful partners, intimidation and stereotypes played a part in why more black women are single
In reference to a comment made by Shepherd, Steve Harvey, author of 'Act Like a Woman Think Like a Man' argued that the simple things a woman expects her man to do, like taking out cornrows for example, NOT IN HIS DNA! Jimi Izrael author of the controversial book 'The Denzel Principal', thinks some women – not all women – “… are looking for this ideal that couldn't possibly exist" thereby becoming disappointed in their search.
To this interpretation, Shepherd said, “I don’t think that our standards are too high… For me, I’m going, ‘Gosh, a man that loves God. A man that loves his family. A man that gets along with his … the first woman in his life, his mother. A man that … that can support me as I will support him. … Is that too picky?”
HELL to the NO! The thing is, many successful women, not just AA women, are in this search for a good man. And a good man is hard to find no matter what your ethnic background. I don’t believe the success of any woman can inhibit her ability to find a good man. One thing I do believe is: a woman’s success will never scare away a real man! Watch video below (dubbed The Third Rail: Dating Other Races) and hear what they had to say on interracial relationships.
Sherri wasn't implying Kim Kardashian, Right? ;-) Watch more of this heated debate here.
14 responses to "The successful black woman hits media again!"
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fkoi says:Posted: 10 Jul 10
Interesting video. I'm no expert (but neither are the people in the video). One point I liked is Steve Harvey's declaration that men no longer dress for women but for each other. A sense of style in a man is a rare trait. Maybe it always has been but it surely is today.
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Member says:Posted: 02 Jun 10
QQ at Tatt and drinking my coffee Now I am berating and belittling women allegedly. Maybe, Halle Berry needs to do another movie where a white man treats her like a common prostitute. Call it "Monster's Fall". You just gave me a title for another blog post. I am not sure yet. I thought you would like the "Regina King story" Margie is drunk again from the movie "RAY'.
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tatted2death says:Posted: 02 Jun 10
WHY DOES "DAFFY" PHAIL??? .....NEXT CHAPTER.... ....nah....eff that.... I am going to tell you why he fails epically.... .....because he has nothing better to do than to berate and belittle women that have done nothing to him.......Yeah I guess Hailey is a loser because she never dated THE DAFFY ONE.....LMAO....good phuking grief man. Peace tatted2death
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Member says:Posted: 29 May 10
Halle Berry is a loser. Sherri Shepherd is a nut case, who had too many abortions (by her own admission). I released the Regina King story. To show people why sellout black women fail.
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Member says:Posted: 27 May 10
One other note men care less about a woman's "success" than they do her looks! Men would rather date a hot looking cocktail waitress than multi-millionaire woman lawyer who is average looking or fat. Let's face it there will never be a female version of Hugh Hefner... Can you imagine a successful woman in her 80s surrounded by bunch of 20 something year old men waiting to have sex with her? That's NOT going to happen! When a man tells a woman he's "intimadated" by her success nine times out of ten it's a "nice way of rejecting her!" Women use "direct rejection" since they are usually approached. Men use "indirect rejection" which may range from not asking you out to begin with or never calling/contacting you again. One problem a lot of successful women have is their ego won't let them date/marry man who earns significantly less than she does! As I mentioned before a rich successful man has no problem dating a waitress, cashier, department store sales girl, Starbucks counter girl....etc All we require (initially) is to be physically attracted to her. If we discover we can't live without her we'll marry her, pay her bills, take her exotic vacations, be the "hero" or "slay the dragon" Never once putting her down for her "lack of ambition" or low income. How many very successful women would open their hearts and wallets to that extent for a bus boy, waiter, or mail man? If a woman is beautiful, has a easy going personality, confident, open/approachable, with a great sense of humor, and takes a genuine interest in others.... instead of being stand-offish with a "serious" (prove you are worthy) of my time attitude...etc She'll have no problem finding a man. Halle Berry makes a whole lot more money than Sherri Shepherd and she doesn't seem to have a problem finding men!
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Member says:Posted: 27 May 10
I believe when Steve Harvey stated, "It's not in our DNA" he wasn't just talking about black men. I suspect most men have no interest in washing a woman's hair at the end of the day. I actually watched this episode of Nightline and I wondered why would ABC air the so called "black woman's plight" to find love. After all this is the same station that has NEVER had a black or hispanic person as "The Bachelor" or "The Bachelorette". (Apparently they don't believe there are any attractive intelligent, sexy,single successful blacks in search of love.) Back to Nightline. I think the show was put on for it's entertainment value. The portrayal of black women bitching about relationships is always good for "a laugh". Hell, even black people enjoy watching stereotypes of the loud bossy agry black woman (Diva, Queen...etc) Animosity between the sexes in the white world is considered cute or "tongue in cheek". However black women are portrayed as really hating their men and not trusting them. There's no US & WE, just I & ME with everyone looking out for himself! (Always angry, head rolling, threatening, cursing, violent, berating their mate by saying he's not "A Real Man" because blah blah blah) You never hear white women using terms such as "A Real Man" or "A Real Woman". (Unless you watch Jerry Springer or Maury Povich) LOL! I recently read the following statement from a black man in a blog: "I have said many times I don't wish to fight my Significant Other as I'm am more of a gentle spirit. To which I heard from many a black women mouth. "You should go get a white girl " That's too funny! Even black women are telling guys if you want to live in peace don't hook up with a black woman! It's a real admission that with black women comes (Drama, Diva & Queen Attitudes!) Stereotypes are especially hard to get rid of if people of that race also believe in them! The truth is there are lots of black women who just want to love and support a good man who will also love, support, and adore them in return. However that does not make for "entertaining TV".
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Jenna says:Posted: 19 May 10
@Flash You know what,I totally understand what you were saying. I myself have no problem staying single or not having kids,either way is good for me. No one dictates for me how I should be but me!If I find a companion good if I don't it's still good! I love just being!
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phil says:Posted: 08 May 10
Most "Successful" black women just miss the point.They're mostly looking for a man who is equally "successful" which is not the measurement of what a good man is all about.Sometimes they go for the "bad boys" which again is a big mistake.They just got their priorities screwed up.
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tatted2death says:Posted: 06 May 10
AGAIN with the ALL-KNOWING MALES speaking for the heart of women......amazing. There's no "wonder" needed...... ....maybe.....JUST MAYBE....the MASS majority have been "fed" by the MASS media and fell for it hook, line and sinker.....that to be a complete "woman" you must "hitch" yourself to a man (ANY MAN.....pfft) and "give him heirs"....(like we are in the Dark As a result, the situation in many countries is OVER-POPULATION, HIGH-DIVORCE RATES (or just out-right MURDER of the "offending" spouse), SPOUSAL ABUSE (NOT one-sided), HIGH-SUICIDE RATES, etc. This reminds me how many have also fallen for the idea that if they don't look like some air-brushed model in the mags something is wrong with THEM. The multi-million dollar cosmetic and "health" industry speaks to this madness....Some women (AND MEN, nowadays) just about kill themselves with pills and starvation trying to have bodies that rarely exist in nature...Some women are barely able to pay their rent but you will see their asses up in a beauty salon EVERY WEEK.....MASS MAJORITY + MASS MEDIA = MASS HYSTERIA.....plain and simple. Peace tatted2death
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Malarki5 says:Posted: 04 May 10
Flash said: but did u ever wonder that maybe…just maybe…a girl doesn’t want to get married? I don’t want children either. the idea of being hooked to one person for the rest of my life seems like a prison sentence. Menelik replied: ever wonder how the mass majority of women the worl over don't share either your views or sentiments towards marriage? Menelik Charles London England
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tatted2death says:Posted: 04 May 10
(I almost hate to post here, flash.....I am probably going to bring my "blog shadow(s)" with me....LOL......Oh well...gotta love the "trolls") But I have to agree with you, Flash....Why do people act like getting married is such an accomplishment???? Now talking to me about STAYING married and then I might open my ears a bit. But as we all know just about every race under the sun has a little trouble with the "staying" part. This is not exclusive to BW/WM relationships. And of course you are looked at as "crazy" for consciously staying single because some men still have it in their heads that all they have to do is "show up" and "swap rings or whatever"....And this is supposed to "turn you on".....pfft. Yet, there is hope....The archaic idea of the "old spinster" is slowly but surely dying out....and some (insecure) men are beginning to feel obsolete. Some still feel the need to hold on to "old school" values for the women while they still do all this "brand new" stuff for themselves ("I'm not married, but my wife is"). Once men get on board with the idea of TRUE equality in a relationship I think women might once again delevelop a desire for a "mate for life"....but I am not holding my breath....LOL. And to be fair about it.....some women DEFINITELY need to take it down a notch with all the "I'm so sucessful/beautiful/smart that I intimidate most men/woe is me/I can't find a man" crap.....chances are you are just being a tad too BITCHY and/or are just living out a self-fulfilling prophecy....plain and simple. And I tell you right now if I had one of those "universal" remotes like in that movie "Click", Chris Rock would need some hard drugs to get over the headache he would have...LOL. That dude must have some "mommy" issues or something....I guess he might as well "cash-in" on them like most comedians do....LOL. And I don't think you are weird,Flash....but then again I am a bit of a loner as well so I probably am biased here...LOL Peace and Blessings tatted2death ......let the onslaught begin..dayum......and this topic just might have had a chance of going "unnoticed".....LMAO.
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flash says:Posted: 01 May 10
america's new obsession with blk women is just weird. every week something new whether it is a movie about our hair or a foreign news station doing a piece on unmarried aa women this may be a crazy thought for some ppl to grasp but did u ever wonder that maybe...just maybe...a girl doesn't want to get married? i know i don't. i don't want children either. the idea of being hooked to one person for the rest of my life seems like a prison sentence. i've always been a loner, and i expect to stay one. i find it weird that ppl find that weird :P
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Rightguy65 says:Posted: 02 Feb 12
Black is golden.but why is that each time i wanted to askfor a woman profile they always say register.
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I think its because women dont complement men... When is the last time a woman said to you, you look so handsome (that you werent in a relationship with)? It VERY rare. Men in return start to care less about it after trying so hard. Not that some of what was said isnt true but I seriously get more complements from men. Guys respect a man that has worked hard to stay in shape because they know how hard it is. Women are busy playing the chase me game and dont let a man know that he is dressing great or taking care of himself or much else for that matter. They wait and wait. Some women get complements ALL day! Men hardly ever...