Black women have no option?
Warning: This post may be offensive to some readers. This is not the objective. The post is in no way meant to defame or inflame any parties, groups or persons. It is simply meant to find out what people think about black white dating.
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In a bid to explain why Black women get upset about Black men dating White women, Chris Rock in his latest stand up comedy says all Black men have done is exercised their option. He goes on to say Black women are angry because they are not attracted to white men so they can’t exercise their option. All they can do is sleep with “pretty white boys" but generally, black women are not attracted to white men.
In my opinion, the above statements suggest Black women only date interracially out of desperation. In fact, most Black men believe so. And the finger pointing between Black men and Black women never ends. I don't think this is the case though and frankly, I have never understood why Black men and Black women have to come up with such crude and prejudiced remarks while trying to figure out the reasoning behind their counterparts' dating options. YES! Options.
What do you think of Chris Rock's theory?
636 responses to "Black women have no option?"
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Member says:Posted: 10 Jun 09
Dear Jan Who says I chase white women. You are false in your assumptions about me. I have a black/puertorican fiancee. Never sold out in my whole entire life. This not a competition, what "game" are you referring to? White men continue to pick you last. If your saying white men are dating you at a rapid pace. You are in serious need of medication. I suggest you read the handwriting on the wall. I am just beginning to crush your movement. Thank you
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Jan says:Posted: 10 Jun 09
Ladies, there is no earthly reason to concern ourselves with Mr. Laurelton's (or Menelik's) "issues". Check him out on and notice the difference in his rhetoric since the site's owner is a Black man who slavishly chases whites. Mr. L sees the handwriting on the wall and is behaving out of desperation. It's highly beneficial for Black women to immerse ourselves in his demonic rantings as a means to growing immune to them. Once you see through the BS total and complete "indifference" settles in, which only strengthens our resolve...particularly in the face of bold-faced hypocrisy. He'll slither back off to his original island "dungle" once he understands the game is truly "over".
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Jan says:Posted: 10 Jun 09
Ladies, there is no earthly reason to concern ourselves with Mr. Laurelton's (or Menelik's) "issues". Check him out on and notice the difference in his rhetoric since the site's owner is a slavishes chases whites. Mr. L sees the handwriting on the wall and is behaving out of desperation. It's highly beneficial for Black women to immerse ourselves in his demonic rantings as a means to growing immune to them. Once you see through the BS total and complete "indifference" settles in, which only strengthens our resolve...particularly in the face of his bold-faced hypocrisy. He'll slither back off to his original "dungle" once he understands the game is truly "over".
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GarconBlanc says:Posted: 10 Jun 09
Tatteed2 death said: "...simply need to “grow a pair” and date who makes them happy…." That is exactly right. Thanks.
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Member says:Posted: 10 Jun 09
It is hard to have a conversation with one delusional black girl. Obviously if they are saying they can bench "well over my own body weight". (Throwing hands up) Yea it does not make sense. I never said this particular person bash black men. I am tired of tattooing this on her forehead. I have never met a full figured black woman benching well over body weight. I really try to stick to the topic. THEN they come like this! You wonder why white men pick your goofy ass last. They just create a fantasy world where they make shit up. I wonder if you can laugh and be sad at the state of black women today.
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godiva61 says:Posted: 10 Jun 09
To: tatted2death, I'm raising my hand here.. Not only can numbers be twisted, they are often misleading, and you can find another set of numbers, behind those numbers, if you ask the appropiate questions. I don't recall the percentage( didn't care enough to give it that much attention), but what did it prove? The question was asked "how smart are you to dispute number's"?. My question would be "how smart are you to rely SOLELY on numbers"? More importantly, what has the number's really proved and what is going to change because of these number's? If the argument is because the percentage was higher for those men who won't or don't, this means that the lower percentage will, so you say that to say what? If the high number "rules" and validate's a claim, then how should we interpret the 99% of people here who has been repulsed by his behavior and has told him as much, at least once? Should we then focus solely on the 99% or the 1%? I'm just not understanding this unhealthy obsession with the black women "being picked last" BS, especially since you are not of the female gender. I could understand it if the women were obsessing about it, but a man? Also, you have the woman that you want in your life, you claim that she is so in love with you, and you are happy with her, and she with you, but you spend so much time and energy in the lives of other women, on a dating site, what in the hell is that about? Which of these women are your PRIORITY, who is being neglected? Is it safe to assume that somebody is not laying down the pipe, or should we assume that she's glad, and relieved that his focus is elsewhere..... Yes tatted, you knew the "tatoo" remark was coming, the "weight" comment, the "sellout" comment, doesn't it always? It's the same thing day in and day out. Over and over and over and over,again.. I have a low tolerance for BS, and my attention span is somewhat short with certain things, certain subject's, and certain people, so I am BORED to death, I think we all are with this mentality and rhetoric, just say "amen" if you are. It's the bottom of the ninth inning, the bases are loaded, the count is full, hit a grand slam why don't you, but don't strike out again.... You answered the question, but as always it was twisted and bent to further the cause, did you expect anything any different? Should you take sand to the beach? You are good person, intelligent and well liked and I'd rather that you travel in first class, rather than in the cargo compartment.... I'm signing off for now. Watch for the next round of the entertaining re-runs... We are what we REPEATEDLY do. EXCELLENCE, then is not an act, but a HABIT... love godiva61
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tatted2death says:Posted: 10 Jun 09
...and how did I know he was going to use that same lame "tattoo" line....I must be psychic. .....and yeah....oh yeah I am dillusional.....yet he's the one that believes he truly has black female fans.....OH YEAH....maybe he's going back to the "one drop" rule. Either way his attempts to make me "feel bad" because I AM CHUBBY are laughable at best. I can bench press well over my own body weight so I hardly think that qualifies me to be in his typical "fat girl" club. But that is not said to impress nor intimidate....just stating facts. AND trying to make it clear I am nor ever will be anyone's victim.....PHYSICALLY OR MENTALLY. Again this "individual" states that I have bashed black men YET cannot site specific statements.....this is ridiculous.....OH WELL. Anyone with eyes can see what is going on and anyone with enough time on there hands (as he obviously has) can go back and see who is really doing the backtracking....(I guess actually stating his "agenda" was a misstep....maybe it's much more marketable if it is seen as a "spontaneous hit"....LOL). OMG, this is getting more entertaining by the moment....yet boring as well. I guess he fits this "microwave" culture that is all the rage now. Peace and Blessings tatted2death P.S. OH AND WHO HERE DOESN'T KNOW THAT "NUMBERS" CAN BE TWISTED AND FABRICATED TO SUIT CERTAIN AGENDAS......SHOW OF HANDS, PLEASE.....Also a show of hands for those that noticed that although I answered the question, it STILL got twisted to suit his phucked up agenda......LMAO. (I think that is why he put fact in
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tatted2death says:Posted: 10 Jun 09
....further more...(lol) ....if this cartoon-character (take that how you want....I think this world would be boring without the likes of Bugs Bunny..) of a man thinks he represents the whole black male race....I really don't know what to say for him....Just because I dislike his tactics and have voiced it REPEATEDLY does NOT make me a "black male basher"...... AND....if you believe I let any white male get away with anything you obviously have not spoken to the men I have dated. As for the few white males that have ventured to be "negative" on this board, they tend to not hang around too long and therefore don't garner the need for my attention. You, Mr. Queens, on the otherhand are obviously in need of something here and have made this your second home of sorts. I have issue with that and refuse to be quiet about it. Yet, at the same time I see the futility of trying to truly have an intelligent discussion with you. So, yes, until you learn how to have a civil discussion with women that continue to try and give you the benefit of the doubt you will continue to get the "hands off" treatment from me.......that's the way I "take the bullet out of my gun" Peace and Blessings as always tatted2death
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Member says:Posted: 10 Jun 09
I normally wouldn't address this. It seems like respectful dialogue. "Some" are questioning my motive talking about interracial dating. Alleged book deals and all this "other stuff". There are more than enough sellout black women selling books about their experiences with pasty balding white men. I have no "current" desire to do that. I currently have no desire to end up on "Oprah's book club. I have a problem when people call me "ignorant" and question statistics. How smart are you to dispute "numbers". Numbers don't lie. If you have seen my last post it was an yahoo article case study done on who white men date. It clearly says, in black and white, "white man picks black girl last". (Holding up the document) Yea this one your saying that "don't mean nothing". Rightttt. Instead you just want to spew your personal vendetta against me instead of looking at the "facts". I think it bothers you I backup my arguments with facts. Your trying to imply if a white man has no "interest" in black women he must be cowardly. I just don't understand you sellout black women. What does it take for you to realize that a white guy does not want a chubby black girl. You can "spin it" in every direction you want. Black men date full figured women. I have done so for years. Yet, you want to sit on the fence waiting for white men to throw "you scraps". Let me address the definition of a sellout black women. If you bash your own race of men you are a sellout black woman. I have heard "recently" that sellout black women are backtracking from that. They are saying "they have never done so". Your full of crap. It would be hard for me to believe that a sellout black woman with a white man has "anything" nice to say about black men. So why try to play the victim on here. Just be proud of your white man and his "fetish" for you. Now if you want convince people white men are chasing you through the black community or "diverse" neighborhood for a date. Be my guest, I mean you can live in your fantasy world. You can even "tattoo" on your forehead " I am convinced white men want me no matter what". God bless Oh yea I am going to revisit the "Wife Swap" video with the overly lazy black woman with her white man. She lays in bed waiting for him to give her food. The black man with his white house wife seem so happy. Yet you have this "Grizzly" Bear black women "demanding" her white man to give her french toast syrup with hot chocolate in bed. Man if it was me I would smack the french toast out her mouth. You don't tell me what to do at all! Oh yea, I have a lot of black female fans. I love them all. "Tattoo" that on your forehead!
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tatted2death says:Posted: 10 Jun 09
(smiles@bluescene).......forgive me for what I now MUST do (LOL...I have been silent for far too long) Although I must say I see the same "individual" is still spewing his rhetoric on this topic thread as well. Sad, really because I have addressed his issues and not once has he acknowledged the fact that I have NEVER bash the "race" of black men to justify why I date inclusively. And this whole crock of shit about white men picking black women last is just some more of the propaganda meant to deter the union of people that has been together for along time now (so interested in statistics and history????....Look up which MARITAL UNION went up against convention and made interracial marriages legal in this country.....A WHITE MAN AND A BLACK WOMAN....really doesn't mean much BUT IT IS AN INTERESTING FACT.). There are many reasons why interracial marriages don't work just as there are for intra-racial marriages. But chances are on both sides of that coin you are going to see the same core factor(s).....other people and their bogus opinions!!!! My theory (which is proven by the many long time married couples I know) is that when you leave others out and make your partner your first priority everything else falls into place. This could not be more true for interracial couples. Once the "poison" friends and family get the proverbial boot thing get 110% better. Generally speaking....A MAN will have no problem "cutting the apron strings" and getting on with his life. But yes you will have those that cling to the idea that their "mommy"(and/or her money) will always be there and they are not willing to forego matter what the "race" or color. Now on a personal note, I can tell you that I have seen just about every race of man behave like the latter.....Now does that mean I am a MAN-HATER????.....ummmm, NO...It just means I know what a real man is to me. AND I also know the true nature of what really matters to most people, in general.....SECURITY....what color matters most to some......GREEN. Some people are just not willing to make their own way in the world so they let others make their choices for them (i.e. family, friends and "society"....blah) so when things go bad they can blame someone or something else. This fact crosses ALL boundaries....racial, sexual, socio-economic, whathaveyou. When people think for themselves they are doing one of the most courageous things a human can do in these times.......THEY ARE ACCEPTING RESPONSIBITY FOR THEIR OWN ACTIONS!!!!!! So in answer to your potentially-rhetorical question, Mr. Queens, those men(white AND BLACK....because yes, they are out there as well....they just might show it in different ways) simply need to "grow a pair" and date who makes them happy....AND AS HISTORY HAS SHOWN, WE (AS WOMEN OF COLOR) CAN MAKE ANY MAN HAPPY. You know as well as I do, Mr. Queens that being a punk does not limit itself to one color, income-bracket or even gender. In this day and age ALL people need to claim responsiblity for their own happiness (or unhappiness, as the case may be). But be aware as you try and shine a light on one particular group.....your own "house" may NOT be spotless. There are plenty of people "living a lie" simply because it is what is "expected" of them or because they care just a little too much about what others think......PERIOD. Some may think they have to be "ghetto" or "hard" to survive but that may not be who they really are....they might disrepect others because they feel that is the only way they can get respect......THIS IS JUST ONE EXAMPLE. It all boils down to what is really important to you. You, yourself, have said that the nerdy guys are ones that tend to get passed've given your theories on this (which actually make alot of sense to me.....personally, I have always been attracted to the "geeky" types....but hey, whatever). So I think you understand the CORE nature of why some women of color get passed by ......IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH HER TRUE DESIRABILITY. It's all about that OTHER person's priorities......AND the negative propaganda/publicity that is pushed onto her from nearly every corner of the media....YOU KNOW THIS TO BE TRUE. This may even be why you have chosen your current hobby/ slander women of color even more. The fact is you are an intelligent (albeit ignorant....yes, that can happen) man so I think you recognize that in times such as these negativity and sensationalism can sell. I mean, I have never personally downgraded the black man but I get lumped in with all other "sell-out" women (which I actually agree exist, IF you are sticking to your original definition....WHICH YOU RARELY DO). What other reason would an intelligent man do this other than to perpetuate a negative "round-table" to further his "mission"???? I could be wrong.....(probably not). can no longer say THAT PARTICULAR QUESTION did not get answered......put it to bed, please and get another anthem. ...And yes, sometimes when you feed something it comes back and/or grows......but sometimes....just sometimes it starts to NOT like the "diet" and moves the phuck on.....I had to give it at least one more try.....LOL. Peace and Blessings tatted2death
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bluescene says:Posted: 08 Jun 09
"...Come on people now, smile on each other. Everybody get together, try to love one another right now."
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phree says:Posted: 07 Jun 09
And one more thing......any person who bashes someone of another gender, I dont care for whatever reason or what color has issues that I i would truly take a good look at. Gender bashing, no matter what color is involved shows some issues that should be noted. Women are Women. Men are Men. I have absolutely no use for Men who do not respect and care about Women. I have absolutely no use for Women who do not respect and care about Men. Are you ppl forgetting that relationships, and loving is a CHOICE! If you messed up with a choice or too, well pull up your bootstraps, admit the mistake and move on. Sheesh the last thing I would ever do is go around telling everyone in the world what a fool I was for making a bad choice that like saying hey everyone look how stupid I was!And in any case, if was MY choice. I dunno where you ppl are coming from. And I dont think I want to know.
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phree says:Posted: 07 Jun 09
Since when does loving someone or being in a relationship with another person have anything to do with their color and/or what other ppl think? Its the same for every relationship, when that front door closes its all about family and the ppl inside. Nobody else pays their bills, nobody else is there, they support and care for each other. What the heck are you ppl talking about??? White, Brown, Black, Purple or Yellow with stripes....I want the BEST man I can get and to heck with everyone else who thinks its THEIR choice!
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godiva61 says:Posted: 07 Jun 09
To: CCBEAR, On behalf of myself, thank you for your word's here, this is what I have been trying to say all along. I totally agree with you!! The one thing that you said about checking yourself really hit hit the nail on the head. It's "easier" for people to blame other's, it's much harder to deal with yourself and since when does the color of one's skin defines your character? It takes two people to be in a relationship. If you are willing to work and take the credit for the relationship when it's going well, then should also take your share of the responsibility when it's not going well... Thanks again!!
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Member says:Posted: 07 Jun 09
Let me take this bullet out of this gun right now. I am more than willing to talk objectively to everyone. I just don't talk 'around" people. I can always do that no problem. I don't like self righteous people that again act like the victim. If you read the topic in the beginning it says "Black women have no option". I don't even know how it became about how some people "personally' feel about another person. So you didn't have an argument since 2003, what does that have to do with the topic. You claim it is like talking to a door knob that could be consider name calling. Instead of tackling the topic head on. You want to dodge the subject and play "nice" with everyone. The fact remains their are people on "both sides" that date inter racially for different reasons. Most people date outside their race because they been "hurt" by their own race of women or men. A white guy said why he does not date white women anymore. Nobody says anything about it. You know they won't say anything. It benefits them to have a disgruntled white men leaving white women to be with them. Instead of saying " why you don't like your own race of women". See you never catch me doing that. There is nothing in my background that would indicate that I sellout. The main reason why some black women have limited options dating is because of the hole they dug themselves into. Of course they will be upset if I point that out. I will even put it in simpler terms. How many white men have been turned down in the past by a black women they liked? Now ask yourself why are black women 'interested" in you NOW. They keep asking "when are you going to change for the better". I changed for the better what the hell are you talking about. When you are going to get off your high horse princess. Your not sorry you offended people. You admit you openly pushed people away, which includes white men. Now you want sympathy for your behavior. It is like the preacher that was a drunk trying to tell me to see jesus. They spent half their lives drinking and want to lecture to me. I will come back to the original question why are white men picking you last. (Waving these statistics in the air) Because shit if supposedly bad in the black community. I would hate to be a second option to anybody.
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godiva61 says:Posted: 06 Jun 09
To: Ms. Peanut, If I offended you, I am truly sorry... I wasn't implying that you or anyone else was "stupid" for making an attempt to have a decent, conversation. I think almost everyone here has tried to make an attempt to have a decent conversation and most people have given him the benefit of the doubt, or at least tried to, even if it was only once. However it just seems that if you are not in total agreement, then you might as well be talking to a doorknob... That's not to say that one or two point's haven't been debatable/true, but somehow the message get's lost because of the name calling, and the ranting and raving. It would be nice if sometimes we all could listen more objectively, or at the very least, refrain from name calling and such behavior's, especially when we hear something that is not pleasing to us... I believe in standing firm on logic, but I also believe in common sense, and being realistic. I, and I'm only speaking for myself, I can't see how I could have a decent and meaningful conversation with someone who is so narrow minded and has such a closed heart. Someone has to talk, someone has to listen. I also don't believe that it's highly likely that one is able to establish, maintain and prosper in any relationship, if one is totally selfish.... For myself, I hate to argue! The last time that I had a heated argument with someone was February 23, 2003..........I was told a long time ago, when I was working through college, that I "was too full of pride" because I would just push everyone away who tried to help me. I was determined to die than to take help. I would go to bed hungry before I let someone help me. When people told me about my pride, I flat out, and very stubbornly denied it, I didn't want to hear it. It wasn't until I was totally honest with myself about the why I refused help, and where it stemmed from, is when the light came on. I also really got it, when I tried to help someone who really needed help, and he flat out refused me, and that's when I saw how ridiculous my own behavior was. Some of us are not going to change for the better, unless we really want to, or see a need to change... Again, I'm sorry if I offended you, that was not my goal...
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Member says:Posted: 06 Jun 09
Dear CCBEAR I can accept how you feel about the subject. The fact is when sellout black women drag black men into their shit. My reaction is going to be this way. If they dated a white man and didn't have to bash black men. I would take the high road and not even respond. Nobody stops them from dating who they want. They have to boost their egos by saying "black men" are all these negative things to get "other races" of men interested in them. So when I react it is always going to be "we are bitter and etc". I assure black men are not bitter about anything. We are not having dating issues. From my understand professional black men are doing well in the dating scene. That doesn't even make sense to me. Now if people took half the time to see what is written about black men compared to my little blog. They would would see who instigates the fights. I contribute to the fighting because I believe you have to destroy and then rebuild. For those black women in interracial relationship that are truly happy I don't see them on blogs. They do their "own" thing. They ones that try to "pretend they " are the victims when I respond. I could care less because they are complicit in talking negative to black men. Generally what people would like to do. I will be very blunt about it. They would like to talk negatively about black men while kissing the white man's ass. They can't accept when somebody "hits" them back. If you mention black men in any negative way. I am obligated to respond back. You never say negative things about white men. You want to stand here and act like " I am the bad guy". You may not like your race or skin color. Just keep that shit to yourself. I never respond to the people who are looking to talk venture out. I respond to like 1 percent of this board. Everybody else keeps it moving. They are content with their lifestyle. I only respond when you say negative shit about black men. Other 'races of men" are starting to see through your bullshit. Using black men to "get attention". Go get a white man on your own merits and personality. You desperate hooker. End of story.
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CCBEAR says:Posted: 06 Jun 09
Mr Laurelton Queens, Sidney Hardman I’m new to this discussion and I have 2 admit this is very interesting stuff. There seems to be a lot of bitterness and hostility towards black women from obviously damaged black men. What concerns me is that these people who obviously have issues of oneself, use the argument of black women mistreating and belittling the black man as well as USING INTERRACIAL dating as a form of punishment towards the black man; to justify their simplistic judgements. You have obviously forgotten that general western society thinks lower of you, then the so called SELLOUT’S on this site...! The black women with in the west on a global scale are statistically more successful than her male counterpart, in the means of career prospects and education...FACT... Does this mean that black men are inadequate or has society’s elite fitted him into an inferior role...? NO because there are Good Successful Black men, just like there are Many Good Successful Black women. The majority of black women are still attracted to black men and are striving to find good humble ones regardless of his financial benefits. Work damn hard to keep the family and her career together and still does not get the respect she deserves. Look if you have a good BLACKWOMEN OR BLACKMAN cherish them... BUT you have NO DAMN right to come on this website and start slating black women who date out of their race ;Just like Black men get defensive over Black women criticising their relationships with other RACES,Isn't that hypocracy...HMMM. Why should anyone feel guilt, If it is real Love Either way it’s not fair...IT IS NO-ONES BUT THE INDIVIDUALS BUSINESS.... IF Black women ARE SCUM, THEN WHAT DOES THAT MAKE A BLACKMAN....? Think About That, I feel so embarrassed by these uneducated idiots views, I am sorry to hear that in some of your experiences it has been a bitter one however running away to other continents’ to find a stereotype of what you believe is a more superior women, may end up in the same way. I was always taught that if something repeatedly happens to you then the question shouldn’t be what is wrong with other’s but what is wrong with me for attracting this treatment. Why should you take out life’s disappointments on black women, belittling them in order to make your life’s woes seem less bitter? Do you think 4 a minute that a Black woman contemplates her relationship’s on the ideals of another’s belief or disappointment, you must have a sad relationship/life. Or she is just scrapping the barriers of desperation and ends up with a Whiteman, You Joker... Who cares what you Think or How hurt you are by her perceived rejection of you...Black women are one of the most Beautiful, Intelligent and Humble Women in the World & Yes she is capable of being attractive to other races. Although Chris rock is a comic and this was supposed to be a joke, There are a lot of Men who believe the same view of Chris Rock’s comment in order to feel more validated and superior as a man and the fear of losing their own women’s respect, they use forms of subconscious control as a tactic make them feel that there worthless as a way of maintaining this imbalance. This is not to bash all the other ‘Good’ Black men on this site just the imbeciles on here. HOLD YOUR HEAD UP WOMEN OF ALL RACES AND BE WITH THE ONE YOU LOVE.God bless u CCBEAR
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Member says:Posted: 06 Jun 09
Hold on wait a damn minute! (Like the Atlanta girl off her meds on youtube). I got a problem when Peanut and Godiva trying to "speak for me". I got a big problem when they "speculate" on what I am thinking about! I tell people I have a woman. I don't got time to school people on how wrong they are to do interracial dating. Apparently, they like to speak "down" to me. Instead of tackling the real issue of why white men pick black women last for dating. I get no answers to that question TO THIS DAY! I put a yahoo article up on my blog. It is GENERATING some buzz. I also did it on here. Instead of dealing with the real issue. Your upset because I am telling you "the truth". If you don't like the truth then put your head in the sand then. You claim I don't answer your logical comments. What logical "comments". You mean the wishful thinking that white men is going to take you the suburbs to meet their family that DO NOT approve of you. So don't give me that lecture that my negativity is causing this. The other wishful thinking they do. " Oh white men will turn around" and date chubby Tameka from the Southside of Chicago. Sorry if I haven't seen that. I have plenty of black women that agree with me. I document the E Harmony boycott. You know why I did it? I saw a black girl talking about "why white men don't want me on E Harmony". They act like I make this up. Why would you go on E Harmony begging white men to date you? Where is your self respect? How can I make up white men choosing different woman to date. I can't control that at all. Peanut shouldn't give me no energy. She know better that is why. I don't go back and forth with people unless that can disprove the statistics I put up. The only answer I get is the "numbers" is not correct. They are not correct?????????? Tell Oprah aka Godvia you still saying negative shit indirectly. I must be penalized for my opinions about things that "are true". You rather have black women get taken advantage by degenerate white men just say black women "were" wanted by white men. That's sick, they want a serious relationship. You didn't say shit when White Mack Daddy said he was sleeping "with several black women" and turned 1 lesbian girl into a straight one. I never heard your response. Maybe I am wrong about it. Stop riding the fence like your "some" pro black girl looking to find a middle ground. There is no middle ground. Love yourself and your race and maybe I could listen to you. Good day
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Peanut says:Posted: 06 Jun 09
Godiva61, my brief comment was for blackviolet not for Mr. laurelton. I'm not giving him any "energy." Also I have very little experience with him so I had to read a few of his posts before I could see what he was. In any case it's my choice (and anybody's choice) if they choose to continue to have dialog with him. It doesn't mean they are stupid for doing it. Maybe they are just intrepid and would like to try to slowly make him see his own image. Who knows. My main point is that logic is solid like a brick and few people can argue around it. Black violets points were solid. Mr. Laurelton can't continue dialog with people that place solid logical points in front of him. He can only go away to either ignore it or think about it but he can't stay and fight. You notice he hasn't posted lately? The thing to take away is IF and when you argue with someone like him make sure you are standing on firm logic not an adolescent soapbox.
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Member says:Posted: 06 Jun 09
Garcon: But what if the photo showed a White man kissing a Black Woman? I think the norm would still apply. JL: I don't think so, for we've seen White males in a ton of movies kissing, etc. Women of Color from all over the globe. However, the first "movie kiss" between a Man of Color and a White woman....happened decades afterward the reverse example. The fact that a lot of controversy surrounded the decision to show such an indicative of the problem. Two, would the "passive communication style" of middle- and upper-class White women allow them to publicly criticize intimate interactions between a White male and a Woman of Color?! I highly doubt it. However, has the anonymity of the internet changed this dynamic?!
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godiva61 says:Posted: 06 Jun 09
To: Ms. Peanut, I hope this day find's you and your's in the best of health and spirit. I'm coming to you in peace, so please hear me out. Also if I say something here that you do not agree with, I will humble myself by listening to you.... I am not a perfect person so I am willing to accept your "positive" feedback. You are my sister and sister's should be able to keep an open dialogue.... I just wanted to touch base on your comments in your above post about that was directly towards one individual... please hear me out. I am not saying that you do not have the right to speak and you are not the only person here who feels this way or has expressed similar sentiment's to this person. My question is "what is the point"? Should you expect a bus driver to be able to fly a 747? Can you draw water from a empty well? Would you expect to find water in the desert? When I get on a plane I expect a professional pilot to be in the cockpit, if I found out otherwise, I'd be off that plane in a heartbeat... I wouldn't go to the Sahara Desert looking for water, but who in their right mind would? As soon as I realized that the water well was empty, I wouldn't stick around waiting for it to be filled up, I'd go to the well that had water.. You , myself, blackviolet and the other 99.5% know the real and the true motive for his being here. It is so transparent to everyone. How can it not be? I'm still trying to figure out why is it that someone who claims to be happily engaged, and is preparing to start a life with this person, has and does spend so much time on a "dating site".. I would think that such a person would have other priorities to tend to. We have heard it day in and day out, over and over again. There's nothing new, there's nothing uplifting or inspirational and it's never POSITIVE and extremely BORING... Why do positive people interact and engage in conversation's with NEGATIVE people? Why knowingly would you give such a person any ammunition? Stop acknowledging the "message" and the "messenger"!!! Would you give a crazed man dynamite? Would you give a drunk the key's to your car? I know that you are tired of hearing the nonsense, the 3rd grade rhetoric, and the elementary mentality of the name calling but what can you do? Since that mentality is already there, you nor I can ever change it. We can't change people but we can change ourselves.. Maybe it's time that we change our mindset about who and what we respond to.. It's healthy to be able to disagree with other's but you know that in this situation, you are in a no win situation!!!! How can you have a healthy, and meaningful dialogue with anyone who has already placed a "negative and degrading label" aside your name? You can't!! Also, in order for the conversation to be productive, don't you have to be honest? Shouldn't it be clear to know exactly what the person(s) main issue/concern is? Everday it's something different, and then the rambling, and ranting start's.. Today it's women(black) who bash black men, the next day is black women so called "self hatred" because they date non-black. If and when a black woman dates/marries other than black, she hates herself. Is that not retarded? When a black man does it he's validated..I have seen several times when a black woman made no mention of a black man in her comments, and they will get the same defiled treatment as the one's who have made derogatory comments about black men, no win situation!!! In my opinion it's wrong on both sides. If you want a decent, healthy relationship, then you should focus on the inner person, and not the person's outter exterior, be it beauty or the color of one's skin. A certain color is no gauarantee for a successful relationship... When you are a honest, fair, and a noble person, you do not "lump" all into one group. Your experiences with people should be based "solely" on the individual that you had the relationship with, but also, one should be honest by what they brought to the table. Take responsibility for self!!! So it's safe to say we know certain motive's for being here, and it's ONLY to degarde and put down black women, and the truth is, he is not the only one, he is just up front about it. The other(s) is just a little more subtle about it, or should I say sneaky... We know what to expect, we know what's coming every single time, day in and day out. The same lmited and boring nonsense. Let no one have enough power to make you lose sight of yourself and your reason(s) for being here. They can only still your joy if you let them!!!! Never compromise your standard's, your characteristic by stooping down to their level. What you say to a person can have a great impact on their lives, but what you don't say is just as powerful, sometimes, it's even more powerful!!! The heart of a man, is the soul of a man!! Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.... A man wrapped up in himself makes a very small bundle.. It's in my humble opinion that this site was designed for DECENT people to possibly date, communicate, to make new friend's, to learn, to grow, to think, to be honest, to listen, to talk, and be respectful of ALL, and to be ENCOURAGED and not DISCOURAGED, so let's not lose site of this conception. The one or two that are here to DESTROY,and DISCOURAGE, give to them this..... ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!!!!!! If you would not invite such people to your home, then why entertain them here? There is no medical cure for the DISEASED SOUL... love and peace godiva61
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Delphine00 says:Posted: 06 Jun 09
One other thing: Chris Rock is a comedian. (Some may differ as to that "definition.") Nevertheless, he is billed as one and gets paid as one. Comedians are forever voicing their opinions. Some of those opinions represent their beliefs, some represent a cheap laugh. Does it really matter which is which? Seriously, I think not. Chris Rock makes a living by being controversial. The more people talk about him, the greater likelihood that he will get more visibility. Visibility translates into dollars. And,...the brother ain't broke! I only wish I could make one statement, get over 250 responses in a blog, cut a CD and get royalties as a result of it. LOL The brother is laughing all the way to the bank.
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Delphine00 says:Posted: 06 Jun 09
Many of these responses are generalizations and stereotypes taken as fact. It's so sad! What you believe to be true is true for you. No one can disabuse you of what you believe to be true. That will only happen when you choose to see reality more clearly. There are cultures within cultures. All cultures do not depend on race or nationality. There are family cultures and workplace cultures as well as the "commonly" classified/recognized racial and ethnic cultures. It is, IMHO, patently stupid to base one's opinion of another solely on one or two characteristics. People are not that shallow, really. Even the shallow-minded individual is multilayered.
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Peanut says:Posted: 06 Jun 09
Black Violet, WOW!!! Thank you, thank you. I feel as if I came back from vacation and left someone more than capable to take over for me. Thanks for being a solid logical voice for black women. And I agree, queenie is mentally unhealthy (probably needs meds) and probably has no real fiance. Also I have yet to lay eyes on this guy. He said his picture is posted on his blog but if it is it's not obvious.
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Lee4love3 says:Posted: 04 Jun 09
BBWIF, Get off of that high stool laced with "prejudicial issues". You have just said the most dumbest thing. Think--all Black Men are not bad and all White Men are not bad. Some of the sorry men exist in all races. We just have seen our Men problem magnified. Now I could go deep into why, but I won't. This is a thinking thing you ought to do--as I see it now. We Black Men have gotten to a point we could blanket a lot of Women with pointed fingers, but we sometimes don't. At least I will not do it. I will just say, I have met my share of sorry Black Women, which is not to say--"All Black Women" are sorry. I want to point out we are all human and we all have our frailties. I happen to think there are many Asin, Hispanic and White Women with good looks. But that doesn't mean I wantt them all to be with. I know that looks go but so far. I have to be treated with respect or I don't want no one with me. We all learn from our backgrounds and we sometimes take this odd behavior into our adulthood. Maybe Chris Rock made a good point. Many of the Black Women I have met say--they are forever searching for her Black King. Some are now 58 to 65--still waiting it out. I am not gonna do no sucj thing. I have come to a firm conclusion. If a Woman who is from an Asian nation appeals to me, I am going to take that leap of faith, built on love of her. It will not matter if a Black Woman see's me in a social gathering, at the mall, at church or anywhere adults or crowds gather. What's funny is, that is the only time some Women notice me. If I am with a Woman outside my race. Then they get a look on their face, act like that is the hardest thing fo me to do. I for one am tired of holding out for this special someone. I am tired of meeting the ladies who are trying to get her academy award,then 6 months down the line--she is acting her normal foolish self. I am tired of the Women saying--a Woman outside of the Black race is nasty or trashy. Now the Woman has got to be nasty to date me? So what is that saying about as a Black man--before I met her?
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Jan says:Posted: 03 Jun 09
blackviolet, you are so right about Mr. Laurelton. He keeps emphasizing his fiancee is not "full" black so we can get the picture that he has something "strange". What's interesting is he's not so vociferous against black men who date nonblacks "exclusively". I first saw him on go figure!! He's the type of black man that gloats and love to see black men with nonblacks but expect black women to sit around waiting to be used as back up units. It just ain't like that and he may as well get used to it. On, the guy has had multiple failed relationships with white women and he has never ripped him for despising black women. The hypocrisy is off the charts.
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thecuddaking says:Posted: 29 May 09
To beachkisses: I still have not heard from u. I will wait anxiously to hear from u to learn everything I can about u! Or any woman for that matter that would like to engage in a friendly conversation can contact me! My email again in case u missed it is:
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blackviolet says:Posted: 29 May 09
Mr Laurelton Queens, You are so arrogant and full of yourself, it is ridiculous! All you have done is used bullying and circular logic to enhance your twisted little cause. Yes, I have seen some of your posts on other sites, and I just wonder why do you do this? If you have your own blog then why post on a site that you KNOW, you will be the instigator. Your posts and entire demeanor is the equivalent of putting fire out with gasoline. I have read your posts- you make no sense to me. Part of me believes you are mentally ill. You say you have a career, a fiancee yet you spend an enormous amount of time going on IR websites/blogs specifically to demean and disparage black women for wanting more out of life than what your narrow, self-important conceived notions of what black women should be. Seriously man, you are just an internet gangster who tries to keep a stronghold on black women who want to live for themselves despite what others may think. I really believe you need psychiatric help, out of all the posts I read for this thread, I believe your comments were by far the most vicious and filled with vitriol then any I have ever seen. What purpose does it serve you to discourage black women from being in interracial relationships if you yourself are "happily engaged?" Hmmm, I don't get it. You give black women shit for dating non-black men but you claim to be with a woman who is half Puerto Rican? Um,okay, makes sense as long as she identifies more with her "black side," as you say; Yeah, real logical. I understand you having an opinion, a very warped one, I might add but it is your opinion. I even understand you going on IR blogs stating this opinion. However, to go on an IR dating website bashing people who just want to find the best mate possible no matter what color they might be- it's immature and evil! Like I said before, you are just an internet gangster who walks around with his chest poked out, filled with pomposity and delusions of grandeur. You say that you are tired of these black female IR bloggers bashing black men, however do you think being a misogynistic, brutalizing, emotional abusive ass makes you better than they are? Do you really believe that? Now, you can come back at me all you want with one of those grandiose essays that are nothing more than hate spewed shit-talk- but I know you are just full of hot air. It's all just smoke and mirrors with you. You say the same thing in EVERY SINGLE post you write- all of them talking about "sell out black women." Blah, blah, fucking blah. All you are trying to do is keep your foot on the neck of black women, especially black American women! It's funny that you spend so much time debating, internet ice-grilling and policing IR blogs/sites telling black women what we are doing wrong and how we can't keep a man etc., yet you do not extend the same "courtesy," to other black men who are on this site for the same purpose of having dating options. I have never seen any of your posts talk about "sell out black men," even when some black men in this very thread have said they don't date black women for whatever negative reason/lame excuse they come up with. Nope! It's all one note with you, and it's getting played out. It seems to me that it's okay to hate, bash, denigrate and subjugate black women to humiliation- but God forbid something negative is said about a black man; even when SOME of you are clearly fucking up! I just read in Essence Magazine that 35% more black women suffer from domestic violence then whites and the majority of these women are married to black men. Let's not even go there about the percentage of heterosexual black women with HIV/AIDS, who ONCE AGAIN, the majority are married/sleeping with black males. Black women can't be entirely to blame for everything- it's just not plausible. Both black women and men have to take responsibility for our lives and make good choices, just like every other human being. You are using black women as a scapegoat as much as you claim black female IR bloggers are emphasizing negativity in a certain segment of black males. You are no better than what you loathe, Mr. Laurelton Queens- that is the pathetic irony of this whole back and forth IR debate. I believe that some men, no matter what color they are- do not believe black women deserve happiness, that we are just humanoids, sperm receptacles that are just born to take whatever garbage some men throw at us: but in my own personal experience 80% of them have been men of my own color and have witnessed it in my community. As a black woman it used to disturb me but I have accepted it and moved forward. If moving forward means looking towards good, quality men of ALL races and I won't settle for less. I think even if people like Evia, CW or Sara didn't exists, you would still bad mouth black women in IR just because you feel you can get away with it and that you are so fueled by your own self-importance that all black women should be perpetuated in your own warped image- and any bw who strays from your ideal- namely being with a non-black man is a "sellout." Do me and yourself a favor and stay on your little blog where you can write about anything you damn well please- I'm not going to read it that's for damn sure: but stay the hell off IR dating sites where people have done nothing but exercised a right to date who the fuck we want and the black women in question have personally done NOTHING TO YOU!
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rain says:Posted: 29 May 09
I agree with BeachKisses, when i date a white guy, he seems to feel confident. like i got me a sista!
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muscleeolman says:Posted: 27 May 09
"Never dated a black woman, but I am definitely interested. It just sucks 'cos I don't even know where to start." You sound like a 40 year old virgin...MAN UP!
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_Legion_ says:Posted: 26 May 09
Never dated a black woman, but I am definitely interested. It just sucks 'cos I don't even know where to start. BTW, pretty interesting comments here, most are very well, but some are just senseless.
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muscleeolman says:Posted: 26 May 09
I must say some of the finest sistas are opting at this site. You white dudes got the cream of the crop! Bout 90% of the white women here are homely looking.
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SanAntonioBeauty says:Posted: 25 May 09
After reading some of the posting, especially those of black women, my feelings are mixed. I'm sad to read that some of you don't see yourself measuring up to other race of women. In fact, you should see yourself as being beyond the standard of white women. You have everything white women(for that matter many other race of women)want. Black women graduate from college at a higher rate than white women, White women are forever destroying their bodies to look like black women. The amount of money white women spend on tanning is beyond the imagination. Have you ever seen a white women you can say carries her self in a regal manner, never. I know you've seen many black women who are just breathtaking. As on white women stated here, she has privilege as a white woman. I may add to that by saying with such heady ideas of privilege comes much less intestinal fortitude. You can't say black women doesn't have intestinal fortitude in the face of the most difficult situation. Now, tell me why would any black women want to be, even look like a white woman, or not consider herself a Queen? Consequently, we have more options than anyone might think. We just need to acknowledge the obvious and carry ourselves accordingly, then there will be no question about our options. By the way, I read a survey of white men who are interested in black women, recently. It turns out those enlighten white men prefer dark skin intelligent black women with African features. In addition, there are many, many white men who are fed up with white women attitude of superiority, entitlement, destruction of their bodies to look like black women, and with how they treat white men. Many white men feel emasculated my white women to the point that they will no longer entertain being with a white women. I suspect you are going to see more and more white men exercising their options and looking to black women for meaningful relationships.
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beachkisses says:Posted: 24 May 09
Most of the white men ive dated confidence actually goes up when they date me. Its more like wow, i can get a black woman!
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GarconBlanc says:Posted: 24 May 09
Peanut said: "WHITE MEN DON’T DATE BLACK WOMEN MUCH BECAUSE THEY FEEL IT MAKES THEM LOOK LIKE A LOSER. “THIS IS ALL I COULD GET”" That is so wrong, Peanut. In the 70's, I had the most emotional, spiritual and physical relationship with a woman of color. But it really had nothing to do with the color of our skin. It had all to do with LOVE! We were both winners in this relationship.
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Maidinheaven says:Posted: 24 May 09
C. Rock is entitled to his opinion, however, I find some White men very attractive; their mannerisms, features, physiques, personalities, intuition, and many other characteristics. I also enjoy the intellectual stimulation ;they have a different perspective on life and have few limitations. I am fortunate in that I have a choice: Black or White; I get lots of attention from both and some.
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hiddengem says:Posted: 13 May 09
I've never cared too much for Chris Rock. He doesn't speak for me. I AM attracted to white men and that is who I date I don't feel as though they are some kind of last resort and I am defiantly not desperate. I could careless who black men date I am happy that people just find love. But for him to say that black women are angry... blah blah blah...well I feel as a black women that I have been lumped into his comment. I've never even dated a black guy! So...ahhh why is it that some black men feel that they can speak for the black women? He can only speak for himself.
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GarconBlanc says:Posted: 12 May 09
Jordan: "“The 7 Best Places to Smooch” was one of the stories on the 10th April cover of GO! magazine and to go along with it was this photo of an interracial couple kissing. Well, that photo ended up generating a lot of queasiness in many – evidenced by reader comments of the online version - simply because a Black man was kissing a White woman." Sounds like the norm, if these comments were made by Whites. But what if the photo showed a White man kissing a Black Woman? I think the norm would still apply. I say this because it is most Whites that are stuck on one's skin color. That has been my experience. It is really a shame.
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JordanMardan says:Posted: 12 May 09
As I asked above, why is there sooooooooooooo much focus by this site's moderators on Blacks, particularly when their own posted articles show that a lot of whites find inter-ethnic dating/marriage offensive: April 27th, 2009 Interracial couple kissing churns stomachs Posted by James post photo “The 7 Best Places to Smooch” was one of the stories on the 10th April cover of GO! magazine and to go along with it was this photo of an interracial couple kissing. Well, that photo ended up generating a lot of queasiness in many – evidenced by reader comments of the online version - simply because a Black man was kissing a White woman. :roll: Check out some of the comments: “Haven’t read the story but dont like to see blacks and whites kissing;” – reader 1buschstadiumplz “This doesn’t surprise me at all. Libs take every opportunity they can to shove miscegenation in our faces. Now that TV has to show blacks in every commercial, notice that they are always posed beside a blonde woman. Not a brunette, a blonde. Its done for shock value. Sickening that a once proud newspaper would resort to this. Joe Pulitzer is turning over in his grave in shame.” – reader taxpayer “I’m not judging the concept of biracial couples at all, but in a city as racially polarized as St. Louis, I’m shocked that the PD would go so out of its way to be so gratuitously provocative. This completely undercut the message of the article.” – reader greggh PS: And these are just the subtle ones. Most of the comments had inappropriate offensive language. (end) JL: And just who were the overwhelming majority, if not all, that wrote those comments?! Do we need to ask? Nope.
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Member says:Posted: 12 May 09
Garcon: This report also says Black women are much more likely to exhibit multiple partner fertility than other women. JL: How are they assessing that stat? By children? If someone has sex with multiple partners, but aborts the babies, what then?! Which group has the highest rate of abortions? Garcon: and I know that cheap food is normally not good for you. JL: The cheaper foods are the highest in sodium, fat, etc. Hence, there is a positive correlation between obesity and "level of poverty." Garcon: is that Black American men like it that way. But I find that very unsubstantiated. So, according to a 2008 survey, 79.8 African American women are obese, compared to 57.9 White American women JL: Right. It is indeed unsubstantiated. I only know one Black man that threatened to leave his girlfriend...when "she lost weight." So I would say that's likely the norm (very, very small percentage)everywhere. Garcon: The number of obese Black women are high within the group, but fewer than Whites collectively. JL: Right. What would happen if "racial" labels were eliminated? How would that affect the interpretation of stats?!
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Meffie says:Posted: 11 May 09
Wow, that's a wonderful quote: you cannot mend an amputated spirit. That is so tragically true. On the subject of Hitler; those people who are claiming the Holocaust never happened make me physically ill. My parents had dear friends, the Urbachs, who were Auchwitsz survivors. I heard stories about that terrible experience and I saw the blue tattoos on their wrists. We can never forget that this atrocity happened, for in forgetting it, we can allow it to happen again!! Hatred is a terrible emotion and we humans would surely have been better off as a species if we were incapable of feeling it. I have never hated anyone and I think God for this. --Beth :)
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anonymous says:Posted: 11 May 09
Hitler should have been stopped in Munich, but the powers to be, looked the other way and convinced themselves, that he won't progress. Not only did Hitler moved forward, he destroyed so many generations in the process. Point of this post, "We get what we get because we accept what accept"! " It's better to stand up for something than to lay down for anything" This site was intended so that people of all races, and walks of life could meet, interact, communicate, and to get to know each other. Let's keep that in mind. I'd like to believe that the majority of the people who visit this site is truly looking for love, genuine love. I also believe that only a few, very few, uses this site to spew their venom, hatred and ignorance in order to be heard and this is their format to do so. They are the schoolyard bullies, they are the miserable, self hating, non capable of love, beings. Like the playground bully acts out in the only way that he knows how, this is their playground. You never know how stupid someone is until they open their mouth! It's one such person on here who is the epitamy of STUPID AND IGNORANT! My question is this "why have we allowed this person to inject his ignorance and his demeaning spirit onto this site"? It's one thing to voice your opinion, we all have that right to do so, however being called degrading, inappropiate and nasty name calling is wrong. What's worse is that we have sat back and allowed it! In your home and on your job, would this be tolerated? Men would you want this behavior directed at your wife, your daughter? This behavior is unacceptable! You and I can not mend an amputated spirit. There is no medical cure for the ignorant and hateful soul. The angry, the downtrodden, the hurt, the misguided eventually and prayerfully, respond to genuine love and affection from others and view life in a whole new light, they learn, they grow. "When you know better, you do better"! In closing, please do not allow this person to continue to hijack this site due to his anger, frustration and his own personal demons. Have pity for him, but don't indulge him. His very existence and self worth is fulfilled only by the verbal venom that's buried so deep in his heart, and comes out of his mouth. "Out of the heart, the mouth speaks". I can't imagine going through life with so much anger, not enough love and such feelings of unworthiness. The way we interact with others is the truest compliment of how we view ourselves. Thank GOD that the majority on this site own and cherish, the beauitiful view.... Love to all P.S There is power in unity!!!
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Member says:Posted: 06 May 09
It is unfortunate in this day and time, African American Women are still having to fight for survival from all ends-the daily rat race, jobs, money, a right in this world and relationships. Nothing has ever been easy for the African American woman. No one knows the daily struggle of an an African American woman nor do you know what she wants because you don't ask? African American women select a man they want whether he is black or white based on their own criteria and choice in the significant other to whom they hope will make them happy. But in the majority of cases, it is for compatibility believe it or not. there are women who just want someone to love them and be happy! Imagine that! African American women get nasty stares and comments too when they are with a handsome, successful white man. So, don't think for one instance women of color don't see the forest for the trees! Before you judge a book by its cover. Learn alittle more. If women kept their legs closed, ask more questions before sleeping with someone, raised the bar in the selection of man and thought more of how they each could bring great things to a relationship, there would be happier relationship for both men and women, less divorce and a better world to live in. Girls remember this, "When a man decides he wants to get married, he wants to know he is marrying the best. No man wants to marry the town tramp!" While No one person or race has the patent on scuffling, try looking in the mirror before you judge an African American woman. Maybe you are not happy with yourself and changing races won't change that! Life is about choices and how we make the best of what we have.
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godiva61 says:Posted: 30 Apr 09
To Everyone, Any person who say's "that they ONLY date white men because they treat them better" or they will ONLY date white women because, you can fill in the blanks, are just as bad as the people who HATE one group over another. You are stereotyping and that is just unfair and somewhat ignorant!! I thought the concept of dating was sharing common interest's, mutual respect, and just getting to know someone. Judge EACH person on their own merits, rather than judging that particular race. I would be insulted if you were ONLY dating me because of my skin color!!! Also, Laurelton Queens is a bitter, unhappy, miserable person who obviously is filled with such contempt and self hatred!! Have you ever noticed that he spends so much time on this site because THIS IS ALL THAT HE HAS!!! A blow up doll is not a fiance. If he is so happy with his life, why in the hell does he spend so much energy on black women dating white men? Why is this so important to him? Did anyone ask his opinion on this subject? Who cares what he thinks? He needs this site because noone else will interact with him. Okay he has made his feelings known about black women dating white men and freedom of speech rocks, however if he is as intelligent, cultured and sophisticated as he tries to portray himself, then there would be no need to stoop to name calling and stereotyping. I'm sure that the black woman who dumped him and ended up being with a white man has devestated him and that's where his anger stems, however not every black woman should be or deserved to be subjected to his verbal venom. So to keep commenting on his ignorance and venom is just crazy and non productive and if you have doubts about what I am saying, listen to his response to this comment and ask yourself are you surprised and haven't you heard it all before? Keep color out of love!!!
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thecuddaking says:Posted: 22 Apr 09
Lovely Aries, Is that a German Pinscher you have?
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Cibal09 says:Posted: 22 Apr 09
Hi, y'all. Being new here, I haven't figured out how to start a new blog. So, I posted this here. Have any of you ever read the Urantia Book? It's an awesome book supposedly written by angels and it gives a history of earth, which it calls "Urantia". It teaches about the importance of developing a relationship with God. It also teaches that we are all given our personality from God and it's our responsibility to conform it (our personality) to his will. Anyway, I love this book and I took some excerpts out of it for you all to read. I hope you find them useful. The Urantia Book: Paper 85 – Excerpts from Chapters 5 and 6 - Marriage and Family Life (The Partnership of Men and Women) 84:5.13 Civilization never can obliterate the behavior gulf between the sexes. From age to age the mores change, but instinct never. Innate maternal affection will never permit emancipated woman to become man's serious rival in industry. Forever each sex will remain supreme in its own domain, domains determined by biologic differentiation and by mental dissimilarity. 84:5.14 Each sex will always have its own special sphere, albeit they will ever and anon overlap. Only socially will men and women compete on equal terms. 84:6.7 While the sexes never can hope fully to understand each other, they are effectively complementary, and though co-operation is often more or less personally antagonistic, it is capable of maintaining and reproducing society. 84:6.2 Every successful human institution embraces antagonisms of personal interest which have been adjusted to practical working harmony, and homemaking is no exception. Marriage, the basis of home building, is the highest manifestation of that antagonistic co-operation which so often characterizes the contacts of nature and society. The conflict is inevitable. Mating is inherent; it is natural. But marriage is not biologic; it is sociologic. Passion insures that man and woman will come together, but the weaker parental instinct and the social mores hold them together. 84:6.3 Male and female are, practically regarded, two distinct varieties of the same species living in close and intimate association. Their viewpoints and entire life reactions are essentially different; they are wholly incapable of full and real comprehension of each other. Complete understanding between the sexes is not attainable. 84:6.4 Women seem to have more intuition than men, but they also appear to be somewhat less logical. Woman, however, has always been the moral standard-bearer and the spiritual leader of mankind. The hand that rocks the cradle still fraternizes with destiny. 84:6.5 The differences of nature, reaction, viewpoint, and thinking between men and women, far from occasioning concern, should be regarded as highly beneficial to mankind, both individually and collectively. Many orders of universe creatures are created in dual phases of personality manifestation. 84:6.6 Men and women need each other in their morontial and spiritual as well as in their mortal careers. The differences in viewpoint between male and female persist even beyond the first life and throughout the local and superuniverse ascensions. And even in Havona (heaven), the pilgrims who were once men and women will still be aiding each other in the Paradise ascent. Never, even in the Corps of the Finality, will the creature metamorphose so far as to obliterate the personality trends that humans call male and female; always will these two basic variations of humankind continue to intrigue, stimulate, encourage, and assist each other; always will they be mutually dependent on co-operation in the solution of perplexing universe problems and in the overcoming of manifold cosmic difficulties. 84:6.7 While the sexes never can hope fully to understand each other, they are effectively complementary, and though co-operation is often more or less personally antagonistic, it is capable of maintaining and reproducing society.
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luvanurse says:Posted: 22 Apr 09
World Citizen, YOu sound like a wonderful human being with a beautiful soul. Love your comment. My friends who have traveled to Europe have always said that Europeans have a much more progressive view of life I love that.
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Damn, ya'll need some Xanax or something. LOL.....anyway, I love women of all colors. I am open to any race and see everyone on what's inside. We're all the same. Just different skin tones. I believe in peace and harmony with others and I hope everyone finds what they desire, including myself. (: