Black women have no option?

Posted by James, 23 Mar

Warning: This post may be offensive to some readers. This is not the objective. The post is in no way meant to defame or inflame any parties, groups or persons. It is simply meant to find out what people think about black white dating.

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In a bid to explain why Black women get upset about Black men dating White women, Chris Rock in his latest stand up comedy says all Black men have done is exercised their option. He goes on to say Black women are angry because they are not attracted to white men so they can’t exercise their option. All they can do is sleep with “pretty white boys" but generally, black women are not attracted to white men.

In my opinion, the above statements suggest Black women only date interracially out of desperation. In fact, most Black men believe so. And the finger pointing between Black men and Black women never ends. I don't think this is the case though and frankly, I have never understood why Black men and Black women have to come up with such crude and prejudiced remarks while trying to figure out the reasoning behind their counterparts' dating options. YES! Options.

What do you think of Chris Rock's theory?

636 responses to "Black women have no option?"

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  1.   searchanew says:
    Posted: 22 Apr 09

    Well so much for Chris Rock's opinion! And I truly applaud the many other Races’ that make the decision daily to date and marry outside their perspective races. Many of us realized that option long ago, Do you recall not very long ago it was against the Law no matter what race you were to date or marry outside your of race—Hello do we all remember that ...Now many of us have made that choice and I for one don't care what other people think about my choice in my life. I have often dated and yes married out of my race and have felt extremely comfortable in doing so! Often times when I see another mixed couple out together whether they black male/white female or vice or versus I truly smile to myself and I am happy to know that some of us are intelligent and open minded enough to know what makes us happy in our Lives. My choice was never because of any sort of desperation. And I personally don’t care if it bothers other Men or Women as I said it is my life not theirs!

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  2.   Ichibod says:
    Posted: 20 Apr 09

    World Citizen, YOU ARE AWESOME!!! It's funny you should mention handicapped people. The girl I met here used to date a black man that was handicapped, and I have read profiles of what appear to be very nice women with disabilities. I am waiting for James to start a blog topic on that. Your comment was wonderfully expressed!

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  3.   Austrian says:
    Posted: 20 Apr 09

    LOVE LETTER TO ALL WOMEN WHO ARE BLESSED WITH COLOR Being European (Austrian), I compliment you on your skin color. Believe me, in Europe women envy you for your beautiful tan! What could be more sensuous than dark skin with a silky shine and satin touch? The majority of Europeans try to tan themselves nowadays. They go to Africa to find a colorful mate during their vacation. And it is not merely for sex, but often a fascination with color. Why should it be different in the U.S in present times? I do not want to put down fair women - there is a special sensitivity if they have good skin and delicate light rose nipples and yes, they can do a lot more with their straight to wavy hair, that is an advantage. Do not forget, however, that some have thin, stringy hair, you would not want that! If I was lesbian, I would probably be with a woman of dark skin. Being heterosexual, I appreciate dark men. And here are some good and bad experiences: In general, I was always treated with respect by both Black American women and men. (I have always had a problem with the term BLACK - it just is incorrect and I am convinced it will not stay for long in U.S. history.) Some of the women relatives of my brown (smile) ex husband called me SISTER, which was perhaps the greatest compliment I received. I did notice that there was a lot of 'messing around' though, and that did not necessarily depend on the social background. As a woman who brought up two children, having had some life experience and being past 60, I know that an additional load of responsibilities is placed on women in general. I have always stated my opinion that the Black American Woman had to live thru twice the liberation development than any other woman in the industrialized countries. This did make many of them a bit too strong for men to feel comfortable with. I know about the weight which is placed on men in our society nowadays. They have hardly found ways to deal with liberated women. A female may feel instinctively, that she will give birth to a child. She often disconnects from her mother earlier and is a step ahead in development compared to a male of the same age. Baby girls have a greater chance for survival than baby boys. There are many more environmentally disturbed boys than girls, there are many more women who get along fine without men, but few men who can live without women. Should we not have more compassion with men? Would it not be more than logical, that - under the past and present difficulties for Black Americans, it is even more difficult to make same race relationships work out on long terms? Are our expectations realistic these days? I own an upscale restaurant on the Hungarian - Austrian border. It is shocking to see how many handsome, educated and well mannered men between the age of 20 and 50 can't find a good match. They claim that women want firstly money and secondly get married. This keeps many men from trying to find the right girl, lots have given up hope altogether. If this is a problem in beautiful Austria, you should come to realize, it may not be just a BLACK problem - to find the right match. Stay approximately within your social level, try to be colorblind, and be YOURSELF. There are beautiful fulfilling relationships between - and/or with handicapped people. So there are more difficult start positions than the one you are in. I enjoyed reading real constructive comments the last few days, the poison seems to wear off FINALLY - reason for HOPE!!!

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  4.   LovelyAries says:
    Posted: 20 Apr 09

    I believe people do what they want for the reasons they see fit based upon a variety of factors. To ultimately categorize a whole sex ethnicity, based upon pure opinion rather than anything else is what some people chose to do and that's on them. If that's his theory, then that's his theory. I don't agree with it but I'm not going to sit here and criticize it, because everyone is entitled to their own opinions, ideas, thoughts, views, etc. I don't know why some people date interracial. I only know why I do it and that's it. There's a lot of factors that play in it. Do I have to justify my decision based upon a post, no and I don't really have the incentive to. So all and all I say do what you want and reap the benefits/consequences.

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  5.   GibsonSG says:
    Posted: 20 Apr 09

    Chris Rock is definitely wrong. I am a white man and I can tell you from dating white women that most white men often think about dating a black woman. Black women have dimension, soul, unmatched body and looks and are very elegant and will stick by their man. If you are attracted to someone, you are attracted to someone regardless of skin color or ethnicity. I as a white man would be proud as hell to be hand in hand with a black woman. I could care less what the rest of the world thinks. You are who you are and its not based on color.

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  6.   Qball36 says:
    Posted: 19 Apr 09

    What a topic. Let me give my perspective. I live in Las Vegas and this town is about money, sin, and doing whatever you want. Finding a good woman(when I say good woman I mean personality and looks which is so important no matter what anybody tells me)is like playing on the slot machines, you may get lucky and hit it big. I personally think in this town, alot of good black women are too judgemental when it comes to black men. There are women that assume I only date white women. Really? You don't even know me and you already have me figured out. I run into so many black women that say I'm not there flavor. Wow. We live in the United States. A country with many different cultures and backgrounds. This isn't a country like Mexico or Japan which is primarily one race. We are black, white, Hispanic, Asian, European, Islander, Arab, you name it we got it. I totally understand why people stick to there own race. But why would anybody be surprised to see races mixing up when we live, work, eat, and just function around everyone. I do feel it is wrong for a black man to say they DON'T date black women because that just doesn't sound right. Or White women that say they don't date white men. Sounds weird. There will always be people that have there opinions about mixing. That's just the way it is today. I don't wanna write too much more because this is a topic I could talk about for a while. I will say this, I personally beileve that quite a few black women don't date black men because they feel that a white man is better then black man. They feel that a black man is not worth there time and a white man is a winner. This is what I've noticed. I see the same with black men thinking the same. I think the black community needs to re-focus. Balck men and black women need to have a better respect for one another. Dating outside the race is just the way things are. No one should be upset since the 2 people involved have to deal with each other. There relationship is none of our business. Never judge a book by it's cover. What a great little quote.

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  7.   junie1965 says:
    Posted: 19 Apr 09

    Hello people,I am true to what, I believe in I have dated outside my race for a while, But recently, I have dated black women, Dont get this wrong,But black women are screwed up,The 50/50 thing has gone out the window, Its what they want not what we can do together to advance in our relationship and yes love is color blind, I prefer dating outside rather than inside,Also alot of this comes from how black women are raised compared to white women and i for one and it is bad to say that i prefer white women over black women....

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  8.   Carthell says:
    Posted: 19 Apr 09

    There we go talking about white men treat black women better that is a crock of shit and it sickens me when dumbs ass sisters say shit like that. So one or two treated you wrong that is not the entire black population and trust me you will find a white man that will treat you bad. It is evident it happens in both races white couples and black couples divorce. Society for so long has forced us to become our own enemy. It is funny how when slavery began the black woman and black man was inseparable even in turmoil. We talk about time changing and comparing black men to Obama how many are your asses like Michelle answer that question. Take a inventory of yourself and remember your choice belongs to you don't fault black men for you liking white men nor black men you for liking white men. Before Mecegenation we were like the Obama's so you tell me what happen. Blame ourselves for being easy persuaded and separate from God. Love all but never forget where we came from nor your origins. This is my opinion and my belief may God bless you all and let him select your mate not you because it will end up void.

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  9.   GarconBlanc says:
    Posted: 18 Apr 09

    I looked into Tims comments of 31 March and found surprising facts. As with you mzfierce, the obese women around my area are mainly White. I understood your reply to Tim and I have the utmost respect with all comments here (except for the blatantly ignorant ones). I had to find out where Tim was coming from. This is what I found: Tim says that there is a higher percentage of single Black women compared to single White women. Let's look into this. Let's put down some numbers first. According to the Census Bureau and their 3-5 year estimates for 2005-2007, this is how it looks for Whites and Blacks: Total population of USA: 298,757,310 White Americans: 221,457,175 Black Americans: 36,969,063 So, the percentage of White Americans is 75.7%, and for Black Americans, it is 12.6% As far as the married population of people 15 years of age and over, in the same 3 year estimate, there are 116,033,759 males and 121,950,292 females married. Further breaking this down, you have 53.7 % of White Americans and 30.9% of Black Americans married at this time. Further breaking this category down, you can find that: Windowed: Whites – 6.8% Blacks – 6.4% Divorced: Whites – 10.8% Blacks – 11.5% Separated: Whites: 1.7% Blacks: 4.8% Never Married: Whites - 27% Blacks – 46.3% So, yes, there is a higher PERCENTAGE of Black women that are single than White women. What Tim fails to mention is that there are fewer single Black women than single White women. Do the math. So now, let's go to his reasoning of why there is a higher PERCENTAGE of single Black women among the Black American population in America (still fewer in numbers than single Whites women, don't you know). He says that it is because there is a higher PERCENTAGE of single Black women having multiple children with different fathers and a higher PERCENTAGE of single Black women that are obese. Beindman-Thoman Research of Child Well Being at Princeton University indicates that multiple partner fertility MAY reduce the marriage chances of both mothers and fathers. They also indicate that while 15 percent of married mothers have children with different fathers, 43 percent of unmarried mothers have children with at least two men. This report also says Black women are much more likely to exhibit multiple partner fertility than other women. Tim's comment does have validity, as noted. Now, as far as obesity goes, it seems that Black Americans have a problem with this. Is it logical to assume that this is because of the southern Black American culture and its cuisine? Most obese Black women live in the South and along with what I just stated is the poverty issue. I grew up in impoverished conditions (can not say it was downright poverty but we were lacking in many things), and I know that cheap food is normally not good for you. Another reasoning behind the numbers of obese Black women (at least the reasoning for the very few), is that Black American men like it that way. But I find that very unsubstantiated. So, according to a 2008 survey, 79.8 African American women are obese, compared to 57.9 White American women: The number of obese Black women are high within the group, but fewer than Whites collectively.

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  10.   Ichibod says:
    Posted: 18 Apr 09

    Hi Mzfierce, It's really a litte bit of everything. As in my discussion with Garcon, there are far too many angles to try to blog in one sitting. We can mention a particular issue and state opinions we may have dervived from our experiences with it, at the same time knowing that they are factors that could possibly rival the view points we choose to express. If that make any sense, I'm eating right now. Sexuality seems like such a no-brainer, I don't see how any finger-pointing should exist. A man can keep it in his pants and a woman can keep her legs closed at any given time and at the same. The idea that a man can rape a woman (true and very disturbing to me) and yet a woman can't rape a man (I've heard otherwise, but I laugh when I do)is an example of the 'double standard' regarding our sexualities. A man's unbridled libido is expected and excused, while a women's chastity is demanded and undisputed. I guess what I'm try to say people only know to go from one extreme to the other. There has never been a balance. It is very appropriate to question mine or anyone else's statements, but so many people profess their opinons to be facts. And when you mention so called 'facts' about a particular race or gender different than your own (at times the same), you will almost always offend someone and things may get ugly. You remember KimmiC? She sent me an e-mail that really... let's just say I have a lot of respect for her, from what she had explained to me I knew better not to let the earlier ordeal take place with Peanut (AlmondJoy is her name, how sweet). I hope that clarifies a little bit. I consider myself counter-cultured. I hate following norms. I am a man, and I love women too (wish I could have a stable), but I know and choose to keep it in my pants until can I find and woman who keeps her legs closed. Bad things can happen from bad choices. People can't blame the consequences for poor decisions. Learn to understand them and do differently or reapproach with caution and wisdom. Have good weekend! You can call me 'Tim'

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  11.   mzfierce says:
    Posted: 18 Apr 09

    BTW: Tim, You explicitly, said that Peanut's comments posted 04/14/09, were unfair to black men and men in general. Well, I have reason to believe you subscribe to stereotypes and double standard's based on your words in the following passage: "However, the new order re-writes a man responsibilities that is contrary to nature in favor of one that is simply more tolerable. Who wants a wife that isn’t a wife according to nature, but a wife on her own or societies terms? An woman in charge and control of her own sexuality, a man will get it where he can find it. A lot of woman find that their sexual independence gives them a license to whore. Not only do we have to get it where we can find it, we can find it pretty much anywhere, everywhere, and fast. This issue is much to serious to result in immature finger-pointing and false truths." Please tell me what is natural behaviour because we have been conditioned to behave according to norms, and like you said, behaviours, such as the "black woman attitude" are unnatural, instilled by an "old doctrine". Furthermore,your comment about sexual independence as a right to whore...I have reason to believe men are like that too and since women exercise their sexual independence they have to be doing it with someone who is mutually exercising their sexual independence, most of the time it's with why resort to fingerpointing? Huh honey????? I'm just asking for clarification, perhaps I'm missing your point. Why do women have to feel sexaully liberated? Were they sexually oppressed, or does this "false liberation" stem from the truth that men have historically whored themselves?( I'm just throwing an idea out there)...We really don't know where these attitudes are coming from, but there seems to be some loud suggestions that male/female oppression and domination are at fault. It can go both ways. Speak on it...I'm still behind on some of the comments, so maybe this was addressed, but I'll be back on Monday! ~MzFierce~

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  12.   mzfierce says:
    Posted: 18 Apr 09

    Hi Tim, Ichibod**wink wink**; which name do you prefer? How's your blood pressure today? I absolutely adore the post by multicolored world citizen, posted 04/13/09; whoever you are, you hit it on the head, you have proper grammar and spelling and you stated your opinion with class, style and grace! "Black people need to stop seeing themselves as victims". America is not the ONLY country in the World, look around, educate yourselves. Love and be loved,and be responsible for your own happiness. I'm going for a jog and I think I'll treat myself to a massage! Enjoy your weekend boys and girls:-) ~MzFierce~

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  13.   black says:
    Posted: 18 Apr 09


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  14.   GarconBlanc says:
    Posted: 18 Apr 09

    It's funny, mzfierce. I have gone through many weeks of weapons training in the past, and have the utmost respect for my weapon of choice. In all the years that I have carried it, not once have I ever pulled it. But here on the internet, I have no patience for ignorance, and sometimes lash out as respectfully as I can. Obviously, for you to notice, I have slightly failed in doing that. It's too easy on the internet to lash out with ignorance or putting down ignorance. Thanks for noticing. We all have to chill.

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  15.   Ichibod says:
    Posted: 18 Apr 09

    Hi, MzFierce Good to see you again!

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  16.   mzfierce says:
    Posted: 18 Apr 09

    WOW!! If some of you got your hands on weapons and ammunition, there would be bloodshed. Why war? This topic is really not that complex, nor should it be so controversial. When people have differing points of view, there is no point in trying to persuade someone who can't see things outside of their own point of view. State your opinion and bounce. Come to the common understanding that each is entitled to their own opinion, you will never agree, so agree to disagree. The back and forth bickering and pointless arguing is a waste of energy. That's why I put my two cents in and bounced! No one has tried to challenge me and I understand why. Leave room for new or different opinions. This is tiring. Anyone have anything positive to talk about?

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  17.   GarconBlanc says:
    Posted: 18 Apr 09

    Ich, I hear what you are saying because in a way, I have experienced some of the same ignorance as you. Recently, I was asked by by someone from HS what girls I hung out with. When I mentioned their names, she had no clue as to who they were. She lived in a white neighborhood. When I mentioned I hung out with girls from SG, there was a "oh", then silence. When in the Navy, some southern White folk would get on my case for listening to motown, or hanging out with people they did not like. This kid did not know better (LOL). It's all ignorance, from you being called "White" from your own kind, and I being called a "n-lover" from my kind. It's all the same crap! Be cool, Ich, and see you around.

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  18.   Member says:
    Posted: 17 Apr 09

    Dear Garc I don't have an issue with Peanut. You learn to expect things when you are on the other 'side" of the fence. She has an agenda like most sellout black women have. I am aware black women have to constantly fight for their image. They just seem to make it harder on themselves when they bash us. I am not anybody's "come up". You want to be with a white man then go do that. Stop dragging black men through the mud because your insecure. You want to come at men at a position of "power", Instead you show your card at the poker game and wonder why you lose. Other races of women, they don't do that. Asian women date more white men than sellout black women do. Asians are not even 5 percent on the U.S population and manage to date more white men than you. Things have changed in Laurelton for the WORSE. I am being honest with you. There is interracial couples but they stay in the house or rarely socialize. Most of them church going people. Aside from that, it is very segregated. I went to Springfield High school at the height of gang fighting and at that period of time it was one of the worst high schools in Queens. I don't know how that happens and the neighborhood is middle class. Anthony Mason from the Knicks went to my school. There is not really a color issue in Laurelton Queens. Black people are not really racist. I am not racist. A racist thinks he is superior and doesn't want you to make a living. Most racists are economically challenged. They have a gripe about something so they "scapegoat" people like Mexicans, Liberal whites, blacks. For the record some people think I talk about past shit. I don't blame current whites for slavery. I don't believe in reparations. I think that is all "crazy talk". I don't believe the white man is taking everything from me lol. I am not even a militant. God bless them but I never went to the Million Man March. I watched it on television. I knew what was going to happen. Everybody reverts back to what they know. If I was a womanizer, more than likely I will "continue to be one". Habits are hard to break. My final comment. Sellout black women make themselves look stupid and desperate. If you can't even get along with your own race of men. What makes you think a white man "is going to take that on". Garc you said you had a black ex wife. I have to ask you about your personal business. Obviously, she your ex wife for a reason. White guys are diplomatic when their marriage ends. I would be like bitch you ain't get nothing from me get the fuck out my house! I am not Hulk Hogan, your not going to kick me out my HOUSE to put a younger man in it and drive my car around that I BOUGHT YOU! You would think you saw the second coming of OJ Simpson. Well, that's me. They say I am not a nice guy.

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  19.   smoothsexy1 says:
    Posted: 17 Apr 09

    Personally I don't care one way or the other for Chris Rock, but since he put it out there I feel it's my duty to give it back. I personally have never dated outside of my race(not to say that I wont), because not only have I been fortunate enough to come in contact with a few real, secure strong black, hispanic, asian, or multi colored men(without mommy issues)men who respect and value there significant others I know many of them. You know, the type that were raised to be strong secure individuals who are comfortable in there own skin. It's my opinion that you demand respect from everyone no matter the the race, creed or color, we all have the same color blood that flows the same way in our bodies and ultimately serve the same God. (whether you believe it to be true or not)

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  20.   Ichibod says:
    Posted: 17 Apr 09

    Hey, Garconblanc I know you have no issue with her, it's just that the wisdom you shared might have checked me before I went too far into that fiasco. The most anyone can do in these blogs is to make sure the thoughts we express are as clear as we can get them. There is no way anyone can thoroughly explain decades of experiences into 1 or 10 paragraphs and no one in their right mind is going type for 8 weeks in one sitting to prove a point. That's what meant by benefit of a doubt that I offered, yet really didn't give. Peanut might have been able to see where I was coming from, but should she really want to after I mention "first wave of my assault"? When I was in school, other black students called me 'white' because I didn't dress like them, hang with them, talk like them, and most of my friends were white. I was in gifted and Advanced Placement college level courses, so many of the students had all the same classes since middle school, also I was the only black person in those classes. I hated being told that I was not 'black'. I remember Sista Soulja had song back in the day called "Slavery is Back in Effect". I was supposedly not black, yet I knew if something like that did happen, that would include me. I totally agree with what you are saying. You didn't necessarily teach me anything new, however you did affirm a lot of my feelings on these matters. At times I do need that affirmation because I don't hear views articulated like that all the time. Garcon, you take it easy man and I look forward to seeing you blogging in other topics. Later!

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  21.   GarconBlanc says:
    Posted: 17 Apr 09

    Ich, let's have an understanding. You have the issue with Peanut, not me. I like her point of views, and she shows no bitterness on any of them. She is, however, tired of some of the way people post in reply to her comments, always assuming many invisible issues in her posts. After reading it all, I do believe that some consider Peanut a sellout because of her views. Peanut is in fact up front and in your face with her views on these matters. How you perceive it is not her problem. I am glad to hear that you have not been brought up to be a certain color. Mind you, that does not mean that one should not recognize what the color of your skin means. It carries a lot of weight, as in a shameful history toward treating others, how others look at you, etc and so on. But guess what? All that comes from how one was taught. I know that I am White, but I have never been taught how to be "White". Therefore, my mind is open to many good things about relations and people. I am sure you are, too. Laurelton, in what way has things changed in South Jamaica? When I was in SG, I knew all kinds of people. To be in such a diversified environment (lacking Whites, of course) was rewarding, and is reflected in my character to this day. Springfield Gardens high school, on the other hand, was 50/50 at the time, being fed by Rosedale, Rochdale, SG and Laurelton. It was one big social experiment, and not one without its issues. Mainly, everyone got along except for some of the Rosedale kids. People I grew up with in SG were all my friends and many still are, staying in contact since the day. The color issue never came up in the neighborhood. None of them have been poisoned by pessimism. All of them are optimistic and do not see the issues you stress on in your comments. While I saw some issues in HS, I was exposed to bigotry and racism for the first time when I left at 18 and joined the Navy. Laurelton, I am clear about what my people have done in this country to Black Americans. I am clear about the "White" attitude toward some issues. So no, I will not say that no White man thinks like that in your example. Instead I would say that I am not surprised. So please stop assuming how others would react to certain situations. You suck at it. Yes, I know what my people are capable of, and no one will tell me otherwise.

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  22.   Ichibod says:
    Posted: 17 Apr 09

    Malarki5, Thank god somebody ELSE gets it. A little maturity and patience can bring about a lot of understanding and calm a lot more animosity. Peace!

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  23.   Member says:
    Posted: 17 Apr 09

    How are you Garc You are from my neighborhood. Things have 'changed" since you left. I am glad your neutral to a certain degree. I actually think all your statements make sense. I like the honesty instead of the blind complimentary ass kissing some white men do towards black women. Then again "flattery" will get you every where with a sellout black woman. I have issues as much as the next person. If you are dating interracial you have "ISSUES". I never believe that garbage people say about "I love" unconditionally. There is no such thing as loving someone unconditionally. If some white men would be honest with themselves instead of taking the "coward's" way out. Just come out and say you wouldn't date a lower income slightly obese dark black girl. Instead people want to put their head in the sand. It is always "safer" to run with the herd of "sheep". Garc you made a good point about seeing people as colors. But we all do it. My father's best friend is white from Boston Mass. Married to a black woman for 30 years. His biracial daughter and I are friends. He would rather "his daughter" be with a white man. You are going to say "no way", no white man thinks like that. He has knows me since I was a baby. He said "I know Andrew" he is the only black kid that could ever be with my daughter. Now is that racist I don't know. His son is biracial and is my brother's age. His son had a identity crisis when he was younger. My brother went to visit George in Boston Mass and was hanging out with his biracial son. Did you know his biracial son tried " to mimic" my brother's "NY Style". My brother told me when he was 10 years old. Nathan be "yourself" and you will be good. The reason I even tell this story is because "race" is something you can teach away or hide. These sellout black women "think" their problems with be solved when they marry a white man. That white man has a child and he is mixed. His son is "black". There will come a time where "his son" will look for an identity. My father's best friend "George" was so 'strict" with his biracial son. I was amazed he didn't rebel. He actually did he went to UCONN and joined the "Lacrosse" Team. I visited him out there, I was like "what's up man". He was like "these white girls are hos for real". He said he had a "Black girlfriend". I was like "how's your sister" . She is in medical school you should call her. I was like "yea". How is your "pops". Nathan is like "my pops" he needs to stay home he wants to spend time with me all the time. He need to let go. How is your dad. I told him "my dad" sorts of like my fiancee. He ain't like my lawyer ex girlfriend but he like my "factor working fiancee". Go figure. Back to my point. Some people like my stories. LOL These sellout black women are doing everything they can "to change the perception" that white men are their last choice. It's like " Oh well" no black men, I will get a white man. That white man is doing the same thing black men are doing to you allegedly. I spoke to my mom in florida. I speak to her everyday. In her Jamaican accent she said " Dem a look white man" but white man " na look for dem but for sex". "Some a dem support the white man with dem money and nuthin in return". I said "You know what", your right. They try to come off like "they got it together". I see the weaknesses. Good day

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  24.   Ichibod says:
    Posted: 17 Apr 09

    GarconBlanc, Dude, I tell people that all the time. My parents grew up during the 50s and 60s in two different projects of New Orleans, a predominately black city. However, I was never taught to be 'black'. Half of my youth was spent in military based communities where all races of children were present. The other half in the suburbs. During childhood, there was no prejudice. Every kid may have heard some things in their respective families about other races, but too young to fully comprehend what they actually meant. I admire your ability to articulate your opinions so maturely, something you probably will notice from my previous post that I need to work on. I am here to excercise my options, including my black ones. I wish you had gotten in this conversation earlier before Peanut began to unleash her fangs, claws, venom. I feel I made my point, but the only other women to ever make me want to crawl into a hole and piss myself were my mom and my ex, two black women I love and respect with everything in me. Later!

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  25.   malarki5 says:
    Posted: 17 Apr 09

    @ The People, oh, if anyone is interested, I've written extensively on the subject of mixed relationships over at Black Men Confronting Lies and check out them out. Menelik Charles London England

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  26.   malarki5 says:
    Posted: 17 Apr 09

    @Peanut, hi babe! You know, I really, really hope you find yourself a nice white man, marry and move to the suburbs. You spend far too much energy on here, in my opinion, just acting the 'angry, bitter 'n' twisted Black woman'. Seriously, babe, if you have unresolved issues with your Black daddy then maybe you need to consider resolving them with him. Ichibod is not ya daddy! Mr Laurelton Queens is not ya daddy! Just move on! I think it's encouraging (and significant too!) that 'nice' white men are coming out of the woodworks and offering you moral support. Maybe you should consider meeting up with one of them for date, sista friend. Menelik Charles London England

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  27.   flip84 says:
    Posted: 17 Apr 09

    oops one sentence got cut off. I have quit actively searching on any dating site is what that was supposed to read. Sorry 'bout that.

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  28.   flip84 says:
    Posted: 17 Apr 09

    Been reading all this with interest. Mr. Queens, you're very entertaining, but I strongly disagree with what seems to be your central premise, namely that anyone who dates outside their race is necessarily doing so as some sort of rejection of their own race. That may happen , but it by no means is true of most. I think we have an evolutionary impulse to pair up with people who are different from ourselves. It's biologically advantageous to mix up the gene pool. (For example I have blue eyes and have only ever been attracted to women with brown eyes). But that impulse is restrained by social forces (and history as Ichibod and some others have said). But over time, that stuff's falling away, and having less impact on our innate desire for the "other," so we'll see an increase in interracial pairing until eventually the whole question will be moot. And I think it's kinda cool that humans have tendency toward blending the races back together. Peanut, you're making a lot of sense (and btw you and Ichibod seem to be more talking past each other than arguing,). But I want to comment on your idea that white men are social cowards. I think that's a bit strong. I was raised in the south, and growing up I had crushes on black women and white women. But there was a social segregation that just made it much easier to date white women. There were plenty of them and it was just much easier. So while there may be a bit of cowardice involved, it was really more social inertia, taking the path of least resistance. And surely you aren't saying that the married guy was being a coward for trying to stay in his marriage? He made promises, and when you do that you better damn well do all in your power to keep them, even if later you realize you wished you'd gone after another type person. And I'll just briefly explain my position, one white guy data point. I've recently ended an 18-yr marriage to a white woman who was in the same social scene as me in college. But about halfway into the marriage, I got a job teaching at a school where I was the only white person and about the only male on the campus. I made some wonderful lifelong friendships with the staff members, and even had crush on one of my bosses. I was married and we worked together, so it was never brought up but we would have these long intense frank discussion after work, about life and race and all that. And I that point I realized that I had just kinda gone along with the social system I was in, and that if I had it all to do over again, I wouldn't limit myself that way. Well now I find I sorta do have it all to do over again, so I came here. My intention was not to date ONLY black women, but I do want to date the right person. After an initial flurry of meetings, I have two friends from this site with whom I spend WAY TOO MUCH time on im and e-mail. And because they are both such good prospects I have quit actively Despite hours of talking, with both, I'm very early in this process of dating, but I see them both as marriage potential, and would proudly bring them home to meet my family and friends. And I have not gotten a single sign from either that they are rejecting black guys or looking for a bailout. Either of those qualities would take them out of the marriage potential status. Carry on...

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  29.   GarconBlanc says:
    Posted: 17 Apr 09

    Peanut, I believe one should never push away or make assumptions about a different culture just because one does not understand it. I was blessed to have never been taught how to be "White". Thank God. I was specifically taken back by that White guy you spoke of that favored Black girls, got a divorce, and now living his fantasy. Yes, I call it his fantasy because that is what it really is (In my opinion). It is merely an adventure he had always wanted to take part in. To me, it is quite strange, but I guess some do have fantasies. He apparently is not looking for a meaningful relationship with a Black woman. Could his desires be racist? The 23 March post by Cree44 tells me that she definitely has the big picture. That is the way it should be. If you notice the color of your date's skin, then the relationship is already a failure. You are noticing what is on the outside when one should be concentrating on what one may see in his/her heart. Thanks Cree44.

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  30.   Peanut says:
    Posted: 17 Apr 09

    Garcon, Thank god somebody gets it. "Anybody" out there. :o)

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  31.   GarconBlanc says:
    Posted: 17 Apr 09

    Peanut, thanks for your posts on this subject. They are truly worth reading.

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  32.   GarconBlanc says:
    Posted: 17 Apr 09

    Thank you, Seekingdom, for this: "...that true love is colorblind..." It is, unequivocally.

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  33.   GarconBlanc says:
    Posted: 17 Apr 09

    Hi Peanut. Do not let Mr. Laurelton get you down. Maybe that is what he wants. I am a New Yorker living in the South. I grew up in Springfield Gardens, down in Southside, Queens (Yes, this is where Laurelton is located, too). I really can not make heads or tails on Mr. Laurelton's comments. No big deal. I am no nay-sayer, nor do I practice blind conformity. I tell it like it is. And I will say Mr. Laurelton has issues. You can all read it in his comments. Just remember, he can not help it. It is what he was taught. I would like to answer the question posed as the title of this topic. Yes, they do have options. They simply be patient and find a man that is made for them, and not let the color issue blind their judgement. In the 1970's a woman had an option. She was wonderful and had the biggest heart. But her boyfriends treated her really badly. I was crazy about her, and I told her so. She liked me, and exercised her option. We dated for over two years and we both had a wonderful relationship. My relationship with her was the best I ever had with a woman. Within our relationship, the color issue never came up. Not once. Sadly, others (mainly my kind) had issues with it. We did not care what others thought. Screw them. What did they know? Ignorance, that's what! If a Black woman can look at her White option not as a White guy, but as (Place the guy's name here), then that relationship will have something going on!

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  34.   chi_town says:
    Posted: 17 Apr 09

    its not that's black women don't like when black guys date out there race.its because how some black guys act when they do.some guys don't care who they date or what race they are but there are the blacks guys who treat there black women like shit when they date out their race,and that's the problem.

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  35.   Ichibod says:
    Posted: 17 Apr 09

    A very worthy adversary indeed. Damn!! "the white man with the Walmart bag?" That is a riot. She did say to 'bring it'.

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  36.   Member says:
    Posted: 16 Apr 09

    Stop distracting me I am trying to get inspired for my next blog post. Don't worry I will dedicate this one for you. Let me get back to work. "Leave the white penis alone". I am still laughing at a black man saying are you sucking white penis. This happened in public? WOW Geez, that was overboard. You know my identity so knock it off. Clearly, from your debating skills you are an intelligent woman.

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  37.   Peanut says:
    Posted: 16 Apr 09

    Whew. I'm tired. you managed to get everything wrong again. Your head is like a block of concrete wrapped in 4 inch thick rubber. You WISH I was dumb. Still no photo of you....hee hee

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  38.   Member says:
    Posted: 16 Apr 09

    LOL Peanut This is real amusing. I am the white man with the Walmart bag. LOL I laughed for a couple minutes over that. You must make a living being a strong debater. I think you did psychology because you made an excellent point that I did not notice. I will not point that out because I can't find the passage. This comment bothered me though: "JUST because the words “White woman” appeared in that last paragraph I’m BLAMING them for something? What is wrong with you? I think you were wired backwards or something, your brain doesn’t work right." No, you said black men parade around with white women. As to imply something. I said " Here we go blame white women again". Why even make the comment? The next thing you said.. "There shouldn’t BE a storm. That’s my point." You created the storm about black men parading around with white women. As to imply something. Now the shoe is on the other foot and you can't take it! The storm was created a long time ago. That is why sellout black women use white men to get back at black men. Quite simple What else you said............. "Sure I will when you tell white women to stop having sex with animals on internet porn." You said black men should leave black women alone if they don't treat them right. I mentioned white men fucking Thailand whores and doing polygamy and you don't seem to apply those same sentiments to them. By the way, all women shouldn't do animal porn. You said this "You are saying that black women are sluts now. Marriage is not some prize to chase. If you get married because you manipulated a man into doing it then good luck staying married. My point is men should stop complaining if women actually DO what they SAY they want them to do which in your case (keep their legs closed) Men NEED to control" themselves if they are really MEN and not BOYS. Men don't need to control themselves. We are men, and we can only get away with "what you let us get away with'. In a perfect world maybe black men would pull your panties up and tell you stop being "loose". Unfortunately, that doesn't happen. Only white men seem to do that. I can respect a white man for being blunt. This white man once told me "he doesn't want a fatty patty". I thought it was sad and amusing at the same time. You said this "No, black men didn’t make me or any other black woman obese. I am in great shape, always have been. Feelings of emptiness may make black women overeat as a way to comfort themselves. The same reason men drink at the bar for hours after work or just drink too much in general. It doesn’t usually make them fat so it’s not as noticeable but it’s happening for similar reasons that some black women overeat, and others, watch too much tv or do something to “checkout” while dealing with inner pain. And people like you only offer criticism instead of some kind of support. The first form of which would be recognition. But that’s all lost on you, you’d rather make jokes." I never asked about your eating habits. I made a general statement about 70 percent of black women being obese. I am glad you fall in the 30 percentile. Inner pain makes you obese??? I am going off topic because you made me remember the next post I am going to do. I might leave the CNN post for later. Tyler Perry and Oprah is doing a movie about a dark obese black girl. I think they call it "Push". A matter of fact, I was going to wait until the movie was coming out. I still might wait before I do my post. Back to your poor excuse for why black women get addicted to the fridge. Why do you keep blaming men indirectly for black women being obese. My fiancee is 180 5ft7. Go to "curves" or 'Change your diet" . I actually blame myself and other black men. If didn't praise you for getting "thick". Then we wouldn't have this arrogance and loss of reality that black women are experiencing. For the record, I have yet to meet a black woman that was sad she was fat. Instead they put on tight clothes and act like 'every man" want them. What else you said "How could calling that white man a “social coward” be considered supporting him. I think you’re wrong about this guy too. If he married someone that “fit” with the family scheme then it’s possible that she was a tolken. Ever heard of a trophy wife?" He is a social coward. Now your speculating on "if he married" a token wife. Now the white man is the victim for his marriage crumbling are you alluding to that? Dumb sellout black women believe anything a white man tells them. Good day.

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  39.   Animahluv66 says:
    Posted: 16 Apr 09

    chris may or may not be right,,but he got us all understanding that its not the same throught the usa.ive choosin to date black wemon for 25 yrs now.if you n her decide to go out for a nice evening then you better be BESIDE her.if youre not gonna stand beside her mentally n physically then youre untrue to HER n YOURESELF also.we all have CHOICES in life,,if her and i are together at HOME then her and i are gonna be togther in PUBLIC as well.there are mental n verbal n physical walls in life everyday n everywhere,,we must keep out heads up n walk away or laugh at those UNHAPPY FOOLISH PEOPLE who put up the walls in life,,,animahluv

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  40.   Peanut says:
    Posted: 16 Apr 09

    You should back slowly away from the computer and go take a remedial reading class. You should not be writing anything seen by the public until you gain some BASIC comprehension skills which seem to be COMPLETELY absent. (Shut up why don’t you tell white men to leave women alone when they go to Thailand and sleep with little girls. Why don’t you tell white men to leave women alone when they do polygamy you peanut head!) Sure I will when you tell white women to stop having sex with animals on internet porn. Clearly no normal person is going to be of interest to someone that wants sex with children or animals but those people are out there and don't need to be discussed here. (...Even though they stood by and watched black men parade all over every city with white women from the 70’s until now, somehow they’re race traitors.” Here we go blame the white woman.) JUST because the words "White woman" appeared in that last paragraph I'm BLAMING them for something? What is wrong with you? I think you were wired backwards or something, your brain doesn't work right. (Just because you “think your above” most black men makes a self centered pathetic excuse of a woman.) Okay you're retarded. YOU may feel that way about me but I don't. You are projecting your own feelings onto me. (Apparently, white men YOU WERE WITH. Were not strong enough to weather the storm.) There shouldn't BE a storm. That's my point. (NO you control your legs and stop being a slut. Prude and teases manage to get married now don’t they. They are NOT LOOKING A WHITE MAN BAILOUT!) You are saying that black women are sluts now. Marriage is not some prize to chase. If you get married because you manipulated a man into doing it then good luck staying married. My point is men should stop complaining if women actually DO what they SAY they want them to do which in your case (keep their legs closed) Men NEED to control themselves if they are really MEN and not BOYS. And who do you think is looking for a bailout? Black women always tried to make things work with black men but it's just time to try other men out finally. This seems to ONLY be about white men with you. (Seems like most women want white collar men./ sellout black women manage to get pregnant by one of these men due to her bad choices) You're doing it again, dumbass. That's how they crash head on. About overeating and possible depression in black women. (OH BOY, (playing the violin) now black men made you fat so white man will not be interested, interesting conspiracy theory. WHO THE FUCK IS “LARGE SOCIETY”, YOU MEAN WHITE MEN!) No, black men didn't make me or any other black woman obese. I am in great shape, always have been. Feelings of emptiness may make black women overeat as a way to comfort themselves. The same reason men drink at the bar for hours after work or just drink too much in general. It doesn't usually make them fat so it's not as noticeable but it's happening for similar reasons that some black women overeat, and others, watch too much tv or do something to "checkout" while dealing with inner pain. And people like you only offer criticism instead of some kind of support. The first form of which would be recognition. But that's all lost on you, you'd rather make jokes. I don't eat pizza, don't like it. Today I had two pears so far. How could calling that white man a "social coward" be considered supporting him. I think you're wrong about this guy too. If he married someone that "fit" with the family scheme then it's possible that she was a tolken. Ever heard of a trophy wife? I'm not a mistress for anybody. I don't date married men ever. Nor men with girlfriends. Are you the guy on your site wearing the walmart bag?

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  41.   Member says:
    Posted: 16 Apr 09

    "Mr Laurelton Queens on 16 April 2009: "There was many mistakes in my reply. I was heated, please forgive me." JL: And when Black women (or men) are "heated"...since we already operate at a different level of communication...our "heatedness" is perceived as "much more than it actually is." Were you really "heated" or is that the way you speak in private?! I can recall many whites who uttered a racial slur, etc., but then sought to apologize by claiming they "were angry, etc." Well, all's TRUE beliefs come out when you're drunk, heated/angry, excited or other hyper states. :>) Hence, how can we know that you're really sorry?! How can we know that those words were NOT exactly what you wanted to convey?! The new attorney general was right when he stated, "Americans are social cowards when it comes to talking about 'race.' "

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  42.   Member says:
    Posted: 16 Apr 09

    Laurelton : They have to many mood swings. JL: Ridiculous...and borders on racism. Laurelton: Amazing how fast black women give up their culture and identity to fit into a white man’s comfort zone. Pretending to like her white boyfriend’s white female family members. JL: Are all Whites the same?! When a poor White woman dates a middle- or upper-class White male, doesn't she try to cast off her lower socio-economic class traits/behaviors and seeks to act more like the ladies in her new boyfriend's life?! For some reason (and I know what that is), Whites tend to think that ALL Whites are middle class and that they all talk, act, etc. in a passive way. While 25% of the 40 million Blacks in America are poor, 15% of the 180 million Whites in America live in poverty...which is 9 million Blacks and 27 million Whites. Hence, all Whites are NOT middle- or upper-class. Two, will all her new boyfriend's female family members act and speak in a passive way and/or in the typical middle clas White way of thinking, speaking, writing, etc.?! Nope. NOT all of them. The "mood swings" Laurelton refers to are "actually cultural-based ways of acting, speaking, etc. The same cultural-based way that we Blacks speak with one another during Thanksgiving & Christmas dinners, at church, baby showers, etc....would be viewed by those using a passive communication aggressive, blunt, confrontational, crude, direct, and hostile. How many Blacks in this forum have received Oral or Written Warnings at work because...of your communication style? And you were dumbfounded...wondering what the heck they were referring to? Middle- and upper-class Whites tend to think that...there's ONLY one way to speak or write...and that their passive communication style IS the only right way. They tend to think that "anyone using a different communication style is intentionally trying to be aggressive, blunt, etc." I have learned this by facilitating "race" dialogue groups over the past decade or so. As a trained facilitator in "race" dialogue groups, I often have to educate participants about the various "communication style" differences among the group's members. Blacks are NOT intentionally trying to be aggressive, blunt, direct, etc.....that's just the way we talk...and until we come into contact with middle- and upper-class Whites.....we have NEVER been told that we're being aggressive, blunt, direct, etc. by other matter their socio-economic class. But Whites, particularly those of the middle- and upper-classes, believe that "Blacks are intentionally trying to be aggressive, blunt, direct, etc." Diplomats at the United Nations have learned about cultural differences in communication styles, but this lesson has NOT been taught to the masses of Americans. Thomas Kochman wrote a book titled, "Black and White: Styles in Conflict," which illuminates these differences in not only communication styles but manners, coaching styles, and a lot of other things. It's a very good book, but I caution anyone planning to read be careful...because like most Whites...Kochman only compared the styles of middle-class Whites and "community Blacks," which I found out were actually "poor Blacks." He did not include the behavior and communication styles of middle-class Blacks and poor whites and/or the poor and middle classes of any other group. All he did was re-create the Black-White dichotomy of White-good-educated and Black-bad- -uneducated, etc. Hence, many of the behaviors that people attribute to Black women are cultural based. Many Black women, unlike White women, have had to be both "mothers & fathers"...and thus...are very strong, resilient, etc., and these traits can be mis-perceived as negatives...when in fact...they have helped them to "weather the storm" on many an occasion in a racist society that has social practices that divided the Black family...or forced Black men out of the family (welfare)...or refused to provide a Black man with a job in order that he could be the breadwinner. So there's going to be some differences in the ways that different groups of women speak or act...but to attempt to castigate Black women for traits they need to survive and raise their families in a racist bullcrap...and an indication of one's ignorance about what Black women have had to suffer in Amerikkka. These traits are NOT biological, but adaptations to what she as a Black woman has to put up with in America. teesha: there are some black women out there who will degrade black men in a minute. JL: And so will Whites, Latinos, Asians, and other groups. Why only highlight comments made by a few Black women?! Your words convey that "Whites don't hurl the most degrading of language at Blacks...and other groups...and vice versa. Look at the words of Imus...directed at that female basketball team...for ABSOLUTLEY no reason, no reason at all. SO don't tell me that "Whites and others will NOT degrade a Black man or woman in a minute" (or members of any other group).

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  43.   Member says:
    Posted: 16 Apr 09

    I will address her last statement. She posts frequently. "Broke down" Lisa Raye said this "I mentioned that white man because his feelings support my original post which is that white men are social cowards. He did not marry a black woman although he wanted one all his life because of his family and because it would make things “difficult” for him. That was my point. How, HOW did you read that as supporting him? HOW?" "Playing the violin", you talking about victimization. Yet, you seem to feel sorry for this white degenerate and his failed marriage. It seems like your supporting him by even typing the story. The only way you could meet me in person is at the top after my radio and book deal comes. By that time, you will be 50 years old. You look good for 40 years old by the way. That is why I called you the "poor woman's version of Lisa Raye. Stop being a mistress for a divorced white man that always desired a black woman. I am engaged; that's a lie if he said he always desired a black woman. Men don't marry unless they really REALLY want to be with that woman! Drinking the koolaid white men tell you PEANUT HEAD!

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  44.   Member says:
    Posted: 16 Apr 09

    There was many mistakes in my reply. I was heated, please forgive me.

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  45.   Member says:
    Posted: 16 Apr 09

    I just read some of Peanut head's comments. Now I see where all this bitterness comes from. A black man had the audacity to say to you are you sucking white dick. You make it seem like I am the one that said it. Secondly, I don't hide. Google me I ain't hiding. My blog is out there You crying about black men giving you a hard time about being with a white man. Let me address your points in order you "courtesan" . "What!??? No! Just find other women! Jesus isn’t that part of this whole topic? (black men exercising their options… use them, date other women, leave black women alone because you don’t treat them right! We’ve been through ENOUGH already waiting on you guys to do the right thing. (isn’t that right Queenie? Who called me peanut head instead of addressing me the way he should have)" Shut up why don't you tell white men to leave women alone when they go to Thailand and sleep with little girls. Why don't you tell white men to leave women alone when they do polygamy you peanut head! I addressed you because your ramble on negative stereotypes about black men. Let's see what else you said "I find it amazing that any of the black guys on this chain can say ANYTHING AT ALL negative about black women dating white men. You have no idea how many white men I've known who've told me that they'd asked out black women who told them point blank "No thanks" without even considering it. Why did they do this? Out of loyalty to black men (because they felt they SHOULD be loyal) FFWD a couple decades and now they are broadening the scope of mates and all of a sudden those same black women are traitors. Even though they stood by and watched black men parade all over every city with white women from the 70's until now, somehow they're race traitors." Here we go blame the white woman. That is where all the jealous stems from. Apparently, "broke down" Lisaraye is not getting the attention from "elite black men" and now she is lashing out the best she can. Grow up and stop whining about that shit. Black men date black women 99 percent of the time. Just because you "think your above" most black men makes a self centered pathetic excuse of a woman. Let's see what else you said "It was 2003 and I was dating this white guy in NYC. We walked by a black guy on our way to a restaurant and he said: "She don't wanna be a negro!" Another white guy i was dating years before; black guy says to us: "You're sucking white d**k!" Another white male and I that happened to be co-workers on our way to a bar; black guy says: "Yeah but are you gonna marry her!" WHAT THE HELL! This, in the ocean of black guys dating white women. I can only suppose that most black guys are duplicitous and schizophrenic on the subject. Yeah I watch what people DO not what they say. WORDS MEAN NOTHING, ACTIONS MEAN EVERYTHING. "Broke down" Lisaraye making a mountain out of a "mole hill". Apparently, white men YOU WERE WITH. Were not strong enough to weather the storm. Don't blame us blame his white ass for not sticking up for you. LISARAYE'S BABY SISTER! Let's see what else you said "If that last statement about finding it pretty much anywhere and everywhere refers to easy sex then guess what? You still need to control yourselves, women should not be burdened with controlling YOUR sexual urges. YOU CONTROL THEM. If women did, then you’d be calling them Prudes and Teases, isn’t that right QUEENIE?" NO you control your legs and stop being a slut. Prude and teases manage to get married now don't they. They are NOT LOOKING A WHITE MAN BAILOUT! "YOU DON’T WANT WHITE MEN TO WANT BLACK WOMEN AND YOU WANT BLACK WOMEN TO FEEL REJECTED. Plain and simple. You call them names like “nappy head” Ichabod how do you feel about that? Is that slander? What is that?" I don't just call them nappy headed. I call them desperate and in your case peanut head! I can't make you feel rejected. It called self esteem. YOUR SELF AND YOUR ESTEEM! Read my post on lack of responsibility you might learn something! Stop trying to slide by on your looks "broke down" Lisaraye. Last one on peanut head. 1 (Peanut head there is no black male shortage. Black women are too picky and spoiled. Shawn the mechanic is single but you don’t date him because his clothes get dirty.) 2 (Ain’t nobody told you to sleep with Tyrone that you KNEW had different chicks. Instead you fuck up and your on that long ass line waiting to put him on child support.) "SO QUEENIE, WHICH ONE IS IT? These are your own words crashing head-on in a train wreck. Too picky or not picky enough? Dumbass." What the hell are you saying they crash head on. God, Let me slow it down for you. Shawn the Mechanic is overlooked not necessarily because sellout black women are picky. He can be overlooked for several reasons. Seems like most women want white collar men. In Tyrone or White Boy Billy case, they will have multiple women and sellout black women manage to get pregnant by one of these men due to her bad choices. Usually, they end up on a blog bashing black men for their poor decisions. OK peanut head! You said this, last one for real. (Then on top of that have a bad attitude/) Already gone over that… (and an addiction to the fridge.) "That might very well be depression which of course you’d care nothing about since BW are SOOO worthless to you. Yes many black women get depressed from living such a joyless existence in this country where they are marginalized (by the larger society AND by Black Men like you)" OH BOY, (playing the violin) now black men made you fat so white man will not be interested, interesting conspiracy theory. WHO THE FUCK IS "LARGE SOCIETY", YOU MEAN WHITE MEN! I GOT YOU PEANUT HEAD! Go stuff your face with Papa John's pizza and blame it on me!

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  46.   nessa1989 says:
    Posted: 16 Apr 09

    I think that's really sad that black men feel that way. I've dated white, black and latino, and its just what your attracted to. I've always been attracted to white women, don't really know why but that's just what I'm into. I think it's just subliminal jealousy that black men have when they see a black women with another race.

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  47.   Peanut says:
    Posted: 16 Apr 09

    The two of you are so incredibly stupid I can't imagine spending any real time with you in person. I mentioned that white man because his feelings support my original post which is that white men are social cowards. He did not marry a black woman although he wanted one all his life because of his family and because it would make things "difficult" for him. That was my point. How, HOW did you read that as supporting him? HOW? YOU too are mental cases that only see things exactly the way you want to see them. NO matter what anyone writes here you will only see what makes you look like a victim. And now you're trying to put me down about my age. You HOPE you look that good when you're my age. I take care of myself. btw you never posted your picture so we can all see your pretty face. Maybe that explains why you're so irritable. (YOUR AN IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!) It's spelled "you're" Once in a while use a spell check.

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  48.   Member says:
    Posted: 16 Apr 09

    multicultural world citizen: STORM09, ICHIBOD, JORDAN and all of you who are well informed and open minded commentators - do you realize - With all the FACTS you mention about what happened to black slaves" JL: I did NOT write anything about slavery....and anything that resembles the rest of your message.

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  49.   Member says:
    Posted: 16 Apr 09

    icychill: Personally, I find that most black women don’t date black men. JL: Not true. The majority of Black men are married to Black women. Your comment might be true for the location where you live...but that's NOT the case elsewhere. icychill: They put themselves down too. JL: In what way? That's certainly not true in my experience. icychill: Another reason that I have found that black women don’t like black men is because a lot of men leave their families. JL: Family abandonment...occurs in ALL groups. Blacks do NOT have a monopoly on it.

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  50.   Member says:
    Posted: 16 Apr 09

    Let me address peanut Why are you talking about a white man divorced with two kids. You like him??? Go be with him then since the grass is greener. All you been doing is bashing black men. This degenerate white man marriage crumbles and your praising him. I don't care if he gets joint custody of his kids. Yea you can have joint custody of your bank account supporting his white ass. Man look for new post soon on my blog. It is always the good looking "older" black women that are "cuckoo". She said this with her peanut head. "Oh and by the way, that white man I mentioned is now divorced from his wife with 50% custody, on the hunt for black women and “now having the life he always wanted.” You think he’s rare?" YOUR AN IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!

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