Can a Black man live in a white house?
If I've said it once, I've said it over and over again. You can't talk to everyone about politics. However, if you are involved or considering a serious relationship with someone you damn well better know where they stand on important issues before you take the big step.
You really didn't think that I'd let this "history-in-the-making" election year go by without comment did you? What better topic for an interracial dating site than that for the first time in history we have a race between a black man and a white woman for the highest position held in America. What a shame that we are constantly being reminded of that fact...this article included.
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It really does speak to how far we've come and that we still have a long way to go in this race thang. I hope that by the time November rolls around we will have someone in office that has defied the odds and will make "their" people proud. I must confess that this past election year has sparked some dormant feelings in my household. It's raised all kinds of questions and debate about politics in general to overall ethics and opinion that had never really been touched upon.
It makes a lot of sense why some people don't want to talk about politics. It really is a great indicator of a person's views and knowledge. However, when it comes to dating and finding that special someone to spend your life with, how important is having this discussion?
Well, it's only important if you both have very strong opinions that differ. It would be a good thing to know how the other person felt about abortion in the event that there was some unforeseen pregnancy. The question..."Do you want children"? Is a pretty standard dating question, but, who ever asks the question about how will we educate our children? How much control do you believe the government should have? Wouldn't you like to know if your love interest was totally against same sex marriage, prior to the invitation coming in the mail, from your gay brother?
I'll step out on a limb here and stay that a great deal of American's don't know or understand how our government works. In all fairness, it really is not as simple as they made it seem in my 8th grade civics class. It's easy to get caught up in a conversation about the issues, but how often do we really discuss the process?
I think that dating and voting are very similar. The worse your experience the less likely you are to want to do it again. You know you should, but you're a little jaded. They both offer a great opportunity to be educated. When was the last time you learned something new about your country or yourself? Looks like we've got a great chance to do both in 2008. Pick up the phone and make a date to go vote this year. It doesn't matter who you vote for as long as the why has more to do with what they believe and less to do with them making history based on their appearance.
91 responses to "Can a Black man live in a white house?"
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kenyanito says:Posted: 31 Mar 08
I am saddened by what NOPE wrote or am i the one who's got it wrong? Anybody can live in the white house
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Fala says:Posted: 27 Mar 08
Maybe if Obama makes it to the White House - he can paint it black and put an end to such silly questions! Just a thought . . .
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paula says:Posted: 26 Mar 08
look first of all i would like to reinerate something. Time mag. had put out an article saying that is Barrack Obama black enough. first of all i find it to be a stupid article. it's called institutionalized racism. anything to get people agitated . just like this statement "Can a black man live in a White House. really . in this baybalon .. NO! not in North America... ask. me why. i worked on Obama Campaign. yes he did get the state i am residing in but still. all remains to be seen.
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Jeff2555 says:Posted: 25 Mar 08
Yes, I think a black man can live in a White House. Bozo the clueless and his band of lost little frogs have done so for the last eight years, after all. Go Barak!
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Glock says:Posted: 25 Mar 08
Blackmanluvchocolat, I hope I spelled that right. Thank you for the entertaining post. Too bad I couldn't understand most of it, but let me respond to what I could decipher. Fact: Obama IS bi-racial. You say that if Obama is elected that he will have a "hard" time. What president do you know that has had a "easy" time in office?? As long as there has been democrats and republicans (and before that even) no president has ever had an "easy" time in office. Are you saying that since Obama is of mixed-race (oh that's right, you said he's black) that he should have an EASY time? Ok what does that username Glock tell you oh brilliant one? At least I could spell it correctly. And since you haven't "heard" Obama threaten anyones freedom or the constitution tells me how little you actually know about both. The constitution was written to restrict the federal government from infringing on out rights. The very fact that he stands for universal health care is an example of how he believes in taking away our freedom. The constitution does not authorize the government to take our money in order to give to others (redistribution of wealth). Yes I know that you and many others may argue the "need" to care for others from tax dollars but I am simply addressing your assertion that Obama isn't threatening anyones freedom. There is one example. As far as you calling anyone racist is laughable! A couple things, first if you are going to criticize anyone, then hit spellcheck or break out the dictionary first. Spelling at least a few words correctly will help people to take you "somewhat" seriously. Get your facts straight, be objective and get off your race horse!! Your comments to me, at least, indicate that you have genuine hatred for whites. I must say I had to read your post a couple times. Once to try to make out what words you were TRYING to type and the other to figure out what the heck it was that you were trying to SAY!! Good news for you, the New Black Panther party has their own website!
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whitemexican says:Posted: 24 Mar 08
I love all about Senator Obama,his feelings and his young presidential hopeful,his potencial, charisma. I can´t find the reason of why honest american people let Bush continue with his old strategies of violence and hate.
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Cocokisses says:Posted: 24 Mar 08
All I have to say is GO OBAMA GO! I may not be one that is voting for him, but I admire him all the same. Anyone who is intelligent enough to know that he can fix the things that Bush has done to this once great nation, well more power to them. Either way, if a Democrat wins, it will be history in the making. Too bad Obama and Hillary won't share the same would be the best of both worlds for me as a 'Crat!
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blakmanluvchocolat says:Posted: 24 Mar 08
Ok Now, how can i start,All this yahoo of who and what race Mr Obama really is. Come on we already know who he really is and he said it on his last public address he is a black man with a white mother, come on white people you all know this long before he said it. since when did him being bi-racial was so important to anyone? thats just a cli che' or as i usually say a trend. Let me say tis should Mr Obama win and i think he will win the presidency it wouldn't be easy for him at all and that will be the true test of race relations in America i kid you not! Now a little word for some of my friends here:Ursula, my my you're so beautiful just the way i love me ladies dark and lovely, don't be bought into the bi-racial thing babes, its what they want you know as much as i do that logics does not play in any part of this game and i am sure you have bi-racial babies yourself, tell me about the problems they might face from time to time!RevJim, i see you watch alot of movies but remember thats fiction or maybe you are one of those white men with fantasies of having a beautiful black woman to fulfill your dirty little thoughts i know you do but don't you have souls to save? Glock, tell me buddy what on earth are you talking about? you may have issues, the name speaks for itself and to date i can't say i have heard Mr Obama threatened anyone's freedom nor the constitution, everything will be alright bro!Cocoadream, tell me sweetness where did you get your information about Mr Obama selling lies and fabrication? i would like to investigate it myself! be careful.Toussaint my man,well said i think we share the same brain, only we can read between the lines...Shetani my African queen, you inspire me, shame a lot of them can't and i say can't have the same wisdom, and I'm not saying that Mr Obama is God himself guess we will have to wait and see but he's quite an intelligent guy and i strongly believe he may bring peace to the world but with evil people around and you know what i am saying it will be tough for him and like i said it will be the ultimate test of race relations in the world, families will be divided and all sorts will happen, they will try to blemish his character and all sorts so we have to pray for him. Now to "NOPE" what a complete idiot you are not just an idiot a confounded idiot and from the looks of things you must be a white person who is undoubtedly racist but what can i say we need people like you around!!!
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Toussaint says:Posted: 23 Mar 08
To those hung up on a Black man being called what he is, get over yourselves. Anyone who's paid attention knows how much Senator Obama has spoken about his mother's side of the family(eventually publically introducing them more than once as family). The reality is, Barack Obama, though not having an "ordinary" upbringing (whatever that is), walks through this rascist Republic as a Black man, under the precepts of race long established by whites themselves. How bemusing is it now that the Rush Limbaughs and Skip Baylesses of the world now want to change those rules at the expense of acknowledging the successes of Black people like Sen. Obama, Halle Berry and Tony Parker.
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Shetani says:Posted: 23 Mar 08
Iam not American , but African, Black african and the first day I heard Obama talk was when he went to Kenya and the way he explained himself and the way he went about analysisng issues presented to him was amazing, I saw so much potential in this man, I did not see colour but his charisma,( for your information his winning the presidency would not have any effect on my country let alone on it has been all the past years ) his wide understanding of society and his respect for evryone regardless. Obama for me signifies my values, my belief in not having one bit of an inferiority complex and hide in a shell because they will call me this and that...I wish many whites could be like that..the reason why whenever a black man comes up to challenge a white person, the whites tend to start to show their inferiority complex by passing or trying to pull down the black challenger.. why not face him on a pure 50/50 level.. look at how he has performed even in the face of pressure where the whites have began using other hidden tactics to push him into a corner so he can snap..he has stood his ground and proved he is not going to their level.GO OBAMA GO...THE SYMBOL OF WHAT A POLITICIAN IS SUPPOSED TO BE IS YOU...
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Glock says:Posted: 23 Mar 08
There is much talk justifing why it's good to have Obama as president. And I'm sure we all have our reasons to justify our support for one candidate over the other. Yet, in my opinion, people are dangerously losing sight of the most important issue in which they should view their candidate. That is the Constitution. If you believe that you are born with rights simply by being a human being, then how does your candidate stand on that? Or does he even know what the constitution says? When I hear talk about universal health care or "no child left behind" I think of more and more government intervention at the federal level and less freedom to live my life as I see fit. I also think about the millions of Americans voting to give up MY rights to the federal government. The sad thing is is that nobody cares anymore about freedom. All three candidates will assist the federal government in taking more of our freedom during the next 4 years.
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Lucumone says:Posted: 21 Mar 08
I read and write from Europe, Italy. Forgive my english. I think that the " middle" of U.S. which gave White House to Bush dinasty, will avoid the black man in the white house. Black, which is a word to be proud , and to be proud of the african blood. And tha black man fro President would mean the proudness for the U.S.A. Would show to the world the real...reality of U.S.A. Which existes,but your "middle" is your limit. A way to win , and a definitive intelligent strategy, would be the H.Clinton choosing to give her support to Obama for President, getting ready for herself the Vice President chair. But also the H.Clinton ambition is a limit for the hope to see a black man in the white house. People, to be surely understood, I am a white man...
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blacktwince says:Posted: 21 Mar 08
if a White can live in a Black house, why not Black in White house? To my Openion in Politics case, there is no Colours. I don´t live in America but I infront of my eyes I see Obama as American but not as Black or White.
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NOPE says:Posted: 21 Mar 08
Obama will not make it as president.His pastor big mouth will crush him ,if and when he runs against McCain.The republican conservatives will jump all over that black pastors big mouth. If Obama becomes president,then his saftey will be a major concern for a lot of black people. It sucks ,but I think McCain wins,and then we go into war iwht Iran. God Bless America.The land will soon be a 3rd world country.
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Curious57 says:Posted: 21 Mar 08
I think any man or woman can be in the white house. Better yet any PERSON. I mean come on people we didn't make this much fuss when that idiot Bush came to office and screwed us all over twice.
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Curious57 says:Posted: 21 Mar 08
Why is there such a big fuss about things when a so called darker skinned person steps to plate? I am an African Black American woman who dates men of all races, but it just makes me mad how a lot of people say "Black people are just voting for him because he is black". All black people are not doing it for that reason and for the ones who are so what. It has been many instances where white skinned people have done things for people only because they are white skinned, so why is it such an issue when black people do it. Although I do wish we can get away from the racial divide many of us secretly have when amongst people of our same race, but act like we don't have around people of the opposite race, we can never get anywhere as long as people continue to be hypocrites, connivers, and liars. It reminds me of those marshmallow peep candies. It looks so great on the outside, but is full of such nastiness on the inside. The only way to overcome anything I always say is for people to be able to freely express their feeling without always being attacked. For those who do express your feelings remember it isn’t always what you say, but how you say it. Try to come off as if you want to learn, change, and inspire and maybe more people will listen.
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Paellas says:Posted: 21 Mar 08
In my eyes Obama is not BLACK. To me he looks white with a little bit of black in him. I don't know what his mix is but my feelings are that providing he shares my politics then being a little bit black is a plus point and a step in the right direction (but only because I don't believe we have true equality in the world). However, if he were 100% black and a Republican then I wouldn't want him in power.
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cocoadream says:Posted: 21 Mar 08
The title alone made me sick, as did the entire racist tone and implications of this whole NON ISSUE. The bigger issues should be that this is in no way the man to lead this country. Check the facts, do your homework, don't be led by the nose just because he appears to have "black" skin. Don't be fooled. And no, not telling you what to think, telling you to do your homework and see for yourself. You will see his whole personna is built on lies and fabrications.
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cassie says:Posted: 20 Mar 08
you know what they say... a drop of black blood makes you BLACK. they are not going to call u moca, or light skinned they are going to call u BLACK. Doesnt matter who's white or black in your family. unfortuantly they see the skin before the heart.
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cini says:Posted: 20 Mar 08
obama obama obama is the most thing us black people we are proud of . and am particully happy that a african man can run for president in a another country . come guys take of live it. obama belongs to kenya his father is kenyan are reamains black or african if u want to call that, am proud of him and wel done obam go on are show them what yr pap gave you ok. stop at none and crash over a head men.
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kevin says:Posted: 20 Mar 08
well, i think the time to even consider such a thing as the race of the presidential hopeful is gone.for heavenly sake i don see why he shoudn't
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CJ says:Posted: 20 Mar 08
Is there nowhere in the corner of the United States where Obama is not being rammed down out throats? I believe we got it from the beginning that this was history in the making. Now you are using your website for politics. This is a Dating Site, or is it another website being used as a political platform. Please do not send me ANY political information. I am sick of Obama!!
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fala says:Posted: 19 Mar 08
Yes he is bi-racial and so am I, but when people see me - what they see is my skin color first and foremost. Right or wrong, in the United States you're as black as you look.
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Member says:Posted: 18 Mar 08
Thank you so much Ms Ursula ...I no longer feel like I'm alone in my vision of this mans biological make-up and it gets my goat also , seems like just another ploy to dismiss the fact that he is a man of both races and colors , basically the epitome of America it self to all you one siders than man is as Ursula has stated ......BI-RACIAL PEACE !!!
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Glock says:Posted: 18 Mar 08
You're right Ursula, he is not black he is bi-racial. It's like Tiger Woods, he's not 100% black either he is multi racial but again, gets the "black" label. As the father of 4 bi-racial children, it irritates me to hear them referred to as "black" thus totally rejecting their fathers heritage. I have no problem supporting a candidate of another race. In fact I supported Alan Keyes in 96 and 2000. This year it was Ron Paul. All I want the candidate to do is follow the damn Constitution. NONE of the candidates are doing that or are pledging to do that. So, Barack Obama does not get my support either.
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RevJim says:Posted: 18 Mar 08
The mirror could fool you too! It did Chris Rock in that movie where he was an old fat white guy! But SERIOUSLY! Close your eyes...forget what they look like and LISTEN to what's being said and what do the records show? Can you hear or find anything of SUBSTANCE??
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girlsixdiva says:Posted: 18 Mar 08
Thank you Todd! That was my point EXACTLY!
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Member says:Posted: 17 Mar 08
it sounds great , yes he can , however its important to acknowledge of how many white human beings have natual black hair and in a sense what did that mighty hevenly father mean't if you believe in God or not those were the fact he tried to show me and you , moreover in your homes in your room you have black clothes you like most e.t.c and you black guyz in your room some where you have white clothes you like most e.t.c so i wish you could all understand that race shouldn't be an issue its like we don't know of what we should know !
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blakmanluvchocolat says:Posted: 17 Mar 08
Grate topic, just the questions to be asked before entering into a relationship particularly interracial one, that might bring a halt to it from the beginning in my opinion... this is where you may hit the nail on the head and see people for who they really are knowing how these topics gets to the core of of ones feelings! To Ursula, I'm not too big on the interracial thing but one look in the mirror and that will tell you who you are if not people. i think more people should start taking a good look in the mirror more often they may be surprised at what they see... Mind you I'm a Blackman and all i see is beautiful, intelligent,sexy in mind and body and adorable black women!!! enough said.
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Fala says:Posted: 17 Mar 08
Oh, know Dude! Not another member of the Cult of Condi???
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Todd says:Posted: 16 Mar 08
In ref to an early statement about Obama being "bi-racial"- though the race card is not an ideal way of getting votes, I rather like the way it's calling for a more politically aware America... especially considering the amount of us that have been sleeping our way through elections. All said and done, candidates should be viewed based on the need for change (healthcare for one), not skin color OR male verses female. Remember, when cut we all bleed red.
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Fala says:Posted: 16 Mar 08
Can a white man live in the black house? It sounds just as absurd.
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TheDude says:Posted: 16 Mar 08
Condi for President, or at least the Veep for McCain. You know you want it!
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Jabali says:Posted: 15 Mar 08
The very fact that that question has been put out there means that America, like the rest of the world, still has a long way to go with this racial thing. I am not saying that we shouldn't ask such questions. However, the fact that the topic exists in our minds is kind of defining and points to something that we dare not say (i.e. race still defines who we think we are). That's why I love this article so much. It brings out in the open what we are so afraid of saying and in doing so we may one day end the prejudices that human beings have against each other.
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misslady1970 says:Posted: 15 Mar 08
This is a very good article. I for one believes Obama would be a very good President if given the chance to do so. But no matter who takes over has A VERY DIRTY MESS TO CLEAN UP!!!
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mossimo36 says:Posted: 15 Mar 08
Of course he can!! Can a green man live in a blue house? That's the question that really needs to be asked...
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outpass35 says:Posted: 14 Mar 08
I think a man can live in any house that he can make a home, It is not about his color of skin.
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girlsixdiva says:Posted: 13 Mar 08
Ok people let's not pick our next president based on race and looks please!
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Ursula says:Posted: 13 Mar 08
You're right, this article is fitting for an interracial site. However, a black man isn't running for the presidency, a Biracial man is running for the presidency. I don't know if Obama refers to himself as black or if it's the media, but it gets my goat when they talk about the first black predeident. He's not black. His father was African and his mom was Caucasian.
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MarcusA says:Posted: 13 Mar 08
Interesting article. It's often said that one should not discuss politics or religion in 'polite' company. But really, just what does that mean and what can be the consequences? Merely boring conversations and polite social chatter? If one is conservative or liberal on political issues or hold fanatical or fundamentalist views about religious beliefs or dogmas those values, at some point is reflected in the type of individuals that one associates with at any of those social levels. So, I see no reason why it's not appropriate to consider the social/political views of the person that one wishes to date or is involved with in a current relationship. After all, birds of a feather to tend to stick together. How could it be otherwise?
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Ursula he is Black. Most African Americans living in USA are mixed . He is no different . I claim my Blackness. I also claim my Europeaness. My Chineseness . I am a Black woman for all practical purposes. When are we going to see ourselves as whole people collectively ? Instead of man made labels and realize the human to human connection and our collective dna history? Just pondering .........unfortunately our racist social systems in place today force us to pick and chose who we want to be defined as.