The Holidays are coming, the holidays are coming!
As if the holidays were not stressful enough, the crazy cousin, a drunken uncle and the ex's and current love interest all invited to the same table. Add to the mix, a multicultural relationship filled with different traditions and customs. Now, you've got a sure fire recipe for a festive holiday get- together. How do you deal with the differences and get to the true meaning of the season?
Are you ready to meet those friends and families with a "different way of doing thangs"?
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Well, I don't know about you but I absolutely love the holiday season. I love the music, the decorations the food. I love that it's a time of year that family and friends get together and try so very hard to be on their best behavior. People think about those less fortunate and are they more giving during the holidays. Come to think of it... I think I love the "idea" of the holidays. Somehow it doesn't usually run quite like that in my house.
First there is the every single year debate about "where are we going this year"? Everyone wants it to be at their house, but no one wants to do all the preparation in making that happen. So, everyone tries to decide who's bringing what, what time, who's picking up whom and without fail...somebody's ex something is invited as the "entertainment" portion of the night.
Now the really cool thing about my family is that all though we could make a beautiful poster representing many cultures, the tradition are for the most part condensed and refined and rolled into one big, cook the food, put in on the table, say grace and eat. Yeah, that pretty much sums it up. Of course I'm leaving out the belching, farting and cussing parts. When there has been occasion for someone new and outside the family to join us, it is an unspoken rule that the person that invites them must explain the ways of the family. It's astonishing how good manners are universal. My rule of thumb has always been, if you don't know...look at the person next to you and ask the person who invited you.
The best part of mixing and meeting new people, families and different cultures with diverse traditions is the opportunity to learn something new...the food, the music, the language and religious affiliations. It's also great to be taught about new traditions as well as to teach about your family history and traditions.
A great way to open dialogue is by bringing something that is unique to your own culture and sharing that with the new family. Remember, there is a time and a place to voice your political, social, and economic views. Be mindful of where you are and take the proper precautions not to offend or insult. But also, be prepared to have a thick skin for some family member's whose ignorance to your background is very apparent.
Holidays can be a very painful time for many as well. The memories of the ones we lost or being alone during the season is a reality for many. Whether you spend this holiday season in the company of many or alone, remember to take it one day at a time. And just because it's this way today, doesn't mean it'll have to be that way next time...unless you want it to be.
If you find yourself alone, a single parent or you just want to try something new with your family, how about volunteering at a local shelter? What a great way to give of yourself. You may be surprised how much you get in return.
This is Leticia...hoping that one day we can all sit at the same table and celebrate life.
Happy Holidays!
Responses to "The Holidays are coming, the holidays are coming!"
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JustBelieve says:Posted: 14 Dec 06
The holiday season is what you make it. In the past, I would try to make it home to see my parents. Or it was just a day to be with my sisters and their kids. Volunteering on Christmas demonstrates the meaing of this special day.
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Coco says:Posted: 13 Dec 06
Fore everyone who isn't as fortunate as I am to want to be around their own family during the holidays, all I can say is be thankful for every time you are with them. You never know when it will be the last time you see each other. I wish everyone here a Very Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays!
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Ann says:Posted: 12 Dec 06
We have different nationalities in our family. We have a good time learning from each other and tasting different foods. It is so educational and fun!!1
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unme23 says:Posted: 11 Dec 06
happy holidays to everybody and their families.
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mossimo36 says:Posted: 11 Dec 06 favorite time of year. Great article
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sweetest1 says:Posted: 11 Dec 06
I am so thankful I have my family and friends to celebrate with this year--its been a trying year for me and I can't celebrate like I normally do buying lots of gifts and things, but my family was very understanding and supportive.
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WHYTB0Y says:Posted: 10 Dec 06
holidays should be a time of celebration and joy , but also keep in mind the true meaning of holidays , if you research several of them you might find the way you traditionally celebrate them is not the true way they were meant .myself my children will know from start that santa is not real . i want them to know the truth that jesus is the real hero on christmas.
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lizzy2005 says:Posted: 09 Dec 06
Great recipe ideas! I am going to try these this Christmas.
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Natural72 says:Posted: 09 Dec 06
It's always good to ave a back up plan for when the relatives get on your nerves. However food is one of the universal things that usually brings folks closer together despite any other differences they may have.
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auroraxxx says:Posted: 09 Dec 06
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nicefella115 says:Posted: 08 Dec 06
now if it would only snow, to make it complete
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justknowingu says:Posted: 07 Dec 06
Yes..good article..and I agree with fala's statement a couple days ago...!!
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Deena says:Posted: 07 Dec 06
I love the holidays! I come from a HUGE family so it\\\'s impossible to have a quiet gathering. I wouldn\\\'t trade it for the world though!! MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY, SAFE NEW YEAR TO EVERYONE!!
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Frenchie83 says:Posted: 07 Dec 06
You have to be who you are at holiday events. Enjoy it, respect the folks you're visiting, but don't try and be something you're not. If it becomes far too uncomfortable then you shouldn't feel bad to graciously thank the host family and make your way to your room/hotel/car to drive home.
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lizzy2005 says:Posted: 07 Dec 06
Greta idea. Wish someone cute would cook me this!
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Fala says:Posted: 07 Dec 06
Try exercising during the holidays. It helps reduce stress and you can lose any extra pounds you gain eating all that good stuff!
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Carla says:Posted: 06 Dec 06
I love the holidays but going into the stores and shopping and seeing how rude people are around the holidays makes me sad...what happened to the spirit of it all ;(
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Fala says:Posted: 05 Dec 06
My family drives me crazy too - but I'll keep them anyway. The holidays only come once a year and we manage to spend time together and get a few laughs out of it.
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galf says:Posted: 04 Dec 06
Done with the family thing, prefer my holidays less stressful
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Lovelydimps says:Posted: 04 Dec 06
LoL I have to agree with Marquez - thats why I usually fly out somewhere hot at xmas - to escape the crazy shopping crowds in london, and to also escape spending it with family members I'd rather not see. Hope all u guys have a great stress free xmas.
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auroraxxx says:Posted: 04 Dec 06
MERY CHRISTMAS and a happy new year to all :D
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Majesticone says:Posted: 03 Dec 06
ahhh. the HOLIDAYS a.k.a. Thanksgiving & Christmas. the time when thre is a high amount of religious debate, warfare,etc. now. as far as family... i WISH i had the kind of family that i looked forward to seeing HOWEVER im one of the ones that dread the holidays. so i came up with my own tradition, family is made up of lots of friends that i can tolerate. i like to cook and this year im doing christmas up. i used to hate christmas but this year, im actually looking forward to it. HAPPY HOLIDAYS everyone.
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diva says:Posted: 03 Dec 06
The holidays are good time for a lot of us to think about how good we have it in life compared to a lot of other folks. A lot of us get so absorbed in eating and shopping that we tend to take it all for granted. This year I wanted to help feed the homeless for Thanksgiving but I waited too late and all the shelters ended up having enough help! Oh well. I'll try it again next year!
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whytb0y says:Posted: 03 Dec 06
the holdays are way to commercial and america has fogotten the true meaning of them thanksgiving was not about feeding your face till you pop , the pilgrims gave thanks to GOD for carrying them through the harsh wilderness and giving them food to eat . and christmass is not about some over weight man that comes out once a year and slides his fat frame down a chimney come on a skinny guy can't even fit down a chimney let alone some pot bellied old guy plus the smoke alone from the fire would choke his fat heavy breathingbutt, saint nicholas was real and he did give toys to children but the true meaning of christmass was not about him ,this is a link to the origins of saint nick(santa) it shows the roots of santa and how he was popularised . and here is a link to the origin of christmas about jesus, christ-mass break the word into 2 words it is mass (celebration and remeberance) of the birth of jesus christ and the sacrifice he gave on the cross for all of us.jesus gave us the ultimate gift , (eternal life). it is truly sad that you can hold up an image of santa and jesus side by side and children will recognise santa first (shaking my head )
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Fala says:Posted: 02 Dec 06
It's a little known scientific fact, but from Oct 31 to Jan 2 - all foods are fat free and good for you! So eat up and enjoy during the holidays- you've got 5 months before bathing suit season comes back around.
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lizzy2005 says:Posted: 01 Dec 06
I am looking forward to holidays where there is mutual love and respect!
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unme23 says:Posted: 01 Dec 06
great to be around the family during the holidays.
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Coco says:Posted: 30 Nov 06
In my world the holidays are not stressful at all. Its a great time for my very large family to get together and catch up on whats happening. We have a lot of fun, plus I get to see all my nieces and nephews. I look forward to them and God bless them all...I am lucky to be a part of such a big family!
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romeoluvs says:Posted: 30 Nov 06
Holidays are for fun so enjoy till your the last minute.. Holidays ward of your worries and a great relaxation too.
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fala says:Posted: 29 Nov 06
Yes, the holidays and family members can be stressful, but they only come once a year. Be positive and you'll survive.
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lizzy2005 says:Posted: 29 Nov 06
My holidays are a mix of cultures. My daughter is of black african and caucasian decent. The house is filled with noise and laughter and talking in different langauages!. I think we are better for it.
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nicefella115 says:Posted: 29 Nov 06
they can be sad and happy at the same time!!
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marquez097 says:Posted: 28 Nov 06
I want a happy holiday. Thats why I stay away from the ex and crazy family members.
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texasbest says:Posted: 28 Nov 06
The holidays are always wonderful especially when there packed with food
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Cocokisses says:Posted: 28 Nov 06
I love the holiday season! I always put my christmas lights up a week before thanksgiving, and imagine my surprise when I returned on November 26 to see the ENTIRE neighborhood lit up! I am hoping the warm weather along with my early act of bravery gave way to everyone wasting no time to enjoy the season. I will say this...I instill in my own daughter what the season is really about...its not about the presents, not about Santa or even the TV's about the Celebration of the birth of Christ. I hope we all teach our kids the real reason for the season!
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gms77 says:Posted: 28 Nov 06
Holidays is a great time to fall in love, I wish..
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Carla says:Posted: 28 Nov 06
Seeing family..being with family..that is what the holidays should be about....relax..catch up on old times....make the best of it and enjoy
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shane says:Posted: 28 Nov 06
hi thanks for the email i would like some recipes to make during the hllidays for the family can you people help if so thanks
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aline says:Posted: 28 Nov 06
the article touched on the subject of volunteering at a shelter, i have been thinking about volunteering my time, as much time as i spend on the pc chatting, i can spend that time helping out someone in need, so that was a good point.
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mossimo36 says:Posted: 27 Nov 06
Had the opportunity to see most of my family for this recent Holiday and although streesful at times I wouldn't trade it for the world. My week is off to a great start....
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yoby says:Posted: 27 Nov 06
I think holidays should be a time of relaxin' and we all should try to make the best out of it!
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The holidays are very stressful at times. I know for me I feed about 50 people every year and after all of that cooking you are tired and have a house full of guests and you try to make the most of it. However the best thing in the world is having your family around you during the holidays not too many people do that family holiday tradition. I am truely blessed its still done within my family. Happy Holidays