Online dating sites and commitment

Posted by Ria, 09 Aug


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All kinds of online dating sites keep coming up ... catering to every fetish and desire imaginable. Men and women alike keep spending most of their times typing away, engrossed in some conversation with someone on the other end. Do you think that online dating sites make it more difficult to make a commitment and/or stay committed to your partner?

24 responses to "Online dating sites and commitment"

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  1.   saffron says:
    Posted: 12 Jan 10

    " You just have to be willing to cut that addiction to the computer and give a real relationship a longterm chance. "-Salsera I couldnt agree with you more...sometimes the internet makes it way to easy to not even give a situation a chance...sort of ADD for online dating..the initial flush..then...whoa...reality sets in..offline which is where id rather be. lol

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  2.   ycrem says:
    Posted: 16 Apr 09

    Having trouble to make a commitment is alright to some extent, even though we cant go on forever trying to put off making up our minds if we are to be serious about marriage! What's more important is having made a commitment, it shouldn't be difficult to stay committed to that person you love when you know deep inside that they really love you too! No matter what!

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  3.   VA_SongBird says:
    Posted: 24 Feb 09

    If cheating is a part of your lifestyle... online dating is just another way to do it. Don't blame it on the technology, in other words.

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  4.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 24 Feb 09


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  5.   Kitty63 says:
    Posted: 26 Jan 09

    I agree with some of the comments I've read. Most of the "men" just want a good lay, and on to the next one, etc. One member, wanted to fulfill his fantasies from the get go, (and I've just "met" him ! ! ! ) Some do not wish to post their photo because they are cheating, or have an important position on their jobs, and want to be discreet. Well la, de, dah. Some will only, (after a few msgs.) will ask if they can give you their phone number and "talk", etc., blah, blah, blah. It takes all kinds, I guess. However I'm now "dating" a member from this site, who appears to be down to earth, and not once has he ever offended me in any way, shape or form. I do enjoy E-ing this individual and hope this leads to more "good times". Just being honest is only a step to achieving a good relationship. And as one member put it bluntly, everyone takes risks at one time or another.

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  6.   superdiva says:
    Posted: 26 Oct 08

    There is good people and some want to commit it does work ,but be a ward of when you do not hear from a person there not real but like i said it does work.

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  7.   fala says:
    Posted: 27 Sep 08

    I'm committed to online dating sites.

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  8.   love2dance says:
    Posted: 21 Aug 08

    Iam of interest to have long relationship with you please contact me through my mail am waiting

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  9.   nandi says:
    Posted: 21 Aug 08

    Iam of interest to have long relationship with you if you interested contact me for serious companionship i will be very grateful keep intouch baibe

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  10.   Love2Dance says:
    Posted: 21 Aug 08

    The paradox of choice more is actually less.I read about a study in which two groups of college students were asked to rate a box of chocolates.The first group were given a box of only six chocolates and the second group a box of thirty.You can guess which group was most satisfied right?.Those offered the smaller selection were more satisfied.I think in relation to Internet dating there is such a vast number of people who use these sites that it`s only natural for one to sometimes think this guy/girl is great but i`m not entirely satisfied,what if the next guy/girl is better i believe the term for this is relationship anxiety,we all experience it in its various forms sometimes it`s up to those within the relationship to remedy those anxieties.Also someone with the predilection to be unfaithful probably has a history throughout relationships of doing so and would continue to do so with or without the presence of dating sites catering to every which fetish but does it make it easier for them to meet someone,in my opinion yes.

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  11.   Pia65 says:
    Posted: 18 Aug 08

    Just like there are a variety of good people in the world there are bad ones as well. Tech advances have given us many ways to contact someone......I think its best to have a meeting in person.....but sometimes its not possible...So choose the one venue (cell, e-mail, etc.) that works for you. The gate is wide open on technical advances and we as consumers should be careful as to how we choose to use it.

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  12.   fkoi says:
    Posted: 15 Aug 08

    I don't find that I am spending an inordinate amount of time "typing away". I have met a few very interesting folks online but no where near the number I meet all the time off line. I am not in a committed relationship (or even a non-committed one) at this time. If I were, I would much rather spend real time with a real woman than invest my time in seeing what kind of cyber relationships I could get started. I'd rather hold hands with a real woman than type sweet nothings to a woman I have never met. Always!

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  13.   vermontlady says:
    Posted: 14 Aug 08

    I recently read an article (wish I could remember where) by a guy who admitted that he was having a hard time making a commitment to someone he was in a relationship with. The reason was, because he knew there were so many other women out there on the 'net, he was afraid to settle down with one and maybe miss out on someone else "better." I can see his point. There are probably hundreds of men out there that I would be compatible with and could fall in love with. In the end it comes down to this "Chose your love, love your choice." If you want a committed relationship then you have to make a committment!!!And stick with it through good times and bad. (Unless it gets REALLY bad)

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  14.   Toni_Micko says:
    Posted: 12 Aug 08

    l agree that the online dating sites are an avenue that some people can take a walk on and relive their fantasies, have multiple partners and what not. At the same time there are some honest people that are there to really meet someone that really are honest about what they are disclosing. The dishonest people (cheaters), as a woman l would quickly say that there are dishonest men on the site, some with a whole lot of serious ulterior motives but l'm sure we have our fair share of women as well. l thought about this and realized that such a calibre of people will always exist, the thing is to be wary of them before you get yourself entangled.

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  15.   Saharagal says:
    Posted: 12 Aug 08

    l agree that the online dating sites are an avenue that some people can take a walk on and relive their fantasies, have multiple partners and what not. At the same time there are some honest people that are there to really meet someone that really are honest about what they are disclosing. The dishonest people (cheaters), as a woman l would quickly say that there are dishonest men on the site, some with a whole lot of serious ulterior motives but l'm sure we have our fair share of women as well. l thought about this and realized that such a calibre of people will always exist, the thing is to be wary of them before you get yourself entangled.

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  16.   salsera77 says:
    Posted: 10 Aug 08

    Yes. Basically, I believe we're on the same page. I just think the net helps to fuels the cheaters' cause more than before with it's easy accessibility and variety. The net makes things more easier and more accessible with everything else in our lives so I think this is no different.

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  17.   Nandi says:
    Posted: 10 Aug 08

    Escapade...Exactly!!! The internet is just another excuse/outlet for some to do, what they would do without the benefit of the internet.. You could meet someone in public and he/she could be and is a unknown, until a relationship and trust is established.. people who cheat will cheat without the benefit of the internet, like it has always done...And before that there was always newspaper and magazines for them to indulge in their fantasies... Internet biggest advantages is that, those who are honest can be really honest if they are sincere, the liars and cheats...Well they are never going away on the internet or real time...pretty much like it has always been.

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  18.   Escapade says:
    Posted: 10 Aug 08

    If your relationship works because your network connection doesn't, the internet is not the issue.

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  19.   salsera77 says:
    Posted: 09 Aug 08

    Yes. Oh and.. Let me correct my spelling... SmorgasborD Nandi, I hear ya and I know infidelity has always been around but I think that the internet helps feed that cause more so because it's quicker. So as you know the net has it's disadvantages and advantages too.

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  20.   Member says:
    Posted: 09 Aug 08

    The internet is the perfect venue for cheaters and for those into casual sex. It offers fantasy, curiosity, and supposively instantaneous gratification. If you’re a cheater of course your heart will skip a beat at the smorgasborg of sites that pop up and you’ll indulge. God help your poor partner…

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  21.   Nandi says:
    Posted: 09 Aug 08

    Yet, way before the internet infidelity was the number one cause of divorce...And since cheaters have always been around in high numbers the internet is no more responsible than the send button...

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  22.   salsera77 says:
    Posted: 09 Aug 08

    The internet is the perfect venue for cheaters and for those into casual sex. It offers fantasy, curiosity, and supposively instantaneous gratification. If you're a cheater of course your heart will skip a beat at the smorgasborg of sites that pop up and you'll indulge. God help your poor partner... ...But not to throw the baby out with the bath water there are some good people online who seek genuine love and commitment, myself included! Stop quaking when one problem pops up. You just have to be willing to cut that addiction to the computer and give a real relationship a longterm chance. Also instead of running to the internet when a little problem presents itself, work it out. To use the colloquial...For Real. For Real.

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  23. Posted: 09 Aug 08

    I am relatively new to online dating and although I am yet to meet "the one" I would like to add that I have met great people from all walks of life on this site and I am humbled by what they teach me every day. With that said, I don't think it should be hard to commit to someone just because you met them from an online dating site. Why would it be an issue? unless you suffer from what I like to call "Commitment A.D.D." or have other undisclosed Agenda's. As far as staying committed? - I think the main problem might be the temptation to go back and "sample some old delicacies from the past" which is a different topic all together... - They are afterall as the article stated "a keystroke away".(*for the record..its so much easier to tell the truth**) - so much easier..! :)

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  24.   Nandi says:
    Posted: 09 Aug 08

    I guess I haven't made the connection on why it would be more difficult to commit to a relationship because you met via internet...Don't get it...I suppose it is like any other relationship...I think the bonus that the internet has in dating as most people are either real honest or real liars and not the grey areas of people you meet face to face

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