Marriage license denied to Louisiana interracial couple. Judge refuses to resign

Posted by James, 29 Oct

Keith Bardwell, justice of the peace in Tangipahoa Parish, refuses to issue a Hammond, Louisiana interracial couple - Beth Humphrey (White) and Terence McKay (Black) - with a marriage license. Who would have thought that such things would still be happening to interracial couples in this age and era? OUTRAGEOUS!

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Well, the justice’s wife asked if the couple was interracial and told Humphrey that Bardwell wouldn’t sign their marriage license if they were. “We are used to the closet racism, but we’re not going to tolerate that overt racism from an elected official,” Humphrey told CNN.

In defense this is what Bardwell told the press: “I don’t do interracial marriages because I don’t want to put children in a situation they didn’t bring on themselves… I’m not a racist. I just don’t believe in mixing the races that way.” And in a bid to prove his ‘not being racist’, he said he’s got “piles and piles of black friends. They come to my home, I marry them, they use my bathroom. I treat them just like everyone else.”

Much as the couple got a different justice to sign their marriage license, it doesn’t take care of the fact that somewhere in this America we call a melting pot, some judge who has been in office for the last 34 years denied them the right to marriage. It doesn’t take care of the problems interracial couples have to deal with on a daily basis.

According to the Associated Press the couple have filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against Bardwell citing emotional and financial damage they suffered from Judge Bardwell's actions.

So he claims he is not racist. But doesn’t the refusal to issue marriage licenses to interracial couples scream DISCRIMINATION!? And what is this business about him 'protecting' the unborn interracial children? If anything, the children should be protected from the likes of him.

What the judge did is against the U.S. Constitution. Its ‘un-American.’ How can someone stand for racist views and claim he isn't racist just because he lets his black friends take a crap in his toilet :roll: ! ? OUTRAGEOUS!!!

24 responses to "Marriage license denied to Louisiana interracial couple. Judge refuses to resign"

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  1.   Rach says:
    Posted: 03 Jul 10

    what a dumb ass. excuse my language as being christian I shouldnt say that. I am full Korean, I married a white guy, we have a precious beautiful half Korean, half white daughter 3 months old. My older sister is full Korean, she too married white guy, have half korean, half white daughter who now almost 5. My family do not care if we marry mix races they support us. If my nieces marry other races than white, it great for all of us, my adopted family are white, but other races are welcome in our family regardless if you red, white, pink or even look like Shrek.

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  2.   wonka says:
    Posted: 22 Feb 10

    Come on people don't tell me you guys are surprised by this,Racism is something that has existed for how long,and many of you are STILL suprised.I can't believe this...Racism/prejudice will never end it's so upsetting and so sad but,it's reality we need to stop trying to fool ourselves and just deal with it. I've always said a person can be Racist/prejudice, as long as that person doesn't put their hands on me,hey I know to stay away from them and vice versa. People have a right to feel as how they want to,(I know I do),as long as those people don't physically try to harm you(Speaking in General)of course,that's all we as a people can really control.In fact,in my opinion if a person is going to be Racist/Prejudice be that way all the time,not when you want to or when it's beneficiary for you,in other words don't be fake about it,You'll get more respect for being true to yourself than for being a follower and/or a faker!,that's how I feel.

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  3.   twig93 says:
    Posted: 18 Jan 10

    To ErzulieRedEyes and bigeyes31 (who agreed) "White people bring their hatred to work with them"??? C'mon now - please don't lump every white person in America in with one jerk. Just because I heard about some black guy on the news that did something really heinous and awful - is it fair for me to convict ALL black people of one guy's crime? Keep in mind that the woman who was denied a marriage license by this jerk was white!

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  4.   bigeyes31 says:
    Posted: 19 Dec 09

    EzrulieRedeyes I agree. This is the danger in believing in utopia,LOL

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  5. Posted: 03 Dec 09

    thats crazy. i wonder what would have happened if the couple said they weren't or couldn't have children. he would have been stuck then.

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  6.   nubianking9 says:
    Posted: 19 Nov 09

    so typically american!

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  7. Posted: 16 Nov 09

    Someone had no trouble marrying Karla Homolka the serial rapist and murderer with her beau, so what's wrong with marrying these people? This just shows you that white people bring their hatred to work with them. It is LEAGL for this couple to get married so this fool should have given them their license! Just because HE did not like the couple's skin color differences does not mean that the couple did not have the right to get married.

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  8.   worksux says:
    Posted: 11 Nov 09

    This does not surprise me at all. It just goes to show that the more things change, the more they stay the same. Some people still don't get the picture, and they will be the ones on the outside looking in. No matter how you slice it, interracial marriage and relationships are here to stay and nothing can be done about it. It does not matter what someone says, does, or how much they hate another person simply because of their skin tone, it is what it is. It has been since the beginning of time. Might as well just keep their mouths shut and get with the program; albeit for of lot of haters out there that may be a lot easier said than done.

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  9.   TheDarkSage says:
    Posted: 09 Nov 09

    I don't know why anyone is surprised by this just because you put something in the closet doesn't mean it no longer exist. It also doesn't mean it won't come out of the closet on occasion.

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  10.   fkoi says:
    Posted: 08 Nov 09

    Even if this man (read jackass) had any good intentions, we are all better with him off the bench. Children in America of all ilks have problems they have to face. Certainly he could have found a better way to deal with them. At the very worst, he is an example of business as usual. Good riddance!

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  11. Posted: 07 Nov 09

    Sorry, I put the wrong nickname..... I have to disagree with Tulsi17. Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire….You look young and you look white……Well, I am old and I am white but in the sixies when I was 16 I fell in love with a black young man…..and it was HELL, for us and for my children….and although I may have only a glimsce of what its like to feel racism, unless you ‘LOOK’ black , (because thats all racism is really , “COLOR”, )you have no idea what its like to be black in AMERICA and what Black people go thru on a DAILY basis…It may have change , but its still there. I think maybe in another 50 to 60 years it will have to be different because whites will be gone as far as genetics go….and for the ones who’s prejudgic is “COLOR”, the only color then will be black, in all different shades. Peace….. .Post a Response

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  12.   Member says:
    Posted: 07 Nov 09

    I have to disagree with Tulsi17. Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire....You look young and you look white......Well, I am old and I am white but in the sixies when I was 16 I fell in love with a black young man.....and it was HELL, for us and for my children....and although I may have only a glimsce of what its like to feel racism, unless you 'LOOK' black , (because thats all racism is really , "COLOR", )you have no idea what its like to be black in AMERICA and what Black people go thru on a DAILY basis...It may have change , but its still there. I think maybe in another 50 to 60 years it will have to be different because whites will be gone as far as genetics go....and for the ones who's prejudgic is "COLOR", the only color then will be black, in all different shades. Peace.....

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  13.   TricciNicci says:
    Posted: 07 Nov 09

    Tulsi17, You make some valid points. The unconscionable jerk with the huge conscience (wth!)did resign. Water under the bridge. What ought to be news now and talked about at the water cooler is what ACTIONS were taking as public acknowledgment decrying his dismissal is what did it! As well, I'm sure when he saw that perverse koolaid smirk he wore in the interview(s) he himself knew he wasn't fooling anyone with his retarded definition of Superman mental-ism (Some folks really wish what they think really matters)! Can you imagine him "feeling" he's saving humanity by deciding who gets the joy of children and who SHOULD never know it? Ha! Especially when a child grows up in his home and puts the canker on society with true blue racism as a result! I'm from Arizona where we once had a governor not so many years back who referred to African American children as "pickaninnies"! I'm sure I didn't spell that correctly but I can spell "H-e w-a-s t-o-s-s-e-d o-u-t o-n h-i-s b-u-m! Rightly so as such things should not, cannot, won't and don't have to be tolerated! No soft kid gloves needed. Let the people speak!

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  14.   Tulsi17 says:
    Posted: 06 Nov 09

    I heard he resigned. There was a program on NPR this afternoon about this. Racism will not go away overnight, but as was pointed out on the program there is hope. Resignation and public outcry would be unheard of a while back. Progress is slowwwww, but we just have to keep liking and loving whom we will regardless of outward appearances (and differences in actions...i could be talking about the way we each prefer to squeeze toothpaste tubes here to more Important things). Don't let the ignorant win. Win them over, when possible.

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  15.   TricciNicci says:
    Posted: 31 Oct 09

    Stillh2of69, This is actually old news that happened about 2 weeks ago, right after or around the time of Balloon Boy. James is just late putting it up. Of course it received national coverage as I found it on,, and both Yahoo and Google which all report directly from the wire. I don't even own a tv and I heard about it so I know it was well covered as I watch World News Tonight on the web. It was definitely there, you may just have missed it. That official should have the book thrown at him and should be made to repay the many thousands of dollars he's been paid by the American Tax payer while illiciting his will above and beyond the laws the position REQUIRES him to uphold! Like so many before, he'll just get a tap on the wrist. He knows it that's why he's so nonchalant and cares little about what he did. I bet you people knew that he was like that all along and still let him sit the position while he continued to deny hard working Americans their civil liberties.

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  16. Posted: 31 Oct 09

    He refused to sign the interracial marriage license but he claimed that he is not a racist and got a lot of black friends shit in his toilet? Did this guy bullshit the whole time or just the news bullshit?

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  17.   stillh2o69 says:
    Posted: 31 Oct 09

    I can not believe this guy isn't the subject of national media attention. Where is NPR? This is a story right up their alley. At this same time this guy should be subject to immediate recall petition. I somehow think that the people who elected him knew of his proclivities and support him so a recall would fail unless it gets national media attention. As someone who grew up in a small town and was the favorite target for racism I would like to think someday that people like this guy will finally get a clue.

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  18.   TricciNicci says:
    Posted: 30 Oct 09

    An additional point here about the United States Presidency: Barack Obama is not the first African American Pres. He is the first RECOGNIZED president of African lineage. There are 6 known and is believed 7 when Clinton is included. No laughing matter since it is common knowledge his missing father was never identified, nor was it ever required he be identified (strange that is). Could it be due to the desire to hide obvious genetics? Presidents of mixed bloodlines are: ANDREW JACKSON THOMAS JEFFERSON ABRAHAM LINCOLN WARREN HARDING CALVIN COOLIDGE DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER My own family has similar mixes as do many. I call my mother 'Eve' because her children range from vanilla white to deep chocolate. My youngest siblings we call 'Salt n Pepper' because of their distinguished contrast. Both my parents are medium toned and yet they have these two girls! One is white as snow whose hair was sandy blond as a child and the other dark as night with Ethiopian ringlets down her back. Very beautiful.

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  19.   Ichibod says:
    Posted: 30 Oct 09

    If he had so many black friends, he would've realized that it took and mulatto to become the first "black" president of the United States. I did a search of "first blacks" to do stuff in this country. The majority of them have been mixed. Every child, from Cain and Able 'til now, were put in situations they didn't bring on themselves. Problems come from not learning how to first deal with issues. It's legal for men and women to marry one another. He should do that or find a new line of work.

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  20.   dunk123 says:
    Posted: 30 Oct 09

    WOW! Its not uncommon that people's mindset never change but a judge in office. I wonder what else we find if we look a liitle deeper.

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  21.   njstriker says:
    Posted: 30 Oct 09

    I'm dating a beautiful black woman that I met here on this site. This wouldn't happen here in New Jersey to us, but if it did, I'd definately take any and all legal action to remove this dumb-a*s redne*k from the bench. Clearly he believes that mixing races constitutes some sort of genetic contamination. That's a bona-fide white supremacist way of thinking. Horticulturalists will take different strains (races) of crops, and then cross them so that a stronger and more disease-resistant strain is created. Sounds like mixing is a good thing for genetics, not a bad thing. Inbreeding, on the other hand, is known to allow weaker traits and genetic diseases to emerge. If Bahai prophesy is true, inter-racial marriage is the wave of the future, possibly the near future. It'll be a sexual revolution that will sweep the world and change the world for the better. This is the one religion that actually encourages inter-racial marraige. If anyone wants to know more about Bahai prophesy, or just about the Bahai faith, check out

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  22.   SimplySpicy says:
    Posted: 29 Oct 09

    This guy is a idiot bottom line. First off any and all children can go through something irregardless of their race. Who is he to decide who can marry and not marry. He is not a social worker or a scientist just a "biased", racist person who should be sued and removed from the bench. Justice is suppose to be blind not discriminatory. This guy like any other racist has shown his true colors and tries to appease the comments by throwing up his amount of black friends. If he had so many black friends then he would of not thrown up the ignorant comments. No one wants to be looked at as a color or used for a rebuttal. In conclusion this guy has issues and he needs some psychiatric help.

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  23.   Sucess says:
    Posted: 29 Oct 09

    I am not surprised that somewhere in these USofA there is a racist Pol. This says a lot about term limits. My 70 something Old Man said the same thing to me when my mulatto daughter was born 18 years ago. He was sincere, and not my employee. If this couple lived in that Parish he was not listening to his bosses. If they don't live there it is still discrimination. Every government emkployee works for us. James is incorrect when he says that interracial couples face this everyday. We don't in the urban Northwest. Adult interracial should move the the Northwest where we can live around like minded people.

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  24.   fire321 says:
    Posted: 29 Oct 09

    It is sad that this type of mentality is going on but in reality, this will never end. It's funny how someone like this clown will quickly spout "I have tons of black friends" but your black asses better not date, marry, or sleep with any of our precious white folk. You see a lot more of that mentality in the south. It"s becoming a little more accepting but the OLD south never will accept it.

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