Interracial dating and black men
What do people really think of the Black man? Low! The video below is such an inspiration. It shows us what we think of the Black man and what really is! I mean, even the Black men underrate themselves. I mean, do we really think Black men are soooo anti-education?
Find your soulmate on InterracialDatingCentral
Well, truth be told, lets stop saying that there are no good Black men. According to the video they are there and the Black men make more money than the Black women. Let's stop saying that White women are stealing all the good Black men coz maybe, just maybe, there is something the White woman does that makes a Black man have a liking for her. And if you ask me, I think the White woman makes the Black man feel worthy and appreciated.
What do you think of the video? Over the years, the media has shown us negative images to get ratings and dollars. Don't you think its time we actually searched for the truth instead of buying into these myths and self destruct?
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AALOVE says:Posted: 08 Jan 09
And by the Salassin, the white folks who came here after Slavery, benefited and still benefit from Slavery and Jim Crow, because they became apart of European American society. They got the acces to the jobs based off the color of their skin, not the content of their character or education. Oh yeah, the majority of them who came over here after Slavery, helped to discriminate, lynch, persecute and harass African Americans as well. They became apart of White Supremacy in their own way which is why European Americcans today don't embrace the language and traditions of their native lands of Europe. They openly dropped their ancestral traditions and heritage to become "White". Salassin when you write back which I'm sure you will, don't write back with this B.S about how African Americans like me should stop complaining. And when we view a TRAITOR amongst us, we will call them out, because we know the damage that they cause, you don't. If you don't like how I lay things out, that's just too bad, but you better understand that at this stage in the game, there will be no more backing down and compromising with our enemies.
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AALOVE says:Posted: 08 Jan 09
I dare you come across with your high and mighty spheech as if though you're enlighteneing me to somehting that is going on in thos country. Don't you ever tell me about my conspiracy thoeries jackass when they've n=been playing out everyday for the past three and a half centuries. So Spare me your Script about how you work everyday in Atlanta. Yoy act as if though African Americans shouldn't complain about out plight in this country when the truth of the matter is, we should have more. It's not my fault nor my problem that your father came to this country, he should just be gla that he cgot the opprtunity to come Jackass! He didn't fight the wars that my father and Grandfather fought long before he brought his ass to this country. If you think I'm backing down off of my point, then you got to be crazy! If you don't like my complaints Asshole, then leave the country that my ancestors built. Cause you're going to keep hearing more and more complaints. You're going to keep hearing how much is owed until we are satified. Who the Hell do you think you are trying to lecture me about what I should be greatful for. You don't know me you fucking prick, and I don't need you to explain to me what my ancestors have overcome or any aspect of African American Culture or History. You're not enlightening me, I already grew up with my history, what did you think that you were talking to yo Nigger or something that you felt that you had to explain the good of my people....FUCK YOU!!! So Mr. Dumbass who thinks you really know African Americans, if you ever heard Bill Cosby, Micheal Eric Dyson, Cornell West or listened to the State of Black America which comes on CNN every year for the past years, you would kno that they think exactly like me. Number 2 Idiot the reason why reparartions was only paid to the Japanese and the Jews for those who wer affected is because it only affected 1 GENERATION JACKASS! African Americans were affected for 19.5 GENRATIONS, THAT'S RUN THE DAMAGE INTO MODERN DAY TIMES. And since you don't understand the present day ramifications of Slavery and Jim Crow, fools like you think that there is no fallout from the 354years of these two eras. YOU FUCKING UNEDUCATED IDIOT! And till this very day the Jews are still looking for Nazi's who are alive to bring them to just three genrations later. You don't know what you're talking about, and the real kicker is, is that the Black Folk down there in Atlanta haven't challenged you with your inaccuraccies and let you believe that you're right, when in many cases as it proves here on this blog that you're wrong. You don't understand nor can you tell the difference between an African American and a Nigger; and I bet that your Dumbass didn't even know that there was a difference. Did You? You don't the Characteristics of the 2 Nigger Mentalities do you and how you can detect them in Modern Day times do you? You don't know the characteristics of the African American Mentailty do you? So no Moron, I don't go to countries trying to tell the descendents of the people who built the country that I'm now living in, what's going on amongst their own people, but obviously you do. No Moron, I don't think that ALL WHITES are bad, I just know that the European American philosophy in this country is one of White Supremacy and it always has been, something that people like you try to get African Americans to overlook so that we won't think that the white folk in this country are Full of Shit! We know them a lot better than you, and our knowledge of them will never go away no matter what Bullshit that you're shoveling. You think that they've changed and we know how they systematically work to hide the evil that they've done. WE WILL NEVER BE TREATED LIKE ANIMALS AGAIN YOU MOTHERFUCKER AND IF YOU THINK FOR ONE SECOND THAT WERE LISTENING TO WHIMPERING BITCHES LIKE YOU COMING OVER TO THIS COUNTRY TELLING US HOW WE SHOULD DEAL WITH EUROPEAN AMERICANS; ESPECIALLY THEIR MALE POPULATION YOU'VE LOST YOUR FUCKING MIND! OBVIOUSLY BEING SILENT NEVER WORKED SO NOW WERE GOING TO BE EVERYTHING THAT YOU'RE BELOVED EUROPEAN AMERICAN MALES NEVER WANTED US TO BE, WHICH IS AFRICAN AMERICAN! I think you've become accustomed to African Americans being real nice while others fucked with us, and cheated us out of what is rightfully ours. Trying to make us feel guilty for the trauma that they've inflicted past and present on our people. No one has o prove anything to you, and we don't owe you an eplanation of our feelings or our pains, casue you don't know anything about us, no more than what you've read along the way.
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Salsassin says:Posted: 08 Jan 09
Sorry bub, your victimist mentality does not impress. My father, a Peruvian Creole of Indigenous and African decent has the bloodline of exploited people as well. He was born in a shanty town in the mountains that had none of the comforts most housing in the inner city still does. Compare it to a sharecropper's house if you must. My grandfather was murdered when my dad was 12. He raised his brothers and sisters, and still was able to go to school, graduate top of his class, go to Harvard and become an eminent doctor. In the US, Ben Carson is an excelent example in the African American community overcoming adversity. They don't talk the talk, they walk the walk. All I see you do is complain. Guess what, yes there is historic abuse to overcome. In multiple places around the world. But you can only fight abuses in the present and buck up and try to better your situation for your children in the future. My dad was not a "traitor" like you want to claim of sisters here. He married someone he found common ground in. He chose to return to his country to help his people and took his wife with him. He didn't live his life feeding off conspiracy theories on how evil the White race is and how there is a collective guilt for all White people. Many White people died and sacrificed their lives all over the world fighting for the rights of abused populations. For every evil person, I can point a good person that opposed him. And with time many evils have been overcome. That doesn't mean all Whites are now evil just because you have resentment in your heart. My White side of the family had no problem embracing my dad even though he stuck out. As for damage to the African American community by Jim Crow and slavery, I am very well aware of it having been involved with the African American community for almost half my life. You sure act like you know all about Whites yet you aren't White. Your hypocrisy is outstanding. Do you want an opera clap? I see poor migrants of indigenous and Afro Indigenous descent come to this country every day. Many from exploited experiences themselves. And what do I see here in Atlanta, not just Whites, but Blacks as well, looking down on them, seeing them as second class citizens, as sub human. But I don't judge all Blacks or all Whites because of those assholes. So spare me the "You aren't Black so you don't know what I have suffered" Shpeel. Most of my beliefs come from interacting with hard working Black men and women who don't have your mentality and who repudiate it. The Silent Majority. Ever heard of them? The Bill Cosbys, John McWhorters, the Steeles, etc. They were raised in the same community as you and yet came about a whole different mentality. But of course, losers like you will scream Uncle Tom. Anyone who bucks your mindset is a traitor. Shoot, guys like you called my sister a race traitor for standing next to ME. I am well aware of the Tilden Hayes betrayal and the Black holocaust that followed. It is a unique experience in the Afro Diaspora. But it still doesn't make all White people evil or having a debt to pay for their ancestors abuses. The reparations paid to Japanese were ONLY paid to living people who were abused, not to their descendants. Same thing goes to German reparations to Jews. There is a case to be made for reparations but only in very limited circumstances. For those living in Jim Crow who suffered documented pecuniary losses. Because it is provable in court. Like people that were forced out of towns in the Sundown towns. But that does not translate to everyone getting money that asks for a handout. Shoot. if that were so, the Spaniards have a claim against North Africa, Italy, Lebanon, etc. After all, they were conquered by all those people. At some point you have to say,let's see how we can stop the present discrimination and just make it fair for all those in the future. So moron. Try again. Plenty of Whites came her after slavery, did not reap any benefits from slavery, do not have any White privilege as Jim Crow is gone, and suffer their own burdens and discrimination. Go suck on that one.
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AALOVE says:Posted: 08 Jan 09
Oh Yeah, and as for you Sweety, the real reason why you're not going to defend your point is simple. You can't. When I asked you questions about what you wrote, you couldn't respond because I quoted your own words from what you wrote. You tried to say I was in agreement with you, and you knew from what you wrote, that I clearly wasn't. The next time you blog on an issue like this one Sweety you should realize that people are not going to let you say, ignorant things without challenging you on them. So you can try and act as if though what I wrote is in anger and try to act like that you're trying to take the high road by not arguing with me, but the truth of the matter is you just ran into a Brotha with some education, and has researched topics like this one for several years, so don't come Half Steppin on these subjects, cause on blogs like this, you ain't dealing wit Ray Ray or Pookie and dem from off da block who can't formulate a sentence
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AALOVE says:Posted: 08 Jan 09
Salassin it since you want to jump in and be the Huckleberry into an issue that you're obvuoisly not prepared to handle then be my guest and take Sweet's place. You're now the Hucleberry. It doesn't matter weather or not you buy anything about the Generational damage that European American males and Slave Masters have caused in this society to African Americans, because you ain't African American in the first place. So since you nor the people you seek to defend can make anything right and the only thing that you can do is reap the benefits of what my people have made for you in this country over the last 390years, then the best thing you can do is to SHUT UP! You're a foreigner who comes over here to pass on the privildige of your white skin, that's why you want to defend European American males, not just because their in your family. Since you don't understand the damage that European American males have caused to African American Culture as a whole you idiot, you should have left this conversation alone between the two African Americans who were talking about things that you have knowledge of. You should just be greatful for the money that you have in your pockets at this moment, because it is a direct result of what African Americans afforded this society. Last but not least, if you honestly believe that African Americans are going to simply forget what has been done to us to give you the priveildge that you have and us the burdens that we have because of European Americans, you have got to be smoking Crack. Go tell the Jews to forget what was done to them in Germany. So Salassin I know this is a funny subject for you, but in real life I strongly urge that you keep your laughter to yourself.
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Salsassin says:Posted: 08 Jan 09
LOL. You did right Sweety, no use wasting your time with someone who has come to argue for argument's sake. On that token, AALove, I'll be your Huckleberry. Not a European American male, but plenty of them in my family. They don't owe you a dime. Nor do I buy into your conspiracy theories of how slavemasters masterminded some plan to cuckhold Black males through Black females. Yes Slavery and Jim Crow were terrible things. And yes we should work to better the communities together. But there are no hand outs, nor are there any slaveowners here that owe you anything. Just like the son of a murderer can not e taken to court for the crimes of his father, you can't blame anyone here for what slavemasters did. Only for what they did. It really does suck that some people are born into more burdens than others. But that is hte reality of life. I am sure the impoverished families in Appalachia would have loved being born in Beverly Hills as well. All you can do is work hard to improve your lot and hope people give you a fair shake from now on. If people exhibit racism in the present, that is a whole different subject. Then they should be charged with hate crimes. Be it the White family that abused that Black girl and kept her prisoner, or the foru Black soldiers who raped and murdered an interracial couple, not long ago. Racism exists in all groups and should be fought against equally on all sides.
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Sweety says:Posted: 06 Jan 09
AALove my dear. I am done arguing with u. Cause I see who u r. Sorry to disappoint u, but I won't give u the satisfaction of taking out ur anger on someone. Bunny 84 ur right on target.
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bunny84 says:Posted: 06 Jan 09
Why can't people just date other people because of a pure physical attraction? Does it have to be explain through science, or some social or political agenda? As on to the man who said black women are stronger in general to white women... BULL! Your color does not dictate what size you will be, how much additude you have, and how easy you are to walk over. In all races there are strong women, and weak women. It will not make you a better mother. My best friend is black, and she's a wonderful mother. Her sister sure the hell isn't. I would like to say I will be a good mother when I get the chance, I can't say my older sister will be. White women can be just a strong, full figured, and sassy as black. I mean, look at me and my sisters. I'm white, poor, and never graduated college, and I've never let anyone walk all over me. The one boyfriend who hit me, just once, got a black eye, and the door hit him on the way out. Why does everything have to be black and white? Why can't we just be with who we want to be with regardless? And please! It's supper annoying when you are dating outside of your race and you get dirty looks, and snide commets from people of that race. Grow up. We are all adults.
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AALOVE says:Posted: 05 Jan 09
Sweety where did I agree with you and where exactly are you resting your case? So Let's Break Down what you said, cause it seems to me as if though you're just trying to be right without actually proving your point. And by what you wrote it seems that you're the type of Black person that wants to let European Americans off the hook, by not looking at all of the hundreds of years of damage that they've caused African Americans to bring us into modern day times, just so that the racial discomfort that white folks feel when the subjects of racism and inequality pop up. All the while African Americans are still suffering from the hundreds of years of family breakups and the Nigger mentalities that European Americans inflicted upon us. YOU WROTE ON JAN 1, 2009: "All this discussion about race. We r all the same and as a black woman I always have to be defending the human race with my black friends. The biggest problem I see is that we keep going back to history. Sweety if you're always trying to defend the human race with your Black friends is probably beceause your African American friends don't buy the B.S that European American society has been selling about everything being equal in this society when any fool would know that in 2009 African Americans are still the first fired and last hired even in the cases where in which we have more experience and education than our European American counterparts. Secondly Sweety I doubt very seriously thar you're defending the human race from African Americans because African Americans are very specific when dealing with matters of their enemies. what you're really doing is defending European Americans (white folk from the United States) from the anger of African Americans. Which in the average African American circle would make you a TRAITOR and looked at as a House Nigger, trying to defend her Massa. YOU ALSO WROTE ON JAN.1, 2009: "Yes, slavery and prejudice lived supreme at one point in time, but isn’t it time we live and date however we want. A lot of those racist folks have died and their children and grandchildren really aren’t racist. Society has changed and yet still we keep bringing it up. Who really cares about what happened centuries ago. Do we really want to live in the past. We want the white folks to love and respect us and we can’t do the same to them." What makes you think that racism is dead and gone when the same week Barack Obama was elected their was a plot by a 2 White Supremacist TEENAGERS planning to go into Memphis, TN and kill 103 African Americans and then finish their killing spree by killing Barack Obama? What about the 844 Hate Groups (All headed by European American Males) and rising. How about the Jena 6, Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath 3years later? Sweety what world are you living in to think that prejudice and racism is almost all gone. By what you wrote, you sound like that you may have high when you wrote your comments. If you want to defend European Americans and try to act as if though the things that they've done and refuse to make hasn't set the stage for today's times, then I'm afraid that you will be treated just like them in the years to come. Sweety, what European American alwyas had hoped for was to have two things in constant play in regards to African Americans, 1) that we would be so traumatized and academically ignorant that we would never return back to a normal human state of thinking 2) that they would always have Black folk like you, who will run to their aid to defend them and their crazy actions.
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lohanso says:Posted: 05 Jan 09
Interracial relationships ? sure good people, good neighbors, work, come help me help me when I need help and I'll help you ...ect. Meet your signficant other at work ? fine, church ? fine, school ? fine, ..go looking for a white woman or black man ..well that's different. Stark reality there, so much interest and study going on between these stereotypes "white woman" "black male" ...people who don't care what love means ...just interested in social taboos and the attention they can get by exploiting them maybe ? who cares ? but ...don't date my daughter please, not because your black or white, but because of the social aspects of the connection ...racist ? maybe. Reality ...yes. There will be ramifications from most of our society, maybe subtle, maybe not. Interracial relationships shouldn't matter, we all know that ...but they do, except for the people that know you. If your a couple (note: couple) who are not bothered by the current generations attitudes and feel you can raise a family who will not be bothered by such, by all means, go for it. Love has no color filters. But it would be irresponsible not to weight in the negative aspects. Racism is a fact, not an ideology. Personnally I believe it's more of a cultural distinction than color, the colors just magnify the negative stereotype perception of those who look to find it.
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Sweety says:Posted: 04 Jan 09
Well u made a good point in ur last statement....which leads us back to what I have said before. Thank u for agreeing with me. So I rest my case
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AALOVE says:Posted: 04 Jan 09
To be honest with you Sweety I believe that European American males already know what to do and just have neglected to do it. African Americans all throughout the 1950's through the present day have told European Americans that they need to pay reparations for the hundreds of trillions of dollars that they owe African Americans for the 354year eras of U.S Chattel Slavery and Jim Crow. They just felt like it was a joke, and that what they've stolen was in some maniacal, dyfunctional way, rightfully theirs to keep. They have paid reparations to the Native Americans, the Alaskan Natives and the Japanese, but have refused to pay the debt that has literally provided the very lifestyles that they enjoy today. What they don't understand is that since they claim to be a Judeo Christian Nation then Biblical rules apply. Biblically God will not let you keep what you've stolen, and when you look at the United States now it is clearly losing everything that European America has prided itself in which are it's Banks, Auto Makers, Educational System and Industry. I believe that the United states is under a curse for not paying the 777trillion dollars for the unpaid debt to African Americans which includes the tortures, rapes, murders, theft and unpaid labor for building of their cities, railrods and major national landmarks i.e The White House, The U.S. Capitol Building, The Walls of Wall Street etc...etc.... So since the U.S nor European America beleives that God will not deal with them for their abuse of us, it is time that we stop tryng to get them to see the light, and simply focus on our own problems . We need to focus completley on healing ourselves and families from the generational damage that they've caused, not try to figure out solutions for a group of people who are the direct and indirect benefactors from the damage that they caused our people. I refuse to keep thinking of ways to help a group of people, who have literally focused on making us their Hosts so that they can be our Parasites. Sweety we need to come to the conclusion, that European America can in no way enhance us, so it only benefits us to help ourselves.
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Sweety says:Posted: 03 Jan 09
Okay.....maybe u can tell them what they need to do.
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AALOVE says:Posted: 03 Jan 09
Also what I notice on this blog, is that the European American males have stopped blogging, since this discussion has had more educated facts enter the atmosphere. Wheneever discussions like this turn away from a surface type of dialogue, to a more serious one, where in which they might be looked at to answer or respond, they always remove themselves from the discussion.
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AALOVE says:Posted: 03 Jan 09
Hold on a second Sweety, you can act as if though history is long gone and passed but the truth of the matter is, is that the history bewtween European American and African Americans is what has shaped the way we look at, feel and think about eachother today. It may break your hear about what each grup is writing about the other, but this is an atmoshpere that European Americans created on their own, never thinking that they would ever have to treat African Americans as mere human beings. The more that you try to Sugar Coat and overlook the 390years of damage that European Amercan males have caused to Afican Americans and our culture as a whole, then the worse you are allowing the problems that now exist, to become. What amazes me is that everytime discussions like this pop up, no one ever expects nor challenges European Americans to make things right for the things that they've made wrong. It's just expected that African Americans suck up the damage that our families are still to this day, one of which being the Nigger Mentalities that European Americans created to animalize us. The real kicker is, is that European Americans now expect African Americsans to be fair towards them and to act as if the things in which their people have done and continue to do in modern day times should be forgiven and overlooked. Well I'm sorry, those days are over. Until European Americans figure out a way to even this society out in the same manner in which they've worked so desperatley hard to make unequal in their favor,then they will recieve the same treatment, looks, comments and uncomfort that they've forced African Americans to endure in this society for 390years.
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sweety says:Posted: 02 Jan 09
All this discussion about race. We r all the same and as a black woman I always have to be defending the human race with my black friends. The biggest problem I see is that we keep going back to history. How can we move forward. Yes, slavery and prejudice lived supreme at one point in time, but isn't it time we live and date however we want. A lot of those racist folks have died and their children and grandchildren really aren't racist. Society has changed and yet still we keep bringing it up. Who really cares about what happened centuries ago. Do we really want to live in the past. We want the white folks to love and respect us and we can't do the same to them. I know where disgustedwhitefemale is coming from, cause I have seen black females acted like that...they believe black should be with black and white girls r taking away the black men. The funny thing is, we would not have liked it to be the other way around. It breaks my heart to see what BlkRoyalty wrote that white women cannot be good mothers, and also the list of black men he made that had black wives....u like who u like. U can't go in someone's head and say these r the reasons why they choose their spouse. Celebrity and non-celebrity alike look for different things in a female. Some like big butts, blue/green eyes, blond,kinky hair, chocolate complexion, curves. Come on guys, stop demeaning each other over something we can't control.....our love for each other Sweety
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eJay82 says:Posted: 01 Jan 09
In responding to SmartOne2 question, I would have to say no.....they wouldn't be suitable to date. Personally, I don't have a preference on race. I was born and raised in New York City, so I've been exposed to different ethnicities since I came out of the womb. I find myself being attracted to different things about different people. Anyways, back to your question. I am an African-American male and i've dated women that weren't black and I would have to say that the biggest turn off to me is when they tell me that they exclusively date black men and they'll never date anything else. Yeah, it's flattering that she likes black men, but in my mind, i'm thinking "aint your parents white?" Things like that tells me that she won't keep an open mind, which is a major quality that I look for in women. I also don't like the ones that try too hard to fit in and being somebody they're not. Don't listen to Kanye West when you're in my presence, thinking you're impressing me, then when you're on your own you got George Strait in the CD player. In closing this response...b/c I really need to b/c I can go on forever with countless other issues....if you're white, be white. If you're black, be black. Be yourself. I like to be enlightened, so when someone is different from what i'm accustumed to, that's a huge plus....Happy New Year to all!
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eJay82 says:Posted: 01 Jan 09
In response to SmartOne2 question, I would have to say no.....they wouldn't be suitable to date. Personally, I don't have a preference on race. I was born and raised in New York City, so I've been exposed to different ethnicities since I came out of the womb. I find myself being attracted to different things about different people. Anyways, back to your question. I am an African-American male and i've dated women that weren't black and I would have to say that the biggest turn off to me is when they tell me that they exclusively date black men and they'll never date anything else. Yeah, it's flattering that she likes black men, but in my mind, i'm thinking "aint your parents white?" Things like that tells me that she won't keep an open mind, which is a major quality that I look for in women. I also don't like the ones that try too hard to fit in and being somebody they're not. Don't listen to Kanye West when you're in my presence, thinking you're impressing me, then when you're on your own you got George Strait in the CD player. In closing this response...b/c I really need to b/c I can go on forever with countless other issues....if you're white, be white. If you're black, be black. Be yourself. I like to be enlightened, so when someone is different from what i'm accustumed to, that's a huge plus....Happy New Year to all!
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SmartOne2 says:Posted: 31 Dec 08
Great dialogue! To be quite frank - Can someone have a preference for only a particular race and not be willing to date someone from their own race be a suitable person for you to date? The additional question arises - What really drives a person's preferences?
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thekid47 says:Posted: 28 Dec 08
Hi AAlove, To be fair to NubiaGem, during our dialogue, I mentioned some of the facts as they stand now-namely that it is impossible, simply on the case of numbers, to claim that any not only good, but great men are not there-numbers simply do not allow that statement to hold. But you will see, that NubiaGem in her follow up, further clarified what she was saying, and mentions that there are good points made. When I further mentioned that there are persons who are preemptively told no, the response was 'preference, preference.' Fair enough, as far as that goes, but don't say that there are no good or great guys around. You can't it both ways, is my point. You can't on the one hand, that there are no good or great ones, and then when a good or great comes around, then that is not preference. Again, not saying that NubiaGem was saying that-it was a general statement of how, inconsistent these discussions can get. Which brings me back to the initial questioning that that got us here, and indeed on other places on the site. There is no such thing as 'the black man', or the 'black woman'-as it is being framed in this particular blog, or in the blog why white men date the black woman-for example. There is as much plurality and difference within any ethnic group, and it is, it seems to me, playing on stereotypes which does no one any good. So the questions are kind of problematic to begin with. That being said, I am amazed at some of the responses that I have read on both blogs-and with respect, it is more than 'it is what it is', it seems to me. Given some of the responses, it is a wonder that there is any connection at all, but again, perhaps that is what can give us some hope-putting things out there, and when it is out, we can look at it, and perhaps reconsider what it is that we say and what we think. Then the possibility of change, arises-and that is always a good it seems to me, especially, positive change. Sometimes one needs to challenge what is, to get to what should and could be. One more word.. Last evening I had the great good fortune of having dinner with a soulful, strong, assured woman who happened to be African American. I felt nothing other than being treated with respect and as Man, and I treated her, as is my custom with all women, as a Woman and all worthy of respect and cherishing. She is getting her Ph.d., now, and it was just wonderful being in her presence-just wonderful. Several months earlier, I traveled about 4 hours+ hours for a first date with another person, equally remarkable, but it did not quite click-even though we had been talking with each other for some time-several months to be exact. But sometimes what we think of a person in terms of phone discussion is different when one comes into actual contact-while a nice meeting, and it was fun to bring flowers that I managed to keep alive and fresh throughout the trip-it is clear that we aren't really matched. She also was a woman who is African American. There are some personalities that perhaps, don't click, and there are also, some personalities that feel that they have to dominate-and can't perhaps deal with a personality that will not be dominated. But the wonderous thing is, that there are women, of all ethnic backgrounds, who are strong, soulful, and who one just enjoys, just being in their presence-it is just a joy. I have found that in women of all ethnic backgrounds.. I don't know whether long term this one will be 'the one'-I don't think about that too much, because it was after a first date-and the purpose really to my mind, of having a first date, is to be able to see if there is the possibility of a second date. But I have to say, and I think that I am a good guy-but behind all of us good guys, and those guys that are great-there are exceptional women-I know that I was raised by a person, two persons, who were and are exceptional. My Mom and Dad. They are extraordinary, I say that, but really, they are simply great parents-and so I would imagine, that the AA Guys, were raised by exceptional women of substance, style, strength and grace. Respects to all..
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AALOVE says:Posted: 28 Dec 08
I thik what NubianGem spoke of how Double "A" AFRICAN AMERICAN Men are either gay or in jail is an excuse that Black women often cling to, because there are plenty of African American men who are not Gay or in Jail and the funny thing is, is that women of other nationalities always seeming to fing them. The truth of the matter is that we keep avoiding the 246year era of U.S Chattel Slavery where European American Slave Masters implemented the dysfunctional lifestyle of removing African American Men from the home and making African American women the heads of the housholds to emasculate(socially cut the balls off) the power of African American men to create generational docility in African American male children and extreme generational independence in African American female children, which can be visibly seen today. Through the eras of Slavery and Jim Crow 1619 -1973 many African American female households were forcibly coerced to raise their male children by White male plantation owners and Law enforcement to be weak so that they would not act on their natural male instinct to protect the women in their families from rape and torture so that they could save his life. This was done by African American women during slavery were so afriad that white men would kill her sons, that she purposely killed his self esteem by verbal abuse and beatings, when he in any way would display signs of manhood or being a leader and a protector. Unfortunately due the facts that there has never been any type of familial repair on the behalf of European American Males nor the U.S governemnt for the genrational damage that they've caused African American families over the past 390years, these dysfunctional gernarational patterns from Slavery and Jim Crow are still very much in tact today . In closing, until African American women turn off this wicked switch of publicly and privately tearing down DOUBLE "A" Men, that thay have been taught from the generatinal lifestyles of Slavery and Jim Crow, DOUBLE "A" men will continue to seek women from outside their culture, because they are treated like a man,and not like a Boy. African American Men today are far more educated and far less dysfunctional today than forty years ago and are being raised more and more around strong, intelligent, African American men and women; not just women like Slave Masters designed for our sabotage and destruction. So NubianGem if you're seeing weakness of African American Men in modern day times, we need to start asking the Sista's one major question "WHO'S RAISING THEM?"
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1ofakindlove says:Posted: 28 Dec 08
I definitely agree w/ Tatted2death..a woman is a woman regardless of her skin color! Ignorance is ignorance and intelligence is intelligence, regardless of your physical appearance. Women that disrespect or degrade women of another race are just portraying their own insecurities within themselves. A comment on the article that was posted on Dec. 13: "A Disgusted White Woman" was totally out of line for some of the remarks that she made against black women..By no means is any race of women superior than the other!! I will also have to say that some of the comments made by "Black Royalty" were also incorrect and based on stereotypes as well. All so called "white women" are not docile and easy to control, so don't get it twisted!! I am a woman of many races, and I am a strong woman that speaks her mind. If people could just respect one another, and stop passing judgements on others...maybe our world would be a better place, and there wouldn't be as much hate! Peace and Blessings to All!! :)
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Onetrueone says:Posted: 25 Dec 08
Newmoney27; I will agree 100%. It is what it is...
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newmoney27 says:Posted: 25 Dec 08
It is what it is. You like what you like, let's not dig too deep here.
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tennisball says:Posted: 24 Dec 08
ok all you people need to be blind so you don't have to worry about white or black.I also think when it comes to men and females we are going to find a way to get together no matter what and when have you seen one race of woman not be as female as the next you have the same positives and negatives in every race and culture.So just love the ladys no matter what color they are thats what men do
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thekid47 says:Posted: 21 Dec 08
@ tatted2death, thank you and much respect to you. Best of the holiday season and please, do stay safe.. much respects to all..
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ginnie says:Posted: 21 Dec 08
i am so tired of all the arguing over race religion age sex finances just find me a nice single male who will share a life of love respect caring with me from a sweet single older white woman
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phatkitty says:Posted: 21 Dec 08
still commenting on DWG somewhere in VA. According to ur comments, who died and gave u a liscense to tell blk women how to change themselves and learn how to love a blk man?? You have no right. Dont kid yourself, no one is without fault, if your man fill your head with all these negative things about blk women, then he has no respect for his mother(which i know is blk) or all the other matriach in his family. Shame on him, and even more shame on you for believing this nonesense. Bottom line, your man is trying to justify his reasons for dating and wanting to marry you, by putting down another group of women, this is heart wrenching, because when u have children, and if you have girls, how will he be as a father to these girls. Regardless of what both of you think, society already made that choice for you, that your future children will be considered black. I honesty hope your man is doing this for the right reason, and not using you to get away from blk women. one luv
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phatkitty says:Posted: 21 Dec 08
Ms God's gift to blk men should get over herself, youre not really angry @ total strangers, you are angry because you expected them to accept you and they dont. Not all of us are tolerant. May i say welcome to the black side of your life.
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giftfromgod says:Posted: 19 Dec 08
This was a very informative documentary thank U for sharing your precious time to create this ....time to destroy falsehood
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NubianGem says:Posted: 18 Dec 08
Big Up Tatted and much Luv Ma, U from my home town. Born and raised and im sure u know sum of my folk. If ur a full member drop a line.
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tatted2death says:Posted: 16 Dec 08
Thekid47.... amazing how wherever you may roam common sense seems to follow....I am so glad you are out here reading and responding (I have been on a bit of a "sabbatical"); countering some of this madness before it even starts. I am so glad that someone like NubianGem exists...because if not I would have had to set Maggie straight on a few things.....LOL. I have to say everytime I see someone bash one "race" of women to make another feel good it makes my stomach turn. And any woman that feeds into or perpeutates such madness really needs to take a "mirror glance". Ok...(kicking the soapbox)....back to your regularly scheduled thread. Peace and Blessings tatted2death
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thekid47 says:Posted: 14 Dec 08
That's a big Roger, Braveheart.. peace and respects to you sir. What you are referencing is something that existed in some of the States prior to the Civil War and continued up until the mid part of the last Century-and that is the problem with the social construct of 'race'-you get into problems when you analyze in that fashion. There was a phenomena called 'passing', which was of someone who was 'light' skinned and passed for 'white'-by the way, there was discussion of this recently on C-Span Booknotes, and interestingly enough, there is a person interviewed in the book-title escapes my mind right now-and that is a New York City Socialite-and wont reveal the fact that she is indeed African American because of what that would do to her status. That is a sad statement of how damaging the concept has been, and still is, running in our society. But the wonderful thing is, that this is not the last word.
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Braveheart4U says:Posted: 14 Dec 08
Well, I watched the clip because I was intrigued as to why, in the 21st century, interracial dating could still be an I mean, its not like we have a personal mortgage on other people based on the colour of our skin! I'm not from or in the USA so perhaps I am being overly simple, but in my family, and in the context of the South Pacific, we have all sorts of various ethnic threads from history - lots of different Caucasian cultures that have come together and also Pacific threads that have all done one thing...made love and had babies. Once that happens, colour of skin becomes rather unimportant. I have got to agree with "Thekid47", when he states 'I have always taken the position that there is only one race, the Human race', - thank you sir. None of us are imperfect - we're all just a bit different, skin colour and culture just being two elements of potential difference, and we all just need to enjoy the difference and feed from it. I believe that rather than feeling threatened by a statistic that measures the apparent growth of interracial marriage, we should be perhaps wondering why it is a statistic that even needs to be collected... By the way, in the USA, if I have a Black ancestor in the past couple of generations, does that make me Black enough to be considered a Black man (for statistical purposes)? What's the cut-off level of "Blackness"?. I mean, if I have white looking skin, but I feel Black, does that make me Black for the purposes of statistics? Or if I have black skin but don't fit the statistical expectations of society for a black man, am I still Black enough? I am on this site because I happen to think difference is wonderful. It is exciting and exposes you to other views on ...well....anything! I wish everyone peace and happiness for the coming holiday.
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thekid47 says:Posted: 14 Dec 08
Well, I did ask you the question of what you understand living in America vice not being of America means, but I look forward to that discussion. I will leave for another discussion the nature versus nurture discussion-I am not sure what you mean there, but I am sure we will chat about it. Peace to you..
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NubianGem says:Posted: 14 Dec 08
Preference, preference, preference. Thats what it all balls down too. Wanting sum1 who accommodates my style, understands where I am coming from with spiritually connected ethos and intellectually driven. I am personally attracted to people who live in America not of America. With that being said there is a nature in which certain types of people have manifested and it goes beyond a stereotype. It isn't to say that those cases are the same for all people because clearly they are not and thats what births stereotypes but their is a person and being which is created by nature, lacking the nurture needed to be a prominent and respectful being. N e way since ya flirting hit me and we can discuss what I mean if I havent cleared it up. Love who you will people if we loved more we would all be a better ppl!
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thekid47 says:Posted: 14 Dec 08
Hi NubianGem, By the way, just sent you a flirt ;-).. Well, on to what you just said, that is what I was referring too.. that there are quite a few, and quite a few datable great guys that I personally know, and they for one reason or another are turned down-in many ways, because of stereotypes-which is what I was hitting at. Different type of black man by nature? Don't know if I either quite understand or agree with that.. In point of fact, if you are referencing the connection between the communities of african americans here, and the connection to the African continent, I find that there is a great and ever growing understanding of this connection, and beyond just the question of the Mid Atlantic Passage.. I do..and in fact, have some speaking knowledge of at least 3 African languages, Xhosa, Zulu, and Bemba.. But further, to the point.. how many of us, have read the profile of what someone says, they are even close to us in geographical proximity-we flirt with them and even send a note of introduction, to be given the horrifying and often-'I don't think that we would be a match, but thank you for contacting me wish you good luck on your search.'? Now, look at what they say that they are looking for, and then note that if that is honestly what they are looking for, and you pretty much have that-that for some reason, either they aren't really looking for that, or maybe it's one's tie lol :-)-or some other thing. That is fine. But then, don't go and say, well, 'there aren't any good black,white, whatever' men around. Not saying that you are-but I wonder truthfully, how many persons, who could be matches, are .. told know preemptively, when they in fact, do match what someone is looking for-this goes both ways by the way, for men and women. By the way, no matter what you say to the flirt-been great chatting with you-I wish you all the happiness in the world-you deserve it Nubia truly. With much respect, Thekid47 ;-)
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NubianGem says:Posted: 14 Dec 08
Some Typos there. (lol) I meant Blk Royalty (does) have a preference additionally in the last paragraph its shld read we shld all learn to think for ourselves. Thats all, I love u all and God Bless America!
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NubianGem says:Posted: 14 Dec 08
I agree Karenza... Additionally I dnt think Blk Royalty has a preference just like we all do and thats quite fine. He wants a sister, Im happy someone does! The Kid, u make great points and I wasnt trying to be general in the aspect of agreeing with the documentary. I know great black men too but as a blk woman in the dating cipher. I mean its hard, its really hard. Im too young for some educated brothers too educated for young brothers and then factor in those other factors and its like man, where is my King? lol I know that i am fearfully and wonderfully made though so I have patience in receiving my hearts desire. I still do believe there is a disparity. They dnt solely fall into the categories listed above though. I mean just because of the history of this country, there exists a different type of black man by nature and I have yet to find that conscious yet driven one. Someone who understands the fruit of life and realizes that Africa is a great part of it. Men under 30 don't always realize that. They are chasing the American dream. Some men over 30 have decided assimilating is easier and I mean as I said in the first comment box. To each his own. Love because it is whats in you heart don't settle for less than what u deserve because in the end whether black or white God has made us all in his light and the way he has chosen. we all have a preference and some like em tall, short, thin, thick, wide, dumb, virtuous, Black or white and thats fine. Statistics like the media deliver the message of the majority. So you def shld not believe in its accuracy and it shld make us all earn to think for ourselves. I guarantee if we did we wld all be a lot happier collectively.
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thekid47 says:Posted: 14 Dec 08
Actually, there is not a great disparity-I know quite a few not good, but great African American men, who are not either in jail, homosexual, etc. They are really great guys, and treat others, irrespective of where they are and who they are, with respect. I have been reading a lot on this site, from the 'white men who date the black woman', and now this article that begins with 'what do people really think of the black man?' Notice that the terms, THE black woman and THE black man-as though there is only a singular type, or 'it is all the same'. That is one of the greatest problems I note in the comments, the appeals from all sides, to stereotypes. There is no such thing as 'the Black, White or polka dotted green, anything'. There will be by about 2010, approximately 41 million Americans of African/Caribbean descent. About 51% at present are female, the remainder, well, male. There are slightly over 2.4 million persons of ALL ethnic backgrounds and both GENDERS in the US prison system. IT is IMPOSSIBLE, for there to be lack of men of ANY ethnic group by prison population. SIMPLY IMPOSSIBLE, the NUMBERS DON'T add up, and to be frank, as John Adams would say, FACTS ARE STUBBORN THINGS-they don't change because one doesn't like them, or believes something else. I understand if in one's own part of the world, one hasn't met these great guys, but with well, at present, well over 35 million people, of whom about 48% are male-well it stands to reason that one hasn't met everyone or close to everyone. Regarding that statement as to why some folks 'date outside their race'-I have always taken the position that there is only one race, the Human race. That being said, I have personally, only gone with persons, of all ethnic backgrounds, for the same reason. That they are great human beings, wonderful and wise women, and very soulful. If there are people who look at me because I happen to be with a woman who is of a different ethnic group, or not-follow your heart. Maggie, no the women of African American descent that I have met and know, are women who are soulful, kind,and give respect as they receive it. So, don't make a generalization the other way-it is not fair to women who are African American, the same way that the comment by the gentleman regarding white women being a certain way. I have found neither of these stereotypes to be true at all. Hence the problem with stereotypes. Peace to all.
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karenzaa27 says:Posted: 14 Dec 08
NubianGem... that was good. The best thing I have read on this site. Makes me wonder how people of any race become attracted to only their own race, or only a different race. Being attracted to black men, I feel threatened that the guys I date aren’t going to want to commit because they won’t really respect me deep down because I’m white. Because I don’t LOOK LIKE I have shared in the struggle. When I go out, the men who I notice only dance with black women. I know America has gone through so much struggle and there is a lot more to come- all this anger is understandable. But it’s really time for change. Hopefully people will start being more open minded about race, and interracial relationships, and stop judging each other, period. Like Black Royalty making all those amazing points, but then going too far in the end by saying a white woman can’t be a good wife and mother to his kids because she is not virtuous, and could not understand his struggles. That just isn’t true. A white woman can know history just as well as a black woman. It might be harder for a white woman to learn that history- but, its not impossible. White people are angry too. I am part Native American, so I know how oppression feels. But even if I wasn’t, I could still understand, even tho my skin is white. Yeah, even though my skin is white, white supremacy sickens me and makes me angry every single day. And Maggie saying that because she’s a white woman who only dates black men she knows why black men venture outside of there race… we can’t generalize. About anyone… It’s disrespectful. People are unique and different, no matter their color or race. I don’t want to be considered “easy” or docile, or weak because I am white and think black men are beautiful. That’s what it’s all about on here, isn’t it?? Desire and attraction for a certain type? No one has the right to criticize someone for what they consider beautiful. You can question, you can point out your own perspective. But… I think we have to try harder not to judge.
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NubianGem says:Posted: 13 Dec 08
You can pretend you don't know the history of America if you like but for the sake of validating my response, I wont. I am an African American woman and the fact of the matter is when you factor in homosexuality, jail and those qualities that a "good black" woman looks for in a "good black man" there is an overwhelming disparity. The media paints a vivid picture of American beauty and the American dream. Depending on the man in question, dating a white woman is equated to an amount of false success. The media has painted this picture for as long as most of us remember, therefore some people don't even notice when they are being brain washed and spoon fed B.S.from the media. Everything from books, newspapers, television, radio and history, past and present reflect the idea that lighter-skin figures are more attractive, adhering, respectable and virtuous that darker- skin people To each his own though. We should seek to find mates in which we truly formulate a great bond with and I am all in favor of that. Maggie honey, you have no idea why men venture outside of their race. Your not a black man your a white woman and as a sister yes I do demand respect and i am intolerable, if its not given. The media has affected many a man including the brother. I don't know what type of men you date but if your still dating and you want more here is some food for thought. Hope ya hungry. White women's opinion of black women & a brother's response Please take a moment and read this. Pretty Deep! Thumbs up to this black man. Enjoy. It seems that an article was written to Sister 2 Sister magazine by a Caucasian woman who requested a response from black men. I'm so glad she got what she asked for (and more) !!! Dear Jamie: I'm sorry but I would like to challenge some of your Black male readers. I am a White female who is engaged to a Black male-good-looking, educated and loving. I just don't understand a lot of Black female's attitudes about our relationship. My man decided he wanted me because the pickings amongst Black women were slim to none. As he said they were either too fat, too loud, too mean, too argumentative, too needy, too materialistic or carrying too much excess baggage. Before I became engaged, whenever I went out I was constantly approached by Black men, willing to wine and dine me and give me the world. If Black women are so up in arms about us being with their men, why don't they look at themselves and make some changes. I am tired of the dirty looks I get and snide remarks when we're out in public. I would like to hear from some Black men about why we are so appealing and coveted by them. Bryant Gumbel just left his wife of 26 years for one of us Charles Barkley, Scottie Pippen, the model Tyson Beckford, Montell Williams, Quincy Jones, James Earl Jones, Harry Belafonte, Sydney Poitier, Kofi Anan, Cuba Gooding Jr., Don Cornelius, Berry Gordy, Billy Blanks, Larry Fishburne, Wesley Snipes... I could go on and on. But, right now, I'm a little angry and that is why I wrote this so hurriedly. Don't be mad with us White women because so many of your men want us. Get your acts together and learn from us and we may lead you to treat your men better. If I'm wrong, Black men, let me know. Disgusted White Girl, Somewhere in VA RESPONSE Dear Jamie: I would like to respond to the letter written by A Disgusted White Girl. Let me start by saying that I am a 28-year old black man. I graduated from one of the most prestigious universities in Atlanta , Georgia with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Business Management. I have a good job at a major corporation and have recently purchased a house. So, I consider myself to be among the ranks of successful black men. I will not use my precious time to slander white people. I just want to set the record straight of why black men date white women. Back in the day, one of the biggest reasons why black men dated white women was because they were considered easy. The black girls in my neighborhood were raised in the church. They were very strict about when they lost their virginity and who they lost it to. Because of our impatience to wait, brothers would look for someone who would give it up easy without too much hassle. So, they turned to the white girls. Nowadays, in my opinion, a lot of brothers date white women because they are docile and easy to control. A lot of black men, because of insecurities, fears, and overall weaknesses, have become intimidated by the strength of our black women. We are afraid that our woman will be more successful than us, make more money than us, drive nicer cars and own bigger houses. Because of this fear, many black men look for a more docile woman. Someone we can control. I have talked to numerous black men and they continuously comment on how easy it is to control and walk over their white women. I just want to set the record straight. I want A Disgusted White Girl to know that not all successful black men date white women. Brothers like Ahmad Rashad, Denzel Washington, Michael Jordan, Morris Chestnut, Will Smith, Blair Underwood, Kenneth "Babyface" Edmonds, Samuel L. Jackson, and Chris Rock all married strong black women And, to flip the script, there are numerous white men, in and out of the spot light, who openly or secretly desire black women over white women. Ted Danson, Robert DeNiro, and David Bowie to name a few. I just don't want a disgusted white girl to be misinformed Stop thinking that because you are white that you are some type of goddess. Remember, when black Egyptian Queens like Hatsepshut and Nitorcris were ruling Dynasties and armies of men in Egypt, you were over in the caves of Europe eating raw meat and beating each other over the head with clubs. Read your history! It was the black woman that taught you how to cook and season your food. It was the black woman that taught you how to raise your children. It was black women who were breast feeding and raising your babies during slavery. It is the black woman that had to endure watching their fathers, husbands, and children beaten, killed, and thrown in jail. Black women were born with two strikes against them: being black and being a woman. And, through all this, Still They Rise! It is because of the black women's strength, elegance, power, love and beauty that I could> never> date anyone except my black Queen. It is not just the outer beauty that captivates and draws me to them. It is not the fact that they come in all shapes, sizes, colors and shades that I love them. Their inner beauty is what I find most appealing about black women. Their strong spirit, loving and nurturing souls, their integrity, their ability to overcome great obstacles, their willingness to stand for what they believe in, and their determination to succeed and reach their highest potential while enduring great pain and suffering is why I have fallen in love with black women. I honestly believe that your anger is geared more toward jealousy and envy more so than snotty looks. If this were not so, then why do you continuously go to tanning salons to darken your skin? If you are so proud to be white, then why don't you just be happy with your pale skin? Why do you continue to inject your lips, hips, and breasts with unnatural and dangerous substances so you can look fuller and more voluptuous? I think that your anger is really a result of you wanting to have what the black woman has. BOTTOM LINE: If I were looking for a docile woman, someone I can walk over and control, I would give you a call. But, unfortunately, I am looking for a Virtuous Woman. Someone that can be a good wife and mother to my children. Someone who can be my best friend and understands my struggles. I am looking for a soul mate. I am looking for a sister and; unfortunately, you do not and CANNOT fit the bill. No offense taken, none given. Signed, Black Royalty Just thought I'd share. The men who date you don't do it because they don't feel respected by sisters they do it because you are who and what they are interested in. No disrespect, Im just a realist and I call it how I see it. Examine ya own! whatever that means
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Maggie says:Posted: 11 Dec 08
I think is Eric is right, everyone needs to examine there own. Being a white woman who only dates black men I can tell you why they venture outside of there race, I get the same response everytime I ask. RESPECT!!! are black woman the only ones intitled to respect, you have to give it before you can get it, sometimes even when it's not warranted. There are challenges that blacks face everyday don't be part of the problem be part of the solution.
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Eric_T says:Posted: 11 Dec 08
I soooo appreciate thinkers! Preach it John. I'm with you all the way and would like to add that I hate the media. And simply for restatement purposes..., toss out the tv and investigate your life, your career, your society, your government, your spirituality, your..., come on people, fill in that blank!!! When the tv tells you everything you know and you can't rattle off the first ten amendments in the bill of rights off the top of your head..., how could you possibly know that you're actually free? Now statistics for this and that are fine and good but I warn anyone who bases what they think by statistics with a quote from Samuel Clemens a.k.a. Mark Twain, "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics!" Stick that in your pipe and smoke it. BOOYAH! :-) Oh, and thanks again John. I love motivated free thinkers. Good analysis.
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johneb30 says:Posted: 10 Dec 08
Ok so I made two 'lastly's' lol. well i couldn't get wound down lol sorry about that :-)
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johneb30 says:Posted: 10 Dec 08
The video misses one huge point. Even if you look at the numbers as percentages of the total population, which I agree is the correct way of asessing the trend, the RATE (not just the gross number) of black males marrying white women has almost doubled. It has risen by 84% (of course, a 100% increase would represent the rate doubling). The gross numbers that the man says the media uses would represent a 94% increase. So yes the media gets it wrong by looking at the gross numbers, but not by as much as this video would have us believe. It's still a sharp increase. HOWEVER....... Having said all that, I would still venture to say if we were to look at the percentages from year to year from 1980 to 2006 there would be only a slight up-tick every year that brings us to our current levels. Not an explosion, by any means, but yes a trend. And why does he say we're going to look at the past 20 years and then give us numbers from 1980 to 2006? Lastly, the video makes a GREAT point that the number of single black women is due in great part to LACK OF MARRIAGE rather than black men marrying outside of their race, white women in particular. Lastly, I would like to point out that if we are marrying or making life decisions on what the media says, it's our OWN fault, not the fault of the media. A bad decision based on misinformation is the fault of the misinformed much more than the misinformer. In this age where information is so readily available and accessible there is NO excuse for being uninformed or misinformed. DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH and don't believe everything you hear and read.
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jeffreyeas says:Posted: 09 Dec 08
The whole video, "What Black Men Think" is a good documentary
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So easy to rile up a moron. You make a lot of claims about White men purposely placing Black women in leadership roles, and waht not. Those a conspiracy theories. Slave owners indeed abused their slaves in many ways. They are well documented. Not the crap you are claiming. I bet you believe in the Willie Lynch letter as well. There is a difference about complaining about past injustices and their very real effect in the present, and whining about how the White man is against you in general. My mother is American and has both Tsalagi and European ancestry. They built this country since before your ancestors ever set a foot here. So spare me the victimology. Sorry but abuse is not carried by genetics. It is only as far back as your living relatives. Afro Caribbeans, Afro-Latinos and Africans went through slavery. Many do complain about MODERN injustices that are valid, but they don't whine about it like you do. Nor do they make it a racial hatred thing. Which is obvioulsy the only reason you came to this site. Native Americans have suffered as greatly as African Americans and the whole of the Americas was their land. So spare me your claims about my father. He has deeper roots in this land then you ever will have. Bill Cosby would agree with me. Micheal Eric Dyson, Cornell West are both victimologists. No respect for them. Listened to the State of Black America which comes on CNN every year for the past years, you would kno that they think exactly like me. Bill Cosby DOES NOT think like you. Your idiocy is astounding. Jews and Japanese were paid because the victims were still living. Jews didn't suffer one generation. Go look up history. Look up the Inquisition. While you are at it, go look up the Asian exclusion acts in this country way before WWII. No reparations for that. Because the victims are no longer living. You say there is a difference in mentalities between an African America and an expletive. You are showing you fall under the expletive. The very one Bill Cosby ranted about. You act like Emancipation and the Civil Rights movement occurred out of the blue. No White Americans involved in that. Yeah, because all White Americans subscribe to the ideologies you want to blanket people with. You whole post here since the beginning has been ranting at a woman because she didn't buy into your victimist mentality. A mentality where you further wanted to place blame on Black women for your own insecurities. So throw a tantrum like a little kid, but don't try to play the intellectual adult here. JUst rant away like a whining baby and show your real self. Becuase you never wanted dialogue here, you posted to point fingers at Black womena dn the White men they chose to date. GTFOH!! Nor did all Eurodescent people come here and enjoy White privileges. Many ended up in impoverished situations where they lived at subsistence levels and struggled to make a living. You can't enjoy glass ceilings if you never even made it in the door. Tell an Appalachian how White privileges have them doing so well. Tell a Latino of Basque or Galician mountain stock that is regarded as a short wet back here, no mater his European ancestry that he is reaping White privilege. And tell him about how much he should go back to his country, when your ancestors where fleeing to his with the Underground Railroad, the Creole Exodus to Veracruz, the Mascogo escape to San Vicente de los Negros, the full acceptance of African Americans in Sport Leagues in Mexico, when the Negro Leagues where all that was available in the US, etc. Again, If you want to lay down valid claims, like other African American men have very eloquently done so on this thread, go for it, but if your plan is to come and whine about victimism and how the Black woman and the White man are incahoots to oppress you, then yes, I will laugh at you. Now come back and type some more capital letters and infantile swear words and pretend you are making a point with them. LOL.