Sex tip from a lady: If you gonna be on top, best give a good show
Girls on top. Do men get a kick out of it?
You might be shocked to know how most dudes aren’t the biggest fans of it. I aint saying it isn’t great. It’s just that most of us prefer being the leaders of this business.
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One lady however believes she is the queen of girl-on-top and has managed to change the position of every man she has been with about the subject. “…it’s not like I think I have a magic vagina, or like this is even some kind of vaginal hubris… It’s because of what I do with my hands,” says Alex to her guy friend. And her approach … irresistible to every man she has done the dirty with.
Well, here are the gory details of her secret…
See, when she is on top, she gives one hell of a show. Not just letting her hips do all the work … Oh No! She puts her hands to play… and his too! She plays with her tits best way she knows how… making the man unable to take his gaze off of her. Then she guides the man to her clit with her own hand, showing him where and how to play with her in order to drive her into sexual frenzy! And depending on her mood, she just might do all the touching herself… and she swears that the mere sight of her getting off makes the men harder…helps em get off… its one mind blowing sexual experience for both parties.
Here is an elevator metaphor she uses for ladies to get the whole point: "Going up? Gotta push the button." So ladies, if you gonna be on top, push those buttons… give yourself one hell of a hand! Just the thought of it... Where the $%!# is this Alex!? ;-)
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