Social Bookmarking! Can you digg it?
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You know the true sign of a great dating web site is one that keeps you up to date with what is really going on in the world of romance and technology. What better way of getting and keeping everyone connected? With this in mind, if you haven't already heard about social book-marking, let me bring you up to date.
Some of you may have "bookmarked" your favorite website (like this one), and whenever you get on-line you can just point and click and you're there. Well, social book-marking is the ability to save "bookmarks" to website and tag them with keywords in order to find them later. Not only that, it also helps others find those same sites with greater ease and satisfaction.
In a sense, instead of letting a machine decide what is the most popular site based on Meta tags and algorithms. Social book-marking sites are ranked by living and breathing humans. People like you and me that are looking for more people like us that may or may not share the same view point, but certainly have a lot of the same interest in a common topic.
According to an article published and "bookmarked" by Educause Learning Initiative, "Social book-marking creates a true web of resources and connections...that represents the interest and judgments of a community of users".
The cool thing about how social book-marking works, is that it allows you to see who creates the book-marks and it gives you access to their other book-markings. So, if you find someone that has similar interest as yours, you can share information without spending a lot of time cutting, pasting and emailing. You can also access your favorites from any computer not just your personal one.
It also seems to be another great way to meet people. How many times have you read an article and wanted to share it with friends or you just wished that more people could read it? Here's your chance to do that. Check it out for yourself and let me know what you think. Here's a couple to get you started. and They both have very different styles. I found personally, to be easier to navigate at a glance. They use the term "digging". So, let's just say you "dig" this article. You can go down to the bottom of the page and click on, create a user account and add it to your personal bookmarks. Your page then goes to a list of other recently "dug" pages and allows others to read it too. If they like it, they can also "dig" it to their personal bookmarks, dig it? I knew you would.
This is Leticia saying...try something new might like what you find.
Responses to "Social Bookmarking! Can you digg it?"
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Fala says:Posted: 07 Jan 07
I tried Digg and I like it. It's another great way to meet people
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justknowingu says:Posted: 20 Dec 06
thanks Leticia..your article was very helpful....!!
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Cocokisses says:Posted: 20 Dec 06
Thanks for the info! Happy Holidays everyone!
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whytb0y says:Posted: 19 Dec 06
sounds interesting , i always wondered what that dig and delicious meant at the bottom of every article . thanks for breaking it down leticia.
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lizzy2005 says:Posted: 18 Dec 06
It will be useful to use to find guys with similar interests.
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diva says:Posted: 16 Dec 06
so much technology to keep up with these days! I know I'm probably gonna be one of those old people who can't keep up with the young whipper snappers! LOL
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TSXSC says:Posted: 09 Dec 06
I've found this method of bookmarking to be a life-saver as I recently experienced a hardware failure and lost all my bookmarks stored on my system.
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Natural72 says:Posted: 09 Dec 06
Wow , technology continues to progress! I'll have to try this one.
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Fala says:Posted: 09 Dec 06
Another new way to stay busy on the internet. Thanks!
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Frenchie83 says:Posted: 08 Dec 06
This has peaked my interest and I will definitely check it out!
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naenae73 says:Posted: 07 Dec 06
willing to try something new...hope it works!!
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mossimo36 says:Posted: 07 Dec 06
Again, thanks for the great article. Keep them coming!!
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Lovelydimps says:Posted: 06 Dec 06
Yep I too agree its a good idea - and ty for the info
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auroraxxx says:Posted: 06 Dec 06
well great now i will have to read the article
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Majesticone says:Posted: 06 Dec 06
our lives have become too reliant on electronic hardware. i am not condemning it but what ever happened to just writing things down. lol. everything can be bookmarked, cut paste, copied.. and stored on a PC.. its ridiculous. but thank you for the article.
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Coco says:Posted: 01 Dec 06
Thanks for the info! I am already trying it out :)
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Kara says:Posted: 01 Dec 06
Social bookmarking is a highly addictive activity! it forces me to remind myself to *stop* because it's not possible to ever "finish" the internet! :) Have fun, everyone!
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Carla says:Posted: 30 Nov 06
sounds good....i am definitly thinking this is worth checking in to...
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yoby says:Posted: 30 Nov 06
this sounds like a terrific idea, it's worth to try on it!
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Fala says:Posted: 30 Nov 06
Now that I know what all that digg and delicious stuff at the bottom of each article means, I'll have to give it a try.
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lesa says:Posted: 28 Nov 06
Crazy, it will be easier to find similar interests in guys. Totally worth it.
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lizzy2005 says:Posted: 27 Nov 06
Great idea. I am going to use dig myself. Thanks.
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Sounds good, think I will give it a go.