Online dating joke gone sour
If you think you’re going to pull an online dating prank on your pal and get away with it, best you STOP!!!
Some two teens were fined £80 by police for posting a friend's details on a dating website. After drinking a few-too-many, thought it would be a funny thing to post their pals profile (17) as a 19 year old.The teen started receiving some late at night calls from strangers. I can only imagine how shocked the boy must have been… knowing how online dating sites are full of perverted souls! His family flipped and called the police.
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Lucky enough the two owned up after being questioned and accepted the fine, saving their tiny butts from ending up in court
"They had been drinking and thought it would be a laugh to place their friend's name and phone number on a dating website without his knowledge. .. The joke backfired when the victim began receiving phone calls, some of them in the early hours of the morning, from people seeking to arrange meetings."
Fine I understand these are teenagers. I pardon them. I know of some twenty something guys who do the same… using their friends email addresses to chat with people online. Seriously, what would drive some grown a** man/woman to do such a thing? Wouldn’t it just be easier to open some other email address for that purpose?
Ever heard of pals breaking up? Now that would be the day.
Tags: online dating
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Member says:Posted: 26 May 09
I found your post informative and helpful to me in my serious online seeking of special someone.
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Member says:Posted: 26 May 09
Your post is thought provoking and easy to digest because it's simple and readable in nature. It give me more interest to revisit your site. Keep in coming!
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Member says:Posted: 21 Mar 09
hi people should not do stupid pranks thru dating websites... this may affect a lot of people... they might hurt a lot of people who are sincerely doing this act...
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Member says:Posted: 20 Aug 07
My profile was posted on an online dating too. My best friend carrie want to help me find someone special. She added my profile and photos on some site. I didn't know this until I received tens of emails from their users.
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flyingjoey says:Posted: 29 Jul 07
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SAUNDRA says:Posted: 23 Jul 07
This website shows the nasty little tsamp and President Vicente Fox telling the world that the image is "just a cartoon" that's what funny to me, because we have George Lopez talking about racism against mexicans on his show, when he supports Mexico, his country that issued their beloved negro monkey boy stamps and his president says its just a cartoon. Some people are so brilliant these days. I have more respect for the poor people here that try their hardest just to live everyday than the mexican poor that resort to hating on black people when they need someone to blame for their problems.
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laugh_sailor says:Posted: 23 Jul 07
Saundra, your bringing that stamp to light is important to fighting racism. As someone once said, all you need for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing. Thank you. Does anyone know specific information on this stamp, so we can complain to the Mexican Consulate?
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SAUNDRA says:Posted: 14 Jul 07
I have a joke. george lopez the mexican comedian did an episode on his tv show about a next door neighbor of his who he called racist because he had a sleeping mexican statuette with a sombrero on his lawn. the joke is, in mr. lopez's country mexico, they just released a new postage stamp with good ol memin penguin on it. you know, the american sambo character basically designed to cater to the amusement of white people who hate black people with a passion. Isnt that hilarious? He has the nerve to talk about racism when his country and his people do the same thing that white majority in America do. Create new ways or bring up old ways to hate black people! TOTAL GENIUS DUDES! SAMBO POSTAGE STAMPS AND ADOPTING OLD WHITE AMERICAN HATRED TOTALLY COOOL!! LOL.
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Jabali says:Posted: 11 Jul 07
Well I think we'll always have jokes. As to whether they cross the line from funny to stupid...and dangerous depends on the circumstances.
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blackarina says:Posted: 07 Jul 07
Can you imagine how many times this is being done here in this country?! As far as I know we have no laws in the states that would protect those who are affected by someone else's stupidity.
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mossimo says:Posted: 03 Jul 07
Nice pranks. I don't work in an office, but love some pranks I have seen in magazines or on the internet. Examples: Put a brown paper bag in the office fridge labeled "squirrel" Replace photos of friends and family with that of say Scott Baio, Eugene Levy, Drew Carey, William Shatner, or The New Kids on the Block. Also set their screen saver to a slideshow of these photos.
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misotall says:Posted: 27 Jun 07
My attorney told me this wouldn't get out!! I'm P 'od Anybody seen Prince Albert in a can?
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laugh_sailor says:Posted: 22 Jun 07
ibid. I love practical jokes but there must be no real harm involved, not affect those outside your group and it needs to be something readily undone, as well as unexpected and hilarious. Taping (firmly!) someone's underwear to their rolled-up sail would be great and there was the long loops of toilet paper in the umbrella prank that lives in our lore.
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Cocokisses says:Posted: 22 Jun 07
My sentiments exactly. I did not find any humor in that, and I'm a pretty humorous person. I told both of them that this isn't high school! They are friends with each other so that explains it. I wouldn't be seen with two such immature women.
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fala says:Posted: 22 Jun 07
How extremely childish. At least the teen-agers are young and stupid and can use that as an excuse, but grown up folks doing this stuff - that's ridiculous.
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mossimo says:Posted: 22 Jun 07
I'd hate to have exes like that Coco. Thats a whole lotta hatin...
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Cocokisses says:Posted: 21 Jun 07
I know a couple men who have had this done to them by their angry ex-girlfriends. The bad part is that they posted their information on a gay website. I'd like to think that some of us are too old for that, especially since these two women are in their early and mid 30's!
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