Dating a republican as a democrat
Political ideology can be a strong indicator of whether a couple will get together and stay together especially when it's republican democrat dating. It’s a very strong factor for mate selection than personality. Today — whether Trump is the cause or symptom — Republicans and Democrats don’t just disagree, let alone agree to disagree. They personally despise, disrespect, slander, and vilify each other. So, democrats and Republicans really do not like each other.
Researchers have found that they avoid dating one another, desire not to live near one another, and disapprove of the idea that their offspring would marry someone outside their party. Read on as we tackle this and more…
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Can you co-exist with different political views?
The reason daters are being so open about their disinterest in people across the political aisle is not about party lines, but rather, about the values associated with their parties. Many single people looking for a republican democrat dating wouldn’t want to date someone who voted for the candidate of the opposing party. The challenges for bipartisan couples are harder than ever. So, what is it like to date a republican?
“Love conquers all,” some ancient Roman or Greek poet said. Can you co-exist with different political views? how to can a republican and democrat find love? Here are a few tips on
Avoid talking politics
Talking about politics with people they disagree with is generally stressful and frustrating. Do not bring needless stress into the relationship. Your fight over politics isn’t going to change America anyway. Talk instead of less stressful topics such as money, sex, child-rearing, and each other’s mothers. Couples who don't have terribly strong feelings one way or another are willing to go along with their spouse's views in order to get along. In scenarios where the partners aren’t too deeply entrenched in their views, there is some hope for finding common ground on which to build a relationship. Ask your partner about their political beliefs early on. This will help understand the person you’re romantically involved with and will help you decide whether to stay together or part ways.
Hearing another person's point of view can enlighten you on a topic that maybe you didn’t have all of the facts on. Having a lively debate is healthy in a relationship, and so is having your own opinions on important issues. However, if the gap is just so wide, it’s unlikely the relationship will succeed.
Ask your partner questions, however, be patient and kind.
Find out the reason behind your partner’s party affiliation. Perhaps it comes down to one or two issues really important to them. And perhaps you can find common ground on those issues. Usually, it's normal for couples to feel strongly, but differently, about one or two issues, and need to talk through the motivation behind those beliefs.
Political differences could be a good relationship-builder
Mixing politics and love to tackle touchy subjects together with humility and open minds might enhance a stronger connection. What is it like to date a republican? Republican Democrat dating can be a deal-breaker because of a couple’s vast differences especially on issues like Climate change, Gun control or gun rights, LGBT rights, Religious freedom, abortion, etc. If you can look for and understand your partner’s point of view, most likely you will be able to tackle other life challenges that may come up in the future.
Can a republican and democrat date? It’s a good sign if a democrat dating republican respects one other’s beliefs and agrees to disagree.
Try not to avoid it
Avoiding political discussion for fear it will end up as an argument can be a wrong move. Avoidance may prevent you from really understanding your partner and may actually even drive more of a wedge in the relationship.
On the other hand, if a democrat dating republican is not that into politics, there is no need to force the conversation. The main goal is to be open about your positions and why they're important to you. However, you should not give up on your values just to appease your partner.
Republican Democrat dating, despite your political differences, you can find love. But, before you do, there are certain expectations that should not come by surprise as you get to know what it's like to date a Democrat versus what it's like to date a Republican; Expect a republican to take you to a firing range at some point, a Republican will definitely be more concerned about your stance on religion, Democrats are likely to skip a date altogether and get to the good stuff
Can a republican and democrat date? Even if you and your Republican or Democrat partner have different values…. while you believe you’re open-minded and progressive, while your partner is narrow-minded and regressive, it doesn’t mean you can’t have fun together.
Mixing politics and love can work. Nurture your love and enjoy that. For more relationship articles, visit Love is All Colors.
4 responses to "Dating a republican as a democrat"
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Midnightlust says:Posted: 19 Nov 20
This is why I only date women with similar political views as myself. So I wouldn't date a Democrat (USA) or in the UK Labour. Just makes things easier
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HeyLaSoul says:Posted: 10 Nov 20
I’ve tried and they’ve wound up saying the most cringe worthy things. How makes me nauseous.
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chswhitelady says:Posted: 08 Nov 20
This is great advice! I agree though I have found some don’t want to consider respect and to not focus on politics.
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While there can be exceptions, assuming your values are beyond anything representing passive indifference, or more than lukewarm on any serious social, cultural, or political issues, and you’re seeking a compatible mutually respectful life-time relationship, a personal relationship with someone opposing your own beliefs is not usually workable. I've attempted to pursue relationships who turned out to be virtually the opposite perspective on beliefs and fundamental values as well as worldview outlook, and therefore what kind of public figures are supported. However, when we get down to the bottom line on political philosophy, in social settings as well as in private, such differences do not usually seem to be conducive to a successful long-term, mutually supportive, and respectful relationship. You have to decide if you would be ok living with someone of fundamentally opposing values? While we can all have minor to moderately different perspectives from time to time with our partner, where you can “agree to disagree”, I've personally come to the conclusion I'd really rather not have a relationship where I'm arguing over core social and political beliefs with my spouse. Although it’s not usually appropriate to bring up politics on a first conversation, we should probably in most cases allow ourselves to be upfront sooner rather than later where we stand on important issues of the day. Some women on this site actually make an unambiguous statement on their profile regarding politics, proclaiming emphatically to NOT be contacted by those supporting a particular political party or public figure, who are obviously allied with the Democrats, exhibiting zero tolerance for any opposing views. Another example is one of the other comments on this page describing presumably Republicans “…makes me nauseous”. Of course it can work the other way as well from a Republican perspective, further begging the question how can you be a cohesive united team facing the challenges of the world together, if you and your partner are not really also sharing a partnership of beliefs and values. Of anything else, interesting how this article is titled, further revealing the orientation of this site and many of their constituent members, as if “a republican” is the pariah. How about also considering "Dating a democrat as a republican"? Rather ironic how the plantation party of slavery, the KKK, lynching, “Jim Crow”, segregation, dependency, infanticide, and now the rioting mob, has become a favored affiliation on an interracial dating site… Namaste