How does it feel knowing your interracial relationship is pissing off racists?
I was reading an article on Cosmopolitan the other day on the best things about being in an interracial relationship and number 2 on the list was: "Your relationship pisses off racists" and the explanation behind it being on the 'best' list was, "if seeing a beautiful relationship can't change their minds, [one] can at least make a hate-filled racist's day a bit worse just by being with the person [they] love."
So many things piss off racists... I mean if a mere advert like the Cheerios commercial got them raging just because it featured an interracial family; if a simple movie like Star Wars VII made twitter get populated with racist comments just because its featuring a black storm-trooper (someone even committed suicide over it), then we live in sad world. And this is just fiction.
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In the real world, couples have been harassed, hate crimes committed against them for being in interracial relationships. And as the number 6 on the 'best' the list goes: "It's nice to have an ally against racism outside your race...", I think in some neighborhoods, knowing that your relationship is pissing off racists can be the scariest thing of all.
Yes its great to know that there's someone there with you with whom you share these racist experiences; yes its great to know that you have someone in this fight against prejudice.
But besides that, how do you really feel knowing your interracial relationship makes racists stomachs churn? Happy that you made another racist's life unbearable? Sad? Annoyed that in this century people still have such prejudiced mindsets? Scared? Does it make you feel your relationship is not worth the bad experiences you go through?
Do tell...
13 responses to "How does it feel knowing your interracial relationship is pissing off racists?"
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blackbelle01 says:Posted: 01 Feb 16
Some people enter IR relationships to piss people off not because they want a relationship with the person. I don't date WM to upset anyone it is just my preference. If you are dating/marrying someone to upset a racist or anyone for that matter then maybe you should not be in one.
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Kurtosis says:Posted: 05 Feb 16
Couldn't agree more. Some people are dating for wrong reasons if it's to affect people other than yourself and partner. You won't find any love in spreading hate, jealousy, and anger.
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Mosiah7 says:Posted: 16 Jan 16
When you're training a dog not to take a sh - - in the house, you sometimes have to rub their noses in it so they'll learn what they're doing is wrong. Well, sometimes you need to rub the racists nose in it too. How else are they going to learn?
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Gypsy22015 says:Posted: 19 Jan 16
I agree with you Mosiah. & Afterwards, smile and ignore them. Well said, Mosiah.
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SoulMan71 says:Posted: 17 Nov 15
I love it. Biggots dont deserve to be happy. there ignorance. I support interracial relationships 100% I actually prefer it.
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Wisepoet says:Posted: 06 Nov 15
I would just keep dancing, might even be a tool bag and ask them to join us lmao.
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Byz-Celt420 says:Posted: 05 Nov 15
I myself am an Anglo-American, who was married to and had 2 beautiful children with a Hispanic and Yaqui Native woman, whose family was from Mexico. Anyway, I did not let it get to me. Furthermore, I believe that if both the man and woman are of the same religion or religious denomination, it should not matter if both are of different ethnicities. I am in the process of converting to Orthodox Christianity and I have met some Eritrean ladies that I thought were beautiful both inside and out who were Orthodox Christian. Also, I have met some Egyptian Coptic Orthodox Christian Ladies who I thought also looked beautiful both inside and out. I would love to get remarried to one of them (after I finish my initiation into the Orthodox Christian Church). To be honest I actually think more highly of those type of women nowadays than I do about women of the Western World Culture. Reason why is because my Anglo-European Culture is not as good as it was back in the Middle-Ages. Back then we were more patriarchal. I believe in Patriarchal Marriage. I want a wife who is happy to be a subservient house-wife, so long as I make it worth her while, with romantic gifts and great sex.
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7Supercal says:Posted: 05 Nov 15
I'm in love with someone because I find them to be amazing inside and out. Race doesn't even cross my mind when I think of the connection we have. It's entirely irrelevant.
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Sunryze says:Posted: 03 Nov 15
I don't care who is mega pissed off OR gushingly supportive, I'm too busy getting to know my date!
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EIU says:Posted: 27 Oct 15
I don't have an interracial relationship to piss off racists. I have one because I want a relationship with that person. I don't think about what racists think. Actually, bringing up race at all, puts more attention on race rather than the relationship. Why I'm answering? Question is really unnecessary.
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This world has confused most people and that's why they think the way they do. There is only one race, humans. There are different cultures; Blacks, gays, lesbians, the blind, white, Asian, muslims, etc. Most parents want the best for their child. Perhaps what hes trying to say is he does not want her to have the Black man's burden. Enjoying white man's privilege is defiantly a trump card. Although we have a Black president; it's no privilege but I'm proud. I can handle it. Can you?