Black women have no option?
Warning: This post may be offensive to some readers. This is not the objective. The post is in no way meant to defame or inflame any parties, groups or persons. It is simply meant to find out what people think about black white dating.
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In a bid to explain why Black women get upset about Black men dating White women, Chris Rock in his latest stand up comedy says all Black men have done is exercised their option. He goes on to say Black women are angry because they are not attracted to white men so they can’t exercise their option. All they can do is sleep with “pretty white boys" but generally, black women are not attracted to white men.
In my opinion, the above statements suggest Black women only date interracially out of desperation. In fact, most Black men believe so. And the finger pointing between Black men and Black women never ends. I don't think this is the case though and frankly, I have never understood why Black men and Black women have to come up with such crude and prejudiced remarks while trying to figure out the reasoning behind their counterparts' dating options. YES! Options.
What do you think of Chris Rock's theory?
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PetiteChick says:Posted: 16 Jul 10
@ All & Eric From my first post which is awaiting moderation I stated: Eric, I’m kind of tapped out on research. I’m tired..I’m finished school and I’m so-so tiiired. @All I did find an interesting site that may be of interest on this subject. No statistics but overwhelming concern: I went on to list two more organizations within that post (which ain't showed up). To date, over 225,000 African Americans have died of AIDS - nearly 40% of total deaths - and of the more than 1 million people living with HIV in the United States of America today, around half are black. And yet, as a racial group, African Americans represent just 13% of the US population. The estimated lifetime risk of becoming infected with HIV is 1 in 16 for black males, and 1 in 30 for black females, a far higher risk than for white males (1 in 104) and white females (1 in 588).1 In Washington D.C, which has the nation’s highest district HIV prevalence (3%), 76 % of those infected are African American. 2 So why are black Americans so disproportionately affected by AIDS in America and how do black Americans themselves view the epidemic? And what is being done to limit the number of new cases of AIDS being identified in clinics across the country? *My final comments in the first post with the three links are as follows* Having gathered this info by doing a quick google search I find it hard to believe all of these organizations, governmental and non profit alike are conspiring against Black women. Lest we believe we are revisiting another Tuskegee project! I believe this is a matter worth taking note of. I hope the messengers do not do it in a way to disparage Black women. I hope the messenger brings the “message” to enlighten, gear us up so that we can move in a positive direction concerning this crisis. PEACE.
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PetiteChick says:Posted: 16 Jul 10
@ All I hope the first post with the links shows up so you can take a look. It is under moderation (which means it may never show up, LOL) HIV/AIDS among African Americans View PDF Revised August 2009 The HIV/AIDS epidemic in African American communities is a continuing public health crisis for the United States. At the end of 2006 there were an estimated 1.1 million people living with HIV infection, of which almost half (46%) were black/African American [1]. While blacks represent approximately 12 percent of the U.S. population, they continue to account for a higher proportion of cases at all stages of HIV/AIDS—from infection with HIV to death with AIDS—compared with members of other races and ethnicities [2, 3]. The Numbers HIV/AIDS in 2007 Blacks accounted for 51% of the 42, 655 (including children) new HIV/AIDS diagnoses in 34 states with long-term, confidential name-based HIV reporting [3]. Blacks accounted for 48% of the 551,932 persons* (including children) living with HIV/AIDS in 34 states with long-term, confidential name-based HIV reporting [3]. For black women living with HIV/AIDS, the most common methods of transmission were high-risk heterosexual contact** and injection drug use [3]. For black men living with HIV/AIDS, the most common methods of HIV transmission were (in order) [3]: sexual contact with other men injection drug use high-risk heterosexual contact**. Fact Sheet from the CDC revised in 2009
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PetiteChick says:Posted: 16 Jul 10
Moderating the post so, I'll just go ahead and post the info as found. Q&A: Congresswoman Maxine Waters, Legislator and Activist First Published: 4/19/2010 Page 1 of 2 Go To: 1 2 Just elected to her 10th term in Congress, California lawmaker Maxine Waters is one of the most powerful people of color in the history of American politics--and not to mention, one of the most powerful women. A staunch advocate for the poor as well as Black and Brown people, Rep. Waters has helped lead our nation's fight against AIDS for more than a decade. She convened the first congressional meeting on AIDS in Black America. She also spearheaded the Minority AIDS Initiative (PDF), a $156 million program launched in 1998 to address HIV/AIDS in minority communities that has grown to about $400 million today. But with the epidemic found in 2008 to be 40 percent larger than federal officials had previously estimated and primarily focused in Black communities, Waters is pushing President Obama to step up his commitment to eradicating the disease by earmarking more federal dollars for AIDS prevention, treatment and other services. We asked her to share her perspectives. President Obama's most recent HIV/AIDS budget proposed a 2 percent increase over prior spending. What does the administration need do to end HIV/AIDS? Money is always key, and we appreciate any increase in spending, but we'd like to have more. [I, along with other members of Congress,] would like him to talk about AIDS more in speeches. He must insist that his AIDS czar have a greater presence. And we would like President Obama to make AIDS one of his top priorities. Recently you circulated a letter asking the House Appropriations Committee to increase AIDS funding by over 50 percent. How many of your colleagues signed on? Fifty-seven members signed my bill. I am happy with the support we've received. A couple of years ago you sponsored legislation that would mandate HIV testing for federal-prison inmates. Where does that stand, and what do you think about Governor Schwarzenegger's move to cut care for HIV-positive state-prison inmates? We passed that legislation on the House side; we're now awaiting the Senate's approval. They're backed up with bills. [But now that health care reform has passed,] we're anxious to get the Senate to move on to this and other legislation. Regarding Governor Schwarzenegger, I am outraged by his lack of leadership. He has had a poor tenure and he's led California to the brink. My heart cries out for all the people affected by the cuts he's proposing, including AIDS, home-supported health care, education--you name it. California is last in the nation in handling its budget responsibly. I am anxious for his term to be over. AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP) budgets are being cut nationwide while ADAP waiting lists continue to grow. Do you worry that ADAP is targeted because it assists low-income people with HIV/AIDS? As we struggle in this economic crisis with budget cuts, we must set priorities and be good advocates for the important issues. ADAP is at the top of many of our agendas. We can continue being supportive--speaking up about funding, writing letters and rallying around those in need. [As legislators] we're constantly flooded with requests to support many issues and programs, ADAP included. We will do the best we can. Given the current fiscal resource constraints, our dysfunctional political system and the state of HIV/AIDS, what must HIV-negative Black Americans do to help end the epidemic? First we must educate ourselves about what HIV is and is not. We must all talk with young people about how it is contracted and how they can protect themselves. We must encourage all of our institutions--schools, churches, sororities, fraternities and labor unions, places that are high-level and people-intensive--to [provide workshops and host discussions] aimed at ending the epidemic. We have not done enough of that; we think someone else is doing it. We must make this education a part of our daily lives. First Published: 4/19/2010 Page 2 of 2 Go To: 1 2 With nearly 25,000 Black people newly infected each year and almost 40 percent of them under age 29 (PDF), do you worry that we will eventually be wiped out? I'm more optimistic than that. This is difficult work, but it's not impossible. I've been increasingly pleased about the growing support from the Black religious community. [In the 1990s] we were demonized by ignorant pastors who blamed AIDS on the gay community and had no intention of dealing with it. We now have many ministers promoting safe sex, holding discussions or distributing information on AIDS in the church. Some even have AIDS ministries. It's very important that we have a national ministerial community trying to come up with solutions for ending this epidemic. Tomika Anderson is a freelance writer based in Brooklyn, New York. Her work has appeared in Essence, POZ, Real Health and Ebony magazines, among others.
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PetiteChick says:Posted: 16 Jul 10
Eric, I'm kind of tapped out on research. I'm tired..I'm finished school and I'm so-so tiiired. @All I did find an interesting site that may be of interest on this subject. No statistics but overwhelming concern: below describes HIV/AIDS as an epidemic in the Black community. I'm NOT posting numbers. Just read it for yourselves and gleen from it what you wish. More which sites figures Having gathered this info by doing a quick google search I find it hard to believe all of these organizations, governmental and non profit alike are conspiring against Black women. Lest we believe we are revisiting another Tuskegee project! I believe this is a matter worth taking note of. I hope the messengers do not do it in a way to disparage Black women. I hope the messenger brings the "message" to enlighten, gear us up so that we can move in a positive direction concerning this crisis. PEACE.
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looking4life says:Posted: 16 Jul 10
eeerrriiiccc oh eeerrriiiccc since you were incapable of answering my question i went to get the answers for you. in 2006 because that was the most recent year this info was available: out of every 100,000 of that group there are: 116 black males infected 55 black women infected 19 white males infected 4 white women now on top of this : 73%of all new cases are male 27% are female 80% of new infections in women is from heterosexual intercourse while only 13% of new infections in males is from heterosexual intercourse AND 72%of new infections in males is from homosexual sex now lets move on to my next question: 22 states are responsible for more than 73% of all aids cases ...random sampling??? this information was based on the extrapolation of more than 576,000 cases. broken down 1/16 aamen will cantrac aids/hiv and 1/30 aa women. as i told you these numbers are subjective its all in how you spin them but the representation by population clearly does not support your hypothesis. all this data also came from the cdc. its nice that your education taught you to read now if you could learn to open you mind you may be able to comprehend. nice way to spin those stats little billy clinton coulda used you. hope your having a great day.
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Ichibod says:Posted: 15 Jul 10
Eric, "To be misunderstood can be the writer's punishment for having disturbed the reader's peace. The greater the disturbance, the greater the possibility of misunderstanding." ~Anatole Broyard I've encountered this too many times on this site, Brother. I started reading into this debacle around 2am this morning but was just to tired to comment. This was almost the very the message my pastor preached 3 weekes ago and what a friend of mine called 2 nights ago to tell me she now has to face for the rest of her life (luckily not AIDS/HIVS though). I believe you bringing these facts to 2 threads where black women are crying foul is what seems most suspect... to some. Not to me, facts are facts, I've just been trying to see why these facts seem to be met with such resistance and that's the only thing I can come up with. Even to the point of being called hatred? Some black women will gladly accept and proclaim that many of them are not married, more of them are in college than black men, or more of them are single mothers. But when it comes to anything that gives anyone the appearance of their supposed lack of responsibility, you get the responses that you've received. And their lifestyles may not have them at risks but they still have something to say. Many times you mention African American men in your presentation as well as our community as a whole. We are not talking about this enough, and whether you feel this should be just brought up anywhere (this IS a serious) is the debate. Just think, who wants to be reminded of adultery while they are about to cheat on their spouse. Sorta kills the mood. I always say that statistics don't give account to circumstances. Whatever the circumstances may be, such high numbers in our community need to be paid attention to. I don't have it, I don't live the lifestyle if someone who has it, but as the saying goes, "If it affects one, it affects us all". Thank you for sharing. Sis (you know who), I need to talk to you about these exchanges.
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PetiteChick says:Posted: 15 Jul 10
@tatted …..DAFFY THE SECONE COMING!!!! Uhhh ohhh, "he" didn't strike me as "it." "It" has more anger. Good observation.
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tatted2death says:Posted: 15 Jul 10
Eric......dear man, You know not who you are talking it might be best just to bite thy tongue. I have volunteered at batter women's shelters where I was in constant contact with women that had various issues.....INCLUDING HIV/AIDS. How the PHUCK can you claim I have my "head in the sand" or whatever?? YOU ARE IN DENIAL of your own BITTERNESS. EDUCATING is one thing......outright HATING is another. Since you claim to not be "interested" in my "desires as a woman of color" then YOU are the one that has let it ALL be known. I "see" you, "Eric" and you are as flimsy and paper thin as before.......get a new angle. "Caring" for the "community" is getting old. I tell you I "modify" my tell me it has something to do with "guilt".....WTF!?!?! You probably will even denounce my ACTUALLY DOING SOMETHING IN THE COMMUNITY (besides shooting my mouth off LIKE YOU) as something of a trifle. NO, MY "brother" YOU are the TRIFLING ONE. DANG IT.....DAFFY THE SECONE COMING!!!! PEACE AND BLESSING to ALL tatted2death
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PetiteChick says:Posted: 15 Jul 10
@tatted: I don’t know what it is…..I’d like to say lack of “home training” but I know most mothers at least TRY and raise their children with some sense….not wanting the ignorance to reflect on them at the very least. ----------------------- Petite: I don't think I go so far as to blame all of this behavior on "mothers." Finally, not all mothers are created equal All I can say is I know for a fact not ALL people/men are like this. In fact, today I had my faith renewed when a gentleman from these blogs sent me a very courteous email showing admiration for my views here……no pick up lines….no nastiness….no B.S. LOVE IT. --------------------------- Oh, absolutely I agree. I'm not like this. LOL and many others I know aren't either. I too got some understanding and appreciation from those who understood "me." PEACE
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looking4life says:Posted: 15 Jul 10
eric, your ignorance astounds me, you choose to contiue to treat people with a lack respect and disdain because they dont accept the views that you have clearly been trying to pass off as your own. you stated black and white men were equal in risk each with about 40% of reported cases but are obviously representing populations very different in size. what are the percentile differences in the male population between white men and black men. 2 when originally starting the topic you stated the mississippi delta was the worst or most extreme sampling in the usa which is why it was chosen.IT IS A REPRESENTATIVE SAMPLING THAT APPLIES TO THAT AREA ALONE NOT THE ENTIRE USA. after admitting it is the most extreme why attempt to try and apply it to the rest of the country. where is the least extreme sampling? any area using iv drug use may have higher numbers regarding hiv/aids. my point, that apparently floated over your head is that you cant take the most extreme cases and try to use those as representative statistics. in order to validate those a larger representative sampling must be taken including others or the statistics mean nothing. i also provided a simplistic explanation on the theory of random sampling hoping you could understand it but i guess because the ones who provided you with your views havent given you an explanation on it yet. its quite clear you are unable to think for yourself so i will let you get back on the short bus with the rest of the "special" kids and go back to school.
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sam says:Posted: 15 Jul 10
Let me get this straight: So you're saying that black women are the reason for this "national epidemic" of HIV? That those studies show that it is because black women do not practise safe sex, the whole american nation is at risk? And you are saying that black women just f*** around regardless if they have HIV or not, because they are black women? And despite any education or information, black women just keep spreading the virus? So are you trying to point out, somehow, that no matter what will be done, by education or in any other ways, black women just keep on spreading HIV? And, according to you, they do it because they are black? Because, like you said, it is all over the USA? And are you saying, based on your take on these studies, that all black communities across US are spreading the virus? And this is because black women in those communities? I'm just trying to get this straight here. Just focus things a bit so I could understand what is it that you try to say. Because, like you say, I don't get it. I understand safe sex. I've practised it for more than 30 years now. I've been tested for HIV and others some dozen times, just recently few months ago. Have you been tested? If not, get it done. You'll never know before that.
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sam says:Posted: 15 Jul 10
Whats up with this Eric? What does he want to say? That nobody should be with black women because they carry HIV? That nobody should be with anybody because they might carry the virus? That black women in Mississippi Delta are bad for ones health? I don't know what he tries to say. But I do know that if you go to the slums of, say, Mumbai, and study the HIV situation over there, it will be no roses. Or if you do it somewhere else too. I knew a guy who died for aids back in the 80's. He was white, well educated, in good profession, doing just fine, but got the virus anyway because back then it was supposed to be a gay virus. I know that most of the NEW HIV cases in Finland are detected among white heterosexual men who get it from Russia, Estonia or from Thailand. Yes, from white and asian women in heterosexual realtionships. HIV is not a black thing, Eric. It is everybodys thing. Maybe you have some personal reasons to try to paint it as black womens thing, I don't know. But I do know that is very dangerous to label it as such. It is not a minority problem. It never was. It is our thing too, yours and mine. We have to make sure that we don't get it and that we don't spread it. And we have to make sure that those who get it are taken care of. So how do we make situation better? We edjucate people. We teach them to have safe sex. We talk about safe sex for teenagers and every one. Openly. Frankly. If the black women in Mississippi Delta are ignorant about it, instead of declaring them as a health hazard one should roll up sleeves and start to edjucate them about HIV. The way I read those results is not that black women are guilty of spreading HIV. What that study tells me is that there has been no sex edjucation in schools, on tv, on news papers nor on media. And that goes to the heart of american double standards, just like yours. Instead of providing good information for people, some want to deny that. "No sex edjucation in schools because that makes teenagers go out and have sex". Like they don't anyway? "No condoms because they make people have sex". Like they don't have sex with or without condoms? "Condoms are a sin" said catholic church too, particulary in Africa. That is a very smart thing to say over there, right? Saying that HIV is black womens thing, or gay thing, or prison thing, or this or that minority thing is very very dangerous. And it is very very ignorant. When you say that black women are the main carriers of HIV, you actually say that almost nobody else is. In one of your earlier posts you claimed that white men don't go put with black women because they might have HIV, and go out with asian or latin women instead. So you were actually saying that these women do not have HIV. Which is a croak of sh**. I don't know if you believe that or want to believe that, but I have news for you: those women can have it too. Nobody is immune. So whatever ethnic backround your woman is, Eric, you'll never know untill you and her get tested. That is a fact. And, I have never heard of anybody say that they don't go out with black women because they might have the virus, so I have no idea where you got that information. Maybe from your pals. I'm a white guy and I date women, not their skin. I don't care if shes white, brown, black, yellow, red, green, blue, purple, gray, emerald, or any other color. And if I want to get serious with her, we both take the test. Then we both know do we have HIV or any other thing. It is that simple.
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looking4life says:Posted: 15 Jul 10
eric, i dont post often and people like you are the reason why, you have been arguing your own topic .i have been watching your rude behaviour towards people who are not seeing your interpretation of the "facts" as it has been given to you. my question is this: do you realize the "statistics you have been feeding are subjective regardless of where they come from? and i will give 2 examples 1. in your effort to prove your point you stated that white men and black men each make up 40% of the total cases but black men only make up 26%of the male population(please correct that i know you will) and white males are what%. i do not believe that it will equally represent the equality in the cases filed hence the term minority referring th aa people. 2. is a term called "random representation" anyone passing grade 8 science will know that term: take a roll of quarters and throw them in the air enough times when they land approximately 50% will be heads and the other tails but some throws may be 60% 40% but after enough throws it may even out . now looking closer you will notice groupings where there will be 3 heads and 1 tail and in other areas the opposite. choosing the extremes ( the mississipi delta) may provide you with your "facts" what was the "control" to base their "findings". again, buddy its all in how you interpret the information. why do you think in an automobile accident you can get an "expert"to argue the same statistics with another "expert" but totally different hypothesis for the right amout of money, and what better way for the cdc to protect funding. yes it does make sense for any sexually active person to be tested regularly especially between partners but if your a slut (male or female) that may not be far between and costly but a darn good idea. lastly stop taking your opinion from someone else form your own and be open to others i know this will surprise you but you cannot always be right.
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Eric says:Posted: 15 Jul 10
To: Nikkle Yes, I am "very? aware of the fact! Are, you aware that there are women that are also on the DL as well? It's strange however that when it comes to women, then all of a sudden everyone's on "mute"! Especially women themselves! It's as though anything that's associated with HIV/AIDS is always "black male" oriented. But, the facts paint a completely different picture. That's, so sad because that unfortunately is exactly the way that the overwhelming majority of black women think today, because that's how they've been programmed. Since Oprah's show with Author J.L.King's book on Black Men onThe Down Low" black women have literally been on a tear, trying as best they can to "separate" themselves from the HIV/AIDS controversy, and also their complicity, and accountability wherein. But, sorry 'that dog ain't goin hunt"! The real truth is finally emerging, and black women are in the eye of the storm...literally and figuratively. Yes, there are down low white men...always have been! But, be honest how many times have you ever hear any black woman say that? Other than yourself? To be honest you're the very first one that I have hear utter those words! Because black women have been mislead...again by the powers that be, as if only black men are on the DL, or are spreading HIV/AIDS. That's the whole issue that I'm attempting to shed light on here. Because many black women are convinced that only black men are the problem...sure they are some of them, but it's not just about black's about all men regardless of their race. I wish that I had a dollar for every time that I hear a black women say that she prefers to date white men, because of HIV/AIDS, and black men! It makes me literally choke, because of such foolish ignorance being perpetrated by them., but as I highlighted before are more than willing to give white men a pass! Maybe they just hate themselves that much that they'll do almost anything to not be black, or associated with their own people. I don't know. I do know that many of my white male friends have given black women a "wide berth", and now consider them to be out of bounds! That's the prevailing attitude these days in the general white community. Many however will never discuss it openly as do black people. but that's certainly without a doubt on the table. So, if you're choose to date IR, then that's your personal business, but don't engage in an activity just because you think that white men are HIV/AIDS free! Look at the men and white men are in a virtual "dead heat" statistically. You're completely right about the Middle East,I and about your observations! I witnessed tha first hand when I had the opportunity to visit both Lebanon, and Syria a few years back. No, I'm not familiar with your 'sour Grape Syndrome. Nor do I encourage negative thoughts, because the data is clearly there for all people to bear witness too! That's our problem as a people we only desire to see the positive aspects, and ignore the reality of what we do concerning our attitudes and behaviors. This is why we're in this situation today, because of our general attitudes towards promiscuous casual sex, and it's practices. It's far too common for both black men, and black women to have multiple sex partners, and also fail to practice safe sex! . And, that's the crux of this entire scenario! But, nobody wants to see, or deal with the reality, nor the aftermath of irresponsible behavior, or their accountability for same. Sorry, but there's not misrepresentation of the CDC's data here! And, I'll have no problem calling you a liar! Apparently you haven't invest enough time in researching the data for yourself to even make that kind of statement. So, you are the one that requires serious education, and how to properly interpret that information. Nice try though. You should be invest your energies into seeking the truths, and not as per usual playing this mindless black women's blame game.The data is there, it's accurate, and for those like yourself that fail to embrace the facts that doesn't mean that the facts are incorrect, it only means that you're a non-believer. If, I were a black woman, and had those kinds of numbers labeling me, then I more than likely would also be a non-believer as well. It's simply embarrassing, and reflects on who you are as women. Because just look at non-black women their numbers aren't even close! What are they doing differently? Simple answer to that as well also...'they're practicing safe sex! Perhaps you need to visit your local bookstore for a change, and not frequent the clubs as much.....perhaps you just might learn something!
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Nikkle says:Posted: 14 Jul 10
Eric. I don't know if you are unaware that white men also go to jail and have homosexual sex there, get out and have sex with their old-ladies. There are also down-low white men, married with families who have mever beem incarcerated. I heard a story about men in the middle-east and how on Fridays they hang out with their prepubescent male partner. Are you familiar with the "Sour Grape Syndrome" Are you familiar with the laws that govern hate speech? Are you not already a member of a hate site where people concur with your way of thinking, and do you not derive more pleasure from that? Are you trying to intimidate, disparage and or do you want other non-blacks to engage in prejudicial action against black women? Is that your goal? If not, what is your goal here? Your underhanded insults are noted, counterproductive and no longer welcome, your misrepresentation of statistics about HIV and AIDS has been rejected; essentially your credibility is tarnished. You are a fool if you believe someone from another country can't know as much if not more about a country without living there. That is an absurd statement considering many Americans have never left the state they live in and if they have it has only been to neighboring states (and there is nothing wrong with that) it just does not make them subject matter experts on Americans. Get some help or find a site that is more suited for your tendencies.
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godiva61 says:Posted: 14 Jul 10
Poor, Poor Eric, Is this your best shot? Did you sit up all night to come up with the therapist comment? Another male such as yourself who'se responses are generic and recycled, wow! Have you ever wondered why the world, doesn't take you serious? I'm so sad now, because of your response, boo hoo and bring on the paxil!!!!
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sam says:Posted: 14 Jul 10
PS. HIV is spreading like a wild fire in India, China, Vietnam, Cambodia etc. Thailand has thousands and thousands of virus carriers too. So it really is universal. Not a black thing. It was not a gay thing either, even though that's what they tried to say in the beginning. It is everybody's thing and we have to take care of each other and of our selves.
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sam says:Posted: 14 Jul 10
Just to comment Eric: Hey buddy, maybe you statistics right, I don't know. But I do know this: if you have casual sex with anybody you better have safe sex. Get your condoms ready, man, because if it is HIV you are scared of, anybody can carry that virus. That virus does not look for skin color. White heterosexuals get it too. Some 70-80% of estonian prostitutes carry it and they are all white. All most all of the infected people in Finland are white. Thousands of whites have died because of HIV all over the world. So, I don't think skin color is here the major issue... And if you want get serious and get steady and drop the condom, you can always get tested. That's what we do here in Finland. Last woman I had an affair with asked me to get tested. I walked to a healthcare center, they took some blood, checked it and that was it. And at the same time you get tested for other possible viruses and VD's. Easy, ain't it? So, instead of blabbin about how black women are spreading the HIV all over the place because they are black women, you can stop worrying about them and ask your white women get tested too. They might have the virus without even knowing it. It has happened. And if they don't dare, you can always say that "Hey honey, let's get tested together!". Safe and fun. If and when I meet a nice black woman and get into a relationship with her, you bet I get tested and ask her too. This is also my responsibility. I have to take care of myself too. Not just say that Those people carry the virus and Those people spread it around. Like I said: the virus does not recognize any skin color. And like I said: gettin tested every now and then is good for you and good for your woman. I don't know. Maybe it is different over there, but this is how we do it in Finland. There is no stigma in getting tested for HIV or anything else. It is just common sense.
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bigeyes31 says:Posted: 14 Jul 10
@looking4life It is wonderful that a caucasian man comes here,shows his face and makes a stand for his choices. May others follow in your path,sir. It is funny that you mention Canada,because I have been thinking lately of visiting and even thought about moving there just today at work,lol. I don't know why though these thoughts crossed my mind. Anyways thanks for input. Peace
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tatted2death says:Posted: 14 Jul 10
Thanks to you as well, Petite.... I don't know what it is.....I'd like to say lack of "home training" but I know most mothers at least TRY and raise their children with some sense....not wanting the ignorance to reflect on them at the very least. All I can say is I know for a fact not ALL people/men are like this. In fact, today I had my faith renewed when a gentleman from these blogs sent me a very courteous email showing admiration for my views pick up B.S. LOVE IT. Peace and Blessing, Good People tatted2death P.S. I am NO ONE's "example" of the B.S. you are trying to stick onto me......I don't share hypodermic needles or don't give in to every sexual desire the way you seem to think all women of color must.....THEREFORE, I am NOT in your "risk group". YOU are a PERFECT EXAMPLE of an AZZ with no brain....but I won't hold that against you.....P.E.A.C.E.
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PetiteChick says:Posted: 13 Jul 10
@tatted "...because people, in general, do not know how to handle themselves online. They tend to let all inhibitions (and manners…lol) fly out the window. I mean, what man would walk up to a woman and tell her," ----------------- I'm very very late on this, but I AGREE WITH THE ABOVE. IT IS WHAT I HAVE BEEN STATING HERE for the last week or so. People (men) in my case, cause I ain't into women behave awfully bad. It's a turn off. I've gone through the various ethnicities and so far I can say the same for Black and White men. I can't speak too much to Black men because in the beginning I got very little attention from them. But it is mind boggling what goes on here. Thank God someone "sees" what I see. I feel so friggin vindicated!
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looking4life says:Posted: 13 Jul 10
hey ladies, tricci, big eyes, bold, trustee, etc. what about canada, 1 we are not the usa 2 we are younger and dont have alot of the same issues at least not to the same degree 3 when we love you we love you and we will treat you good i know what i like and i give no excuses or apologies its what i like.
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tatted2death says:Posted: 27 Jun 10
more madness from the misinformed......This type of propaganda IS the SAND and salt being thrown time and time again..... BIG PHAT PFFFFTTT.... Peace tatted2death
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Mia says:Posted: 08 Jun 10
@ MzBrOwNSuGaR you hit the bulls eye with this statement! lol I notice he goes out his way to spread insults and make statement as to why white men will not date us. Why does it concerns him is the real question.
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MzBrOwNSuGaR says:Posted: 08 Jun 10
@ Queens, You concern your silly self wayyyy too much about what white men think. Could it be that maybe the real reason you don't like black women with white men is you like white men yourself? Fess up!!!! I think the gay site is that way -------->
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X4AChange says:Posted: 08 Jun 10
How can you call the black women who choose to date outside their race "Sellouts" when there are black men who date outside of their race? Would'nt they be considered "sellouts" also? It seems to me that you have anger issues toward black women. Because I've seen nothing in any of the comments that you've posted addressing black men who date outside their race as being "Sellouts". Your problem is that you want for us, black women to be "loyal" to preserving our race, when there are black men who are not even "loyal" to preserving our race. Why should there be any loyalty in the preservation of our race by black women when the black men do not carry or hold that same loyalty. I personally believe that love is love and whoever a person chooses to be with, that's who they'll be with. However, your constant black female bashing just displays you as being vulnerable. I don't know you from a can of paint as you don't know me from a can of paint. However, I am just going off of what I have seen you post and the attitude and motive behind it. Also, need I remind you that you are on an interracial dating site constantly bashing black women. If you prefer white or other women, then by all means enjoy yourself. However, If you are not interested in black women or if you detest black women, then just stick with who you like without bringing the negativity in this environment. Just go with what you like instead of looking for ways to disrespect and degrade black women. I don't know what your situation is or who has "rubbed" you the wrong way, but you need to get over it. Not all black women are trifling, ghetto, golddiggers. That would be like my making the statement that all black men are no good, or in jail or mostly gay or on drugs, but I do know that there are some good men out there. Most of them are taken or possibly gay, but I am not going to degrade black men because of my preference of dating outside my race. You need to let go of the hostility and live your life, because I am going to live mines. Oh yeah, you can post a reply, but I will most likely not receive it. I am a one timer on this site and will unsubscribe as soon as I log of. So if you have the need to continue to bash then go ahead. Nine times out of ten you are by yourself anyway, being consumed with hatred. And I will leave you with the all self consuming hate.
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Laurelton says:Posted: 08 Jun 10
This is what was said. "Comment by MzBrOwNSuGaR on 8 June 2010: Comment by Marissa on 11 May 2010: “Black women do have a choice. Unfortunately, there are two types of Black women -classy and ghetto. Those in the ghetto have no option simply because of their attitudes, which could be altered” —– So you are saying a woman who happens to have the misfortune of living in the “ghetto”, can not live there and still be a lady with class? And, just because a woman doesn’t live in the ghetto, that automatically makes her classy?" Do white men think there are CLASSY black women in the ghetto? That should be the real question. Marissa just stated her opinion on the subject. Go ask some white guys if they like "class black women in the ghetto". You won't do that!
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MzBrOwNSuGaR says:Posted: 08 Jun 10
Comment by Marissa on 11 May 2010: "Black women do have a choice. Unfortunately, there are two types of Black women -classy and ghetto. Those in the ghetto have no option simply because of their attitudes, which could be altered" ----- So you are saying a woman who happens to have the misfortune of living in the "ghetto", can not live there and still be a lady with class? And, just because a woman doesn't live in the ghetto, that automatically makes her classy?
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Mia says:Posted: 06 Jun 10
@ MINDYA OWN ok your response was stupid and black women have beautiful babies from non black men as well,whats your point. A beautiful baby is a beautiful baby no matter what color they are, wow you really believe white is superior. Ladies look at this comment and you can see what i am talikng about. Black women please wake up and smell the coffee because we are dealing with men with real issues here that can not be fixed . We need strong men not men that have been brainwashed.
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Mia says:Posted: 06 Jun 10
To all my strong beautiful black sisters on this thread, please do not i repeat do not let these disrespectful brothers on here get you upset. I was just reading all the post on the website and i notice the sisters are not attacking anyone just voicing their opinions. Sister its a new age now, do not let anyone put in your mind that you are not wanted, they will never married you, we are last choice BULL SHIT! I am 25 year college graduate student with a masterdegree and will not settle for a self hatred complex problem man. Please black women open your eyes listen to their words and then close the door. Everyone has the right to date anyone they choose to, black men with white women ok great for them more power to it, black women with white men more power to it. Black man are comfortable stating their lust for white women ok fine. Black women the world is to big and fill with so many sexy non black men. Open your options up just like brothas has done.Stop thinking we have to stick by our black men bullshit , they dont belong to us ; they have made that clear and we dont belong to them.. I dont mind interracial dating at all. I live in new york and i see alot more sister and non black men couples which is fabolous. I love it !!!!!!
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Bold_as_Love says:Posted: 20 May 10
This is an extremely late post to this topic, but I am in complete agreement TricciNicci and Big Eyes.. European men seem to be the way to go. I am in a serious relationship with a Czech man and he completely adores me, and embraces my African American roots. I was curious as to what some European men think about women of color, specifically black women. I was shocked to find that a lot of European guys, especially Central European men are quite fond of black women, and think of it as an exciting experience to meet one. I suppose it may be due to the lack of black women in Central and Eastern Europe. When I visited the Czech Republic I was quite popular with my boyfriends male friend, and he told me that a lot of them were intrigued by me. Apparently, they enjoy the attitude and confidence of black women, and were attracted to the more African features that they aren't very used to seeing.
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Marissa says:Posted: 12 May 10
Black women do have a choice. Unfortunately, there are two types of Black women -classy and ghetto. Those in the ghetto have no option simply because of their attitudes, which could be altered. The classy woman, on the other hand, has an abundance of options. Whether they have short hair and other features that aren't the "standard of beauty," White men and many others are indeed attracted to them. It has a lot to do with attitude.
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trustee says:Posted: 03 Nov 09
Who in the hell is this Mr Laurelton Queens dude. This fool is going around talking like he is the shit. Well let me tell you something Queens, you really do not know anythign about black women and the way they live, so you need to shut your mouth and get a job. So no one has to hear from you again. You needs to grow up and grow two pairs, so you won't be so bitter and cold. Black women are smart and as nifty as white ones. Quit nagging like a little bitch and get over your self, then maybe one day you will get laid. " blogging legend" my ass. Black is a proud color and you need to quit hating.
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Member says:Posted: 30 Oct 09
As a black man, I have nothing against my black sisters, but am currently married to a white woman (the mother of my children). I have dated asian, white, native american and black women, all of whom were very special to me but just happened to fall in love with a woman who is white. I still get black women who get mad at me when they see us together and they really get mad when they see our kids but I say **** them, they ain't paying my bills. I have nothing against white men who prefer chocolate over vanilla either, a man or woman should date whomever they want and not have to worry about what others think.
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tatted2death says:Posted: 24 Oct 09
Peace and Blessing to you, Lance....thanks for giving the "curvy" lady a boost....LOL.
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Lance says:Posted: 21 Oct 09
I'm 44 white male enjoying a very intense physical and emotional relationship with a special black woman. We've both dated within our races, and outside of our races, and know what we like. Isn't that enough? And no, she isn't skinny... just curvy and pleasing. We might end up at the altar in the months ahead, as we both realized we were thinking "baby" after every love making session. Peace
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RYAN says:Posted: 15 Oct 09
i cant speak for all white men, but i dont care because im not physically attracted to white women, do ur thing
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Laurelton says:Posted: 15 Oct 09
Dear Ryan I was curious if most white men care if black men fuck white women? Only if they are skinny I assume. Have a nice day.
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RYAN says:Posted: 15 Oct 09
i am white, but i only mess with black women, i was just curious about if most black men really cares or wonders why a black woman dates a white man
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TricciNicci says:Posted: 15 Oct 09
Ok, ok Big Eyes, that's it! Since this is an interracial site, I think we should make it of just as an international intention as it is of interracial tone, lol! If you can catch a ride to Europe for a tour, I'm on the same train across the Big Pond (or under it whenever they get that thing underway)! Plane, boat or the Concord will do, lol! Maybe instead of arguing with some of these party poopers (don't wanna mention names, lol) we should be calling a travel agent!!! Fares are cheaper in March and the Eurorail will take you cheeeeeaaaap! I've got Marriott Rewards for the best hotels and don't mind racking up some new points. Just let me know when the Odyssey begins and I'm THERE!!!!!!!!
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bigeyes31 says:Posted: 15 Oct 09
Winky and TricciNicci That's it! That's it! I'm going to Europe,LOL. I can't wait until I meet the perfect man for me!! I just have this undying hope that I will meet a great European man perfect for me and all these racial hangups will be a memory! I know that sounds like a romance novel, which by the way I don't like, but in the face of all the tension in this country,I have to have faith. Peace
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TricciNicci says:Posted: 15 Oct 09
Winky, I am sooo in agreement with you! It's funny, I juuust finished saying that in another thread on this blog. Yes, people do get offended. You know what, I wonder if the whole historical perspective impacts me as well. In my families history we cannot pinpoint on my father's side any link to American slavery as both grandparent's descended through non-slave lines: My grandfather was French-Canadian and my grandmother was of Haitian descendency, non-slave. My mom's side has heavy Native American-African lineages with Irish/Scottish mixes, but as far back as the great-great's no slaves. Still I have dated and have been attracted to Caucasian men of American descendancy, but they are usually Jewish or Irish, lol! Others who've been interested in me have had heavy German and English influences/backgrounds, but I just don't have the attraction on my behalf. Yet, it's the reverse internationally. I find myself much attracted to the variation of cultures I experience in European men. I am not caught up on COLOR like so many here in the States seem to dwell on. I don't care if the guy is any twinge of whatever shade inbetween zero and 10,000 hues. The color of his eyes could be turqouise or jet black. I wouldn't care, but the celebration of HOW he lives means everything to me. Now What's up with that? Things that make you go hmmmm, lol!
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Winky says:Posted: 14 Oct 09
I've never dated outside of the black race, and I thought it was impossible to be attracted to a white man. But I have to admit, that anytime I see or feel attracted to a white man even in the smallest way, it's always someone from abroad. In my opinion, which I'm entitled to, there's a big difference in USA Caucasians and Caucasians from abroad. That might be a completely different story....and I've heard it said also from black women that have traveled abroad. So, in not an offensive way, Chris just might have a point, but I'm beginning to understand that there is another whole specie of Caucasian men in this world. A woman I knew, who had never dated white men stated that while she was in London, England, she had been dating white men.
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TricciNicci says:Posted: 09 Oct 09
Many of you make some very real points about being Black in America. From what I've read of these posts, this one seems to be the most diversified in points of view and discussion blends. I enjoyed reading about the impact of centralization and decentralization on the urban populace. I was born in an area like this. When my grandparents and others began relocating to the major cities, areas were targeted, red lined and emptied out through "white flight". Property values plummeted automatically causing the new minority owner's to owe the banks more than the homes were valued at. Of course white banks, politicians and builders partnered with the banks all grew fat on fear. Of course, whites who partook in white flight were rewarded by buying-up and into an economic scale that benefited them exclusively. Those whites who chose to stay or could not afford to move lost value their property value, but could afford to blend in anywhere else in society without fear of reprise...that is unless it was revealed you lived "where the blacks live". You might be called out of your name. Some whites just took it and waited out the generation or two before the land would be wanted again and one's own neighborhood became to costly through taxes or increase in valuation to stay. Blacks (as in predominantly Black or minority owned neighborhoods), on the other hand, were never truly able to enjoy the American Dream again without government assistance. This is mostly due to the boxing in of our communities. One has to rely on the government to go to school because the property value of your business or home usually won't produce the monetary milk white neighborhoods tend to realize. Forget about opening that great-idea-of-a-business on your own as the following short reveals, Mrs. White and Mrs. Black have the same size home, just in different neighborhoods. In their new home, Mrs. White was able to make home improvements with a personal loan from Mr. White's parents. This was before Little Johnny was born. Mr. White received yearly raises so by the time Little Johnny was able to go to school, with the equity in their home as collateral, the White's received a yes to their application at the local bank for a small loan to start a home kitchen baking business. Mrs. White planned to use her PTA connections to grow her list of customers for her famous pies, cakes and brownies. Mr. White had a bonus coming at the end of the year and with the small profit they figured coming from her small business and his bonus, they'd pay the seniors the money for their home improvement project. Yes, the future looked bright for the White's. When year's end came their smart planning, hard work and determination paid off. Mr. White had to contribute a little more than expected, but Knew his future salary projections would more than make up for it. When they offered the money back to the senior White's they accepted. Just as soon as the check was handed to them, the seniors handed back a deposit book with a balance sheet one and a quarter times the amount the jr's had just paid...with their check beneath it. "Your mother and I opened an account for Little Johnny's future before he was born. We've added to it as much as we could. The interest didn't hurt either. We want you to add the loan to that". The White's new they were headed in the White - oops - the right direction. They looked at each other and simply smiled, graciously thanking the two loving and generous supporters. The right job, wife, husband, supportive allies, a rallying community, new business and the determination and commitment to help the next generation of the siblings they planned for Little Johnny. They felt lucky as the stars looking at the happy and handsomely, cherubic face of their child. As nice as it was the senior White's gifted them, the White's knew better than to rely upon such show of compassion constantly. They knew all to well their bank near the local grocer just four blocks away from the five minute walk to Little Johnny's school was their closest ally. Every quarter Mrs. White sent a box along with her monthly payment of the bank manager's favorite cookies, snicker doodles, just to keep hope alive. Mrs. Black had just stepped out of her car with keys in hand to her new house. She had made it the day before to a late close alone because her husband couldn't get time off though he had asked right after they reached final approval by the bank. So here she was for the biggest purchase of their marriage without her man to share it with. Had it not been for her grandparents this dream would be to far away to be attainable. The bank had frowned on their initial application, turning them away eventhough they kept ostensibly perfect credit. She had been brought up like that, so had her husband. She could still here her grandmother's voice warning her that all "they" have to do is find one good reason to... Her husband, Mr. Black, was for some a bit of an ambitious man. Mrs. Black had wanted to stay in their small community but Mr. Black recognized the need for change and had heard of the opportunities being given to men in his industry as the main city grew. They determined money from the sale of their old house would be more than enough with what they believed the cost of the new house would be. Both were from good backgrounds but Mr. Black's mother and father were not in an economic position to help at all. Still their love and support was enough. Initially they tried to talk them out of the move to the main city. They also knew the will of their headstrong son, finally giving their blessing. Mrs. Black had been raised by her grandparents after a series of failed relationships followed her mother's quadroon looks. When she'd finally met her mother's latest "husband", she'd promise to come back for the then girl after the "real" marriage and settling in. That had been so many ponytail memories and happy birthday cakes ago. Happy days were guiltily overshadowed with silent tears upon her pillow after her grandparents tucked her in at night. She hadn't forgotten, she had just buried the pain superficially under a ton of achievements and busy schedule. By the time she'd said 'I do' to the future Mr. Black her self determination lay in repaying the love her grandparents had shown her and overcompensating the feelings of disentitlement remaining from the mystery of her mother. This storybook of scratchy realities passed through her mind as she walked from the car to the front door of a dream she and the absent Mr. Black had made and achieved together. As she shoved her key into the front door Ms. Black noticed her neighbor walking her dog. Politely waving as she turned the key in the lock, the neighbor walked over in response as Mrs. Black opened the door to her family's new home. "Hi" the neighbor said. Before she could introduce herself properly, the neighbor blurted excitedly, "I'm so glad they got to sell this so quickly. I was a little worried cause we can't just have houses sitting, Lord knows what it'd do to values" before plunging in again to add, "Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to be rude. I'm Mrs. Andersen from next door. You must be the new people's maid." Now looking about Mrs. Black nervously stating, "Aaa-are they meeting you here shortly?" she finished in a trailing off fashion. Mrs. Black responded she was not the maid, but she and her husband were the new owners and occupants. The new neighbor seemed in a state of confusion thereafter. Staying on almost dazed like rambling something of implying the agent assured her some 'nice people' would be moving into the vacant home. The conversation ended abruptly. The neighbor never finished her statement but turned on her heels walking away in a tuft, yanking her yelping dog as she went. The Black's never got to know those neighbors at all, but noticed the diverted and overt stares they received not long after the news of their move spread like wild fire through the neighborhood. It actually started before then on the drive home as they passed their own private Mason-Dixon line quietly marked as uncharted at the turn off South. A 'for sale' sign near the new neighbor's mailbox was their welcome basket a week later. With four others hotly chasing within days. Little had they known, a "neighborhood meeting" had been called by their fellow "concerned citizens". The friendly real estate agent who represented them, somehow managed through great apology and citing changing laws he "had no control over" to magically sign up 12 new clients. His partner 7 and that darned competing firm had to show up to snatch some right from beneath his nose. Oh well, he couldn't grab 'em all, but he made out like a bandit anyway. 12 clients in one day? Why that didn't include the mothers, cousins, friends - oh my! He knew just the builder to take them to and the additional cost on the new purchases was sure to send his wife to the furriers for the new mink she'd been pleading for! One neighbor making unkind reference said the two racial groups even tried living together in places before. It never worked out the old timer said due to the blacks being lazy and dirty. The realty agent thanked him personally after the meeting for generously sharing that bit of 'unknown' information. He felt it helped point some riding the fence in the right direction. He also slipped a crisp bill into the old timer's palm as he shook his hand. The crowd barely fit in the cafeteria of the local school so no one realized the older man to be a plant. As the point of contention wasn't unregulated fencing, dogs running rampant or hard to understand city codes for expansion, but "blacks taking over and ruining everything". At the anniversary of their first year in the new house, the Black family had seen some changes. The neighborhood was going through a color change. Not paint on walls or interior designs, but literally going from a white composition of owners to black. Mrs. Black's job as a school teacher was to be given a boost as well. With the rapidly changing colorscape, white teachers had been fleeing their jobs in droves while others refused to take their place at the white school down the block. One had walked out abruptly yelling, "I just cain't stand this no more!" as yet another child of tanned permanence was added to her class load. Though an atrocious experience for the child, it became a laughing matter in the Black's tightly knit ethnic community. As the white teacher's poor selection of grammar belied her supposed superiority. Of course others were just evil and mean spirited as the change happened. Mrs. Black not only felt it she saw it on the line that told her their lovely new home's worth. It was quite considerably less. It was bad enough their 'friendly' realty agent initially hadn't wanted to represent them. After finding out the referral had come from a white associate of Mr. Black's parents a more 'polite' form of fact checking which seemed in effort to find wiggle room, he finally relented. The realty agent was a saint in comparison to the bank whom the Black's knew were not giving them a fair deal. Still, the house was a necessity if they were to fulfill Mr. Black's goals for his family. That was their other change. Mrs. Black was pregnant expecting their first child. They had worked so hard, both their families had told them to not focus upon what the fleeing whites were seeing, just focus on the nucleus of their lives which was their church, dreams and community. They knew they had the enriched love of their family. That was the stray bullet the whites weren't expecting. Some they thought were friendly revealed by being the last to leave, that they were just hold outs thinking the blacks would move in then move out. Of course that was to be made a reality once someone else made them understand they weren't wanted. When that didn't take place, they felt forced to leave. By Little Johnnie's first birthday, the neighborhood may as well have been 100% black. A few people from the original population in the neighborhood didn't sell, but one rarely saw them, if ever. The Black's home value continued a steady slide downward, but the overwhelming availability of homes in the area had risen sharply and the surrounding neighborhoods filled with more and more blacks. So many proud homeowners, all prospering, all happy to take what others found useless. Whites were no longer seen in the area and the uncharted Mason-Dixon line had been expanded to include the street on which Mrs. Black now lived. Life for the Black's certainly felt good on the inside no matter the signs O' the times. Mr. Black came home one evening happy as a bear at a vacated campsite exclaiming about the opportunity he and a friend had mapped out. He had been getting so much side work on the weekends from homeowners wanting home improvement services, they had decided to partner up. The Black's, like many in their area, had tried and been denied home improvement loans for one reason or another. Not all had been turned away such as the Pastor and one of the deacons at their community church, but most that they knew had. Mr. Black had been passed over once again for the foreman's position on his job. There had been the anger and questioning of the quality of his character versus the character and background of the obviously white man selected. This one, Mr. Black was sure had a drinking problem. He said he reeked of alcohol one day when the two bumped into one another leaving the mens room. The guy didn't have the talent or fore site needed. Mr. Black knew he was better suited each time. He also knew why he didn't get the job each time after being with the company for eight years and waiting five before even competing. He'd worked in the same field since he was 15 years old and had worked every chance he got since he was 11. Mr. Black had saved up when not helping his parents with their bustling family. He had plans for his future since he could remember. He knew he and his missus where a formidable team. Mrs. Black had the brains and education, he certainly had the brawn. So for the first time he felt it was ok because this time he had options. His anger even subsided and he felt calm because he had a plan. Mrs. Black kept the books in their house. Mr. Black said he was good with his hands and she was good with numbers. They'd always laugh at this comparison as they both came from families in which the men were the moneymakers and bookkeepers. Mrs. Black had mentioned to her husband the state of the property value, just not its exact state. When the partners announced their business concept and Mrs. Black inquired where the money would come from Mr. Black said they would discuss it later. After Little Johnnie was tucked in and dinner cleaned up. They sat near Mrs. Black's small flower garden on the swing she'd often rocked her baby to sleep on with sweet lullabies in hushed tones. Mr. and Mrs. Black lovingly put their heads together over their financial concerns. Mrs. Black explained to her husband after he revealed his plan for a second mortgage to structure his company, there was not enough equity in the house to safely ask for a second. The only thing that had become an advantage was lowered property taxes, but not much could be secured by way of their home besides love and shelter. At least not for years yet after the blockbusting would cease. Mrs. Black had heard of a tax program for minority businesses through a member of the school board. She and Mr. Black decided to use the possibility of the existence of such a thing just in case the bank said no. Several month's later they received answer from the bank. It took the bank 30 minutes to flatly deny the Black's. It took the Black's three months of preparation, several letters of reference and 60 miles round trip to find that out. Not to mention their 5 years of precisely on time payments. At six foot two and 190 lbs of daily grind and dedication Mr. Black cried. It was also their child's first day of school. PROLOGUE: There would come a time in the Black's future when they'd no longer be in the red, but actually in the black. It just wasn't that day, nor that year nor the next. The vast differences between the Black's and their counterpart family, the White's, had little to do with the spirit of the person. Same work ethics, same dedication to community and family, same encouragement and grit of self determination. They even had the same floorplan which I did not detail here. Yet, obviously society imparts two separate menu of rules. In today's society the result of this non-concrete whip emerges as well into questions found in these blogs. We have to remember these our society's rules and not something most would chose to impart upon self. So when the question is asked such as the one above and the historical perspective reviewed, the answer should always be a resounding YES! WE ALWAYS HAVE OPTIONS THOUGH HARD TO ATTAIN, FORGOTTEN ABOUT, HIGHER THAN THE REST AND SEEMINGLY OUT OF REACH. NOTHING IS GOING TO GET US DOWN!!!
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Buju5 says:Posted: 08 Oct 09
The media is a very powerful tool of persuasion not only in this country but in the world. And because of that fact many truths have been distorted. Black men are looked at with such distain! The depictions are always negative,a constant barrage of insults directed at them from every direction. Most of the black women know exactly what I'm talking about and none of the white men can or could ever experience or understand. Now the media misconstrue the facts and idiosyncrasies run rabid! Now don't get me wrong black men have deep rooted problems, no doubt! But many point fingers but even less care. "Love is love" that much is true but there are many of you, and you know who you are;that have personal gain! To those of you who are genuine in your search for love, I hope you find what you are looking for but to all of you that are spurious, I also hope you get exactly what you get, peace.
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Maximmus says:Posted: 23 Sep 09
New name. I understand ich. Just hurts to see so much conflict between brothers and sisters. I just wish we could live in peace and harmony amongst ourselves and learn to come to terms of changing times and love one another. I believe one day we will. It will take some time, healing and understanding for us to love one another and support each other no matter whom we choose to love. After all, it's only skin color that separates us all. We're all the same and as soon as we can love one another, same race and other races, we have much discussion and work to do to get there.
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Ichibod says:Posted: 23 Sep 09
"And having so much TRUE knowledge of black history and being told I am not black?" I had left a word out. Totally change the meaning of that sentence.
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Ichibod says:Posted: 23 Sep 09
Azrazyel, Nikkay87 is okay. I feel she expressed herself very well, I can't believe she is just 21. She was basically speaking on what Mr Queens might call, "The Sellout Black Men"... or at least that's how I would best describe them. Using black women as their excuse to date other races of women, particularly, white women. It may seem weird reading it at first because we never see that here, but there are black men who do say what she has heard them say about black women and similarly to what we read black women saying about black men. So, if she sounds disturbed, I'm sure she is... as disturbed as myself regarding the above mentioned issues. Later, bro!
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Ok.....first to ICH.... I can't speak for all the women who have responded to "Eric"....but I will say this much.... ....OF COURSE, I know this is a serious issue....(will not bring up my active hand in dealing with PEOPLE that are actually coping with HIV/AIDS again....since it was ingnored/down-played the first time, I DEFINITELY know who and what I am dealing with in the form of "over-educated Eric") but one wonders about the motive. I certainly can appreciate one attempting to educate but if YOU couldn't see the hatred in some the lines that that brother typed then chances are it wasn't directed at you. (people rarely see wrongs that don't affect them). You act as if I am telling him he is lying or that he is a fool for simply stating what he believes to be true. You know better than that. His first post in here was NOTHING SHORT OF INFLAMMATORY....with all the "denial" and "head in the sand" talk. And then when a woman speaks up in her own defense she is deemed "immature" or "foolish". Would he not respond the same if the tables turned??.....Would you not??? As for my REAL intentions.....all you need to do is just ask....I will tell you plainly. My purpose here HAS NEVER changed. I am HERE to set the effing record filter the B.S. for those who can't or won't. B.S. is B.S., even when gift-wrapped in "truth" it still reeks to high-heaven. For someone to claim to not have anything against Black women then proceed degrade her and her "big attitude" (just because she won't buy your spiel) is nothing short of repugnant. Everything you say rings with nothing but hatred due to the fact that you CAN'T just STICK TO THE FACTS. YOU ARE MAKING IT PERSONAL in every sense of the word. Dude, I don't care if you are black, white or purple.....if you come in here throwing sand (whilst pretending to "inform") I WILL CALL YOU ON IT....PERIOD......DEAL WITH IT!!! If you did want a "reaction" you should have stayed on the "CDC Blogs" (PFFT) or why not go preach this stuff on the street corners WITHOUT all the IR rhetoric....IF YOU REALLY CARE SO MUCH. IF you arebeing sincere, you would have simply said I was barking up the wrong tree and left it at that. But continue on with put downs and pigeon-holing. YES...I called you an AZZ because anyone that can't get their "agenda" together before coming into a forum such as this simply is just that.......IT'S NOTHING PERSONAL THERE. Case in point: When a statement like this is posted "Why aren’t all these black women out there talking about all these black women using all these drugs, and sharing dirty needles!" Anyone with eyes can see something else is going on here....the over-usage of the word "ALL" implies SOOOOO much on each occasion But I am done dissecting Daffy the Second......he KNOWS what he's doing....AND SO DO I. Peace and Blessings to ALL tatted2death