Interracial relationships - White women vs. White men
Looking at Whites in interracial relationships, why do you think there are 10 times more White women dating men of other races than White men dating other races of women?
Find your soulmate on InterracialDatingCentral
Is it just a coincidence, personality and has nothing to do with color?
Do men of other races see white women as the most beautiful women and therefore have all races chasing after them; or vice versa in the case of White men?
Are White women more open-minded about interracial dating than White men?
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95 responses to "Interracial relationships - White women vs. White men"
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friendly13 says:Posted: 27 Jun 10
Well, I hope that my thoughts will not be misunderstood. But, many whitemen want to have white babies. Now this is changing and the attitudes of some whitemen are changing. Some whitemen are starting to accept the fact that when they get involved with a person who is not white that the baby may look like a person from a differnt race. Whitewomen don't seem to be as bothered and embarrassed by that as much. They are generally the ones going all over the world adopting little ethiopian babies and stuff. They just love them to death. I think that the media also makes white women more prominent when it comes to beauty. When you go to the store to get cosmetics they have a small section for blacks (if they have one at all) and a huge well stocked section loaded with colors suited to white skin shades. There are more of them so the market is larger and so businesses appeal to the market where they can make the most money. Magazine covers and television commercials typically sport whitewomen... But things are changing.....white men have always liked black women. I think that there was more pressure on them to preserve the white race. But now many of them are seeing that mentality as an outdated insignificant purpose and they are following their white sisters lead. The are beginning to move with their hearts too. It just so happens the whitewomen got to it a bit sooner.
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fkoi says:Posted: 08 Jun 10
I wonder along with Coco, Smile4242 and others about the basic premise of this article. "10" times more smells of being a made up "statistic" and is not in keeping with my own experience.
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ReRe says:Posted: 26 Mar 10
Most black men date white women beacause they can treat her badly and get away with it. They don't have to be held accountable fot their actions. It's not all the black man fault because a man can only get away with as much as you let him lol. SOme black men think that a white woman on his arm is a ticket into the white world. He can forget who he is and become someone else. Interracial couples walk around like the world has accepted them . We all know there are alot of white people in the world that would hang you both if they could get away with it. The sad thing is most of the white girls i know end up with black men who don't work, treat them like trash, take thier money and get them pregnant. They want a black man so bad that they settle for the worst ones. Not to mention that some white guys view white women dating black men as white trash/whores. Sometimes the famalies disown them. These are just some of my observations.
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Armando_G says:Posted: 15 Nov 09
Cajuncreole what has all that "history" to do with the topik? Just curious, no bad intentions *smile*
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Smile4242 says:Posted: 31 Mar 09
10 times more white women than men looking for other races? Where? On this website? Perhaps it is because men go after women of other races offline, while women go after men of other races online. Assuming you are using online statistics? Where did you get the 10 to 1 number anyway? In my limited perception and maybe because I live in a city with 60% "minority" population and 40% white, but I tend to see more white men going after other races (usually after Hispanics or Asians), than women. But maybe that is because Hispanics, Asians and African-Americans are plentiful here and you don't have to search online to find someone of a different race, not to mention the Latinas looking to find a White or Black guy. I do see more White women getting with Black men though. Of course there are cultural reasons for some of the trends. For example, you are more likely to see a white male with an asian or hispanic female, than the other way around. You are more likely to see a black male with a white female than the other way around. Part of that comes from people wanting something other than what their culture offers. For Example, an Asian or Latina female may want a less macho man and therefore pick a white guy who grew up in a feminist society over someone more macho of her own race, while the white male benefits from a women who is more loving and serving to her man compared to the culture he is accustomed to. But the opposite combination does not work so well. A macho Hispanic or Asian male with a Womens Liberated White female. Opps. I don't think so. Perhaps the 10 to 1 figure represents only the white/black dynamic. I would buy that there is a 10 to 1 ration of white women looking for black men, vs. white men looking for black females. Black females tend to be strong and independent, and black males may prefer white females who are (relatively) less demanding , while some white women are looking for something different from what they get from their normal politically-correct white males. And then there are the people who don't fit into any cultural stereotypes and date other cultures that are more like them. Either way, I am not sure where that 10 to one came from and an not sure it universally applies.
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prettybrowneyes says:Posted: 29 Mar 09
Well eholocaust07 why are you here then? go back to stormfront where you belong. Your hatred will not stop interracial and your view of it will do nothing to stop it either. SO DEAL WITH IT!!!! In the meantime...SCRAM!
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Member says:Posted: 19 Feb 09
Dear Eric I agree with everything you say. As for the sellout black woman claiming white men are pursuing her in a majority white neighborhood. Pedophiles do not count and divorced white men that lose their net worth don't count. Sometimes I just think sellout black women are to damn gullible. They just believe anything a man with white skin tells them. Even in the end when they are used and set aside for another prospect, which usually ends up "not being" another black woman. Read the article on my blog about black women not being married. It is a recent article on black women being unmarried. I guess their going to blame white men for that too.
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Sunsmiler says:Posted: 19 Feb 09
Eric, I read your post and wonder how you even found this blog and why. Your supposed reality is not mine. If beauty is based on Hollywood standards, not even the majority of white women measure up. I live in a predominantly white area (10% people of color). I, personally, am pursued by white men, many of whom are assertive, professional, kind and very attractive...Like attracts like. As a very attractive woman, who is black, beauty obviously goes beyond looks and logically we all know that. It baffles me how we (me included at times) think our minuscule lives define what really is, when there is an entire/greater universe much larger than our lives, our thoughts. Actually, Eric, thank you for posting. You have reminded me to be more grateful for my openness in thoughts and deeds. All the best to you... SunSmiler Btw, Timbo649 made some great points about "the illusion".
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Sunsmiler says:Posted: 19 Feb 09
Eric, I read your post and wonder how you even found this blog and why. Your supposed reality is not mine. If beauty is based on Hollywood standards, not even the majority of white women measure up. I live in a predominantly white area (10% people of color). I, personally, am pursued by white men, many of whom are assertive, professional, kind and very attractive...Like attracts like. As a very attractive woman, who is black, beauty obviously goes beyond looks and logically we all know that. It baffles me how we (me included at times) think our minuscule lives define what really is, when there is an entire/greater universe much larger than our lives, our thoughts. Actually, Eric, thank you for posting. You have reminded me to be more grateful for my openness in thoughts and deeds. All the best to you... SunSmiler Btw, Timbo649 made some great points about "the illusion".
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eholocaust07 says:Posted: 19 Feb 09
Men from every race are after white women. And they are pursued very aggressively by them as well. In my opinion, white women (and I'm a white man) are the most beautiful women in the world, by far. I am not trying to be offensive. I am just being honest. At the same time, there are women of other races that are attractive, unquestionably, but not nearly as attractive. White men know what they have and that's why most of them don't date outside their race. Why would they? There's no need to. It's why many other men of other races seek our women. When white women take the seed of a non-white man, they are contributing to the European and European American Holocaust. My people are being exterminated by interracial breeding, abortions and low birth rates. With these facts, I cannot accept anything interracial. Eric
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JohnLove says:Posted: 19 Feb 09
I agree with Cajuncreole, on a lot of the things she mention in her post. I actually live in a time when no one would have ever believe we would have progress as far as we have today.a few laws have change, but I believe that there will always be hatered in some peoples heart until the end of this world,and childrens of all nationalities are taught to love or to hate by their role model, who ever that might be, they only know what their role model teach them , and the mother and the daddy has a stronger influence on the child and than any one else.
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Timbo649 says:Posted: 19 Jan 09
When a black man dates a white woman, she can be hideous and fat, and yet somehow society sees the black guy as moving up in the world. Also, by design, women more easily fall in love with men whom they have sex with, so what starts off as a white woman's black fantasy one night stand, soon turns into marriage. That is why you have white woman/ black dude marriages much more often. However, if a white guy dates anything less than a stunner of a black woman, society looks down on the white guy. And if the white guy does happen to pull off a stunning black woman on his arm, then society thinks "oh, well, even a loser white man can get a stunning black woman." And so the white man's trophy of a black woman is now disqualified from trophy status because of this societal belief. Society then mysteriously wonders why individual white guys are discouraged to go after black women. Hmm. And its not because white is more beautiful than black (alot of black women seem to have that ingrained notion, but that notion is an illusion.) It just seems that way on the surface. What it is, is that no white guy likes that pervasive belief from society that tells him "well, you are obviously with a black woman because you couldn't pull a white girl". When in reality, it takes as much game, if not more, for a white guy to pull a beautiful black woman, than for him to pull a beautfiful caucasian. For one reason, black women are always suspicious that white men just want them for sex. And they are correct in that assumption, but white men want only one thing from any woman period. Black men are no different. Thankfully, society is changing because black women are now being seen as the new standard of feminine beauty, especially in the last 10 years.
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BronzeEra71 says:Posted: 14 Dec 08
I am here to agree with milady CrystalDimon. I carry an air of natural authority too, and people tell me that my intelligence is more or less palpable -- and my experience is that white men stay clear. Even those who are also thoroughly intelligent and who seem to have no issues with insecurity in their own masculinity or authority. Now, I hear all the time (from my guy friends) that I'm gorgeous, hot, stunning.. and (from my girlfriends) that white guys check me out. But so rarely does this actually translate into men coming up to me, asking me out -- even smiling at me, for crying out loud. And I'm a very smiley, super-friendly sort of gal. So is it really that white men don't want to be with women who are 'too' assertive, intelligent and independent? Can I maybe get some first-reaction responses from white guys? What was your first thought when you read this?
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Member says:Posted: 14 Nov 08
By the way, let's chat more as Cocobaker813 suggested. By e-mail, phone...whatever. I will e-mail my information and perhaps you can too (sorry to volunteer We can help each other in a "Sister" network that can include all skin colors (and eventually genders too).
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Member says:Posted: 14 Nov 08
Hi Ladies! Although I contributed months ago to this blog, I have found all your additions very interesting and agreeable. I have been on my own personal journey of reassessing my life. So, what use to be of major importance (rushing to work, climbing the corporate ladder or being out of the house and active in the community, partying or hitting the pavement trying to "improve" me...) is of less importance to me today. I have drawn within. I have taken a deep look at myself and have been spending more quiet time (meditation, forgiveness), such as literally taking walks and smelling the roses, watching the birds...simple things that remind me of a greater purpose or presence (being in the moment). In doing this, I have focused more on who I am (beyond race, gender and roles of sister,daughter)and the beauty of life. Challenges are opportunities...With that said, many suitors (mostly white)have been drawn to me. My wish for writing this is to inspire you to not only continue what benefits you, but to incorporate a little more peace, forgiveness and love into your lives, in ways that are special to YOU. I bet you will be experiencing suitors in all colors because of the incresing beauty you exude. Much love, Radiant Smiler
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CrystalDimon says:Posted: 14 Nov 08
Not sure what my problem might be, but men no matter if black or white, they stay away from me as if I had the plague. It has been told to me by black men, that they are afraid of me and the ones who are not sure of themselves are the worse. Black men have told me that my physical presence is very demanding and I am too sure and confident in myself....maybe that comes out in my personality, but I consider myself...just the gal next door...nothing special about me, other than being profession and educated. I would think a man would like that. I was mostly dated white men and that is OK, but my preference would be a black man. I have not may choices. I am probably not as tolerant as a white woman, which may be a problem for a black man too. White men! I don't even know, they want to be vocal, and I think I am or we are thought of as in the old...their forbidden fruit. Anyway, this site has taught me a lot and I have learned a lot about why and how, so if nothing else, there is very good reading on here, Thanks.
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cocobaker813 says:Posted: 17 Oct 08
To cajuncreole, redsonya, mochabunny, tatted2death,kahie659,bluejewlz, sweethang08 and siamor, you are the "girlfriends in my head" that I've been talking to for years!!! If you read my post, I'd love to get in touch with all of you, and have a online "coffee/tea" IM party! You all summed up my feelings and responses, especially cajuncreole, who so reminds me of one of my professors in the African/African-American Studies at my college many years ago. She has the same poise, confidence in her position and coolness as Dr. McIntyre had giving her lectures twice a week. My greatest wish was to soak up that confidence as an adult, and I think(hope)I'm somewhat there now. I personally, refuse to rise to the bait of Black women being either "disrespectful, ghetto golddiggers", to some Black men, or "overachieving sell-outs" for dating outside their race; Black men being "incarcerated baby makers", "deadbeat dads", or "no good womanizers" by some Black women because they're been burned by some Black men. Let me tell you, I refuse to put any man(or woman) of any race up on a pedestal to hold up as "the perfect race", because NO one, man or woman of any race, is perfect. Every race contains people who are murderers, liars, cheaters, and deadbeats. No one race holds the distinction of having all good qualities and no negative ones. I have dated men of different races and ethnicities, and I can say honestly that the reason the qualities of the men I dated improved because I grew as a woman and a human. When I woke up and realized that my happiness and well being was on me, not in a man. Then and only then did the quality of the man improve. Good qualities aren't linked to race or ethnicity, that's a home training thing. As for why it seems White women are more interracially inclined, I don't see that. I see it as White men dating more interracially and ethnically, just not with a lot of Black women. Looking at other dating sites not specifically geared towards interracial dating, I see some(SOME, not all) Caucasian men check off all and any race or ethnicity BUT African-American. I've even this on some(not all, just some) of the African-American single male posts I've looked at in hopes of contacting them. I just want the men who view African-American women who seek mates and dates outside the race to not call us traitors to the community, yet turn around and congratulate the African-American male for having a Latina, Asian or Caucasian lady on his arm.
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jewel1981 says:Posted: 11 Oct 08
I have also found this true. When I go out I go places where there is a great mixed crowd but it seems as though the white men are afraid to approach the black women. I often have to go to them and talk them into being comfortable with me. They usually are shocked when I openly asked them if they have ever dated black woman and most say NO. Which is odd to me since we are living in the 21st century. No one has ever made me feel as loved as the white men that I have dated. So I love them! But this has become complicated because my mother says that I am confusing my son (whom I had with my black ex-husband) because this is going to make him second guess his worth as a black man. I DON'T FEEL THIS WAY! But I am open to your suggestions and comments via email at I look forward to hear from you all. -Shon-
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Coco says:Posted: 12 Sep 08
"...more white women dating outside thier race then white men..." Um...that's not true. More white men date outside thier race more then white women do. Isnt it obvious that more white men go all over the world and get with Asian, South East Asian, African, Carribean, Indian, Spanish, you name it kind of women. I think more white women would prefer to stay with white men then any other race of men if white men treated them better.
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Hawkeye123 says:Posted: 11 Aug 08
Here's my thought and I hope that I don't offend anyone. I believe in Jesus and in the Bible I can't find anywhere that says anything about color. So if God and his son Jesus don't care why should I. When we look at someone and find them attractive I bet nine times out of ten it has nothing to do with color. It's a smile, eyes, laugh and yes even thier figure. I think it would be neat just to be labeled a person. And that's all I have to say about that. :o)
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Member says:Posted: 10 Aug 08
Dear posters I will shed some light on this situation. The bottom line sellout black women decided to date pasty men because we were allegedly dating white women. So out of their jealousy and bitterness they decided to retaliate on us. So when they start talking about " I saw my pasty partner across the room or at work and his fanny pack and dirty white sneakers turned me on". They are simply lying to themselves. Sellout black women have this great ability to lie to themselves. They can tell you what a "White man" was thinking when he met them! I never knew they had the ability to see in the future but apparently they do. Some of these sellout black women say why I never mention black men dating white women. I have answered this question so many times. Sellout black women in high school use to date older men, hustlers, and all these other characters. They ignored the black men that went to college. So the black men in college decided to go to women that were receptive to them. Now that they are successful, black women are crying and complaining about black men not dating them. They essentially put the ball in motion for this happen. So as a last resort they "date white men" to get our attention. That's all it is Dropping the "Million Dollar Sellout Baby The Trilogy" on craigslist NYC rants and raves It's the Phenom "The Great One"
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Sunsmiler says:Posted: 10 Aug 08
Well said, Epitome06! You made some really good points that I have often wondered. In my opinion, it seems impossible not to see race based on the institutionalization of it. Perhaps someone will be able to shed some light on your question. All the best, Sun:-D
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epitome06 says:Posted: 10 Aug 08
Indeed we are all members of the human race. The issue I have is that many seem to be asserting the notion that unity and solidarity as humans can only be achieved through denial of our differences. I would love for someone to clarify for me what one means when stating, "I dont see race, color, etc" Huh? Im ok if you acknowledge it. As a child of "mixed race" I have not been afforded the opportunity of experiencing life as my father has.... My cousins that are not bi-racial have shared many of his experiences of the world. I have however, come to share similar experiences with those of my black mother. We DONT have to stop acknowledging our differences. we simply need to embrace the idea that everyone has a different experience of this world, and in many cases race can be one of many factors that shape our experience of the world. These experiences affect our decisions. I am a child of "mixed race" that identifies as an African-American man (race) because of my experiences in life. That is my choice to identify as such. whatever u hve experienced will determine what choices you make, even in the case of dating. If a white man wants to date a black woman or black man/white woman, then just be ok with the choice YOU make. But stop using "I dont see color, race, etc". as justification for your decision to do so. And for the record.... I LOVE all women.
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mamisabrosa says:Posted: 09 Aug 08
Not "tongue in cheek", rather foot in mouth....
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DMTK says:Posted: 08 Aug 08
When someone post's a comment, it's not a direct refelction, it's called Freedom of Speech! or a debate!
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Free4me says:Posted: 08 Aug 08
For a long time I would not date white men although many fine suitors have tried. My reluctance came from conditioning in school, not my parents as my family is mixed with black and white; I was accused of selling out. I am highly educated and successful, let's face it, there is a huge disparity between black men and women in those areas. I finally came to my senses and place integrity and character above all, now I have peace. I could care less who dates whom and think you are a fool to let other people's opinion affect who you love.
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Member says:Posted: 08 Aug 08
Dear "People" ( I guess) I made some spelling mistakes on my previous post please forgive me. I was a bit upset when I was writing. "Judge Judy"( DMTK) got me upset with the slander comment. "Mrs Laurelton Queens" made some good points except for the reflection thing. I guess some people were upset about my generalizations about white women and black women. Well I do not personally know all of you, such as "Judge Judy" and " Mrs Laurelton Queens". I just go off my experience like many people do on blogs. Anybody on here that says they inter racially date simply because they are "color blind" are full of it. That goes for white women and black women, there is something that happened to you by your race of men that caused you to be a "sellout". Now you can lie to yourself to make yourself feel good. I am simply stating the truth. I think have talked to many sellout black women and some sellout white women on why they date inter racially. 99 percent of them had negative comments about their race of men. I still don't get the comment about my comments being a 'reflection of myself". I never dated outside my race, I am perfectly happy with dating black women. I talk to a lawyer she thinks " I am controversial" but I think she likes that quality about me. As for DMTK saying this "It’s ignorant pieces of shit like yourself that make this world the toilet it can be at times!" See I will not stoop to your level with the name calling. I do not even think you can identify with the black experience. All you know is the sexual aspect of black men that you are enamored with. I doubt you even know African American History. It is not even a fair fight to be honest with you. You said I slandered and defamed people on a public blog!!!!!!! Your not the brightest crayon in the box. I am sure your "cuteness" has helped you in life but nothing you have said impressed me. It is sad commentary when a sellout black girl puts up a better debate that a privileged white woman. Good day to you
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Member says:Posted: 08 Aug 08
Dear fellow posters Actually the post was a tongue in cheek joke. But in reality there is some truth to everything. I never thought it would provoke such a reaction from people. Someone said what I say is a reflection of myself. Since your from Laurelton Queens. You should know my neighborhood hardly reflects that. It is a middle class black neighborhood. I must apologize from my grammar mistakes but I am not writing an English essay. It is funny to me that people get mad when I pass "judgment" but can so easily pass judgment on me. I really don't complain about it because I have learned to live with my prejudices and ideas of people. Secondly it is the same black people on this board that would be condescending to another black person if they were not highly educated or are in the same economic realm as them. If you notice the personal attacks implying that my background is less than stellar. Third someone said I slandered someone or defamed them. Your so stupid if I did that they would sue me. Name a 'person" I specifically slandered "Judge Judy". As for the Imus comment I was calling black girls nappy head before that. I call some of them bald headed too. They call me names back, I am not hear to be politically correct. But you see that's why sellout black women have to do. They have to distance themselves from the black community and people such as myself to appear "holier than thou" to date white men. The funny thing is most white men are not 'Blue blood" I repeat not "Blue blood". So you can talk about your degree until your blue in the face. It always amuses me when a Black woman responds to me the first thing she says is " As a Lawyer your offensive". That goes for all blogs not just this one. She has to put her status out there to impress people. I respond back to her and say " As a computer engineer I am sorry you so offended you sellout"! In Conclusion These sellout black women need "someone" to control. So they prey on the emasculated white men with sandals and a fanny pack. They know they can control them and make them wash dishes. Many professional black men like myself have rebelled against that. That is why you see the whining and complaining and the 'threats" of forcing themselves upon a white man. It's a sad desperate ploy and I will not be a part of it. My previous post was funny, I was still laughing when I woke up this morning. You have to admit that. Sincerely Me
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kahie659 says:Posted: 08 Aug 08
This topic never ceases to amaze me. I date based on personality. I'm currently dating men of various races. As a white woman do I think I'm more or less desirable then women of different races? NO. Would I care if my sone married a black woman? NO. Do my son or daughter care if I date a black man? NO. The whole question of media influence doesn't apply to nme...I don't watch TV. Does my dating outside my race upset some in my life? Yes. That is obviously their problem...not mine. I date intelligent, honest men who have a great sense of humor and are positive. WHile I have a prefernce for tall men (I'5 9)_ other then that every guy I meet is on an equal playing field. For the record I've been contacted by black men wondering why I'm on a site called afrolovers (?) that I'm living out some fantasy only looking for black men. While its no ones business I signed up with Interacial dating site where my preferences are marked as both black & white. I still don't understand why people care who others have relationships with....why the question of attraction seems to boil down to color. Probably a good thing that I dont understnd it.
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Sunsmiler says:Posted: 08 Aug 08
Thank you, you proved my point exactly. Hence, when you choose to be condescending to others it is a DIRECT reflection on you and your beliefs about yourself.
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DMTK says:Posted: 08 Aug 08
Laurelton Queens...... You have some serious issues as a human being, if that is indeed what you are... Don't EVER write about someone or something that you know nothing about, it's called slander and/or defamation of character. So in case you haven't checked yourself in the mirror lately or done any real soul searching regarding your own obvious issues, I would suggest you keep your opinions to yourself until you learn how to spell, or speel in your case...and conduct a little research on the human race, excluding yourself of course!! Lastly, do not group me with other white women when you have never taken the time to get to know who I AM inside excluding my skin color. It's ignorant pieces of shit like yourself that make this world the toilet it can be at times! You should be ashamed. But thankfully, there are some very strong, secure, wonderful women of all colors and sizes in this world and we can only hope that the only thing you will be spanking in the future is your own ignorant AZZ, or your sisters if you have one!
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Sunsmiler says:Posted: 08 Aug 08
Mr. Laurelton, I can tell from the length of your post that you have the potential to be very expressive and to ignite responses. As a person that grew up in Laurelton (Queens, N.Y.) as well, your comments are embarrassing. Firstly, it was difficult to understand your post. It is filled with SO MANY grammatical errors that it makes no sense to an educated person. Mamisabrosa (and others), please choose not to be offended by Mr. Laurelton's comments. His words appear to be based on very limited experiences with a small sect of people...this is not called reality; it is referred to as COMPLETE IGNORANCE! When you choose to be condescending to others it is a DIRECT reflection on you and your beliefs about yourself.
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Member says:Posted: 07 Aug 08
Man I have been reading all these comments I am from Southside Jamaica Queens. All this talk is being politically correct. The difference between white women and black women and how they come towards men is really different. I have heard black women say to me white women are "easy" and do "what you want". I said oh really, well they have a "successful black man" who the hell you got???? Obviously they doing something right! That's the problem with black women they claim want an educated black man but their intimidated for whatever reason. True story some "nappy headed" black girl told me, "you just want to use me for sex". I said " Oh really I guess your genital area doesn't get wet also". You can't be serious here use for sex?????? I only date black women period never dated a white woman. White women in my opinion are not perfect either by no means. Anyway she says " You want to use me for sex" right. I said "yea I do after we had sex for like a year off and on you bald headed raccoon". I thought it was funny but I guess she did not. Now back to white women They want to take you to the "white side" of town. They will have your ass in the "White Mall" in the Food court in the back somewhere. Their "friends" judge them harshly if their with a black man. Some of you do "to much" for a black man which is a nice gesture if you ask me. But the homeys take advantage. Another thing white women I think are more insecure about their bodies than black women. I told one of my homeys this and some white boys. I said have you ever a white girl that was a "virgin" with black man. So I took out the jeopardy timer, and their was silence, they was like "well". The silence continued and they like "na". I said Exactly. As for Black women I remember this 5ft 3 250 pounds black girl told me she ain't fat , she thick and that "she carries her weight well. Long story short she went on and on about "where the weight goes". So I am listening to this because I spank chubby black girls it's not big deal to me. Then overtime she got out "of hand". I said let's go to the gym, apparently she ain't like hearing that. At some point my dyck can only go so far into the coochie bottom line. So the last straw was we went to the movies and she ordered 2 hot dogs a large pop corn , large nachos, skittles and a small diet coke. I was like you sure you want the diet coke? She said hmm " small is good, a girl gotta keep it tight" I said "keep it tight"??????????????????????????????????? Same with white woman, their picking up the delusional chubby black girl psychosis. White women "assume" we want them just because their fat. I mean its good to have confidence about yourself. But you know damn well you wouldn't talk like that to a "white man" he would laugh in your face. White women that are fat just say "aw hell I got black men to go too". As long as they got a little dog and a black man to spank them their happy. Black women are never happy I don't care if you get them everything they want. Lastly its black man that have contributed to women being in love with the fridge. It's true, we chase their chubby ass down and say "girl work that butt". Then they just feel like " well let me eat anything I want the homeys will spank me anyway I am cute". I like thick women but if your belly is bigger than your butt forget it. Sincerely the "Phenom" Mr Laurelton Queens
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LaurelLiz says:Posted: 06 Aug 08
More and more people are dating outside their race because they feel they have the 'permission' to. The more people see it the more people do it. Bottom line is...we like who likes us... Black men love and adore me and have since I was a teenager in South Dakota of all places! Now I have to say I do prefer black men...but it wasn't always the case...I have come to realize that I am just more attracted to them. But it's a certain type...tall, deep voice, commanding in nature, confident, a good dresser, and especially one who walks with the ease and grace of a panther. Most black men like thicker women...period. And black men have a way of appreciating a woman's curves (in my experience) and I give credit to the black men in my history for giving me the confidence I have today...It certainly did not come from the white men I dated. When one person says they love the way you are and the other says you need work, well it's a no brainer who you will go out with isn't it? Hard to say no to someone who sings your praises. I wasn't raised to think there was anything wrong with it and it was a black man who made me question my parents about their views. The thought never crossed my mind that they wouldn't like him because of their skin color. My dad said that if I had a choice between two equally wonderful men, one white and one black, that he would prefer I chose the white one...not because of how my family would treat us but how others would treat us. I thought, "I don't care what other people think, if they don't invite me to dinner because my boyfriend or husband is black then I don't want to have dinner with them anyway." I have a mixed baby now...stereo-types are worthless. The man I made him with is perhaps the ideal person for me but is selfish, immature and was raised better than to completely abandon me and deny that he knew me...but he is coming around...probably because of his strong black mother! I am blessed with her as my "mother-not-in-law" because she reminds me of my deceased mother and it's nice to have a semblence of a mother again, no matter that she isn't really mine. I am moving on and looking for a strong man...and my color is HOTT! not black, white, asian, etc... It's about chemistry and who we feel sparks with... Some say that chemistry is about who we are most likely to procreate with and there is a dating site out there that matches people on their DNA immune systems. It is a fact that people are attracted to others with the opposite immune system. The baby of such a union gets BOTH immune systems. This may not be a question of race at all but simply the mating instincts of the human nature ensuring the continuation of our kind...homosapiens.... Love to ALL
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natisfynest says:Posted: 05 Aug 08
its cuz women always figure shit out before guys lol i dont exactly agree with the way the starting stement was worded i see plenty of white men dating outside of there race maybe not black women. none the less i think its stupid to limit your self to only your race or even to only one race but then again im color blind. insight from my white friends is they like white girls figure and a majority of black gurls are to curvy for them. again i dont understand that. my personal opinoin i will date any women any race any age as long as im attracted to her and she has her shit together and her head on straight last thing i wanna say which is kinda off topic who cares mixed women are gorgeous thank god for interacial dating/mating
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seancarter03 says:Posted: 05 Aug 08
Bluejewlz and Siamor, I really like what you beautiful ladies said. Made my day. God Bless guys
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bluejewlz says:Posted: 05 Aug 08
why do people simply not see people as people is the real question here! why does color have anything to do with the connection we have with another person? we all have our own mind to use. if a person chooses not to use it ,thats on them. why everyone takes other peoples opinions as a personal attack . each of us as a human being has a choice to be a leader of there own life , and also a free thinker. or they can choose to follow suite! i would think the best place to start is our children, teach them a new way of viewing the differences in each culture as a learning tool to help them grow as a human being .focus on the pro's in each of us not the con's and we in our life time will see the change that can happen.also if people want to know the truth they should look at history,the truth is there if a person chooses to look, but most people fear the truth so they refuse to ask the questions!my point is we are not seperate beings we are all one race, the human race!
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siamor says:Posted: 05 Aug 08
This probably would not be as such a heated debate as if we were speaking about blondes vs. brunettes, baby brown eyes vs. piercing blue ones, kinky vs. hawaiian silky or poptarts vs. toaster strudels...Isn't that truly the beauty that defines each of us and what makes us individuals...The FREEDOM of CHOICE. I personally have never judged anyone based on the color of their skin. The world is far to small to limit myself to finding "the one" in a sea of limitations...self imposed limitations at that. I am fortunate enough to be living in a society that gives me the liberty of making the choice of who I want to be with. That's a freedom I choose to take full advantage of. I also recognize that with this freedom, I have the advantage of speaking silently aloud against the interacial falacies and the falacies that stereotype races in general, simply by walking hand and hand with someone I love who may happen to be of a different ethnicity. I can't tell you what goes on through the average white man's brain when it comes to his attraction to women outside of his race. I can't tell you what black men find attractive about women outside of thier race. What I can tell you and not to appear vain, but rather to clarify my sentiment, is that I have been loved and adored by men of many different nationalities and races and if you were to ask each of them, on an individual level, what they found attractive about me...I doubt any of them would say "It's because she's black!". Ironically, I have crossed paths with men who chose not to date me because I was black, or I wasn't "black enough". Is the descrepency then really color or the inability to look past it in order to find something perhaps far greater that has no bounds. We don't fear color, we fear the unknown. We fear what lies beyond what we can see. I'm 5ft8". I prefer to date taller men. If the man of my dreams passed me on a crowded city street and I failed to notice him becaue he was 5ft2", then perhaps I'm the one who truly ended up with the short end of the stick.
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Yanz says:Posted: 04 Aug 08
Hmmm, this was supposed to be a conversation about White Men and White Women. How did this get to the plight of the African-American woman? Sensual777, "we choose a partner which has in our opinion the best genes"? Hmm, I hope that statement is based on science. Otherwise, it sounds dangerously racist. I'll reserve judgment. The African-American men here openly bash Black women. One may think you are dating outside of your race for all the wrong reasons, (emphasis: sarcastic)"My Brother".
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cbb43085 says:Posted: 04 Aug 08
I am actually surprised with many of the comments. I think that mixed-race couples have become quite popular in the media. Being attracted to all attractive women, regardless of race, I have always been somewhat sensitive to this. I tend to notice mixed race couples more in movies and TV shows and commercials. I think it is still perceived as more "exotic" than mainstream, but do see it more and more. I don't have immediate examples, but could probably come up with a dozen or more if I took a few minutes to think about it. I have dated many women of different races and backgrounds (different to my race and background), and think that, at least for me, similarities with dates fall more in line with socioeconomic terms than race lines. I have a "professional" career (a "suit and tie" job) and find much more in common with an African American or Asian woman with a similar job and background, than a Caucasian woman with a different background. I find much more in common with a professional woman of any race, than with a woman of my race that chooses to live in a different way. I don't want to talk negatively about anyone, no matter how they choose to live, but am just citing my personal choose and comfort zone. In short, while it may have been more socially acceptable for Caucasian women to date non-Caucasian men (and I would argue that until recently, society has frowned on mixed race couples in general, no matter what the makeup of the couple), race lines are coming down, and Hollywood (and through Hollywood, society at large) is embracing/promoting mixed race couples.
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1sweetblonde says:Posted: 04 Aug 08
I've been curious about that question as well. Being the curious type, I have asked many men about their preferences (or lack of preference) in the race of a potential partner. Some say it's all about personality and they have no inclination one way or another concerning race. But others make generalizations about one race or another. Of course, if they're talking to me (a white female) chances are that they have have a bias towards white women, so this is hardly scientific. Nevertheless, the answers I have heard overwhelmingly from men(remember, these are men's comments, NOT MINE) who say that black women are less kind, less loving, more selfish and self-centered, have or give more "drama", they're more demanding, less giving, while white women are more calm, kind, loving, open-minded, and "color-blind." Likewise, I have experienced from white men that they are more shallow, more selfish, more hung-up on appearances than content. They're often more insecure. White men are more easily threatened by women who earn more money, who are more intelligent, better at traditional "man" chores, etc. I know my observations are not scientific. As far a pure data, my information is skewed. All I can report is what I see and what I'm told as a white woman so please, no hate-mail. Personally it's not about race for me. I don't care about a person's ethnicity. It's all character. Character isn't tied to race or job or income or heritage. It's learned from parents or good role models, it's what defines us as people - as members of THE HUMAN RACE. What unites us and what we have in common by far outweighs the differences. If we'd only focus on that instead of trying to undermine each other, we'd all be doing ourselfs a favor. We are ALL made in God's image, ALL are brothers and sisters in Christ, and all imagebearers of God. Let's remember that and start respecting and embracing the beautiful qualities each of us has.
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tatted2death says:Posted: 04 Aug 08
Lookie.....lookie.....another opportunity for the closet-racists to come out..... It probably has been asked before, but I will ask it again.....WHY, OH WHY MUST PEOPLE PUT OTHERS DOWN TO MAKE THEMSELVES (OR THEIR CHOICES) SEEM BETTER???? (I know the answer but.....dayummit!!!!) ....But I will have to agree with whoever mentioned the site itself doing some "revamping".....The visual does sort of hit you like.."oh ok maybe a woman of color DOESN"T belong on this site"..... .....and they wonder why I won't fall for that "Lifetime Membership" Peace and Blessings tatted2death
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seancarter03 says:Posted: 04 Aug 08
Junglefeva I wanted to reply to your post, apparently you don't remember writing your ridiculous statements about black Americans "WEll as an a TRUE AFRICAN woman we are raised very differently with good morals , we are not raised GHETTO that is why most african women that end up with with african american men’s marriages don’t last, I for one I am a typical example….when a white man loves you he will let the whole world see that YES indeed he loves you and will not treat a black woman like dirt so yes they treat us with respect than the brotha will do….he calls you his ebony, chocolate etc….etc he won’t just kiss you when you are in bed or at home he does it anytime and anywhere..I am a “true AFRICAN QUEEN᾿ That was all from the post you put up on July 30th so everything I said to your hateful, uneducated, and repulsive a** was completely warranted. I try to come from a place of love and peace but when you make comments attacking my love of myself and my family it takes me out of my spirit. 1. From comments I was stating fact and no matter the circumstance of how we got here "True African Queen". It doesn't take away from the fact that there are far more black women in Africa as single parents then there are here. And there are 42 million people with AIDS in this world and the majority are in Africa. You have places like Ghana where 50 percent of the fricking population is afflicted with the disease. 2. I never once said that Africa was the way it was shown on television, the whole point of this blog is to expose the media's misinformed dipiction of black women you genius. 3. Nothing in my comments have ever been hateful, I love all women and to say I hate black women is an absolute farce. I am from black women, I was raised and loved by amazing black women and when you make comments you sound like you are attacking my upbringing without any information. I am sorry for what ever happened to you in the past, I truly am but stop generalizing. Not ever black man hurt you, just because you were either rejected or treated badly by a handful of guys does not make us all the same. If you think because a man is white and attracted to you that he appreciates you then you have a lot of growing up to do. That goes for any woman reading this thinking that a white man will be her salvation. Every man can agree with me and say that we are all capable of being a jerk to any woman I don't care what the race is. If you find yourself loving and worshiping someone solely based on race and not action you are a far worst racist and you are helping to perpetuate the same ill will that you are so against. And I know for some of you boys and girls what I say is over your head but I'll say it again READ A F***ING BOOK. Especially Junglefeva. To redsonja we as people all do that kind of thing where we try different things I don't think white men trying out the black experience should be faulted because I know plenty of people do that when dating something outside of their comfort zone, they are just trying something new besides once again I don't see why that should make you upset. SmthCaramel thanks for taking the time to read what I said brother.
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smthcaramel says:Posted: 03 Aug 08
I wasnt going to post a comment as well, but the more I read, the harder it became not to. I have dated all races, and the one common thread that I found is that, no matter the race, religion or part of the world that they come from, all people have a fault or faults. It doesn't matter the race. My God, when we get over it already. Understand this, when you go to your bedroom at nite and turn off the lights, guess what you don't see any color you bunch of self satisfying, horn blowing idiots, as seancarter03 said, pick up a f_ _king book. When will we ever learn that race doesn't make the person, the choices that they make do! DMTK you hit the nail on the head, the bible says nothing about color, some of us claim to be soo religious, but they're the main ones keeping racism alive. If you're not comfortable in your own skin, you best believe you are going to find everything and anything possible to make everyone else miserable, just pick up a book, starting with the bible, get a life and get over it. PS DMTK, I dont know where you are, but with the open mind, personality and looks you have, notice that the looks are the last thing on my mind, I would love to locate and have an opportunity to get to know you.
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redsonya says:Posted: 03 Aug 08
I think that for a long time its been more socially acceptable for white women to date black men. I'm in my late 20's and I've often felt like the media portrays black women to be something a little less than desirable. I also must mentioned that as a society we've had unfair sterotypes on black women. Therefore we've and limited ourselves to s dying breed. On the other had I've dated white guys who were just looking for the black experience and that in itself,pisses me off.
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noirbeauty says:Posted: 03 Aug 08
Personally what I find a problem is that white men in their forties don't seem to be serious about dating women of color. The ones in their 30's and late 50's and 60's seem more serious. Just my luck! I prefer men in their 40' I said, it's been "my" experience.... But I think each situation is different.
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cajuncreole says:Posted: 03 Aug 08
mochabunny and the others I agree. No more bashing.
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@ rere I cannot disagree with everything you said. Some of what you said does apply to some blackmen but certainly not all. I think that blackmen who get involved with whitewomen because they think they can run them make a huge mistake. Take Tiger Woods for example. Whitewomen have feelings and get mad just like other types of women. Blackmen need to survive on their own merit and not use and humiliate whitewomen. They have muscles and a mind just like everyone else. What black men need to do is start coping with life like everyone else. That whitewoman will tell him he needs to go to work just like a black woman will. The whitewoman will take him to court and make him pay childsupport just like the whitewoman will. See how they treated Tiger. They made him give up those women he had on the side and go home to his white wife. They had him begging to take her back. If that had of been a black woman no one would have even cared. The black man makes a mistake getting involved with a woman for any reason other than devoted true love.