Addicted to online dating?
Addicted to online dating? You have been using the online dating service to find love. You finally find what you are looking for… the man or woman of your dreams… your better half. But even after having settled on this pa...
Online dating-money and looks
Online dating-money and looks Imagine you had to be judged by your looks or money to date online. And to qualify you have to be worth millions or have to be an 8 and above on a scale of 1 to 10 - subject to a rigorous screening ...
Daddy dating online
Daddy dating online You visit your regular online dating website. While busy searching through the profiles… bam!!! You stumble across your father’s profile. You aint the only one dating online. Daddy is doing too....
Interracial dating study
Interracial dating study http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-6022247525029134498&q=interracial+dating+duration%3Ashort Is it true that white women prefer white men? Apparently the video dealt with online dating sites an...
Fired for extensive visits to online dating sites
Fired for extensive visits to online dating sites Accessing dating and online chat services at work too much? Better watch out!!! Don’t let the above happen to you ;-) Brian Crisp, cargo training co-ordinator for Air New Zealand for more than 25...
Interracial communication - Language barrier
Interracial communication - Language barrier Download Video While dating online, has someone ever shown interest in you in a language that he/she alone understood? What happens when you meet someone you like and can’t speak a word of Englis...
Dating in your prime
Dating in your prime Now this is what the dating scene is like today. Prime they call it. Here I am… Ria at 32 going on 18… ;) the years every woman dreads – the thirties. A pal of mine in a bid to make me feel...
Romancing the con
Romancing the con You think the dude above is scared? Think again. He’s generous… His hunting ground, interracial dating websites. He’s known for showering his prey with gifts… dozens and dozens of roses, ele...
Online dating success ends unexpectedly
Online dating success ends unexpectedly Most people are adamant about online relationships. But if it brings you happiness, then go for it. Life is too short. The couple above met online in August of 2000. Even before they exchanged phone...
Jungle love
Jungle love Today I decided to bring you some jungle porn… LOL!!! - Just kidding. ;-) Well I came across some headline… Zoo dating service. My first reaction was “what the…᾿ (shut your mouth Ria). If...