Black women have no option?

Posted by James, 23 Mar

Warning: This post may be offensive to some readers. This is not the objective. The post is in no way meant to defame or inflame any parties, groups or persons. It is simply meant to find out what people think about black white dating.

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In a bid to explain why Black women get upset about Black men dating White women, Chris Rock in his latest stand up comedy says all Black men have done is exercised their option. He goes on to say Black women are angry because they are not attracted to white men so they can’t exercise their option. All they can do is sleep with “pretty white boys" but generally, black women are not attracted to white men.

In my opinion, the above statements suggest Black women only date interracially out of desperation. In fact, most Black men believe so. And the finger pointing between Black men and Black women never ends. I don't think this is the case though and frankly, I have never understood why Black men and Black women have to come up with such crude and prejudiced remarks while trying to figure out the reasoning behind their counterparts' dating options. YES! Options.

What do you think of Chris Rock's theory?

636 responses to "Black women have no option?"

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  1.   sheshe68 says:
    Posted: 28 Mar 09

    I guess you can say freedom of speech. I wonder where Chris gets his information from.. let's say he really didn't do all his homework. I'm from California and I would see black women with very nice looking white men. Now that I'm living in Texas I've seen both black men with white woman and black woman with white men. So far from what I've seen the white men were not bad looking. My 22 year old son is dating a white woman but he could have done better. I look at maybe it's her heart and not the way she looks. Nothing wrong with a mix race person because they have their own special looks anyway. Maybe I'm speaking as for myself because my Mother is German and Indian and my Dad is Black. What happen to love people??? We all are focus on looks and not the heart. At the end of the day it really don't matter what race you are or how you look. If the person is going to mistreat you and etc then race and looks is not a option. What is wrong with this world today?????

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  2.   Member says:
    Posted: 28 Mar 09

    Dear Jaq I see that you responded to my latest comments. My mother believes black women shouldn't date white men. That is besides the point, this is my own opinion concerning interracial dating. If by default, I disagree with the premise that white men shouldn't be with black women than I must hate black women. Then that means by default you must dislike white women to be dating black women. That does not even make sense. I believe you dislike white women, one of which is your own mother. Just because you afraid to say how you really feel about white women in general. I got the balls to say how I feel. I don't have to cater to feelings. Unlike you, you will go with the flow concerning black women. It is always going to be "yes honey" and so on. I will deny the fact that my fiancee is mixed. She is a black woman. Just because forced mixing happened in the past does not make her less black. If that was the case we wouldn't have "1 drop rule". My fiancee accepts her Latin roots. Some things about her Latin roots she does not like. That is another issue. This whole idea that I am racist. Simply because I don't believe in interracial dating is false. Let me ask you this, before black women "decided to date white men as a last resort" were they racist? The black women that changed their mind and said " Oh well I will date a white man" were they racist? You don't know what the term racist is. I think you have some angry towards black men. I didin't call you a boy. Maybe, a black man did something to you and you wasn't able to fight back. It was a good debate until the statement you said at the end. You lost your cool. You wouldn't stomp me out. You would hate black men worse than you do now if you ran into me. Have a nice day.

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  3.   Mikah says:
    Posted: 28 Mar 09

    I dont understand why everything has to be about color. I believe that if you like a person the color of their skin should not stop you from pursuing a relationship with them. Anyone who thinks differently need to wake up, get on track and step into 2009. I don't care who dates who- and just because you decide to date someone of another race does not make you desperate. Everyone should have an open mind and we NEED to quit teaching our children to judge people based on the color of their skin. This man has children himself- anyway it makes me sick. Those kind of jokes (racial jobkes) are not funny- so Chris Rock should not be saying them.

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  4.   jaquentin says:
    Posted: 28 Mar 09

    mr.laurelton you are a hypocrite and a racist and dont put words in my mouth by saying i hate white women. you obviously didnt read my post!! I date women of all races and have never had a preference of just dating black women and this site is not for black women who just want to date white men...nor am i on here bashing or disrespecting white women for dating black men!! you are the sellout!! shame on you disrespecting black women your mother should spank you!! ok this is funny...your words (I have been documenting this on my blog for a long time. These pathetic black women have no dignity or respect for themselves or their men. I haven’t seen a white woman on here bash white men to be with black men. At least they are smart enough not to burn bridges.) yes mr.laurelton your words you are a hypocrite, but you yourself are burning bridges here bashing black women!!!so therefore you are a pathetic black man!! LOL shall i continue? im sorry but i must!!!! ready? your words again.... I have a black fiancee I never stepped out of my race. sorry but your words again...ready? I am engaged to a black American woman/puerto rican. She is a good soul and I am happy to be with her. lets see you try to deny the fact that she is mixed....see mr. laurelton you have already stepped out of your race!!!!hypocrite and guess what when you have children they will be mixed too!!!or will your racist ass try to deny them of their puerto rican "latin" side? you are garbage!!!and your words mean shit here!! you have such a problem with black women dating white men but you yourself are with someone who is not all black!! but yet you try to refer to her as only being a black woman...lets see you try to deny her of her latin roots and i can guarantee she will slap you!!!your the sellout!! face it you are a racist!! you refer to black people as WE and white people as THEY you dont like black women dating white men because you are racist!!! ready? your words again..... This white boy openly dislikes black women on the Tyra Banks show. I wish a white mutherfucker would think it was ok to disrespect black people. the only one disrespecting people by color is you!!! face it you are a racist a hypocrite and a sellout i think everyone here reading your hateful comments will agree with me!! good day to you mr.laurelton..or should i refer to you as blackboy or blackmutherfucker? you try coming to me with those comments and i will stomp your sorry ass!!!!

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  5.   LOVELY1970 says:
    Posted: 28 Mar 09

    Black women have no option? Wow. This is a very loaded question/statement. In my opinion all women have an option of who it is that they choose to date. It is 2009 and people are still very close minded about race. There are hundreds of black women who love white men exclusively. It is just that some do not actively pursue white men because most of them are afraid of what people will think. More black women are overcoming the "people pleasing" syndrome and are pursuing their true love interests. Google how many black women and white men are dating in Hollywood alone and see what u come up with. Interracial dating has come out of the closet. So deal with that fact. I do not have a problem with black men dating white women. I say: "DO YOU" however you choose to do it. I live in a predominantly white city and I see more black women with white men than I have ever seen in my life. GREAT!!! Good for them. I am proud that black women are standing up and standing out! It is about time. All this boils down to is LOVE!!! Nothing more nothing less. Congratulations to all my beautiful black queens who choose to follow their heart no matter what the people say. As soon as we learn to love all people we will all be in a better place. Focus on stopping the hate and congratulate!!!

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  6.   leely36 says:
    Posted: 28 Mar 09

    I think Chris Rock was joking... and we all should just think of it as a joke. All of us on this site like what we like and noone should really be offended by it. If we have pride and respect for ourselves then we should have pride and respect for others..yeah sure we've been hurt by one another at some point in time. It's time to move on and let it go. Hell I like all races. I find different cultures interesting. So if you're done with the b.s. hit me up.. lol

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  7.   brynnj says:
    Posted: 28 Mar 09

    I prefer dating White guys and it has always been by choice. Interests and when personalities click are more important that skin color. I date Black guys but it goes back to who you click with and skin color just isn't enough for me to stay with someone when there are no common interests. And yeah, I like my White boys to be cute. I have Black female friends who don't/won't date outside their race and that's fine with me... but that is not me.

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  8.   Kanesha23 says:
    Posted: 27 Mar 09

    a lot of black women will not date out of their race, so they limit their chance at fallinf in love or meeting their soulmate and instead most just settle. for any black man they can get. I say its just skin color why not date any and every color available, besides you dont know what you might be mixed up with any way so be open minded.

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  9.   JustKimba says:
    Posted: 27 Mar 09

    Well, I am happy to see some intelligent rebuttal to "BBWIF's" rediculous statement of why Black women date White men. She does not represent me or countless of other Black women who date across color lines. I date men who I like, color does not matter. Personality, conversation, sense-of-humor,confidence, compassion and a certain approach from a man of any race (if he comes at me correctly), that is was will attract me to the man i chose, not the color of his skin. There are bad apples in every race, please DO NOT take out your frustration and obvious self-hatred unfairly generalize ALL Black men as "sorry asses", that is not fair. I have always been attracted to men of different races, I love all men period. Eventhough I date across color lines, i will also appreciate and be attracted to black men. I was raised by a STRONG Black man who taught me to be a STRONG Black woman. How could I not love and appreciate a good black man, just as i would appreciate ANY good man?

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  10.   Lynn says:
    Posted: 27 Mar 09

    Mr Laurelton is ignorant loser. Plain and simple.

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  11.   Member says:
    Posted: 27 Mar 09

    Dear Jaq I am not racist. I was addressing the young black woman not you. I am free to express my opinion just like you do. You do not know the first thing about what real racism is. So, let's not get self righteous on here. Why don't you like white women, your own race of women? Why are you so hateful towards your own race? Explain that to me and don't give that bullshit about you was always attracted to black women. Clearly, you dislike your own race of women. I have a black fiancee I never stepped out of my race. I suggest you watch who you call racist and look in the mirror and try to figure out why you hate white women. Good day to you sir.

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  12.   ketchmarron says:
    Posted: 27 Mar 09

    All i know is you gotta go for what you are attracted to... some preffer dark skinned man like me and i love them back ... it really doesn't matter... If you have to go with a particular race because you think another is cursed then you have a problem... I've seen people from the same race last in a relationship just as much as i have seen people from different race breack up... The key is finding what is right for you. Do not walk around with emotional baggage... Be happy with yourself and you can make someone happy and get it back...

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  13. Posted: 27 Mar 09

    I live in LA where Black men date White, Asian and Latina women. Here unless you look like Halle Berry (bi-racial or very light skinned with "good hair") you get very little attention from White men either. "Thug" -like Black guys are-a-plenty. But educated ,attractive Black men are with the White, Asian or Latin women too. SO!!?? WTF?? What's left for me here? It is a very lonely way to live. Myself and other Black GF's either have or will move out of LA because of it. I have 3 GF's that as soon as they moved out of LA- within a yr were engaged. Just food for thought from "La-La Land" AKA Hollyweird.

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  14.   jaquentin says:
    Posted: 27 Mar 09

    hold on ladies and gents,,mr laurelton whats with the hateful comments? you sound so racist whats your problem? man you need help how could you even try to say anything here your on the wrong site and how you could disrespect black women and white men like that? no wonder black women dont want you look in the mirror..cause all i see is someone who is insecure and hateful of themselves...please get help!!!! and yes ive read every post here and as you can see mine was the first!! seek god because you need him!

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  15.   Member says:
    Posted: 27 Mar 09

    LOL I feel you girl. Yea, when I show up at her job they think I am trying to mug her. You just can't win sometimes. If you a pretty boy they call you gay. If your dark and ugly they claim your loyal. Aw hell you can be dark ugly man and get you a fine woman. Times have changed so much. You had to work hard for the pussy. Now you spank her ass and lick her clit she want to move you in. Somebody said sex is not a weakness for black women. I beg to differ, you knock it down right she will stick around. If you are unemployed and you lick it right she will call you once in awhile. I was watching that bald headed Steve Harvey talking about black women have to raise the bar. They make it to easy for men. A divorced womanizer giving advice on Oprah ain't that some shit. Unfortunately, I did agree with Steve men do like a challenge. Oh yea, I wouldn't let a woman get away with anything if she is with me. I rule with an iron fist. I am an aggressive dark skin man in Orlando Florida. You want a soft white man that you can walk over. It will just lead you back to square one. Black men just have a mean streak. A white boy would let you have the car he bought you and walk away. Me, I want the ring back, my car I got you. Yea them shoes. Strip ass naked and kick you out my house. I did that once but we got back together. See black women always want to "test a man". It makes sense they want a white man they can "slide by on".

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  16.   edubble says:
    Posted: 27 Mar 09

    didnt mean to offend i was simply stating to each his own, she was judging me quite naturally i could do the same, she dont hav my eyes nor i hers to say whats beautiful to who you know personally like i said im finding wit age i really dont care what u look like can u just treat a breezy right ya dig. I have two mixed children and one chocolate drop by a very black, not to mention ugly man who i thought would treat me right forever and i was wrong both cases so what i know is men are men color aint nuttin but jus that the option is yours and only yours a white or black man ugly or fine can dog u just the same, truth be told the only reason edubble like white dudes is cuz i can get away wit alot more than i can wit a black dude!E.O.

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  17.   Member says:
    Posted: 27 Mar 09

    Hey I am so black that I can be purple. That is not nice. Dark skin men is coming back. Clearly, you sound angry you wasn't able to keep your marriage together with a white man. There is plenty of black women programmed to fail in these relationships. Believe me, it is not your fault. We are glad you came back to your black community. I hope your white husband is not a dead beat and pays child support. That money can go towards you dating nice black men and enjoying life. You know what your a dedicated black woman. Black women try so hard to keep their marriages together it is a damn shame they get treated like this by white men. I like your hair by the way.

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  18.   edubble says:
    Posted: 27 Mar 09


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  19.   Member says:
    Posted: 26 Mar 09

    Edubble Did you say you divorced your white man and dated black men? Clarify that.

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  20.   Kayenne says:
    Posted: 26 Mar 09

    The reality is Chris Rock has put forth a theory that many of us are identifying with and chose not to align with. However,race is always an issue and will never go away. For whatever reasons Black men or women chose to accept interracial dating should not be justified by theories and backlashing or finger pointing but instead embraced with an assurance that men and women are the same. No matter black, white, pink or red: women and men can be grouped according to their character, personality, style and grace no matter which side of the fence we all chose to stand. I chose to stand with a man who will honor me with unconditional love and walk side by side with me through thick and thin.

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  21.   paula99 says:
    Posted: 26 Mar 09

    chris rock is a comedian what the hell do he know!!

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  22.   Member says:
    Posted: 26 Mar 09

    Anyway, someone called a black woman hater. Yet, I was watching the Tyra Banks show. Racial sterotypes and this black woman says a black man who dates a white man is a sellout. Then she turns around and admits she licked the white man's nuts. These sellout black women are hypocrites. Yet they call me a black woman hater. This white boy openly dislikes black women on the Tyra Banks show. Man, I would have knocked his head off he talk slick to me. The black man on the show kept it real. I wish a white mutherfucker would think it was ok to disrespect black people. These sellout black women are a disgrace because they sat in the audience wondering why the racist white boy don't like them. Dumb black ho he said HE DON'T LIKE YOUR ASS! New blog post coming on this issue soon.

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  23.   edubble says:
    Posted: 26 Mar 09

    love is love and it sees no color everybody has preferences my opion on why black women get mad is because here we have kept this race going with no help from "babies daddies" and then a black man goes to a white girl and becomes this stand up guy that keeps a job and stays to raise his kids so it's like why we couldn't get that love? u gotta go to a white girl to realize whats right? I seen my dad do it and many others but its a compliment to us black girls we're too strong for you and we dont need you! I married a white man, and I dated black men after the divorce due to family differences, I'll date black white, just as long as you treat me right!!!

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  24.   IcyChill says:
    Posted: 26 Mar 09

    First of all, he is a comedian, he makes jokes. Did you take it seriously when he said that he grew up living on the floor to duck all the bullets? No, you didn't because you knew it was an extreme exaggeration. Personally, I find that most black women don't date black men. I have always thought it was like that because society puts down the black man constantly. They put themselves down too. I'm not hating, I'm just stating my observations as growing up in a 95% black community and being one of ten 'white' kids in high school. I have dated girls from all over the world and find that ALL women find ANY man attractive. Just cuz these black girls that Chris speaks of haven't seen one they are attracted too, doesn't mean they won't see one. You can show me pictures of thousands of women and I wont find most of them attractive. Another reason that I have found that black women don't like black men is because a lot of men leave their families and all the children hear is what a low-life dirt bag he is. The child then takes it to mean that ALL men that look like their daddy are not good men. I have heard many women of all races talking crap about their baby's daddy. I have seen white mother's turn their white daughters off of white men. All these people who say that they will only date a certain race are just as racist as the people who say they will never date a certain race.... In response to what prettybrowneyes said right above me. She is right, we are all the same. A person is a person, the only differences between people are the languages we speak, our religion and the color of our skin. We all 'feel' the same, we all smell the same and we all cry the same.

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  25.   sachiko33 says:
    Posted: 26 Mar 09

    Chris Rock is one of the funniest comediens today...I love his sense of humor. I think what he said was his opinion mostly. I am a black woman (happen to be mixed)who's attracted to all types of men. I married and divorced a black man...after 18 years it just did not work. Most of my dating have been white men. My soulmate happens to be white and is a doctor. White men aren't crazy...they like black women too. Please believe me when I say men are men...there are players, good and bad men matter the color. I have cared deeply for both...and middle eastern men too. We all are human and need to look on the inside of each other and judge the character from within. If black men think that black women just like and can get a black man that is narrow minded foolish thought. You may have a surprise coming one day.

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  26.   ketchmarron says:
    Posted: 26 Mar 09

    Having lived in Europe I can tell you from my personal observation that because of the "racial differences" that have always been observed in the US, someone can have an opinion that is not always accurate. In some part of Europe like Italy France Belgium countries that I have had the opportunity to visit, although interracial couple are not always conventional the rate of black women dating outside their race is the same as the one of black men. Why do I say that? People feel free to express their selves when they have the opportunity. I believe anyone from any race could be attracted physically by anyone from another race. That’s natural!!! It is also true that some people keep that feeling inside because they want to fit in a particular group of people who will find it unconventional. I encourage black women to go for what they like and vice versa....

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  27. Posted: 26 Mar 09

    SEEKINGDOM you hit it right on the head! yes it is true men in general rather see women fight and compete against one another, but blackmen have a special place in their heart for blocking blackwomen from love. I only speak from experience; Chris Rock's statement is clear. Whatever it takes to keep blackwomen in the box and loyal to men that have long writen her off. This is not about ALL black men but about 70% of them, the fact that more blackmen date out than blackwomen proves what Im saying here, but now the tide is changing as more and more blackwomen are crossing over while at the same time the media keeps blackwomen hidden in order to keep blackwomen and blackmen apart. Do blackmen take advantage of this and rate the value of blackwomen with this? Yes they do. Im talking about that 70% of blackmen. I harbor no ill feelings towards all blackmen, just those that date ir; not because they date ir, but because too many of them BLAME BLACKWOMEN FOR THEM DATING IR. You should date ir for love not because of blackwomen this and blackwomen that. This is the problem that blackwomen have with blackmen dating ir, we are tried of being blamed for it. If you think about it, whitewomen should be insulted as love should be their reason for dating whitewomen, not because they are resentful and angry at blackwomen, I know if I were a whitewoman, I would be. And yes, there are whitemen that say shit that I don't like and will and has caused me not to date them like: "I wonder how it feels with a blackwoman" NOTHING turns me off quicker than "trying me out". Sadly, people will never understand that people are just that; people.

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  28. Posted: 26 Mar 09

    My whole life, I was shut off from the black community as a child. So when i started dating..I thought that I was suppose to date my color, but everytime I did the only thing me and those guys had in common was the fact that we were black. When I finally started dating outside my race, I felt that those guys had alot in common with me and therefore understood me better. I dont hate black men.I just feel that other races are better for me. Thats is why I believe that you know yourself better than anyone else. If you are with a person that can complete you then color should not even matter.Chris Rock,if I am not mistaken, is married to someone out of his race,therefore,he is happy.Shouldn't you.HAPPINESS IS HARD ENOUGH TO FIND..DONT MESS IT UP OVER STUPID REASONS LIKE WHAT RACE ANOTHER IS.

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  29.   acebenice says:
    Posted: 26 Mar 09

    to the young lady that got beat up because she was with a black man. what pisses me off is that you were left to have to experience that. where was the young black man you were with? why were'nt you protected by someone?? where were your friends when this happened. and to all of you all that either agree, disagree. thank god for the freedom of speech. there has been a love affair between white men and black women starting with the british colony days. please read some history before you go spouting at the mouth with ignorance. and to the black man that says that he is attracted to white women because of his outdoor activity. i lived a privileged life growing up. i water skiied when we were'nt suppose to be able to do those kind of things(slalum and trick skiing) my first boat ride on my fathers boat was when i was one week old(1963). life is what YOU make it, not society as a whole. i don't buy into the lie and neither should anyone else. i don't date white men because of my love for outdoors, i date white men because i love white men. is that enough of a reason!! that does not not make a black man any less of a man, just not a man of my interest.

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  30.   melodyofnyc says:
    Posted: 26 Mar 09

    I find white men attractive. I find men who are attractive, attractive. I don't play into the finger pointing game because it's petty and frankly that argument can on for all eternity. I think a lot of black women find white guys attractive but are fearful of what that could mean for them: ridicule from friends, family and strangers on the street. It can be a very scary thing to be attacked for the color of the person you're with. I can understand that fear. I am not angry with black men who date/marry white women. That's great! And it's not even a big deal. Just don't put the women of your own race down, or use them as an excuse as to why you don't like or date them. It's pretty simple.

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  31. Posted: 25 Mar 09

    <> Mr. Laurelton Queens, or should I call you a black woman hater. You criticize black women who are attracted to white men and call them sell outs. Do you call black men who are attracted to white women sell outs too? or are you are a hypocrite? Just as black men can date our caucasian sisters because they are attracted to them, the same free choice also applies to black women who are interested in caucasian men. Calling people sell outs because of what they are attracted to and desire is ridiculous. People like you will never prevail against IR relationships because evil and wickedness never wins.

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  32.   getitite says:
    Posted: 25 Mar 09

    I don't let society determine who I can date and who I can't date. I know what appeals to me. One weekend I might be with a green woman and the next I might be with purple one. Color means nothing to me. It's all in a woman's personality and their willingness to accept me as I am. I have a right to discriminate for whatever reason. For instance, for all you ladies that don't like the beach we probably won't date. I love the beach. And for all you ladies that are afraid to get their hair wet, then we probably won't date. I love getting my hair wet.

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  33.   HAZLEYE06 says:
    Posted: 25 Mar 09


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  34. Posted: 25 Mar 09

    Life is made of choices, and the same goes in the relationship world. when I moved to my current area in 1981 which happend to be an affluent neighborhood, I had many crushes on several black boys/men in my high school but I later figured out and realized that they were definately not intrested in me. They were attracted to more so caucasian, latin and asian girls. That's fine, to each is own (make the right choices and be happy). But I had to make an interracial dating transition or else I would never meet anyone. I do not think that white men are in no way better than black men. Black women, our options are a little bit limited because maybe we should consider dating outside of our race( hey! Black men are doing it!. I don't really care what Chris Rock says and as a matter of fact, I expect to see him on a washed up actors/ comedian reality show sometime soon. Life is truly based on choices that can lead you on entirely diffrent paths. Choose the person that loves, respects and makes you happy and don't judge them based on race.

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  35.   Dabro says:
    Posted: 25 Mar 09

    Cris might need to get outside of that bubble that he apparently lives in. The black women I know have plenty of options and use them on a regular basis. They choose a man based on how he fits or does not fit into their life. The notion that all black men do not know how to treat a black woman is simply not true. Some of us still know how to hold a conversation, be attentive, open the door for her, pull out her chair, hold her hand and treat her in that special and loving way. With the exception of maybe one, all of my black female that I know have dated men other than black men because they were attracted to them and not because they were out of options.

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  36.   lynnnora says:
    Posted: 25 Mar 09

    Chris Rock doesn't speak for me. It's my opinion that it's ignorant for anyone to lump an entire race of women together as if are nothing more than a collective without individuality. Again, Chris Rock doesn't speak for me therefore; I do not take to heart anything he says.

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  37. Posted: 25 Mar 09

    AllenJr3 what you say about blackwomen can also be said about blackmen, doing nothing for blackwomen but will get with a whitewoman and break your back for her. but its ok really, i prefer whitemen as they treat blackwomen better and will do what blackmen will not do, for,to or with a blackwoman.

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  38. Posted: 25 Mar 09

    sidney Hardman life is MUCH better without ignorant ass kneegrows such as yourself too.

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  39.   Eunara08 says:
    Posted: 25 Mar 09

    in my opinion that´s very very very simple : when man likes, loves women, doesnt matter if she is black or white , if a woman likes, loves men, doesn´t matter if this man is black or white !!!!! that´s all !!!!!!! that will be a man or a woman at first, mens who loves womens looks the color after !!!! Cinch, cinch, cinch, NO MISTAKE!! Sorry guys , i don´t belive a man who choose the color of a woman, to me , this man doesn´t love womens!!!!!! Sorry again, but that´s the truth. Hum...somebody had a bad experience ?!?!?! talk to yourself...was not you FAUL T ?!?!?! No ??? it was the color of the black woman you was married ?!?!?! MY GOD !! stay way from me !!!!!!´ well, some guys doesn´t want bw, stay way from me man, you don´t loves women, you loves color , i want a man who loves women. It´s different. A big difference and, if you are choosing by color ... you will never know the big and delicious diference, tisc, tisc not with me..maybe never, because you have fear, fear, fear and you don´t garantee yoursel, sorry, that´s the real trhuth, the truth that you will never want to know , but it inside you, in your blood, your soul. Sad. Maybe a bad childhood, could explain, why not ? what your parents, your relatives Said to you ?at school ?, think about !! Chris i can see, should have a lot of rocks into his head, much more rocks then brain. There is a brain ?!?!? it´s a scientific question, nothing personal ! Comment by engprince on 24 March 2009 1. “Rock is a comedian not a sociologist and his opinions while funny are best left on the stage”-: come on !!!!!! ...nobody needs to be a sociologist to be intelligent, my LORD !! are the rocks in his head, folks!!!!!!! - Comment by TEWAY2 on 24 March 2009 2.“ A beautiful woman is a beautiful woman. ( GOOD ! – TEWAY, you got a point !)However, my wide range of interests gives me more options because of who I am surrounded by. Some, not all black women are very narrow ( ??? ) when it comes to interest......... Most white women tend to be more open and ready to explore ( ?!?!?!? , TEWAY , you lost 10 points, or more ! – don´t you know bw ? are you living in júpiter ? is far from here...TEWAY, do you know how to get close a bw ?!?!? did you ever talk to her ? i mean, a real talking...or do you guess we can´t get a real talking ?!?! just the “white women tend to be more open and ready to explore” or how you wrote “ most of white women ”. IT´S EQUAL !!!!!!!! Looking for more time, TEWAY and trust me : it is up to you. )” -: 1. Comment by lorenzo73 on 23 March 2009: THATS AN INTELLIGENT GUY !! Congratulatiosn, Lorenzo 73 To each his own. Everyone makes there own choice. People can complain all day long about why he or she dates black or white. If you like the person that you (HE IS GOOD, folks !!!) are with,and they happen to be of the opposite color. ( FINALLY!, somebody gets the point !) Be proud of you race. The relationship that you are in you made that choice,and if you can’t handle the critism that that the world has to give. Keep your comments to yourself and let people who enjoy what thet do br happy. 1. Comment by Viena101 on 23 March 2009: 1. “Many black men date/marry white women as a means of either moving up the social/career ladder as they feel it is a way of becoming more acceptable in order for them to progress further.(You may disagree with this).” – it´s happen; a friend of mine married with ww , but never knows she didn´t likes black mens, because she like to say : “ black men, to me have to go way “, when she was single and before to know he is a engineer....but his married is safety for this because i wll never tell to him, never ! by the way, she got to put me away from them. FEEEEAAARRR !!! AND IF HE IS LIKE SOME GUYS WHO THINGS the most ( and just they) white women are open mind, and worker, and cool, and Nice, just they are trusty, my friend will never trust me, 2. BECAUSE THIS !!!!!!, read Comment by sidney Hardman on 24 March 2009: “I am not angry because it’s a waste of time but you black women are very, very, very selfish and want men to give you a life(unless you date a white dude) then you do the job you promised to do,but not for the black man. you very very very very very rerely help the man who is trying to give you a decent life. my first wife (black) told me i was too nice, aren’t i supposed to be to my wife. i divocred her (after her eighth boyfriend) i am not the jealous type.(the judge told me the next time i hit anybody i was going to macalester pentitentary for seven months . at that time i was in court for fighting.that’s when i realized you type are not worth the problem. (i’ve beat enough black men ass to prove i’m not a punk ask the judges). especially when you idiots know there are certain lines as a black man, you never cross with another black man. it’s hard for me to walk away. my second wife told me she would let me do EVERYTHING because she said i would do it right. i did it all the time clean, cook pay the bills, even when i gave her the money i would have to take her to pay ther bills after i got off work she had the car while i was working.discipline the children, make sure all of her problems were manageable,even helped both of my ex’s with their jobs(sometimes for hours a day). she’s a good friend but lazy as hell, i divorced her.i did the same thing for my first as my second wife so as far as giving black women an understanding shoulder i don’t think so. i see it in my friends wives and my mother, all my sisters, female cousins and all my brothers wives. black women should be more considerate of those who take care of them and get off their lazy butt. but this will explain my view on why men like me went to southamerica and am going back in june 09. the women there are looking for someone to make a life not have someone give them one. you can’t find a good man because evidently most of you don’t deserve him.recognize the problem and change your ways of doing thins and you might not have this problem nationwide.other nations of black women are very supportive and worthy of american black men i had a blast and this is my third time going to colombia. i would hate to see a lot of american black women go there because they would screw it up to for the native black women. now you stupid ladies go back and laugh about this.” ...... Well...YOU HAVE SERIOUS TROUBLES, Sidney. Such anger ! what are you talking to your kids ?!?!? Be quick and look for an analyst, you need! Maybe your children too!!!!!!!!!! 1. Comment by GetReal on 23 March 2009: “As you see by the ignorant comment by BBWIF. That is the unfortunate face of the Black woman Dating White men in 2009. A bitter, hateful black woman who for whatever reason she won’t admit too. Hates black men. – ??!?!? WHO TOLD YOU THIS LIE !?!?!? – ando you believed that ?!?! – MY GOD !!! WE LOVE BLACK MEN, GetReal, and the white, too , in my case. **************************************** i think that rock said what he thinking, it was not a joke, but should be shut up because some persons use to say stupid things and not evebory have inteligence to filter , rocks that jump of same mouth. Be prepared, use your neurons. We are freeedom !!!!!!!!! all uf us, despite some persons have chains in your brain. OR ROCK!!!!!!!!! ok, ok, i know i have a terrible English !!!!!!! but, if you was able to end, thanks! I JUST WANT WE CAN BE HAPPY !!!!!!!

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  40.   AllenJr3 says:
    Posted: 25 Mar 09

    I am just going to weigh in on this here. I have had problems dating black women in the past because of the "Strong black woman" attitude that they have given me. All of the black women that I have dated pull this "I am a black woman and you better respect me!" garbage. Respect is earned and not commanded. I have seen black women treat a black man like crap and then date a white guy and bend over backwards for the guy! What is the deal with that? An ex girlfriend of mine told me "You can't handle the challenge of dating a black girl" Why does there have to be a challenge? I am challenged at work, I am challenged at school. I don't want to be challenged at home when I am trying to relax. I am a successful, fun loving black man and I still get crap from black women. I was to the point where I stopped dating black women. Then I realized how stupid of a generalization that was to make. I am still wary about dating black women in general.

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  41.   MisCris says:
    Posted: 25 Mar 09

    I, like most, do not agree with Chris Rock on this subject. As a black woman, I like Black men, White men as well as Latino, Asian, etc. When I meet someone, I'm not looking at his colour I'm watching his personality, how he's responding and interacting with me. What I want to know is why is it still about Black and White when interracial dating involves so many combinations of races? Although I have dated men from other races, I personally LOVE Hispanic men, but I am open to a MAN who treats me with much love and respect.

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  42.   BronzeSky says:
    Posted: 25 Mar 09

    I believe as a comedian, Chris Roc should be taken with a grain of salt, smelling salt that is. Chris Rock's statement was part of a joke and should not have been misconstrued as anything else other than good ole ribbing at some black women for their failure to broaden their dating/marriage horizons. Some black women do get upset when they see a black man with a white woman. I say, give me a white man of my own, and don't get upset when you see us together. I believe that the reason why some black women become perturbed when they see a black men dating other races is because some of those men are not dating interracially because they are adventuring out, but are doing so because they believe the stereotype that anything that is not black must be better. They assume that non-black women are a better quality woman. That assumption would make any woman who is directly affected by it upset.

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  43.   Member says:
    Posted: 25 Mar 09

    Geezy Wheezy I saw all the comments on black "American" women. One guy said he was married to two of them and that he is going to South America lol. I think I will stick with black American women. If you thought they were bad here, wait until you get abroad. They only care about that money. I am engaged to a black American woman/puerto rican. She is a good soul and I am happy to be with her. I think everybody is playing games here. Black women claiming white men treat them better. Well, that white man has never lived in your community. If I dated a white girl and she was never in my community. I would think she was great too at first. Then times goes on, and you figure out is this interracial relationship worth the aggravation? As in the case of sellout black women, they always brag about a white man they can get. They never bag about "keeping a man". All races of women measure themselves on "keeping a man". Oprah "Wimprey" has white women who cry on her show because they were unable to keep their marriage together. That is really the ultimate goal at the end of day. I have always said this, black women are cocky in the beginning and desperate towards the end. In the club at 35 years old looking for a man. They caused this on themselves. When that good black man was interested in you, you ignored him. You ignored the white boy too. Now when "shit is falling apart" you go on a bashing spree about black men while saying "the white man will be my fall back guy". Now you backed yourself in a corner. The white man can say you know what, we can date, but I am not marrying you. Usually, that is how it ends up. They want to sugar coat shit on here. Keep waiting for a handout from a white man.

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  44. Posted: 25 Mar 09

    UhaveNOidea my goodness! but i gotta tell ya, those were not blackwomen but ignorant ass hoodrats, ignorant ghetto ass broads, decent blackwomen dont behave in that fashion or concern themselves with the dating options and or preferences of others. I am one of those blackwomen that is without that concern as i prefer whitemen, i dont have anything against blackmen at all, its just they are not who i prefer to date. also, from my experience; whitemen do treat blackwomen better, this is not to say that whitemen are better, they just treat us better that's all.

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  45. Posted: 25 Mar 09

    getreal you really need to get real. how is bbwif a bitter blackwoman because of her preference? I too prefer whitemen instead of blackmen; does this makes me a hateful bitter blackwoman also?

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  46.   Egeeli says:
    Posted: 24 Mar 09

    black women are always saying don't see color until, they get involved with a black man then his race and disapointments are more important than ever. learn to accept people for who they really are. black, white because when problems come that is exactly where the argument will go. unless the problem is not that big. then discretion is the better part of valor.chris rock only told the truth a lot of black women won't approach a white dude because she will have to get off her ass. (unless he approches her then she can dictate what it is she want's. she can negotiate her level of commitment. working to help a black man is totally out of the realm of possibilitiy. maybe black women should not date white men because they are under enough strees ya'll would only make them want to blow up the world sooner..actually hoe is a compliment compared to black bitch. black bitch attacks who you are and what you represent even your daughter. a hoe only only spotlights (YOU'RE) personal actions ALONE. that strong black woman personality has gotten you left alone, not only by black men but other races too. grow more considerate and compassionate and maybe we will stop going to other countries or dating outside our race. white men can have anything it the world they want so how come all white men don't want an american black woman. too much drama and selfishness coupled with ignorance and financial corruption.WHEN I BECOME PRESIDENT YOU CAN ASSASINATE ME.

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  47.   Egeeli says:
    Posted: 24 Mar 09

    if you black girls don't want to be the subject of discussion then maybe, no you should get it right within the limits of you're first marriage. true there are sorry black men i have some friends i hate to see any woman involved with. and anyway who are you ms clazzy to say don't talk negatively about black women. that shows the level of selfishishness by even saying that. you and your stupid girlfriends talk shit about black men and how you want better and he should do more. i am retired military and make more each yr than people with afour yr college degree. my girls are a lot different than you types she works takes care of her son (at 22 and i told her not to worry about getting child support) it's enough of that already. even though she followed my advice to prove that she can be the woman society expects. my other daugther is 16 and i'm trying to get her to choose the FBI as a career. i also told her that i would not put her on birth control or allow condoms because she can see that just because you have a child by a man he could be an ass----. she needs to listen to me and her mom and trust our judgement at 18 she can basically do what she wants. but she is openminded like me and her mom and trying to be responsible and not balme some black man for the choices she had a choice in making. so she does nothave to cry about someone talking bad about black women because she is not headed in the same useless direction as most of you.

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  48.   Egeeli says:
    Posted: 24 Mar 09

    that my or may not be true . but mankind created their own seperate races. true we are given choices but the narrow minded are often abusers of their own nationalities.

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  49.   d02119 says:
    Posted: 24 Mar 09

    responding to Comment by BlackBttrfly on 23 March 2009 I'm really sick and tired of people saying white men treat black women better. Both races treat you the way they think you like to be treated. I'm am nativeamerican and have dated both black and white and have been shuned by my family for doing so. the black man treated me ten time better than the white man ever did. He college educated and very hadsome. Not saying the white one was bad, he treated me with respect also. you know why, because when they met me they saw I had class and was on their level. So if you feel that the other race is treating you better than your own race you need to take a look at yourself and see what the problem is. If you allow them to treat you badly then they will. you attract what you put out.

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  50.   Egeeli says:
    Posted: 24 Mar 09


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