Is interracial marriage sheer arrogance to what God intended?
When the former pastor of Gulnare Free Will Baptist Church in Kentucky (Melvin Thompson) passed a resolution to ban interracial couples from their church in the name of "promoting greater unity among the church body and the community", I had to find out what he meant by that. And as much as not all of us are Christians, I thought maybe I should do some research on what the Bible says on interracial marriages, see how throwing an interracial couple out of church does promote unity.
According to the Bible, we are all descendants of Adam and Eve. And going by this, ideally, we should all be one race. But at some point, during the time when the people were building the Tower of Babel, it is believed that this was when God separated them into races and scattered them all over the earth because they were trying to build a tower that reached the heavens.
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And according to J.D. Self, author of the site "Interracial Marriage is against God’s Law", races were created when the human race became arrogant towards God by trying to build a tower so tall to reach heaven. And since God separated the human race based on arrogance, Self believes races intermarrying again is also "pure arrogance in the face and to the plan of God".
Others against interracial marriage also agree with this view point saying God intentionally separated races putting them in different continents because he wanted each race to stay separate … that his intention wasn’t to separate them so they can mingle.
But much as some Bible verses have been cited to prove that God never intended for race mixing, these same verses that supposedly ban interracial marriage in the Bible have been given a non-racial perspective in a bid to show that God isn’t against interracial marriage. And the perspective is that God never intended for these people to mix based on their code of behavior in terms of Holiness and not race. For instance:
In Deutronomy 7:1-6, the Israelites were urged to destroy all dwellers of Canaan land and not to intermarry with them. But the reason why they were not to mix with them was because they served other gods and God did not want the Israelites to be turned away from him through the influence of the Canaanites – not because of race. God didn’t want his people to be yoked with non-believers. If you look at most of the Bible passages that forbid racial mixing, they reasons behind it are purely religious; not racial.
But is the Bible really against intermarrying?
When Moses married a Cushite (Ethiopian) (Numbers 12:1-16), God wasn’t happy with Aaron and Miriam because they were criticizing Moses because he had married a Cushite wife. He even punished them by making Miriam’s skin leprous and was confined outside the camp for seven days. Does that strike you as a God that is against interracial marriage? Again, according to Galatians 3:26-28, Paul encourages non-discrimination saying: "You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus."
See, God is love. And there is so much love that is seen amongst many interracial couples. Imagine a couple that even amidst condemnation; they still have it in them to love one another. Now, that is a portrayal of a love that Christ and God intends his people to have. Now that is a couple showing unity even in adversity. Interracial marriage isn’t un-Godly. Interracial marriage is a portrayal of how our God is diverse and how his love is for us all.
What do you think?
38 responses to "Is interracial marriage sheer arrogance to what God intended?"
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Krosst says:Posted: 26 Dec 17
This Pastor clearly didn't graduate third grade. Moses wife was a Midianite a decendents of Abraham. Have 3:7 speaks of the tents of Cushan the dwelling of Midian from where Zipporah lived and then look at 2Chro 14:12; 21:16 from these text Chushite does not mean Ethiopian rather it means Midianite, lands that were not in Ethiopia. Then he is wrong about Deut 7:1-7 thought they did serve others gods. When Jacob Israel went to live and work for Laban they were of the same race yet Laban and his daughters who Jacob married served other gods, so there is more to it than just serving others gods.
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Scorpion133 says:Posted: 22 Jun 12
if what you read here gets a negative or positive rating it is ok. people what if all of you are wrong about this subject? i am a flat liner.
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Sr.Diamond says:Posted: 07 May 12
It seems as though people should 'search' the Scriptures themselves (more thoroughly). The article (posted by James) is very explanatory regarding 'interracial marriages.' I will make this short - and even sweet. God is not concerned about whom a person marry. We are all of the 'HUMAN RACE.' The 'only' objection God mentioned pertaining to marriage is, 'A believer NOT to marry a NON-believer.' This is what being 'unequally yoked' means. When one really think (after reading all the Bible, of course) - we ALL originated from the same family after the flood. And yes, Moses did marry a 'black' woman. Read the Scriptures people!
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chriskeith says:Posted: 20 Apr 12
If you really read your bible then you know that god punished the people of of babel with different speech(languages) as to confuse them and tower was not completed bec. they could not communicate with one another. God seperated the languages not the color of people. And God is not racist.God once upon a time told the Hebrews-Isrealites-Jews not to marry outside of their faith and tribes bec. non-hebrews worshipped idols and other gods.And if the Hebrews married outside the faith the person had to convert.Even then, God had commands for allowing hethens to convert and no one was to be refused.But bec the Jews refused to obey God sent Jesus to make a New Promise(testament ) to all men, faiths, races, and colors. If you believe and are baptized into Christ you are His child. God is not against interracial marriages. God is against sin, breaking the commandments, homosexuality, and liars(JD Self). God is all about the spiritual man's condition not the mans physical appearnce and make-up.We are all made in His image on the outside but He has given us all free choice to decide who we are on the inside(spiritually)...Seek God and will get to know Him.
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dogg74 says:Posted: 20 Apr 12
Saying God is against interracial marriage is foolishness period. Where in the bible did God forbid it? men should be more concerned about their salvation not race. we are all one human race and God said get married reproduce and subdue the earth.
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txbelle says:Posted: 08 Apr 12
As a child I asked my Daddy, the preacher, the following two questions: When you cut us, don't we all bleed red? When we die, don't we all either go to heaven or hell? 'nuff said.
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G.I.JANE3868 says:Posted: 06 Apr 12
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Si_10 says:Posted: 25 Feb 12
king Solomon was in love with a women from Ethiopia and is poems where the highest honor and only one women ever claimed his heart, her.. A Jewish king and his love, his true love...If the bible was against it their would not be any in the tanakh, nor would Jesus be half black and half Israeli.
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ThomL says:Posted: 22 Jan 12
If there is a God and it is not just a fairy story created to feed humanity's unquenchable arrogance, surely he/she would be interesting in rather bigger issues that what colour your skin is?
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andrewpearson42 says:Posted: 31 Dec 11
lol who said god has any say so on this subject i marry who i want if thats arrogance oh well ok god says no twitter so lets all throw away our computors lol
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NIGHTSPIDER says:Posted: 08 Jan 12
First of all the pastor is biblically illiterate. We are not all descendents of adam and eve and the races didn't start with tower. It is a genetic impossibilty for a man and a woman of a pure race to create multiple races of people from their geneology alone. Genesis 1:26 King James Version. "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth." Clearly you can see that man(the races), which is really plural using the old english tongue were created on the fifth day and we all know that god rested on the seventh day, then created adam a special type of man because he needed a tiller of the land whom he planted in the garden plus adam's bloodline is that which jesus "the savior" would come. Think about it. How can adam and eve be the only people on the planet, when god had to mark cain so that the "people wouldn't kill him". Plus he had a wife waiting for him in the land of nod. Race was never a factor in the bible. It was what you believe and how those whether a person, tribe, or country could sway god's children from their faith or how christians turn away from god's word. That's why homosexuals yell leave god out of it because if you take the time to read for yourself the truth will set you free..(Yes, homosexuality is an abomination to the lord) Levitcus 18:22. "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination". Its what the word say verse by verse chapter by chapter. Not one liners a pastor picks out of the bible and put it in the spin zone.
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Curvy_Eden says:Posted: 28 Dec 11
Whether you believe in a supreme being, creator, God, Allah, Jehovah, Buddha, some other deity or deity-like being or even the flying spaghetti monster, the real question is this: Who decides your actions? For whom do you live? If you are a sentient human being, you should be doing what YOU believe, imho. All of the religious constructs, I believe gave us to some greater or lesser extent, free will so we can do just that. The lexicon or terms we use to describe it really is moot. The WILL of the human spirit is that which matters most. *rant accompli* :-D
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rearlsucker7 says:Posted: 27 Dec 11
The whole concept 'interracial' is itself nonsense. People are people, and those who find an attraction, and can create a lasting and loving relationship from it, well that's a great thing to behold in this day and age. God knows our hearts, and that is what we are judged by, not the color of our partners skin or the race they are from. Outrageous that grown folk need an explanation! ALL MUST READ THIS!! 'I concur!'
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secchance says:Posted: 26 Dec 11
you know Mavine Gaye had a couple of records one lyrics, was who really cares, and what was the other guy in California, Can't we all get along. So some crack pot preacher got some hate for people and someone found something in the Bible, I read the Bible and the Quran, you know Man wrote these books, and we believe in the priniclples, so when the preacher dies and comes back and then he can tell us directly what God has to say other then that, I just don't give ___, tell him to get life, or take his church and move to Anartica i am sure his congregation of self made holy rollers will follow him, Who Really Cares Life is to short. Peace, darn backward__s people LOL
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dzbezt says:Posted: 26 Dec 11
noah son Ham was suppose to have been black (father of black race) tower of babal up to that time human spoke same language after babel different languages not separate races
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CALY2011 says:Posted: 25 Dec 11
Why is it that we make 101 lists of wishes we want in a man/woman and stick to it knowing fully well that in reality its almost impossible to have them all in one man/woman. Because of the too many restrictions and unrealistic list of wants, many have been on this site for years. This is not good for both the men and the ladies - nobody is getting any younger. As each day passes by, we grow older, the chances of getting the best man/woman we 've ever hoped for begins to drop. I think we should be real. I'm not sure of how many already-made/perfect/dream man/woman exists out there.There are basic things we all look for but I think those unrealistic and too many restrictions that could be worked on or improve on during a relationship should be waved 'cause is unrealistic and not doing us any good.
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Chaz58 says:Posted: 23 Dec 11
I didn't read every response on here. But I did read the main argument, and I agree 100%. The Jehovah Witness believe the same as J.D. Self, and they too base their beliefs off of the story of the tower of Babel. But, even if the Jehovah Witness and Self where right, where would someone of mix race fit? In a matter of fact aren't we all of mixed race. There is no pure White, pure Black, pure Asian. We all are mixed with a little something. I think God just wanted them to stop building the Tower, so he divided everybody and scattered them around the world.
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sweetsexy001 says:Posted: 22 Dec 11
We are all sinners! That does not mean that we go around breaking all of God's commandments. The thing about having children in the home and unmarried. That is a condition of any woman not just blk women. Again the age old race Not all blk women had children being unmarried. Maybe the ones who did found God after they had sin in their lives. God forgives us for the sins that we commit against his commandments if we ask. No one has the right to judge someone on their mistakes except for the Lord. Last time I checked Jesus died on the cross for all our sins and is no longer of this earth. God must be ok with divorce even though he did not want it to happen. If he was not he would kill everyone who does it. He knows that we are going to sin in some way. Our flesh is weak. Not because of color of skin but because we are only made in his perfect image and not perfect. A true Christian should be fighting the weak of the flesh constantly or you have not found God.Dont throw stones at people having Christian faith. I dont know why I am surprised about it because Jesus himself was condemned and put on the cross.
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serpic065 says:Posted: 22 Dec 11
No thumbs down from me. You have a right to speak your opinion on this matter. Although I think the "Who cares?" might seem a little blase to devout believers. Just sayin.
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serpic065 says:Posted: 22 Dec 11
The article adresses agnosticism/atheism and ask people of that persuasion to use a hypothetical assumption that the Bible is revelation from God.
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artymarty says:Posted: 21 Dec 11
Anyway next point. Bearing in mind this article has nothing to do with whether whites and blacks can or should commit to one another in a rampage of sexual lust and frolicking. It's actual question is even dumber. It's real intent is: Should a person of either sex and race. First entertain the belief in a false deity and then add to him the authority to tell them who they can and can not commit to before making up their own minds. Now even if the Bible did say that interracial relationships are wrong and are against God's laws. On this site there isn't much chance of coming across a black women who doesn't have on her profile that she is a Christian of some form or another. After which you then discover she has children living at home, hasn't been married or is divorced. Either way my point is. If all you Christians are going to break God's known laws of no sex before marriage and if there is marriage there shouldn't be a divorce. Why would you be worried about whether your breaking the forbidding interracial marriage law if there was one. You've already broken all the others you might as well continue in the same vain and do the naughty with a white man. God doesn't hate interracial relations. If he is indeed true he does however hate a hypocrite.
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Reese says:Posted: 24 Dec 11
I have to say that not every black woman has children at home, are divorced and it is about interacial relationships not about having sex with white men. Everyone has sinned including you, but everyone chooses what their line is based on their beliefs. And everyone interpets the bible differently and there are various bibles that say some very different things.
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coach26 says:Posted: 30 Dec 11
So you are on this site only to meet Black women for sex? I was taught that God forgivesand then we move on. Sir with online dating do you actually think that everyone is telling the truth. Im sure some of the women have been married but are ashamed to admit it because of men like you....
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justwheels says:Posted: 02 Jan 12
True or not true is not the debate....I take from your position that you find yourself blameless cause this sounds a lot like casting the first stone. Just food for thought. Only you know your heart.
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mabhe says:Posted: 28 Aug 12
@artymarty, you really can't paint everyone with 1 big paintbrush and really think you're correct can you? Every individual has their own life story to tell. Black women are indeed generally believers in Christ in one way or the other, and by the way that doesn't make a person a saint- everyone is a sinner. Many black women have been disapointed by a black men in their past, who promised heaven and earth and then disappeared when they fall pregnant or the going got tough. I won't even begin to explain this, but the past probably has a lot to do with it. In the white communities, people have just as much pre- marital as we all know, it just appears that the men tend to stay and accept responsibility and at least attempt to make it work. But of course we all know that sooner or later, people get divorced these days- just look around you. So lets just stop with the blame game. My bottom line is, there must surely be a God who created us all and is in control of his people- and the sooner we draw nearer to him the better. And that God sees our hearts and not our skin colours or nationalities.
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sunflower211 says:Posted: 21 Dec 11
Race has nothing to do with marriage, it's faith. We christians are not to marry outside of the christian faith--period ! God isn't superficial as to look on the color of a persons skin and yet, to skip the faith and heart of that person. MY GOD isn't about that.
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dazzleyou says:Posted: 20 Dec 11
Sorry meant interfacing in the 2nd line, and intermarry in the first paragraph, silly android phone and its Substitutions....pardon the mistakes
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dazzleyou says:Posted: 20 Dec 11
This article is so true it brought tears in my eyes...i simply dont understand How people would even say such rubbish as 'God is against interfacing marriages' Talking about the Tower of Babel, it was man's nosiness and want to know and experience everything that was going on in heaven that led in God stricking the tower and making the people on earth with diverse languages or tongues, does it now mean it is wrong for 2 black people who speak different languages to interested?.... We are one in the site of God; white, black, green, yellow, orange.... He sees us as one, so any Christian who claims that interfacing marriages ate not upheld by God.... Should really check if they are true Christian.
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poetric says:Posted: 20 Dec 11
I agree with that love has know color and it is no sin to marry someone of another race
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deedee.601 says:Posted: 18 Dec 11
I asked my pastor about interracting dating and he explained that it was not about the color of ur skin but that it was the reason about the tower and that GOD did not want hispeope to mix with idol worshipers, my pastor also always says if u can't find it in the bible then it's not true and most of the time people in general try to use the bible to suport their beliefs that's why we have to read and understand the bible for ourselves,I always love to say (www)what would JESUS do, Because JESUS said how can u say u love GOD whom u have never seen and hate ur brother whom u see everday!!!!!!!!
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Rumberra says:Posted: 17 Dec 11
There is only 1 race, the human race. God created man out of soil, soil is brown, man is brown. Adam and Eve were brown, due to genetic mixing, u end up with all the different shades of brown that beautifully and differently populate the earth based on the climatic conditions that have led to certain prominent features in different people groups in different parts of the world. There is no black and white humans. A sheet of paper is white, if someone turned white, there is something terribly wrong. What is known today as the white race is a lighter shade of brown resulting from genetic mixing of only recesive color genes. And there is no black humans. The darker brown is the mixing of dominant color genes and the shades in between is a mixing of both recessive and dominant color genes in Human beings. So I'm not black, I'm brown and ur not white, u're light brown no matter how light you are, ur just a very light shade of brown...:)
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serpic065 says:Posted: 22 Dec 11
I could not have said it better myself. Thank you.
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SugahRush says:Posted: 16 Dec 11
This rebuttal article (to the travesty of Rev Melvin Thompson's stance), is one of the most outstanding elucidations, I've read on the subject. There is so much ignorance being served & consumed as "food for the soul". It grieves the hearts of Father, Son and Holy Spirit as well as causes grief in the lives of His children (and potential children). The misguided messengers of misinformation should submit to repentance and re-education. We who have been hurt by bigotry and racism are "the elect" who must give love and understanding to the bigots and racists. No! We don't make excuses for nonsense. NO! We don't try to exonerate these people from the consequences of their actions and choices. NO! We do NOT have to "tolerate" ignorance. But we are to be cautious that our indignation does not take on the same form of hurt, hate against which we must fight. Those who are hardest to love, are the ones who need it most! We, Lovers, have our work cut out for us! ~Sugah
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CALY2011 says:Posted: 16 Dec 11
Well done James. bravo! Your publication is very true and biblically grounded. God is pleased with interracial marriage. Besides that we all are the descendant of Adam, both the Old and the New Testament supports interracial marriage.If Mr Thompson actually constructed and voted in favor of banning interracial couples from the church, he is not fit to be a pastor. What Mr Thompson is proposing is exactly what Aaron and Miriam did against the black woman Moses married and incurred the wrath of God. Galatians 3:28 “There is no longer Jew or Gentile, slave or free, male and female. For you are all one in Christ Jesus”. Romans 10:12 “For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile--the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him. In the Old testament, God forbids interracial marriage but only beacuse of sin - intermarriage with those who do not know God will lead the Israelites astray. Same is true in the New Testament, believers should not yoke with unbelievers. The true model of the church Christ instituted is that local church that comprises people of all color,race and culture,not racial separate church. Mr Thompson must firstof all overcome racism and then go back to Bible school for more training.
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This Pastor clearly didn't graduate third grade. Moses wife was a Midianite a decendents of Abraham. Hab 3:7 speaks of the tents of Cushan the dwelling of Midian from where Zipporah lived and then look at 2Chro 14:12; 21:16 from these text Chushite does not mean Ethiopian rather it means Midianite, lands that were not in Ethiopia. Then he is wrong about Deut 7:1-7 thought they did serve others gods. When Jacob Israel went to live and work for Laban they were of the same race yet Laban and his daughters who Jacob married served other gods, so there is more to it than just serving others gods.