Are 21 questions appropriate when dating online?
Are 21 questions appropriate when dating online? Do you have to turn the get-to-know-you phase into some interrogation on an episode of CSI? Who feels sexy after an interrogation?
May be online dating aint working for you coz you are too hot!
May be online dating aint working for you coz you are too hot! Most of us feel the pressure to put up our most attractive pictures on our dating profiles. We only put up selfies that hide all our flaws. Nothing wrong with that. We all like to believe the hotter ...
Met online? Hell NO!!!
Met online? Hell NO!!! They met online. Nothing wrong with that. Well, the first night they went out, in between their flirtatious conversation, they decided to come up with a “viable” story of how they met. Yeah! VIABL...
Online dating: Drop the guilt and shame!
Online dating: Drop the guilt and shame! You rarely log in because for some reason you feel guilty and shameful about trying out online dating. So what do you do? You log in once every two months then you are the first to wonder why you have...
If you've never dated interracially, you are more likely to do it online
If you've never dated interracially, you are more likely to do it online Most online daters prefer dating within our own race. So when someone outside our race contacts us, what happens then?
Are men more attracted to women looking to cheat?
Are men more attracted to women looking to cheat? If you are a woman and you are looking for love online, you will get more hits from men if you express your desire to commit adultery than the nice, sincere woman who talks about how she has good valu...
Negative sentiments sparked by a dating site for men who love the black woman
Negative sentiments sparked by a dating site for men who love the black woman Black women have always said that they are invisible that nobody pays any attention to them but when someone did... Let's just say, this kind of attention wasn't received well...
Sometimes you just gotta ditch the dating rules
Sometimes you just gotta ditch the dating rules My colleagues and I here have constantly been hammering the dos and donts of online dating and dating in general. And I believe that there are numerous dating rules books and articles that you have co...
The online introductory message that gets replies
The online introductory message that gets replies So you have come across the profile of a man or woman you wanna get to know better. You want that introductory mail to be one that won’t scare them off. Where to begin? Well, YourTango Expert Julie...
To meet up early or not?
To meet up early or not? Some people have had their fair share of online dating disappointments: They meet someone online, chat for a while and tell each other every detail about their lives. Once they feel they have known ea...