Interracial dating and black men
What do people really think of the Black man? Low! The video below is such an inspiration. It shows us what we think of the Black man and what really is! I mean, even the Black men underrate themselves. I mean, do we really think Black men are soooo anti-education?
Find your soulmate on InterracialDatingCentral
Well, truth be told, lets stop saying that there are no good Black men. According to the video they are there and the Black men make more money than the Black women. Let's stop saying that White women are stealing all the good Black men coz maybe, just maybe, there is something the White woman does that makes a Black man have a liking for her. And if you ask me, I think the White woman makes the Black man feel worthy and appreciated.
What do you think of the video? Over the years, the media has shown us negative images to get ratings and dollars. Don't you think its time we actually searched for the truth instead of buying into these myths and self destruct?
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143 responses to "Interracial dating and black men"
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art_negresse says:Posted: 26 Mar 09
to Maggie: I SO appreciate your post. I agree with it, but it's also just so affirming for me, a black woman who only dates white men, to see that there really is enough for everyone to go around. We are meant to love who we love, regardless of what society says. Otherwise, how are the black women who love white women going to meet you - you'll totally miss out, and if I don't go with my heart, some adorable white guy's going to miss out on the pleasure of my company! Rock on with your other-lovin' self - sister to sister :-) C.
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Member says:Posted: 26 Mar 09
LOL Salsassin Do you think that is going stop me. You are very entertaining you ambulance chaser. I am not bright and you mention debating "intelligent black males". The ones that agree with you. Macho posturing like what you do. Anyway, thanks for the exposure. You ambulance chaser if you did entertainment law you would actually be worth something. Have a nice day John Edwards.
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Salsassin says:Posted: 25 Mar 09
Hey its the cable guy. Nice try cable guy. I said I have had debates with nam intelligent Black males. Obviously if I had debates with them, we disagreed. Yes, my face is in many places. I never said I hid. I just don't pursue it. If someone wants to find me they can go ahead and search. I have morons make that type of macho posturing in many forums. Very entertaining. No you aren't very bright. So you can see my face. I can see yours. Your point?
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prettybrowneyes says:Posted: 25 Mar 09
Maggie, your response is typical and is from typical blackmen. As a black woman that prefers white men and do not date black men. Respect is a two way street. Black men believe that black women do not have other options to dating and love, so they don't value and also mistreat black women. As a white woman; you are not expected to know, care or understand this fact. White men to me are better and give what black men dont think I deserve; RESPECT! And I give it right back. What you don't know about black women is this; for the most part, we will TREAT you as you TREAT us! Respect is a two way street and MUST BE EARNED! If you are nasty towards me, then you will NOT receive ANY RESPECT from at period...Simple as that Maggie, simple as that.
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prettybrowneyes says:Posted: 25 Mar 09
Mr Laurelton Queens you are such a hypocrite! black women are expanding their options at an increased rate. deal with it!
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Member says:Posted: 25 Mar 09
Dear Salsassin Just because black men disagree with your opinion they are not intelligent. I don't care if your a lawyer. Yea don't actively search for confrontation idiot your face is all over the internet. I would hate to think you have something against black men depending on the field you practice law in. I never cared for lawyers anyway. Do your fucking job and stay out of politics. Good day moron showing his face on the internet. I guess I am not intelligent as you.
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Salsassin says:Posted: 25 Mar 09
I see you are trying to suplement your lack of logic with an attempt at internet bravado. Sorry bub, I debate with intelligent Black men all the time. I don’t waste my time with meat heads such as yourself. You obviously are frustrated and your post shows it. I am not afraid of expressing my opinion in the face of anyone, Black or White. But as a lawyer, I am not going to actively pursue a confrontation that could affect my career; I wouldn’t risk a fight with a moron. I live in Decatur. Good luck driving around trying to find me. Internet bravado is always entertaining.
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Salsassin says:Posted: 25 Mar 09
Oh shit, I missed AALove’s last post when I debated with Laurelton. I see your lack of logic didn’t disappoint. You state that Afro Latinos didn’t this economy, so they don’t have a say. Neither did White Latinos exploit Blacks in this economy, yet you put them in the equation. The point remains that Afro-Latinos experience the same discrimination African Americans do in this country, yet they do not carry the same stigmas you do. Slavery was abolished there over 150 years ago and we never had Jim Crow. And my family descends from European, Native and African. SO we don’t owe shit to anyone. You can make a ton of claims of probabilities, but you have yet to show one credible bit of evidence that Willie Lynch existed. I already pointed out why colorism existed way before Willie Lynch. “Light skin vs. dark skin colorism basically arose from a few factors. One is from actual native traditions that have been common the world over. Upper class in almost all continents has avoided tanning and it’s damage to the skin, while the working class toiled on the fields and had rich tans. So early in history there has been a tradition of colorism through out many civilizations including Africa of darker (as in tanned) being frowned on. But over millennia it has lead to many favoring lighter skin for the obvious reason that it enhanced that difference. In the industrial world, that trend has actually been reversed to a degree, as tans became a sign of wealth and an active life style. So now we are seeing a trend where medium complexions are the most favored. Not too light and not too dark. That is one factor. Second ancient trend: As farming started to develop, so did concentrated settlements. But originally farming diets where not that healthy or balanced. In fact, fact they blocked a lot of absorption of much needed Vitamin D. So you see a slight lightening of the skin in farming populations vs. hunter-gatherers. Obviously when diets became more balanced, this was no longer a major issue, but it did lead to a slight lightening of populations through the entire Fertile Crescent, North Africa, China and India. Think of Middle Eastern and North African people today. This may have lead to the prior trend I mentioned of upper class vs. lower class, but also between populations. By the way, overall, women are also lighter than men for the same reason. They need more vitamin D during gestation, so except for the places of highest radiation, women tend to have developed slightly lighter skin than men. So those are global trends that have existed. Particular to the Americas and Africa: In Africa you have the lighter skinned populations of North Africa, but you also have the Arab slave traders since 100 AD who excursioned through out Africa and also mixed in many places. Many of their progeny also continued the slave trade creating dichotomies of darker vs. lighter as seen to this day in places like Sudan and the Maghreb. In the US and Latin America: Many of the first Africans to come to the US where freemen, not slaves, and there where no miscegenation laws so many mixed with European descent people. As well as some migrants from the Northern parts of Africa. As free people they also were able to develop and accumulate generational wealth. You see a lot of their descendants in old lineage upper class Black America in New England as well as well as parts of the south with the Gens de Colour. SO you had the dichotomy of the freeman vs. the slave who was brought predominantly from the darker regions of Africa like Angola. And unfortunately this led to a second dichotomy. You had the mulatto and light skinned Black populations that were predominantly lighter (comparatively) and you had the predominantly darker slave populations. You also had a trend for a while of giving more rights to Indian populations who were comparatively lighter and whose children with Whites were also classified as mulatto in early America. So that added to that dichotomy. That was the base of colorism. Add to that, in slavery, contrary to popular urban mythology, it wasn’t being Black that made you a slave; it was who your mother was. Matrilinealism. So, there where many slaves who descended from the Irish slaves that were brought over who were predominantly women. Many slave masters would favor mixed descent slaves, not because of some false Willie Lynch Machiavellian plan, but simply because they resembled them more. Subconscious comfort zones. (Of course, this was not always a bonus. Many times lighter skinned slaves would get the wrath of the female spouse because they were suspected as illegitimate children of the slave master and evidence of his infidelity. Or many times they were victimized as rape victims at higher rates when they were available because they carried trends of beauty that were more Eurocentric as well as Afrocentric trends of beauty.) Ultimately though, all these populations got integrated during Jim Crow and many of these trends remained subconsciously, or in many cases just the perception of those differences. Unappreciation of the darkest women. (Both because of light skin and dark skin dichotomy and gender difference in colors dichotomy where lighter skin is seen as more feminine where darker is seen as more masculine) And with the trend reversal in industrialized nations, the real light skins lost a lot of their appeal as being seen as unhealthy, white trash, etc. So the media has glorified medium complexions. From the tanned golden Eurocentric look (either by tan or by regular pigmentation) to the mahogany type complexions that you see predominantly in Black media all the time. You rarely see the lightest and darkest complexions in Black media. These subconscious biases are of course completely inaccurate and based on millennia of feudalistic societies. Dark skin is actually healthier than light skin, in many ways, and is less susceptible to the ravages of solar radiation. (It also is at larger risk for developing melanomas that are detected at much more advanced stages though), so in terms of ageless beauty, dark skinned women have the upper hand. (Another reason many of the lighter skinned populations may have stayed out of the sun and “prided” themselves on their light skinned beauty. They had to stay out of the sun if they wanted to maintain it, or wrinkle up a lot quicker). In today’s, world, all those ancient reasons for colorism are just plain stupid. But unfortunately we are still dealing with many of the subconscious biases that are perpetuated by culture to this day. I have dated African women who are extremely beautiful in their dark complexions, yet I really don’t see them in represented in the Black media in the US. And I have seen light skinned beautiful Black women who are also rarely represented. Usually they have to sport a tan at least. If they have more Eurocentric facial features, then Eurocentric beauty standards apply as she is appealing to the larger community, but if the woman is light skinned and has more Afrocentric features, she faces the uphill battle of people thinking she has colorism privileges because she is light (Even though medium toned complexions are far more popular) and discrimination because she has more Afrocentric features as well. I’ve actually conducted experiments with facial features (Yes I studied social psychology and anthropology so these issues interest me) and have taken a broad featured darker skinned woman (more Afrocentric beauty) and a light skinned thin featured woman (more Eurocentric beauty) and digitally created all the facial features possible in between them from medium complexions and medium width phenotypes to light skinned faces with broad features, to dark skinned faces with thin features to combined broad and thin features with all three skin tones. In controlled tests of peoples tastes (you see two images, and you choose one, then you go to the next, same thing) Overall the medium complexioned medium ranged facial featured women always got the most hits) So obviously colorism does play a role, but so does facial structure biases, and the ones that are getting the most attention are not the lightest, but the medium complexioned looks with medium features. Sad, but that is the way perception is today. Personally, I find beauty in all skin color ranges and facial structure ranges. And hopefully with time these biases will diminish and disappear. “ I am well aware of the exploitation of Chattel slavery and its evils. And the people who perpetuated it are not the people alive today. So you still don’t have a valid point. LMAO. The Catholic Church started Chattel slavery? What a fool. Arabs started their slave trade around the time of Christ. Way before the Catholic Church even existed.
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sugarspice says:Posted: 16 Feb 09
Salsassin sorry that miss out on all the drama of a typical Jamaican girl...................LOL
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Salsassin says:Posted: 16 Feb 09
I'm glad the Jamaican women I have dated weren't as stereotypical as you guys describe. LOL Damn, you both make all Jamaican women sound like gold diggers. LOL
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sugarspice says:Posted: 16 Feb 09
U r damn funny........I have to agree with u on everything u said. Thanks for the compliment....we r very sweet....if u don't cross us. I stop playing around with men now cause they keep chasing me.....saying that was the best sex and when I am done with u......stick a fork in me.........I AM DONE.....I've had my glory days....getting house and car out of men....can't get that from these american men. So them keep their money and mi keep my honey. Not playing games....but ur right....I showed my friend ur comments and she is cracking up........LMAO.
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Member says:Posted: 16 Feb 09
Dear Sugar I would have to agree with you. Jamaican women are not shy about telling you what the role of a man is. Actually the traditional role is to take care of the woman. As far as getting her nails and hair done that is very true. Quite often Jamaican women will be with a married man because they get what they want and "they continue to have their freedom". Not all Jamaican women do that but you can't put it past them. Yea Jamaican women have stated they don't black american men. They don't "americanized" Jamaican men also. In my lifetime, Jamaican women are sweet women but you got to leave them in the mistress category. Don't expect them to change much. But see men get caught up fucking a Jamaican women and their mind get all messed up. Then they think they can change her. As for the white boy he is often the perfect victim for Jamaican women. They let their dick control them. No Jamaican don't snatch your wallet. They get you to give them your wallet. As for Jamaican women leaving me. It happened once but that situation was because I was incapacitated at the time. The rest of the Jamaican women I have been with before I was engaged I treated them accordingly. You got to understand I was raised around Jamaican women. It's very rare to find one that "trust men". I was talking to my friend one day. Jamaican women can juggle several men and never get caught. Black american girls do that but afterawhile they fall flat on their face and end up with nobody helping them. Again they let their emotions get to them. I rarely see Jamaican women show their cards or "get off their game".
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sugarspice says:Posted: 16 Feb 09
U know what I am glad u calm down. Mama is always right........if u mean like u daddy....u r definitely gonna have problems with, we need our hair and nails to be done and we don't like paying for it. We can't help it cause the men spoil us. That's the reason why I do not like black american men...they don't spend money on us....all they do is pay or dinner.....shoot, I can cook dinner......I need money, to go shopping, do my hair, do my nail etc. Ur right, we don't do that independent thing. I am educated and have a good job, but a man got to take care of his woman .....full stop. Sorry, i get better treatment from the white men......that's what I am use to and wherever the good treatment is I am naturally gonna gravitate towards it. who wouldn't? and it does not mean that i love money. I have been with men who have hit hard times and I stick it out with them cause they have been good in the past and know times will get better. I know that not a lot of other women do that, but if u r in love, u will stick it out with ur man. We don't snatch wallet and run and no......we r not money lovers. It is just our culture.......Jamaican men love to tak care of their women and it is not our fault. So since u r really 'american',if u had met a Jamaican woman in the past and she asked u about money and all a that.... u shouldn't have thought the worse about her and yes, she is gonna leave you if u r mean.........sorry bro....that she left u for that.......LMAO I'm outa here.
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Member says:Posted: 16 Feb 09
LOL I was born there and raised in the United States since I was two years old. LOL That don't make me fake. That just makes me "americanized". Your from St Catherine Parish. You should stick with your brethren and stop chase down white man. My fiancee is feeling sorry too for being with me LOL. You can't help who you love. For the record people think I am talking bad about black women. People reserve their own opinions about their own race of women. It doesn't mean I hate any of them. I have been disappointed in some of the things Jamaican women have done in the past. I understand some come from extreme poverty and must do things to survive. I was lucky to be born in a middle class Jamaican family. At the end of the day I am product of my father's upbringing. He said " Rule your woman or she will rule you". That is very true and that is how you have to handle black women, in particular, Jamaican women. I am not going to sugar coat anything. No black woman wants a soft man. If they say they do, they are lying. I work hard everyday and provide my family and fiancee. I am not a perfect man but I am upfront. You better cook and do laundry. If you feel that you "to good for that". Get a white man and have him take you out to eat everyday. Bringing your poor white man to Applebees, Olive Garden 5 days a week. You 'ratid Jamaican women" are funny. At the same time I can admire the strategy that Jamaican women do. Unlike African American women they don't say " I am independent I don't need man". Jamaican women will use a man to get to the top. My mother said the other day. You can't have a Jamaican woman because you won't pay for her hair and nails to get done. " You mean like you daddy". I told my mom look this "generation" of Jamaican woman are ruthless. LOL When I say they use sex as a weapon. I mean they really do it and have no remorse at all. That is not me bad mouthing them. I accept how some Jamaican women are and I just don't fall for the game that's all. Take it easy. Pusshole lol I don't speak the "patois" that good.
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sugarspice says:Posted: 16 Feb 09
MrLaurelquee I am glad u came back and yes I am from Jamaica the island.......St. Catherine(the largest parish). Yes, I am single at this point and that is why I am on a dating website....can't say the same about you. Thanks for ur honesty in saying that u move from having no life to a fiance....God knows...I am happy for u...I'm just sorry for her.......Listen to the way u talk about women. I hope u don't make the statistics of black men going to jail for domestic violence. I do have a sense of humour....scrap that....I have a great sense of humour and that's why I laugh at everything u said, but the disrespecting Jamaican women way...that shows hypocrisy. The fact that other Jamaican men disrespect their women don't mean that it is there is no excuse. I am from Jamaica and I know it happens and that is the main reason why I decided to 'sell out.' A lot of that comes from poverty and lack of education and seeing that u got the great opportunity to leave the bush and get a wonderful education........I expect better than that from u. Now that u might become a father U have to be a good example to ur kids.....especially if it is a bwoy. I can tell ur a fake Jamaican cause we don't say 'pusshole'.............LMAO
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Member says:Posted: 15 Feb 09
I decided to come back and comment. Since people put there two cents in the conversation. I don't have to defend if I am Jamaican or not. I was born there (Port Antonio) and I am proud of where I come from. Sometimes people can't distinguish me being sarcastic or not on a blog. Therefore, I don't give really care if you don't like my sense of humor. That's funny I wasn't the one that said He FUCKED a Jamaican woman. He said it like it was an accomplishment. Where is the outrage in that? I am not a person to cry about who jump on which side in an argument. I responded back to "ashy comments" that was said to me. If you don't like me personally that's your problem. As for the topic at hand, I will stick to my original comments. Unless your born in Jamaica the Island. Then maybe I will accept criticism. By the way, Jamaican men say things about Jamaican women all the time. Read the Jamaican Gleaner and look up the archives. "Mi no haf to explain nutin pusshole" By the way everybody talk about why I mention my fiancee. It goes from I have no life to me talking about sellout black women. In the context of my new post called The St Valentine's Day Massacre. My personal life came up in general talk. Shit I might share my stories about my life if I deem fit. Listen if you don't got a Valentine, I understand your upset about it. I will try to be more sympathetic about it. I am serious though she loved the ring. She was tearing up. LOL "Take it easy"
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sugarspice says:Posted: 15 Feb 09
Chloe I totally agree with u, however as a Jamaican I couldn't help but to put my two cents in. I know it is a total disrespect for women on a whole, but just the mere fact that these conversation to that whole Jamaican term. As for u MsLaurelqueenie if u r from the bush in Jamaica, I am sorry to hear to that. Everytime u post on here, u just make us Jamaicans look bad. I am proud to be Jamaican....I was educated in Jamaica and everything I own I acquired in Jamaica. That is the way u talk about ur country and its women???......mmmmmmm......and u talk about sellout? Go look in the mirror. Nobody wants to hear about u buying a ring for ur fiancee forever. If u r getting married that is a good thing, so why r u on a single website..not to mention an interracial website. As I said before....neva si ...come si. I know....the truth hurts.....sorry maaaama man
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Salsassin says:Posted: 15 Feb 09
Cloe, I apologize. I was just word sparring with the kid. I just used "ashy" as a counter point to "pasty" I d not believe all White people are pasty nor do I believe all Black people are ashy. I was just pointing out how dumb the labels were by showing the other foot. None of the girls I have dated have been ashy. Can't say the same thing about his fiancee. LOL Just remember that when I word spar, I have no problem retaliating with equivalent insults. They are directed solely at the person being insulted and not a description of any generic group. It's all for fun. And the women I date already know that about me. I'm an avid debater online, but quite chill offline. Unless someone bring the subjects up.
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Salsassin says:Posted: 15 Feb 09
So you have been writing about interethnic relationships attacking Black women for three years. That must be when the Jamaican woman dumped you. I see victimization in all your posts, not just your blog. Only a fool wouldn't take advantage of a leg up in education. I was just too lazy to put in all those applications. I did get a scholarship to law school and my biggest recommendation came from the Frank Hale, House of Black Culture at Ohio State. So if they applied AA on me, I don't know. I never checked any Black box because that would be ridiculous. I may be Afrodescent, but the European and Indigenous side is predominant in my genetics. Culturally I am equally of all three influences as the Bantu/Malgache/Congo side played as big a role as that of the Spanish and the Quechua/Mochica. Can't be self hating if I'm not Black and never had White Privilege, sorry. If anything, looking Anglo in the neck of the woods I grew up in, it was a liability. "Myth 4: The public doesn't support affirmative action anymore. Public opinion polls suggest that the majority of Americans support affirmative action, especially when the polls avoid an all-or-none choice between affirmative action as it currently exists and no affirmative action whatsoever (see Table 1). For example, a Time/CNN poll found that 80% of the public felt "affirmative action programs for minorities and women should be continued at some level" (Roper Center for Public Opinion, 1995a). What the public opposes are quotas, set-asides, and "reverse discrimination." For instance, when the same poll asked people whether they favored programs "requiring businesses to hire a specific number or quota of minorities and women," 63% opposed such a plan (Roper Center for Public Opinion, 1995b). As these results indicate, most members of the public oppose racial preferences that violate notions of procedural justice -- they do not oppose affirmative action. " Seems you are wrong as usual. We can do a poll if you want. Would you rather be a poor white Appalachian person or “stay” an urban poor black person. Tell me the results of what the poor blacks say. Sorry bub, don't confuse yourself with the beautiful Jamaican woman I was with. You may be ashy, but she was anything but. Your supposed fiancee is probably a woman you found who hates White men so now you feel safe. LOL You were in the gutter when you started your little cruzade three years ago. Snitching? Oh, your fiancee posts here? But thanks for admitting it's true. Your status isn't simply single. Your whole description is about seeking women. Keep showing how sad you are.
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Cloe27 says:Posted: 15 Feb 09
WTF! I can not believe this post is still going on and that it's taken such an ugly turn. Tsk, tsk, tsk. Sugaspice, girl, stay outta this. Let these men sword fight with their penises. This is not discussion for ladies. It was but now it's a penis swinging contest. Really "MEN"? Are we discussing our last sexual encounters with "ashy-assed" women. Are we naming calling and accusing one another of having sex with relatives on an interracial dating website?! Are YOU really?! Frankly, this has been downright disrespectful to all the women on this site because some of you A-holes(except Mr.L'oreal/cabledude) are searching for better halfs. What chances do we have amongst men who are playing the "my penis is bigger than yours" game? I have one thing to say...get it together, men. Seriously, get IT the fuck together!
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Member says:Posted: 15 Feb 09
Dear Sal Thank you for putting up my biography. That is why there is a link for my blog in the first place. Nothing I do is imaginary. In the context of writing my blog my personal life may come up. Some people think I don't have a life outside of my blog. Since I have been writing about sellout black women for 3 years, most of which was on craigslist. There is always people that have assumptions about me. I fully accept it and talking about my personal life makes readers understand the man behind the blog. It is quite interesting you keep bringing up victimization. Yet in my own biography you don't see any victimization. But if you want to stick to that statement be my guest. You said this in your rebuttal................ "I do not criticize valid affirmative action. That is your own stupid assumption. Of course the affirmative action was meant to help African Americans, not Jamaican immigrants. Sadly foreigners who never had slave ancestors in this country, who never had family in Jim Crow are profiting from “racial” Affirmative action, more than the people who had a valid historical gripe with this government. But again you show your assumptions. Most White people support affirmative action. If not it would have been voted down in congress and you would be SOL." I would have to disagree with you. If there is a program out there for you can apply and take advantage of it. If you choose not to research to see the programs that are available then you are to blame. I am not a liberal person that believes all black people do no wrong. I just think your a self righteous coward that uses " I got a friend that is black or hispanic" excuse to mask you dislike for minorities. Your white privilege seems to make you think that everyone should 'think like you" because you have white skin. Since you say your creole or whatever you are. You would fall under the definition of a self hating negro. You made a comment about most white people support affirmative action. Actually most white people do not support affirmative action. They supported the Civils Right Act. You said also said................... "You can play the victimist mentality all you want, but I won’t coddle you. Sorry but in today’s America there is no “White privilege” There are groups that are predominantly White that are privileged but not all White groups belong or participate in those privileges." We can do a poll if you want. Would you rather be an urban poor black person or "stay" a poor white Appalachian person. Tell me the results of what the poor whites say. Let's see what else you said.................. "LOL. Contrary to you, I don’t hate on any part of my family. You obviously hate on your female Jamaican side. Typical misogynist. No she did not empty my wallet. That must be how you date. Your “fiancee” charges you the hour." LOL You making me laugh over here. Mr Past Tense I WAS with a Jamaican Woman. Call me misogynist lol, go get you another ashy Jamaican woman again and tell me how that turns out. My fiancee is not Jamaican but I am sure your last Jamaican girlfriend "charged you". You also said this "Yeah, you pay cash for imaginary fiances and their rings, claiming to be good financially when you just graduated from SUNY and are working as a cable guy. And you claim to be engaged but you are still trying to pick women up in Black sites like Blackplanet." There you go again stop it. That is real gay. Even I don't snitch. Stop getting in the gutter. I should change the status to engaged I am lazy lol. Since my fiancee asks me to do it so much lol. You also said this "Let me guess, your ex was Jamaican and she dumped you for a White guy Victimist to the end." My blog came out last year. I was on Cl rants and raves three years. Never had an ex girlfriend date a white boy lol. You did your best though. Let me respond to the Jamaican girl up top. She said this............. "I am a Jamaican and am very disturbed by how egotistic u r. U r on a very high horse. God help u when u fall. U r so full of ur rasscloth self. U r up in everybody business. I read ur blog and I think u need to go find a job. U sound like dem maama man……..always a gossip bout woman. So u buy ur girl a ring and the whole world have to know. That’s the problem with u black men….neva si come si…..I’m a sell out so what….I can date who I want…..ur shit caan mek patty……..memba dat when u a try fi discriminate gainst other people. U mentioned that u have been discriminated against and since u know what it feels like, why do u choose to do the same. U also said that Jamaican women are headaches and u think they r thieves.(snatch wallet) Another example of discrimination…..U r Jamaican and u talk bad about Jamaican women and u r railing up about sell outs……struuups. Gimmi a bloodcloth break. Idiot bwoy." Listen lickle gal, tap ya noise about me talking about Jamaican woman. Your ras clot love the white man and im money and everybody know that. Take your pusshole back to the bush. LOL I am out
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Salsassin says:Posted: 15 Feb 09
Dear Cable Guy, Nice try. Most people that are self accomplished aren't talking all day about how they are victims of the Man or starting blogs about Black women that are sell outs. or what not. Only the ones with a victim mentality that always blame others have that mentality. You fit the bill. That is not elitism, that is just common sense. I do not criticize valid affirmative action. That is your own stupid assumption. Of course the affirmative action was meant to help African Americans, not Jamaican immigrants. Sadly foreigners who never had slave ancestors in this country, who never had family in Jim Crow are profiting from "racial" Affirmative action, more than the people who had a valid historical gripe with this government. But again you show your assumptions. Most White people support affirmative action. If not it would have been voted down in congress and you would be SOL. You can play the victimist mentality all you want, but I won't coddle you. Sorry but in today's America there is no "White privilege" There are groups that are predominantly White that are privileged but not all White groups belong or participate in those privileges. Again, you make assumptions because you live in a myopic tunnel vision world where you see everything in Black and White. Your stupidity. I say us, because I am Latino and of Creole ancestry. My mom is White, my dad is not. I was raised by my dad. So go make more assumptions to show case your stupidity even more. LOL. Contrary to you, I don't hate on any part of my family. You obviously hate on your female Jamaican side. Typical misogynist. No she did not empty my wallet. That must be how you date. Your "fiancee" charges you the hour. Yeah, you pay cash for imaginary fiances and their rings, claiming to be good financially when you just graduated from SUNY and are working as a cable guy. And you claim to be engaged but you are still trying to pick women up in Black sites like Blackplanet. Yeah, tell me about how great you are doing in life. It is entertaining when fools make claims they are happily engaged when they are still searchng on other sites. "I am 30 years old with no kids and a BS in criminology/sociology from SUNY Old Westbury. I am also pursuing an A.S in Office Technology Medical Billing (I will be done Jan 09). My main focus now is my career and working for Time Warner Cable. I try to fit time in for dating, but sometimes your just so busy, you can hardly make time. So what do i like in a woman is, she has to be independent and attractive. I do not like a needy woman with baggage and insecurity. I am open to talking to a woman with kids, but eventually I want my own kids; so if she does not want kids, than I may not be the man for her." Last Login Feb 7 Location Jamaica, NY Relationship Status Single Yep, that must have been a whirlwind romance. Right after you got over your sellout Black woman that had you start a whole blog about it. LOL "MR LAURELTON QUEENS A LIVELY DISCUSSION ON THE DESPERATION OF SELLOUT BLACK WOMEN" Let me guess, your ex was Jamaican and she dumped you for a White guy Victimist to the end.
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sugarspice says:Posted: 15 Feb 09
MrLaureltonQueens I am a Jamaican and am very disturbed by how egotistic u r. U r on a very high horse. God help u when u fall. U r so full of ur rasscloth self. U r up in everybody business. I read ur blog and I think u need to go find a job. U sound like dem maama man........always a gossip bout woman. So u buy ur girl a ring and the whole world have to know. That's the problem with u black men....neva si come si.....I'm a sell out so what....I can date who I want.....ur shit caan mek patty........memba dat when u a try fi discriminate gainst other people. U mentioned that u have been discriminated against and since u know what it feels like, why do u choose to do the same. U also said that Jamaican women are headaches and u think they r thieves.(snatch wallet) Another example of discrimination.....U r Jamaican and u talk bad about Jamaican women and u r railing up about sell outs......struuups. Gimmi a bloodcloth break. Idiot bwoy.
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Member says:Posted: 15 Feb 09
Dear Sal You said this "live in a Black and Latino community, my apartmentmate is Black and most of friends are Latino and Black. Again your mental victimism shows. I don’t hate the Black community at all. I can’t stand the victimists within it that make the rest look bad. Same thing goes with the Latino community." You can't stand the victims in our community that makes us look bad. Well that is your opinion. I think people do the best they can in this society. Many black people value education and instill that in their children. If you were to ask the so-called people that make us "look bad", if they are a victim. They would say no. It seems to me your a victim of your own elitism. Let's see what else you said.... "Contrary to you, I don’t live in fear of anyone. Your fear is that all White people are secretly trying to undercut you." Actually white people feel we are undercutting them by the affirmative action program you said previously or alluded to. The argument is affirmative action "gives unqualified black people jobs". Since the Civil Rights acts was enacted for a reason.(Read up on it) It sure wasn't enacted to give unqualified blacks jobs. That was my main argument. You said this and it was amusing........ "I am always amused by ashy people like you making big assumptions. I don’t recall races existing. I don’t recall slaves not being allowed to read or calling them property. Why don’t I recall. Because recalling is based on personal experience. And none of that happened in any century and location I lived in. Of course if I lived in countries that still practice slavery in Africa maybe I would recall something like that. Of course I don’t attribute what one people do to all people that happen to look like them. But you do. So attribute that one on yourself." Listen if you do not know what "White Privilege" than you can stick to your lame argument about never "personally owning a slave". You suffer from the victimization you speak of. Didn't you just say "that people in our community make us look bad." What exact community is that and what authority told you that "it makes you look bad'? I guess it would be white society telling you these messages. Wait you have "Black and Latin friends" so that makes you the authority on black people. Let's see what else you said...... "I don’t live in Appalachia, and the last girl I fucked was Jamaican, so she was probably your cousin." No wonder she was "past tense", if you expected me to get offended I am not. Jamaican women are headaches. I heard she emptied your wallet. You said this.... "Glad you could buy your fiancee a ring. Hope the interest on your credit card doesn’t kill you." I don't use credit cards. I pay cash or debit. I am good financially; I can't complain my cowardly friend. You said this................. "Maybe you should stop claiming you are single on message boards and stop trying to pick up other women. Oh wait. You think you are cool because you are a “playa”." HAA Was that a self righteous comment I can't tell? Claiming single lol. That was real gay , Mr I fucked a Jamaican woman's ASHY ass. LOL Hey tough guy you liked the ashy ass of a Jamaican woman lol haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. I have to go. lol.
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Salsassin says:Posted: 14 Feb 09
Andrew, the Cable Guy, don't make me laugh. I live in a Black and Latino community, my apartmentmate is Black and most of friends are Latino and Black. Again your mental victimism shows. I don't hate the Black community at all. I can't stand the victimists within it that make the rest look bad. Same thing goes with the Latino community. You may have taken advantage of the help that was offered, but you are still a mental slave. The Old White lady may clutch her bag because of the subconscious vibes you give off of antagonism to White people in general. Fact is, there is a higher percentage of crimes commited by certain sub groups of Blacks and Latinos. The fact is, even law abiding Blacks and Latinos are weary of Black and Latino criminality. Contrary to you, I don't live in fear of anyone. Your fear is that all White people are secretly trying to undercut you. I am always amused by ashy people like you making big assumptions. I don't recall races existing. I don't recall slaves not being allowed to read or calling them property. Why don't I recall. Because recalling is based on personal experience. And none of that happened in any century and location I lived in. Of course if I lived in countries that still practice slavery in Africa maybe I would recall something like that. Of course I don't attribute what one people do to all people that happen to look like them. But you do. So attribute that one on yourself. I don't live in Appalachia, and the last girl I fucked was Jamaican, so she was probably your cousin. Why would I lock my door because of guys like you? I unlock the door and let you fix my cable box. Glad you could buy your fiancee a ring. Hope the interest on your credit card doesn't kill you. Maybe you should stop claiming you are single on message boards and stop trying to pick up other women. Oh wait. You think you are cool because you are a "playa".
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Member says:Posted: 14 Feb 09
I guess that was directed at me. "Man up", I suggested you "man up" and visit the black community you hate so much. Perhaps, you just hate black men in general. You mention "some white people" benefited from "White skin privilege". I tend to disagree with your sentiments. I just stated my opinion, you seem to dislike so much. You mention not blaming everyone in the "line up", yet you say I suffer from victimization. I never said I was a victim. If anything, I took advantage of the what the United States gave me as a Jamaican immigrant and became a successful college graduate. Perhaps you do not live in the real world that I do. I can wear a suit and tie and an old white lady will still clutch her bag. Now would you call me the victim or her? I don't live in fear of people with "darker skin" than me unlike you. As for the Barbary States, what about them? That is what always strikes me about pasty people like you. Your making the comparison of my race enslaving people to yours doing it. I don't recall not allowing a enslaved white person to read and calling them "property", you show me that in the history books. You show me where black people enslaved people and "stripped them over their culture like they did Native Americans". Go back to Appalachia and sleep with your cousin pussy. We all know your the victim because you lock your doors at night because of black men like me. Let's not talk about who the victim is. Since I am in such a good mood I bought my fiancee a ring. An expensive one from Zales for Valentine's day. Oh shit, I am victim, where did I get the money to buy it! Good day to you.
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sweetsusie says:Posted: 14 Feb 09
OMG......this conversation is definitely getting worse. I have one thing to add......and that is......I came here from the Caribbean and I was discriminated against by so many black folks the moment they learn that I was not born here. That was a long time ago and there r still instances that I get the 'third world' stare and lecture. I find it so ridiculously strange that black folks here complain so much about discrimination even to the point of digging up history, and they do the same even today to their very own. Call me crazy, but it blows my mind.
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Salsassin says:Posted: 14 Feb 09
Dear Drag queen, The only shit is the diarrhea in your brain. Some White people did indeed benefit from White privilege during Jim Crow and other apartheid regimes. Not all did, nor did all descendants or all people that happened to look like them. You blame the perp, not everyone in the line up. On the same token, man up and assume blame for your own problems. Your victimism is highly entertaining. Sorry bub, I didn't grow up in Jim Crow or in this country for that matter so no White privilege for me. But with the race card as heavily played as it is today, while some Blacks definitely suffer from discrimination, others benefit from coattailing and victimism from a massive case of White Guilt in this country where Blacks can do no wrong and Whites have to feel guilty for being born. GTFOH. Thank god my dad didn't have that mentality and my mom's white family had no problem with him. You may not recall Blacks claiming people as property or segregating them, but you obviously did not read up on the Barbary states much. I don't think you got your job through affirmative action. I think you are too dumb to have any job worth anything. Keep trolling
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Member says:Posted: 12 Feb 09
Dear Sal Your full of shit. White people have benefited from laws that have protected for a long time. They can to reap those benefits while you blame black people for their circumstances in life. You should thank your sweet ass for white privilege. Now the country is in a recession the sins of the past can be forgotten because some white people are heading to the "bread line." I have never been the one to blame white people for anything. I grew up in Woodside Queens NYC when it was acceptable to bully "other races" until they rose up and kicked your ass and send you to the suburbs (White flight as they call it). So do not get self righteous on here and talk about "Black people enslaved other people." Yea, I don't recall black people making laws saying your "property" or even segregating people by making them drink at different water fountains. Programs for affirmative action was because white people were discriminating against African Americans and taking their money when it came to good and services. That was partly why black people fought for their rights. While you enjoyed the privileges of your white skin. I really don't give a fuck if you think I got my degree because of affirmative action or my job. As long as I continue to make money at my profession. I just laugh all the way to the bank white bitch! Good day. Oh yea sellout black women can kiss your ass for all I care too.
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EbonyQueen says:Posted: 01 Feb 09
Thank you NubianJem for sharing that article with us. I thoroughly appreciated it. I recall reading it but forgot where. It seems as if mostly everyone has made some valid points. I love black men and I'm a black woman. I recently saw such a surge in black men dating white woman that I was seriously appalled. I know there is nothing wrong with 'us', but wondered why it was such a trend for black men and still is...and in asking black men time and time again the answer is repeatedly just as the Sister2Sister gentleman the article, it's great!
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AALOVE says:Posted: 13 Jan 09
All my points are very valid Little Assassin, And you're not going to have African American and Afro Lations go back and forth with eachother on what some European American male thinks, who can't backup his points in the first place. And since Afro Latinos didn't build the economy that African Americans have built and clearly didn't ever suffer in this country, then there really is no debate. You have no relevant points, so you try to use issues from all around the world to deflect the facts that you're just a lazy parasite living off the backs of my people from 246years of Slavery and another 108years of Jim Crow. But one has to question all of your points from Willie Lynch on down. Yeah we know Manu Ampim, and that's why most African Americans don't consider him valid on , because his points don't dismiss the problems that the Willie Lynch letter idientifies within the African American community, if anything they reaffrim the problems that do exist. If you as much as you claim to know you would have known not to use him on this blog as a reference. ANd just because other African American leaders during Slavery didn't mention his name, doesn't mean he didn't exist. There were thousands of Slave masters and Breeders in the U.S and the Carribean some of which were Jewish, some were Pastors of Churches, Sherriffs, Governors and most of them were never mentioned either. Due to European Americans like yourself trying to hide information regarding the tactics and the involvement of U.S corporations and individuals, there will always be new and more potent information that comes out about your wicked system for the next 150years, we are starting to scratch the surface. If you think the Willie Lynch Letter of 1712 is hot, then you you wait till this summer, because there's rumored to be a manual that makes the Willie Lyncj letter of 1712 look like a letter to a Pen Pal. At this day and and age you will stop the rate nor the potency of the info that is constantly coming forward about U.S Chattel Slavery, Jim Crow and its modern day efects that can easily be seen today in African American families. What does Inqusition have to do with U.S Chattel Slavery? Answer: Nothing. You are European American male trying to continue to make yourself feel comfortable by living off of the rapes, breeding, totures, murders, theft, and enslavement of African Americans, thinking that what you're writing on this blog is going to stop African Americans from coming for your ass and taking what's rightfully ours. When did you think that you were going to determine what we were going to get. And the U.S hasn't given any advantages that we haven't already paid for 100x over. But in your case with your lazy ass, when did you think that you deserved to be here? When do you want to meet so you can say all of this foolishnss that you bring to the table face to face? I'm sure I'll run into relatively soon. You still haven't answered my questions as to why are you in the country my ancestors built? You still think that your the Massa don't you? I think its time that you prove your worth here. You talk about Affirmative action well Bigot,with Affirmative Action 80% of all Affirmative Action benefits benefit European American women then DOUBLE A's and Latinos. Idiot why would anyone ask for reparations from Africa or the Arabs when the Catholic Church is the one that initiated the entire Chattel Slave Trade you fool. Again trying to avoid the einvolvement of your own people in the destruction of others. Never admitting that you need make right what you've made so terribly wrong. So little white boy what you need to do is prove to me why someone should listen to you? What part of Atlanta do you live in?
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Salsassin says:Posted: 12 Jan 09
You aren't owed anything except a fair shake at opportunity in the future. Sorry bub, no inherited debt from perpetrators in the past. Only entities like the government can be held accountable to correct inequities in the past. And that is what programs like Affirmative Action are for. Many Afro-Latinos worked a lot harder than African Americans did. But they didn't get the same advantages the US has given them. So you still haven't made a valid point. When are you going to ask for reparations from Africa and the Arab states for selling your ancestors off in the first place?
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Salsassin says:Posted: 12 Jan 09
You must have not researched enough. Go look up Manu Ampim, Jeremiah Moses Wilson, etc. I’ll just give you one example, but there are a myriad. Cute definition for African American. I guess hunters gatherers that where captured didn’t count. Only farmers. What about merchants? They weren’t warriors or farmers either. LOL The only Double A’s may be the size of your breasts. LOL I already addressed the ridiculousness of holding a whole phenotype set accountable for the actions of perps in a past century. Sorry bub. No can do. And just because we have the phenotype, we didn’t do anything to clean up oh prejudiced miscreant. The Tsalagi did do some things that were wrong. SO did many Africans. It was the times. Again, no issue as of today. You can’t blame subsequent generations for the perp’s actions. As for your claim that the Holocaust only lasted for 10 years, how long did Jim Crow last? How many died? If you bring up slavery, I bring up the inquisition. Burning at the stake and what not. The Native American Holocaust happened in the Americas. They haven’t got reparations. Get in line. Oops, no living victims. Neither gets the coin. Chase Bank was directly affiliated with the Nazis. Nice try. Japanese and Jews were living victims. Where are your living ex slaves? Appalachians can just pick up and move? LOL. SO why don’t you pick up and move out of the US? Your finances are about the same as theirs. Actually, most of them are probably worse off than you. We can tell you are a spoiled middle class African American. If that is all you have, you are truly a sad piece of work.
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AALOVE says:Posted: 12 Jan 09
Assassin:To your respnose that ended up in my e-mail Comment: Accurate questions? How about answering this one? In what years where you a slave or living under Jim Crow? How old where you? What was the average income of your family growing up? How can you afford a computer as exploited as you are? Cause I know a ton of people around the world that would take your exploitation and your living standards in a heartbeat without whining as much. You're totally right that there are tons of people who would love to be in the shoes of African Americans? But the truth of the matter is and the real queston that you should is Do they deserve it? Ya see what you just ain't getting is the simple fact you idiot that African Americans worked for what they have and should have had an inheritance of more than we have right now to hand down to every generation not just this one. You're not doing African americans a favor IDIOT, this s what is owed. The United States and the 22 states involved in Slavery need to pay their 777trillion dollar debt to African Americans and no one cares whether you like it or not. THIEF. 32% of the African American population shouldn;t be impoverished (U.S Department of Labor and Statisitics Washington D.C 2008)MAybe the real question is Why are you in the country that my ancestors built, and you really don't deserve to be here? Who told you that you could live off of my ancestors labor? Ya see my ancestors did the work so that I can be affluent, and I deserve everything that I have and will get unlike people who didn;t work as hard as my people did i.e. yours. So all of your foolish questions of add up to these questions...Do you thnk that African Americans should go after the decendents of Slave Masters and there holdings considering the fact that there all Multi-million and billion dollar companies today? Kind of like what the Jews have done to Germany and Chase Bank in Modern Day times Huh? What you never anticipated is that African Americans would ever be strong enough to even think about making those that have ate off of our backs, pay for their theft and treatment of us. African Americans fought themselves out of Slavery and Jim Crow Lil guy, so that we would never have to go back...............we ain't apologizing for it. Especially since you can't. Holla Back! Wit some more Foolishness
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AALOVE says:Posted: 12 Jan 09
As for Assassin, sorry I haven't had the time to respond to your ignorance cause I was traveling, but here we go I really missed you. It seems as if though our last correspondendecs didn't make here, but I surely hope these do. First of all I would like to say that you've done your homework on why some African American date outside of their race, but as to your comments on the 8th of January needs to be placed in check. First of all who supposedly debunked the Willie Lynch Letter of 1712? When was it debunked? Expalin this process, because every African American scholar and common person that I know has affirmed it male and female beccause we can see the damages in our families today. Second of all no one has to get you to buy the facts of the present day damage and ramifications that European American males and Slave masters have caused throughout the African American and Carribean cultures, you just don't see it because 1)You're not an African American (AFRICAN AMERICAN n. Descendant of the West African Farmers and Warriors who were captured and forced into the European American system of U.S Chattel Slavery 1619- 1863 to build the United States) 2) you do't want to see it. No one cares at this point if an African American speaking of the reality of the pain and degradation where in which this country has put our people through causes humiliation and or embarassment to European Americans today, because you brought this on yourselves. You culd have easliy tried to make things right, before you had to start dealing with DOUBLE A's who were more educated and not afraid of you. You made your beds, so now you can start to lie in them. You want to call African Americans who hold European Americans accountable for being benefactors and cheerfully living off of the rapes, tortures, murders, thefts, breeding, destruction of African American families and enslavement as people with victim mentalties so that we will in someway feel guilty about bringing up the damage in which you've caused, well Homeboy, that ain't working today. The truth of the matter is, that you're people are being held accountable for the Present Day Ramifiacations that come from the 354year eras of U.S. Chattel Slavery and Jim Crow (1619-1973) because you didn't clean up the mess that your people made, you just tried to live off of it, cover it up and act is though African Americans were crazy for the state in which you left us in, you BIGOT! As for your mother who is Tsaglai aka Cherokee, Indian, you should have done your homework before you came on here and then you wold have known that the Cherokee Nation don't mean much to African Americans who know who they were and how they fed themselves. The Cherokee Nation was deeply involved with the enslavement of African Americans, and during the Civi War fought and on the side of the Confederacy to keep African Americans enslaved. So please don't act as if though the Cherokee Nation deserves any form of respect from African Americans anywhere, because they don't. You act as if though the Afro Carribeans, not complaining about reparations is a normal thing, well news flash for you it's not! They should be complaining as well and the fact that they don't complain in the lands in which they built is their issue, not ours and in no way reflects te African American position of what we built or how we feel in this country. For the Jews and Japanese that recieved reparations 1) the Jewish holocaust no matter how horific it was only lasted for 10years at best 2) The Jewish Holocaust happened in Europe not in the United States 3) Jews were compensated for their holocaust by Germany and by Chase Bank 4) The Japanese were paid for thei 6year wrongful incarceration by the United states Government 5) Jews and the Japanese were only effected during their holocaust for a total of 1Generation African Americans were effected for 19.5 generations The reason why African Americans haven't been paid is that the United States cannot afford to lose its most valuable commodity that......US! They are afraid that if African Americans were paid repararations, that many of us would leave them, like how a battered wife leaves her husband. His most valuable treasure was his wife and when she realized how important she was to him she crushed him just by leaving, becuae she is what kept everything together for him, not the other way around. For the Appalachian comment: Why would an African American feel bad for a European American who at a moments notice can relocate himself to another part of the country and instantly start making more money than the average African American or Latino with less education or experience. Just because the State of Ohio is stupid enough to label them as minorities, doesn't mean that African Americans are too. If the European Americans don't want to pick up and move from one deslolate region of the United States to another so that they can flourish than that's their problem. Remember you're talking to an African american whose people started the Greatest and longest migration in U.S History so don't bring that Appalachian crap here. GO tell that to some Black folk who got Nigger Mentalties and don't know their own history cause that work on them. Now please remember that no matter how many numbers you crunch to me you ain't no authority on African/African American Culture or history and that no DOUBLE A has to make anything valid to you, because you are compleltely obsolete to African American culture and our existence past, present and future. You try to act as if though I need to seek your approval so that you'll believe me like you my Massa. Well Massa you can still Kiss the Crack of My African American Ass. You should be trying to make things better by telling your own people that, African Americans ain't letting you slide anymore with "It wasn't me, it was my ancestors" while you're literally realing the benfits of what my people have made in this country. You can go try that Massa Speech will the Niggers in Atlanata who refuse to speak up and check yo butt when you're wrong. Now I know you're European American behind will have something truly uneducated to say about what you feel is right or wrong about African America or about what I said, so I'll be happily waiting to hear your convoluted response. Holla Back!
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Salsassin says:Posted: 12 Jan 09
Accurate questions? How about answering this one? In what years where you a slave or living under Jim Crow? How old where you? What was the average income of your family growing up? How can you afford a computer as exploited as you are? Cause I know a ton of people around the world that would take your exploitation and your living standards in a heartbeat without whining as much.
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AALOVE says:Posted: 12 Jan 09
Sweety all be callng you Tweety until you and answer the questions that I asked you. If you can't take people asking accurate questions about what you wrote then you shouldn't blog on here.
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Salsassin says:Posted: 12 Jan 09
Oh, fully agreed. Just one factor in many. The disparity may actually be less in some cities and more in others. In Atlanta, the disparity is definitely more.
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thekid47 says:Posted: 11 Jan 09
Ahh, appreciate the generalized 'crunching of numbers', however assuming that the data that you are quoting is recent, it only maps roughly to the percentages of male/female within the African American communities. The disparity, while in absolute numbers seems to be the case, it can be further impacted by, well, myths..beliefs about the 'other person', and hence an avoidance of ..well, considering that person. With regards to your other analysis-you beat me to the punch when there was the discussion of Egyptian Queens-your history of the Middle Dynastic[some hold it to be late Middle Dynastic see Barocas..] Egypt is spot on-relative to Hatshepsut. I wish that discussions could be held without the revision on history, by the way, the facts are continually being brought out of how in multiple places, you have settlements of humans having about the same technological development. Regarding the tanning-I think that you might find a variety of reasons why people tan-I don't see that there is just one. That being said, interesting points made. Respects.
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Salsassin says:Posted: 11 Jan 09
Ok Let’s crunch numbers: 11,219,784 Black women between 18 and 65 10,473,713 Black men between 18 and 65 (US Census) 29,200 Black women in prison between 18 and 65 553,300 Black men in prison between 18 and 65 (US Dept of Justice): 11,190,584 Black women free between 18 and 65 9,920,413 Black men free between 18 and 65 1.3% of Women are gay vs 2.7% of men National Health and Social Life Survey 1.14% of Black women married to White men vs 3.87% of Black men (Black and White Unions: West Indians and African Americans compared, Suzanne Model): 10,917,534 Black heterosexual free women, 18-65 9,268,642 Black heterosexual free men, 18-65 (This does not include other inter-ethnic unions with Latinos, Asians, etc of which the rate disparity go even higher) That is a disparity of: 1,648,892 Black women Women aren’t like cars, but like monogamy, only one driver per car. If all cars are taken, people have to look for cars elsewhere: One and a half million more Black women than Black men. Of course it takes two to tango. We already factored out the percentage that has married out of the group, so that means three million plus Black women competing with each other. Add to this the angst that there are are easily that many women from other ethnicities that are surplus and are willing to date Black men as well as their own ethic groups… You crunch the numbers. Romance is definitely about individual choices, but choices are based on your selectivity pool. And especially in cities like Atlanta where the disparity is that much more marked, yeah, guys are spoiled. Now don’t get me wrong. I never stated that it was the only problem. It is one out of many. But it should be factored in. All ethnicities except the Mexican American and Native American pool are facing this. And let’s not forget other statistics: 2006: Black Husband: White Wife (286,000), Black Wife (3,965,000), Asian Wife (34,000), Other Wife (45,000) 3.7% of married African American women and 8.4% of married African American men have a non-African American spouse. 6.6% of married African American men, and 2.8% of married African American women, have a Caucasian American spouse. Only 0.1% of married African American women are married to an Asian American man, representing the least represented marital combination; 59.8% more Asian female/African male marriages than Asian male/African female marriages. Again, there are a ton of other factors, but this is definitely a significant one. As to the claim that Black men are making more money than Black women, you have to put it in perspective. Black men at the same educational level as Black women make more money: In 2004 black males with a bachelor’s degree had a median income of $40,329, while black women with a bachelor’s degree had a median income of $33,877 (which was still 111% of the $30,413 median income figure for White women ). But Black women go to college at a much higher rate than Black men. In 2004 blacks holding only a high school diploma had a median income of $18,657. So in sheer numbers, Black women make more money than Black men. As to why Black men date White women, I think there are a ton of factors and each individual case plays a role. Certainly the fact that there is a surplus of non Black women (2 million White women alone) definitely will lead to cross cultural exploration. Among both Black women and men, just the fact that Whites are the majority group means more exposure to White partners. Statistically speaking it makes sense for interethnic relationships to occur. Black women are below what a neutral dating trend would be. Black men are not dating out of their group in a highly disproportionate number. The vast majority still date inside their group. To Maggie: Your assumption is that all Black women act the same or that all White women act the same. That some brothers feed you a line, does not mean it's true. The fact that you date exclusively outside your own group, also makes me question you own judgment. People who are exclusivists instead of just expanding their dating pool, in my experience tend to be stuck on stereotypes, fetishes, or have some issues with their own group, whether bad experiences or what not that have led them to stereotype their own group. As to the supposed letter by Black Royalty, that is not a real letter and response. That is a creative writer who was criticizing interracial dating who created both letters. It has been circulating for years. Obviously the stupid remarks by the lady are a set up. (Although Maggie did sound like a mini version) But Black Royalty makes a bunch of claims that not only attack Black women but also devolve into a bunch or common racist claims by Afrocentrics. Let me address some of them: "Remember, when black Egyptian Queens like Hatsepshut and Nitorcris were ruling Dynasties and armies of men in Egypt, you were over in the caves of Europe eating raw meat and beating each other over the head with clubs." Hatsheput lived from 1479–1458 BC and Nitocris I lived from 655 BC and 585 BC. "150 large earth- and wood-built temples were uncovered across central Europe, the largest complex having been discovered in the area of Dresden, Germany. The structures are dated to between 4800 and 4600 B.C. They were built by a people who lived in villages centered around communal longhouses of up to 150 feet in length. Their civilization raised large herds of animals, gathered grain.." Somehow I don't think their residences were caves, nor where they eating raw meat and hunting with clubs. "It was the black woman that taught you how to cook and season your food. It was the black woman that taught you how to raise your children. It was black women who were breast feeding and raising your babies during slavery." Of course the assumption here is that all White females were a part of the slavery trade and that they had Black Mammies in every house. Not very accurate at all. "I honestly believe that your anger is geared more toward jealousy and envy more so than snotty looks. If this were not so, then why do you continuously go to tanning salons to darken your skin? If you are so proud to be white, then why don’t you just be happy with your pale skin?" The assumption here is that tanning is done to imitate Black people. It is not. In my article on colorism I posted why tanning was popular. It became a symbol of affluence. And the fct that women have the capacity to tan means it is a natural function of the skin. Europeans did not all live in the Nordic tundras. The capacity to tan is a biological compromise of the body which needed to be light in the winters to absorb vitamin D while it needed to be darker in the summer to protect itself from radiation. In the tropics, you need year round protection, hence permanent melanization. Women who tan are basically trying to imitate women who are living the summer fun filled period of their lives. Not another ethnicity. "Why do you continue to inject your lips, hips, and breasts with unnatural and dangerous substances so you can look fuller and more voluptuous?" For the same reason they have used lipsticks for milenia, etc. Voluptuousness has always been appealing in all areas, and women have existed that have exemplified that voluptuousness . Africa is not unique in having these endowments. This is hardly the same as say women who bleach their skin to conform to Eurocentric beauty standards. The fact is Black men date White women for many reasons. Some women are easily walked all over. But it isn't just White women. The number of baby mamas allowing men to freely date among them speaks to men using women across ethnic lines. Black women are not faring that much better. Many Black men date White women just because of fetishism. Others date them because in the career arenas they have chosen they are exposed to a lot more White women than they are Black women. As Black men and women get higher education and expand their employment capacities, many end in jobs where they are no longer surrounded by their Black peers, and where it may be common for them to have a lot of Black peers, male or female, to interact with. It can lead to sharing a lot of time and developing common interests with people of the opposite sex that are not from one's ethnic group. And that is when love can strike. Then it has nothing to do with fetishes, submissiveness, self-hate, or any of the other wrong hurtful reasons mentioned. So you really have to judge on a case by case basis instead of making blanket assumptions of why a person, be they male or female, is in an interethnic relationship.
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Sweety says:Posted: 10 Jan 09
Salsassin right on....u've made some great points. AALOVE..u need to change ur name to AAHATE. Where do u find all that time to chat crap....u need to be gainfully employed. This is an interracial dating site, why r u on here if u have no interest in doing dating outside ur race. Yes, I like taking the high road when I come across ignorant folks....sorry to dissapoint u.
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Salsassin says:Posted: 08 Jan 09
So easy to rile up a moron. You make a lot of claims about White men purposely placing Black women in leadership roles, and waht not. Those a conspiracy theories. Slave owners indeed abused their slaves in many ways. They are well documented. Not the crap you are claiming. I bet you believe in the Willie Lynch letter as well. There is a difference about complaining about past injustices and their very real effect in the present, and whining about how the White man is against you in general. My mother is American and has both Tsalagi and European ancestry. They built this country since before your ancestors ever set a foot here. So spare me the victimology. Sorry but abuse is not carried by genetics. It is only as far back as your living relatives. Afro Caribbeans, Afro-Latinos and Africans went through slavery. Many do complain about MODERN injustices that are valid, but they don't whine about it like you do. Nor do they make it a racial hatred thing. Which is obvioulsy the only reason you came to this site. Native Americans have suffered as greatly as African Americans and the whole of the Americas was their land. So spare me your claims about my father. He has deeper roots in this land then you ever will have. Bill Cosby would agree with me. Micheal Eric Dyson, Cornell West are both victimologists. No respect for them. Listened to the State of Black America which comes on CNN every year for the past years, you would kno that they think exactly like me. Bill Cosby DOES NOT think like you. Your idiocy is astounding. Jews and Japanese were paid because the victims were still living. Jews didn't suffer one generation. Go look up history. Look up the Inquisition. While you are at it, go look up the Asian exclusion acts in this country way before WWII. No reparations for that. Because the victims are no longer living. You say there is a difference in mentalities between an African America and an expletive. You are showing you fall under the expletive. The very one Bill Cosby ranted about. You act like Emancipation and the Civil Rights movement occurred out of the blue. No White Americans involved in that. Yeah, because all White Americans subscribe to the ideologies you want to blanket people with. You whole post here since the beginning has been ranting at a woman because she didn't buy into your victimist mentality. A mentality where you further wanted to place blame on Black women for your own insecurities. So throw a tantrum like a little kid, but don't try to play the intellectual adult here. JUst rant away like a whining baby and show your real self. Becuase you never wanted dialogue here, you posted to point fingers at Black womena dn the White men they chose to date. GTFOH!! Nor did all Eurodescent people come here and enjoy White privileges. Many ended up in impoverished situations where they lived at subsistence levels and struggled to make a living. You can't enjoy glass ceilings if you never even made it in the door. Tell an Appalachian how White privileges have them doing so well. Tell a Latino of Basque or Galician mountain stock that is regarded as a short wet back here, no mater his European ancestry that he is reaping White privilege. And tell him about how much he should go back to his country, when your ancestors where fleeing to his with the Underground Railroad, the Creole Exodus to Veracruz, the Mascogo escape to San Vicente de los Negros, the full acceptance of African Americans in Sport Leagues in Mexico, when the Negro Leagues where all that was available in the US, etc. Again, If you want to lay down valid claims, like other African American men have very eloquently done so on this thread, go for it, but if your plan is to come and whine about victimism and how the Black woman and the White man are incahoots to oppress you, then yes, I will laugh at you. Now come back and type some more capital letters and infantile swear words and pretend you are making a point with them. LOL.
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AALOVE says:Posted: 08 Jan 09
And by the Salassin, the white folks who came here after Slavery, benefited and still benefit from Slavery and Jim Crow, because they became apart of European American society. They got the acces to the jobs based off the color of their skin, not the content of their character or education. Oh yeah, the majority of them who came over here after Slavery, helped to discriminate, lynch, persecute and harass African Americans as well. They became apart of White Supremacy in their own way which is why European Americcans today don't embrace the language and traditions of their native lands of Europe. They openly dropped their ancestral traditions and heritage to become "White". Salassin when you write back which I'm sure you will, don't write back with this B.S about how African Americans like me should stop complaining. And when we view a TRAITOR amongst us, we will call them out, because we know the damage that they cause, you don't. If you don't like how I lay things out, that's just too bad, but you better understand that at this stage in the game, there will be no more backing down and compromising with our enemies.
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AALOVE says:Posted: 08 Jan 09
I dare you come across with your high and mighty spheech as if though you're enlighteneing me to somehting that is going on in thos country. Don't you ever tell me about my conspiracy thoeries jackass when they've n=been playing out everyday for the past three and a half centuries. So Spare me your Script about how you work everyday in Atlanta. Yoy act as if though African Americans shouldn't complain about out plight in this country when the truth of the matter is, we should have more. It's not my fault nor my problem that your father came to this country, he should just be gla that he cgot the opprtunity to come Jackass! He didn't fight the wars that my father and Grandfather fought long before he brought his ass to this country. If you think I'm backing down off of my point, then you got to be crazy! If you don't like my complaints Asshole, then leave the country that my ancestors built. Cause you're going to keep hearing more and more complaints. You're going to keep hearing how much is owed until we are satified. Who the Hell do you think you are trying to lecture me about what I should be greatful for. You don't know me you fucking prick, and I don't need you to explain to me what my ancestors have overcome or any aspect of African American Culture or History. You're not enlightening me, I already grew up with my history, what did you think that you were talking to yo Nigger or something that you felt that you had to explain the good of my people....FUCK YOU!!! So Mr. Dumbass who thinks you really know African Americans, if you ever heard Bill Cosby, Micheal Eric Dyson, Cornell West or listened to the State of Black America which comes on CNN every year for the past years, you would kno that they think exactly like me. Number 2 Idiot the reason why reparartions was only paid to the Japanese and the Jews for those who wer affected is because it only affected 1 GENERATION JACKASS! African Americans were affected for 19.5 GENRATIONS, THAT'S RUN THE DAMAGE INTO MODERN DAY TIMES. And since you don't understand the present day ramifications of Slavery and Jim Crow, fools like you think that there is no fallout from the 354years of these two eras. YOU FUCKING UNEDUCATED IDIOT! And till this very day the Jews are still looking for Nazi's who are alive to bring them to just three genrations later. You don't know what you're talking about, and the real kicker is, is that the Black Folk down there in Atlanta haven't challenged you with your inaccuraccies and let you believe that you're right, when in many cases as it proves here on this blog that you're wrong. You don't understand nor can you tell the difference between an African American and a Nigger; and I bet that your Dumbass didn't even know that there was a difference. Did You? You don't the Characteristics of the 2 Nigger Mentalities do you and how you can detect them in Modern Day times do you? You don't know the characteristics of the African American Mentailty do you? So no Moron, I don't go to countries trying to tell the descendents of the people who built the country that I'm now living in, what's going on amongst their own people, but obviously you do. No Moron, I don't think that ALL WHITES are bad, I just know that the European American philosophy in this country is one of White Supremacy and it always has been, something that people like you try to get African Americans to overlook so that we won't think that the white folk in this country are Full of Shit! We know them a lot better than you, and our knowledge of them will never go away no matter what Bullshit that you're shoveling. You think that they've changed and we know how they systematically work to hide the evil that they've done. WE WILL NEVER BE TREATED LIKE ANIMALS AGAIN YOU MOTHERFUCKER AND IF YOU THINK FOR ONE SECOND THAT WERE LISTENING TO WHIMPERING BITCHES LIKE YOU COMING OVER TO THIS COUNTRY TELLING US HOW WE SHOULD DEAL WITH EUROPEAN AMERICANS; ESPECIALLY THEIR MALE POPULATION YOU'VE LOST YOUR FUCKING MIND! OBVIOUSLY BEING SILENT NEVER WORKED SO NOW WERE GOING TO BE EVERYTHING THAT YOU'RE BELOVED EUROPEAN AMERICAN MALES NEVER WANTED US TO BE, WHICH IS AFRICAN AMERICAN! I think you've become accustomed to African Americans being real nice while others fucked with us, and cheated us out of what is rightfully ours. Trying to make us feel guilty for the trauma that they've inflicted past and present on our people. No one has o prove anything to you, and we don't owe you an eplanation of our feelings or our pains, casue you don't know anything about us, no more than what you've read along the way.
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Salsassin says:Posted: 08 Jan 09
Sorry bub, your victimist mentality does not impress. My father, a Peruvian Creole of Indigenous and African decent has the bloodline of exploited people as well. He was born in a shanty town in the mountains that had none of the comforts most housing in the inner city still does. Compare it to a sharecropper's house if you must. My grandfather was murdered when my dad was 12. He raised his brothers and sisters, and still was able to go to school, graduate top of his class, go to Harvard and become an eminent doctor. In the US, Ben Carson is an excelent example in the African American community overcoming adversity. They don't talk the talk, they walk the walk. All I see you do is complain. Guess what, yes there is historic abuse to overcome. In multiple places around the world. But you can only fight abuses in the present and buck up and try to better your situation for your children in the future. My dad was not a "traitor" like you want to claim of sisters here. He married someone he found common ground in. He chose to return to his country to help his people and took his wife with him. He didn't live his life feeding off conspiracy theories on how evil the White race is and how there is a collective guilt for all White people. Many White people died and sacrificed their lives all over the world fighting for the rights of abused populations. For every evil person, I can point a good person that opposed him. And with time many evils have been overcome. That doesn't mean all Whites are now evil just because you have resentment in your heart. My White side of the family had no problem embracing my dad even though he stuck out. As for damage to the African American community by Jim Crow and slavery, I am very well aware of it having been involved with the African American community for almost half my life. You sure act like you know all about Whites yet you aren't White. Your hypocrisy is outstanding. Do you want an opera clap? I see poor migrants of indigenous and Afro Indigenous descent come to this country every day. Many from exploited experiences themselves. And what do I see here in Atlanta, not just Whites, but Blacks as well, looking down on them, seeing them as second class citizens, as sub human. But I don't judge all Blacks or all Whites because of those assholes. So spare me the "You aren't Black so you don't know what I have suffered" Shpeel. Most of my beliefs come from interacting with hard working Black men and women who don't have your mentality and who repudiate it. The Silent Majority. Ever heard of them? The Bill Cosbys, John McWhorters, the Steeles, etc. They were raised in the same community as you and yet came about a whole different mentality. But of course, losers like you will scream Uncle Tom. Anyone who bucks your mindset is a traitor. Shoot, guys like you called my sister a race traitor for standing next to ME. I am well aware of the Tilden Hayes betrayal and the Black holocaust that followed. It is a unique experience in the Afro Diaspora. But it still doesn't make all White people evil or having a debt to pay for their ancestors abuses. The reparations paid to Japanese were ONLY paid to living people who were abused, not to their descendants. Same thing goes to German reparations to Jews. There is a case to be made for reparations but only in very limited circumstances. For those living in Jim Crow who suffered documented pecuniary losses. Because it is provable in court. Like people that were forced out of towns in the Sundown towns. But that does not translate to everyone getting money that asks for a handout. Shoot. if that were so, the Spaniards have a claim against North Africa, Italy, Lebanon, etc. After all, they were conquered by all those people. At some point you have to say,let's see how we can stop the present discrimination and just make it fair for all those in the future. So moron. Try again. Plenty of Whites came her after slavery, did not reap any benefits from slavery, do not have any White privilege as Jim Crow is gone, and suffer their own burdens and discrimination. Go suck on that one.
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AALOVE says:Posted: 08 Jan 09
Oh Yeah, and as for you Sweety, the real reason why you're not going to defend your point is simple. You can't. When I asked you questions about what you wrote, you couldn't respond because I quoted your own words from what you wrote. You tried to say I was in agreement with you, and you knew from what you wrote, that I clearly wasn't. The next time you blog on an issue like this one Sweety you should realize that people are not going to let you say, ignorant things without challenging you on them. So you can try and act as if though what I wrote is in anger and try to act like that you're trying to take the high road by not arguing with me, but the truth of the matter is you just ran into a Brotha with some education, and has researched topics like this one for several years, so don't come Half Steppin on these subjects, cause on blogs like this, you ain't dealing wit Ray Ray or Pookie and dem from off da block who can't formulate a sentence
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AALOVE says:Posted: 08 Jan 09
Salassin it since you want to jump in and be the Huckleberry into an issue that you're obvuoisly not prepared to handle then be my guest and take Sweet's place. You're now the Hucleberry. It doesn't matter weather or not you buy anything about the Generational damage that European American males and Slave Masters have caused in this society to African Americans, because you ain't African American in the first place. So since you nor the people you seek to defend can make anything right and the only thing that you can do is reap the benefits of what my people have made for you in this country over the last 390years, then the best thing you can do is to SHUT UP! You're a foreigner who comes over here to pass on the privildige of your white skin, that's why you want to defend European American males, not just because their in your family. Since you don't understand the damage that European American males have caused to African American Culture as a whole you idiot, you should have left this conversation alone between the two African Americans who were talking about things that you have knowledge of. You should just be greatful for the money that you have in your pockets at this moment, because it is a direct result of what African Americans afforded this society. Last but not least, if you honestly believe that African Americans are going to simply forget what has been done to us to give you the priveildge that you have and us the burdens that we have because of European Americans, you have got to be smoking Crack. Go tell the Jews to forget what was done to them in Germany. So Salassin I know this is a funny subject for you, but in real life I strongly urge that you keep your laughter to yourself.
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Salsassin says:Posted: 08 Jan 09
LOL. You did right Sweety, no use wasting your time with someone who has come to argue for argument's sake. On that token, AALove, I'll be your Huckleberry. Not a European American male, but plenty of them in my family. They don't owe you a dime. Nor do I buy into your conspiracy theories of how slavemasters masterminded some plan to cuckhold Black males through Black females. Yes Slavery and Jim Crow were terrible things. And yes we should work to better the communities together. But there are no hand outs, nor are there any slaveowners here that owe you anything. Just like the son of a murderer can not e taken to court for the crimes of his father, you can't blame anyone here for what slavemasters did. Only for what they did. It really does suck that some people are born into more burdens than others. But that is hte reality of life. I am sure the impoverished families in Appalachia would have loved being born in Beverly Hills as well. All you can do is work hard to improve your lot and hope people give you a fair shake from now on. If people exhibit racism in the present, that is a whole different subject. Then they should be charged with hate crimes. Be it the White family that abused that Black girl and kept her prisoner, or the foru Black soldiers who raped and murdered an interracial couple, not long ago. Racism exists in all groups and should be fought against equally on all sides.
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I would hope to be judged on my own mistakes in life. Being afforded the opportunity to "Put my own foot in my mouth". I am only 23 years old and have apparently been blind to these issues discussed here. I don’t hold society responsible for my shortcomings now or ever. As a Black man myself I obviously deserve to be happy and content. Although in that same respect I cannot convince a woman who is jaded to give me that chance. Regardless, that decision rest with her personal preference be it negative or positive. I have seen many beautiful women since joining this site, of all races. I have approached all of them hoping not to be reversed stereotyped. To my dismay, the world is not as open as I thought, maybe even worse. I judge women on a case by case basis, simply put, how she decides to display herself to me. I would never base those judgments of what some other woman did to me; otherwise I would be a lonely man! Really I wish I could apologize for the men that did this to most of these scorned women, I can’t. That person wherever he is holds no merit to this young black man. She is out there somewhere, and I am waiting, not patiently though. Black, White, Latino, Asian, Heaven forbid anyone try to take the happiness I deserve away from me. Oh yeah, SUPPORT THE TROOPS!