Interracial Dating - White woman's perspective
If there’s a topic that has stirred so many emotions and discussions, then its interracial dating. This is video talks about the views of a white woman on black men. I found this video quite interesting especially the part about white men being unemotional.
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Well, I think we white dudes can be emotional too… we cry too. :cry: I think white men are sensitive especially to the needs of a woman. I don’t know about you but I think this video and the views on it are something to stir one heated debate.
Do other white women feel the same about black men? Do women in general feel this way?
108 responses to "Interracial Dating - White woman's perspective"
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mikeg421 says:Posted: 04 Jun 09
I am a white man who is proud of ethnicity. I love women of all shades and i don't have any issue of black men white women/black women white men. The comments i have read, are one extreme to another extreme. Some of us don't seem to realise that it is the sun that colours us, nothing else. We all need to move on and start acting like human beings. We have a Black President and hopefully we might have a black monarch, yes im from the UK. Black, White, Asian, chinese, Aborigine and Eskimo it does not matter.
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Austrian says:Posted: 02 Jun 09
Solyn, YOUR COMMENT IS SO TRUE and yes, the social class should not be underestimated, neither the double hard liberation, Black women had to go thru - to get here! At this point, I would like to once again compliment wonderful role model FIRST LADY MICHELLE OBAMA, her great mother - who also had a lot of impact by supporting her daughter - and last but not least all of you - and THERE ARE MANY - EXTRAORDINARY BLACK WOMEN, who came out of their struggle and did not give up hope, faith, love and extraordinary self respect.
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solyn says:Posted: 02 Jun 09
I totally agree with BDSista, I have seen domineering women of every race and nationality and submissive black women also. I believe if a guy is looking for a "submissive woman or women of a certain ethnicity" because they are easier to mistreat and lie to, that is a man no woman should keep. I also believe there is a huge distinction between people who discriminate against their own race in favor of another and those who meet someone who happens to be of a different race and fall in love. Their feelings and thoughts are worlds apart. As for my personal experience, I do prefer my own race and social class and that does include a nice lifestyle. I have worked hard to achieve some luxuries on my own and I don't think its fair for people to assume women who have expensive things won't give a man who makes less a chance. When I meet men who don't have high paying jobs I don't write them off but I will examine their priorities, character and goals. I think the bottom line as BDSista stated is finding a compatible mate. I don't usually have as much in common with lower socio-economic men regardless of race because they just aren't in the arenas and activities, I'd be involved in. Thats just life. However to all the beautiful ladies out there who cringe when they see black men with white women just trust there is someone out there for all of us and most of the time, the guys who don't date black women are not the catch of the day to start with! Black women need and deserve strong, faithful, industrious men because we have learned to be survivors by matter of our history. We are overcomers and we need to continue to set the bar high because life is not a game and we deserve more than empty promises. Peace to all.
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Kregg says:Posted: 29 Mar 09
Ironically I don't really date much personally. Honestly, I have always been to busy working and when not working, studying in my life. In my area, it seems this makes you ousted in the dating field apparently if you are white and strive to be the best you can in all aspects of your life. I am a white male. I never understood the fascination white women have with black men. Nothing racist in that statement, I just never understood this, as the majority of black men in my surrounding area seem to strive to be less then high achievers. Then I recently met a few black women. Some of them were extremely beautiful, some were what society would consider average. However, I found I was honestly drawn towards them for these reasons. The white women all my life always ended up becoming very superficial and materialistic. Very demanding and untrustworthy. All they wanted to do was "what they wanted" and that was it. And that usually meant doing something that always cost alot of money and/or something radical and on the verge of almost dangerous, in which they would reply was their love for "adventurous". The black women however, seem to embrace the idea of education unlike the white women in my area. They also show a legitimate respect for others, an honest concern for you with no ulterior motives. The black women in my area also like to do things that don't always call for spending money, such as cooking and picnics to a day at the park. Even spend time doing some reading. The white women in my area also seem to enjoy, or at least make it known they pride themselves on not taking care of themselves, where as the black women in my area have a personal pride about themselves with out being "vain". I note: In my area because this may not be the case in other areas. I don't know, I can only judge my area is all. All in all, I don't mind black men dating white women, because honestly, they are to high maintenance and more dangerous then a loaded shot gun. Not to mention the respect I have found for the black women. This just allows me the freedom to possibly get back into the dating game and ask a few out and have no competition. And if that is the case, I would defiantly go out of my way to show my appreciation and thanks, and try to make their date as enjoyable as possible. So, black men, remember that old joke :"please, take my wife"? well, please, take the white women, because although most of us white men are not vocal about it, we don't want them. Not to mention, the black women have also proven to be most worthy to carry our seed, meaning, be a very good potential mother to our children if the relation goes deeper into that level. Unlike the massive amount of white women who exponentially hang at the bars leaving their kids in the car.
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JohnLove says:Posted: 13 Mar 09
I like the message by, Sensses21, there is a lot of stereotyping, and I believe that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder,this is my view, that the different color of skin just help to enhance the couple. smile.
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vivianwill21 says:Posted: 27 Dec 08
Hi dear, how are you today I hope that every things is ok with you as it is my great pleassure to contact you in having communication with you starting from today, please i wish you will have the desire with me so that we can get to know each other better and see what happened in future. I will be very happy if you can write me through this mail ( for easiest communication and to know all about each other, and also give you my pictures and details about me, i will be waiting to hear from you as i wish you all the best for your day. your new friend. Miss. vivian.
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phatkitty says:Posted: 21 Dec 08
Hey xxnjxy, a whe yuh deh, Ms. lady? Say hi, so i can know that am not alone on this site. It's getting hard out here..... phatkitty
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phatkitty says:Posted: 21 Dec 08
Bdsista, well said, couldnt have commented better myself. Senses21, you need to get off your high horse, you stated that men of ALL races want you, physically, emotionally etc. Please! God must have made you specially for all these men. And please enough with the stereotyping of black women, you dont know an entire race of people. Just because your man fill your head with garbage about blk women, doesnt make you an expert on the subject. I do not fit the pic that you so graciously painted about blk women being materialistic, ranging from fancy cars to luxury homes. I see nothing wrong with that,most people want to live well. What i see is a lot of white women that get to live that luxury lifestyle, because their blk NBA, NFL, movie stars or whatever husbands seem to provide them a goodlife, why dont you call them materialistic? Dont you think we deserve some of the goodlife as well? I have yet to meet an honest man who actually has a genuine heart. Everyone has standards, no one wants a "busted or broke" down mate. Everyone wants someone they are proud to introduce to their family and friends. There is nothing wrong with a man with a steady and honest job,and of good character. Honestly, that is what i am looking for, even those kind are hard to come by. I have never ask for things from men that i have dated, and they were too selfish to offer. I've always provided for myself. I would never look or expect things from a man that i cannot bring to the table myself. Just doesnt seem fair. So when you think of clumping every sista together, next time add the word 'some' to your message. That would clear up a lot of misconception. one luv
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bdsista says:Posted: 20 Dec 08
I too have dated men both black and white who were horrible selfish lovers and some who wonderful, sensitive and met my needs. I also find the stereotypes abhorrent. I also was totally faithful in my marriage and find fidelty to be a comfort, not a restriction. You have to be committed and be able to focus on your man regardless of race. Senses21, you have drank the koolaid. There are negative, domineering women of all races! Not just Black women, but Black women are the only ones who have historically had to maintain her families survival through the removal of her man from slavery times and shelter her family during the rest of the years post reconstruction, Jim Crow, and on. The laws and policies of the US have created the being whose strength was once necessary, but is now maligned because BM now have other options they can pursue without being lynched (depending on where you are-NOT Algiers, LA, if anyone has read The Nation lately). Black women are raised just like white women to marry up, particularly if they are middle class. This creates problems when the pool of men within the race are not rising to the same level of accomplishment as the females. This would logically explain why BW are now looking to WM to expand the pool of compatible professional mates. I don't disagree that there are some women who are materialistic, but it was Madonna who recorded the song, not an R & B artist. Materialism, shallowness and poor attitudes exist in all women, I have heard the same complaints about Asian women, Latinas, et al. I would agree with the question, would you date yourself? If you aren't bringing much to the table, then it is somewhat unrealistic to expect the moon and the stars from any man! Older and Wiser, you are still young! My parents are still kickin it at 81 and 79, so you have a whole 30 more years to go. Open your heart so you have a man to share your best years with! Peace and love all
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Member says:Posted: 08 Dec 08
I am a older 53 yr old white woman and I have been married twice, once to an American Indian, next was an Australian. I have dated black men in the past and have to agree, they are by far the best lovers I have ever had. I have had my fair share of white men and they just don't know how to please a lady for some reason and I want a man that I don't have to teach. My exs where both faithful to me (as far as I know) but they lack the excitement I needed and found with a black man. I don't know, but I think my 3rd husband will be a black man, if I am lucky enough to find one at my old age.
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thekid47 says:Posted: 03 Dec 08
Dear Godiva61, With some minor differences-I don't think that when any particular ethnic group dates another, that one takes the 'whole race with them'-I think,with respect, that itself can be a stereotyp.. Otherwise, to the entire spirit of your post/blog, all I can say is, in the words of that most famous song from the movie, Lilies of the Field: AMEN, AAAMEN! AAA..MEN, AMEN and AMEN!! Blessings to you, all of the Good Lord's blessings!! Best and respects
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JohnLove says:Posted: 03 Dec 08
Hi, I want to comend senses21 on a well made comment, one things is for sure that I know. under the outer skin all of our bodies is the same color.I learnt that from helping some Dr's in the hospitals.God made all of our skin colors accroding to his own desire and not ours. its the charaterictis in all of us that make the person. all women and men are peoples. and I believe we all have the right to chose who we want that is compatable with us.
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senses21 says:Posted: 03 Dec 08
Wow! This is very interesting to me. I am married to a completely beautiful, 6'5", 280 pound, educated, intelligent,loving, providing, soulful, personable, black man! I am a 5'6", 150 pound, extremely attractive, very successful, educated, intelligent, loving, respectful, white woman. Both my husband and I have been told we look like we stepped out of a magazine. I am not trying to be conceited here; rather making a very valid point!Aside fom the fact that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, to say that most black men seem to date ugly, fat, uneducated, disgusting white women, is absurd. Once again.....STEREOTYPING! 13 years ago, I was married to a wonderful white man, and had two gorgeous children. My white, ex-husband and I are good friends, and communicate like Bruce and Demi do.....MATURELY and RESPONSIBLY. We just were not a fit for each other so we amicably moved on. Since divorcng my white ex-husband, I have solely dated black men. Not because I no longer like my own race, not becuase white men hurt me in my past, but beause in opening up my box of life, I allowed myself the opportunity to observe MEN of every race, and found myself extremely attracted to black men, both physically & emotionally. I feel I connect better with black men, but clearly with no disegard or ill will toward my own beautiful race. I am stumped, time and time again, to hear black women say there are no good black men, or to say that white women just do whatever black men want, etc etc etc. That is such CRAP! That is a hater's excuse! I could sit back and say that from my observations, black men don't always want a black women because black women seem to want to control the relationship. They come across as very domineering and with all of the negative connotations they direct at their black men, WHY would black men want to continue to subject themselves to such negtivity? From my observatins, more black women than not, set expectations on their "ideal mate", such as a six figure income, designer gifts, luxury cars, etc etc, as if a genuinely good man, couldn't posibly drive a Toyota, have a career in a customer service department of a company, and live on a budget comfortably, allowing him luxuries of his choice, only twice a year!!!!???? From my observations, it seems that if a black man doesn't fit those high expectations, they aren't worthy of a black woman. That disgusts me. Again, STEREOTYPING! The truth is there are many black women who fit my description above, and many who simply are good women looking for a good man. There are also many white women who fit my description above, as well as many white women, like myself, who simply want a good, moral man to connect with and love for a lifetime. Why is that so hard for some people to grasp? I have met tons of succesful, intelligent, heart-filled black men who would drown me in love, be a good provider and an awesome father, and they do not earn six figures or drive a Mercedes. They simply have a steady job and a good heart! I have also met tons of white men who live a the "good 'ol boy network", being perceived as wealthy, well-educated, loyal men that you want to bring home to mama, yet that couldn't be further from the truth. My point is.....does anyone simply want to find a genuine, compatible, good, moral, man anymore? I am a strong, smart, white woman, who men of all races are attracted to physically, emotionally, and intellectually. Any man who wishes to disrespect me, will be confronted in the same manner, and any man who is not capable of treating me with the respect and admiration I am deserving of, is not a man I stay with or continue to keep in my life. I am not "stealing" the good black men from black women. I am being me, and me happened to attract a great, black man, who adores me for me....not because I will put up with his crap and not because I am easy sexually. But because I have his back, his front and his sides...because I love him dearly, because I am his biggest cheerleader, I adore his children, and I work with him, as he does me, through our own flaws, and we make each other better. Believe, me, our relationship has not been all peaches and cream, and it is far from perfect. But one thing is absolutely certain, we are madly in love with each other, we respect each other and our similarities and our differences, and we WORK together t make us the best us we can be! Color is NOT a factor! Ladies, black, white, asian, whatever, would you date yourself? Do you fit your own expectations you look for in a man? Some of you may want to ask yourself that question, seriously. Clearly both cultures are different in many ways. Whites are typically raised differently than blacks, and neither way is better or worse; just different. There are amazing men and women in every single race, and either you have the ability to attract those good people to you, or you are in serious need of self reflection, to assess just why you only seem to attact the "bad ones". It isn't that one race is better; it is that YOU need to figure out YOU before YOU will attract a fine catch! Sorry if this comes aross as nasty. Not the intent at all.....I am just very passionate about everything I read in people's comments. To everyone, God Bless you and may you find that diamond in the rough you long for, same race or not.
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JohnLove says:Posted: 30 Nov 08
HI, Brandi45 . it would like to meet you in person, just to have a nice conversation. smile.
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JohnLove says:Posted: 30 Nov 08
Hello there Brandi45, you said in your comment that you are very attractive to black men. smile. well me myself I don't see any color, I see the type of spirit that is working in the person. from their heart.the chariter,there is good and bad in every nationality in the world. there is only one God, and he made the different color for his own interest not ours. but there is no where in the Bible where it says any of our soul has a color. God love all colors just look at the rainbow in the sky, and so do I. hate will only eat up the person that has it in their heart. ty.
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thekid47 says:Posted: 10 Nov 08
To 69Venus, I have found, among my guy friends, both black and white, that they are passionate, and very respectful and kind.. And speaking for myself, I have always have, and always will, be faithful..and yes I am passionate, travel, enjoy cooking, a romantic at heart etc. I am open to dating all ethnicities, and the stereotypes that I have been reading here-are really sad.. It is hard to 'color outside the lines', when one keeps oneself in a box that keeps you from doing so. I have not doubt, that all of the people who have commented here, are great people-it is okay to open yourself not only to coloring outside of the lines, but also within them. Respects to all...
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69Venus says:Posted: 31 Oct 08
I totally agree, black men are so much more passionate and emotional 'in general'.. that's not to say there are no white men out there that can keep up - they're just hard to find :) I've dated white and black, however after having dated black men for many years now, I just cannot find the chemistry and physical attraction to a white guy. I do however believe that white men treat their women better (less cheating etc.) but now it's like being caught between a rock and a hard place... I want BOTH! the black man that is treating me with respect and is still passionate but faithful?... Not even sure it exists !??
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dave says:Posted: 28 Oct 08
Dear Webmaster, I also represent one of the largest dating sites for military singles and friends in the world. We just came across your great site while reviewing our partners. We would like to work with you setting up dating site for interracial singles. We can set it up for you at no cost if you have strong interest in work-at-home business. You can pick the name for the interracial dating site, and own the domain and brand. We take care of all the backend and engineering work. You don't have to worry that no one exists at your interracial dating site at the beginning. Your site will share hundreds of thousands of profiles with other interracial sites we have already set up. Your users can immediately contact hundreds of thousands of other users once they register at your interracial dating site. You can earn money if you have users registering at your site. It is easy to get users visiting your interracial dating site by doing the followings: 1. Invite friends, friends of your friends to visit your interracial dating site; 2. Write blogs on popular sites. Think about how to promote your dating site in smart way; 3. Create friend circle on some social networking sites to get to know more friends.; 4. Use business card, fly sheet to promote your dating site when joining social activities; etc. If you are interested or having any other requirement and thinking, please feel free to let me know. Best wishes, Dave Marketing Manager Email me:
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Crucial says:Posted: 22 Sep 08
To CaribPrincess: Thank you and I agree with you. Most of my friends who are attached to white women all have fat, ugly or dumb dumpy white women. None are educated, but neither or my friends. And yes, most black men, atleast the ones that I know choose the trashy white women because they are easy to turn out sexually. Just for the record, I am an attractive, well educated, 6'2" 220 lb straight 43 year old black man. I just happen to be married to a beautiful Asian woman. I was born in New Orleans, now resides in Manhattan, New York! And to European Girl, please lets not confuse African Men with African-American Men. Our experiences are not the same. Where he is uneducated and uncultered, I and most of my close friends are educated and cultured. I have dated several white american women, white european women along with carribean/black women, asian women and I have even dated a Beautiful American Indian. I just happen to find my match with a beautiful 5'5" shapely 124 lb Chinese woman 15 years ago. Race was not a factor, but finances, sexual compatibility (and I really have a high sex drive)and family relations were. My family likes her family, her family loves me and most of all, she has the body of a sister. Oh, and the sex is great too!
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_dream_ says:Posted: 22 Sep 08
jerks come in every color, unfortunately, that is a fact of life. i confess to having so many issues with black men that i just gave up, but i can admit when its just me and not everyone else. if you took a pol, there would be horror stories on all sides of the rainbow, so i figured out that instead of blaming a flaw on a race, why don't people find the flaw in themselves that attracts such losers in the first place?
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babybcool says:Posted: 16 Sep 08
I'm new to this blog. I'm an American and I am a black male. I live in Atlanta, Georgia in the American south, the former bastion of chattel slavery and one of the current bastions of 21st century racism;which by the way, is alive and well; not only in the U.S and the U.K,but all over the world. If you would like to chat more or comment on interacial dating please feel free to drop me a line.
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Member says:Posted: 04 Sep 08
Hi! I am a white woman. I broke up with my black boyfriend two months ago although I wanted to do it long before. I came to the U.S from Europe year ago. He came here from Africa a few years ago. Before I met my boyfriend, I hardly had an opportunity to see any black man. In my country we don't have black people. So, I didn't have any attitude about racial issues, even I wasn't particularly attracted by black men. However, when I met him my world completely changed. Love and disgusting overlapped each other. I was completely lost. I tried to understand his world, but I just couldn't. I loved him, but he was so unsophisticated, uncaring and rude. Maybe, white women are too demanding, but I think that it is more about respect. It is surprising that I met him at university, in graduate school. We worked on the same projects. He looked so funny, he didn't know anything, but he wanted to impress me. Eventually, I took pity on him and I wanted to educate him, to show him that I do not care if he is black or not, I wanted him to be the part of my world. I found whole situation as a big challenge. I am a very beautiful blond girl and good educated and the fact that I am lucky enough to have any man made me a little bit spoiled. Choosing him was some kind of mission to make him better person and provide him everything to have sophisticated and good life. He left his girlfriend to be with me. He was completely crazy about me and I was about him. In the beginning, I wasn't able to make difference between passion and love, but I decided to marry him and have kids with him. I was so happy to have different children because interracial kids are so beautiful. I started to like black people, the color of their skin, facial features, shape of their bodies, their spontaneity and emotions. By the time the differences became so visible. I like to be treated like a princess and he just couldn’t meet my expectations. He did such an awful things - made me pregnant. I was furious. I never had that experience before - I hade sex with a couple of guys before and I was always careful about it. Also, I realized that he laid me. He used stupid lies for his grades, his background, etc. He did not have any self-confidence. Although he is very ambitious, he made me crazy about his unintelligent acting. And, I decided to leave him. I have forbidden him to call me, but somehow he always found the way to convince me to stay with him. It lasted a couple of months and in one point I realized that I would go crazy and I stopped any contact with him. I do not want to talk about stupid things that he did to me. I cannot figure out how people can live so low. Without any limits to hurt someone, even if he loves that person more than anything. It was such a big mass. However, I survived. I felt so bad to tolerate such a stupid behavior. I thought that all black men were like him. But, I realized that he just had some psychological problems. I want to believe that cultural differences are not big deal. The most important thing is that you are a good person, black or white.
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gongzuo says:Posted: 04 Aug 08
What a bunch of meaningless garbage this blog is. People use this blog to convince themselves (over the internet) that people really give a damn about their interracial fling. Unfortunantly, the truth is that the public probably couldn't care less and just thinks you ugly. Why do you advertise for or against a race when anyone with half a brain can see there are good and bad apples in each race. Who cares if you are going to graduate school or if you had X amount of white or black BF's. It doesn't cover up your desperate want for attention and fantasy.
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mimisue22 says:Posted: 02 Aug 08
Oh, and in response to CaribPrinces, I am about to enter graduate school, I have no kids/baby daddy's, and I wouldn't consider myself "low class" or "badly spoken," so here's proof to break that logic :-D
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mimisue22 says:Posted: 02 Aug 08
I am currently dating a black man, my first black boyfriend, and what is claimed about loving vs. hating a black man at the same time is very true for my situation. That boy can hurt me like none other without even trying, yet he can put it down AND hold me/make me feel loved like no white man ever has. Don't get me wrong, I've had some wonderful white boyfriends as well, but no one has ever loved me like my boy does. With the comment about formulating a story at the drop of a hat--also true. That can be a good thing, but it's also very trying to me because I never really know when he's telling the truth. I trust him like none other, which may be my naivety, but he's my man and I'm gonna stand by him. White boys, on the other hand, I've noticed are terrible liars. For real, the "uh um ah I uh um..." is a total giveaway. Get on your shit if you're gonna try to lie to your girl! "What she doesn't know won't hurt her" CAN be true, especially if you're on your game and she doesn't find out. BUT if she does, let's hope she has the balls to call you out! That's another thing with white women and black men--the women often don't call the men out BECAUSE the men are such smooth talkers! I know if I try to call my man out I gotta get my shit all straight in a row or else he can poke holes in ANYTHING! All I can truly say is, be with who you love, but watch yourself no matter who it you're with.
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Member says:Posted: 30 Jul 08
CaribePrinces echoes many of my sentiments so well that I don't HAVE to comment!
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Member says:Posted: 14 Jul 08
Hello, I fell lucky that I located this post while browsing for relative dating. I am with you on the topic of Interracial Dating - White woman’s perspective. Ironically, I was just putting a lot of thought into this last Sunday.
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bill says:Posted: 16 Jun 08
I have watch my wife with many BM OVER 9 YRS SHE LOVES SEX WITH bm has brought several WF to the pleasure only a BM can give a white femail while she loves me she now has what she refers to as a black adonis and is 8 mo pregant with a black mans baby she was not allowed to kwow the father so Larry brought in 2 freinds and the took turns on her for 3 week a differt one each nite all three on the week end HER belly is very very big.
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Flirty1 says:Posted: 10 Jun 08
HeartBroKeUK Somehow I thought things were the other way around in the UK. All the interracial couples and biracial people I've known from there have been black women with white men. Your story sounds so depressing. I wouldn't worry though. Things have a way of turning around when you least expect it. Good luck!
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virgo09 says:Posted: 10 Jun 08
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JoeCracker says:Posted: 09 Jun 08
I feel sorry for black women like Broken Heart UK, but how can you say with a straight face that white women are "taking care of your children"? No mother on this planet should be denied something that came from her body. Don't let racial pride distort what you know to be the right thing among all people. That guy sounds like a real ass, but you shouldn't blame white women for his stupidity.
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amacdoo says:Posted: 09 Jun 08
I have dated several white women, mostly in college. I have dated more white women than any other women including black. I am now married to a very nice woman from Brasil. If the truth be known they all can and will drive you crazy. I think its a woman thing period. My wife will get in her moods and I just leave the house. Several of the black women did the same thing. Most white women seem to have a higher level of respect for her man or she believe that he will kick her butt if she get to far gone. Black women don't seem to have that same fear neither does my wife. She's 5'3 and about 125 lbs, but she gets right in my face dareing me to knock her out. I don't hit women so I just leave. I probably should have married a white woman but...
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HeartBroKeUK says:Posted: 12 May 08
I've just ended a long term relationship with a black man. I ended it with "I can't be sloppy seconds to a white woman (Whether she's the mother of your children or not - you should have been more careful where you cast your seed). His heart was never with me, even though she's the low class type of white woman a white man wou;d have second thoughts about bringing home to his mother. My point is, there are no more available black men anymore, and as a black woman were meant to feel racst for having a preference for OUR men. In short, I'M DONE. no more black men for me. Having supported him through the ups and downs of fatherhood etc. He told me he doesn't love me, he loves. Despite being ugler than a robbers dog, not understanding the concept of oiling a black childs hair, putting on a pot of soul food, and being culturally enlightened. He prefers her. I'm educated, clean, humble, not bad looking, no baggage and disease free. Here in the UK, its the story of most black women - the black population is fallng, by 2030 there will be more bi-racial people than blacks, because black men prefer white women. Black women in my coutry fall barren to white women who have our children and do not know how to take care of them. There is a massive difference betewenn a bi-racial child raised by a white women as opposed to a black woman. What are we to do - who will help us. In light of us helping ourselves. I have no naswers, I have given up - and by this I mean, not dating men other than lack. but dating period. respectfully, Broken Heart UK
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LApete says:Posted: 25 Mar 08
your vedio was interresting,the woman you spoke about works in a field of young guys just getting a taste of a life style they have only heard of more money new cars big jewls the house so the temptataion is there with woman of all colors,with the money they make women chase them down,some women are more giveing than others and if you start out giving you cant stop just stop also its our nature to get out of trouble black men love completly no matter the skin color and we take pride in our women and want to show them off black women know this every man wants to think his girl is the hottest thats us or at least that me.and dam proud of it.
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brandi45 says:Posted: 17 Mar 08
it doesnt matter what race you are its whats inside yr heart and how you choose to love, we are all created by god and i believe us all to be equal but there is good and bad in every race, it comes down to what path we choose and i personally am very attracted to black men more so than white but have never had an oportunity to meet any in my life time.
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Brian says:Posted: 11 Jan 08
A good man will compromise over time and should be judged by his more than just how well he manipulates a situation. I consider myself the quiet analytical type but I care deeply for my girl and I show it in time. TRUE LOVE is about patience and understanding because men and women think differently and no one is perfect. You can search a different race or culture, but I hope you all end up at this same conclusion and find happiness with someone who loves and cares for you despite your imperfections.
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LePenser says:Posted: 03 Dec 07
Oops! "believe" and "their interracial dating characteristics."
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LePenser says:Posted: 03 Dec 07
I am not sure that anything he stated was more than just this females own personal perspective. There are millions of black men out there, this in no way encapsulates there interracial dating characteristics. It amazes that people who have no training/education or have not conducted any "true" research on interracial dating speak as though they are experts. This particularly happens when speaking of blk male/wht female relationships. There comments are based on fear, conjecture, and false stereotypes. It is ashame that even in a choice as personal as dating, intimacy, and marriage that a black male has to be scrutinized and judged by any fool with an issue. I say power to those individuals who have the courage to follow their hearts and damn the haters. I say damn them because as they are feigning concern for the people, I beleive they are just trying to control people to suit and serve their needs.
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CaribPrinces says:Posted: 23 Nov 07
I agree with xxnjxy. It seems that the requirements for a white woman to date a black man is a LOT LESS LOWER than a black woman to date a white guy. O.k I do know of some poor lower class Cubans or African women for example that white men choose because they may be refugees to their countries and the white men fall in love with them and get them visas...(that's another story) However, for the most part I feel that black men have lower criterias for what a white woman brings to the's like she only has to be white! I have never seen a black man with a beautiful AND educated, intellectual, well-rounded cultured white woman. They all seem to be low class, badly spoken, uneducated white women. I wonder if it means that it's all that black men can get OR just that the educated and intellectual white women will not go out with black men?? I really don't know. On the other hand, white men seem to require/select balck women who are very attractive (even better than white women and yes, skinny and fit), educated to a similar level as themselves, intellectual so can relate to their high profile corporate friends, and well-rounded so as to be able to have interesting conversations on politics, life etc... In summary, I am not bashing black men with white women I just don't understand why they always pick the scaggly, trashy ones that maybe even the white men wouldn't want. Maybe it is a class thing...
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Techmdman says:Posted: 10 Sep 07
I whole heartedly agree with Dee's assessment of the whole interacial experience, in how it relates to white and black stereotypes. I am a black man, and can assure you there are a great deal of brothers (including myself), who have emotion for life, their families and have shed a tear or two of matters of the heart, life, world issues as well as family (and the list goes on and on). I've dated both black and white women, and I've had great experiences in both arenas. Women are women, and although we all come from different back ground and have different experiences about life and relationships, I think it's a pity to hear some black women "bash" black men and give one-sided and ill-fated insights because of the unfortunate way that they were treated by a particular person in past relationships. People are people, and regardless of what race they are, are proned to make mistakes and to disappoint. To sum it all up, that's just life. But to learn from these past experiences and to not harbor any ill-feelings toward whoever treated you wrong is the key; Ultimately, no one wants to take on someone else's baggage. Let's spend our lives enjoying it as oppose to carrying feelings of hatred for black, white, asian and all men as well as women.
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Dee says:Posted: 10 Sep 07
I really agree with Pamana. I think that humankind decides whom to assign certain qualities to based on personal experiences. When you think about it, all of the negative stereotypes that are assigned to black men can also be found true for white men; for that reason, it is very difficult and almost impossible put those stereotypes to the test and prove them true or not. Therefore, it is very unfair to label a whole race based on your past experiences with just a few men of that race. I am a black woman who has dated both black and white men. For me to label white men as such and such would only be a cause of our society. We might be in the 21 century but our society seems to always find ways to make us think that one race is superior than the other and that they should not merge when it comes to dating, marriage and having children.
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Dee says:Posted: 10 Sep 07
I really agree with Pamana. I really think that humankind decides whom to assign certain qualities to based on personal experiences. When you think about it, all of the negative stereotypes that are assigned to black men can also be found true for white men; for that reason, it is very difficult and almost impossible put those stereotypes to the test and prove them true or not. Therefore, it is very unfair to label a whole race based on your past experiences with just a few men of that race. I am a black woman who has dated both black and white men. For me to label white men as such and such would only be a cause of our society. We might be in the 21 century but our society seems to always find ways to make us think that one race is superior than the other and that they should not merge when it comes to dating, marriage and having children.
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Pamana says:Posted: 02 Sep 07
If you really know people - black women are saying the same thing white women are saying about men of their races - essentially we are all the same - the sterotypes are attached because we put them there. All white men don't have good credit and all white women are not superficial - and all black men can't jump or play basketball - it was just an area that gave them an opportunity to escape proverty and if he could jump he did it. There are intelligent black men and white men and sensitive and caring white and black women. The Preference usally stems from early experiences - if you first date was older and it was an wonderful date, you might seek out older people. If your first date was English - and maddening you might stay away from that type. Hopefully in another 1000 years we will all have gotten over this crap. I love seeing white women with black men and white men with white women - and I once saw an Asian man married to a black women with the cutest kids. These types of couples are generally happier and fulfilled in a way that escape those that are racist - and they will never understand.
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xxnjxy says:Posted: 27 Aug 07
I must add (we are entitled to our opinion) i find black men to be way less emotionally intact ,I never find a black guy crying and yes absolutely they are cunning ---as you stated --smooth (they think and act faster. I think the whole thing with black men dating a white woman is not solely based on "its what they prefer" its more of the attention it brings...just a statement from a a few guys i am close to that do date white women. they admit to the immediate attention and feeling a better snese of self worth.(so my thought was your'e worthless next to your own race. Is this what our value is based on ---race=societal value. Sometimes it seems its harder for a black woman to date a white guy , a matter of fact it is not as common to see a black woman/white man couple as the reverse (she has to be educated professional etc) and the only requirement for a white woman is to be best friend (happens to be a guy and black) said he'd date a low life white chick over her equivalent black, in his comment she'd (black) better come right or not at all..i do notice he will go all out (whether broke or not) to impress a white female and put out minimal effort to treat a black female like a there imbalance anyone. While dating a white male i noticed his friends and family's major concerns were (what does she do, what does she drive etc...i have it all so i had no worries) but with his former mates (white) all they asked she hot! amazing. Anyhow i enjoyed the video, the lady brought up some great points and i do think black men are cunning /suave than white guys are, but emotionally in check the white guy takes the cake.(care more and show it , rub my feet, make me dinner, split everything 50/50 if not pay for it all and hapilly do it, thinks to give you a call to see how your day is going for no apparent reason).....i'm not here to upset anyone just comment honestly........enjoy!
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DeJuan says:Posted: 18 Aug 07
hello...this is the guy that made this video. i was checking the links on it and decided to click. i'm glad this video is getting around, because it needs to be discussed. when i was talking to that lady that had these views on black the back of my mind i'm thinking "why is she making this about black men". how come these idiosyncrasies couldn't just have been in some stupid men. it's very funny that every story she told me in this conversation was about a black man. i don't know if she's ever dated a white guy or any other race but she made it seem like only black men do these kinds of things. now i was intrigued by her argument because she made a lot of valid points that i could relate to. i am guilty of a few of the points she was stating, but in the end she said "i'll never date another black guy". i felt offended that she said that because i'm not like that. i'm married but i don't act as the guys she was describing. but hey...this sort of thinking still exists so i guess some black men have to shape up and some white women can't base their relationships on a few bad apples and make everyone else suffer. yes this video is a big discussion on youtube. if you want to read some of the is the link. thanks dejuanp
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Jeanette says:Posted: 30 Jul 07
Well I think it is relative. I have dated both white and black men and i have seen all characteristics in both white or black. There are white guys who can get out of a situation so fast a black guy would give them a medal. (or they have been hanging around the brothers?). Anyway, it is not a matter of black guys being emotional or knowing how to love more than the white guys. You get all those in both races. I personally would go for the white guy. Nothing against the brother but from my experience, i prefer the white guys. And I can also say, they know how to love, and show emotion that i have not seen in the black brothers i have dated. Interesting though.
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hiimsteph says:Posted: 30 Jul 07
well this was very stimulating and engaging. For the most part I think the lady was right. Maybe im speaking from experience as well, but I fell the same was she does about black men.okay.
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We are all the children of Abraham, Lets love................