Different Cultures...Same Sex?
Last month when we talked about the media and their depiction of multicultural couples on television, someone mentioned that there are more shows about gay couples than interracial ones. Do you think that society has really embraced the idea that it's "okay to be gay" as long as you stay with your own race?
And you thought dating outside your race was tough?
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As I write this I already know that there are going to be a lot of comments about this subject. Let's face it, as a society we are drawn to "hot topics", controversy, things that are taboo. What fits this category more than sexual preference?
In case you've been saying to yourself "there's been a lot of television shows, movies and press coverage on homosexuals lately"...you'd be right. I don't really believe that the number of gay people has really increased over the last ten years; it's just that more are coming out of the closet, (so to speak), and the media is right there with their cameras and ink pens sharing the news with the world.
As with interracial couples and their depiction in mainstream media, the public often takes its cues by what it sees, reads and hears. Think about it, if you never met a gay person, you may be hard pressed to realize that like heterosexual folks, they too have a heart, a brain, the ability to love people of the same and the opposite sex (without wanting to have sex with them), and they are also capable of holding down jobs, buying houses, voting and as we found out on television recently in New Jersey, being elected and holding public office.
So, do you really think the media or society is more accepting of homosexuality than it is of interracial couples? Remember what I said last month? Hollywood writes about what it knows. I'm willing to bet a body part (take a thigh, please), that there are far more gay or bi-sexual power players in Hollywood than there are people involved (past or present) in a multicultural relationship.
What really amazes me though is the number of people that are willing to go on record to tell you that homosexuality is wrong and it goes against nature. If memory serves me right, I've heard the same arguments posed about dating outside your race. If I hear the saying..."it's Adam & Eve not Adam & Steve", one more time...I will scream.
The reality is it wasn't, Adam & Leticia, or Alajandero & Eve either. What does that mean? That because something didn't start off one way, it can't be changed to fit the needs of the people at that time? The wheel of a cart should never have been conformed to become the wheel of a car? Why are we so quick to point out when we are being treated unfairly, but slow to realize when we do the same to others? Who gave us the right to decide what's right for us and the next person?
I have to say that in my life, I've been very blessed to know a great variety of people. I'd love to tell you that of all the people who's sexual preference happens to be the same sex, are a group of great intellect, ever faithful without fault, loves animals, blah, blah, blah kind of people. The truth is that they are human, with the ability and capacity to love and be loved. They have relationships that last a day and ones that last a lifetime.
The bigger truth for me is that I'd much rather a man that preferred to be with another man, have the opportunity and chance (without condemnation), to do just that, rather than live a lie with me.
Call me idealistic...perhaps the answer is not in having an open mind, but closed eyes. If we were blind, perhaps then we could truly see that the path to happiness is one that we ALL can walk on.
This is Leticia and I say that love has no color lines or sexual boundaries...if it does, how can it be love?!
Responses to "Different Cultures...Same Sex?"
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Billboo says:Posted: 16 Nov 08
I loved that article. I'm a white 50 years old male. and do have a mistery with my relationships with the African American women who I'm very attracted to,especially to those who are in a good athletic shape.Visually! I was seeing few black girls...and...I'm looking for the answer:Every time it comes to the intimacy,I'm loosing it all the time.At once! My attraction visually is so strong.But after the first touch,something goes wrong. I feel so bad about it. I don't perform the way it works with the white women when it's just smooth like silk.And I wish I will.Why? Is it some complex or is it that difference within bi-racial sex and it's culture?In more cases-it's seems better when white woman is with the Black man.But the version of Black woman and a white man has even less statistics on its success. I do have a friend,who was dating beautiful black girl for just 4 months. I was shocked when he told me absolutely same story like mine.Besides, both of us seems to be scared of a room light and not so brave to be fully undressed for the chick. If it's any good tip about it-I'll be cured for a lifetime.
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Minosa says:Posted: 26 Jul 08
All of us do have the freedom to explore many facets of our live. The difference is that in public perception at least in especially afrocentric societies interracial gay couples rase less eyebrows than interracial hetero relationships. Its the same thing like expecting and accepting the fashion designer, ballet director or male flight attendant or nurse to be gay. Why because you can expect weird things/professions, mate choices from somebody with the preference for the same sex. The interracial hetero couple gets the looks and elbow nodges because why in Gods name would you go out of your race to find a woman or man? But just like many other social issues this to will pass and in a few more years we will be discussing older black women with young white boys or black couples adopting white kids and the sorts. Very good article !
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Pleasjure13 says:Posted: 09 Jan 07
I thank God that I should not judge others for it is to big of a burden.
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Mzcherokee says:Posted: 07 Jan 07
I wish everyone peace and happiness. Love who you are and be with who ever you choose to be with. As long as you happy in your life thats what matters.
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fay2009 says:Posted: 29 Dec 06
what is wrong is wrong.gay is wrong.God created MAN nad WOMAN.He said Man should be with woman and vice versa not MAN and MAN or WOMAN and WOMAN.Lets stop this ungodly acts.
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Fala says:Posted: 26 Dec 06
Happy Holidays to all of us, no matter who you are or how you live your life.
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kanuquabea says:Posted: 22 Dec 06
According to gays, there are born gay. Who am I to judge. Let the dead burry the dead lol.
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HEARTNSOUL223 says:Posted: 21 Dec 06
It is a good article, but it is also funny to me that most straight men react negative towards gay relationships, possibly trying to honor their manhood...however, they seem to forget their beliefs when it comes to two women being together, especially when they possibly can be part of the mix!! Then some how it is ok for that! lol...... I say.....what is, is and if it makes you happy then go for it. Just keep it real!
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BLACKBASS says:Posted: 18 Dec 06
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turbogirl says:Posted: 18 Dec 06
I dont think the world can say it out that they dont accept interracial couple, i think all they can do is give you nasty looks. And to hell with them and their looks, i just wanna fall in love with whoever, either white, black, purple, pink, brown or yellow. I DON'T CARE AS LONG AS IT IS TRUE LOVE, that's all that matters to me right now.
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whytb0y says:Posted: 17 Dec 06
A huge factor people are either forgetting or ignoring that plays into the whole thing is GOD . and theres this thing called judgment day ,now moses had a black wife and god had no problem with it (numbers12-1 through 12-13)look it up ..not to mention king solomon married a african woman. keep in mind in the bible god says very clearly that a man shall not lay with another man as he would a woman and a woman shall not lay with a woman as she would with a man .point is there is a judgement day and god is real .one thing god gave us all is free will . the choice to decide our own fate . while he loves the sinner , he does not love the sinful acts .why was sodom and ghamora destroyed ? god was upset at the mass scale of sin aka lust ,greed violence and yes homosexuality .hey if 2 people of the same sex want to get together thats on them .but i,m gonna speak the word no matter what .
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lizzy2005 says:Posted: 17 Dec 06
I think the world in most areas has become more accepting of gay couples. I wish the same could be said for interacial ones.
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TURBOGIRL says:Posted: 16 Dec 06
Well, all i can say is that i have a boyfriend who is Italian and gay, he relocated to UK 3 months ago, because his own society doesn't accept homosexuality. But the problem is he's not happy here away from his family and home. So he's contemplating on moving back to Italy and continue living a lie, seeing girls as he can't bring himself to tell his family about his sexuality. I think something should be done about the Mediterranean society, they should just accept these people for who they are. And let them be happy. All i want for my friend is happiness cos he's such a sweet guy, and if only i could turn his world around by finding him a perfect partner who's gonna rock his wolrd and make him think twice about going back to Italy to live a sad lonely life.
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Fala says:Posted: 15 Dec 06
It's too bad people aren't free to be who they want to be without having to get stares and dirty looks.
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yoby says:Posted: 14 Dec 06
why should it be different between ppl. from a different race? I don't understand the issue!
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Jimmirix says:Posted: 14 Dec 06
Tough one, but hey, it's a free world, ain't it? each to his own preference and judge not
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Dora says:Posted: 14 Dec 06
I love the idea of everyone coming out of the closet and laying all their cards on the table. I just don't like children being exposed to so much sexuality issues. I think it should be a choice made because that's who or what you truly are and want and not because its the latest trend.
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Fala says:Posted: 11 Dec 06
I wonder if gays in interracial relationships get twice as many stares and funny looks?
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brwnsuga says:Posted: 09 Dec 06
I think that Interracial couples get more looks,than gay couples,because gay couples are more common these days.
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Lovelydimps says:Posted: 08 Dec 06
For me, Beige38 has hit the nail straight on the head!!
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Fala says:Posted: 08 Dec 06
I think in the US it depends where you go. Most places that are accepting of interracial relationships are just as tolerant of homosexuals, and places that don't accept one, generally don't want to deal with the other either. It's all about bigotry.
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rachel says:Posted: 06 Dec 06
its a matter of someones choice if that is what they chose to do...
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aantonio says:Posted: 06 Dec 06
Well whatever floats there boat. Like they say there is someone for someone. HOwever, i believe society is coming around finally to interracial relationship more than gay relationships
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charlee1 says:Posted: 05 Dec 06
no one bats an eyelid here in the UK when they see a gay couple. its seen as normal nowadays. and hey, if they are ok with it, then who are we object and critisize?
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lizzy2005 says:Posted: 05 Dec 06
I agree with dimps that gay relationships are more acceptable than mixed in the uk.
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DaTruth17 says:Posted: 04 Dec 06
That is so what true. Which is amazing that there is such a difference but at the same time similarites. Great Article...Keep'em coming.
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lizzy2005 says:Posted: 03 Dec 06
Everyone has a right to love be they gay or straight, and whatever thier race.
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Lovelydimps says:Posted: 03 Dec 06
Very interesting article of which I enjoyed reading. I feel gay relationships are more readily accepted in western society than mixed raced relationships - well they are in uk.
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nette72 says:Posted: 03 Dec 06
well i must say that this article, was and is very interesting. however i will say this alot of person claim to be open minded when in reality they truely are not. reason being they can except interracial relationships why is it that they can't except the fact that they're also gay relationships as well. let my ask this on jugdement day who will be their jugde and jury, not us, so my thoughts on this is if that is what make them happy then so be it as long as they are not trying to change you. and just as others have stated everyone deserve to be loved in one form or another!!!!
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auroraxxx says:Posted: 01 Dec 06
have you heard of the two irish gay guys Ben Doown and Phillip Mc cavity....can i say that ...lol
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Candy40dd says:Posted: 30 Nov 06
This is a tough one.. I have a Christian point of view in a everyday normal point of view.. So, i say do what makes you happy, there will always be a Cause/Effect in what you chose to do with yourself.. Make sure it\'s worth it..
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Segue007 says:Posted: 30 Nov 06
I believe that gays and interracial couples face some of the same obstacles. People that are afraid of change will ridicule it in order to impede the change. We are living in a world where everyone will be multiracial one day. I'm just sad that I will be long gone by the time that happens
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StarrShine says:Posted: 30 Nov 06
I say live and let live. Who cares who someone dates. I just love to see 2 people happy and in love no matter what color they are or who ther choose to love! Rainbows are beautiful!
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JADE74 says:Posted: 30 Nov 06
Very interesting article.Something to think about.
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xina03 says:Posted: 29 Nov 06
I think it's up to the persons (homosexual /heterosexual). They can do whatever they want as long as they love each other
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Coco says:Posted: 29 Nov 06
I don't think it matters. As long as they find someone they are happy with, just like the heteroes!
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Natural72 says:Posted: 29 Nov 06
I agree with you Leticia that there are more gay and bisexual power players in hollywood than in multicultural relationships.
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sweetest1 says:Posted: 28 Nov 06
I feel that the decision is up to the person and God--if they like it I love it.
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Carla says:Posted: 28 Nov 06
interesting...not something I agree with but to each his own
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romeoluvs says:Posted: 28 Nov 06
Not my domain. People can do whatever they want to do.
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I'm not sure that the basic premise is true. Are there more shows about gay couples than interracial ones? In any case there really isn't a whole lot of either portrayed in mainstream media. This country seems to have always had to be pulled kicking and screaming into the reality of the inexorable forces of change. It is somewhat amusing that after the revolution that formed this country initially, it was a bit of "Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss." That continues today but change continues, too slowly for some, too damn quickly for others.