Create a very elegant, very sensual, taste sensation in this medley of sexy summertime fruit! You're sure to capture your mate's attention!
Dr. Wright:
Greetings. This is Dr. Letitia Wright for IDC Dating is where we are creating multicultural relationships every day. And we are talking with Rocky Fino. He is our sexy sex chef and he's the author of Will Cook for Sex, which is available in bookstores all over the world.
We're doing great. We're doing great. Rocky has been helping us really put together menus and dinners and desserts and what we can do to eat with our beloved person and kind of entertain them. So what's on the menu today?
Rocky Fino:
Well, I was going down the list as we get - every time we talk and I cook here. We can talk more and more about breakfast, more and more about dinners and all these kinds of events where you're serving for your loved one. And I'm always trying to think of others accents to the typical dinner or whatever meal it is that help, that are sometimes overlooked by people.
Dr. Wright:
Rocky Fino:
And one of the ones I found is - one is a very simple sides and accents to anything from breakfast all the way to salad, to the dessert are fruits and berries.
Dr. Wright:
Okay. Fruits and berries.
Rocky Fino:
It's very simple. It's overlooked because some might not consider it cooking, yet, to serve your date an elegant plate of fruit laid out with a nice presentation, it's a light fare, not - he or she is not always looking for real heavy desserts or sometimes even for breakfast, they're not looking for that big egg meal but you just want to do something light with a little - you can go from berries with even add cheese to the plate. There's a lot of variety that you can play with. So I've got a couple of neat ideas we'll talk about today for desserts.
Dr. Wright:
Okay. We'll let's set the tone for, I guess, the activity. Is it a day when maybe you can pre-active or kick back day.
Rocky Fino:
I always think about it in the summertime when it's real hot out and the idea of the oven being on in the kitchen and adding out. It's just sometimes when we're on summer months of the year and the heat's up it's not - your appetite is not as hearty and the idea of little light flair for a dessert like some nice summer fruits and berries just sounds good to me. That's usually the occasion where I find it fun. And if you're also - if you're active, a day after active day of out hiking, picnicking, whatever you're doing, fruits come out - fruits are nice light finish.
Dr. Wright:
Okay. To what we're doing and what we're having all day especially you may be a little exhausted, you just don't want to fill your stomach up perhaps.
Rocky Fino:
Yes. Then summertime and the other thing that's great about summertime is so many fruits are now year-round. They figure a way to get them year-round, but there are a lot more variety of summer fruits that are always - - peaches and nectarines and plums and some of these summer fruits that come out that are just - - I always get excited when you see the summer fruits season.
Dr. Wright:
Rocky Fino:
I'm pretty bad that way. I'm so one-dimensional. I can remember commercials from my childhood, the jingle that the supermarket would play for the summer fruit season.
Dr. Wright:
Well, the one good thing is that we can also - even for some where it's not summer or the fruits are not out we can have deliver - - fruits delivered from all over the world so you can have them shipped in for this special occasion.
Rocky Fino:
You'll find them. I mean, if you shop a little bit you'll find just about every fruit. I mean, year-round. It used to be kiwis come out New Zealand or whatever were like this rarity that once a month - - one month a year. And now you go to supermarket and kiwis are on the shelf all year-round.
Dr. Wright:
Rocky Fino:
And that's just one example, berries. I mean, berries seem to be ,they found a way you've got berries year-round now, too. And the berries are , for me, berries are very elegant, very sensual.
Dr. Wright:
Okay. I was thinking that, too. There's a lot you can do with them. Lot of ways you can be creative with them, playful and they taste good.
Rocky Fino:
They're beautiful with color varieties, they got great flavors and they're very sensual on a plate. So we're gonna combine - - that's what we actually work with our first one. It's just a very simple. We're going to do papaya with berries.
Dr. Wright:
Okay. Papaya with berries. Papayas are always good. I've never had a bad papaya.
Rocky Fino:
Papayas are good. You just got them - - you've got to make sure you got them tripe. A lot of times they'll be at the market and they'll still be kind of firm.
Dr. Wright:
Well, tell us how to pick a good one. What's the best technique?
Rocky Fino:
The best technique in a papaya is one, if they're not ripe at the store. And if you are shopping for a papaya you might want to - - you shop in a little advance because you might not find that perfect ripe one on the shelf but you need to come home and give it a day or a couple of days to ripen.
Dr. Wright:
Okay. And can we do that in a paper bag? Is that how we do that?
Rocky Fino:
That trick is used a lot with avocado. Personally I've never tried it in a paper bag with a papaya, done with avocados. I know that paper bag trick seems to accentuate -- speeds up the process. So I bet it would work. I mean, it's just - - it's a matter of giving it some time. A ripe papaya has got a deep yellow. And you'll start to see some of the browning on the skin that are just lines, not until it's soft and mushy and gone too far but that the green tint is pretty much all but gone when it's ripe. The other key is feel it.
Dr. Wright:
Feeling it. Okay.
Rocky Fino:
It should be soft, not soft where your fingers smoosh into it, then it'll be overripe but not firm like you could break a window with it-- you should be - - you can feel a little give in it.
Dr. Wright:
Rocky Fino:
And I've heard people give me the analysis of the sugar contents and da, da, da, da, da, the transformation of fruits. Like the wine, if you start telling your date those kinds of things she's long out of there before you even get the plate on the table.
Dr. Wright:
Okay. So we will not go into sugar content of the fruit that we are experiencing, we will stick to the fun part.
Rocky Fino:
Make it fun. Make it good and have fun with it but don't get too scientific about food or wine. There's not a date out there that wants to get too deep.
Dr. Wright:
Okay. So we're picking our papaya. Are we getting one or two?
Rocky Fino:
Yes. Actually, a half each would be fine serving so - - it doesn't hurt to have an extra papaya around the house for even just individually enjoying in the morning, the way out the door. But for this particular night, we just need one. And we're going to cut in a half, lengthwise.
Dr. Wright:
Rocky Fino:
If you'll notice the papaya has got a bunch of little caper sized black seeds.
Dr. Wright:
And they're all kind of gathered in the middle.
Rocky Fino:
They're all gathered in the middle, they scrape out real easy, they're just like any other - - they're just like the melon. Get the seeds out of the middle. Don't lose too much of the meat when you're doing it, the meat of the fruit. Just cleanly get the seeds out. So now, when your papayas - - your half of papaya is laying on a plate with the cut side up, you've created a natural bowl.
Dr. Wright:
Rocky Fino:
Remove the seeds and we've got a natural bowl.
Dr. Wright:
It's still got the skin on this so it's kind of firm.
Rocky Fino:
You've got your skin on there holding together, yes, we're not skinning the papaya. All we've done is cut it in half and what we're doing is creating the natural bowl for our berries.
Dr. Wright:
Rocky Fino:
It creates a beautiful display, just your half side up, cut side up and then we're gonna fill the inside of that bowl until it's spilling over with blueberries and raspberries.
Dr. Wright:
Wonderful. I have those right now. I could go and I just need a papaya.
Rocky Fino:
Just get a papaya. Add one more thing to your shopping list. Get a lime.
Dr. Wright:
A lime. Okay.
Rocky Fino:
What you want to do is you're going to serve each plate individually. Cut side up papaya. Spilling over with berries. You fill them up even - - sprinkle a couple around outside edge of the papaya. And then you got a little lemon, excuse me, a little lime. What I love about the lime, it's - - a touch of lime on the papaya is a real flavor enhancer.
Dr. Wright:
Rocky Fino:
A little trick I learned with the - - it really gives it a pop. It really gives a real tropical feel.
Dr. Wright:
So we just squeeze a little bit. We don't want to drench it.
Rocky Fino:
No, you don't want to drench it, just a hint, kind of like a cocktail; you just give it a squeeze just to enhance the flavor. You're not looking to over-power the papaya.
Dr. Wright:
Okay. Okay.
Rocky Fino:
You can serve that as a wonderful dessert option, end of dinner especially it's a nice, big hearty dinner - - like I said on a summer day when you want to keep it light. This is a great either a starter course and or dessert course. And that's the course. Here we are so simple, didn't take much to shop for, yet when you serve it out on the plate, you're gonna capture your mate's attention. He or she is "Wow, look at that."
Dr. Wright:
That deep blue against the yellow.
Rocky Fino:
Yes. You get great color scheme. It's just a pretty presentation. Take that kind of thought process when you're shopping in the market looking at all those fruits. Combine things, combine colors, combine tastes and if you can figure - - play with it on your own cutting various fruits. It creates nice presentations on the plate. One of the things - - I mean, it's been said before; you eat with your eyes first. And one thing nice about laying out a plate of fruits or whatever your - - cheese or whatever it is, the presentation is key. How you lay it out? How you combine it? How you create the colors and how you garnish it is all part of what makes the whole effect. That's the fun part. That's the part of food when you come out from the kitchen and you set this plate down for her sitting there, that's the fun part when you get that reaction that "Wow."
Anybody can go out and buy a meal. I tell this story all the time. Any guy can go out and take somebody out to a nice restaurant, buy a meal. That's all nice. We love to do that. But when you want to separate yourself from the others it's when you go out and you do extra effort and you show a little talent in the kitchen, that's when she gets really impressed.
Dr. Wright:
And you really took some time to think about what this person might like and it makes it look very thoughtful.
Rocky Fino:
Yes. That's the idea. And you're thoughtful. I hope.
Dr. Wright:
Well, we are cooking for sex.
Rocky Fino:
That's right. There's a thought process here. .
Dr. Wright:
Well, this sounds very delicious too. Is there really any bad combination that you don't want to do with fruit or are you really pretty safe just mixing it all up?
Rocky Fino:
I think I'm good with mixing it all up. I think where some people - - one warning I would provide is don't get too bland and standard. I mean, no, she's not gonna fall out of her chair if you serve an apple and orange plate.
Dr. Wright:
Yes. Cool cafeteria fruit salad.
Rocky Fino:
Yes. This is your opportunity to show her your creative side; your opportunity to show her that you're more than just the meat and potatoes guy. You have the ability to kind of check out these fruits. And how do you do it? How do you figure it out? Give me the fail-safe method. Well, go and buy some of these fruits. When you see a different fruit on the shelf that you've never seen before, buy one, take it home on a Wednesday and cut it open and try it, see what it is. And then that way, come Saturday, you got an idea if you want to use it. I mean, we can talk bazillion fruits out there. I see new ones in my travels, too. I'm the type of a guy who pulls one off the shelf even you grab one or two just to get a feel for what it is.
Dr. Wright:
Okay. So just to see if that you're shopping (inaudible).
Rocky Fino:
Yes, to see. Because a lot of times you'll see a fruit that's on the shelf that you don't know what the interior color is.
Dr. Wright:
I see.
Rocky Fino:
And when you cut it open, "Oh, wow. Look at that beautiful, red interior." I mean, who would know what a watermelon looks like if you didn't - - in the inside.
Dr. Wright:
Right. We wouldn't know? We wouldn't know all those colors?
Rocky Fino:
You go and buy different melons. Go and try, I mean, different - -combining other melons and berries is always a good option. And the berries are really neat because berries really go well with other bigger fruits. And they pack such a flavor punch in this - - I think berries are extremely useful. And we didn't even get into the most standard berry - - the strawberry which - - who doesn't think that the strawberry is a romantic berry; dip it in chocolate, sprinkle a little powdered sugar on it. You can do all kinds of things with the strawberry even if just garnish the plate with the strawberry; when you cut it, it's got the heart shape - -
Dr. Wright:
No body to it.
Rocky Fino:
No body to it. It's got all kinds of connotation with strawberry. Even you see these beautiful ads whenever - - enhance - - when you're going for an ad and they're trying to show sex appeal, the strawberry is always the sexy fruit.
Dr. Wright:
I didn't know strawberry was considered the sexy fruit but now that you put it that way, you're right. You see them on the ads.
Rocky Fino:
You think about it. I mean, you look at chocolate dip strawberry, it is a very - - I've seen some very provocative ads using - - you know that's in the back of her mind also. That's the other thing. It's in the back of your mind. It's in the back of her mind.
Dr. Wright:
Perfect. Well, that's what we want to keep; just keep it. Everybody moving in the same direction, everybody's attention on the same kinds of things, that makes for a good date.
Rocky Fino:
And if you want to do - - and you want to enhance this one with a little - - we're always talking wine. Wines are going on a great way to enhance any meal. When you're doing it with some fruits, tend to go on chilled white, Chardonnay, a nice dry chard. Keep it on chilled white and or the lighter side of the reds.
Dr. Wright:
Okay. The lighter side of the reds. What about a blush? Is that okay, too?
Rocky Fino:
I'm not a fan of the blush all myself. I find it a little - - to me, this little sweet, little sugary -- I like it to stick more with - - of a pinot. I mean like a pinot and - - or even a nice Chardonnay on a white side. But you can even do a Sauvignon or a fumet blanc. But here I don't want to get deep on the wines. I've warned you before. I don't want to be too technical. If you have a rosette that you like or a blush, go with what you like.
Dr. Wright:
Go with what we like. Okay. And that's really the name of the whole game; go with what we like. Thank you so much. We've been talking with Rocky Fino. He is our sexy sex chef from - - he's not from. He wrote the book called Will Cook For Sex.
Rocky Fino:
From the world I will cook for sex. From the sex cooking kitchen.
Dr. Wright:
That's good. From the sex cooking kitchen, hot off the fryer here. But we are here because, of course, has brought us here. So is where we're creating multicultural relationships every day. Thank you for joining us. And remember, ignoring one's conscience is neither safe nor right. I'll see you and talk to you next time.
The way to many men is thru their still hold true!
Food is oral and the act of putting food into your mouth is too...way too sexy...feed them!
Southern smiles and world peace,
Mmmmm...any guy I was on a date with who fed me a berries and cream or custard sort of concoction along with some sort of cake or pastry underneath would be in for some trouble! I can certainly see fruit as being sexy in the right circumstances.
Rum goes well with almost any fruit Fala :) I make Rum smoothies with fresh fruit that I have cut up and put in my about refreshing on a hot, sultry evening!
hmm pinapples and rum, sounds like my kinda thing. Or cherries soaked in amaretto and pinallple juice, my fave! I also like making my own hand dipped strawberries, which are a classic, of course
Just the picture alone makes me yearn for some cool refreshing fruit salad :) I think fruit is very sexy when you are sharing it with your partner. Soak some fresh pineapple in rum, and add it to a nice pinapple martini, and you got yourselves a party!
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I dont remember my last time to eat a fruit but i liked. ashuma from kitale-kenya.