The Law of Attraction...How to Get What YOU want
Okay now, it's me your feisty little goal reminding conscience here to check on you and see how it's going with those 2007 goals? I'm noticing that not many people are making comments about the Goal Setting articles. Is this because you're too busy writing down your goals or you've already given up? This would be a good time to "share" with all your potential "friends, lovers and whatevers", what you do to stay spiritually in-tuned. Not every one believes in the same things, but most of us believe in something. What are your beliefs? Is it difficult to stay focused when the world provides so many distractions?
If the way you think can assist you with obtaining wealth and better health, it should be able to help you find and keep the love of your life too right? Hey, this is Leticia, and lately I've been seeing, hearing and reading a lot more about how the way you think can improve the quality of your life.
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The funny thing is that I've been reading all the books for years. I'll often go to a workshop or seminars for something totally unrelated to the books I've read, but the speaker will without a doubt, quote something I've read or heard before. You've heard the sayings too, "change your thoughts, change your life". "You are what you, think you're happy, healthy and wise". Whatever the case, everything that we're looking for, we already know how and where to find it. We must first open our minds to thinking and believing that it is ours to have.
On more than one occasion, I've sabotaged a relationship because I was waiting for the bad to happen. I'd literally pack a lunch, grab a cup of coffee and wait at the door for the mailman to deliver the s*! @, so that I can throw it at the fan. I use to actually say to friends, "he is so wonderful, everything is great, but, I'm just waiting for the soap opera music to start playing". See the music was the signal that the drama was coming.
Now I didn't realize it at the time, but because my universe (the one I share with all of you), is so great and filled with abundance, it gave me everything that I asked for. Drama, music, s*!% and all. Wrapped up in a nice little package with a note attached that read... "Per your request". Now, I was also experiencing times when I'd think of a good friend that I hadn't heard from in years, and poof, like magic, they would appear by phone, letter or in person. I'd say something like, I wish I had, and within days, I'd have it. The truth is that this happens to me a lot. It always had. I just didn't think about it. I focused on the crap. I thought more about what I didn't want, what I didn't have, what I didn't like. And, then I stopped.
I don't know why or when it happen, it just did. They say that misery loves company. Well, sometimes its better be alone! Alone long enough to clean your head and formulate you own thoughts. Thoughts about what you really want, need and are willing to work for in your life. We waste a lot of energy in thinking and talking about what we're NOT going to do. How about doing the reverse and thinking and talking about the actions that we WILL take to bring our thoughts into reality.
I think the process begins with us thinking of making ourselves the best that we can be starting with our minds, our bodies and our spirit. Then we bring like minded people into our lives that we can share common interests with. From there, together we create this ideal place where we can all live a life filled with the endless possibilities of every thing we only thought possible.
But, then again...that's just me thinking again. What do you think?
Responses to "The Law of Attraction...How to Get What YOU want"
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Gigi says:Posted: 16 Apr 07
Its all about me, me me, me me!! Have we got our priorities wrong... It is commendable certainly to achieve or better yourself, but at what cost, and whose expense? What does it profit a man/woman if they gain the world, and lose their own soul. People crash and burn every hour of the day. I cant hang my hat where my hand can't reach it. Carpe Diem, I say!
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pleasjure13 says:Posted: 16 Apr 07
coco I am afraid something other than the eyes have me.
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mossimo36 says:Posted: 09 Apr 07
Very good article, thanks for posting this, and keep up the good work!!!
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Cocokisses says:Posted: 09 Apr 07 are a mess :) Its the eyes talking to you :)
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pleasjure13 says:Posted: 09 Apr 07
Positive thinking...Hey c-4 girl I will give u all of my points for a date....heeeeeeeeeeeeee.
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fala says:Posted: 08 Apr 07
What s the penalty for breaking the Law of Attraction? Is jail time mandatory or can you get probation?
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pleasjure13 says:Posted: 06 Apr 07
Simon says..."Fal-a in love with pleasjure 13....heeeeeeeeee
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bear1473 says:Posted: 02 Apr 07
You are awesome. You are on the right track. Just have fun with it.
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pleasjure13 says:Posted: 30 Mar 07
Cocokisses....I want you...heeeeeeee. Really I do.
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mossimo36 says:Posted: 30 Mar 07
Personally, I like to visualize the thing or outcome that I want. I find if I do this enough my subconscious actually figures out a way to make this vision reality.
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nicefella115 says:Posted: 30 Mar 07
i wanna be like mel gibson, and be able to read womens minds.
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Cocokisses says:Posted: 29 Mar 07
We all forget sometimes that people can't read our minds. If you want something or someone, tell them. This way there is no misunderstanding, and some find it attractive to find someone that can tell you what they want. That for me, is keeping it real :)
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nicefella115 says:Posted: 27 Mar 07
just know what are yout strenghts and use them
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pleasjure13 says:Posted: 27 Mar 07
What I am trying to say is that I keep it real...while seeking a possible partner I wont fake anyhting even if I could get by with it...The late comedian Flip Wilson couldn't have said it any better..."What you see is what you get".
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pleasjure13 says:Posted: 26 Mar 07
I feel pretty confident in that I am willing to admit my shortcomings no matter what the cost.
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laveau says:Posted: 24 Mar 07
I really do believe this. It is a challenge to stick to principles when the real world is always there. It takes some adapting and I will admit to growing weary of \"adjusting\" all of the time. I have now come to the point where I can say what it is I want out loud. Clear requests bring clear answers. Fuzzy requests bring fuzzy results.
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Egziebegzie says:Posted: 23 Mar 07
Very good article. I totally agree with you , Nothing can come into our experience unless we summon it through persistent thoughts.I just finishing reading the Law of Attraction: The teaching of Abraham by Esther and Jerry Hicks(very good book, I Recomended to everyone) and I truly believe that we create our situation. We must be clear about what we want. Unfortunately, if not clear the law of attraction cannot bring us what we want.
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nicefella115 says:Posted: 22 Mar 07
the power of positive thinking can make you feel in control a bit.
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pleasjure13 says:Posted: 22 Mar 07
In learning I apply experience along with common sense and intiution...when I tend to feel a little down if some one rejects me, I try not beat myself up too badly because many times rejection can be a blessing in disguise.I don't care how good u look or think you look...there is nothing more gratifying than a pleasant personality.
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JustBelieve says:Posted: 21 Mar 07
Nowadays people don't consider the other person. It's like other persons needs and feelings are not considered, only yours. How can anyone ever have a great relationship if you don't even care about the other. People don't expect to work at relationships; they are just plain lazy about putting time in. Many still think they relationships just "happen" with not work or input.
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pleasjure13 says:Posted: 21 Mar 07
I might fair better by getting what I need other than my wants.
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lizzy2005 says:Posted: 20 Mar 07
Yes I agree, we spend too much time on negative thinking. I often find myself falling into the trap of feeling sorry for myself. Then something will remind me of how much I have got in my life.
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This is one of the most beautiful articles I've ever read because it reaches out and touches the part of the spirit that is often overshadowed by the negatives in our lives. Thank you for sharing. God Bless.