Black women have no option?

Posted by James, 23 Mar

Warning: This post may be offensive to some readers. This is not the objective. The post is in no way meant to defame or inflame any parties, groups or persons. It is simply meant to find out what people think about black white dating.

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In a bid to explain why Black women get upset about Black men dating White women, Chris Rock in his latest stand up comedy says all Black men have done is exercised their option. He goes on to say Black women are angry because they are not attracted to white men so they can’t exercise their option. All they can do is sleep with “pretty white boys" but generally, black women are not attracted to white men.

In my opinion, the above statements suggest Black women only date interracially out of desperation. In fact, most Black men believe so. And the finger pointing between Black men and Black women never ends. I don't think this is the case though and frankly, I have never understood why Black men and Black women have to come up with such crude and prejudiced remarks while trying to figure out the reasoning behind their counterparts' dating options. YES! Options.

What do you think of Chris Rock's theory?

636 responses to "Black women have no option?"

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  1.   Ichibod says:
    Posted: 04 Jul 09

    Godiva, it's time to let it go. This is why I said I was going to keep my cool in the other post. You know how bad I can get at times. She was responding to others... just not Chris Rock or James. Nor did she read all James had to say. Does she even know what race James is? Forget about it.

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  2.   LadyDee says:
    Posted: 04 Jul 09

    Godiva "Your telling black women that white men will and are marrying us, is not news. I think black women, on this site and in this world already know this" I'm not sure this is true. In one post - probably on the other forum topic, she was surprised at the extent IR dating betweem bw & wm. If the link I posted can enlighten one woman to her beauty and desireability it's good. "If your choosing your mate is based SOLELY on the color of one’s skin, and not for their character..." Any wm will not do. Of course there are a whole list of character traits where we must see eye to eye on. Did I come off as if any white male is mr. right?? On the contrary. "unhappy with your own race for whatever reason" I'm not unhappy with blacks - just happy without the male half. "why is it necessary to keep talking about the very same people that you have no use for? " Just responding to others. Voiced my opinions. I'm out. Peace

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  3.   LadyDee says:
    Posted: 04 Jul 09

    ICH I am not misguide at all. Just not fronting about how I feel. Get the whole quote straight, not just pieces of it. What I posted was in response to someone else's post. They said:"when the last time a white man was in your neighborhood actively searching for a date?" I said: Why is this important? We’re dating regardless. Do black men go to white women’s neighborhood? Hell no! My response was regarding "searching for a date" not visiting friends - how stupid would that be?? Of course ppl go to white neighborhoods visiting. Next thing you misquoted to suit your purpose was this: They said: "You let black women walk over you so you equate that to love. That is not love, that is you being her doormat. Plus black men is still sleeping with your black wife or girlfriend. Despite the bullshit she is saying on here." I said: White Men know what love is they can decide for themselves if they are doormats. No black man sleeps with me. Why would I disrespect my body in that manner?? I allow no man to use me in a disrespectful manner. You Lie to cause dissent - divide & conquer rountine…ho hum I said NO man uses me in a disrespectful manner (black men included). Read it over. Do not try to twist my words please. (matter of fact I apologized to you on the other post because I thought you said black women were sellouts, but you actually did not say that, I misread it.) Last night was my first time reading this blog and i was livid. As for the co-worker he couldn't say anything further than that in the workplace, even if he wanted to. What double standards he can speak of blondes (which is an exclusion of black women), but if I desire blue eyes I am prejudice (or a sellout to others). Not missing black men is not a prejudice - they are just not relevant to my life. I didn't call you names. I don't accept your views on my God and reject your thoughts on what He provides me. Bottom line is I am sick of the blatant black woman bashing going on in the media and on the blogs by black men. I'm not seeing it the other way around.

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  4.   godiva61 says:
    Posted: 04 Jul 09

    LadyDee, There will alway's be someone who will say thing's in a derogatory way about interracial dating. That has alway's been the case, and that will never change.... Whoever said that white men only want black women for sex, is that individual's perception only, so what? This will not be the worse thing that you will ever hear, and more than likely, you will hear it again, or something worse, but so what? You know it's not true, so what? Your telling black women that white men will and are marrying us, is not news. I think black women, on this site and in this world already know this. True there are a FEW individual black men who have expressed their anger toward's black women dating and marrying non-black, but so what? There are black women who is eqaully angry about black men dating/marrying non-black, but so what? I am not denying the fact that these behavior's do not exist, on both sides of the fence, nor am I judging you for your own personal preference. Like I have said before, not to you, if you(individual) is so unhappy with your own race for whatever reason(s) that's on you, those are your own personal issues, it is what it is, however, there are some of us who do not have these issues. Also now that you are happy with your choice, and you now have the absolute best, then why is it necessary to keep talking about the very same people that you have no use for? I would think your happiness and contentment would be more than enough, to cease with the negative conversation. I wouldn't go on vacation worrying about work and I damn sure wouldn't call work while on vacation... I don't like cheap shoes so you wouldn't catch me in wal mart shopping for shoes but I don't need to announce over and over again about wal mart selection of shoes because I have an option and a preference to go eleswhere, and having that option and luxury is the reward, but here's the thing, their maybe other's who can only afford to go to wal mart, so I have no right to put them down because of it, nor should I constantly put wal mart down in their presence.. My shoe issue is my issue, not everyone else's.. If your choosing your mate is based SOLELY on the color of one's skin, and not for their character, then chances are, you are setting yourself up for a huge failure, but it's your choice and your life and I hope it work's out for you. I just don't see how people can expect to receive love when they are programmed to accept love from some while hating other's......... love godiva

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  5.   Ichibod says:
    Posted: 04 Jul 09

    Lady Dee asks: "Why am I now prejudice and bashing black men??" You probably have always been prejudice, especially because you make mention of: "A black guy on the job loudly proclaimed to his white male co-workers that he only dates tall blondes. No one criticized him..." Why should anyone have criticized him? Did he follow his proclamation with, " As for black women - you can all go be with white & non-black men. I certainly don’t miss you." Did he also say anything along the lines of "No black woman sleeps with me. Why would I disrespect my body in that manner??" You also ask a blogger: "By the way honey, just where did I supposedly BASH black men in my previous post??" You started this morning, on 2 different topics. Including myself and I've never even met you before. "Do black men go to white women’s neighborhood? Hell no!" I grew up in predominately white neighborhoods and visit friends in white neighhoods on the regular. You are sadly misguided all around. No one here is criticizing you for dating white men (on an IR dating site, are you serious?), just keep black men out your mouth when you do it. If we mean that little to you, don't speak of us. Your little side comments and snide remarks you're trying to pass off as 'your choice' show you have issues that need resolving. By the way, God doesn't help us provide for ourselves. He provides for us what we need, and that can even be mate. So don't be surprised if he ain't blue-eyed or hot. Don't be surprise if your not even provided with one at all. I'm done.

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  6.   LadyDee says:
    Posted: 04 Jul 09

    Godiva: Since age is just a number, forget it. It has been stated (not by you), I believe in this forum topic, that white men do not want us, except for sex, this is just not true. I wanted other black women to see for themselves that bw and wm are marrying each other. Individually (man), as a group (men) - I'm not attracted to black men period. I hope black men realize that black women are not sitting at home waiting for them to date/marry us. Some have expressed anger because we are looking for mates with non-bm. I'm not catering to anyone's ego, point blank, I don't desire you. A black guy on the job loudly proclaimed to his white male co-workers that he only dates tall blondes. No one criticized him and it's no problem to me, but I only date hot blue eyed men. So what?? My choice. Why am I now prejudice and bashing black men?? As I said before they can all go to blondes (or whomever) - and I could care less. If they don't date outside the race, good for them - It still has nothing to do with me. Am I missing anything by not wanting a black man?? Not one single thing. Through God, I have provided for myself successfully without a man. Now, I would like to get married again, to a white male.

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  7.   Ichibod says:
    Posted: 04 Jul 09

    I was in Ft Lauderdale, just north of Miami. I was also amazed at just how many different combinations there were, all in one place and in all places. It was phenominal (only because I'm not used to it). South Florida is the hot spot. I'm in north Florida. My searches turn up plenty of beautiful women of all races from further down south. Enjoy your weekend and remember your sunscreen!

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  8.   godiva61 says:
    Posted: 04 Jul 09

    To: LadyDee, First of all I did not ask you about your "maturity", I asked how old are you? I know and have met 22 yr old's who are more mature than some forty year old's.. Age is a number, maturity is the mentality.. Second, I am not your enemy.. If you reread what I said my emphasis was NOT because you date or PREFER white men, it was because of your comment about BLACK MEN. Again MEN is plural, and MAN is singular. When you or I or anyone pluarize a certain group, ie MEN, we are actually saying ALL MEN in that group, which in my opinion is UNFAIR!. It is no different from when another group who has, and still does sterotype by saying "Black People, Black Women". I hate and despise the fact that some part's of this society perceives that ALL Black Women act, resemble, the sick stereotypes of the VH1 and Rap, booty shaking type of females, and why is this? It's because we were put into a group because of a few individuals, and yes the stupid ass women who got pimped into such behavior, is to blame ase well!!! To me that's selling out! As far as being abused, it's up to the woman to set her own standard's and her own limit's, not be abused, disrespected, mistreated by any MAN. I have never, nor will I ever let any MAN tear me down, no matter what the color of their skin. The first MAN on this earth that loved me unconditionally was my daddy. He set the precedence of what I was expected to have in a man, it was my daddy, who was a BLACK MAN, who taught me how to be independent, yet kind to EVERY HUMAN BEING, and it was this same black man, who was the first MAN, to tell me "keep my OPTIONS OPEN AT ALL TIMES" about all aspects of my life. So this knowledge of having OPTIONS, is not NEW TO ME!!!! It was you who said "I don't want men who don't want me". What men are you referring to? Are you referring to black men, if so when did you meet ALL of them to know that they don't want you?. This is my point, it is not ALL black men, maybe just the INDIVIDUALS, that you came in contact with. When we group and sterotype it is a form of prejudice. Also if you go back and read the original post by James, he refers to the prejudice remarks that are often made by both men and women. Last but not least, we know that white men marry black women, white men marry asian women, latino wome, russian women and so and so on. Who is disputing this fact? Again it would be in the best interest of a persons committment to their pending relationship to focus on the soul of the man/woman, and be more concerned about how and what they as an individual will bring to the table, and the first priority would be bringing a POSITIVE attitude about ALL people... The color of a man/woman does not determine his loyalty, sincerity, honesty or integrity....... love godiva

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  9.   Austrian says:
    Posted: 03 Jul 09

    Dearest godiva61, ichibod, tatted2death and other good spirited souls, HAVE A RELAXING 4th OF JULY and let us all be thankful that there is such a growing number of serous, loving, wonderful and interesting women and men, who consider themselves belonging to the INTERRACIALLY OPEN MINDED CROWD. Presently, I am visiting my 'BLACK' son in sunny Miami Beach, which is FLOODED with couples of any 'shade' combination. tatted2death, you being ABUSED in this hateful manner is UNFORGIVABLE and SICK!!! - Such hate has ill roots! We are not able to cure this disease here. as we all noticed.

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  10.   LadyDee says:
    Posted: 03 Jul 09

    I'm a mature woman who knows what she wants - and doesn't want. My preference is white. Did I say anything prejudiced?? I don't want them - period. I don't justify anything to anyone, do I have to? Question what you like - I know where I come from and I'm not going back. I don't want men who do not want me! and I don't have to have them! You can if you like. I'm not negative to men that are not negative with me. I love myself and my sisters and don't want us to be abused by black men that tear us down. They are grown men and can stand up for themselves without bashing a black woman. If I'm a so called sellout, consider me SOLD! no going back! By the way honey, just where did I supposedly BASH black men in my previous post?? Sisters, white men do marry us. View picture after picture of beautiful black women happily married to white men here: Don't let men tell you we are not desirable to anyone but a black man. It is untrue.

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  11.   Member says:
    Posted: 03 Jul 09

    I totally agree with godiva comment .thank you finally someone that understands where im coming from.

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  12.   godiva61 says:
    Posted: 03 Jul 09

    To: LadyDee, Just a little curious, how old are you? Having "options" to date/marry whoever one chooses is a good thing, however, I have to admit I don't understand the rude, and prejudiced remarks, that some people feel they have to make in order to justify having "options".. Men is plural, man is singular.. Furthermore, I think it would be best to choose your mate, for the soul that he/she has, rather than to look solely to the outward shell of a potential mate... There are jerks in every culture on this earth.. I have to be honest here, and I'm not trying to call you out, but here's the thing, you have already called yourself out by the tone of your comments about black men, again, men is plural.. One last thing, when you go into a new relationship with any negative vibes, be it your ex, being selfish, verbally bashing black men, it does and will set the tone of your relationship, and you know that old saying "first impressions are lasting impressions". I question people, both men and women who need to go into a interracial relationship, bashing and degrading their own, but moreso, I wonder what type of mentality and self esteem is going on with the one's who actually listen to it, believe it and don't check it from day one. Maybe it's me... love godiva

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  13.   LadyDee says:
    Posted: 03 Jul 09

    Chris Rock isn't funny and he doesn't speak for me. I prefer white men any time any place. As for black men - you can all go be with white & non-black women. I certainly don't miss you.

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  14.   Ichibod says:
    Posted: 03 Jul 09

    Godiva, The one person I met on this site... had an issue with my snoring. It's a new thing and I don't know when and how it started but it's beginning to concern me. That was just one of the few things why she rejected me. Anyway, Emmitt Till was a very heart-wrenching story. Especially when they wanted a closed cakset funeral and his mother said 'No' because she wanted the world to see what they did to her child. It's funny you mentioned the snoring thing, but my great-grandmother had a deformed hand, too. I was starting to wonder if we were related until you said she lived to be 105 yrs old, it was her left hand, and how it happened. My Big Mama was 86. it was her right hand, and she was burned in a house fire at 3 yrs old. See ya!

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  15.   godiva61 says:
    Posted: 03 Jul 09

    To: Tatted, I'm still listening to the Rolling Stones, are you?? I just happened to breeze through and saw that you stopped by. I just wanted to say "hello" and to let you know that I was thinking of you.. I got stuck, I shouldn't say stuck, babysitting the cutest set of twins today, and now I'm packing them up while they are napping, hoping mommy and daddy had a great date and will be coming to pick them up soon. I'll talk with you soon, after I regroup(smile). You are awesome and I love you!! Maybe I shouldn't say that I love you because we will be labeled as lesbians(BIG SMILE)... love godiva

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  16.   godiva61 says:
    Posted: 03 Jul 09

    To: Mr. Ichibod, First off, I can't conceive any woman rejecting you at all, not unless you snore very loudly(smile).... Rejection can be devestating, period. Who in their right mind want's to be rejected for any reason, but it happens, and unfortunately it's a part of life. I think it's even more devestating when it comes from the people within your family... There are not too many subject's, or people, who can make me ANGRY but the one thing that irritate's me most is when I hear a black man verbally degrade a black woman, and when a black woman, verbally degrade a black man. It's not so much that it crushes me on a personal level, for me it's more about the disrespect of the black men and women who came before us and oftened endured so much so that you and I could have a better life. I can relate to you when you said " when black women do it, I see it as my own mother not wanting me or having concern for my well being". Very Powerful Statement!!! When I hear negative sentiments about black men, I think of the time when daddy bodly stood in the face of racism because they did not want his little girl to play on the swings in a neighborhood park. He never waivered, and I got to swing so long that day, that Iactually got sick to my stomach. Daddy isn't the only black man that I think of when I hear the bashing. There is another, who never got the chance to become a man, a young man named Emmitt Louis Till, what a story... When black men verbally degrade black women, I think of my grandmother who lived to be 105, and she went to her grave with a severely deformed left hand because as a young girl, working as a maid, she took a biscuit that was left over from the dinner that she cooked, the same biscuit's that was intended for this family dog, she took the biscuit and her punishment was her left hand being held down over a fire.. When we reject each other, the rejection runs deep. I am so glad and proud to know that you have not succumbed to this behavior, there is hope.. As alway's, thank's for sharing! love and kisses godiva

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  17.   Member says:
    Posted: 03 Jul 09

    (Reading everything) Loosening my tie up How the hell I get blamed for you lying about Legion wanting " be with you so bad". That is the impression you made with the Legion incident. He set the record straight and you are still trying to 'act tough". That has nothing to do with "other black women". That has something to do with he wasn't 'feeling you". Your little ego was crushed. I don't got to make you look desperate. Your own words showed everybody that. "Even" if Legion did not respond to you. You clearly came off "like your full of yourself". I am surprised he responded to you in the first place. Now you lying to the public about not being "into" internet dating. You got cats lined up to see you. So let's stop it already. You don't fool me at all. I told you still mess with black men and I KNOW you won't deny it loose booty! You talking to somebody that has been cruising internet dating sites for a long time. You are trying to "save face". Then you said you wasn't trying to "blast" Legion. I think you are bipolar. You basically got mad because Legion "put it out" there you was offering up "your booty". It's all good baby. I saw Ich comment about this. I would have to disagree with him. The ultimate insult is when a man does not want your booty. Apparently, that is what happened with the Legion incident. Men get rejected by women "all the time". When it happens to a woman that can be "devastating". They lash out like Tattooed one. She can barely contain her anger and embarrassment. Her little cute "chubby face turning red" with anger. This is what she said about Legion AGAIN indirectly. "I was not trying to “blast” him or any other such nonsense. I said nothing negative about his character (only that I did not understand the logic behind him replying in here when there is another system for all that). I went on to discuss the reasons why I almost hate trying to give these guys any sort of compliment. It is just obvious that either he did not read the entire profile or is not familiar with the system, is all. I might have misjudged he reasons for replying in here and maybe he got a little more understanding on how to use the system but I stand on everything else I said" Why are you "hiding" in the first place? Just tell him "where are you" and say come see me. Your getting mad because it was "exposed". Look at what Legion said............... Comment by _Legion_ on 2 July 2009: Mr. Laurelton Queens: Just to clear this up. It was she that sent me a flirt. I kindly responded with a no/and good luck with your search. IDK where she was lashing at, maybe you see something I don’t. Anyway, I just wanted to reply so we both know where this situation came from….lol Man (looking at you), don't try to double talk your way out of it. Ich is trying to "help you out". He must feel "sorry for you". I use to date fat black girls. I don't need to rant about it. Is Legion interested in Fat Black girls? He is not. So how you even directing anything at me girl. You said this "FOR EXAMPLE, if I were so taken by a guy that I was interested in him romantically (LONGSHOT HERE) I believe I would go ahead and pop for the membership so I could communicate with him properly….BUT MAYBE THIS IS JUST ME. I guess since I am not with the usual “game” that usually goes on between the sexes (online and otherewise) I am a bit of an oddball. I like to be direct and although I am not opposed to meeting someone from a dating site, I DO realize the different set of obstacles this can pose." Longshot here???????????? you are a hater. So Legion rejected you, now every dude on here is ugly. Look at how you sound. You sound bitter. You are playing games by "ducking and hiding". Doing your little "undercover" booty calls. Just keep it real with the people here. Instead of double talking your way out of everything. You rambled on "changing the subject in your second post". God you have issues. I like a woman with issues. I actually think that is sexy. Let this be a lesson learned. You just spank crazy black girls like Tattooed one. I had my share of them. Can't believe half the things they say. They have "entitlement issues". Where Godiva at, she left your crazy ass. So much for friendship.

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  18.   _Legion_ says:
    Posted: 03 Jul 09

    Edit: ^^^^Receiving a flirt

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  19.   _Legion_ says:
    Posted: 03 Jul 09

    Tatted: IDK why this has to be such a huge issue. I am on this site because I know what I am looking for. In order for a white man to date outside for the first time, where else is he supposed to start. I gave you my response (kindly, not in vain) and you seem all blown up over it. My name keeps getting mentioned and it's something I never intentioned. I have no point in arguing with people because I come in peace. It's a waste of time & yours. It takes away the focus of what we desire here. I apologize for mentioning your name here when sending a flirt. I made a mistake and it's time to move on from it. Let this issue lay to rest so we both can focus on what we are here for. I have been denied here online, everyone does, but it does not affect me. I don't need reasons why, if it's not meant to be, it's not a part of my destiny. And yes I know how to approach someone here when I send/receive a flirt/message. If I find someone compatible with me, I take it as a blessing. I mean no harm when I deny someone. Everyone has their reasons for denying/accepting a message/flirt. I hope you understand a small portion of my point of view, and I wish you good luck and hope you find someone. Good Day

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  20.   Ichibod says:
    Posted: 03 Jul 09

    Tatted, I agree wholeheartedly. Especially the 'virtual rejection part'. You may have a black man who finds rejection a lot easier to handle if they know that a white or asian woman rejected them for reasons other than race on a site like this. Also, you'll know who is more likely to date who reagarding race. Online, however, conversing can become hindered by typos, crossed messages, absence of tone, body language, and waitng for responses. Real world dating and internet dating both have their advantages and disadvantages. For me, seeing and hearing how many black women wouldn't be interested in me because of my race is sad and rejecting even if I'm not trying to holler, nor interested. Self-image is how you look at yourself and sadly what a person says about you can possibly cause a person to look at themselves in a bad way. It hurts to hear other races do it, but I can get over that easily. When black men do it, I look at it as jealousy and/or envy. When black women do it, I see it as my own mother not wanting me nor having concern for my well being even though I know my real mother does. It can still hurt and the ones that make negative comments either don't realize what they are doing or they just don't care. Regardless of race, I don't take rejection very easily... unless I'm know why and that being something that I cannot help. As far as options, I think any black woman that doesn't date black men is limiting her options. That goes for all races of men and women. We all have different preferences, so no offense. Just a thought.

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  21. Posted: 03 Jul 09

    But you know this has brought an interesting issue.... I have heard from other women (of different races, sizes, levels of attractiveness, SO KILL "THE FAT BLACK GIRL RANT", Queens....LOL) how the internet dating world is such a trip (which is reason number one why I am not a fan of it) because people, in general, do not know how to handle themselves online. They tend to let all inhibitions (and fly out the window. I mean, what man would walk up to a woman and tell her, "No, I am not interested in you but I wish you well....blah, blah" simply because she might "wink" at him. COME ON. (Sorry, Legion....but our little misunderstanding does make for an interesting query). I think this may have alot to do with the confusion over who should ask who out. I mean, if a woman is interested in a guy (for more than just flirting purposes) she is probably going to much more than just wink at a guy (online.....this gets even more confusing). FOR EXAMPLE, if I were so taken by a guy that I was interested in him romantically (LONGSHOT HERE) I believe I would go ahead and pop for the membership so I could communicate with him properly....BUT MAYBE THIS IS JUST ME. I guess since I am not with the usual "game" that usually goes on between the sexes (online and otherewise) I am a bit of an oddball. I like to be direct and although I am not opposed to meeting someone from a dating site, I DO realize the different set of obstacles this can pose. Ladies (and FELLAS....I am not leaving you out...LOL) can we delve into this please. At first glance this might seem to be off subject, but I think it is totally relevant. Due to the fact that many truly do believe "Black women have no option", are we really letting that get in the way of our dating habits. There may not be many women on here really willing to admit to this, but I think that "virtual rejection" stuff might happen more often because certain men (especially those "new" to dating IR) just don't know how to take it when they are approached online. Maybe they assume certain things that may not be true. And in turn, the woman gets a blow to the ego that makes her feel something is wrong with her or she is not desirable to ANYONE. And therefore is turned off (especially to IR dating) to the idea of approaching any man, for any reason. I could be off the mark here but I don't think I am because I have witnessed absolutely gorgeous women (and men) feeling like they are unworthy and thus begin this ugly cycle of game playing (i.e. hurt someone else because they were hurt). I can't really relate to this (because I wholeheartedly believe in the "Golden Rule" and "what-goes-around-comes around"), but I think I do understand. (So anyone's theory on "punishment" can be burned AND buried). So some believe those women that rejected some guy back in high school started the cycle when it may have started earlier than that......WOW, how many guys have I seen with "mommy issues". Others believe a guy has more power to kill a woman's self-image. To that I inquire, "Then why is it called 'self-image'???"....YES, there are alot of women that need to grow up as well. I would really like to know if anyone else here gets this or has even experienced it....honesty is freeing. (discuss amongst yourselves....LOL) Peace and Blessings to ALL tatted2death

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  22. Posted: 03 Jul 09

    (to all the other good people of this blog, I apologize deeply for the detour this has taken us on...but you know.....I must shovel the shyte out of the way so we can move on) You are so right, L. Queens.....THIS IS HILARIOUS. AND YOU ARE OBVIOUSLY THE PATHETIC ONE....trying to ride on an issue between me and Legion to further your weak issues. HE didn't even see where I was really lashing out. Dude, this is the internet and miscommunication happens ALL THE TIME. I rarely see Legion reply in here so I had no idea where he was coming from ( I.E.what tactics he employs). I expressed what it seemed like to me based on previous experiences and instead of getting all emotional about it (like you do TIME AND TIME AGAIN....and I am the one with the "mood swings"???RIIIIIGHT....LOL), he corrected YOU...and let it alone. I can respect that...and wish him well in whatever he is looking for as well I was not trying to "blast" him or any other such nonsense. I said nothing negative about his character (only that I did not understand the logic behind him replying in here when there is another system for all that). I went on to discuss the reasons why I almost hate trying to give these guys any sort of compliment. It is just obvious that either he did not read the entire profile or is not familiar with the system, is all. I might have misjudged he reasons for replying in here and maybe he got a little more understanding on how to use the system but I stand on everything else I said. And if you were believing that I was trying to inflate my own ego with all of this you obviously weren't really paying attention to the exchange between Legion and I and you are as simple as I thought you were. There was a miscommunication, he straightened it out and IT IS SQUASHED. I am neither embarassed nor crying over 1 (or even a 100) man "rejecting" me "online". As I have said a thousand times I am not necessarily here for all that anyway. LISTEN UP AND GROW UP, L. Queens and stop trying to start school-yard fights over meaningless crap. THE PROBLEM IN HERE IS NOT BLACK MEN; IT IS YOU, L. QUEENS and your inabliity to look at anything objectively. You think you know the answer before it is given and when proven wrong you just ignore it...what a piece of work you are...LMAO. as always...Peace and Blessings tatted2death P.S Legion, maybe I should have just told you I agreed with your sentiments directly in here.....but YOU KNOW WHO would have been all over that. Yes, instead I sent you a NON-ROMANTIC flirt (since I am not a premium member either) and this is where it got me....LMAO....OH WELL you live and you learn. Hopefully you have learned something as well. o all the other good people of this blog I

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  23.   Member says:
    Posted: 02 Jul 09

    LOL Legion WOW, she had people believing you was "all over her". Amazing, what sellout black women will do to "save face". Aw man, see I can RESPECT some white guys. They don't get in the "back and forth" with black women. They just be like "ok" peace bitch. Black men we always feel the need to put them in their place. See, if she kept her mouth shut and not mention "names". She wouldn't have been embarrassed. She is a real hater for real. She didn't have to mention your name. Instead she mentions you so to scare off "other black women" from talking to you. These black girls will never change. LOL This is funny.

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  24.   _Legion_ says:
    Posted: 02 Jul 09

    Mr. Laurelton Queens: Just to clear this up. It was she that sent me a flirt. I kindly responded with a no/and good luck with your search. IDK where she was lashing at, maybe you see something I don't. Anyway, I just wanted to reply so we both know where this situation came Good Day

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  25.   Member says:
    Posted: 02 Jul 09

    (Picking up my drink and watching Locked up Abroad). Did you just lash out at Legion??? The white man might be interested in you. Then they wonder why white men don't bother even talking to black women due to the behavior of the "tattooed one". No, men have a LOW TOLERANCE of you and your "mood swings". How are you just going to blast a white man like that. WOW Setting "an example with him". This is what I discuss on my blog about sellout black women. They think "punishing" you makes them attractive. Legion is too emasculated to respond back. I would throw your "jiggly" body on the bed. Who are these white men dating you. Amazing. I plan to release the "punishment doctrine" that black women do. Yea I made it up so what. It just hit home with this conversation. Why a black woman got to punish you when they don't get their way with their "wide back" and "ashy knees". My fiancee tries to do that too. I'm like that don't work with me. She goes, I won't make you breakfast! I'm like "oh no"(that is why there is Burger King and Mcdonalds). Then they say " I won't have sex". I'm like we have lived together so long. I rather sleep and watch TV no big deal. I am cover more this later. (Pointing to the tattooed one) Your temper tantrums are pathetic. I don't know what is going on in your personal life that you lashed out at legion but it's real sad. Look for the "Sellout black girl Punishment Doctrine"

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  26. Posted: 01 Jul 09

    Umm.....once again L. Queens IS CONFUSED.....I NEVER said anything like I just wanted to be picked...and this attempt to try and make me seem desperate...well, ummm.....anyone that has followed the blog knows better. Communing (or even "flirting") with like-minded people is NOT throwing yourself at them.....ONLY A NUT-JOB would equate the two. Next thing he'll be saying I am a lesbian for "being comfortable" with some of the women in here....LMAO!!! I am NOT here (as I have shown and proved already) to "be successful" at INTERNET DATING.....come on now. WE both have seen women on here that carry themselves in that manner AND WE both know I AM NOT THE ONE. I am not here to necessarily "be alright" with anyone.....and I certainly don't need anyone here to do anything for me to help me see their point....the point has been taken a long time ago. But why so sensitive about your persona???? You are in here attacking women of color over their dating choices.....You are all over the map (at times), with your subject matter yet you tell me to stick to the topic...LMAO. Dude, right now you ARE the topic.....sit back and let your ego bask in the You come in here and throw all your rhetorical questions out there, then when someone (probably me....LOL) answers them you conveniently twist it like a friggin pretzel. You say I have "weaknesses", well right now the only one I really have is this possibly perverse curiosity to see how long you can put up this front (or " remind me of those so-called celebs that get attention AND PUBLICITY but then complain when it does not "serve" them any more and they want to bitch about privacy and all manner of bull....THAT'S the price of FAME, BABE......LMAO). Like those celebs, I really don't "care" enough about you to go digging to research anything about....SORRY. You say their is no room to discuss persona yet you go on to call yourself a "blog legend".....LMAO....OOOBEEEKAYYYBEEE. ok you honor the fact that I date inclusively....then why am I (and more importantly, others here that do the same) repeatedly called a sellout.....AS LONG AS YOU CONTINUE TO USE THAT TERM FOR WOMEN THAT DO NOT DESERVE IT, YOU WILL HEAR ABOUT IT.....PLAIN AND SIMPLE. See, the thing is I have a problem with illogic (NO MATTER WHAT YOUR SKINTONE MAY BE).....FOR EXAMPLE, Legion says that he had no other way to contact/communicate with me YET goes on to say "and btw, you got my reply"......BUSTED!!!....YOU KNOW THERE IS A SYSTEM SET UP FOR REPLIES YET YOU COME IN HERE WITH THE BLAH-BLAH. This has happened time and time again because either NO ONE bothers to read my ENTIRE page or they are one of whom I described at the end. And I am not mad at anyone about this. But unless you are trying to prove something why would you come in a blog talking about what someone said to you in another forum or whathaveyou??? See, across the board (regardless of race) I have noticed this little trend where certain men "get off" on rejecting women EVEN when the woman makes it clear she is just admiring and leaving it at that.(i.e....not looking for him to be her man, sugar daddy, pimp, or any other sort of companion). You see these certain dudes tend to be the same ones that offline would be seriously flirtin their asses off with me.....LOL (believe me, it has happened)...AND THEN I have to be the one reminding them of the situation. These individuals have up on their profile that they are interested in "Friends" as well as a relationship but when you send them a NON-ROMANTIC flirt they get all nervous (like in and don't know how to react (seeing as how many of them probably don't get ANY "flirts" from women...NOT because they are unattractive or anything...just people playing games online)....AND LIKE SAID BEFORE THIS HAPPENS REGARDLESS OF RACE......AND I JUST FIND IT INTERESTING AS ALL HAIL. (tee hee) Maybe that is another one of my "weaknesses"....A LOW TOLERANCE FOR B.S......Lo siento. Peace and Blessings, good people tatted2death P.S. YES...I agree with L. QUEENS....ONLY on his definition of a sellout. BUT he refuses to stick to this definition when addressing the women in here....wants respect without giving

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  27.   LaShaz says:
    Posted: 30 Jun 09

    I believe everyone is entitled to their opinion. However I do feel some wome may feel that they no other option. I for example have a choice. I have choosen to date outside of my race not because I couldn't find anyone, but because that what I am attracted to. you also have to keep in mind that chris Rock is an comedian, an entertainer. Some things he says may be true and other for show. So I don't put much weight into what he has to say.

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  28.   _Legion_ says:
    Posted: 29 Jun 09

    Tatted: I could only respond in this way since I am not a premium member. Not trying to tell the world, but this was the only way to communicate....and btw, you got my reply.

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  29.   Member says:
    Posted: 29 Jun 09

    Let me address the rest of the people here and the "tattooed" one. Once again I try avoid conflict. I am all for a healthy debate. The reason I reprimanded one of the sellout black girl is for her trying to exploit the troops to make a point. Normally I would just leave it alone. This particular person just rubs me the wrong way for some reason. The "Tattooed" one she is alright with me. She just seems a little desperate throwing herself are certain men in this room with failed success. When I point that out I need a counselor or "mental help" because I have the audacity to say white men pick black women last. By her own admission she agrees with me but has a problem with my approach. Perhaps if I took her to dinner and explained it better she would understand. My aggressive nature has nothing to do with being "gangsta". Some black women only understand aggression. I told the tattooed one that my blog explains everything period about me. You mention I am arrogant. No that is strictly confidence. I never made one excuse in my life as to why I wouldn't date a black woman. While you make every excuse in the book for white men. After your comment you made in a previous post about "As long as I am picked". I knew you had some weaknesses in your personality. I have never ran from anybody in life. That goes for the internet and off the internet. I walk the walk and talk the talk. By the way a majority of sellout black women fit the profile that I have given them. It is very rare you will find a sellout black woman that does not bash black men. In the tattooed one case, she likes black men so I don't even know why she is arguing with a blog legend like myself. Everybody about me self explanatory on my blog. I am tired of addressing desperate sellout black women about my persona. Stick to the topic. I am gone

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  30. Posted: 29 Jun 09

    LOL!!!!!.....I'm sorry...I am still laughing at that one comment...("I mean, I try to avoid the conflict but I keep getting dragged back into it.") he's the Godfather or something....LMAO....the hits keep on coming!!! Avoid conflict, huh?....I thought you were all about "the debate"????....(tick tock tick tock..kind of reminds me of the TELL-TALE to look under the floorboards.) Peace People tatted2death

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  31. Posted: 29 Jun 09

    LMAOOOOOO......oh yeah, L Queens has always tried to be "nice". Making up stuff about people he doesn't even know..LOL. AND ONCE AGAIN.....he let's his agenda slip("you respond again and I will go out of my way to hurt your feelings")...getting caught up in the emotional side of it all???...I understand. You say you don't make things personal but I KNOW (more than likely) the main reason you are on this tirade is because of something VERY personal that was probably done to you. You keep using the same "SAD" tactics to try and "hurt".....LOL. We all see and know your intentions here and we are NOT afraid of you and anyway, shape or form. See, people when you have someone that starts issuing the "threats" online. you know they are revealing alot to you. You don't have to ask certain questions..AND you know that they are the one "running out of things" to say...sad really. I mean, it is really obviously sad that this individual attack world citizen because she has connected with some of the women of color on here. Yes, I have had issues with white women (I actually have touched on that topic in another blog here, but I have had issues with women of color as well.....pfft) but that does not negate the fact that I can recognize a like-minded human being and feel an affinity for that person. Us connecting had NOTHING to do with him....sounds awfully ARROGANT AND SELF-CENTERED. Is anyone surprised?? This woman (who at whatever age appears to be a beautiful human-being) came in here interjecting some wisdom and some insight ....AND IT WAS REALLY NEEDED. BALANCE IS ALWAYS NEEDED....(unless you prefer chaos.....and I know that there are those out there). Those of us that prefer a little order have enjoyed her as a ray of sunshine in the midst of the storm. Does that mean any of us is afraid of the "storm".....ummm....HaiL NO!!!! I say "bring it"....(if that is even possible online....LOL). You even try and hurt me....YOU HURT YOURSELF. L. Queen, if anything you are the one who is over-emotional here and maybe you are even crying in the corner over the fact that the majority of the women here DON'T fit your stereotype (especially when you leave the superficial crap out)......SORRY. My ( question to you is why aren't you on the boards where you said all this started????...where the women are actually fitting your theory?? You will claim you were "blocked" or whatever......but I tend to think you might have ran. Because as you claim there are SOOOO many "sellout" women out here...ever thought about seeking the REAL ones out???? (PROBABLY NOT....and I KNOW why....again sorry...but you KNOW what time it is as well) Maybe, just maybe, it is time for you to re-evaulate why you are doing what you are doing. IF is to promote yourself then I guess you have already sold your soul and there is no appealing to you. IF it has something to do with your past then maybe you need to take a break from your "mission" and delve into that. Not asking you to concede (as if this really is a battle....LOL...Am I offering a "truce"...NO, because I am NOT at complete odd with this dude and his views.....HE KNOWS THIS ALREADY..LOL)...just take a step back and try and view this from another angle. I am NOT begging anything of you....because what you do ultimately effects you.....and ONLY YOU. YOU have painted the your own self-portrait with your own words.....and just as with any work of art, the views of it will be as varied as the people observing it. But I think the majority of people here (and anywhere else you choose to be as disrespectful as you have been here) will agree you need to redetermine your tactics......AND THAT IS ONLY IF YOU ARE NOT HERE FOR SOME SORT OF SELF-PROMOTION....because if that is the case I suppose you are doing right by that decision and as I said before, "BRING IT!!!!"(lol.....I'm sorry....but the whole online "gangsta" mentality is SOOOOOO humorous to me). Yes, HE is running out of things to focus on when all he can do is go on and get all verklempt about someone MENTIONING a memorial service as if that was the main point to that post....OH WELL (looking at my watch....LOL). Peace and Blessings as always tatted2death P.S. There might be those that dispute the relevance of this post....yet not only am I addressing one I am providing a perfect example of a WOMAN EXPLORING HER OPTIONS in here. Some of us have opted to ignore L. Queens....and that is fine. But I am chosing to face him head on.....answering his queries (that he usually ignores or twists beyond all recognition...OH WELL) because I understand the nature of why he is here (whether it's the self-promoting deal or otherwise). Behind all his rhetoric is something much deeper (or not) and that is what makes this interesting to me.

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  32.   Member says:
    Posted: 28 Jun 09

    Dear World Citizen Please disregard that apology by that woman. She does not speak for me. I stick to every statement I have said about you. I don't care about all that other stuff she brought up because that has nothing to do with me. I don't have to explain why I dislike anybody. The nerve of somebody to make accusations about me feeling that way about all senior citizens. The funny part was, she never said she was a SENIOR CITIZEN. Where did citizen say she was old? I can't deal with food groups that project their misery and anger unto other people. How the fuck you bring up a Marine as to imply something by saying that. My cousins are all Marines. This is an old lady visiting Texas so don't speak for me. I am sorry for your loss but you crossed the line with me. I didn't even speak to you. That is real low to bring up a funeral. What are you trying to do exploit people to make yourself look good? I had close friends die in the military and I don't go around bragging about going to funerals. You are disgusting individual. You respond again I will go out of my way to hurt your feelings. I am trying to be nice. You got me mixed up with the other people you run your mouth too and then apologize to. Go twitter you went to a funeral what that has to do with this topic.

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  33.   godiva61 says:
    Posted: 28 Jun 09

    To: World Citizen, I was praying that you had a safe and pleasant trip, thank GOD.. Thank's for letting us know that you arrived safely.. Wow, 102 degrees, that's too hot for me, is it humid as well? Drink plenty of water... I also want to take the time to apologize for the blatant disrespect toward's you, the nursing home remarks, and the derogatory reference to your age. I went to a memorial service on yesterday for a Marine who lost his life two year's ago, his birthday was on yesterday, and had he lived, he would have reached the age of 21. I know that he and his family would have loved for him to reach the age that you are now, so to mock someone who has been blessed to reach a certain age is "foolish". The ALMIGHTY want's you here, so that within itself, is a blessing, and it's all the more reason why you should be respected!! As a child growing up we were taught to "honor" the elder's in our community. "Honor thy father and mother" was not a sentiment restricted to our parent's, our immediate family, but to ALL who were older than ourself, be it teacher's, crossing guard's, the mailman, if they were older, it was no other option but to "respect" these adults. I guess the rules changed along the way... As a mother, I would be very OFFENDED and ASHAMED if my son behaved in this manner. One of the compliment's that I have received consisitently over the year's, is the compliment of my son's manners and respect of adult's, I am so proud of my son!! He had a wonderful role model, my late husband... Again I apologize for this behavior toward's you. Just know that you are loved, and respected, my dear sista... Enjoy Texas! love godiva61

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  34.   Member says:
    Posted: 28 Jun 09

    Here we go I guess you can travel from nursing home to nursing homes overseas. If I was 60 years old I would show what a real man is about. I don't even know if this "citizen" is a white woman. If she is, why is she trying to be "down with the sisters". You are the primary problem why black women can't find decent black men. The tattooed one and "chocolate food group" are just friends with you because you dislike me. Do you really think white women and black women get along. That is a dynamic that is rarely discussed. I have heard pathetic white men on here saying they left their wife and children for a Jezebel black woman. Then try to make it seem like "they want a black queen all along". Let me tell you something. You run that game on the low self esteem sellout black women. I know you are a degenerate to leave your wife for a black woman. Just like that SC Governor Mark Sanford who left his white wife for Latin "booty". It is actually a sad state of events for some black women. They believe the white man "has" divorced his wife. Instead he is "in the process" of divorcing her. One of you home wrecking black girls emailed me bragging you took away a white man from his family and kids. Your response is that "you are on the same level" academically and financially. Well let me reply to you here. Your a an IVY League slut. You can put lip stick on a pig but it is still a PIG. I am heading to bed. I didn't know they let residents from other nursing homes travel to Dallas for sex with a black man half her age. (shaking my head). You know what I have to go.

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  35.   Austrian says:
    Posted: 28 Jun 09

    tatted2death and godiva - this time YOU REALLY GOT HIM!!! Meanwhile I arrived in Dallas and I am quite impressed by the friendliness and southern hospitality, plus 102 F heat wave, which feels great after the cold front we had in Germany. By the way, PICKING UP HIS DRINK once again went to his head. And TAKING OFF HIS SHIRT shows, you STRONG WOMEN are really too much for him to handle! Have a great weekend, you lovely people. Ichibod, thank you for the good wishes - the flight was smooth and I wish I could meet some of you interesting individuals, while I am here in the U.S.!

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  36.   Member says:
    Posted: 27 Jun 09

    you shouldnt be worrying about other people anyway. just by you reading all these comments show you must have some concern about it.and i dont care if you are a black women you cant speak for all of them. if they choose to only date black men that doesnt mean they hate other races of men.most people seek to be with someone they can relate to.

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  37.   Netta's_luv says:
    Posted: 26 Jun 09


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  38.   Member says:
    Posted: 26 Jun 09

    (Picking up my drink) I mean, I try to avoid the conflict but I keep getting dragged back into it. First off, my fiancee as of right now is black and puerto rican. My last 4 girlfriends were dark skin. The point is I never put black women last like white men did. That's all you need to know. You don't got to wonder where my loyalty lies concerning black women! While your white boyfriend won't even introduce you to the family dog at his parents home! A matter of fact, when I was on black planet I actively searched for black women to date. If I was on E Harmony my settings were set to dating black women ONLY. Na baby you got me confused with white men that got every other women checked for their database EXCEPT black women. She struggling to grasp at things about me. It never personal for me on a blog. I don't pretend to be friends with "Chocolate" food groups. They same sellout black women with "tattoos" never mention white men having strict for preferences for black women they are interested in. Like they "don't do the paper bag test. Like they haven't said they wouldn't date a big girl. They act like I made that shit up! My track record speaks for itself. I never said " Oh" I decided to date black women "because" I always 'wanted too" but never got a chance. I never said " Oh I was married to my white wife but dreamed about black women". See I am a man. I don't make excuses. I am not doing internships claiming to turn lesbian black girls straight. I never said I was a "Mack". Of course I feel my fiancee is hot. That is what I am supposed to say. I felt all the girls I was with hot. I had their back 100 percent. Some of the black girls I was with. I got them "hot", molded them and made them sexy! I like black girls that got potential! The Chocolate food group mentions I put black women down. Na, you need to read these other websites that call you names and they got white skin. I never hear you say anything when white men say they don't like overweight dark skin black girls. Maybe your scared to burn bridges. You want everybody to like you I understand. Oh yea the Chocolate food group says focus on image. I like my image. I never back down from what I ever say. A poor white boy came on and said he doesn't black women because he doesn't like "R&B" and you thought he was Hitler they way jumped on him. I would have more respect for white men if they came out and said "what things they dislike about black women". They got no balls or heart. They know, I know, period. The tattooed one and her chocolate food group running out of things to say about me. Maybe I should be doing internships and waiting to finish school to support a black woman that likes me. Na white homey I support my fiancee she don't work right now. I pay ALL the bills. The white boy that attack me still live with his mother trying to convince her if he can have sex with a black woman in his bed that he grew up in. They worried about "how I come across" with these sellout black girls desperate for a date with a white guy. Oh yea World Citizen how is your jello in that nursing home. You bitter old woman, I heard your mad at your ex black husband or boyfriend. It will be alright. I want you all to say more! (taking my shirt off) and leaning back in my chair. Oh yea look for the WHITE MAN BAILOUT PART 3, dropping the the trilogy. Tattooed that on your forehead!

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  39. Posted: 25 Jun 09 I see why L. Queens was going on about "haters" in that other thread.....LMAO. Well, the last time I checked being a "hater" was not exclusively a BLACK MALE Anywho.....has anyone else noticed that this dude always has to define his fiancee as Black/Puerto Rican....ummm, what's the deal with that???? I mean, I identify most times as a multi-racial, multicultural human being. Although I have very little so-called "black" in my background, I know what world I am living in and I know that most people see me as being a "black woman"......I don't have a problem with this and unless asked specifically I will rarely going into explaining my diverse heritage. But this guy repeatedly offers this info like it makes a difference......or maybe he is just trying to let us know that enjoys "riding the fence" and wants us to believe his woman embodies all "THE GOOD" (hair, skin tone, "HOT nature", etc.) of her Latino side and very little of her Black side. I truly believe this individual is caught up in all the B.S. that you would hear him shout at any "sellout". He might even be a "victim" of the years of oppression and conditioning you hear some go on about. He probably even made is woman take "the paperbag test" And there's a wonder why certain women hate themselves and "go to the other side" I really can't take much more....but in the spirit of keeping this topic relevant I will soldier on.....It is about women seeing that they have all the options in the world and being FREE of any chains of conformity. Peace and Blessings tatted2death

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  40.   godiva61 says:
    Posted: 22 Jun 09

    To: The Tatted One, Sense of humor is a good thing and some character's are such easy target's, I guess that's to be expected when one is so predictable and unchallenging.. I see that you have a keen sense of observation, another quality that I adore in yourself. I'm assuming that you have noticed how these(few) self proclaimed hater's of black women, that come here from time to time in order to feed their habit, dissing the black sister's, NEVER address the BLACK MEN who are in total opposite of their mentality. They will always, without fail, address women only.. Interesting, pathetic, and very WEAK!!! The brother, The_W, and other's, has made comment's in total opposite of hating black women, and their love for women in general, and not one of these "hater's" had the gonads, to approach either of these men. These are the same men whose main focus is about their "IMAGE" and the lies and distortion's against them as a group, yet the "IMAGE" of the individual man seems to fall by the wayside.. So I ask what is the "IMAGE" that we should perceive from a MAN, who ONLY go after the women?.... What I really don't understand is this, you claim that black women are so awful, undesireable, and unworthy to be with you and you have made the decision not to consider them as potential mates,so you have gone elswhere. I personally have no anger toward's anyone who have this type of mentality, it is what it is. However since you have found better, shouldn't we assume that you are HAPPY now, and if ONE is truly happy, why the need to keep on hating? I would think that the happy that you have found would be the priority in your life. The good that you have now, should overshadow the bad of the past, right? Now that you have found paradise, why keep coming back to your former "hell"? If you don't like Chinese Cuisine, would it make sense to go to a Chinese restaurant? Last but not least, these hater's seem to focus "solely" on the image that they believe that the world has of them as a group, maybe it's time for them to focus on the image that they are portraying to the world as an individual!!! Hating and stereotyping another is not defining that particular group, it's defining your lack of character and integrity, and that's a very poor and weak IMAGE to have... love godiva

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  41. Posted: 22 Jun 09

    ..and using your theory/stereotype I guess we all can conclude that L Queens must actually be a self-hating black woman ("wont shut up after the poing is made").......HEY, stranger things have happened online...... (I am sorry, good people, my sense of humor won't allow me to leave this character alone at this point.....especially since he seems to be attracting other cartoons)

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  42. Posted: 21 Jun 09

    I, too, wish to extend much gratitude to world citizen......she truly reprents the word "sisterhood"....I had tears in my eyes reading your post......Thanks for getting to the heart of the matter....everything you posted was of the "real". ...and thanks to you as well, Godiva, I think you already know I see you as a sister as well. Peace and Blessings to ALL tatted2death

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  43.   Member says:
    Posted: 20 Jun 09

    every last one of these comments thats been posted on here, is just plain ignorant.i dont agree with none of it. as a black man myself i refuse to date outside my race .im i racist for that no. and i never had a white girl .i dont care what year it is. no man can speak for me and all the black men in this world. that's the problem with most black women these days ,they assume all black men are like that and it's not the man himself it's the women who make bad chooses in men dont blame nobody for your bad chooses.

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  44.   Delphine00 says:
    Posted: 12 Jun 09

    Finally, rrl51 and World Citizen, the voices of reason in the wilderness...thank you ladies for stating some acknowledgments in the positive and not adding to the sentiments of an angry mob.

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  45.   rrl51 says:
    Posted: 11 Jun 09

    LOL and the more I read here the more it sounds like a group of angry people. Life is to short to get angry over this topic. And to start calling names and putting labels on things are immature. It is suppose to be adults of all races telling there opinion of the topic,not bashing each other for having that opinion. And to all have a wonderful day.

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  46.   rrl51 says:
    Posted: 11 Jun 09

    Well I know black women have options. I have dated every race so yes he is a comedian and yes he is a man but all black women don't get made when they see a black man dating a white woman. But I have come across black men being angry at a white man for dating me even if the black man does not want to date me. I say to each its own.

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  47.   Austrian says:
    Posted: 11 Jun 09

    Here I go again - la storia continua - once more! (Comment from 20 Apr 09 - LOVE LETTER TO ALL WOMEN BLESSED WITH COLOR) It is obvious to ALL OF US who take a look at these comments, that the majority of WOMEN OF COLOR in these blogs are of EXTRAORDINARY BEAUTY - more so than one may notice, walking down any street. These women of natural beauty, and also nearly all others w/o images, have a high intellectual level and communicate precisely, how they see themselves and the world around them. They have come a long way, not forgetting their past, loving and highly respecting their ancestors and families (including BLACK MEN), and opening their arms to DECENT MEN who appreciate them, this is why they are on these blogs - not because they complain, cry, make others miserable and responsible for whatever may not be so great in their lives. Who in their right mind would expect these deservingly PROUD WOMEN to step down to abusive, disrespectful, hateful man, who remind us of men such as the TALIBAN - who want women to stay uneducated and without any rights, not having the right to make THEIR CHOICE. Men, who deny women of lust, by having their clitoris removed!!! Men, who want to keep women in slavery. Who were their mothers - did they want and love this son? In Europe, more than half of medical students are female. Many other occupations, including politics, are slowly but surely successfully taken over by women who did not lose their femininity and still make wonderful mothers. A sophisticated, strong man prefers a STRONG WOMAN for a meaningful, rewarding relationship, in which BOTH find satisfaction and happiness, supported by mutual respect. This is what the WOMEN OF COLOR here and elsewhere wish, DESERVE and GET!!! Many celebrities in Europe chose women with color - show them off with great pride to public - and their relationships outlast many others! Is it poor reading skills - or sloppy speed reading - (also a skill when done correctly) that so many statements of commentators get twisted in responses. As the majority of you mentioned - it is real tiring!

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  48. Posted: 11 Jun 09

    This Has Got To Be A Joke, You men have the front to come on here slating your black women. Are you crazy son. Yo I aint got to prove shit to know body but you dumb as hell be talking trash bout black women desperate and shit. I take that personal, What a blackwomen aint' capable of loving me without some stink motive or that I take her as last pick. You weak son,that maybe U but Don't talk 4 me...! I love me a good wholesome black Queen.Obviously I aint racist but blackmen are so dumb not to appreciate what they have. Your telling me that what because a Black women's passionate and QUOTE "one of the problems i have with black women is they wont shut up after the poing is made. thats one of the reasons i date latinas and whites!" You need to get some balls SON and be a real man. I was with my girl for just under 3 years...YES I'm a WHITE MAN (I aint Bold and Nasty)and She was my black Queen,I'll defend her to the DEATH...I could handle mines SON...THROUGH THE GOOD AND BAD,BELIVE THAT. You just MAD cause no sista in her right mind wants your ass. Do you see any white man on this site dissin a white women NO, Do you see any asian or Latino Men dissin there own. FIRST OF ALL THERE AINT EVEN ANY NEGATIVE TOPICS ABOUT THEM ANYWAY. So Why U black DUDES Always got 2 be THE SELLOUTS.Out of all the women,Blackwomen get it the hardest and instead of being a real man AND STEPPING UP TO THE PLATE,you talk shit about women most of y'all dont' deserve...Don't worry bout that doe,More Queens 4 me 2 Love.She a fine black sista,I'm picking her 1st and Yall the same ones to hate on a man cause you couldn't get her.YO to all my white brothers outthere,SPEAK UP and STAND UP TO THESE PRICKS. OH YEAH Mr Laurelton Queens, On those lame ass statistics,You continue to believe in media hype because whil you watching That. I'm with your mother AND UR GIRL, becoming your new stepdad and babies father...! GO GET SOME PRIDE,U IGNORANT BASTARD. To all yall fine sista, Keep It Real with a Fella

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  49.   lb4lb says:
    Posted: 10 Jun 09

    ironically, i saw one post that made sense, kudos to elle79, with her fine az! hit me elle79 LB4LB6911@YAHOO.COM. anyway people get over it! love who you can and pay your damn bills oh yeah keep God first!

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  50.   lb4lb says:
    Posted: 10 Jun 09

    im amazed at how many ppl are still talking about this! i have only read one blog that made sense, and its from a white woman! kudos to elle79, although she said it thrice! one of the problems i have with black women is they wont shut up after the poing is made. thats one of the reasons i date latinas and whites!

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