Black women have no option?
Warning: This post may be offensive to some readers. This is not the objective. The post is in no way meant to defame or inflame any parties, groups or persons. It is simply meant to find out what people think about black white dating.
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In a bid to explain why Black women get upset about Black men dating White women, Chris Rock in his latest stand up comedy says all Black men have done is exercised their option. He goes on to say Black women are angry because they are not attracted to white men so they can’t exercise their option. All they can do is sleep with “pretty white boys" but generally, black women are not attracted to white men.
In my opinion, the above statements suggest Black women only date interracially out of desperation. In fact, most Black men believe so. And the finger pointing between Black men and Black women never ends. I don't think this is the case though and frankly, I have never understood why Black men and Black women have to come up with such crude and prejudiced remarks while trying to figure out the reasoning behind their counterparts' dating options. YES! Options.
What do you think of Chris Rock's theory?
636 responses to "Black women have no option?"
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prettybrowneyes says:Posted: 25 Mar 09
sidney Hardman life is MUCH better without ignorant ass kneegrows such as yourself too.
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Eunara08 says:Posted: 25 Mar 09
in my opinion that´s very very very simple : when man likes, loves women, doesnt matter if she is black or white , if a woman likes, loves men, doesn´t matter if this man is black or white !!!!! that´s all !!!!!!! that will be a man or a woman at first, mens who loves womens looks the color after !!!! Cinch, cinch, cinch, NO MISTAKE!! Sorry guys , i don´t belive a man who choose the color of a woman, to me , this man doesn´t love womens!!!!!! Sorry again, but that´s the truth. Hum...somebody had a bad experience ?!?!?! talk to yourself...was not you FAUL T ?!?!?! No ??? it was the color of the black woman you was married ?!?!?! MY GOD !! stay way from me !!!!!!´ well, some guys doesn´t want bw, stay way from me man, you don´t loves women, you loves color , i want a man who loves women. It´s different. A big difference and, if you are choosing by color ... you will never know the big and delicious diference, tisc, tisc not with me..maybe never, because you have fear, fear, fear and you don´t garantee yoursel, sorry, that´s the real trhuth, the truth that you will never want to know , but it inside you, in your blood, your soul. Sad. Maybe a bad childhood, could explain, why not ? what your parents, your relatives Said to you ?at school ?, think about !! Chris i can see, should have a lot of rocks into his head, much more rocks then brain. There is a brain ?!?!? it´s a scientific question, nothing personal ! Comment by engprince on 24 March 2009 1. “Rock is a comedian not a sociologist and his opinions while funny are best left on the stage”-: come on !!!!!! ...nobody needs to be a sociologist to be intelligent, my LORD !! are the rocks in his head, folks!!!!!!! - Comment by TEWAY2 on 24 March 2009 2.“ A beautiful woman is a beautiful woman. ( GOOD ! – TEWAY, you got a point !)However, my wide range of interests gives me more options because of who I am surrounded by. Some, not all black women are very narrow ( ??? ) when it comes to interest......... Most white women tend to be more open and ready to explore ( ?!?!?!? , TEWAY , you lost 10 points, or more ! – don´t you know bw ? are you living in júpiter ? is far from here...TEWAY, do you know how to get close a bw ?!?!? did you ever talk to her ? i mean, a real talking...or do you guess we can´t get a real talking ?!?! just the “white women tend to be more open and ready to explore” or how you wrote “ most of white women ”. IT´S EQUAL !!!!!!!! Looking for more time, TEWAY and trust me : it is up to you. )” -: 1. Comment by lorenzo73 on 23 March 2009: THATS AN INTELLIGENT GUY !! Congratulatiosn, Lorenzo 73 To each his own. Everyone makes there own choice. People can complain all day long about why he or she dates black or white. If you like the person that you (HE IS GOOD, folks !!!) are with,and they happen to be of the opposite color. ( FINALLY!, somebody gets the point !) Be proud of you race. The relationship that you are in you made that choice,and if you can’t handle the critism that that the world has to give. Keep your comments to yourself and let people who enjoy what thet do br happy. 1. Comment by Viena101 on 23 March 2009: 1. “Many black men date/marry white women as a means of either moving up the social/career ladder as they feel it is a way of becoming more acceptable in order for them to progress further.(You may disagree with this).” – it´s happen; a friend of mine married with ww , but never knows she didn´t likes black mens, because she like to say : “ black men, to me have to go way “, when she was single and before to know he is a engineer....but his married is safety for this because i wll never tell to him, never ! by the way, she got to put me away from them. FEEEEAAARRR !!! AND IF HE IS LIKE SOME GUYS WHO THINGS the most ( and just they) white women are open mind, and worker, and cool, and Nice, just they are trusty, my friend will never trust me, 2. BECAUSE THIS !!!!!!, read Comment by sidney Hardman on 24 March 2009: “I am not angry because it’s a waste of time but you black women are very, very, very selfish and want men to give you a life(unless you date a white dude) then you do the job you promised to do,but not for the black man. you very very very very very rerely help the man who is trying to give you a decent life. my first wife (black) told me i was too nice, aren’t i supposed to be to my wife. i divocred her (after her eighth boyfriend) i am not the jealous type.(the judge told me the next time i hit anybody i was going to macalester pentitentary for seven months . at that time i was in court for fighting.that’s when i realized you type are not worth the problem. (i’ve beat enough black men ass to prove i’m not a punk ask the judges). especially when you idiots know there are certain lines as a black man, you never cross with another black man. it’s hard for me to walk away. my second wife told me she would let me do EVERYTHING because she said i would do it right. i did it all the time clean, cook pay the bills, even when i gave her the money i would have to take her to pay ther bills after i got off work she had the car while i was working.discipline the children, make sure all of her problems were manageable,even helped both of my ex’s with their jobs(sometimes for hours a day). she’s a good friend but lazy as hell, i divorced her.i did the same thing for my first as my second wife so as far as giving black women an understanding shoulder i don’t think so. i see it in my friends wives and my mother, all my sisters, female cousins and all my brothers wives. black women should be more considerate of those who take care of them and get off their lazy butt. but this will explain my view on why men like me went to southamerica and am going back in june 09. the women there are looking for someone to make a life not have someone give them one. you can’t find a good man because evidently most of you don’t deserve him.recognize the problem and change your ways of doing thins and you might not have this problem nationwide.other nations of black women are very supportive and worthy of american black men i had a blast and this is my third time going to colombia. i would hate to see a lot of american black women go there because they would screw it up to for the native black women. now you stupid ladies go back and laugh about this.” ...... Well...YOU HAVE SERIOUS TROUBLES, Sidney. Such anger ! what are you talking to your kids ?!?!? Be quick and look for an analyst, you need! Maybe your children too!!!!!!!!!! 1. Comment by GetReal on 23 March 2009: “As you see by the ignorant comment by BBWIF. That is the unfortunate face of the Black woman Dating White men in 2009. A bitter, hateful black woman who for whatever reason she won’t admit too. Hates black men. – ??!?!? WHO TOLD YOU THIS LIE !?!?!? – ando you believed that ?!?! – MY GOD !!! WE LOVE BLACK MEN, GetReal, and the white, too , in my case. **************************************** i think that rock said what he thinking, it was not a joke, but should be shut up because some persons use to say stupid things and not evebory have inteligence to filter , rocks that jump of same mouth. Be prepared, use your neurons. We are freeedom !!!!!!!!! all uf us, despite some persons have chains in your brain. OR ROCK!!!!!!!!! ok, ok, i know i have a terrible English !!!!!!! but, if you was able to end, thanks! I JUST WANT WE CAN BE HAPPY !!!!!!!
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AllenJr3 says:Posted: 25 Mar 09
I am just going to weigh in on this here. I have had problems dating black women in the past because of the "Strong black woman" attitude that they have given me. All of the black women that I have dated pull this "I am a black woman and you better respect me!" garbage. Respect is earned and not commanded. I have seen black women treat a black man like crap and then date a white guy and bend over backwards for the guy! What is the deal with that? An ex girlfriend of mine told me "You can't handle the challenge of dating a black girl" Why does there have to be a challenge? I am challenged at work, I am challenged at school. I don't want to be challenged at home when I am trying to relax. I am a successful, fun loving black man and I still get crap from black women. I was to the point where I stopped dating black women. Then I realized how stupid of a generalization that was to make. I am still wary about dating black women in general.
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MisCris says:Posted: 25 Mar 09
I, like most, do not agree with Chris Rock on this subject. As a black woman, I like Black men, White men as well as Latino, Asian, etc. When I meet someone, I'm not looking at his colour I'm watching his personality, how he's responding and interacting with me. What I want to know is why is it still about Black and White when interracial dating involves so many combinations of races? Although I have dated men from other races, I personally LOVE Hispanic men, but I am open to a MAN who treats me with much love and respect.
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BronzeSky says:Posted: 25 Mar 09
I believe as a comedian, Chris Roc should be taken with a grain of salt, smelling salt that is. Chris Rock's statement was part of a joke and should not have been misconstrued as anything else other than good ole ribbing at some black women for their failure to broaden their dating/marriage horizons. Some black women do get upset when they see a black man with a white woman. I say, give me a white man of my own, and don't get upset when you see us together. I believe that the reason why some black women become perturbed when they see a black men dating other races is because some of those men are not dating interracially because they are adventuring out, but are doing so because they believe the stereotype that anything that is not black must be better. They assume that non-black women are a better quality woman. That assumption would make any woman who is directly affected by it upset.
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Member says:Posted: 25 Mar 09
Geezy Wheezy I saw all the comments on black "American" women. One guy said he was married to two of them and that he is going to South America lol. I think I will stick with black American women. If you thought they were bad here, wait until you get abroad. They only care about that money. I am engaged to a black American woman/puerto rican. She is a good soul and I am happy to be with her. I think everybody is playing games here. Black women claiming white men treat them better. Well, that white man has never lived in your community. If I dated a white girl and she was never in my community. I would think she was great too at first. Then times goes on, and you figure out is this interracial relationship worth the aggravation? As in the case of sellout black women, they always brag about a white man they can get. They never bag about "keeping a man". All races of women measure themselves on "keeping a man". Oprah "Wimprey" has white women who cry on her show because they were unable to keep their marriage together. That is really the ultimate goal at the end of day. I have always said this, black women are cocky in the beginning and desperate towards the end. In the club at 35 years old looking for a man. They caused this on themselves. When that good black man was interested in you, you ignored him. You ignored the white boy too. Now when "shit is falling apart" you go on a bashing spree about black men while saying "the white man will be my fall back guy". Now you backed yourself in a corner. The white man can say you know what, we can date, but I am not marrying you. Usually, that is how it ends up. They want to sugar coat shit on here. Keep waiting for a handout from a white man.
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prettybrowneyes says:Posted: 25 Mar 09
UhaveNOidea my goodness! but i gotta tell ya, those were not blackwomen but ignorant ass hoodrats, ignorant ghetto ass broads, decent blackwomen dont behave in that fashion or concern themselves with the dating options and or preferences of others. I am one of those blackwomen that is without that concern as i prefer whitemen, i dont have anything against blackmen at all, its just they are not who i prefer to date. also, from my experience; whitemen do treat blackwomen better, this is not to say that whitemen are better, they just treat us better that's all.
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prettybrowneyes says:Posted: 25 Mar 09
getreal you really need to get real. how is bbwif a bitter blackwoman because of her preference? I too prefer whitemen instead of blackmen; does this makes me a hateful bitter blackwoman also?
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Egeeli says:Posted: 24 Mar 09
black women are always saying don't see color until, they get involved with a black man then his race and disapointments are more important than ever. learn to accept people for who they really are. black, white because when problems come that is exactly where the argument will go. unless the problem is not that big. then discretion is the better part of valor.chris rock only told the truth a lot of black women won't approach a white dude because she will have to get off her ass. (unless he approches her then she can dictate what it is she want's. she can negotiate her level of commitment. working to help a black man is totally out of the realm of possibilitiy. maybe black women should not date white men because they are under enough strees ya'll would only make them want to blow up the world sooner..actually hoe is a compliment compared to black bitch. black bitch attacks who you are and what you represent even your daughter. a hoe only only spotlights (YOU'RE) personal actions ALONE. that strong black woman personality has gotten you left alone, not only by black men but other races too. grow more considerate and compassionate and maybe we will stop going to other countries or dating outside our race. white men can have anything it the world they want so how come all white men don't want an american black woman. too much drama and selfishness coupled with ignorance and financial corruption.WHEN I BECOME PRESIDENT YOU CAN ASSASINATE ME.
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Egeeli says:Posted: 24 Mar 09
if you black girls don't want to be the subject of discussion then maybe, no you should get it right within the limits of you're first marriage. true there are sorry black men i have some friends i hate to see any woman involved with. and anyway who are you ms clazzy to say don't talk negatively about black women. that shows the level of selfishishness by even saying that. you and your stupid girlfriends talk shit about black men and how you want better and he should do more. i am retired military and make more each yr than people with afour yr college degree. my girls are a lot different than you types she works takes care of her son (at 22 and i told her not to worry about getting child support) it's enough of that already. even though she followed my advice to prove that she can be the woman society expects. my other daugther is 16 and i'm trying to get her to choose the FBI as a career. i also told her that i would not put her on birth control or allow condoms because she can see that just because you have a child by a man he could be an ass----. she needs to listen to me and her mom and trust our judgement at 18 she can basically do what she wants. but she is openminded like me and her mom and trying to be responsible and not balme some black man for the choices she had a choice in making. so she does nothave to cry about someone talking bad about black women because she is not headed in the same useless direction as most of you.
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Egeeli says:Posted: 24 Mar 09
that my or may not be true . but mankind created their own seperate races. true we are given choices but the narrow minded are often abusers of their own nationalities.
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d02119 says:Posted: 24 Mar 09
responding to Comment by BlackBttrfly on 23 March 2009 I'm really sick and tired of people saying white men treat black women better. Both races treat you the way they think you like to be treated. I'm am nativeamerican and have dated both black and white and have been shuned by my family for doing so. the black man treated me ten time better than the white man ever did. He college educated and very hadsome. Not saying the white one was bad, he treated me with respect also. you know why, because when they met me they saw I had class and was on their level. So if you feel that the other race is treating you better than your own race you need to take a look at yourself and see what the problem is. If you allow them to treat you badly then they will. you attract what you put out.
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sxy_in_red says:Posted: 24 Mar 09
Unfortunately, petty issues such as this will never cease to end. God created us all in a variety of race and color. If we were meant to be with only ONE race, he would have created only ONE race... But we are all blessed with choices and options. Only the narrow-minded and ignorant believe differently.
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Egeeli says:Posted: 24 Mar 09
i am not angry because it's a waste of time but you black women are very, very, very selfish and want men to give you a life(unless you date a white dude) then you do the job you promised to do,but not for the black man. you very very very very very rerely help the man who is trying to give you a decent life. my first wife (black) told me i was too nice, aren't i supposed to be to my wife. i divocred her (after her eighth boyfriend) i am not the jealous type.(the judge told me the next time i hit anybody i was going to macalester pentitentary for seven months . at that time i was in court for fighting.that's when i realized you type are not worth the problem. (i've beat enough black men ass to prove i'm not a punk ask the judges). especially when you idiots know there are certain lines as a black man, you never cross with another black man. it's hard for me to walk away. my second wife told me she would let me do EVERYTHING because she said i would do it right. i did it all the time clean, cook pay the bills, even when i gave her the money i would have to take her to pay ther bills after i got off work she had the car while i was working.discipline the children, make sure all of her problems were manageable,even helped both of my ex's with their jobs(sometimes for hours a day). she's a good friend but lazy as hell, i divorced her.i did the same thing for my first as my second wife so as far as giving black women an understanding shoulder i don't think so. i see it in my friends wives and my mother, all my sisters, female cousins and all my brothers wives. black women should be more considerate of those who take care of them and get off their lazy butt. but this will explain my view on why men like me went to southamerica and am going back in june 09. the women there are looking for someone to make a life not have someone give them one. you can't find a good man because evidently most of you don't deserve him.recognize the problem and change your ways of doing thins and you might not have this problem nationwide.other nations of black women are very supportive and worthy of american black men i had a blast and this is my third time going to colombia. i would hate to see a lot of american black women go there because they would screw it up to for the native black women. now you stupid ladies go back and laugh about this. we black men can get any woman we want just many of you deserve to be strippers and h---.i was married to the first for ten 1/2 yrs and the second for fifteen. take my advice bra go to the phillipines or south america or for that matter mexico. lifes better without ignorant selfish black women.
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Member says:Posted: 24 Mar 09
Damn I read all the comments. By the way, why was the people hating on BBW for saying " Go get you a white man" like it was Obama's "welfare stimulus package". A majority of sellout black women feel the savior for their dating woes is white men. I have been documenting this on my blog for a long time. These pathetic black women have no dignity or respect for themselves or their men. I haven't seen a white woman on here bash white men to be with black men. At least they are smart enough not to burn bridges. I haven't seen an Asian woman bash her own race of men to justify dating a balding white man. The real problem is people trying to be politically correct. CBO35 mentions Houston Texas. Yea man there is a lot of fine black women in Texas. I also use to get it in Ohio. Yea what's up to Dayton, Columbus, Cleveland, Toledo too. It is really a damn shame so many fine women in Texas. Anyway, I got off topic. These sellout black women are just using white men to get us to "focus on them". How it went from white men cruising in black neighborhoods for kinky sex to them being the savior of black women for dating?????????????? I am still trying to figure that out. I have said before, sellout black women want to spite black men and bully the white girl at the same time. I have actually seen some sellout black women have more venom for white women than for the likes of me. You damn near steal a white man from a white woman through being a mistress or "kept girlfriend" and got the nerve to be angry at her ass. Some of these white men are pathetic too. When they lose their white girlfriend through divorce and lose all their material possessions now they get hip. You seem balding with a Latin or Black girlfriend like she really loves you like that. I have never seen a black woman with a broke white boy. If you have show me where her ass is! Much less show me a Latin or Asian girl with a broke white man that lost everything through no fault of his own. You can't be with a black woman and be soft. They can sit here and say " Oh Laurelton got issues". I am 30 years old and never lost nothing to a woman substantial. Look for me to drop my news posts on my blog. Million Dollar "Sellout baby" Part 3 The Trilogy. Putting the Trilogy on you sellout black women! You need to get on you knees and thank black men for making you exotic on Bet so other races of men want a piece of your ashy ass! (Pointing to the camera) manipulating white men you black women make me sick!
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ClassyBbw7 says:Posted: 24 Mar 09
personally you like what you like. I dont know why people have to base things on color so much. I dont care if a black man dont want to date a black woman just dont talk trash or down about black women in the process.
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amymitch2002 says:Posted: 24 Mar 09
Both women and men are like meat on a bone...dark or white, you can eat it, lick it , or just leave it alone.
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TEWAY2 says:Posted: 24 Mar 09
Hold on !!! This entire issue has nothing to do with race. We unfortunately have made it a race issue. Look around, you can no longer tell what race a person is anymore. This is all about interest and what a person desires in the future. Personally, I dont discriminate. A beautiful woman is a beautiful woman. However, my wide range of interests gives me more options because of who I am surrounded by. Some, not all black women are very narrow when it comes to interest. Most white women tend to be more open and ready to explore. This is plays a major part in who people select in the dating process.
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engprince says:Posted: 24 Mar 09
The biggest problem I see here is that these comments pertain mainly to the USA as the subject is an ongoing result of the racial legacy and issues in this country. In culturally neutral countries like Canada,UK and pretty much Western Europe. Black women and men date and marry across color lines frequently and barely get stares or conflict while walking the streets. eg: just visit Toronto) I have no problem with black sisters who find companionship with whites. Nor should they have a problem with me doing the same. You love who you love and I very much doubt that black women settle out of desperation. Interfaith presents more of a problem than race. Unfortunately that is the problem with religion at it's core. No one knows the intimate details of your love connection. And without knowing the individuals involved any positive or negative comments would be solely based on the visual appearance of a Black with a White. Rock is a comedian not a sociologist and his opinions while funny are best left on the stage. If it's a reaction he is looking for. This blog confirms he received the desired results.
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engprince says:Posted: 24 Mar 09
The biggest problem I see here is that these comments pertain mainly to the USA as the subject is an ongoing result of the racial legacy and issues in this country. In culturally neutral countries like Canada,UK and pretty much Western Europe. Black women and men date and marry across color lines frequently and barely get stares or conflict while walking the streets. eg: just visit Toronto) I have no problem with black sisters who find companionship with whites. Nor should they have a problem with me doing the same. You love who you love and I very much doubt that black women settle out of desperation. No one knows the intimate details of your love connection. And without knowing the individuals involved any positive or negative comments would be solely based on the visual appearance of a Black with a White. Rock is a comedian not a sociologist and his opinions while funny are best left on the stage. If it's a reaction he is looking for. This blog confirms he received the desired results.
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whitzlkn4u says:Posted: 24 Mar 09
i have to say,chris rock annoys me,i just dont like the man.i just had to say i find white men attractive..and i date all types of men,based on how our personalities click,not because im desperate..if i was desperate i would date a guy like chris rock hahaha
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mert5876 says:Posted: 24 Mar 09
love all men... color does not matter when your dealing with love.
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CB035 says:Posted: 24 Mar 09
Well..For me being raised in Texas, here is a little bit different..But there are some beautiful...I mean beautiful black women here in Houston...And there are some true haters here too..Not all black men approve of "us" dating black women...but im sure that goes both ways... U really cant control who your attracted or feel compatible with...I love dark radiant sensual women...but if shes "ugly" on the wouldnt matter what color u are...It seems people just judge others for all the wrong reasons...Best of luck yall!!...and GOD BLESS...
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goin4it says:Posted: 24 Mar 09
Mr. Laurelton Queens - you got issues. black-white dating/relationship is a terribly complex issue that is entangled with so many historical racial, social and emotional factors in this country (USA) that they cannot begin to be understood in this format. It takes much time, maturity and growth as a people to overcome issues of race, for us to be able to see each other as simply human beings with all our shortcomings, vulnerabilities, and greatness. I have faith that that day will come. Peace.
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UhaveNOidea says:Posted: 24 Mar 09
Well...I feel like I should say something...I was actually in a club downtown Mpls about a month back to see a friend perform...a black woman mugged me tha whole night and made several comments...I chose to ignore her...she even followed me into tha bathroom once. Now upon leaving tha club her and a few of her friends came around tha corner and beat tha sh*t out of me...because quote "Why tha hell you tramp azz white hoez alwayz takin' our Niggaz"...Whoa...I'm sorry's a personal preference's not like I force these men to date me, or do it to make black women angry...It's about what I want.
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Cree44 says:Posted: 24 Mar 09
For me it is not an issue of black, white, brown, or however else people are catergorized. And I never let the small minds of other people have and bearing on my happiness. Once you see the big picture and realize that we all all just none of this race crap really matters. I am an African American woman, who is very proud of her heritage, and me loving someone who does not share the color of my skin will never change that. I would never choose to enter into and maintain a relationship with a man based on the color of his skin. Instead it is the character of a man, his heart, and his mind and his ability to fulfill my vision of who the right man is for me. We are only limited by the boundaries of our own minds. We all have options and it is just a matter of using them...I use all of mine. This is my life and I do what I want. If someone has a problem with that then that is their burden to bear. I pitty the person that would try to tell me how to run my life or who I share my life with. Cheers!
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Cree44 says:Posted: 24 Mar 09
For me it is not an issue of black, white, brown, or however else people are catergorized. And I never let the small minds of other people have and bearing on my happiness. Once you see the big picture and realize that we all all just none of this race crap really matters. I am an African American woman, who is very proud of her heritage, and me loving someone who does not share the color of my skin will never change that. I would never choose to enter into and maintain a relationship with a man based on the color of his skin. Instead it is the character of a man, his heart, and his mind and his ability to fulfill my vision of who the right man is for me. We are only limited by the boundaries of our own minds. We all have options and it is just a matter of using them...I use all of mine. This is my life and I do what I want. If someone has a problem with that then is their burden to bear. I pitty the person that would try to tell me how to run my life or who I share my life with. Cheers!
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LIN20LN says:Posted: 24 Mar 09
In my personal experience black women are not attracted to me. Coming from ONE black man's point of view. The things that I'm interested in black woman are not. I like to snowboard, swim, watch NASCAR, listen to alternative and rock music (not mainly). These are things typically black women dont do and white women do. It lends itself to being surrounded by white women; whom do share those same interests. As some black men are adventurous and enjoy different things the attraction is inevitable. Instead of calling a black man "Uncle Tom" try asking him what his interests. It boils down to common interest. Im a sucker for long hair and colored eyes.....
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BlackBttrfly says:Posted: 24 Mar 09
Well, I am a black woman and I date caucasian men as well as black men. I know many black women who are attracted to white men...mostly because they treat us better. They don't care if we don't have a big behind or big breasts. They don't care if you're not a "Video Vixen" or "Diva." They just want a good woman, and in reality all a black woman wants is a good man. I love the black man and I prefer my own race...and although I know there are a few out there somewhere, a good, hardworking, respectful, God fearing black man without a criminal record is hard to find. People can call it desperation if they want, but I say if the man you want doesn't want you...move on to the man who does. The truth is, the good black men don't want women like me. While I'm not a beauty queen, I do think I'm an attractive woman. I am highly educated, independent with a great career, my own car, my own place, no children, and a beautiful personality. I love God, I can cook, I clean, I'm very loyal, I support my man and lift him up...yet black men overlook me everyday. Why? Because I'm not "BET" pretty and I'm not thick like the stereotypical black woman. So what am I supposed to do? Sit around and hope that a good black man comes to his senses? I think not. I'm going to open my heart and my mind to someone who appreciates the gift that I am...regardless of his race.
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focusedpurpose says:Posted: 24 Mar 09
i don't agree with crock...i mean, chris rock, at all. his message is intended, in my opinion to dissuade bw from exploring their options. despite saying previously that bw should date out. foolish bw fall in line and cave into the pressure that bm (and their bw enabler/supporters) like c rock apply both verbally and non-verbally. much of what is said negatively about bw by bm, in my opinion, is merely a tactic to keep bw captive to bm. it imperative that bw's resources be accessible and controlled by bm---the non-stop negative assaults/messages assist with this goal. the negative talk is also a way to deter non blk men from showing interest. this tactic allows some, if not most bm, to maintain their harems. bw should find peace in the fact that the bm negative campaign doesn’t stop bm from exercising their options. nor should it be allowed to minimize bw’s options. for as much as some bm like to tell bw that non blk men ONLY want us for sex; anyone with functional eyes, should be able to clearly see which group of men by their consistent behavior shows this to be their true intentions with bw? abandoned oow babies are a direct result of "sex only" activities. no? for the commenter that indicated that wm don't approach her, may i suggest that you consider that the way wm show interest is decidely different than the way that bm do? it is usually more subtle. smile, flirt, and indicate your interest and you will be surprised. at the end of the day, men are men. i love decent men, all colors. i am thankful that i get this simple truth. as a result, i don't experience this "man shortage" that folks keep talking about. expanding my options is not a rejection of bm, either. it is merely an inclusion of other men. i strongly urge bw to do the same. i think when more bw exercise their options, the frustration with bm exercising theirs will minimize. moreover,if bw are not standing in the gap with their children, alone, at some point one can only hope that more bm will realize what their true role/reponsibilities are as men. it sickens me to see the blame shifting. as if bw are supposed to be able to do what has not been successfully done in any culture on the planet...women, alone, socializing boys to be men. all excuses barred, because that is all they are, excuses, which is unacceptable to me. time has taught me that when one accepts excuses, you’ll get a lot of them. smh and hopeful that at least one reader of this comment gets what i am saying. getting it just may save your life. bw have no options, is a devilish lie. reject it. thanks for allowing me to share. blessings, focusedpurpose
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SEEKINGDOM says:Posted: 23 Mar 09
And I HATE when a black man says to me, "I'm curious about being with a white woman" as if we are so different from black women. Or when a guys says "I only date white women, because black women..." and says some stupid shit about black women. Sometimes I even wonder if maybe men in general WANT white women and black women (and Asian, Latina, etc) to fight amongst ourselves over men, so that they we will continue to be oppressed, and keep us focused on the pursuit of a relationship,or by our stressing over weight and body issues, our appearance, etc rather than us focusing obtaining an education, or on a career path, or the struggle to earn the same $ as men who are equally or lesser qualified. OF COURSE all men do not directly oppress women, any more than all white people directly oppress people of color. But indirectly, we white people have to admit that while we do not as individuals do specific actions that are actually racist, we DO benefit. I'm not an affluent, white male in government or in power, but I can go certain places, do certain things, and have certain privileges because I am white. And men need to accept that they also have certain privileges because they are male. And women need to stop the catty, jealous fighting and unite to help and support each other. We need to stop thinking of other women as threats, and stop hating other women. Wow, I'm totally procrastinating by ranting here rather than to do my research that I'm behind on!
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SEEKINGDOM says:Posted: 23 Mar 09
I love watching historical movies, period films, the History Channel. It's fascinating to me to read about how people of the past treated each other and their assumptions, prejudices... I wonder how anyone could actually have the beliefs that our ancestors had, especially those from only 20, 50, or a hundred years ago. How could slavery have existed? Racism? And just because we (esp we white liberals who, God forbid, couldn't possibly be racist because we voted for Obama and have one black friend at work~yeah right) don't consider ourselves prejudiced in any way, it still exists. And then I wonder what future generations will say and think about the beliefs that WE have today, and of course as someone who dates inter-racially, I wonder what people will think when they read postings like this. Imagine if rather than race we had debates about brunettes with brown eyes dating blondes with blue eyes, or people over five feet six dating people over six feet tall, or people who weigh between 125 and 145 lbs who date those outside of their weight range. We would think that absurd, and yet we constantly have these discussions over interracial dating. I do it, too, sometimes. While I would never voice these thoughts aloud, and most of the time I would never consider myself prejudiced, of course I struggle with feelings. I like to believe that I don't think we should care about a person's race or ethnicity, that true love is colorblind, we're all human, etc etc, but sometimes, subconsciously, it annoys the shit out of me when I see a fine black man with an Asian woman. I HATE that I feel that way. I try to remind myself how it feels when some black women don't understand why a black male partner dates or can fall in love with me and that it does not have anything to do with the fact that I am white, and so on. But I struggle with the same feelings when it comes to Asian women. But by us becoming aware of (and admitting, no matter how uncomfortable it is,) that we have these thoughts, maybe we can work through them and learn to accept, and then change, our thoughts.
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Elethia says:Posted: 23 Mar 09
Personally, I think Chris Rock has a "point" but what he said is not entirely true. Most, not all, Black women would rather date within their own race if they had better "pickings." If most Black men were like Obama, Black women wouldn't really have the need to date interracially. Black women were taught early on to stick by their Black men, which most Black women do. Unfortunately, there are more "undesirables" than Obamas so Black women have to look "elsewhere" to get what they want/need from a man. On the other hand, Black men need to understand that Black women are also attracted to men of other races and it's not just because they can't get/find a Black man. There are many wonderful men of different races that Black women happen to be attracted to and have things in common with. Honestly, I think some Black men tell themselves that Black women would rather be with them so that they won't feel inferior to men of other races. Society has already done a good job of making them feel inferior and the last people that they want to hear that they're inadequate from is their own Black sistas!!!
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malarki5 says:Posted: 23 Mar 09
Hi Guys, why the need to be politically correct here? Mr Rock has made a very interesting point. Funny how people cannot hndle the truth when its too close to home, eh? Do please check out "Black Men Confronting Lies and Disortions" for a very modern take on this controversial subject...if you dare!
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Member says:Posted: 23 Mar 09
Man listen......... The white man does not want your sorry ass, idiot. It is March, and you are talking about 2009 "resilution" (it is resolution). No wonder, they spank you and leave you!
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zookeeper says:Posted: 23 Mar 09
I think Chris Rock is a comedian and he tells jokes. And part of his success (I happen to be a fan) is to find a pain point in his audience and twist it into humor. While as a black woman I completely disagree with his assessment, I hardly take it seriously. I mean, it's ridiculous to assume and stereotype the preferences, attraction, accessibility, and chemistry of any group of people. I personally couldn't care less who dates what. When I see an interracial couple of any kind, it lightens my spirit. I see it as progress in the world's multiculturalism and embrace and appreciation of difference. And as someone who has always been attracted to men outside my race, I certainly don't feel I have "no options" with black men. I like what I like; others like what they like. Live and let live.
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lorenzo73 says:Posted: 23 Mar 09
To each his own. Everyone makes there own choice. People can complain all day long about why he or she dates black or white. If you like the person that you are with,and they happen to be of the opposite color. Be proud of you race. The relationship that you are in you made that choice,and if you can't handle the critism that that the world has to give. Keep your comments to yourself and let people who enjoy what they are doing be happy.
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lorenzo73 says:Posted: 23 Mar 09
To each his own. Everyone makes there own choice. People can complain all day long about why he or she dates black or white. If you like the person that you are with,and they happen to be of the opposite color. Be proud of you race. The relationship that you are in you made that choice,and if you can't handle the critism that that the world has to give. Keep your comments to yourself and let people who enjoy what thet do br happy.
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dominaqn says:Posted: 23 Mar 09
I believe it comes down to socialization. We are socialized to think and behave in certain ways that are ‘acceptable’ within our environment. Most black women weren’t made to believe that any other man, than a black man, would appreciate their physical attributes and candid, strong personality. Only a black man could “handle” a black woman. Also, there are some people who choose to stay within their race to date; there are those who prefer to date outside. The only issue that I have with interracial dating is when an individual disparages the opposite sex from their own race and uses that as an ‘excuse’ for why they are choosing to date outside their own race. Not everyone has the capacity to be open-minded when it comes to love and matters of the heart. It is to their detriment that they will never experience the power that is capable of crossing those barriers, whether they are race, color, religion, or culture.
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Viena101 says:Posted: 23 Mar 09
I think that is a very narrow minded statement coming from Chris Rock,what makes him think that black women are not equally attracted to white men as black men are attracted to white women. I have dated both black and white men, but think that many black women feel they need to stick to their own race and therefore stay in their comfort zone rather than venture outside their race. Having said that,I also believe there are other reasons apart from pure love that black men date white women,and that's why there are so many more (black men/white women)relationships than the other way round. Many black men date/marry white women as a means of either moving up the social/career ladder as they feel it is a way of becoming more acceptable in order for them to progress further.(You may disagree with this). At the end of the day,does it really matter what colour the person is we choose to date,we are all entitled to our preferences,as long as we are happy. I say that's what really counts.
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GetReal says:Posted: 23 Mar 09
As you see by the ignorant comment by BBWIF. That is the unfortunate face of the Black woman Dating White men in 2009. A bitter, hateful black woman who for whatever reason she won't admit too. Hates black men. So therefore she wants to date white men out of spite. I feel sorry for genuine black women who are in real relationships. Too many of these bitter women are speaking for ya'll.
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elle79 says:Posted: 23 Mar 09
I think that the important thing lies in looking at what Chris Rock was trying to do, rather than predict or assume his own feelings. A truly talented comedian makes people laugh while making them think and does so by provoking his audience. He actually took the less provocative stereotypical "reason" that black women dating white men is less common in saying that it's because they're not attracted to them- he'd have really made people angry if he'd stated some of the more common stereotypical "reasons", right? Rock often makes fun of stereotypes in his comedy, which I think is what he was doing- poking fun. I think that all of us who are on this site- male or female, black white asian indian or other- obviously are a step ahead of much of society in that we see all colors and races as beautiful, interchangeable and interesting. And I'm sure most of us have dealt with some offensive reactions from ignorant people- I surely have. Reading too far into Rock's statements gets us hung up on the finger pointing the author mentioned. What is more important is standing proud & smiling in the face of the ignorant comments/looks/reactions, because getting angry or saying something negative back only validates the ignorant person's views that there is something about interracial dating worth fighting about- and we who do so know there isn't, we know that experiencing others and their cultures is amazing! So don't validate these people, don't make statements like the member called "bbwif" did such as "Leave those sorry ass black men along and get you a white man"- then we are just feeding in to the ignorance. I like members "jaquentin" and "angelwings62" responses because they are real & pure and minus the negative reaction that the ignorant people WANT to get out of us. Just SMILE, and know in your heart that you are most likely way more happy and fulfilled in exercising your options in life than that person giving you that nasty look will ever be!
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elle79 says:Posted: 23 Mar 09
I think that the important thing lies in looking at what Chris Rock was trying to do, rather than predict or assume his own feelings. A truly talented comedian makes people laugh while making them think and does so by provoking his audience. He actually took the less provocative stereotypical "reason" that black women dating white men is less common in saying that it's because they're not attracted to them- he'd have really made people angry if he'd stated some of the more common stereotypical "reasons", right? Rock often makes fun of stereotypes in his comedy, which I think is what he was doing- poking fun. I think that all of us who are on this site- male or female, black white asian indian or other- obviously are a step ahead of much of society in that we see all colors and races as beautiful, interchangeable and interesting. And I'm sure most of us have dealt with some offensive reactions from ignorant people- I surely have. Reading too far into Rock's statements gets us hung up on the finger pointing the author mentioned. What is more important is standing proud & smiling in the face of the ignorant comments/looks/reactions, because getting angry or saying something negative back only validates the ignorant person's views that there is something about interracial dating worth fighting about- and we who do so know there isn't, we know that experiencing others and their cultures is amazing! So don't validate these people, don't make statements like the member called "bbwif" did such as "Leave those sorry ass black men along and get you a white man"- then we are just feeding in to the ignorance. Just SMILE, and know in your heart that you are most likely way more happy and fulfilled in exercising your options in life than that person will ever be!
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elle79 says:Posted: 23 Mar 09
I think that the important thing lies in looking at what Chris Rock was trying to do, rather than predict or assume his own feelings. A truly talented comedian makes people laugh while making them think and does so by provoking his audience. He actually took the less provocative stereotypical "reason" that black women dating white men is less common in saying that it's because they're not attracted to them- he'd have really made people angry if he'd stated some of the more common stereotypical "reasons", right? Rock often makes fun of stereotypes in his comedy, which I think is what he was doing- poking fun. I think that all of us who are on this site- male or female, black white asian indian or other- obviously are a step ahead of much of society in that we see all colors and races as beautiful, interchangeable and interesting. And I'm sure most of us have dealt with some offensive reactions from ignorant people- I surely have. Reading too far into Rock's statements gets us hung up on the finger pointing the author mentioned. What is more important is standing proud & smiling in the face of the ignorant comments/looks/reactions, because getting angry or saying something negative back only validates the ignorant person's views that there is something about interracial dating worth fighting about- and we who do so know there isn't, we know that experiencing others and their cultures is amazing! So don't validate these people, don't make statements like the member called "bbwif" did such as "Leave those sorry ass black men along and get you a white man"- then we are just feeding in to the ignorance. Just SMILE, and know in your heart that you probably much more happy and fulfilled in exercising your options than that person will ever be!
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anythngswt says:Posted: 23 Mar 09
Obviously, I completely disagree with Chris Rock. How could he see black men dating outside their race as "excercizing their choice" and not see black women dating outside their race the exact same way. Every human soul walking on this earth has a choice, and I'm not religious or anything, but it is our God given right who we feel we belong with, and who we want to choose to be with, nobody else, not our race, not a black man, not anybody, but us. Plus, I agree with jaquentin when he says that we all just need to love, and that we are all capable of that, we just need to close our eyes to colour and open up our hearts ya'll! Haha, and I'm out :)
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angelwings62 says:Posted: 23 Mar 09
I don't agree with Chris Rock, and I don't think that there are a lot of black women who would agree with that either. You like what you like. I will say that for the most part alot of black women may not exercised that option, due to the fact if they are anything like me, they are not often approached by white man.
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bbwif says:Posted: 23 Mar 09
This comment is came from a black man. I find white men very attractive. Also they know how to treat a black women the way that she wants to be treated. I would like to see more black women date white men. Black women wake up! Lets get a 2009 resilution. Leave those sorry ass black men along and get you a white man.
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jaquentin says:Posted: 23 Mar 09
maybe he was just joking? who knows maybe hes racist? who the hell cares interracial dating is something thats been going forever it just mmay have not been as open!! i am white and have dated women of all races and i can tell you if you put your heart into someone it really doesnt matter,we are all capable of the same thing...LOVE!!!!
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AllenJr3 what you say about blackwomen can also be said about blackmen, doing nothing for blackwomen but will get with a whitewoman and break your back for her. but its ok really, i prefer whitemen as they treat blackwomen better and will do what blackmen will not do, for,to or with a blackwoman.