The ABC's on STD's

Posted by Leticia, 20 Jun

There are literally hundreds of sexual diseases which can be picked up by unprotected sex. They can lead to infertility or death. You know how to protect your computer from a deadly virus, are you protecting yourself as well? Some times common sense isn't so common.

In my mom's day the worse thing that could happen if you had unprotected sex was you could get pregnant. I even remember hearing a story about "a friend of a friend" who was in the service and came back with a case of "the clap". In school it was all about VD (Venereal Diseases). I have a friend who tells his teen-aged son about a kid he went to high school with that was scratching and itching in gym class and found out he had crabs. The teen ‘til this day, refuses to eat seafood.

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Seriously, and unfortunately, as technology has developed, so has sexually transmitted disease. It's no longer a joking matter that can be laughed away and turned into a funny story as a father pats his son on the back and gives him a condom and says "next time use this" as he takes him to the clinic to get a shot or a pill to "clear that right up". Now, there is stuff out there that no shot or pill can do anything for. Things that not only make you sterile, they cause scars that can affect your mental as well as physical health. Let us not forget the stuff that just kills you.

Now, some of the symptoms that may make you start to think and wonder if you have a STD include:

Itching or discharge from the vagina or the penis.

Pain during sex, when urinating and/or in the pelvic area,

Sore throats in people who have oral sex.

Pain in the anus for people who have anal sex.

Canker sores, they're painless red sores on the genital area, anus, tongue and/or throat.

Scaly rash on the palms of your hands or soles of your feet.

Small blisters that turn into scabs on the genital area.

Swollen glands, fever and body aches.

Unusual infections, unexplained fatigue, night sweats, and weight loss, or soft flesh colored warts around the genital area.

These are just some of quite a few symptoms that are out there. And if you have any of them, then I would suggest that you go see your medical doctor as soon as possible. You know, sometimes the things that we really don't want to talk about is the things that we need to talk about the STD's (Sexually Transmitted Diseases). I think that it is our responsibility as a dating site to make the information available to you, and well, we're all adults, the rest is up to you. As they say...knowledge is power. Be informed and be protected.

Responses to "The ABC's on STD's"

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  1. Posted: 02 Feb 07

    you can never have enough info on this subject.

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  2.   gms77 says:
    Posted: 19 Dec 06

    One must protect themselves from the real things that exist

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  3.   Jade74 says:
    Posted: 06 Dec 06

    Thank you for a very informative article.It is a much need article for everyone.

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  4.   unme23 says:
    Posted: 21 Nov 06

    excellent information. thank you again.

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  5.   gms77 says:
    Posted: 17 Nov 06

    This is so timely, thank you for sharing and caring!

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  6.   JADE74 says:
    Posted: 11 Nov 06

    A very informative article.It makes you think before you take that step of intimacy.

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  7. Posted: 07 Nov 06

    Thank you for this timely and informative article!

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  8.   aantonio says:
    Posted: 06 Nov 06

    Well should all be cautious. Checking yourself ut 1st, is well worth it, it gives you and your partner complete satisfaction. its to dangerous to gamble like that

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  9.   Natural72 says:
    Posted: 07 Oct 06

    Just reading the symptoms should make EVERYONE insist on protection during sexual encounters. I agree with Carla that you can't be too's just not worth the risk.

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  10.   Coco says:
    Posted: 20 Sep 06

    All I have to say is fellas, wear your raincoats!

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  11.   Carla says:
    Posted: 18 Sep 06

    Cant be too trusting.....gotta protect ourselves that is for sure..thanks for this article..interesting read....

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  12.   xina03 says:
    Posted: 11 Sep 06

    Thanks for the article.i think we all need to protect ourselves.

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  13.   JADE74 says:
    Posted: 11 Sep 06

    Very good comments Marquez and Sweetest. We all must use common sense and not be so trusting.

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  14.   sweetest1 says:
    Posted: 11 Sep 06

    Protection is a necessity for every one in these peril at all times... every one should protect themselves even from those they think they can trust!!!!!

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  15.   Marquez097 says:
    Posted: 07 Sep 06

    I think part of the problem is we are trusting the innocence of our partner. They may have been more active than they let on. So the best bet for anyone is to play it safe because your partner may not even know what they have. That may be more common than once thought.

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  16.   wendy25 says:
    Posted: 28 Aug 06

    thank you for the advice and keepins as all warned this is a fact and i actually think that condoms cannot do anything but protect from pregnancy, for hiv i'm not sure so we are all adults and mature people prevention is better than cure and it is good if everyone know's there status to be on the safe side.thank you afro continue up with the good work if you are to start campagins will be right behind your back, good job

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  17.   Mike says:
    Posted: 10 Aug 06

    Thanks so much for this "Sad Topic". I say so because I come from Africa and have been affected, experienced and tasted the bitterness of this Evil diseae. Every time I talk about this issue I find myself sobbing coz have lost the better part of my Family to this devastating human sweeper disease. Africa as we know has alot of calamities: poverty, hunger, diseaes, ethnicised wars, prolification of arms n many more, to an extent I feel some of this factors contribute either wholly or partially to the spread of AIDs. Most of our young beautiful ladies just give in to unprotected sex simply because they want meet their ends... I do remain asking myself "why is HIV prevalence not so much rampant in developed world/countries and what makes them so self-centred not to want us have similar remedies???" Happy for your concern and please keep up... Mike Odero (Kenya)

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  18.   deb232 says:
    Posted: 20 Jul 06

    Hi, I live in Dublin, Ireland and the rate of STD's has increased by 200% over the past 5 years. The reasoning for this is the fact that we have too much money, too much freedom and nobody wants to work at anything anymore. Hence the fact that too much alcohol and unprotected sex is the problem. Thanks

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  19.   Riles says:
    Posted: 18 Jul 06

    i think this information is very informative and i think couples should marry before they have sex as i am a very relegious person. thank you.

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  20.   Tuphace says:
    Posted: 18 Jul 06

    It's so nice to acquire such important information from your site. But I just want the whole world to know that I'm not yet HIV positive but I want to have a feel of how AIDS is. So i can fight it both physically and emotionally.

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  21.   victor says:
    Posted: 17 Jul 06

    I am happy to know that STDs exist with man land. I thought only in Africa you see such things. I believed that any black man is a carrier of STD or AIDs, that is why Africa in any TV show is all about AIDS, nothing good they comes from a black man...but it is a lie, we are the BEST IN ALL things.

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  22.   oscarwilde says:
    Posted: 10 Jul 06

    Why dont you call the kid by its name is that still not possible? Its HIV and it starts with symptoms long after you may have destroyed many other peoples live, depending on your activity epending of the country you can grab a 25% chance to pick it up, if you look around in the supermarket count one out of four and you know how often you might have a bullet in your head getting to know this person intimate without precaucions. I still dont understand why this pest is not called by what it is, keeping people on these light luke warm note. By the end of the day still many freshly known couples still say "nay babe just lets do it without it is so uncomfortable" that is what is still happening in many societies by this approach.

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  23.   tweddybear says:
    Posted: 04 Jul 06

    Thank you for an eye opening side of the down side of unprotected sex! Maybe you will reach someone before theres a problem!

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  24.   Style002 says:
    Posted: 27 Jun 06

    It is truly wonderful that you took the time to post this greatly needed info because so many of us are easily swept away by our own fantasies and miss the harsh reality in front of us. Thankyou.

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  25.   Sexymoma says:
    Posted: 26 Jun 06

    Thank you so much for sending me this article it really made me realize that I want to get a check up before having sex again with my partner.

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  26.   bonna says:
    Posted: 23 Jun 06

    I think that this is a shot of reality that is necessary for all dating sites but are unfortunately omitted most of the time. These are the unpleasant sides of dating that occur commonly and we need to seriously think about them before becoming intimate and blown away by each other's charms. Take a dose of reality. The online dating scene has it's dangers like any other mode of dating - only when taken offline of course. Recommendations - take the same precautions as you would on any other date, ask questions and protect yourself.It's quite simple.

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  27.   orelia17 says:
    Posted: 23 Jun 06

    Thank you for your help. That's so true.

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