A tongue-in-cheek guide from the world's "best" and most loved expert. His series of helpful videos for boys and for girls will help you get the most from online dating.

How To Get Off The Bench
Find your soulmate on InterracialDatingCentral

609 responses to "How To Get Off The Bench"
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gimmekwaet says:Posted: 04 Feb 13
I think it is an honorable thing to do. To get off the bench now.
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huggy124 says:Posted: 20 Nov 12
Put me in the game I'm sick Of warming the bench up put me in the game I'm ready to do B I'm ready to go with them full speed ahead what I need to do
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me says:Posted: 16 Oct 12
Where is the best in san antonio to meet single white ladies
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nyabs25 says:Posted: 24 Sep 12
am looking for a relationship but what am i dona do
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solar555 says:Posted: 29 Jun 12
not sure about on line dating.willing try. however maybe a bit too shy.was married for 25 years.very loyal but also very trusting which was my downfal. didnt see it coming. taking a long time to recover from break up of family. picking up the pieces and moving on is not as easy as i thought it will be. sometimes the more you know people the more you like animals. they dont lie.
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kayceia says:Posted: 03 Mar 14
Don't be shy,it hurts just go out and explore. Find someone with minimal baggage and have some fun. Good luck.
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Ebinyo says:Posted: 22 Jun 12
Its true women need to be given care like babies,but u care for some one who is willing to receive yo care,hope to get one who is welling to receive my care.
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solar55 says:Posted: 20 Jul 12
I agree with you solar55.Animals do not talk and they are grateful for the love and affection that they are shown.As long as they have food,shelter ,a loving hug now and then they are sincerely and genuinely appreciative.NOT requiring anymore,nor placing unrealistic expectations on you.I understand your situation and respect your honesty and sincerity.Maybe we can chat from time to time as FRIENDS...NO EXPECTATIONS!!!!!! Simply bonding and connection through some get to know me conversation.Starting out small,whens your birthday?whats your favorite color?etc,etc.etc.............................I am up for it,if you are.........................Respectfully Written Nubian 44
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Ebinyo says:Posted: 20 Jun 12
Its true women need to be given care like babies,but u care for some one who is willing to receive yo care,hope to get one who is willing to receive my care.
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BigSeafish says:Posted: 14 Jun 12
Power1 You are fantastic man you have a slice idea of what woman are but not all. I at all you do what you are preaching then you are in the right track.
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encomium says:Posted: 24 May 12
people tends to speak about love but many of us take love as an illusion and mirage of the mind bcos the meaning of love transcend ordinary.many of us are fake because our love affairs are conditional.
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saga05 says:Posted: 21 May 12
I know what women want anytime and any minute.
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BigSeafish says:Posted: 13 Jun 12
Saga05, The biggest mistake you are going to make, is to think you know what woman want you will be mistaken.
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power1 says:Posted: 09 Mar 12
Wow! Any woman that come accros you must know that she has met her kina of man cos naturally i know what a woman need from a man...
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ivy280 says:Posted: 22 Apr 12
Hi power1,am glad that yo here..u seem to knw wat love is,am so pleased by your words,am in need of love bt its nt easy to get it..lets keep each other company till we find our soulmates.
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jozef61 says:Posted: 30 Jan 14
i like that,just as i do need someone to warm me so let keep the fire burning
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power1 says:Posted: 09 Mar 12
Any way the truth must be said at this juncture. A waman should be treated just like a baby coz that's natural and has to be done. Pamper them, some times may not only to giving tham every nthing on eath, i am not saying we should not but while doing that you have to apply that of the natural which is care , love , romantic, sincerity which is important, by so doing this you will see that the bad side of her will be gradually cured by you, lol...
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joey9602 says:Posted: 09 Mar 12
I never guessed that I'd be looking for a date online, but this seems like the latest and greatest way to meet people, so I guess that's why I find myself here giving things a try. I am new on this site and i was searching through...I guess you suit my kind of woman judging from your profile any
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shydemlikes says:Posted: 13 Jan 12
am sure life is of all love, n if love ain't meant then your living ain't worth life n love am sure if you love guys from Kenya here is me willing to love to sastifaction.
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moreexy says:Posted: 15 Dec 11
Istill believe in true love ,and am hoping to get my love from this site.
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ashgy says:Posted: 17 Dec 11
yes am also of d same vision and i believe we can meet and do something better.am interested in u.
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Samuel1978 says:Posted: 12 Dec 11
there are still true love in this world and sure i will meet her soon.love me for who i am,i promise you even moreeeeeee.
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Samuel1978 says:Posted: 12 Dec 11
I really would like to meet true and sincere love through this super powerful dating site. race is not important to me at all and all that matters is understanding and compatibility. i know this site will make things happen in my life soon.
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edvan10 says:Posted: 09 Dec 11
l really need a true love some one who can heal my broken heart
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Tongotongo says:Posted: 01 Nov 11
I would rather like to receive from God fearing women The fear of athe Lord is the beginning of wisdom
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Mafo says:Posted: 11 Oct 11
True love or real love is not based on wealth, fame,money power, colour, race. It is a natural gift starts within a inmost of a person. It takes some quality time to refine itself to venture through the confusing world of love.
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Mukonzvi says:Posted: 04 Oct 11
Iam looking for a men who fear god i will be happy to get yu i will love yu for ever god bless yu
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forgod22 says:Posted: 23 Sep 11
what i belive in this life is that every man or woman have is owen life to live,but before that u must think about ur future,what u will do to active ur future,and soulmate.
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power1 says:Posted: 09 Mar 12
hello, how are you today? I am Power1. May i please know more about you?
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miruga36 says:Posted: 16 Sep 11
please suggest me i needa kenya girl to marry how it will be success
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interbatic says:Posted: 10 Sep 11
I think getting off the Bench is fantastic. Hmmm.I too need that caring, God fearing loving and serious one. are you there?
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ojofolorunso says:Posted: 23 Aug 11
well,may be I should get off the bench too. I need a good,loving,caring,and God-fearing woman in my life for a serious relationship,to start with.
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branco24 says:Posted: 20 Aug 11
i am such a charming young man,tall, handsome,cool,romantic man and i will upload my photo soon to get you attracted.i hope to find a tall,slim,curvy hipped and pretty young woman in this site.if you are one such a humble and beautiful woman,send me amessage please.
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jeeves26 says:Posted: 06 Aug 11
What is colour, Where beauty is skin deep. As some guys expressed that you go to jail for fallen off the bench but the main thing is the chemical interaction between two people which should not be taken for granted by anybody irrespective of their gender.
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two2011 says:Posted: 31 Jul 11
I am glad I am warming up to meet some Asian or Indian lady with an inner beauty for a gentleman who who trusts gender equality plus equity and mutual respect between the husbands and wives.This is my cup of tea or coffee.May God bless the lucky lady.Amen.
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Kooljay0311 says:Posted: 13 Jul 11
how do i meet people here i hope i'm in the place where they make things happen for real
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Justin1974 says:Posted: 07 Jul 11
These videos are hilarious! SImon Carson's accent is very good. It just slips every now and then, most notably when he says "date whisperer" and his native American twang kicks in.
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Posted: 28 Jun 11
It's hard to find someone whom you truly love, much less to find someone who loves you as much. When the chance comes, never let go.
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Posted: 28 Jun 11
Love is natural. I believe some body will appreciate me more than the way i am feeling. Happiness they say is the source of wealth.
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Tyzo says:Posted: 16 Jun 11
They say that Love is like give and Take....if we can apply this words, then we can build strong relationship.
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prettyfd says:Posted: 25 Jun 11
this reply is to writer1259, well for me woman are to be handled with care, but most men this day just feel they can miss handle women and just walk away like that, so if women are giving more attention based on care or low in the society then its worth it, at least we hardly hear that female rape male, but its always the male....so we should be protected......
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Kooljay0311 says:Posted: 13 Jul 11
sure babe any guy that treats his babe's mama anyhow is a beast
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Ebinyo says:Posted: 20 Jun 12
Its really very important to handle women with great care and respect,as well as women being faithful to your men.
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JustRon says:Posted: 12 Jun 11
I sometimes get a kick about how hesitant some people are who have not yet dated interracially. The first girl I ever fell in love with was a pretty black girl. We were in our teens and, what was between us just came on all by itself. That's the best kind no matter whether it's interracial or not. My teens were a long time ago and, I have had and will forever have an affinity for black women. I feel fortunate that I was able to be a part of this in my teens and to be a part of it today.
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meg199 says:Posted: 23 May 12
Nice to have such a strong believe and altitude been searching for a while
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sikalawa says:Posted: 08 Jun 11
Av been off the dating world for a period of 1 year 11months may be this has seriously affected ma dating techniques
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Hansome3 says:Posted: 27 May 11
after a long time off the dating scene i see how hard it is for a black guy like myself to get his interracial princess.what is there for a really nice ,respectful guy have to to to get meet his future bride . someone who is not looking for something short but long term and a life time commitment
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writer1259 says:Posted: 12 May 11
Would someone PLEASE tell me WHY these on-line services, and society, in general, INSIST that women must be the VICTIMS, and that men must, always, be the abuser/perpetrator/criminal/etc? I can name PLENTY of women, who use, abuse, then cast MEN aside, just for the pleasure of saying "Yes! I did it! And I am PROUD of it!" Why arent men more aggressive, nowadays? Lets see: 1) Date "rape" - Yes, if a woman does not like a mans performance, she "gets even", by charging him with raping her. He goes to jail, and she has a huge laugh! 2) Sexual "harrassment" - In the work-place, and in society, in general, women are allowed to act, and DO, as they please, while men are required to conform to new laws, which state that, if a man "offends" a woman, HE goes to jail. On the other hand, IF a woman insults a man, even by PUBLICLY screaming in his face "You're NOT a man! You dont deserve a woman!", society says this is "womans perogative". Now, do you understand why so many men stay "On the bench", and DONT, actively, try for dates.
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Uniquetercle says:Posted: 23 Jan 12
@writer1259 Well to me a real man does't even need anything called rape it sounds noh sense not at all and da hole issue off all dis black and white is all caused by racialism and dere is nothing anybody can do about it cus it has been dere from day 1 all we need is to put a bite love in our hear and see other's like your self Simply&shor am always straight and honest with my word we all noh da fact so what's da need of trying to keep silences over it??? I have got my mouth and I have got to say it out cus it is da truth about da matter if we can only be realistic. THANK U PEACE BE WITH YOU ALL.
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manwolff says:Posted: 05 May 12
hi there, I must say that, having read through your points of arguement, there is not one positive word, comment, or sentence. Kharma bequeths Kharma, or what you say that iwha you'll get. It's a Universal spiritual law, no matter your creed, colour or sex. Change your attitude by the very words that you speak and smile instead of frowning. Happiness is a frame of mind, so is sadness, we choose these frames or allow others to steal or frames, some for a moment, a time , a day a lifetime. It's up to us to make lfe work, take back your frame of mind and be happy again, smile, change your outlook, Stopblaming the world, look within, And then see thdifference it makes with woman, she'll see a happy, smiling confident guy, not some nut busting, jaw grinding idiot.
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meg199 says:Posted: 23 May 12
Its nice to be youself once again i agree with you good to pick our lives again believe in oneselve and move this world we face many challenges but we have to believe in ourselve and move on
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BigSeafish says:Posted: 13 Jun 12
Wao, fantastic comments Manwolff, I actually smile when I read your comments I like your comment Happiness is a frame of mind, once you choose to be happy you will. Yes, I do understand that sometime when things get hard we think everything around us is bad, yet God has a better plan for us all, at the right. Even when things seems not to be fine, keep a smile knowing that is not yet the right time.
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maury says:Posted: 11 May 11
i am deffinetly in need of a true love but somehow dont get through especcially when a cute chick comes al9ong. anyone to get me moving
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roxie021 says:Posted: 09 May 11
true love is not about the race,colour and distance is all bout the bond between to people (faithfulness,trust,love and care) all pray for is a faithful man full of affection.
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perfecto says:Posted: 02 May 11
I think to get off the bench I guess I will have to mail a picture of me to show those beautiful women what a special guy I look like this is the first time I hever use a interracial site I am looking for a beautiful black female I think this would be a very new experience that would change my look of life.
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john19912 says:Posted: 18 Mar 12
sure love has no bound,coulor,race,age,class,
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deep_brown says:Posted: 01 Apr 11
Interracially or same race dating is tough, especially when your starting over. Real love takes time and patience. Maybe I'm wrong but that's what I've experienced.
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rusry212 says:Posted: 27 Mar 11
i am tring to get back in the game i find it a lil difficult to find woman outside my race intrested in me but will keep trying
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BigSeafish says:Posted: 13 Jun 12
Hi, rusry212 Don't worry, better keep trying one day you will get there. You are not alone we are many but with time we shall find.
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kimai says:Posted: 11 Mar 11
hi l hope am still in the game
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trisha43 says:Posted: 07 Sep 11
rusry212, i just had a look at your text and u look well fine to me, its just ashame you live in the usa, i just recently have come back from there i was in NY for 4 weeks too, i could have met u as u seem such a nice person, i wish u all the best in finding somebody. trisha
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otchere.randy@yahoo.com says:Posted: 08 Mar 11
I need a nice girl to date,and I think lov is like gift from God
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EarthAngel3 says:Posted: 27 Feb 11
i love their edutainment videos they crack me up:)
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Life is so short. I'm almost half a century old and I feel the need to lay down some wisdom for my younger generation ....love hard and deep and the rest will fall into place. Yea, it's that simple.